mmakalaure · 5 years
Top 5 Car Maintenance Tips
We know how frustrating it can be when you find out something has gone wrong with your car.
Not only does this mean that you will have to be without a car for the duration of the time it takes to be fixed, but it can often cost a lot of money, depending on what’s gone wrong.
So that’s why we have dedicated this post to help you keep you car in check, and spotting problems before they escalate!
Whilst it may seem quite obvious to check your tyres, many people only check them when they start to notice issues with car control/responsiveness.
However, if you make sure to check your tyres every fortnight, then you will be able to spot any problems before they start to affect your driving.
Engine Oil:
It is also important to ensure that the internal parts of your car are working correctly.
One important thing to monitor is your engine oil levels. You want to ensure that it is always supplied with the oil it needs, as this oil helps to keep your engine running at optimal levels.
Whilst we do recommend that you check it occasionally, we would certainly recommend that you take a look before partaking on long journeys.
Coolant Level:
Your coolant levels are not as vital all year round, however they are definitely worth keeping your eye on during colder periods.
This is due to the anti-freezing properties that it provides your car. Which in turn, prevents any damage being caused by the expansion of water being frozen in the system.
Following on with our liquid based tips, we also have screenwash. By law, you must ensure that you always have a sufficient amount of screenwash in your car at all times.
The reason for this is because of how fast your windscreen can get dirty, and without screenwash, there is little hope of removing sticky/oils substances from your windscreen.
This will obscure the driver’s vision, which makes the driver more vulnerable to crashing.
Last but certainly not least is the lights check! This check is relatively simple, and just requires you to check that all your lights are still working.
You should also check that the lights are not being obscured in anyway. This could be dirt or any other material, but you want to ensure your lights can be seen.
As for the frequency of this check, we recommend doing it as frequently as possible. 
If you can do it once each day that’s amazing, however most people don’t have time for that so we generally recommend once a week.
We hope these tips have been helpful! If you ensure that you make the right checks, then you will be certain to spot the problems before they escalate.
Originally published: https://bookyourroadtest.com/blog/top-5-car-maintenance-tips/
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2R2H1Hp
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mmakalaure · 5 years
13 Tips For Driving Safely In Bad Weather
Sometimes when the weather is rough, you simply do not feel as safe whilst driving around, doing day-to-day activities as you normally would. That’s why we have created this post, to allow you to carry on with your day!
In today’s post, we give you some of our top tips that will help give you the confidence to drive safely in bad weather. 
To begin, let’s go through some of the more common types of bad weather.
Heavy Rain
There are two main factors that you should consider when driving in the rain, these are:
Whilst rain itself does not completely obscure drivers vision; if it is given chance to build-up on the drivers window, then it certainly will cause visibility issues.
Luckily there is a simple solution, and that is to use your window wipers. Set the speed as appropriate, to ensure that the rain doesn’t build-up enough to obscure your view.
Of the two, the difference in grip is often what frightens people more when driving in heavy rain. This is because the driver often feels they don’t have complete control of the vehicle.
Whilst this does feel to be the case, that is simply because the way they have to control the vehicle changes. 
A general rule of thumb for driving in wet conditions it to drive calmly. This means try to avoid harsh acceleration as that is what often causes you to lose your grip.
Another useful tip, is to ensure you are keeping the correct separation distance between vehicles whilst driving in heavy rain. To help you visualise this, we recommend using what is known as the 4 second rule.
Essentially, this is a rule that you apply when driving in rainy conditions. The rule requires you to look ahead and make sure that you are at a 4 second reaction distance to the vehicle in front.
By giving yourself 4 seconds to react, which is twice the normal distance of 2 seconds, it allows you to safely come to a stop, without having to worry about loss of grip due to harsh braking, because you will be able to brake with plenty of time.
As you probably guessed, the biggest hazard in foggy conditions is the reduced visibility.
Whilst we cannot give you fog vision to help you see through the fog, we can tell you the best tips for keeping safe when driving in foggy conditions.
Which Lights?
First of all is the lights usage. It is extremely important that you don’t use your high beam lights. 
This is because fog is made up of small water droplets, which means high beam lights will reflect off them, and reduce your overall visibility.
Fog lights however, are a crucial part of driving in the fog. Not only will they increase visibility, but it will allow other drivers to spot you more easily.
Note that using your fog lights when fog has cleared is illegal. So be sure to turn your fog lights off once the fog has cleared.
Speed: Whilst car control is the same in foggy conditions, due to the lack of visibility, you should always adjust your speed when driving in it. 
To put it simply, go slow! Sure it will take you longer to get to your destination, but it is not worth the risk of travelling at high speeds when you can see so little.
Ice is generally the most dangerous of the conditions, this being because grip is severely reduced when on ice.
However the biggest difference between ice and the other weather conditions, is that ice is typically located in small patches on the road, whereas other conditions affect the entire road surface.
Furthermore, ice does not affect visibility, so you will be able to see the danger and act accordingly.
On straight roads, ice is much less of a threat, because you often don’t need to slow down and accelerate like you would on a curved road.
This means that your only concern should be if you need to brake on the ice. If a situation presents itself where you might find that you have to slow down, but there is ice in front, simply begin slowing down before the ice, so that you do not have to break sharply.
As for corners, we recommend the same strategy used in fog, that being, go slow! There is no need to put you or others at risk just to get around a corner slightly faster. Slow down on your approach, then simply accelerate again when it’s safe to do so.
Now that we have covered the more common weather conditions, it’s time to move on to some slightly more obscure conditions. These conditions are often less frequent than the previous ones mentioned, however can still pose a threat if not taken seriously.
