mithacafe · 6 years
Muffins and cupcakes are often confused together, but the truth is, muffins are muffins and cupcakes are cupcakes"
Muffins and cupcakes; the difference
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Muffins and cupcakes are often confused together. Some people believe that both muffins and cupcakes are almost similar, but the truth is, muffins are muffins and cupcakes are cupcakes.  The taste, ingredients and occasions mainly differentiate between cupcakes and muffins. Both the dessert are a delight, tempting and satisfying to enjoy once. Let’s closely understand the basic difference between a sweet cupcake and savoury muffin.
Cupcakes and muffins
Not too sweet, not too creamy and not too soft, Muffins and cupcakes are entirely different. The contents, icing, filling are some of the common differences that makes muffin and cupcakes two unique desserts. The dry texture over soft bite, the dense appearance over creamy toppings and the savoury taste over the sugary delight makes cupcakes and muffins different.
Cupcakes can be the compared to the miniature cakes that come in some of the tempting flavours like the coffee cupcake, vanilla cupcake, chocolate cupcake, red velvet cupcake and fruity cupcake. For muffins, you have the option to choose from Apple-Cinnamon Muffins, Banana Muffins, Blueberry Muffins, Cornbread Muffins, Honey Muffins, Pumpkin and Cream Cheese Muffins etc.
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The toppings
The first difference can be made on the basis of appearance. The frosting or icing over the desserts brings the major difference between cupcakes and muffins. The sweet cupcakes are topped with a wide variety of toppings like buttercream frosting,  fruits, nuts syrups etc. When it comes to muffin, the top is often adorned with a sugar coat or thin glaze. The cupcakes are filled from the top while muffins are filled from the inside. The hidden fruits and nuts inside the baked batter create an excitement to taste and indulge in the savoury zest. But if you think removing the frosting from a cupcake makes can make it a muffin, then you are wrong. Cupcake can be compared with a piece of small cake while muffin is bread stuffed with nuts and fruits.
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The ingredients
The ingredients of muffins and cupcakes are somewhere similar but the major difference comes with the use of flour. Muffins can be prepared with all-purpose flour, wheat flour, oat flour or even various nut flours. The cupcakes require only all-purpose flour to prepare the batter.
While baking muffins, one can add tasty additional mix-ins like the dried fruits, nuts chocolate chips or fruits. The muffins are considered healthier than cupcakes as the butter can be replaced with vegetable oil, and the use of sugar can be minimized. Cupcakes require a lot of butter and sugar making it unhygienic and unhealthy.
On a brief, it can be said that the number of ingredients used in muffins is doubled when it comes to baking a cupcake.
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The making
The batter of cupcake and muffins is differently made. The consistency of batter, thickness and beating time bring another point of difference in muffins and cupcakes. For making cupcakes, butter and sugar are mixed and beaten together for a long time to get a smooth and spongy batter. The muffin batter is beaten slightly that makes it dense and lumpy.
For muffins you can mix all ingredients at once to obtain a dense batter, cupcakes need more time and separate mixtures for a smooth and creamy touch.
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The occasions
Cupcakes are the sweet creamy and terming piece of cake that is mostly eaten during some occasion. The muffins and cupcakes can be differentiated on the basis of the time when they are served.  
The muffins contain less cream, sugar and more nuts as compared to Cupcakes. At the same time, the use of wholegrain flour can add more nutrients to a muffin as compared with a cupcake. This is the reason that a muffin is considered to be the healthier option than cupcakes. This makes muffin suitable for breakfast especially when you are having savoury muffins. But cupcakes are sweet creamy loaded with fat, thus cannot be savoury and healthy. These are served as dessert during the parties or weddings.
Being a miniature form of cake, cupcakes are served cold. They are baked and left to cool down and settle. Muffins are served both cold and hot as per the preference of one. The occasions and servings also mark the difference between cupcakes and muffins.
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But whatever may be the difference, one thing that makes cupcakes and muffins same is the irresistible taste and the cravings for both the delightful desserts. Bake them order them but enjoy them both as a cupcake and a muffin. No more confusion now.
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mithacafe · 6 years
Try something different for your birthday bash, different from the regular cake piece. These desserts are a sugary, creamy, soft, luscious and delighting alternative for the birthday cake that is completely different but won’t let you miss the cake. These birthdays cake alternative dessert will surprise your guests with these playful takes on the typical birthday dessert.
Top desserts, perfect to skip cake on this birthday bash
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Cake cutting on birthdays is a tradition that is being followed for a long time. Since ages, we are baking or ordering a cake for a birthday celebration irrespective of our age, city or country. Our love for cake never needed a particular occasion, but a birthday is the only time when we can’t even think of not having a birthday cake. The tradition is being followed since the bygone era and still prevails at every corner of the world. But don’t you think that there must be some of the alternatives that can replace birthday cake with a more delight and enticing piece dessert.
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We know cake for the birthday is the only things we all need to make it sound perfect, but this time, bring a change or you can say a revolution by skipping your birthday cake. Try something different for your birthday bash, different from the regular cake piece. These desserts are a sugary, creamy, soft, luscious and delighting alternative for the birthday cake that is completely different but won’t let you miss the cake. These birthdays cake alternative dessert will surprise your guests with these playful takes on the typical birthday dessert.
Top desserts to replace birthday cake
·        Doughnuts
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Doughnut, who hates them? No wonder doughnuts are the best alternative for birthday cakes that you must get for the upcoming birthday bash.  The crunchy yet melting base dipped in chocolate or caramel or sugary syrups and further adorned with the vibrant toppings can surely satisfy the craving of an entire crowd.  The magnificent taste of Donut is so appetizing that it can surely make the best birthday cake alternative. You get a great variety to choose from the Nutella, salted caramel sauce, or jelly-filled doughnuts. Pile them all together one over the other and make a big doughnut cake to replace the creamy birthday cake this time.
·        Waffles
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Waffles are the new love that gives you the creamy feel of cake, the soothing essence of ice creams over the crunch filled base. Te satisfying and filling piece of delicacy is a perfect dessert you must get to skip birthday cake during a celebration. Now the waffles can be enjoyed as hot and cold fusion dessert with cream and ice. You can serve them with just honey syrup toppings and some chocolate sticks. But the best way to being waffles as birthday cake alternative is to serve them with a flavoured piece of ice cream over the waffle base that is covered with creamy frostings or even a piece of brownie, pastry or pecans.
