misty-thecat · 2 months
Here is that reel I mentioned!
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misty-thecat · 2 months
Agreed. I really wanted her to say something coz she of all people know the impact online harassment can have on a person's mental health considering she faced it herself at a point in her life. So her silence on the whole thing sort of ruined her for me.
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misty-thecat · 2 months
Is it just me or the songs on The Tortured Poets Department sound the same? It's like they all blend together at some point....at first listen there is not one song stuck in my head. And this is coming from someone who genuinely enjoys her music ...Red is one of my faves. You could swap the songs from Midnights and TTPD and I wouldn't be able to tell. I think she should start working with a new producer. Although I stopped being a fan since the breakup, I was still looking forward to new music .... I was excited for what new sound she would explore but it was disappointing to hear the same old repetitive Jack Antonoff synth pop genre.
She probably needs a break .... all this hyper production in the past few years with so many albums and their multiple versions must have had an impact on her creativity and quality...also a lot of lyrics are just......eh I don't know the right words, but she can do better for an artist of her magnitude and caliber.
Also, I feel like the aesthetic for the album does not match the music...like the dark academia/old books thing doesn't really go with the songs for me. Again, they sound a lot like something from Midnights due to the production so probably that's why I feel like that.
Another thing, the album seems to be mostly about the 1975 dude, but the marketing pointed to Joe Alwyn which led to him being harassed by her fans and she did nothing. That was horrible of her. It's these kinds of things that led me to leave that fandom. Even Ariana put out a statement when she released her new album.
Overall, I expected a better album from her. She really needs to take a break. The overexposure and overproduction are not looking good.
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misty-thecat · 2 months
Shotout for The Menu for finally making me angry enough at restaurants to actually write this but GOD do I hate high class restaurants because they're an utter insult to cooking and food itself.
And you might think that I liked the chef but no I didn't and that's the whole point because even though he was aware of the emptiness of his clients and the emptiness of his fanatics and the utter emptiness of it all he still served small dishes, small dishes with almost no food and you might think why are small dishes bad well because food is not fucking supposed to be small it's not supposed to be consumed in one bite it's not supposed to be pretty it's supposed to FEED. food is supposed to FEED. It's not that it's artistic because big dishes big plates big food can be artistic it's not that it's complicated or that it has too many ingredients or steps because big food also has all of those things (or not, it doesn't matter here) it's the fact that is so utterly small it's INSULTING. Food is supposed to feed people that's why people have hunted have cultivated have cared since we were able to feed.
Because what was being served wasn't food and wasn't art it was emptiness, it was praise, it was fame and it was adoration and it was empty. And I can only think of all the animals and plants and fish that died for those dishes and instead of receiving purpose all they got was a spit to the face and a name with too many letters. For ages there have been sorrys, and thank yous in all languages and in all manners whispered to their ears as they died because humans understood that they were taking for a purpose, because they took to feed or to enjoy or to celebrate and those small dishes? are an insult to it all. A depraved performance that the rich and the famous take part in not even for their amusement because god knows they hate the food half of the time and the other half it's not even good.
The only part of the movie where we see actual passion put in cooking is when the chef makes a burger with fries. A normal burger with fries, the size a normal burger with fries should be. No weird minuscule additions worth a million, no weird presentations worth enough to buy 10 houses, just a regular burger. The only time where we see actual food, actual passion, is when we see food made to be ate, food made to feed. Food not in concept but in practice.
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misty-thecat · 2 months
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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misty-thecat · 3 months
I don't want more just enough. I don't want a luxury lifestyle just a proper decent one where I can afford basic joys like good housing and healthcare and entertainment.
I wish there was more time being spent teaching people from a young age that it is okay not to be rich.
I mean the statement, "It's okay not to be rich," seems really silly. Common sense should tell us that this is obvious. However, consumerism and materialism are on the rise. People scroll through their social media feeds and get depressed because they don't have the means to just randomly decide to take a jet to Paris, France because they "felt like it" like their favorite influencers do. And people seem to lack the capacity to realize that most of that stuff is fake anyway.
