mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
How can you resist? Ice cream and coffee make the best combination! 
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This four ingredient cold brew iced coffee affogato is the ultimate easy, elegant dessert!
Vegetarian, Gluten free
Baking & spices
½ cup Chocolate covered coffee beans
½ cup Coffee beans, whole
1 pint Premium coffee ice cream
1 pint Premium vanilla ice cream
2 cups Water
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
‘tis the season!
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iced eggnog lattes.
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
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Kahlua Coffee Soda | Recipe
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
Totally true...
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
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This blog was started with coffee!
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
Coffee is a language in itself.
Jackie Chan
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
Like I stated on one of my earlier posts, coffee is always evolving alongside man. This meaning as we continue to learn about coffee, we will continue to advance the technology used to create it.  Today we don’t brew coffee like they did thousands of years ago.  We’ve engineered contraptions, tools, and machines to attempt to make the perfect cup and repeatable.  
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
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Brewing is probably my favorite part of the coffee process, mainly because it’s the most hands on. Let’s be real, we’re not going to build a farm at the equator to grow our own beans nor purchase a bean roaster, but we can become our own brewmaster!
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
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5 main roasts: green, light, medium, medium dark, dark roasts
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
Know your roasts! Before coffee is roasted it is stored as a green bean. Green beans barely resemble the coffee that you’re used to, but it allows the coffee to be stored with no loss of quality.
Roasting is the second main step of the coffee making process. It refers to rapidly heating the bean sparking a chemical transformation. The roast process is what brings out the aromas of the coffee and turns the bean to the brown color that we commonly think of coffee as.
Read this article to learn about the different qualities each type of roast has!
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
If you’re still skeptical of the coffee making as an art form... please watch this video.
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
One of the most important factors that can affect a coffee’s taste is where it was grown. Coffee is primarily grown around the equator in countries such as Costa Rica, Columbia, El Salvador and many more.  Each location and growing season presents different variables that can affect the taste of the beans. Altitude is one such factor.  The higher the altitude the harder the bean produced. The harder the bean means the greater the sugar concentration a key factor in producing a more nuance and thought after flavor.  
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
Science is now allowing us to look deeper into coffee than ever before. This scientific paper examines the multiple factors from the farm to your cup. What is happening at each step and why coffee quality is not that easy to control.
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
Why is coffee to so complex? It’s our ability to alter each step of the process and tweak the different characteristics.  Listen to these coffee experts talk about the complexity of coffee and how today’s technological advances are allowing us to learn at the molecular level. 
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
So coffee’s been around for a long time... If you want to understand the entirety of its history here’s part 1 of 3 of a PBS series on the history of coffee.
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
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Okay first off, I think we need to clear the air. The description of the blog states that this is the crossroads of art and science, but you may be thinking how coffee is an art form... This is where we need to see the bigger picture of the coffee making process.  For many of us, our image of coffee is just the end product. It’s just some blackish liquid that we get from starbucks or dunkin donuts or wherever, but we tend to forget about everything in between.  There are 3 main steps of the coffee making process: growing, roasting, and brewing. At each step, there are literally hundreds of different variables that can be altered that affect your end product. So, to get to the point where you’re sipping and enjoying a nice cup of coffee, a lot of work and expertise went into it.  So yes, I truly believe coffee is an art form.
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mkl97-blog1 · 8 years
Let’s just start off with the basics... 
Coffee (ˈkôfē,ˈkäfē)
a drink made from the roasted and ground beanlike seeds of a tropical shrub, served hot or iced.
Let’s face it, we all pretty much know what coffee is. It’s a drink that’ll give us that kick start in the morning or keep us up all through the night. To some, it’s essential to their daily routines and a headache to live without. But the instant joy that coffee gives us can also result in us becoming ignorant to the entirety of the coffee process. 
We shouldn’t have to be a stereotypical brooklyn hipster or know-it-all barista to know how your perfect cup of joe was made. Let’s break down the science and technology in making that perfect cup of coffee one bean at a time. 
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