mitsmebinch · 2 days
Okay yeah on one hand, my gender and sexuality and mental health has nothing to do with doing my job, so I get how announcing my identity and who I am / am not attracted to could be considered as "Inappropriate for the workplace".
That said, everyone who sees me (gestures to cis-passing, straight-passing, masking neuroatypical self in gender-conforming work clothing) and assumes, in the back of their head by default, that I'm a straight cis allo neurotypical person, so the topic has already kinda been brought up in a way. My saying "actually, no" isn't so much an abrupt announcement as it is correction of an assumption.
And correcting those assumptions is important, especially for persons like me who occupy positions of authority, who appear in court and in community conferences, with business owners and CEOs and at-risk members of the public, 'cause when I say, "these are my pronouns, I'm this" then people like me can feel safer, and people who aren't like me get to see that one of us exists in the real world and isn't some scary hypothetical phantom.
And in the future, when someone says "you can always tell who's trans" or "autistics can't hold down real jobs" or "bisexuals are flirty and promiscuous by nature" or "asexuals aren't real, they're just basement-dwelling terminally-online tweens", they can remember that one time they met me in a professional setting where I was who I was and the world didn't end.
So when they see someone who, by chance, does match the image of their stereotype, they'll know that's just normal human variation and not a universal role.
So, it's not so much that I want to "insert my deviance into the workplace"- it's just me saying, "look at me. I'm here. We're all here, and for every one of us you see, there's a hundred others that you don't. Because you don't know what we look like, and wouldn't know unless we told you."
The status quo, the closeted life, is, "becareful who you come out to, because you could be surrounded by enemies, and you wouldn't know until it's too late".
When I wear a pin, when I out myself in a small, subtle way, I say back: "be careful who you lash out at, because they could be surrounded by defenders, and you won't know until it's too late."
It says, "if you couldn't recognize me without this flag, then how many more of us might be out here with me?"
And the statement "you cannot attack me, we're safe here" should not be banned in the workplace
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mitsmebinch · 2 days
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mitsmebinch · 2 days
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I am so, so sure that my cousin meant to type something else, but I'm going to cry. Welcome to my bathroom themed bathroom... Pictures of other people's bathrooms on the walls... Little bathtub figurines on the sink... Soap dispenser shaped like a toilet... Life could be a dream... in my bathroom themed bathroom...
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mitsmebinch · 5 days
as someone fascinated by things that deeply terrify me i think im gonna watch the full 24 hrs of the titan implosion hearing. feels like something i should do with my day why not
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mitsmebinch · 5 days
need a bi4bi t4t m/f pairing where the girl is a giant freak and not in the "cute manic pixie" way but in the "unethical experiments in my fucked up laboratory" way and the guy is a golden retriever who thinks he can fix her. and he brings her cute bento lunches and she's like "bradley shut up put on your fucking gloves and hold this possum down so i can graft these giant grasshopper legs to it"
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mitsmebinch · 5 days
I don't want to be "private jet" rich, I want to be "buy everything I want in a museum shop" rich
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mitsmebinch · 7 days
"not all men" yes you're right, dembe zuma would never
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mitsmebinch · 7 days
hey do you think ronald mcdonald is a dom or sub. i sent this before but im not sure if you got it or not
yeah i got it last time
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mitsmebinch · 8 days
Shout out to the autistic who’s abilities have regressed as they’ve gotten older.
“You didn’t used to be like this when you were a kid.” I know please don’t remind me
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mitsmebinch · 9 days
part three of a list of Whumpee polls, cause i’m curious what kinda Whumpees y’all got :D
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mitsmebinch · 9 days
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"I want you to know, wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, if you are in need, I will be there." THE BLACKLIST 1.10 "Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion"
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mitsmebinch · 9 days
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mitsmebinch · 10 days
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Painted Lady and Monk Thistle Vanessa cardui and Carduus nutans
7/14/2023 Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR, Colorado
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mitsmebinch · 10 days
entry level weed for beginners
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mitsmebinch · 10 days
hi. did you know australia has a fairywren species called the superb fairywren
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and another species called the splendid fairywren
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...and one called the lovely fairywren
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mitsmebinch · 11 days
Two moods
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mitsmebinch · 11 days
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Katie McGrath as Morgana in Merlin (2008–2012)
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