mkdremareriser · 1 year
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This is money cat. He only appears every 1,383,986,917,198,001 posts. If you repost this in 30 seconds he will bring u good wealth and fortune.
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mkdremareriser · 1 year
Wow, I can't believe her weapon is a complicated version of Port's.
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ok seriously. her getting her weapon reveal and a new model with a brand new outfit is really piling on all the existing stuff. we're moving from "summer rose is alive" to "SUMMER ROSE IS RAPIDLY APPROACHING" AND I'M VERY EXCITED
also her weapon is a hunting rifle :D
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mkdremareriser · 1 year
Having been a fan of multiple series like Bleach, RWBY, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Avatar, My Hero Academia, and so many more, I can safely say shipping has pretty much ruined my own experience toward romances in fiction and that I now rarely actively care about pairings, and that I sometimes even go "I hope this series ends with no one getting together and everyone remains platonic friends" in spite of the very real evidence that we'll get certain ships becoming canon.
fandomification and shipping is fucking up how some of yall consume media and i mean it
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mkdremareriser · 2 years
I’ll admit, when I heard the news about that, it got me a little curious to check on if you heard about it, ‘cuz I was pulled into that drama and all years back by weird, weird circumstances. Primarily why I’m dusting off this old account of mine (god I really hope I don’t end up getting dragged into more weird drama again).
Tho I’ll admit, I don’t even really watch RWBY anymore, not because I think “aaaaaaa, RT bad writers”, but because I just... kinda fell out of it? Partially because the show wasn’t just doing anything for me anymore, partially because I got tired of how people talked about it online, especially with the HBG video out there, and just because thinking about RT itself makes me sad ‘cuz of how many people that you could consider a key part of it are just, not there anymore. I dunno, I don’t think I consider it bad, I just don’t think I’ve got that energy for it anymore. 
Honestly I’m just curious as to how to see how this anime goes. And if it’ll eventually count as ‘main canon’ or if it’ll be its own alternate universe of sorts. 
You know what's funny about the new RWBY anime they're gonna make? The writer's Gen Urobuchi, the same guy who wrote for Kamen Rider Gaim, that series that MangaKamen tried comparing RWBY to. Kinda ironic to me that Urobuchi would eventually end up writing for RWBY, too.
Apparently he agrees too. Except he's trying to paint it as people being mad he made a comparison and not...you know...him being hypocritical and him barely even talking about Gaim.
Can't wait for him to praise it because 'RT bad' only for someone to speak positively of RWBY and he eats his words.
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mkdremareriser · 4 years
The world failed Armenia again.
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The blue lands have been taken from the indigineous people by azerbaijani forces during war.
The red lands are going to be occupied by azerbaijan too after the “agreement”.
The green lands are the only ones we have left. 
We lost almost 70% of our land. The indigenous people - armenians, lost 70% of their land in modern world, 2020, just to avoid SECOND genocide and extermination. People lost their homes, their culture, churches and everything they’ve built for so long.
This is a fucking joke. The international human rights organisations are a big fucking joke. A cruel one at that.
I’m mourning because the world failed my people again and let a second genocide happen. 
Please share this information so more people know just how fucked up the situation in Armenia is.
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mkdremareriser · 4 years
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
My mom was outside on our backyard porch in the 90s at our old house when ball lightning came out of nowhere (wasn’t even raining I think) and struck one of our trees. She wasn't filming it of course (how could she it was the 90s), but the evidence of it happening is that there's a big divot in the ground (they had to uproot it). 
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
Welp, I figured that I could actually dust off this account mine from basic abandonment to start plugging in my Kamen Rider Build/My Hero Academia crossover fanfiction. This is the first public fanfiction I’ve made in a long time, and it’s both a fun project and an effort to get me back into the writing groove. So far, I got the first two chapters up, and I’m working on the third.
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
Oh dear
Hey guys. EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE who reblogs this post BY MAY 5TH 2019 will be getting a small monster design based on your blog theme, name, or profile picture. Let’s go.
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
salem's red and ozpin's green
Similarities between Salem and Ozpin
Both immortal (albeit in different ways)
Both have a secret inner circle
Both don’t do much direct fighting
Both withhold information (albeit for different reasons)
Salem is manipulative and violent towards her subordinates
Ozpin generally regards his inner circle as friends rather than strictly subordinates
Salem’s goal is to destroy humanity
Ozpins goal is to unite humanity
Ozpin gives people a choice in whether or not they want to help him
Salem threatens and intimidates people into helping her
feel free to add on, there is more
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
God I know I’ve said that I wanted to stand back and be left alone, but my compulsion to reply is getting the better of me.
