mitsukieu · 3 years
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mitsukieu · 3 years
He actually laughed out loud at the thought of forcing Aoife into a matching outfit with him; they’d both thrown countless fits over similar situations as children, and it didn’t help that she was in full-blown bratty teenager mode. His father was a god, he had ancient magical blood flowing through his veins, yet in the eyes of his younger sister, Rhys was still the biggest loser on the planet. The thought made him smile. He missed her.
“I think she’d flay me alive if I so much as suggested that we wear shirts the same color, so a matching outfit is most definitely out of the question. Sixteen’s the furthest thing from sweet. D’you remember being sixteen? The angst, just unbearable. I was a nightmare to be around.” He began scanning the rack in front of them for another pair of sunglasses. “I might get a pair of these to match yours, though. I need some new ones.” He plucked some silver frames with mirrored lenses off the shelf and held them out for her inspection. “What do you think? Worth five euro?”
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Mitsuki laughs with ease at his conversation– The image of a bickering family discussing outfits a concept slightly foreign as Mitsuki is quick to imagine the family house in which he probably grew up in, the embarrassing family pictures that probably hung in the walls and witnessed those discussions.... It’s fascinating, truly, and so she indicates with a chuckle and a shake of her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I was sweet as candy at sixteen” Mitsuki states, though it comes more as a joke at such a blatant lie. She had been sweet, she’d always been sweet in her speech... but actions where quite a different thing and Mitsuki had not only dropped out of camp from boredom at sixteen, but she’d also set a couple of fires too at that age. Her hand comes to rest on top of a rack as her weight leans against it, head tilted to the side as if that made it possible to get a better look at Rhys’ choice. “No, no, no... but if we’re to match we really need to look at least as if we tried!” She claims with a decisive ( yet very much playful ) tone. “But you can take those for free and then we’ll look for that matching pair” Mitsuki glances towards the cashier once more “I hear they have this special discount”.
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mitsukieu · 3 years
[ closed starter – @lyraeu​ ] “I’m listening!” Mistuki calls with that child-like smile she so often wears ( and so often gets herself into a bit of a situation with ). The inside of the coffee shop had become a little too encasing for the girl’s preference and so they’d resulted to sit a pretty tree’s shade ( or attempt to climb the tree, as Mitsuki has ). With a jump, she grasps a low branch and lets her body hang with a proud smile until eyes travel to her companion and she can only blush with an apologetic grin, “Okay, I wasn’t. But I am now!!
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mitsukieu · 3 years
who would you trust with your life?
“Oh.... Is trust really necessary, though? I mean can’t we all just fend for ourselves and call it a day?”
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mitsukieu · 3 years
𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒: by lake cleito
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—– with no classes for the time being to worry about, juniper takes refuge by lake cleito with her camera. it’s an unusually peaceful moment for the girl, and she intends to keep it that way as long as possible. less than happy thoughts about her mom, her dad and whole demigod world seeping to the back of her mind while she sets up her tripod for a serene landscape shot of the lake. she moves to adjust the camera settings before noticing someone standing in the line of her camera. “ seriously !? ” juniper groans at the person, gesturing to her camera set up. “ you’re standing right in front of the camera so, like, you mind moving or are you just gonna keep blocking my shot ? ”
It’s a dangerous line Mitsuki walks when it came to her sister ( well actually, not so dangerous but it sure sounds more interesting that way, doesn’t it? ). A line where she can so easily step over and annoy the hell out of her and actually rejoice from it... or she can choose to remain on the sweeter side of things where Mitsuki only wants to try to find a way to get her attention. And so, when she spots Juni by the lake, a hand-crafted kite in hand, Mitsuki can’t help but get herself noticed. She waves and smiles, sets herself before the camera lens and blows a kiss at it before hearing the oh so anticipated groan. Mitsuki walks over at that, just a bit, but remains within the camera’s view. “What about a photoshoot, Juni?!” Mitsuki calls out with a sweet smile.
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mitsukieu · 3 years
open starter :
location: the training grounds. time: afternoon / evening.
the time that ruiqi spends here is directly proportional to how bad his day has been - and today is what he’d strongly classify as a really horrible day. thus, one thing leads to another, and the blunt end of his wooden staff slams into the chest of his current sparring counterpart, a broiling frustration behind every movement. dead - he thinks. if he had an actual bladed weapon in his hands, that would’ve been the killing blow, but for once he doesn’t rub it in.
