mj-lyn · 2 years
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de Jesus
On this day (poem dissection)
Coming of Age (literary reportage)
Youth (micromemoir)
Ma'am Joy: giver of joy (pc 4 activity)
The night we met (poem dissection)
The last beach before the pandemic (literary reportage)
Safe Haven (micromemoir)
Sylvia's Teaching Journey (pc 4 activity)
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mj-lyn · 2 years
Performance Check 4 (Ebio)
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Sylvia’s Teaching Journey
Teaching has somehow become an integral part of me at some point in life. The dedication that they put through. They shape a nation's future through the quality of its institutions. They discovered the programs they create, the standards they aim for, the strategies they employ, and the rewards they bestow on students for performing to their full potential. The way teachers structure their courses, the curriculums they employ, and the teaching methods they utilize all impact the quality of a country's schools. The breadth of their study in history, languages, art, geography, music, physical education, and religion is determined by the teacher. 
Meeting Mrs. Sylvia and learning about what she did to help her become the person she is today was a lovely experience, and I learned more about my mother's passions and work as a teacher. One of her closest friends encouraged her to pursue a career as a teacher at the time. She also added a section where she stated that after understanding the fundamentals of education, she will be able to connect this learning to a deeper relationship for her children's well-being. Her journey that day was difficult. She struggled, yet she managed to have fun and enjoy her college years.
Her journey as a teacher began when she received her degree and passed the teacher licensure exam. She is an elementary school teacher that teaches Math. She described her experiences throughout this time as exhausting but rewarding. Every teacher, I believe, has had this type of rewarding experience. She gets up early every day, prepares her lesson plan, and teaches, then goes home and repeats the process. It is already a part of her lifestyle, but she says she never gets weary of doing it because it is in keeping with the future of the children, who have impressionable minds that they will mold and who are ready to face the challenges that lie ahead.
She informed me that in order to persuade me to pursue her chosen vocation, I needed to have the patience to do so. Teaching children, especially those whose minds are still growing and adjusting to a new situation, may be difficult at times, she confesses. However, the love in her heart that she feels every time she assists the youngsters remains and will remain. Another is to use your creative teaching talents to help the youngsters understand and enjoy what they are learning. Knowing these things piqued my interest in teaching.
As far as obtaining the occupations that we desire, we all have advantages and drawbacks because there is no such thing as a flawless one. There will always be a negative side to it. And, as Ms. Sylvia points out, one of the benefits of being a teacher is witnessing the children you've been molding grow into better versions of themselves, and this is a price that everyone who works in education pays. They transform into the individuals they desire to be. They must fight for what is good and wrong while yet being a part of society. One downside of being a public teacher is the financial situation; she believes that the school requires additional support. And, because teachers are seen as second parents, there are moments when certain instructors may act inappropriately, which may have an impact on the children. And now that I've learned all of this, I completely agree with her.
Despite the hazy boundaries between having a love-hate connection with her profession, one of the most memorable moments of her teaching career was when all of her pupils sent her a letter thanking her for being the finest teacher they had. She described it as the most memorable event of her teaching career. She is an excellent teacher and mother. It's a quality that has to be recognized and valued. Teachers set the road for students to improve and gain knowledge in areas where they are inadequate.
picture of Sylvia
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mj-lyn · 2 years
Performance Check 4 (de Jesus)
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Ma'am Joy: giver of joy
Joy, a name true to the persona of Ma'am Joy Delfino Sinfuego. At first glance, I would say that she is a typical shy Filipina. Never would I imagine that she exudes a very exciting personality who can sing as a church choir and at the same time belt out songs of Celine Dion and Mariah Carey. She would also join dance performances in school during programs. A hard working guidance counselor II at Tinago National High School. It did not stop her from pursuing her dreams, she took further studies and graduated with a Master of arts in education major in Guidance and Counseling. 
She is unstoppable and full of energy. She is currently taking up Doctor of Philosophy Major in Behavioral Management. Her strong character and determination in pursuing her goals is eminent because amid the pandemic she pursued her further studies. Adding to that, she is a doting mother to a 4 month baby girl who she considers the apple of her eyes. She could balance her work and family life diligently. 
She took up psychology at the University of Nueva Caceres to identify her strengths and weaknesses and to be able to have a better understanding of herself. Through this she discovered her passion or willingness to help others. How to listen, care and understand, improve behavior, attitude, values, feelings and emotions of different types of people. She realized that being of service to others makes her happy and fulfilled, especially if she can see the improvement and change in the wrong behavior towards good judgement and now having the right decision. It made her feel motivated and prefer to choose her field of work. 
To her a guidance counselor should be a good listener, trustworthy, patient, approachable, respectful, responsible, empathetic, sympathetic, diligent, open minded, and manages to organize time wisely. This characteristic is true to Ma'am Joy who enjoys her job immensely. Her family, friends, colleagues and God motivates her and inspires her to work hard in her chosen field aside from the goals, mission and vision she still wanted to achieve. 
She finds her work challenging, enjoyable but at times hard because she needs to be always ready physically, mentally and emotionally. She also need to separate her personal, career and family life wisely in order to meet the expectations of her clients at the same time help them with their needs and find solutions without sacrificing anything.Her career is challenging because she find strategies and think of ways in order to build rapport with her clients and be able to meet, analyze, understand the uniqueness of their personalities. 