Heat Wave
You might be thinking, how does a heat wave affect my driving? Well it’s less about the road surfaces, and more about how it affects you as a driver.
Heat Waves often last the entire day, if not multiple! So it is important that you are taking the right steps as a driver to ensure you are fit to drive in said conditions.
One of the best things you can do for yourself on a hot day, is to ensure that you are drinking plenty. This will help to keep your body energised, and allow you to function somewhat normally through the strenuous heat.
Next on the list is to ensure your vehicle has sufficient airflow. It will do you no good sitting in still hot air for prolonged periods of time. It will also cause you discomfort, which will undoubtedly affect your driving.
To ensure airflow is sufficient, simply open a window or two whilst travelling, to allow the air in.
Alternatively if you have air conditioning, you can use that to help cool off too.
Heat often makes people feel drowsy and exhausted, which are not favourable feelings to have whilst driving. So that is why it is important to ensure that you are alert while driving.
Both tips on how to stay alert, relate back to the previous two points.
First of all, stay hydrated! This will help your body in combating the heat.
Secondly, open a window. Let the air get to your face, this feeling will undoubtedly help to reduce the drowsiness caused by the heat. This also works with air conditioning, as the cold air will have a similar effect. 
Mud is actually less common than you think, this is due to the fact that the mud often dries before it can become a problem. However in some places, such as country or dirt roads, there may be larger quantities of mud.
The two most useful tips for driving through mud are about the depth of the mud, and the speed you go through the mud at.
As for the depth of mud, you can usually tell by looking at it whether it is shallow or deep. If you see any signs of deep spots in the mud, it is always worth getting out the vehicle to check, as the last thing you want to do is end up stuck!
To do this simply grab a stick or any object of length nearby, then simply test the mud from a safe spot.
If you do find that there is a deep spot, then be sure to avoid driving over this spot, as it will have the highest chance of you getting stuck.
However if the entire puddle of mud is deep, then we suggest you take an alternate route if possible.
First let’s start with the gears. You typically want to use 2nd or 3rd gear to travel through mud, as it allows you to go at a steady pace, that won’t make your wheels will spin too fast, and start to dig down.
As for your approaching speed, you want to be going at a steady speed, and let your momentum take you as far as possible. Sudden changes in speed will cause the tires to spin and make you lose grip.
If you do find that you need to accelerate or brake in the mud, be sure to do so gently, so you don’t start to skid.
That wraps up our list of tips on how to drive safely in bad weather. Hopefully you learned something new today, and feel more confident in your ability to drive in said weather conditions.
Originally posted here: https://bookyourroadtest.com/blog/13-tips-for-driving-safely-in-bad-weather/
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2pFygaM
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mmakalaure · 5 years
Should I Learn To Drive?
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In the modern day, where public transport is available to everyone at a reasonable cost. People often debate whether or not it is worth learning to drive. 
This is generally due to the high costs involved, for both driving lessons and the tests involved. And of course, there’s the cost of a car.
But today, we are going to give you a plethora of reasons why it is worth learning to drive!
First and foremost is the freedom provided by being able to drive. You can go anywhere you want, whenever you want. 
Whilst this is possible without a car, you are often limited to a certain range, as some places will take too long to get to get to without a car.
It also means that you no longer have to rely on anyone else, because you can travel independently.
New Job Opportunities 
In the modern day, often a requirement for jobs is that they want you to be able to drive.
So it goes without saying that if you can drive, that is another factor that can make you a favourable choice over other candidates that have applied for the job.
In addition to being a requirement for jobs, it can also allow you to expand your horizons in terms of the location. Perhaps the niche that you want to work in is not available in your local area, once you can drive, you can then get a job as far a distance as you want.
This means that you have the potential to apply for more jobs, and are therefore more likely to get one.
Time Management
When it comes to effective time management, being able to drive is a huge benefit. 
This is because you are no longer restricted by the timetable of public transport, which is not always reliable, anyway. 
Furthermore, you won’t have to rely on friends and family for trips to places or quick jobs such as popping to the shop. Instead, you can go when it suits you.
Similarly to the previous point, simple jobs such as shopping can be made far easier when you have a car. Particularly if you rely on public transport for your shopping trips.
Obviously, by having a car, you can then store your shopping in the car, which means you don’t have to carry it all at once.
Whereas if you were to use public transport, not only would you be limited to what you can carry, but also the space provided from said transport is not going to be near that of a car.
Furthermore, having a car can also be a great benefit to those looking to move furniture. Whether you are a student, or perhaps you are moving house; whatever the case, having a car will allow you to move the furniture yourself.
This means you will save money as you don’t need to hire a company to do the moving for you!
Not only that, but you can also hire a van. This provides more space than cars, and also will be cheaper than hiring a team to move the furniture for you.
Which is another win win!
Last but certainly not least we have holidays. Everyone loves holidays, but they can be a lot of hassle if you have to take transport such as trains and buses.
With all the stops involved and having to move around luggage from place to place, it can add unnecessary levels of stress.
All of this stress can be removed simply if you have a car. Not only can you pack much more, but you also only have to worry about storing the luggage at the start, and removing it at the end.
Even if you do want to stop, you can leave your luggage safe in your car, knowing that it won’t drive away without you!
Plus, with your own car, you can go whenever you wish! Perhaps you fancy nipping down to the coast for the weekend, not a problem.
Now you’ve finished reading this post, go and book yourself a driving lesson, and get that driving license you deserve!
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2r73dow
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mmakalaure · 5 years
Should I Learn To Drive?