·        Brownie tower
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Brownies are always the ideal dessert for any occasions, and when it comes to birthday, nothing can replace birthday cake better than brownies. The dark chocolaty dessert filled with nuts and fruits will taste more tempting when dipped in chocolate syrup and served hot. You can beautifully arrange the brownies one over the other as a pile of delight dessert, and garnish them with fresh flowers, fruit or chocolate candy for a lavish presentation. Skip the birthday cake by baking brownies with all healthy and chips and present your family and guests something to talk about like a big brownie tower loaded with chocolates and chocolates.
·        Trifle
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If you don’t want to miss the best, try to pick the trifle as the best birthday cake alternative.  The trifle dessert made with fruit, a thin layer of sponge fingers soaked in some wine as a fortified wine like sherry, and custard brings out the ideal taste to substitute the birthday cake. The trifle with lively, vibrant layered colours of the fruit, jelly, jam, creamy custard with white cream makes it look more tempting than any birthday cake.  You can try the trifle dish that is fruity as banana pudding, a bit tangy as a lemon bar trifle or the exotic flavour as chocolate, vanilla or coffee. Give the final touch to your desired trifle cake with whipped cream, some fruit slices, cookies or choco chips.
·        Pie
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The delicious healthy and irresistible zest of pie brings out a best alternative dessert to choose for a birthday. The dessert is beautifully sweet and offers limitless options to choose for flavour and other variants. When it is about Pie, the first thing that comes to our mind is something healthy and savoury to eat. A lot of healthy goodness can go down in a pie crust. The ingredients like apple-sauce or fruit puree add more taste and health to each bite. The crusts made from whole grains are too crunchy to perfectly replace the birthday cakes. Choose from Cheddar apple pie, pumpkin pie, banana cheese pie or peanut butter pie.
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Now, these are the best five cake alternatives that can replace your birthday cake and be the most delighting dessert of the evening. For a quick delivery, you can order your ideal cake alternative, from cupcakes, muffins, cheesecakes or doughnuts from Mithacafe online.
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mithacafe · 6 years
Top ten cookies for daily meal
Cookies are the best snacks that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere. The types of cookies differ from the ingredients, baking, and fillings. Generally, cookies are all about the sugar, spices, grain and anything that is wonderful and appetizing. The easy to make snack, Cookies are considered as one of the first things that marked the beginning of baker and backing. Here I bring some of the best-picked cookies from the diary of some food bloggers. These zestful, crunchy and appetizing cookies of all time are must try once. Try out these amazing cookies recipes that are easy to make and delight to taste. Enjoy them at your home, at your office with a cup of hot tea or coffee.
Best cookie recipes
·        Peanut Butter cookies
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·        Chocolate chip cookies
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·        Snickerdoodles
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·        Oatmeal cookies
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·        Jam Thumbprint
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·        Pecan sandies
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·        Almond Raspberry cookies
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·        Almond Biscotti
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·        Spice cookies
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·        Chocolate Crinkles
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·        Coconut macaroon cookies
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Try these amazing Cookies for snacks. Recipes will be coming soon.
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mithacafe · 6 years
Top desserts, perfect to skip cake on this birthday bash
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Cake cutting on birthdays is a tradition that is being followed for a long time. Since ages, we are baking or ordering a cake for a birthday celebration irrespective of our age, city or country. Our love for cake never needed a particular occasion, but a birthday is the only time when we can’t even think of not having a birthday cake. The tradition is being followed since the bygone era and still prevails at every corner of the world. But don’t you think that there must be some of the alternatives that can replace birthday cake with a more delight and enticing piece dessert.
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We know cake for the birthday is the only things we all need to make it sound perfect, but this time, bring a change or you can say a revolution by skipping your birthday cake. Try something different for your birthday bash, different from the regular cake piece. These desserts are a sugary, creamy, soft, luscious and delighting alternative for the birthday cake that is completely different but won’t let you miss the cake. These birthdays cake alternative dessert will surprise your guests with these playful takes on the typical birthday dessert.
Top desserts to replace birthday cake
·        Doughnuts
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Doughnut, who hates them? No wonder doughnuts are the best alternative for birthday cakes that you must get for the upcoming birthday bash.  The crunchy yet melting base dipped in chocolate or caramel or sugary syrups and further adorned with the vibrant toppings can surely satisfy the craving of an entire crowd.  The magnificent taste of Donut is so appetizing that it can surely make the best birthday cake alternative. You get a great variety to choose from the Nutella, salted caramel sauce, or jelly-filled doughnuts. Pile them all together one over the other and make a big doughnut cake to replace the creamy birthday cake this time.
·        Waffles
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Waffles are the new love that gives you the creamy feel of cake, the soothing essence of ice creams over the crunch filled base. Te satisfying and filling piece of delicacy is a perfect dessert you must get to skip birthday cake during a celebration. Now the waffles can be enjoyed as hot and cold fusion dessert with cream and ice. You can serve them with just honey syrup toppings and some chocolate sticks. But the best way to being waffles as birthday cake alternative is to serve them with a flavoured piece of ice cream over the waffle base that is covered with creamy frostings or even a piece of brownie, pastry or pecans.
·        Brownie tower
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Brownies are always the ideal dessert for any occasions, and when it comes to birthday, nothing can replace birthday cake better than brownies. The dark chocolaty dessert filled with nuts and fruits will taste more tempting when dipped in chocolate syrup and served hot. You can beautifully arrange the brownies one over the other as a pile of delight dessert, and garnish them with fresh flowers, fruit or chocolate candy for a lavish presentation. Skip the birthday cake by baking brownies with all healthy and chips and present your family and guests something to talk about like a big brownie tower loaded with chocolates and chocolates.
·        Trifle
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If you don’t want to miss the best, try to pick the trifle as the best birthday cake alternative.  The trifle dessert made with fruit, a thin layer of sponge fingers soaked in some wine as a fortified wine like sherry, and custard brings out the ideal taste to substitute the birthday cake. The trifle with lively, vibrant layered colours of the fruit, jelly, jam, creamy custard with white cream makes it look more tempting than any birthday cake.  You can try the trifle dish that is fruity as banana pudding, a bit tangy as a lemon bar trifle or the exotic flavour as chocolate, vanilla or coffee. Give the final touch to your desired trifle cake with whipped cream, some fruit slices, cookies or choco chips.