Most normal people would like to be a little more well-off for security reasons. I wouldn't mind a little more money solely because it would allow me to worry about fewer things and indulge in things here and there that I don't get to do, but I have no desire to be rich. I just don't see the appeal in it. I do not want more money than I can even hope to spend in a single lifetime. I would just like to be comfortable.
But this idea--that being rich is the absolute best thing and if you do not become rich, you're a failure--is being pushed on young people (and I think it's mostly pushed on young boys and men) and it's slowly turning brains into rot and it's depressing to see.
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misty-thecat · 3 months
Some tropes are just a big NOPE and will ruin an entire book for me if they get introduced into it
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misty-thecat · 3 months
So, I recently watched The Midnight Club and I saw a lot of people say that they don't like Ilonka and I get it. She doesn't make the best of decisions, but she is also a dying teen who is just trying to make the best of it.
I never disliked Ilonka for making bad decisions. It actually made sense for someone in her position and there is no guarantee I would not have done the same.
But it did annoy me that she never faces any consequences for it. Like when Sandra strikes out with Spence she makes up for it with her story …we see that she actually feels bad about it but when Ilonka is reprimanded by Stanton for the right reasons she gets angry and initially it was understandable, but we never see her realizing that it was still wrong to take Anya down to the basement no matter how she felt about it. When Sandra admitted to that intercom prank, we see the other characters looking somewhat pissed though they warm back up to her later but with Ilonka when she tells them about the murder ritual with Julia Jayne they all seem unaffected by it. We never see her feeling bad for being unreasonably rude to Katherine, in the moment I understood her, but we should have seen her regretting lashing out and I know she apologizes to Kevin but what she said to Katherine did not sit right with me...coz Katherine seemed like a genuinely nice person. We never see Tim's reaction to the ritual either though it was implied that Stanton discussed it with him. He wouldn't have yelled at Ilonka but he would have still talked to her about it. She should have acknowledged that taking herself and her other sick friends to an unclean basement full of mold and whatnot (as Sandra tells her) was wrong.
So, I think a lot of people disliked Ilonka not for making bad decisions but because she never took accountability for it especially when the other characters did. I feel like that would have added depth to her character.... her realizing that though she was smart she was not always right. Maybe they would have dealt with that in season 2 but I don't know.
Also Fuck cults and fuck cultists for manipulating and taking advantage of vulnerable people.
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misty-thecat · 3 months
On the second viewing, I realized that House of Usher is also a story about how Boomers made a deal with the devil - an easy life with the consequences to be paid by future generations. Gen X got to reap the most benefits from this deal - got to live longer and get more established and see where they were supposed to be able to get before they got cut off at the knees. Millennials got less - struggling to establish themselves in careers when the world is falling apart, ending up in weird digital jobs like streaming video games or throwing parties, retreating into nihilistic hedonism to deal with it. And Gen Z - poor Gen Z may not even get started, so many of them struck down before they can even really live by war and climate change and gun violence and disease. They're young enough and innocent enough to see what's wrong with the world but not powerful enough to fix it. And then the Boomers sit back and complain about how it's everyone else's fault - that they're all greedy and lazy and the cause of their own destruction - and refuse to hand over power when they should, choosing instead to collapse the entire house around them in their senility.
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misty-thecat · 3 months
the thing about the "um excuse me if you're as poor as you say you are why don't you just sell all your most treasured possessions" thing that people love to trot out as some kind of "gotcha" is that they do not acknowledge how fucking soul-crushing it is to be in a situation that is already destroying your mental health and then be forced to sell one of the few things in your life that still bring you joy
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misty-thecat · 3 months
I don't have a tiktok account. I don't have the app. I hate that shit, like the entire concept of it. I hate life-long beautiful and rich people posturing and desperate to be different when it looks like they live in a fucking show home. I hate the sped-up awful cover versions of decent songs in the background of every video. I hate the way it's normalized filming people in public or even in private through windows so you live your entire life with the paranoia of being filmed doing something totally innocuous like dancing at a club and posted online for the world to laugh at. I hate the filters that make you feel like shit about yourself. I hate the dances as much as I hate how much I don't have the lack of shame to do them. I hate the way children are continuously exploited for views. I hate the normalization of people in authority like teachers and doctors and nurses shaming the people who literally depend on them. I hate unfunny white men going on to make fun of women for every fucking thing women do with that damn towel on their head and trying to cover their own misogyny by saying "white women" as a pass. I hate the "reaction" stitches that accompany every fucking video as if anyone gives a shit that you're nodding into your coffee. I hate the way that all of life gets turned into a fucking aesthetic trend instead of being real with an actual personality. I hate the misinformation that gets spread. I hate the pathologization of normal human behaviors into mental disorders and the way people with legitimate disorders are getting appropriated by the clout-chasing attention whores that populate the app. Basically, I hate tiktok and what it's done to social media and honestly, living in a society in general.