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In the modern day, where public transport is available to everyone at a reasonable cost. People often debate whether or not it is worth learning to drive.
This is generally due to the high costs involved, for both driving lessons and the tests involved. And of course, there’s the cost of a car.
But today, we are going to give you a plethora of reasons why it is worth learning to drive!
First and foremost is the freedom provided by being able to drive. You can go anywhere you want, whenever you want.
Whilst this is possible without a car, you are often limited to a certain range, as some places will take too long to get to get to without a car.
It also means that you no longer have to rely on anyone else, because you can travel independently.
New Job Opportunities
In the modern day, often a requirement for jobs is that they want you to be able to drive.
So it goes without saying that if you can drive, that is another factor that can make you a favourable choice over other candidates that have applied for the job.
In addition to being a requirement for jobs, it can also allow you to expand your horizons in terms of the location. Perhaps the niche that you want to work in is not available in your local area, once you can drive, you can then get a job as far a distance as you want.
This means that you have the potential to apply for more jobs, and are therefore more likely to get one.
Time Management
When it comes to effective time management, being able to drive is a huge benefit.
This is because you are no longer restricted by the timetable of public transport, which is not always reliable, anyway.
Furthermore, you won’t have to rely on friends and family for trips to places or quick jobs such as popping to the shop. Instead, you can go when it suits you.
Similarly to the previous point, simple jobs such as shopping can be made far easier when you have a car. Particularly if you rely on public transport for your shopping trips.
Obviously, by having a car, you can then store your shopping in the car, which means you don’t have to carry it all at once.
Whereas if you were to use public transport, not only would you be limited to what you can carry, but also the space provided from said transport is not going to be near that of a car.
Furthermore, having a car can also be a great benefit to those looking to move furniture. Whether you are a student, or perhaps you are moving house; whatever the case, having a car will allow you to move the furniture yourself.
This means you will save money as you don’t need to hire a company to do the moving for you!
Not only that, but you can also hire a van. This provides more space than cars, and also will be cheaper than hiring a team to move the furniture for you.
Which is another win win!
Last but certainly not least we have holidays. Everyone loves holidays, but they can be a lot of hassle if you have to take transport such as trains and buses.
With all the stops involved and having to move around luggage from place to place, it can add unnecessary levels of stress.
All of this stress can be removed simply if you have a car. Not only can you pack much more, but you also only have to worry about storing the luggage at the start, and removing it at the end.
Even if you do want to stop, you can leave your luggage safe in your car, knowing that it won’t drive away without you!
Plus, with your own car, you can go whenever you wish! Perhaps you fancy nipping down to the coast for the weekend, not a problem.
Now you’ve finished reading this post, go and book yourself a driving lesson, and get that driving license you deserve!
from Ontario Road Test http://bit.ly/2Mp7kqs
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mmakalaure · 5 years
Factors To Consider For Your M Road Test
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At Book Your Road Test, not only do we want to help you with booking your road tests, we also want to help you pass them!
To do this with have compiled a list of factors that you should consider before you take your M road tests.
Of course, by taking these things into consideration, it will not guarantee your success, however, it will certainly help you to achieve it.
Vehicle Checks:
Often when it comes to taking a road test, people are always thinking about the experiences that they might encounter during the test itself.
However, what some people forget to do, is to check the working condition of the vehicle.
The last thing you want is to do is turn up to your test to find that your vehicle isn’t working.
A few things that you should check are:
- Oil and filter change
- Chain slack and lube
- Tire pressure
- Lights
Those last two are quite critical.
Understanding how to inflate your tires and the pressures that are required is an important life skill.
Incorrectly inflated tires lead to inefficient driving, excessive fuel use and can potentially be dangerous.
Likewise, the correct operation of your lights is also really important. If you think you’re indicating yet your bulb is out, you might be confusing other drivers.
Environmental Conditions:
This is a factor that people often do consider, however it’s only once they begin the road test.
Be sure that you are aware of the potential terrains and how they can change in certain conditions.
For example, if your location consists of a large number of inclines and declines, remember to brake in good time, in order to avoid any chance of accidents.
Alternatively, if you are taking your road test in a gravelly area, it is important to take it slow around bends, as you will have a reduced grip.
By proactively thinking about the effects of the weather on the environment, you will be in a much better mindset when it comes to taking your test.
Vehicle Practice:
Although most people use the vehicle that they have been learning with to take their road tests.
You might find that due to a ranging set of circumstances, you have to use a different vehicle.
If this is the case, we recommend that you practice using it as much as possible.
The more comfortable you are with the vehicle, the fewer things you have to worry about during your road test.
On the off chance that you are unable to get any practice in the new vehicle, but do know the vehicle that you are going to be using, it is worth having a look online to see the similarities.
You could also ask people you know to see if they have any experience with the same model.
Driving Location:
Last but not least we have the driving location. While not a direct factor, there are multiple reasons why factoring in the location can be beneficial.
Reason one is that if you know the location well, you are more likely to feel at ease on your road test because there will be fewer surprises.
Also, if you are unfamiliar with the location, don’t be afraid to drive with more caution than usual.
It is far better to be safe than to be overconfident and cause a problem due to not knowing what’s around the corner.
Remember, you are being judged on your ability to drive safely, not drive fast.
As we mentioned at the start; although we cannot guarantee that these factors will make you pass, it will certainly help you.
from Ontario Road Test http://bit.ly/2ZMgXC4
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mmakalaure · 6 years
The Step-by-Step Guide On How To Book A Road Test
So you've been working hard preparing for your road test, or perhaps you want to set yourself a deadline. Whatever the reason for coming here, you obviously clicked to find out exactly how to book a road test.