·        Pie
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The delicious healthy and irresistible zest of pie brings out a best alternative dessert to choose for a birthday. The dessert is beautifully sweet and offers limitless options to choose for flavour and other variants. When it is about Pie, the first thing that comes to our mind is something healthy and savoury to eat. A lot of healthy goodness can go down in a pie crust. The ingredients like apple-sauce or fruit puree add more taste and health to each bite. The crusts made from whole grains are too crunchy to perfectly replace the birthday cakes. Choose from Cheddar apple pie, pumpkin pie, banana cheese pie or peanut butter pie.
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Now, these are the best five cake alternatives that can replace your birthday cake and be the most delighting dessert of the evening. For a quick delivery, you can order your ideal cake alternative, from cupcakes, muffins, cheesecakes or doughnuts from Mithacafe online.
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mithacafe · 6 years
Muffins and cupcakes; the difference
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Muffins and cupcakes are often confused together. Some people believe that both muffins and cupcakes are almost similar, but the truth is, muffins are muffins and cupcakes are cupcakes.  The taste, ingredients and occasions mainly differentiate between cupcakes and muffins. Both the dessert are a delight, tempting and satisfying to enjoy once. Let’s closely understand the basic difference between a sweet cupcake and savoury muffin.
Cupcakes and muffins
Not too sweet, not too creamy and not too soft, Muffins and cupcakes are entirely different. The contents, icing, filling are some of the common differences that makes muffin and cupcakes two unique desserts. The dry texture over soft bite, the dense appearance over creamy toppings and the savoury taste over the sugary delight makes cupcakes and muffins different.
Cupcakes can be the compared to the miniature cakes that come in some of the tempting flavours like the coffee cupcake, vanilla cupcake, chocolate cupcake, red velvet cupcake and fruity cupcake. For muffins, you have the option to choose from Apple-Cinnamon Muffins, Banana Muffins, Blueberry Muffins, Cornbread Muffins, Honey Muffins, Pumpkin and Cream Cheese Muffins etc.
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 The toppings
The first difference can be made on the basis of appearance. The frosting or icing over the desserts brings the major difference between cupcakes and muffins. The sweet cupcakes are topped with a wide variety of toppings like buttercream frosting,  fruits, nuts syrups etc. When it comes to muffin, the top is often adorned with a sugar coat or thin glaze. The cupcakes are filled from the top while muffins are filled from the inside. The hidden fruits and nuts inside the baked batter create an excitement to taste and indulge in the savoury zest. But if you think removing the frosting from a cupcake makes can make it a muffin, then you are wrong. Cupcake can be compared with a piece of small cake while muffin is bread stuffed with nuts and fruits.
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The ingredients
The ingredients of muffins and cupcakes are somewhere similar but the major difference comes with the use of flour. Muffins can be prepared with all-purpose flour, wheat flour, oat flour or even various nut flours. The cupcakes require only all-purpose flour to prepare the batter.
While baking muffins, one can add tasty additional mix-ins like the dried fruits, nuts chocolate chips or fruits. The muffins are considered healthier than cupcakes as the butter can be replaced with vegetable oil, and the use of sugar can be minimized. Cupcakes require a lot of butter and sugar making it unhygienic and unhealthy.
On a brief, it can be said that the number of ingredients used in muffins is doubled when it comes to baking a cupcake.
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The making
The batter of cupcake and muffins is differently made. The consistency of batter, thickness and beating time bring another point of difference in muffins and cupcakes. For making cupcakes, butter and sugar are mixed and beaten together for a long time to get a smooth and spongy batter. The muffin batter is beaten slightly that makes it dense and lumpy.
For muffins you can mix all ingredients at once to obtain a dense batter, cupcakes need more time and separate mixtures for a smooth and creamy touch.
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The occasions
Cupcakes are the sweet creamy and terming piece of cake that is mostly eaten during some occasion. The muffins and cupcakes can be differentiated on the basis of the time when they are served.  
The muffins contain less cream, sugar and more nuts as compared to Cupcakes. At the same time, the use of wholegrain flour can add more nutrients to a muffin as compared with a cupcake. This is the reason that a muffin is considered to be the healthier option than cupcakes. This makes muffin suitable for breakfast especially when you are having savoury muffins. But cupcakes are sweet creamy loaded with fat, thus cannot be savoury and healthy. These are served as dessert during the parties or weddings.
Being a miniature form of cake, cupcakes are served cold. They are baked and left to cool down and settle. Muffins are served both cold and hot as per the preference of one. The occasions and servings also mark the difference between cupcakes and muffins.
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 But whatever may be the difference, one thing that makes cupcakes and muffins same is the irresistible taste and the cravings for both the delightful desserts. Bake them order them but enjoy them both as a cupcake and a muffin. No more confusion now.
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mithacafe · 6 years
Desi dessert with a western twist for the festive season
·        Malpua Chocolate syrup pancake
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Festivals in India need a recipe that is unique, tempting and exotic. Even our desi dessert recipes are twisted each time for a different flavour. From the Kheer, halwa, mithai and lot more there is endless dessert in India, cooked with a different twist each time. It can be said that apart from, shopping, decoration and functions, cooking is one of the important aspects of the festival in India. No occasion is complete without the involvement of some lip smacking and delight desi dessert recipe.
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This time we bring you a different taste and a twisted recipe to make desi dessert as a western exotic dish. The Indian flavour with a western makeover is a fascinating recipe that will definitely charm the sight and tongue of every guest.
Indian dessert with a western makeover
·        Gulab Jamun Cheesecake
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Now enjoy the sweet juicy Gulab Jamun in a delight creamy cheesecake. This desi dessert recipe with a western twist is too tempting to resist. The juicy and sweet gulab jamun pieces are placed in between the creamy cheese and biscuit for a fusion of taste and recipes. The dessert is easy to make, with no-egg and Indian ingredients, this desi recipe for dessert a perfect dish to try for a change. You can simply blend the mixture of cream cheese with sweetened, condensed milk together and set the Gulab janum pieces in the batter. Once the batter is set, refrigerate it for hours before serving. The creamy cheesecake with delicate gulab jamun brings together the sweet and fascination twist of taste to this desi dessert with a western makeover.