To her, Guidance counseling is a way of serving others.She also considers counselors as motivators, inspiration and role models to others. Through this field, she is able to meet different unique individuals and she is challenged how to deal with them. As a counselor, they serve as a
guide to students but are not required to teach and sanction students. One of the disadvantages is that counselors should be mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually ready anytime for clients who need counseling. The different programs and successful activities she spearheaded wherein the students enjoyed motivates her to strive more. 
Knowing Ma'am Joy as a goal driven, service oriented, motivated and hard working guidance counselor inspires me to be like her. Joy, a name true to the persona of Ma'am Joy because she is the beacon of Joy and a role model to others.
photo of ma'am joy
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mj-lyn · 2 years
Performance Check 3 (de Jesus)
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I came from a family of two children. Both of us are girls and I'm the youngest. We stay in the ancestral house of my mother's side of the family together with my grandmother and grandfather. My father was working abroad then. We migrated to the US but returned home leaving behind our father to work because they changed their minds and decided that it would be easier to raise a family here in the Philippines.
 As a child, I was playful and curious about a lot of things. I would imitate what other people say. There was a time that I had a "yaya" whose expression is "hayop". I would also say the word and watch the reaction of the people around me. I would giggle every time I caught the attention of my family reprimanding me not to say that word. Later I learned that it's not a good word and children should not be saying it.
 My mama and my "yaya" would sing to me my favorite lullaby to calm me to sleep. It was a jingle for a diaper commercial often played on the radio. The title of the song is "Payapang Daigdig". I felt comforted whenever they lull me to sleep with my favorite lullaby.
 In my primary years in school, I was excited to meet new friends. There were lots of school works to do. My mama would help me with my homework at home. There was a time that I had my tutor in math and chinese. They were the subjects I found to be difficult. My grandfather was very strict to us then and would not allow us to watch television on weekdays. He would show us a stick intended as horse whip and say "dapat mag tultol kung dai papakulon”. 
 The strictness of my grandfather was balanced by the love and care our grandmother showed us. Every time we were scolded, we would be allowed by our grandmother in her room to watch television. She would give us treats like chocolates and candies. She would present us gifts during Christmas and birthdays and treat us to our favorite Jollibee. We would seek refuge and comfort in the person of my grandmother. 
 I remember vividly while my grandmother was sick in her bed, my aunt would mention the name of her grandchildren and my grandmother would cheerfully say an adjective at the end of each name. She described my sister as beautiful, while my cousins she described as intelligent, playboy , "mahinhin" , etc. but the best description I heard that day when my name was mentioned was " my favorite apo". 
 That was the last time I was able to be with my grandmother because she eventually died a few days after at the hospital. It was the saddest day of my life. I thank my grandmother who I fondly call "Mommy Uya" for the love and the memories that are forever impressed in my heart. Life may be difficult without her but I hope I can make her proud.
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mj-lyn · 2 years
Performance Check 3 (Ebio)
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Safe Haven
When I was young, I used to have this place in our backyard. It was a small house that was right next to a big tree. I forgot what the tree was called. The inside of the house was tiny. It had my so-called ‘toys’ which consisted of rocks and stones that I usually just pick up outside our backyard. I play with them inside and I always try to bring my friends inside and we try to play all different kinds of games.  I always called that place my safe house. The reason behind this was that the place was always full of happiness and I really had a genuine time with the people I spent time with. 
Until the summer of 2011. I met a friend. She was new to the neighborhood.  She was shy and timid. Her hair was always up and she rarely smiles. Maybe because of the new environment that she was in. When I was introduced to her, she did not try to approach me. I was the one who initiated. After that, I introduced her to my safe haven and one thing led to another. She became one of my closest friends. Until now, I still remember how we played together for the first time. We still hang out together after all these years. Whenever I see her, she reminds me of that small house that we have in our backyard that I called my safe haven. I am glad that place did not only bring me comfort, but it also brought me a lifetime of memories and a friend whom I can count on whenever there are troubles that bother me. 
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mj-lyn · 2 years
Performance Check 2 (Ebio)
Literary Reportage
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mj-lyn · 2 years
Performance Check 2 (de Jesus)
Literary Reportage 
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mj-lyn · 2 years
Performance Check 1 (de Jesus)
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On this day 
On this day, I feel so powerful, 
Like a heroine who can conquer the evil foe 
Philippine election day, I look forward to you 
I marked this day very special too 
I hope it will be the same with you 
On this day, I feel so powerful 
My battle cry is “never again” to all of you, 
To corrupt politicians and “trapos” with no degree 
Officials with poor integrity and lack of vision for our country Leaving behind the poor to suffer 
Sparing monstrous drug lords to stay 
On this day, I feel so powerful 
Let’s choose officials with integrity, knowledge, honesty, and capability Someone fearless to fight the invaders gallantly 
And most of all, someone who loves our country dearly 
On this day, I feel so powerful 
My vote is sacred and I will not allow others to dictate me With conviction, I choose wisely 
Because the future of our country is in our hands, greatly!
Poem Dissection
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mj-lyn · 2 years
Performance Check 1 (Ebio)
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The Night We Met 
I remember the first time we met 
The words you told me that I will never forget 
Oh how you lured me with your sweet words 
and written promises 
Like a bird in a cage;
trapped within your love 
Thinking that you will be my safest space 
But then it came,
An unexpected trait
Your love that I once cherished is now in chains 
You painted me like a canvas with colors  
of the night, hues and shadows  
that I cannot try to hide
But I still remember the first time we met 
Oh how I wish I just left 
and never have we met 
Poem Dissection 
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