That's why in this post we are going to show you step-by-step, how to book a road test. Throughout this guide we will be using several screenshots taken from our website in order to help visually show you the process.
To begin you're going to want to head to our website, Book Your Road Test. On our homepage you will see this section.
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Which brings us onto step 1:
Test Centre & Type
On this menu you are provided with two drop down menus, the first being where you select your Test Centre. We do have more blogs which detail how to effectively pick your Test Centre, which can be found here.
Once you have chosen the Test Centre, you can then choose which test you want to book. To do this simply use the drop down menu titled "Select Test Type". Then choose the test that you want to book like shown.
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Booking Summary
Once both criteria have been selected, click the "book now" button. This will take you to the Booking Summary page, where you can check the price and details of the test you've booked, before proceeding to checkout.
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Make sure to read over this information, to ensure that you are happy with location and test type. Then click "proceed to checkout".
Then like that, we are already on the final step!
In the checkout there are multiple fields that need to be filled out, these include common fields such as: Name, State, Postal Code, etc...
But you are probably wandering what information is needed specifically for booking a road test.
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As shown in the image above, we only require two specific types of information. The first being your license details, so we can book the test for you; and second is your time preference.
Due to the fact that not all times and dates will be available, we ask that you can provide some more general time frames, so that we can book the best time within your availability.
We also ask that you provide an alternate road test centre. There are two reasons for this, the first being that your chosen test centre may not be open on the date that you have requested, and secondly we may be able to book an appointment at the perfect time and date at an alternate road test centre which may not be available at the original centre chosen.
Once you've filled out your details, click "next". From here you are simply required to provide payment details, then we will send you email confirmation of the purchase and booking.
It really is that simple!
from Ontario Road Test http://bit.ly/2GC3RQW
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mmakalaure · 6 years
How To Easily Pass Your G1 Written Test
The G1 written test is sure to put fear into any driving wishing to continue on to get their G1 Exit test and eventually move on to their G2.
As with any exam, it brings with it the fear of failure which leads to nerves, but it doesn't have to be this way.
However, like many things in life, preparation can make all the difference.
You'll have plenty of time to get ready for the test, and there are lots of resources available to help you, so, follow the steps below and you'll breeze through the test first time!
1) Start preparing straight away
It's never too early to prepare for your written test, so start now!
The best thing to do is to get hold of the Drivers' Handbook, which is available here online: https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook
Read it, re-read it and then read it some more. It will give you all the information you need to pass the test.
2) Take some sample tests
There are lots of sites who have sample tests you can take, one of the best is here: https://www.g1.ca/g1-practice-test/
Search for others, though. You might pass one test with flying colours, but you might have been lucky with the questions, so keep revising and keep taking tests.
3) Revise your incorrect answers
If you take some tests and you keep getting the same bits wrong, then check in the manual (see: 1).
Revision tips:
Even with all the sample questions and the manual, you need to prepare your mind to take in all of that information, so here are some tried and tested tips.
1) Have plenty of rest
You can't revise when tired. So, if you've come back from work/school and you're exhausted, it's best to get some rest before attempting to absorb all that knowledge.
2) You won't learn well when stressed
Likewise, if work has caused you a lot of stress - get it out of your system first.
Take a walk, do some exercise, play some sport. Do something to take your mind off the issues of the day and then start your revision relaxed.
Before the test
Finally, when you're due to take the test, you need to prepare yourself.
1) Don't cram
If you've not revised by now, it's too late! Don't try to cram everything in the night before. In fact, relax as much as possible the day before the test.
2) Try to get a good nights' sleep.
Keep away from the things that would normally keep you up. Don't watch TV until late, don't go out and have a lot to drink, stay off the coffee.
3) Get to the test early.
You have all day to do the test, there's no limit other than when the test centre closes, but you're fooling nobody by turning up 30 minutes before closing time!
from Ontario Road Test http://bit.ly/2RFqquQ
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mmakalaure · 6 years
After the Road Test - How about defensive driving?
For many people, the road to booking their road test is one full of education and understanding of the rules of the road and how to make sure you don't break those rules, so you pass your test.
The test becomes the gateway to freedom and the one milestone that has to be passed to get out there and be a safe and responsible driver.
However, for a few, this is just the beginning.
Some drivers simply pass their test and then forget most of what they've learned, but there's a group of drivers who practice a technique that can help save lives, fuel and insurance premiums, and it's based on common sense.
Defensive driving is a practice defined loosely as "driving to save lives, time and money in spite of conditions around you and the actions of others."
These are important points which we'll cover one-by-one.
Driving to save lives
Let's face it, cars are dangerous.
The minute you pass your road test, you can drive your car around without supervision. That car is over a ton of steel, and if it hits your regular soft-skinned human, it's going to hurt them — a lot.
They can also do a lot of damage to other cars, which can become very expensive.
But, let's concentrate on people.
Defensive driving means expecting the unexpected.
For example, if you turn a corner and a person is crossing the road out of view, then you might not see them until it's too late. It might well be entirely their fault. They might be crossing the road without looking, their face buried deep in a mobile phone and their headphones so loud they can't hear.
Does it matter who's fault it is if you hit them and they end up seriously injured or even dead?
A defensive driver will make doubly sure that the way is safe, and rather than rely on the actions of the person crossing the road; they will assume that anybody crossing is unaware of them, regardless of the situation.