·        Malai Cupcakes
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Cupcakes are loved by everyone, and malai laddoo is the most demanded sweets in India. From simple Malai laddoo to ras malai sponge laddoo and more this desi sweet recipe is blended with many ideas to bring out the sweetest dishes in India. Combining the cupcake with malai is one of the tempting recipes that can create a magical fusion of Indo-western dessert idea. All you need is to make a batter for a sponge cake with milk syrup and all-purpose flour. Then whisk the batter pour it into the mould of cup-cake and refrigerate it. Prepare a Rabri mixture with dry fruits that will be the topping or icing over the Malai cupcake. This amazing Indo-western dessert idea is a treat to taste and serve.
·        Malpua Chocolate syrup pancake
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Mal pua is one of the oldest traditional desserts in India. The sweet pancake of India is not only a treat to taste but auspicious to cook for every festival in India. This time twist the India recipe with a western touch while preparing this appetizing piece of dessert. All you can do is mix the batter with cardamom, fennel and jaggery. Add mawa and raisins to make it more tempting and heavenly. Once you deep fry the mal pua, place them one over the other and pout the western sugar syrup as caramel sauce, chocolate syrup or maple syrup to make them sweeter and an Indo-western festive delicacy. You can add more dry fruits as topping over the India pancake.
·        Motichoor Rabdi mousse shots
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Motichoor laddoo is the most loved sweet in India. This traditional Indian dessert is included as an auspicious sweet at every occasion and festival. For twisting this desi dessert as a western exotic recipe, you can prepare a shot of Motichoor and rabdi. This mousse shot holds the traditional flavour of both Rabdi and motichoor laddoo in a western manner, creating a perfect fusion of Indo-western recipe idea. Moreover, this desi dessert is easy to prepare and very fashionable to serve. Finally, break the motichoor laddoo and layer the crumbs into a shot glass. Add a thick layer of Rabdi and again add the Motichoor crumbs. At last, spread a fine layer of Rabdi and garnish it with dry fruits. Serve the exotic Desi dessert with a western twist.
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There are many traditional desserts in India that can be twisted and crafted as a western delight. Some of the traditional sweets like kaju katlis and motichur laddoos are twisted with western makeovers for a unique taste and experience. The best thing about these twisted desi desserts is that the flavour and traditional touch remain untouched while you can enjoy the exotic blend of western serve. This festive season, try some of these authentic desserts in western style and bring out your own ideas for making the traditional piece of delicacy as a western dessert.
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mithacafe · 6 years
Don’t miss it out. Bake a cake and try these amazing decorating tips. The easy and creative topping ideas will make your home baked cake look more delicious and attractive.
The best cake decorating ideas to try
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Cakes are a delight to eat and see. The beautifully decorated cakes steal the sight of everyone, everywhere. Cake decoration is no less than an art that turns the simplest cake into a masterpiece. The creamy or shimmery, layered or sliced toppings over the cake beautify the zest of the most beloved dessert.
Occasion comes, when we all love baking the dessert, be it a cake or cupcakes. But there is always something missing in a home-baked cake recipe. Not the taste, not the ingredients, then what is it?
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The cake toppings or icing, a simple frosting over the home-baked cake, cupcake or cookies will enhance the flavour and appearance of your delight recipe. Just a little more changes and you can come up with different colours and flavours for the cake baked at home. All from the different flavours, textures, coatings and effects, there are many easy frosting ideas, you can easily try. Elevate the design of your cake using the cake topping ideas and add perfection to your favourite dessert. You can create a fusion of taste by mixing up the two different flavours, or you can just create an original and pure dessert with no additional ingredient. That’s the beauty of cake frosting; it will so easily combine with the sweet and savoury delight that each time a new cake topping recipe will originate.  
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So just bake a cake or cupcake, and try out these unique and delicious cake frosting ideas to elevate your dessert for any occasion.
·        The buttercream frosting
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All your chocolate, strawberry, vanilla or cheese is perfect to be the frosting over the baked cake. Decorating the cake with the buttercream frosting opens up a vide option for flavours and designs. There are numbers of flavour that are loved by everyone when it comes to cake. The most common buttercream cake frosting as chocolate, vanilla, cream cheese, peanut butter, caramel and vanilla are just right to go with each of your cupcake or cake. All you need is some powdered sugar, milk and the desired flavour buttercream mixture to start. Spread it the way you need. Simply lay it over the cake and add texture to it, or use a cone to bring out the design over the layers. You can make a floral design or just some creative motive to decorate the cake easily at home.
·        The fruity punch
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More than taste, what if you can add more nutrients to your home baked cake? The easiest cake decorating idea comes with the fresh fruits that you can simply use as topping over the cake and cupcakes. With no more butter, no extra cheese or no cream, a pile of mixed fresh fruit is all you to instantly elevate the taste and design of your cake. The fruity punch is too delighted to ante with any cake. You can either just place the fresh slice of fruits over the cake as the easiest and simple cake topping. If you are willing to play with the flavour, spread a layer of fruit jam, or add sugary syrup over the fruit slices.
·        Adding a munch
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The soft luscious cake will be more fascinating with by adding munches to it. Pick from the Chocó-chips, dry fruits, or the Oreo to adorn the creamy layer of cake. Using whipped cream as one layer over the cake and them spreading the chips or dry fruits to it will taste amazing. This brings the simplest cake topping idea that can also make the cake look tempting. Your chocolate cake or simple vanilla cake and cupcakes are best to use this amazing cake topping idea for decoration. For the choco-chips, you can hide some in between each layer and then spread it over the top. The Oreos will do great with choco-chips. Try out this toping tip for home-baked cake and surely it will be loved by everyone.
·        The glaze syrup
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Do you know, all your sweet savour syrups are a saviour when it comes to decorating a cake at home? Caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, honey or any of your syrup adds more sweetness and glaze to the cake topping. When it comes to baking pound cake or chiffon cake, just try adding in more flavours by brushing the top of the cake with a simple syrup or honey. Pouring the maple syrup or caramel sauce brings out more sugary touch and a glaze that looks tempting. Next time try flavoured syrup frosting with powdered sugar icing to create this sweet and sticky glaze as your easy and best cake decorating recipe.
·        Rainbow icing
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A layer of vibrant colours all in a small drizzle that spreads over the cake is alluring and irresistible. The creamy cupcakes and cakes will not only look colourful but this rainbow icing idea on the cake will make them more sugary and crunchy. This works especially well with vanilla and strawberry, or choco-vanilla flavour for both cake and cupcakes. You can sprinkle the colourful fun fetti over each layer if the cake and at the top spread a layer of whipped cream and shower the rainbow pieces over the cake for a colourful topping idea. This will make the cake or cupcake look more tempting and attractive.