“might leave a bruise,” he tells them instead. rui might be on the smaller side - but size doesn’t equate strength, and brute agility and force is something ingrained into him. the air around him becomes cold, and he notices after a beat, breaths becoming visibly fogged. shit.
he retreats with a whirl of his staff, frowning, but the competitive gleam in his dark eyes hasn’t faded. “i’ll let you have first move this time. come on.”
It’s... truly not often someone might find Mitsuki in the training grounds outside of her classes. But she guesses that’s where the boredom has gotten her to today. She isn’t prepared– her fighting skills are not pathetic and most of that is due to her father’s inherited gifts, an enhanced combat skill that really could’ve taken her places if she hadn’t dropped out of camp after only two years. It’s not like she dislikes it, the training. In fact it somehow acts as a very effective sedative for those parts of herself she sometimes can’t quite get a hold on. For her focus to be in one thing, for her energy to be spent... and yet she really does not enjoy the blow to her chest that sends her a step back. Air is sucked out of gasping lungs as she clutches that part of her slim body, fingers pressing and testing for a sign of any broken rib.
Incredulous eyes look up to meet the child of the icy goddess – such opposites, she hears a voice in the back of her mind whisper as Mitsuki tries to muster a grin onto her face. “No shit”. She breathes in and the sudden cold air doesn’t quite sit right with her as she finds herself wishing she could be surrounded by a wall of comforting fire instead. The girl stands straight once again and rolls her neck, takes a better grip on her own wooden staff, and has a flame that does not burn dance on her fingertips. “Fine. But keep your fucking ice away, no fair. Unless you want me to warp you up in a fire blanket?” >
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mitsukieu · 3 years
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watch where you’re going, zelda! was a common refrain all throughout her childhood ; a sentiment that has long gone unheeded. it’s not even that her head is up in the CLOUDS or anything like that, only that on her daily run ( a habit picked up in middle school in an effort to work out some of the excess energy that courses through her ) zelda tends to get IN A ZONE. the fact the app on her phone is telling her that the zombies are catching up with volume blaring loud in her earbuds probably doesn’t help.
that’s how it comes to pass that when she rounds a corner at decent speed, the corner is turned and body all but SLAMS into another. it really shouldn’t be a surprise but zelda swears under her breath and bounces back a few steps while snatching an earbud out of her ear and pausing the sound of someone rattling off about how the zombies are RIGHT BEHIND HER, RUN! while trying to catch her breath. “FUCK, sorry,” she breathes, “i was trying to outrun the zombies.”
Soul coming back to body after being hit so violently by the force of nature that was the person standing right in front of her.... Mitsuki can’t help but stare for a second trying to come to terms with the situation... and when her mouth opens and the word zombie comes out, she really can’t help but show a look of pain for half a second as her eyes quickly scan the space behind Zelda. She doesn’t know yet what she means, maybe the other happened to take take the crash hard as well and somehow, a screw just got loose. Maybe so, maybe so, she’d certainly seen worse things happen. 
The stare soon transforms into a look of curiosity and lips that previously wore an in-between, neutral expression now twist into a smile that soon gives way to a laugh. And when she starts laughing, it doesn’t last for a second or two– but for far longer as Mitsuki comes to lean against the wall. “Please don’t say you’re sorry. How depressing is it that this thing right here is the most entertaining thing that’s happened to me today? Me, Zelda. Don’t be sorry, you saved the day... are the zombies catching up, though?” She speaks this last part in a more so hushed tone as if that way she could keep them from listening.
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mitsukieu · 3 years
“Hey.” Rhys smiles back as Mitsuki’s bubbly energy appears before him, making the room feel ten times brighter.  “Two answers for you. One, I’m looking for something to send home for my little sister. She’s turning sixteen this month, ‘s a big month for her. And two.” He glanced behind them and in one fluid motion plucked the sunglasses from the top of Mitsuki’s head and slipped them into his pocket. There was a sense that came with a successful snag, a sort of warm tingling in his fingertips. “No, not worth five euro. But you can have ‘em anyway. They suit you nicely.”
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It’s safe to say the girl can find the way to enjoy just about anyone’s company– Angry souls oddly enough showing up at the top of the list.... but there's no denying there's just something special about a person meeting your smile and the mischievous glint in your eyes and giving you a mirrored expression without you having to talk them into it. At his response, she somehow stands taller with excitement ( and a small giggle surely is heard somewhere in between ) “Sixteen! how sweet!” – and then Rhys does quite possibly the most attractive thing he’s ever done in her presence. With a gasp she brings a hand up to her mouth in a playful gesture and gives a sideways glance to the cashier who really couldn’t care less of what went on around them. “Well, thank you!” She states and she means it, “Now we’re gonna have to find something for both you and your sister. How does she feel about matching outfits, hmm?”