This goes equally for other places on the road where people may be standing, ready to cross. The defensive driver will be looking for areas where people might not be fully aware of their location and adjust speed and direction to suit.
Another area where safety is important is when following others.
Keeping your distance behind the car in front is extremely important because if they brake sharply, you need to be sure you can stop in good time, too.
The best defensive drivers will use a roadside object such as a tree to time the distance between them and the car in front and adjust if necessary.
Taking these precautions will save lives and also the emotional trauma caused, regardless of fault, to those involved in many accidents.
Driving to save time
This might sound odd, but driving extremely quickly might not be the best way to get from A to B.
Judging the cars around you and understanding the best way to avoid traffic, to keep flowing at junctions, that's the real skill.
A professional driver friend of mine almost never got stuck at a red light. He would look ahead and judge when the lights were about to change and either slow down or speed up accordingly.
Very often he would reach traffic lights at a time just before they were about to go green, and he could then nip in front of the cars queuing. It was quite a thing to be in a car with him.
He didn't drive particularly fast, but he could easily beat anyone else simply by reading the road and being in the correct position at the right time.
Driving to save money
Fuel is getting more expensive every week, so making the most of it is essential.
That means never hammering the accelerator to pull away, not braking hard and never driving faster than is necessary.
Studies have shown that driving aggressively can burn up to 40% more fuel than those who take a more considerate approach.
A few tips to save money:
If you're braking hard all the time then you're driving too fast. Adjust your speed to the road conditions and traffic. Stop/start driving is a massive suck on your fuel
When approaching a roundabout, look ahead and adjust your speed so you can slide into the traffic flow without excessive braking. This will save you time and fuel.
Do you really need to overtake? It probably won't make much difference to your journey time, yet it will burn a lot more fuel as you accelerate.
Can I take a course to learn all this?
Check your local press and you'll probably find advanced courses in your area that will cover all of these topics.
However, one of the best ways to learn is through experience, and you'll get that as you explore the roads with your new full driver's license!
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2Rw2yW1
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mmakalaure · 6 years
How Has The Road Test Changed?
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The one thing that we can be absolutely certain about when discussing transport is that it's always going to change.
The amount of change is driven by many factors, including technology, the environment and population growth, but in general, we're heading towards more efficient, safer and more environmentally friendly roads.
The road test has to reflect this.
Although all aspects of road use are important, safety surely has to be one of the most critical.
In 2016 there were 35,533 collisions that resulted in injury, and 439 that ended up in death.
Given the population, that's actually a lower statistic than many countries in the world, but any death is surely a death too many?
It's for this reason that the road test has changed.
Since 1994, there has been a graduated license system in Ontario, meaning you can't simply pass a test, get your license and then start driving.
You can get your learner's permit at the age of 16, however legislation which came into effect in December 2009 now means that high-school dropouts can have their licences suspended until the age of 18. That's added incentive to do well at school!
When you've got your license, you then have five years to get your full (known as 'G') license.
Given that you now need driving experience in order to be able to apply for your final test and get your licence, it takes longer to pass, but it can still be obtained within 20 months.
If you have lessons with an approved instructor, you can possibly qualify for a shortened time interval.
Visiting Ontario
If you visit Ontario, you are allowed to drive on your existing license for up to 90 days, and if you're a resident, you will have to have been in the province for 60 days before applying for your Ontario one.
The enhanced license
Enhanced Drivers Licences are an option when requesting your license and they are almost identical to standard licenses.
However, for regular travellers into US, it has the benefit of having a machine-readable section on the back, meaning border crossings are far quicker.
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2KMDU0U
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mmakalaure · 6 years
How to choose your drive test centre
Choosing your drive test centre should be easy.
After all, surely you just go for the one that's closest to where you live?
But maybe there's more to it than that, and maybe it's worth checking the statistics to find out if one centre is maybe easier to pass at than the others?
Should there be a difference?
Let's face it, they should all be the same, but when people say one test centre is easier to pass at than another, they might not be just going on anecdotal evidence. There's every chance they might be right.
And, statistics would seem to back it up.
For example, Brampton has a 53% failure rate on the G2 test, compared to Kenora which has a 7% failure rate.
So why such a huge difference?
Some might argue that the area itself is easier to drive around, or that the examiners are maybe a little more lenient, and that might be the case, but it could also have something to do with population.
Kenora has a population of just over 15,000, Brampton? Nearly 600,000.
It's obvious that more people are going to be taking tests in Brampton, and due to the higher population you're going to get a bigger range in the skills of the people taking them.
Also, the roads are probably a little more forgiving in Kenora.
Where should I take my test then?
This, really, comes down to you, and the best advice is to be taken from your instructor.
Having a good, registered instructor is the best way to pass your test first time, and he or she will know the best roads to take you on, and therefore the best places to get the most experience.
They'll also be able to advise on the best test centre.
At the end of the day, all examiners are vetted and are supposed to give a bias-free judgment on your test, so where you go shouldn't matter, it should all be down to your skill.
If you pass at one centre, it follows that you should be able to pass at all of them.
So, don't worry, choose the best centre for you, and good luck!
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2BBrHZY
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mmakalaure · 6 years
How to Book Your Road Test in Ontario
Safety is a huge concern for the Ministry of Transport in Ontario, so they take the road test very seriously. They want to ensure that the roads are the safest possible, and so there are two types of road test.
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In many countries, the drivers test is a simple matter of passing one practical test on the road itself, in others, there's also a written test. The Ontario road test is graduated.
Class G2 Road Test
This is often referred to as the "city test".
It's usually around 20 minutes long and if you pass, you will get your G2 license which will then allow you to take your "G" test.