1.) I was blocked way before I could ever reply, so I had no interest in checking the blog nor pursuing it because why bother if someone’s already blocked me? I didn’t actually care much about the messages rather than “wow that’s kinda funny that someone thought I was important enough to message”.
2.) I didn’t want to go bother you about asking if it was you or not, because I genuinely didn’t know what your social media was outside of Twitter (something I also barely use) and Youtube (something I just use to watch and like videos, and never leave comments or send messages with). I’m sorry that I didn’t specify that I wasn’t actually sure in the ask in the first place, but I just have a habit of typing a lot, and have trouble with shortening things.
3.) I only went “running off to KOB” in the first place because he was the only person who I could immediately think of about this whole thing because he was the one who really critique your video, and like I said, I didn’t know your social media outside of the ones I barely use, and for me it was just a funny anecdote. I thought I would’ve cleared up things with that reblog, but I forgot that reblogs of asks with add-ons don’t come up in the notes and stuff. And even if kob131 asked for screenshots, I wouldn’t have given them to him because I wanted to respect the blog’s privacy. The only reason why I have revealed them now is because you said it wasn’t you that sent them, and well, I thought that it’d be important to have evidence that it did happen.
4.) “Them” is normally a plural noun, why wouldn’t I think it was also referring to me? I get that there is the singular “they”, but why in this instance would I think it was exclusively referring to KOB when the screenshot included me too?
5.) I already stated on my blog that I had the intention of closing my asks and the like, so that’s why you couldn’t send anything to me about this.
I’ll accept the apology and everything, but as far as I’m concerned and I’m gonna reiterate this, this was never something I intended to be part of outside of mentioning something I thought was a funny anecdote.
Hey dipshit-
Reblogs of asks with add ons DON’T show up. They just appear as normal reblogs. I had no idea it was just someone claiming to be you.
And furthermore, how the hell am I suppose to contact you-
When you BLOCKED me?
Yeah I was wrong for just assuming but considering YOU just pulled the same shit-
I ain’t admitting anymore than that.
P.S. https://twitter.com/Manga_Kamen/status/1099441177953210368
You said that LAST TIME too.
Either admit we’re both right or wrong.
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
I genuinely was kinda debating whether or not I should share this, considering that like, I wanted to keep the blog that sent me the messages anonymous ‘cuz I wanted to respect their privacy (that and I really wasn’t entirely sure that it was actually him), nor did I actually take it seriously until I found myself getting yanked into this weird tumblr/twitter beef that I never asked for with those screenshots about the ask I sent to @kob131. And MangaKamen did state that he didn’t do it, and that it might’ve been just one of the blogs he handed off to a fan. So to clear that up, here’s the screenshots of the messages I got. I never said that they were harassing me, I said that I was sent a bunch from a person claiming to be MangaKamen. Just be aware I’m doing not out of any malice, but that I’m doing it to prove that these messages happened, since apparently I had to actually provide evidence that it happened.
Either way, after this, I’m gonna stay do my best to stay out of this whole thing, and if I keep being brought up, then well, I’ll stand on the sidelines ‘cuz this shit’s something I didn’t ask for, especially ‘cuz as I stated before, this blog’s basically dead, with one foot in the grave.
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
Thanks, I guess. I dunno, I guess I am a little worried that I’ll end up getting some rude messages ‘cuz of this? ‘Cuz like, he can say that he doesn’t want people to come after me all he wants, that’s not really gonna stop anyone.
Hey dipshit-
Reblogs of asks with add ons DON’T show up. They just appear as normal reblogs. I had no idea it was just someone claiming to be you.
And furthermore, how the hell am I suppose to contact you-
When you BLOCKED me?
Yeah I was wrong for just assuming but considering YOU just pulled the same shit-
I ain’t admitting anymore than that.
P.S. https://twitter.com/Manga_Kamen/status/1099441177953210368
You said that LAST TIME too.
Either admit we’re both right or wrong.
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
Wha- I never went after him, unless “going after him” means “happens to reblog one post and putting my thoughts in” and “sending an ask about something that happened that I thought was funny and replying to that”. Which happened a grand total of what, two times? I’m not trying to get like, confirmation bias or anything about him being some sort of bad guy (in fact I don’t know if anything I’ve ever said would hint at that), I was just telling something I thought was funny that happened to me to a guy who might’ve understood it.