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mitsukieu · 3 years
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mitsukieu · 3 years
her thoughts are focused on the journal in her hand , frenzied scribbles as she tries to write down every single though. her mind going faster than her hand can keep up as messy cursive stains the paper. a distant sound threatening to pull her out of her head though it’s small enough for her to ignore or at least try to. a familiar voice brings her back into the world as she sets the pen and journal down on her bed before making her way toward the window. curtains parting as the stone hitting the glass echos slightly with a small frown foming on virginia’s lips. unlocking the latch, she opens the window as she stick out her head to stare at the other. “what the hell, mitsuki? you’re break it, you pay it,” she smirks before letting herself climb out. propping a foot on the side of the building, she lets herself lean back as arms cross against her chest. “more importantly, however, is the fact that you called romeo.” there’s a hint of distaste as she says the name, a small pout dropping onto her features as she embraces the dramatics. “no, no. i’d be juliet, if anything. not to mention, romeo’s the one that shows up at juliet’s, not the other way around.” the latter is said as more of a matter of fact, as if she’s trying to prove a point.
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At the sight of Virginia emerging from the curtains, Mitsuki can’t help but show the brightest of smiles– not that a smile wasn’t on her face already as she threw little pebbles at the window. Oh she loved Virginia so much and that may or may not have a lot to do with the girl’s dramatics!! “But it’s not broken, thank my precise movements and calculations for it”. She grins and the sight of it usually means bad news... but it also announces the sort of bad news you can’t really make yourself walk away from. “Get in, get in!” She says in a slightly higher pitched tone with her eyes on the path before Dionysisus’ house. Mitsuki gives Virginia exactly one second before pushing her inside and crawling through the window and into the room herself. dusting off the black jeans and taking off her hot pink sweater, Mitsuki takes a turn on the room, her eyes going directly to the ceiling and the light source as she does a slow spin. “Oh my little Ginny, I may not be an expert of shakespearean literature but, I’m pretty sure Romeo’s famous line isn’t oh Juliet, Juliet, where are you Juliet?” She lets out a giggle, wild eyes meeting hers, “Plus, I think you’d make a very pretty Romeo”.
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mitsukieu · 3 years
are you responsible for any of the graffiti around athens?
“WHO TOLD?! But yes, I am particularly proud of the moon looking down on the stairs of Plaka and the rainbow-winged butterflies on Piraeus metro– that was a wild night. Give them some love on your next visit and credits to the people with actual artistic skills who helped. I just think you should leave a mark on the city at least once... if not in the streets at least on some bathroom stall with your favorite sharpie." 
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mitsukieu · 3 years
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mitsukieu · 3 years
[ closed starter – @taliaeu​ ] She’d put on a little show. She was well aware of it too, but as usual, couldn’t really bring herself to back off. The garage door was open because... well who didn’t work better with some fresh air? but just as it let some air and sunshine in, it let her loud rap & engine sounds out. Mitsuki spots the other as her head pops out from under the car with dust and grease covering both skin & clothes. “WHAT?” She yells over the music with a silly smile.
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mitsukieu · 3 years
[ closed starter – @eufletch​ ] Despite her financial situation, Mitsuki is just not familiar with the concept of savings. An exhibition of such, can now be found in front of the mirror as she picks up a pair of baby blue ( fly style ) sunglasses and her nearly empty wallet tucked into the iridescent purse. With carefree energy, she turns to the one passing through and finds in his eyes a familiar gaze. Bright smile with cherry gloss, she lifts the sunglasses on top of her head, “Hey stranger!” She says, “Two questions for you: one, what are you up to? and two, do you think these babies are worth the 5 euro price tag?”
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mitsukieu · 3 years
[ closed starter –  @euvirginia​ ] “Oh Romeo, Romeo” Mitsuki calls out to the window. Her feet are planted on the small landing before Virginia’s window, midnight surrounds her as she attempts to keep her balance, throwing little stones at the window ( even thought she’s well aware she can just as easily reach out and knock on glass– but where’s the dramatics in that? ) “Where are you Romeo?” The moon and the stars are her only witness... thought she knows another one is about to join the party if Virginia doesn’t open soon– the small glance down the street is the only tell of her predicament. That and the next stone she throws, a little stronger this time. “Let me in!”
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mitsukieu · 3 years
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mitsukieu · 3 years
unfair how hard it is to take pictures of stars with your phone
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