G Road Test
When you have your G2, you can, after gaining a year of experience, take your Class G test.
This test takes around 30 minutes and is a little more advanced, taking in the highway as well as more challenging roads.
When to book
Whichever test you are taking, it's worth keeping the following in mind:
Before taking your G2 test, you must have gained at least one year of driving experience, although this can be reduced by up to four months if you attend an MTO-recognized driving school.
Once you have your G2, you must gain a year's experience again before applying for your G road test.
Before booking, you will need a valid driver's licence number. If you licence has expired, you cannot book your test.
Only book if you are confident you can handle your vehicle safely.
What should I do before my test?
You have plenty of time before taking your test to prepare, so you should use it wisely.
As well as the practical side of learning to drive, you should also study the MTO Driver's Handbook which will give you much more insight into the art of handling a car, and how you should deal with typical situations.
Together with your driving experience, you will have all the knowledge you need to enable you to pass your test.
The MTO also suggests you take a BDE (Beginner Driver Education course) to give you a better understanding of the basics of road craft.
By taking the course, you may also reduce the amount of time you need to wait before taking your tests.
According to the official MTO website, you need to then be prepared to show competence in the following conditions:
tarting, stopping, and turning.
Traffic signs and lights.
Passing vehicles, including bicycles, and driving in passing lanes.
Travelling through controlled and uncontrolled intersections.
Parking, reversing, and three-point turns.
Foreseeing hazardous conditions and being ready for them.
The Class G test goes into a lot more depth, in particular, you will need to show knowledge of driving on the highway. You must also declare how many times in the last three months you have driven on a 400-series highway.
If you can't show that you have driven at least five times on a 400-series highway in the last three months, your appointment will be cancelled and you will forfeit 50% of your road test booking fee.
The Vehicle
Your vehicle must meet a certain set of requirements, otherwise your test will be cancelled and you will lose 50% of your fee.
A car will be declare "out-of-order", should any of the following apply:
Vehicle equipped with ignition interlock device but no ignition interlock (l) condition on the licence.
Ignition interlock device not installed if a requirement exists. 
Roof down and/or unsecured (convertible-style vehicle). 
Non-functional or uninstalled door(s) (door does not open and/or does not close). 
Non-functional dual brakes (driving instructor vehicle). 
Non-functional foot brake. 
Non-functional or missing seat belt (for applicant or examiner). 
Non-functional right/left brake light. 
Non-functional turn signal. 
Non-functional head lights or tail lights (darkness and/or limited ability). 
Non-functional windshield wipers or no washer fluid (if weather conditions warrant).
Non-functional defroster/defogger (if weather conditions warrant).
Non-functional horn or speedometer. 
Damaged windshield, large cracks, stars, etc. 
Not secured or missing seat. 
No rear bumper. 
No mirror. 
Flat tire, or a temporary tire, on any wheel. 
Defective tires. 
More than one wheel nut missing on a wheel. 
Unsecured or defective muffler. 
Obvious fuel leaks. 
Fumes in vehicle. 
Unsecured vehicle parts (e.g., hood). 
Unclean vehicle that poses health risk to the examiner. 
Visible or audible defects that contravene the Highway Traffic Act. 
Defect that affects the safe operation of a vehicle.
Brake found out-of-adjustment during air brake practical test (for Z endorsement); applicant can complete the air brake practical test but any accompanying road test cannot proceed. 
Use of a panel van for road test (exception: person with a disability or a special need who cannot reasonably provide an alternative vehicle).
(source: https://drivetest.ca/tests/road-tests-vehicle-requirements.html)
When should I get to the test centre?
You should aim to get to the test centre at least 30 minutes prior to your test time to allow for any delays on the way.
Will weather affect the test?
Tests will take place regardless of the weather unless it is deemed to be dangerous.
Can I bring a passenger?
No. Only the driver and the examiner are allowed to be in the car during the test, unless a translator is needed, in which case this should be booked prior to the test.
Anything else?
There are a few obvious, yet easily forgotten things you should bear in mind for the test.
Make sure you have plenty of gas in the car
Bring your driver's licence
Bring your confirmation email (printed)
Wear glasses or contact lenses if needed
What happens next?
When the test is over, you'll get a complete report that will outline your skills.
If you didn't pass, the report will explain what you need to work on to improve, so you should talk to your instructor and start practising.
If you pass, you will get a temporary licence which you can use until your permanent one arrive.
Good luck!
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2yTCJY3
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mmakalaure · 6 years
Seven Simple Techniques To Help Reduce Road Test Nerves
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I remember my first road test.
I couldn't sleep the night before, so I was already exhausted, but this was compounded by sweating palms and an inability to eat or drink.
My stomach was churning, and as I sat in the car, I realised I couldn't press the accelerator pedal without my foot shaking uncontrollably.
You can probably guess, I didn't pass.
This isn't an isolated incident, either. Many people suffer in the same way and simply can't operate when put under the pressure of the test. Luckily, there are some ways to cope, here are just a few.
1) Belief - it's not the answer, but it's part of the answer
There are some people who spend their days looking in a mirror chanting the words "I will be an astronaut", even though they can't even fly a kite and get the jitters in a shopping mall elevator.
Belief is something that many new-age gurus will tell us is the answer to everything in life. If only you believe it, you can do it.
Well, to some extent, there's some truth to it, but it's not the whole story.
Some people are on the opposite end of the scale. I once knew a guitarist who, I'll be frank, could give Neil Young a run for his money.