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mithacafe · 6 years
The best cake decorating ideas to try
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Cakes are a delight to eat and see. The beautifully decorated cakes steal the sight of everyone, everywhere. Cake decoration is no less than an art that turns the simplest cake into a masterpiece. The creamy or shimmery, layered or sliced toppings over the cake beautify the zest of the most beloved dessert.
Occasion comes, when we all love baking the dessert, be it a cake or cupcakes. But there is always something missing in a home-baked cake recipe. Not the taste, not the ingredients, then what is it?
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The cake toppings or icing, a simple frosting over the home-baked cake, cupcake or cookies will enhance the flavour and appearance of your delight recipe. Just a little more changes and you can come up with different colours and flavours for the cake baked at home. All from the different flavours, textures, coatings and effects, there are many easy frosting ideas, you can easily try. Elevate the design of your cake using the cake topping ideas and add perfection to your favourite dessert. You can create a fusion of taste by mixing up the two different flavours, or you can just create an original and pure dessert with no additional ingredient. That’s the beauty of cake frosting; it will so easily combine with the sweet and savoury delight that each time a new cake topping recipe will originate.  
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So just bake a cake or cupcake, and try out these unique and delicious cake frosting ideas to elevate your dessert for any occasion.
·        The buttercream frosting
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All your chocolate, strawberry, vanilla or cheese is perfect to be the frosting over the baked cake. Decorating the cake with the buttercream frosting opens up a vide option for flavours and designs. There are numbers of flavour that are loved by everyone when it comes to cake. The most common buttercream cake frosting as chocolate, vanilla, cream cheese, peanut butter, caramel and vanilla are just right to go with each of your cupcake or cake. All you need is some powdered sugar, milk and the desired flavour buttercream mixture to start. Spread it the way you need. Simply lay it over the cake and add texture to it, or use a cone to bring out the design over the layers. You can make a floral design or just some creative motive to decorate the cake easily at home.
·        The fruity punch
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More than taste, what if you can add more nutrients to your home baked cake? The easiest cake decorating idea comes with the fresh fruits that you can simply use as topping over the cake and cupcakes. With no more butter, no extra cheese or no cream, a pile of mixed fresh fruit is all you to instantly elevate the taste and design of your cake. The fruity punch is too delighted to ante with any cake. You can either just place the fresh slice of fruits over the cake as the easiest and simple cake topping. If you are willing to play with the flavour, spread a layer of fruit jam, or add sugary syrup over the fruit slices.
·        Adding a munch
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The soft luscious cake will be more fascinating with by adding munches to it. Pick from the Chocó-chips, dry fruits, or the Oreo to adorn the creamy layer of cake. Using whipped cream as one layer over the cake and them spreading the chips or dry fruits to it will taste amazing. This brings the simplest cake topping idea that can also make the cake look tempting. Your chocolate cake or simple vanilla cake and cupcakes are best to use this amazing cake topping idea for decoration. For the choco-chips, you can hide some in between each layer and then spread it over the top. The Oreos will do great with choco-chips. Try out this toping tip for home-baked cake and surely it will be loved by everyone.
·        The glaze syrup
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Do you know, all your sweet savour syrups are a saviour when it comes to decorating a cake at home? Caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, honey or any of your syrup adds more sweetness and glaze to the cake topping. When it comes to baking pound cake or chiffon cake, just try adding in more flavours by brushing the top of the cake with a simple syrup or honey. Pouring the maple syrup or caramel sauce brings out more sugary touch and a glaze that looks tempting. Next time try flavoured syrup frosting with powdered sugar icing to create this sweet and sticky glaze as your easy and best cake decorating recipe.
·        Rainbow icing
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A layer of vibrant colours all in a small drizzle that spreads over the cake is alluring and irresistible. The creamy cupcakes and cakes will not only look colourful but this rainbow icing idea on the cake will make them more sugary and crunchy. This works especially well with vanilla and strawberry, or choco-vanilla flavour for both cake and cupcakes. You can sprinkle the colourful fun fetti over each layer if the cake and at the top spread a layer of whipped cream and shower the rainbow pieces over the cake for a colourful topping idea. This will make the cake or cupcake look more tempting and attractive.
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mithacafe · 6 years
Pie, a delight dessert that contains sweet savory fillings inside the pastry dough shell.  The dessert, with a flaky crust and thick filling is a Pies are wonderful desserts because they're easy to make and are loved by all. There are amazing pie recipes all with fruits, chocolates and vegetables that make it a delight to taste each time.
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Mithacafe brings the sweet savory dessert to our doorsteps. With all the tempting and delicious fusion of pie and cakes, this festival, choose a piecake over cakes and add more mystery to the fascinating.
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mithacafe · 6 years
The weekend is here.
Order the best cake and desserts from mithacafe and enjoy the Saturday night
Weekend desserts
Mithacafe is here to make your Saturday nights perfect with the delightful cakes, cupcakes and some exotic chocolates that you can order online and get at your doorsteps. Do share your favourite dessert so that it can be listed as one of the most delightful dishes to taste. 
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mithacafe · 6 years
Top twisted Vanilla cake to try once
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The vanilla is the most delighting flavour in the cake that is loved mostly by everyone. Now when we have an ample choice to get the best cake for a birthday or any other occasion, Vanilla is often neglected for the exotic cake flavours like chocolate or fruits that are now ruling the dessert world.
As per the facts of food historians, the ancient Egyptians were the first culture to show evidence of advanced baking skills. Vanilla has been a key ingredient for all types of cakes for a long time. The vanilla orchid was originated in Mexico, and when the Aztec empire fell to Hernán Cortés, vanilla pods were brought back to Spain. This was the time vanilla was introduced to the world. With no specific history about the origin of vanilla cake, it can be said that the flavour has found a specific place on the list of every cake recipe.
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Here are some of the amazing types of Vanilla cakes online that are twisted to make them more luscious, tempting and creamy that you have ever tasted. The frosting of some additional cream, flavoured toppings and more fillings, Vanilla can be twisted from a boring piece a tempting bite of delicious vanilla cake. All for your birthday parties, special occasions, or celebrations, these best vanilla cakes in India will be the most delicate, moist, and alluring piece you can grab. Bake or order vanilla cake online, these cakes with different types and flavours of frosting and sauces will serve you the best cake dessert for the event.