I’m like, waaaaaay out of this whole thing. In fact, I completely moved on from this whole ordeal (at least I thought I did) after I made that post ‘cuz I have other things to do with my life. I barely care about tumblr now and I only ever directly check blogs and like posts rather than make or reblog them now. All I did was mention that like, someone saying that they were MangaKamen sent me a bunch of messages and that I thought it was funny that someone cared enough to send messages to a barely functioning blog, but that I admit that it was also as likely that it wasn’t as him in that same post he screenshots. Like seriously, I’ve barely made new posts after that one. 
I don’t get why I’m being pulled into this, I was just putting in my two cents about what I thought, like anyone on the internet can do, and was just trying to explain some stuff about Gaim that I thought would help put into perspective, too, since @kob131 admitted that he didn’t know a thing about Gaim. And I guess I’m sorry for having a preference for shorter videos and ones that have jokes lifted from other places? I dunno, I’m actually just massively confused about being dragged into this when I made a grand total of two or three posts about this.
Hey dipshit-
Reblogs of asks with add ons DON’T show up. They just appear as normal reblogs. I had no idea it was just someone claiming to be you.
And furthermore, how the hell am I suppose to contact you-
When you BLOCKED me?
Yeah I was wrong for just assuming but considering YOU just pulled the same shit-
I ain’t admitting anymore than that.
P.S. https://twitter.com/Manga_Kamen/status/1099441177953210368
You said that LAST TIME too.
Either admit we’re both right or wrong.
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
Yea, I was just kinda caught off guard by that, since I rarely check tumblr anymore, and I’ve never been part of a “tumblr beef”. Admittedly, it was someone claiming to be MangaKamen, so I can't really say it was. It was a PM rather than an ask, since I think I have anon turned off, so there’s a likely chance it is him as well.
Either way, it's kinda funny seeing someone get angry at a mostly dead blog like me and then blocking said mostly dead blog, as if they’re afraid of the response. 
So I check in on my tumblr and dashboard in a long while, and apparently I got a bunch of messages from MangaKamen about that critique post, and accused me of lying. Can't reply 'cuz he blocked me. Kinda amused about the whole thing, especially since he basically went after a basically dead tumblr to get angry at and then block me. Especially about the Sid-Roman part. Though I will admit that I did have trouble figuring where exactly he was coming from with that, soooo I guess that's my bad?
Sorry I was off line for a day-
Really MangaKamen? You get on me for supposedly harassing you then you do the same?
Real great job there…proving my fucking point.
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
No problem, glad to help. Hope it inspires you to give Gaim a chance, since since I think it is genuinely a good watch.
RWBY Vs. GAIM: The Shame Battles Part 2
Part 1
Welcome to part 2, where MangaKamen proceeds to do his best MatPat impression.
That is to say, ignores all information that contradicts him and plows on ahead in intellectual dishonesty because fuck research.
Keep reading
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mkdremareriser · 5 years
Huh. A comparison between RWBY and Kamen Rider Gaim. Not something I’d expect, being a fan of both, and they’re... really not that comparable to begin with. Both of are vastly different. I guess I’ll do a hot take on this, so that there’s context for Gaim at least? Hope you don’t mind that, @kob131.
The video is really, really tough to watch ‘cuz this MangaKamen guy’s the type of reviewer who uses clips from shows other than the actual shows they’re reviewing for a joke to hide that they’re not funny, and I hate that (it is 30 minutes long, and it’s so painful). Hopefully I’ll do a better job than MK did. I dunno, I’m just incensed by how poorly he explains Gaim. I’m not trying to change your mind or anything, I’m just... Really bothered by this poor explanation.
Yea, the reasons why MK chose to do a Gaim/RWBY comparison is remarkably weak. Like none of them are good and are incredibly vague reasons as to why this is happening besides doing it to piss certain people off. Besides, the KR seasons in general tends to only run for one 46-50 episode season with different characters each year, whereas RWBY is an ongoing series with multiple seasons focusing on the same cast and with room to change and improve. Both have strengths and faults with the way they tell their stories.