He, however, didn't believe he could. He thought he was average at best and so he didn't follow his dream and he still works in a dispatch office on the outskirts of Toronto.
So there's a balance, and you have to understand your own skills.
If you know deep down that you have the relevant skills and experience, then having a belief in yourself is a great asset.
So, believe what your instructor has told you, realise that all those people telling you that you can drive are probably telling the truth and banish doubt from your mind.
2) Breath deeply
You might find that when you're nervous your breathing becomes shallow and quick.
This is a natural bodily response, but you can control it by simply slowing your breathing and taking more determined and deeper breaths.
This will feedback to your body to calm down, and in many cases it makes people feel much better, however, don't overdo it.
A friend of mine sat their deep breathing for a long time and started to go lightheaded, that's not an ideal situation to be in when you're about to drive!
3) While waiting, read a book or surf the Internet
Waiting for your turn to take the test can be nerve-wracking.
Your mind will be going over all the things you've done, all the mistakes you've made, all the signs you need to remember etc.
Well, it's probably too late to be revising now, so chill.
Take a book and read it. Distract your mind from the job at hand and relax.
Most sportspeople will tell you that before a big event, they relax. They spend as much time doing something totally unrelated to their sport as possible.
All the training has got them to this point; no amount of last-minute push-ups will give them an advantage now.
4) Practice the test
Try to emulate the test conditions with your instructor, or even another instructor to see what it will be like.
Familiarity with the situations regarding the test will make it much easier to handle on the day, and the more practice you get in, the easier it will be.
5) Think about the future
What will being able to drive allow you to do?
Sometimes, merely thinking about the benefits of being independently mobile can make you feel a heck of a lot better.
For example, I couldn't wait to be able to drive my family to the beach the day after I passed (I waited a bit, I was still a little rusty), and it made taking the test a lot easier to stomach.
This is a little like the belief idea up above. The more you concentrate on the good times that will come, the easier it will be to believe that you can do it.
6) Chew gum
Chewing gum is a very well known distraction technique that can help you to calm your nerves.
You can also get a good indication of how nervous you were, too. At the end of the test, if you realise you have an achy jaw, you know you needed that gum!
Try not to be too noisy though; it could put the examiner off!
7) If it's all too much, seek help
Simple techniques you pick up off the Internet are great, but they might not be the answer to all your problems.
Sometimes nerves take over, and you simply can't operate, and that's the time to seek professional help.
Firstly, go to see your doctor and see how they can help. They might be able to refer you to a complementary therapist or prescribe something that will calm you on the day, but don't be tempted to take any kind of drug without professional advice.
Although there might be remedies that purport to assist in alleviating nerves, if they also affect your senses or state of mind, you might be breaking the law, so always get advice.
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2pDCDzK
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mmakalaure · 6 years
Passing your road test - a video guide!
Here at Book Your Road Test, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to pass first time, so we've put together this very short video to help!
Hope you enjoy it!
Read more here: https://bookyourroadtest.com/
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2xK4672
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mmakalaure · 6 years
How hard is the g1/m1 test?
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The Written Test
The G1 and M1 written tests are both very similar. There are a few exceptions due to the size and nature of motorcycles and cars being different, however the questions are very similar overall.
The questions are split into two main categories, road rules and road signs. Furthermore, most of these questions are based on common sense, meaning if you take a moment to think about it, you will undoubtedly know the answer.
The best way to revise for the test is to get the official driver or motorcycle handbook. Once you have your hands on it, it's best to read through it at least twice to get the information to soak in.
Depending on how you soak up knowledge, it might be worth reading it more, and focus attention on the aspects of driving that you feel would be most challenging.
It is also worth going online and looking for practice tests that you can take because they will often be similar to the questions that you may receive in the written test you take.
In order to pass the test you need to score 80% or more. As with anything, the more you practice the better chance you have of success.
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Put Your Mind At Ease
Everyone feels nervous when they are taking a test, some less than others however, we have compiled a list of factors which will help put your mind at rest to give you the best chance at success, because you deserve it!
Common Sense: As previously mentioned, many of the questions are based on common sense, meaning if you just think the question through, you will find it easier to come to the right answer.
No Time Limit: A big fear factor for people when it comes to taking tests is the time limit. However when it comes to the written tests for G1 and M1 there is NO TIME LIMIT! That's right, you can take as long or as little as you want.
Multiple Choice: If the previous two points haven't eased your mind, all the questions are multiple choice! This means that you don't have to scrape at ideas out of thin air when you aren't so sure, as you have the answer right in front of you.
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In order to give you the best chance at success, we want to give you some advice. Here are a few tips to consider when taking the test.
Understanding The Questions: Because you have as much time as you need, we advise that you read each question twice, and ensure that you say it clearly in your head. Because if you aren't clear on the question, when looking at the answers you will have the wrong perspective.
Process Of Elimination: As the questions are multiple choice, we suggest using the process of elimination. When looking at the answers, you will often find that one of the answers is completely irrelevant, meaning you can already cross that one out.
Then, with the remaining answers, follow this process of which seems most irrelevant/wrong until you are left with your final answer.
Book your road test at: https://bookyourroadtest.com/
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2OHpY9x
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mmakalaure · 6 years
Will Autonomous Cars Mean We Won't Need A Road Test?
The road test can be a challenge for many people, so the thought that one day cars will drive themselves is a welcome one.
If you're in your 40s or 50s, then you would have grown up being fed the idea that driving a car would be radically different to when your parents used to take you to the beach.
For a start, cars would be electric instead of the gas-guzzling behemoths everyone was driving at the time.