Best Vanilla cake to ea
 Vanilla fun fetti cake
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The simple, yet delicious vanilla cake with fun fruity is the next show stealer of the event.  A perfect birthday cake to prepare or order, Vanilla fun fetti cake is a vibrant combination of white whipped cream over the vanilla base that is further adorned by the amazing tangy and glittering fun fruity. The squishy soft and creamy feel of vanilla will be your dessert for the day with the appetizing and vibrant Vanilla fin fruity cake. Present your love with the real sweetness of Vanilla by buying this Vanilla cake online for special occasions.
 Vanilla Salted Caramel Cake
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Another delight for the event is Vanilla salted Caramel cake that is a perfect mixture of creamy vanilla with the crazy caramel. This perfect combination of best ingredients in the cake gives the tongue a reason to ask for more. The scrumptious combination of vanilla and caramel makes it the best cake to try once.  Processed with salted caramel, buttercream frosting and topped with a drizzle of caramel, vanilla salted caramel cake is worth every penny any cake lover can ask for. The cake surely oozes the taste of vanilla and caramel in every bite, making it the best cake flavour in India.
Vanilla Sundae
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Can you believe that your Sundae treat is also available in Vanilla delight? The Vanilla Sundae cake is luscious combination vanilla buttercream frosting that is whipped over the freshly backed vanilla batter to treat your craving. What makes this, the best Vanilla cake, is the topping of rainbow sprinkles, chocolate sauce and maraschino cherry that creates a vivacious sort of magic to soothes your taste buds.  The magical combination of the ingredient of best vanilla cake gives the tongue a reason to ask for more. Grab the delight to your craving whenever you want with the deliciously prepared special Vanilla Sundae cake.
 Vanilla Coconut Creampie Cake
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Celebrate the day with this Vanilla Coconut cream pie that is the best pie cake to try. Made from the delighting Vanilla and coconut cream the pie cake is perfect to make any day a special moment. This best recipe of the vanilla cake includes cream, coconut, topped with pecan in the centre with vanilla buttercream frosting and toasted coconut. Baked with the mesmerizing taste of each ingredient, this best vanilla cake can make any taste buds go crazy. Fill love and happiness in your loved one’s lives by serving them the best vanilla cake online in India that comes as a magical delight of vanilla coconut cream pie cake.
 Vanilla Raspberry cake
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The pairing of Vanilla with the fruity delight of Raspberry brings out the best Vanilla flavour cake to enjoy.  Baked with the raspberry jelly, this vanilla cake will definitely blow your mind away. The whipped cream with vanilla buttercream frosting and decorated with sliced fresh berries makes this delicious piece of cake a treat to the eye and taste buds. The white cake mix is filled with cream and Raspberry jelly, topped with a heavenly buttercream frosting with sliced fruits is an additional bonanza of delight for your celebration. Perfect for a party, this fruity Raspberry vanilla cake is the ideal Vanilla cake online in India you need to brighten up your day.
Mithacafe brings the collection if twisted Vanilla cake to try once. Freshly baked with the finest ingredients, these vanilla cakes online in India are perfect for every occasion and event. Simply pick the best vanilla cake online that you need and with a click, get it delivered at your doorstep. Order your Vanilla cake online from Mithacafe and enjoy the soft creamy bite of Vanilla.  
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mithacafe · 6 years
Amazing gift ideas for this Teachers Day
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Education is the key to living, being a better human, and achieving the goal. 5th September, Teachers’ day is the ideal day to acknowledge our teachers and express our heartfelt gratitude towards them. Teacher’s day is even celebrated as the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was the 2nd president of India and a great teacher. The celebration of Teachers day is the celebration of Teacher-Student relationship has always been a love-hate relationship.
The guiding light of our life, teachers have always shown us the right path. In life we met many people who inspire us, teach us and motivates us for moving ahead and facing the world. The teacher’s day celebration is not only for the teachers who educated us but also for those who were there to guide us during the difficult time.  
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Mithacafe brings the amazing ideas to celebrate teacher’s day and acknowledge the support of your teachers. From all gifts and card online, select the ideal present you want to buy for your teacher. Go ahead and see the most perfect teacher’s day gift
Best five personalized teachers day gift
      A book
Nothing can be as perfect as a book for the teacher’s day gift. Look out for the favourite author of your teacher and but the best selling novel for your teacher, this teacher’s day.  You can add a handmade bookmark with some motivational quote, or a thanking note just to remind them how special they are for you. This personalized teacher’s day gift will be the most special present for every teacher in the world.
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 Pen with Pen stand 
Help your teacher to arrange the most precious thing they have, pens. Get a beautiful pen set as teacher’s day gift online and make it more special by adding a pen stand. You can get both gifts online in India for teacher’s day. But what will make it more special, is the personalized pen stand for teachers, with some beautiful quotes and their name imprinted on it. 
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Personalized coffee mug 
Coffee mugs make the best present when it’s about the personalized gift online in India. This teacher’s day, thank your beloved teacher with an adorable coffee mug that is modified in design by adding their photo, name or a thank you message. This teacher’s day gift will remind them of you every morning, evening or during work, whenever they will sip their coffee.  
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 Personalized Gift hamper 
List out the favourite accessories of your teacher and gift them a cool and amazing gift hamper. You can select from the chocolates, cookies, cosmetics, perfumes etc as a gift for Teacher’s day. To personalize the entire collection, beautifully arrange them together and add a greeting card with some heartwarming wishes and acknowledging note. This Gift hamper will definite a joyous and adoring teachers day gift for any teacher.
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Photo frame 
When it comes to personalized gifts in India, photo frames will never go out of trend. You can get a photo frame as teacher’s day gift online and personalize it by craving their name. Imprint some beautiful quotes as well to make it perfect teacher’s day gift for your teacher. This gift is certain to bring a beaming smile on their face.
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Celebrate teachers day with Mithacafe
Whatever you get for your teacher, Mithacafe is here to make it more memorable and special forever. Apart from the amazing teacher’s day gift online collection, we bring you the secret to turning the day celebration, more amazing and surprising.  