I’ll explain Kouta’s character in Gaim, since MK clearly didn’t. You are pretty much on the money with Kouta being a self-sacrificial guy, ‘cuz his very first act onscreen is him helping a lost kid find his mom while in the middle of a food delivery. He believes in the best of others, but even then he has his limits, though he refuses to actually knowingly kill people (whether its other Riders or Inves who manage to keep their intelligence (spoiler, Inves are people and animals that transformed into monsters after they ate the fruit of an alien forest called Helheim)) unless they absolutely prove themselves to be a threat that will hurt more people if he lets them be. Many of the characters write him off as an idiot or exceptionally naive because he’s optimistic, but the truth of the matter is that Kouta is more intelligent and philosophical than he appears, being someone who makes good deductions, asks the right questions, and in general is much more on the ball than people give him credit for. It’s this optimism that gets constantly challenged throughout the series, and while he acknowledges the points that others make, he refuses to bend the other way, and eventually becomes rewarded for his strong optimism at the end of Gaim.
Adding to the “reluctance to kill” is his philosophy about sacrifice, and that sacrificing others in and of itself so that people can survive is not something he accepts. When he discovers that the company Yggdrasil has plans to wipe out every 6 out of 7 people so that they can survive the invasion of Helheim, he’s enraged until he’s shown that he accidentally murdered his friend Yuuya, and that Yuuya’s “sacrifice” helped him save many more people as Gaim, where upon that he just breaks down. But after talking to DJ Sagara, a mysterious benefactor with an interest in him, he decides that he’ll use the power he has now to change the world into a place where sacrificing others isn’t needed, and in doing so, reestablishes his philosophy to protect others.
I guess in some ways, this does make him similar to Ruby? Both gain the powers to defy a world that’s trying to make them bend to its rules, both have experienced loss of people significant to them, and both grow as people whose beliefs aren’t easily waived. But that’s pretty much where the similarities end, as both pretty much are vastly different in terms of personality. Ruby’s definitely far more bubbly and energetic compared to Kouta, while Kouta tends to be a little more philosophical, though not immune to some sillier moments.
I have no idea what he was trying to do with the supporting casts thing, since he didn’t even talk about the supporting cast for Gaim. I... guess I’ll explain the bad guys?
Sid and Roman... aren’t really similar outside of their choice in hats. Sid’s job is more of that of a drug dealer with how he works as a Lockseed Dealer, whereas Roman is a robber who works as an illegal arms dealer. Sid at times, cares very little about making a profit as long as he gets entertained by what he sees and without caring what his superiors want and even goes against them, Roman definitely cares about his profit and hates that his employment with Cinder is cutting into it, but that he can’t do anything about it beyond just complaining. And both do go out ranting before dying, but with Sid, it was basically him throwing a tantrum about how with the power he wants to obtain, he’ll never let others boss him around again, while Roman’s was about Ruby’s optimism was misguided and how he’ll do what he does best which is lie, steal, cheat, and survive. So yea, despite MK’s claims that the two are similar, they’re not at all. 
Ryoma and Cinder ALSO have nothing in common, and it kinda baffles me that he chose to compare the two of them together. I will admit that he did kinda accurately describe Ryoma, but he seems to forget that Ryoma really isn’t in as much control as he thinks he is. Ryoma deals with things that are unexpected very poorly, because he is such a control freak about proving his inventions to be the best that anything that “evolves” without them pisses him off. He makes Ryoma sound like this perfect chessmaster who has everything planned out, but he forgot that at one point, when shit was hitting the fan really, really hard, Ryoma fucking bailed in an escape pod for parts unknown for a while until things calmed down (which is actually just an excuse so the actor could take a break from doing the show so that he could act in a stage play until he could come back). Plus the fact that he clearly misses the detail that Cinder and her team have been rigging the matches to what they want, despite them clearly showing that in a couple episodes, which feels like he’s being willfully ignorant to make Gaim look better. I’m not gonna lie, Gaim isn’t perfect, especially to the degree that MK talks about it. There’s a ton about the series that I know people have a lot of problems with it, some of it very overblown in my opinion and misses a lot of points, but still not perfect by any means. I’m not entirely sure of what problems RWBY has, considering i rarely check forums, threads, and other places about it unlike how I do with KR, since I’ve been a fan of KR much longer than RWBY. But I refuse to agree with MK because he’s shilling Gaim while dismissing any good RWBY’s done.
RWBY Vs. GAIM: The Shame Battles Part 2
Part 1
Welcome to part 2, where MangaKamen proceeds to do his best MatPat impression.
That is to say, ignores all information that contradicts him and plows on ahead in intellectual dishonesty because fuck research.
Keep reading
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