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misty-thecat · 3 months
One thing i really love about spy x family is this pattern where they do the emotional thing thats true to themselves instead of the rational objective thing that would be good for the mission, and in the long run that turns out to be the best move.
Take the school interview. Getting furious on Anya’s behalf when the asshole makes her cry and storming out was objectively a pretty bad move for the mission. Operation strix could have ended right there. But at the same time, showing their decency and care for their daughter won over henderson and things worked out. Plus, because they acted like a real family in that moment, it puts them beyond suspicion. Imagine if someone later tried to convince henderson that loid was a spy, and they only enrolled anya to infiltrate the school. He’d laugh in their face! He’d say let me tell you a story about how they nearly didn’t get in because they loved their daughter so much, theres no way that family are spies.
Another great example is Anya’s relationship with Damian. Punching him in the face on day one… not a great move for operation “get close to Damian and use that friendship to get info on his dad” But in the long run, this again puts Anya above suspicion. If someone later tried to tell Damian that his friend Anya just got close to him to spy on him, he’d think it ridiculous. He’d say of course thats not the case, we hated each other when we first met, if she wanted to spy on me she’d have tried to suck up to me like everyone else.
Despite being a story all about deception, the way the narrative consistently rewards the Forgers for acting like a real family and being true to themselves gives it this really sweet wholesome core. It emphasizes that this is a story about the fake family becoming real and all of them becoming their best selves in the process. 
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misty-thecat · 3 months
Brooklyn nine nine does this well with Jake and Gina
I’m begging, just ONCE can we have the boy and girl childhood best friend be genuinely happy for the other when one of them finds a significant other?? I’m so sick of these jealousy arcs and romantic crises that always involve being indecisive about who to choose like GOD just have a boy and girl be friends unquestioningly PLEASE.
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misty-thecat · 3 months
If a website has a paywall, like New York Times, DO NOT use the ctrl+A shortcut then the ctrl+c shortcut as fast as you can because then you may accidentally copy the entire article before the paywall comes up. And definitely don't do ctrl+v into the next google doc or whatever you open because then you will accidentally paste the entire article into a google doc or something!!!! I repeat DO NOT do this because it is piracy which is absolutely totally wrong!!!
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misty-thecat · 3 months
it really is insane how waking up early will grant you access to some of the most beautiful sights and sensations in the world that will make you want to live forever, but only if you overcome the gauntlet of a thousand razors that is getting out of bed early. truly one of life's little saw traps.
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misty-thecat · 4 months
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misty-thecat · 4 months
ya know what's a great trope?
This stern, serious character, sometimes in a small way an antagonist but not The antagonist, is always seen serious and all, always about enforcing law or something.
Then the hero is interrogated by the villain or by a secondary villain and starts making stuff up such as ''oh yeah no that day I couldn't have set fire to your evil lair because I was at my cousin's birthday party'' and the stern character just plays along like ''yup, name's Roman, the cake was strawberry flavored'' when no one asked him anything.
Or when the hero is making stuff up like ''noooo... that is not Professor Ramirez from litterature department, that's... that's... I mean, of course it's not that because obviously I'm not majoring in litterature... er..." and the stern character just extands his arm for a handshake and lies with a straight face ''yeah nice to meet you, I'm professor Davids from the engineering department, your child is a delight to have in class'' and like the stern character is always making MC's life a hell or something because of their own standards/egoism, but if they have the possibility to just... play along with no idea what the consequences will be but they somehow do it anyway.
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