Teacher’s day card online at Mithacafe
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Buy the most adorable and special card online for your teacher this teacher’s day from Mithacafe. With the best warming wishes and the excellent quotes, card for teacher’s day is a perfect addition that you can include with any of the present. When it comes to express your feelings and show your gratitude towards anyone special, a greeting card is the best gift accessory to buy.  Mithacafe brings the beautifully designed Teachers’ Day greeting card that can be the excellent gift idea for celebrating teacher’s day.
Online Teacher’s day cake
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No celebration is complete without a cake. Buy cake online from Mithacafe for this teacher’s day and express the sweetest feeling and gratitude you have towards your teacher. The cake for teacher’s day come in all flavour, design and can be delivered right at the doorstep of your teacher’s house. Buying cakes as a teacher’s day gift is not only a sweet and delicious way of expressing the feelings you have but the ideal way to appreciate the support and hard work of your teacher. From Butterscotch, Vanilla, Chocolate, Pineapple, Mixed-Fruits or cheesecake pick the best cake and cupcakes flavour for your teacher and present them the best teacher’s day cake online.
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mithacafe · 6 years
Happy birthday September
It’s time to celebrate the birthday of the odd one out that is born in September. What they need is a tempting and creamy delight that will completely satisfy their taste buds. So just pick one that tastes way better than it looks.
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Celebrate the September autumn birthdays with creamy delight Coffee Cake. Grab the goodness of coffee and the pleasure of coffee a soft mushy coffee cake for your September born buddy.
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A creamy yellow cake with a rich vanilla or pineapple or any fruity punch will do magic for the September born people.  Make it more tempting by keeping it simple, fresh and yes juicier.
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Another amazing delight is a densely loaded chocolate cake that is sweet, bitter and yes tempting to eat. The tantalizing aroma of chocolate, with the velvety choco coating over the chocolate base, is a perfect chocolate cake for the born people-pleasers.
These are not only simple zestful delight but sinfully good to be the talk of the month.
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mithacafe · 6 years
Janmashtami; How to make celebration special during Janmashtami
Janmashtami is a special festival that is celebrated all over India with a great devotion and love. It is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Krishna that makes it special as well as auspicious. Lord Krishna was born at midnight on the eighth day of Hindu lunar month, Shravana. The different region in India celebrates Janmashtami with a unique style but remains the same is the faith and belief of people over Lord Krishna. 
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The celebration of Janmashtami is not only enjoyable but is vibrant and so full of purity to make you feel blessed. With all various customs, every corner of India celebrates Janmashtami in their own way.
Mithacafe brings you the best celebration ideas for this Janmashtami.
Recipes for Janmashtami
Celebration in India is incomplete without special dishes and desserts. Each occasion is marked special with the special dessert made for the celebration. When it comes to celebrating Janmashtami, there is a list of sweets and desserts that are made as Prashad for the little Krishna. The homemade recipes for Janmashtami that you can easily make are some of the desserts that will be loved by each member of the family.
1.       Kheer or as you can call it, rice pudding is the best sweet dish of any festival that is being celebrated in India. The sweet milk and rice dish loaded with dry fruits and mewas, is nutritive as well as mouthwatering that makes it the ideal dessert to have on Janmashtami.
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2.       Peda is the traditional dessert that is best suited for celebrating Janmashtami. Peda is one of the famous sweet that is served as Prashad in Vrindavan or Mathura.  The small sweet Kesar peda made with very few ingredients, milk and sugar, and flavoured with cardamom and saffron. You can make simple malai peda but just adding some dry fruits to sugar and milk.
3.       Kalakand gives the essence of purity and zest that makes the celebration more delicious. The sweet is a mere combination of solidified milk and cottage cheese that can perk up your festive mood. Made purely from milk, the sweet is an ideal addition to Janmashtami celebration.
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Decorating your home and worship place
No celebration stars without embellishing the place of worshipping you own at your home. When the temples are already being decorated for the festival, you too can beautify the purity of your temple for Janmashtami.
1.       Flower garlands and flowers are the best to decorate the house and temple during festivals. You can arrange the garlands on the walls to make the environment more pure and fresh to feel.
2.       Rangoli adds more vibrancy and colour to the festivals. Decorate the house with beautiful colours on the floor with or flowers to make rangoli for Janmashtami celebration.
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3.       Floral cradle for little Krishna is the most important to add or to make. You can easily design a little cradle at home to place the idol of Lord Krishna.
Make the Janmashtami celebration special
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There are lot many ways by which you can make Janmashtami celebration special with your family. Start by sending Janmashtami Gifts and cards to your relatives and friends in the morning. You can get Janmashtami Cards online and deliver it to surprise your friends and relatives. Organize special pooja and Satsang at your house to make the celebration musical and enjoyable. You can recite the story of Krishna Lila to the kids in the house and significance of celebrating Janmashtami. Take your family to the nearest Krishna or Vaishnav mandir for prayers and witnessing the grand celebration of Janmashtami. 
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mithacafe · 6 years
Janmashtami celebration in India
On the auspicious occasion of Janmashtami
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Janmashtami or Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Krishna. The day falls on the Ashtami that is the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha or dark fortnight of Bhadon month. There are many legends related to the origination of Janmashtami in India and its celebration.
Such one mythological story says that Lord Krishna was born on that day in a cellular jail to Vasudeva and Devaki. But to save their child from evil Kansa, Vasudeva had to cross the Yamuna River in a stormy night.  He passes on his child to a friend in Mathura. This is how Maiya Yashodha and Nanda of Gokul in Mathura became the foster parents of Lord Krishna. Today this day is celebrated with much devotion and spirituality in Mathura, Vrindavan and other parts of India.
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With the magical skills and wonders, the little Krishna proved himself to be an extraordinary child and later, a great human, as an incarnation of God. The legend tells us how little Krishna saved the people of Gokul and entire Mathura each time from difficulties and calamities. This may be the reason behind celebrating Janmashtami for ages.  
The celebration of Janmashtami starts from the dawn and last till midnight. It’s not just the north India but the entire country with different regions like Madhya Pradesh in Central India, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh from Southern India, West Bengal, Manipur, Assam, and Odisha, in Eastern India, and Rajasthan and Gujarat from the Western India that celebrate Janmashtami at their Vaishnava temples.
How Janmashtami is celebrated in India
Janmashtami is celebrated with fun excitement music dance and fasting. There are many activities people organize to bring everyone together on this special day. To keep themselves engaged during the fasting period from dawn to midnight, everyone devotes their time to celebrate and enjoy the occasion of Janmashtami.
