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Eric Bowman
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You are enough. The way you are right now. You are a good enough child, sibling, friend, partner, employee. People are not perfect, everyone is flawed, it's not just you. If you feel like you want to improve in those roles, you can, everyone can improve themselves. Just give yourself some time to improve, you don't have to figure it out all at once. Life is not about performance.
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Dear Aspiring Doms
Every submissive person contains their personal Owner's Manual within themselves.
You have to get it from them, to be aware of how they work, and what uses they may have to you.
You access the Owner's Manual, by asking questions, and listening to your submissive partner.
Every Owner's Manual will be different, because every submissive person is different. There is no "Universal Owner's Manual For Subs"
As time goes by, and you consume more of your submissive's Owner's Manual, you will understand how to better care for your submissive, and how you may make the best use of them, for yourself.
Finally, never stop consulting the Owner's Manual, because it will change. Edits will occur. Entire sections of the manual may get revised during your ownership. Stay up to date. There is always more to learn.
Good luck.
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Rest in Peace, Andre Braugher.
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What if we roasted marshmallows over the fire and then we fucked extremely hard in the tent??? 👉🏻👈🏻
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the submissive urge to not make decisions for myself
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@submissive-seeking I miss you greatly and I wish I could tell you about all that I’ve learned from your wisdom.
I’m on tumblr less and less it sometimes it reminds me of a sad time when I trying to discover myself and understand what it meant to be in a healthy relationship turned kink dynamic.
I’ve shared heartache, my first chronic illness diagnosis, mental health struggles, kinky writings, and other musings.
I joined in on TikTok never thought that I would, especially becoming a member of kinktok, but I remember where I got my start as a baby kinkster right here. It’s been 10 years since kink and BDSM became part of the practice in my life, and it’s my hope that I’ve made you proud.
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Eartha Kitt, and a couple of kittens, photographed by Gordon Parks. c. 1952
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Do you have a therapist friends in other states ? I need help
I have a few resources yes! If they’re unavailable however I do recommend a few online therapy methods and BetterHelp is NOT one of them
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Who knew when I wrote this years ago there’d be a whole pandemic outside
To my folks with hidden illnesses: it’s okay not to be okay. Take a deep breath when you can and stay safe
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Aaahh i had to vent to someone about this. I'm sorry for the shitty grammar. There's sometimes a guy in a big friend group right...so theres this guy i hate. Hes a pos and a jerk has kinda pervy and he is very confident. He always hits on my friend in front of her bf. He's nothing like my usual type in guy but sometimes he realistically moans and grunts cuz hes a perv. His moans are so hot but ive been ignoring it. The other day he was joking about what her bfs nickname for her might be. He said "oh i think i know.." and he did this look i haven't seen him do ever he leaned in and he said kinda moaning "kitten~" I almost died right there. I hate him so much he's such a douche but i cant even look at him without blushing like crazy now.
Woaaaaah goodness, this reminds me of a younger version of myself, I’d say around the age of 22, and my greatest lesson would be:
There was a guy I went to high school with who did this, and for a long time I dated someone who did this too.
Yes, these boys can be attractive and the pervy things were triggering an emotional response that I didn’t think was possible. Sex and sexuality were highly frowned upon in the church that I went to in adolescence and young adulthood so the hot guy who knew how to moan the right words sent me into a spiral!
Learning experiences do hurt but they do not have to be debilitating. If possible, find someone you can confide in to process these feelings and emotions because I know this much:
Repressing your emotions and sensations build up into negative responses later on.
Take a breath, take a step back, process the emotion, learn your body, and value yourself above the perv.
Hope this helps!
Bri 💕
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If i accidentally send that off anon don't post it pls
Hi there, I haven’t forgotten about you ❤️ grad school is hard and lots of piles!
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*Shy af but constantly thinking about fucking you in so many positions*
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