Electric cars would revolutionise travel. They would be clean, fast and efficient. Importantly, they would be cheap.
This was the vision many books gave us during the 70s, but as time moved on, we realised that pure electric cars are still a way off yet.
Sure, Tesla and others are setting the standards, but they're a long way off from being the ubiquitous mode of transport we once thought they would be.
Nope, we're stuck with fossil fuels for now.
But what about the other great hope? One day, we were told, cars would drive themselves.
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Will autonomous cars make the road test obsolete?
Now, again, this has some merit in today's vehicles. Tesla is once again ahead of the curve with cars that can, to some degree, drive themselves, but we're a long way off from being able to tell them to take us to the local mall while we sit back and relax.
Of course, even though cars are not fully autonomous, the technology that is being developed to get there is making its way into today's vehicles and making life much easier.
For example, the road test includes tests of your ability to parallel park. However, if you drive a new Ford with "Active Park Assist", there's no need to do it yourself
It'll even find the space for you!
Does this mean road tests will become obsolete?
This has to be put into perspective, but there are a number of really big obstacles to overcome before we can give up on the road test.
Here are just a few:
1) The technology
To listen to some manufacturers, driverless cars are about a year away. They say this every year, but they say it in a confident manner that would give you the impression that very soon we'll be totally hands-off when it comes to doing the school run.
This is, of course, nonsense.
The technology is still being tested, and it's not advancing as quickly as many people would hope.
Yes, it can avoid accidents, but when they're totally driverless, can they be trusted to make the right decision and avoid injuring or killing others? Some say not, and earlier this year, an Uber car caused a fatality: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/mar/19/uber-self-driving-car-kills-woman-arizona-tempe
Now, the trouble with this is that due to the nature of the technology, the first few accidents are going to be big news. There are accidents and fatalities every day in 'normal' cars, but they don't make the front pages.
However, it leads to the second point...
2) We're just not ready
Our roads were not made for driverless cars.
The current road test goes into a lot of detail about the finer aspects of driving a car, not just on a wide freeway, but on minor roads where the obstacles are wide and varied.
How can a machine handle that?
Yes, it can know that a small child has run out in front of it, but then, how does it decide whether to veer off and hit something else?
Also, how does it navigate stop-start traffic in a busy street with cars and other vehicles parked all over the place?
It would seem that not only are our cars going to have to adapt, but our roads are going to have to do that, too.
This takes long-term planning and investment, and we simply don't have that at the moment.
3) There are legal implications
If you cause an accident, then there's a chance you will be held accountable, and you could be charged with driving without due care and attention.
If a car causes an accident, how will that pan out?
Can a car be held responsible for deciding to cause damage to something rather than hit and potentially kill a dog?
As a driver, the buck stops with you, with an autonomous car, does it stop with the "brain" of the car? Or maybe the person in the driving seat? Or is it the company that manufactured the car?
But even then...
Even so. Let's imagine all of these problems are solved at some point soon.
There is already an industry that we can draw on that has been going through this process for years - the aviation industry.
Planes have had autopilot for decades, and some of the most sophisticated aircraft can take off, navigate and land with little input from pilots.
Does this mean pilots don't need as much training?
Well, no.
In fact, pilots are still required to go through the same rigorous tests, because you never know when the technology might fail.
So our answer is clear, then.
For the foreseeable future, you're going to have to continue to take your road test, and it might even get more difficult!
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2MrJwx1
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mmakalaure · 6 years
Where Is The Easiest Place to Take My Road Test?
Nobody wants to make their road test any harder than it already is, but is there such a thing as an "easy" place to pass your test? Are some test centres automatically harder to impress than others?
Although we'd like to think all test centres are equal, it's true that the failure rates of Ontario test centres can vary wildly.
If you're a little bit worried about your test, and nervous when getting behind the wheel, you might be tempted to look for the easiest place to pass and book your test there.
But how do you find out where that is?
Ask around
It's likely that many of your friends have already taken their test and these are the best people to ask first.
When I was at college, there were many stories doing the rounds about which were the easiest test centres, and conversely, which ones were an absolute nightmare.
The horror stories for one test centre were terrifying.
For one thing, the roads in that area were particularly difficult.
Lots of parked cars, hidden side roads, terrible junctions to navigate, it all added up to a stress-filled time for anyone doing the test.
Also, the examiners had a reputation for being extremely quick to hand out a fail for the slightest rule infringement.
Some would complain that they went beyond that and were especially nasty to the drivers, not putting them at ease at all, instead instilling fear and loathing in them.
Interestingly, this centre had the shortest waiting list, so, after I'd failed my test at one of the apparent easier centres, I booked my second test at this 'difficult' one.
I passed.
So maybe we should take what others say with a pinch of salt?
The stats don't lie
Luckily, we can do a bit of research and find out which centres fail the most people, and therefore deduce whether we're likely to be making things a little difficult for ourselves by going there.
Luckily for us, APNA Toronto has done all the number crunching here: https://www.apnatoronto.com/road-test-failure-rate/
And it makes for quite shocking reading!
The difference between the lowest and highest failure rates is astonishing.
For example, here are the lowest and highest rated test centres for failures in Ontario:
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The differences are incredible!
As you can see, the centre with the lowest failure rate is Kenora with 7%, and the highest is Brampton with 53%!
We could argue why this is so for hours, and still not get a satisfactory answer, but it does show that not all test centres are the same.
It also shows that you should check your local centre on the table before booking, and take their rate into account!
Find out more at : https://bookyourroadtest.com/
from Ontario Road Test https://ift.tt/2CfKlsN
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