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The most famous and exciting game during the Janmashtami celebration is Dahi-handi. Lord Krishna used to steal dahi and Makhan or butter from the earthen pot called Handi. The event replays the same scenario where a group of kid steals butter and Dahi from the handi that is tied at a considerable height with ropes. The group by forming a pyramid, climb over each other and try to break the handi to get the Dahi. This Dahi-handi event brings everyone together, teaches the principle of working together and is loved by everyone. This is mainly organized in Maharashtra.
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Kirtan and dance
Music and dance is the soul of the occasion. Small children perform dance and music show for the entertainment and celebration during Janmashtami. While everyone is on a long day fasting, Kirtan or spiritual music is the best way to keep them engaged and devoted to the worship of Lord Krishna. The soulful devotional Lord Krishna songs are sung by the group of singers is common in this festival. Some temple prepares the dance drama or Ras-lila for Janmashtami along with the narration of Krishna dialogues from Bhagwad Gita. The music and dance for Janmashtami celebration id enjoyed all over India.
Janmashtami celebration in India
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Every State of India celebrates the occasion of Janmashtami in a unique and different manner. In Goa, it is celebrated at Devaki Krishna temple where the devotees of Yadav clan and other society gather and celebrate the occasion. This is the only temple in India where Krishna and Devaki are worshipped together.
In Kerala dishes like palpaysam and appam are offered to Krishna on Janmashtami. People attend the rituals and pooja performed at Guruvayoor Sri Krishna temple, which is one of the most famous Vaishnava temples in Kerala.
In Udupi, Lord Krishna is worship through small nine holes in the window of Udupi Sri Krishna Matha temple. This is the most popular Krishna temple in Udupi. Events like Leelotsav, tiger dance and various plays are performed for the celebration.
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Gujarat, Dwarka is one of the popular destination, known for its Janmashtami celebration. The city celebrates the festival with chants, the ringing of bells and sound conch shells. Thousands of people visit Dwarka to witness the celebration of Janmashtami.
In Tamil Nadu, people draw elaborate kolam or the decorative patterns on the floor of their house on Janmashtami. These resemble the tiny footprints of Krishna entering the house. The celebration ritual is also followed by recitation of Bhagwad Gita on Janmashtami.
 The festival is celebrated in a special manner at every corner of the country. What remains the same is the spirituality and beliefs of people. 
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mithacafe · 6 years
On the auspicious occasion of Janmashtami
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Janmashtami or Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Krishna. The day falls on the Ashtami that is the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha or dark fortnight of Bhadon month. There are many legends related to the origination of Janmashtami in India and its celebration.
Such one mythological story says that Lord Krishna was born on that day in a cellular jail to Vasudeva and Devaki. But to save their child from evil Kansa, Vasudeva had to cross the Yamuna River in a stormy night.  He passes on his child to a friend in Mathura. This is how Maiya Yashodha and Nanda of Gokul in Mathura became the foster parents of Lord Krishna. Today this day is celebrated with much devotion and spirituality in Mathura, Vrindavan and other parts of India.
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With the magical skills and wonders, the little Krishna proved himself to be an extraordinary child and later, a great human, as an incarnation of God. The legend tells us how little Krishna saved the people of Gokul and entire Mathura each time from difficulties and calamities. This may be the reason behind celebrating Janmashtami for ages.  
The celebration of Janmashtami starts from the dawn and last till midnight. It’s not just the north India but the entire country with different regions like Madhya Pradesh in Central India, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh from Southern India, West Bengal, Manipur, Assam, and Odisha, in Eastern India, and Rajasthan and Gujarat from the Western India that celebrate Janmashtami at their Vaishnava temples.
 How Janmashtami is celebrated in India
Janmashtami is celebrated with fun excitement music dance and fasting. There are many activities people organize to bring everyone together on this special day. To keep themselves engaged during the fasting period from dawn to midnight, everyone devotes their time to celebrate and enjoy the occasion of Janmashtami.
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The most famous and exciting game during the Janmashtami celebration is Dahi-handi. Lord Krishna used to steal dahi and Makhan or butter from the earthen pot called Handi. The event replays the same scenario where a group of kid steals butter and Dahi from the handi that is tied at a considerable height with ropes. The group by forming a pyramid, climb over each other and try to break the handi to get the Dahi. This Dahi-handi event brings everyone together, teaches the principle of working together and is loved by everyone. This is mainly organized in Maharashtra.
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Kirtan and dance
Music and dance is the soul of the occasion. Small children perform dance and music show for the entertainment and celebration during Janmashtami. While everyone is on a long day fasting, Kirtan or spiritual music is the best way to keep them engaged and devoted to the worship of Lord Krishna. The soulful devotional Lord Krishna songs are sung by the group of singers is common in this festival. Some temple prepares the dance drama or Ras-lila for Janmashtami along with the narration of Krishna dialogues from Bhagwad Gita. The music and dance for Janmashtami celebration id enjoyed all over India.
Janmashtami celebration in India
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Every State of India celebrates the occasion of Janmashtami in a unique and different manner. In Goa, it is celebrated at Devaki Krishna temple where the devotees of Yadav clan and other society gather and celebrate the occasion. This is the only temple in India where Krishna and Devaki are worshipped together.
In Kerala dishes like palpaysam and appam are offered to Krishna on Janmashtami. People attend the rituals and pooja performed at Guruvayoor Sri Krishna temple, which is one of the most famous Vaishnava temples in Kerala.
In Udupi, Lord Krishna is worship through small nine holes in the window of Udupi Sri Krishna Matha temple. This is the most popular Krishna temple in Udupi. Events like Leelotsav, tiger dance and various plays are performed for the celebration.
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Gujarat, Dwarka is one of the popular destination, known for its Janmashtami celebration. The city celebrates the festival with chants, the ringing of bells and sound conch shells. Thousands of people visit Dwarka to witness the celebration of Janmashtami.
In Tamil Nadu, people draw elaborate kolam or the decorative patterns on the floor of their house on Janmashtami. These resemble the tiny footprints of Krishna entering the house. The celebration ritual is also followed by recitation of Bhagwad Gita on Janmashtami.
 The festival is celebrated in a special manner at every corner of the country. What remains the same is the spirituality and beliefs of people. 
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mithacafe · 6 years
We are here for you
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