mmchangnam · 5 years
the event is beginning soon ( as an auspicious event and as a prefect and certified people person, changnam is excited ) and all is in place, but as it turns out, decorations for an entire spread building like this is more of a science than an art like expected. the entire from hall and entry way of the hanok that houses the commencement party was accidentally left bare. it isn’t an issue, really. but it’s ugly, it’s so plain. and as it turns out, it’s not too difficult to string up some lights and make adjustments to notch it aesthetically on par with the rest of the building. just for posterity’s sake.
and grabbing @mmchaerin to tag along with him was also easily done. now that he’s here, standing around in the empty, plain and modern but definitely plain, room, he feels that something is missing ( something more than almost being entirely forgotten ) the way the party hall had been enchanted larger and more magnificent, the warm and lighthearted tones there were seriously missing here. he gives chaerin a sideways glance with arms crossed over his chest in mock seriousness ( god it’s not serious at all really, because they’re just hanging out and decorating an empty room and he’s changnam ) (( since when is he ever serious unless it’s during class )) “i dunno, dude━ i mean, noona,” he pointedly says ( corrects his informality belatedly because this is a noona not a hyung or just any sunbae ), looking at the box of decorations on the ground next. his frown is soft, echoing gravity without proper intent “━no matter how i look at it, there’s just not enough going on in here.” he moves a hand towards his wand, withdraws quickly to flick up a light or two from the box, levitates them into corners where they blink like burning stars, pretty and simple, next to some of the minute decor he had already lazily propped up in the odd few minutes they had been here, “but i don’t know don’t you think all this stuff in here is still kinda boring?” he gives up pretending to be serious and grins. 
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mmchangnam · 5 years
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mmchangnam · 5 years
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icb it’s gotten to this point but, i’m sky (  🌙 taeil ONLY extras BEGONE !#8289 ) and this serves as my master post for all things mm, aka my home and the only place i ever spend my free time outside of work. hi to you, whether you’re new and i sent you here like sorry lmao or, you’re just looking for some info because we’re plotting. anyway whateva here goes nothin.
information and links :
lee jaeho
intro post ( basic info, plot bunnies )
about page ( all the other stuff )
kwak jungmi
intro post ( basic info, plot bunnies )
about page ( all the other stuff, pop up window, not mobile friendly )
han kyung
intro post ( basic info, plot bunnies )
about page ( all the other stuff )
shin changnam
intro post ( basic info, plot bunnies )
about page ( about, backstory ) 
stats page ( profile, basic info )
summaries :
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kwak JUNGMI    /     ( canon: kwak 2 )
26 years old, freelance reporter, 2nd of the 6 kwak siblings ( @mmjimin​, @mmjieun, @mmjina​, @mmjunsu​. ) daughter of kwak jidam, the famous true seer who’s iconic for her catering to maeobsa shamanism and every tier of fame she garners with the maeobsa, their family reputation drops down with it. generally known as being dirty/traitors, shameless, just an all around messy reputation. jungmi in particular, is known as being a troublemaker, nearly has a criminal record oops, always breaking and entering, extorting, doing what she wants/needs to do. as a reporter she does everything from exposes, conspiracy collums, magic analysis, to cooking and love columns, tbh whatever pays, and whoever will let her put her dirty name on things. ju jak alum, quidditch until 7th year with the chollimas but she quit half way through the final season suddenly. all she wants is to be respected and taken seriously as a professional and a human being yet the whole world really keeps playin.
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shin CHANGNAM   /     ( canon: shin 3 )
16 years old, baek ho house, first year. baek ho first year prefect, herbology club, chollima’s fan club, baek ho announcer for the intramural quidditch team. his family was once known for a lot, including ( having a major role in the korean independence movement and also aiding north korea during the great famine 94 ) but currently they just have a successful bbq and live a really super lowkey life. not really fighting the good fight these days unless it’s in the KITCHEN ya feel?? he’s interested in a lot of subjects, going through a lot of growing pains as he tries to find his place in the world. he feels like he’s meant for a lot more than he’s currently living up to? his family these days are simple and traditional, very much not storming any gates and generally expect their kids will do the same but changnam doesn’t want to be normal. so he studies hard and is searching for who he really wants to be. currently, his first year search is leading him towards care for magical creatures and herbology as favorites, but next year who knows. he is always involved in as much as he can be. extroverted, babey, sunshine energy and he’s informal with all of his hyungs and most of his sunbaes, but usually not noona’s.
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lee JAEHO    /     ( canon: lee 1 )
30 years old, head medi-wizard ( flex healer ) currently being primped by his father to take over ymmc one day, the hospital that his family founded/runs currently ( this is yosul magical medical center ) and they have several other magical hospitals across the country. ymmc is where yosul sends their injured and ymmc sends the medi team to yosul for the quidditch matches. he is currently engaged ! has 4 siblings ( currently 2 are being written, @sungmm​ and the rest are open so feel free to contact me if you’re thinking of writing one of the lee canons ) he’s got the nickname “grim reaper” both professionally and unprofessionally and he just ignores it but boy it’s annoying. a good healer, a great man who hides behind a very cold exterior. cheong ryeong alum ! he played quidditch as a chaser from 1st-7th year!
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han KYUNG    /     ( canon: han a )
31 years old, charms professor at yosul, only cousin of the han main branch family ( @mmcheol​​ @mmseol​ ) head of house for house hyeon mu, and a hyeon mu alum himself. student council staff advisor. born with gumiho blood (ie. this is like veela charm in hp canon), he has unnatural charm that draws a lot of attention to him as a popular, handsome and charming teacher ( complete with a fanclub ) but mostly he’s good at his job and cares about teaching charms very much. all is not what it seems with him. he’s basically just, pinocchio re-imagined i guess, a loveless person, literally, at least, initially. he was conceived while his mother was under the effects of a love potion and therefore was born unable to experience true love. but a mishap with a love potion current day ( mmevent1 ) has sent him into a place where he can FEEL now, but boy it’s really not any better YIKES. complicated muse. how to explain this professor without a novel. idk, just DM me ASJDFKL.
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mmchangnam · 5 years
🗑️  trashcan archive     /    deleted messages , unread edition .
  ✖ ➠   @mmjunsu​​ .  
[ deleted ]
[ 04 / 21 / 19 ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 : hey you, kiddo, junsu, bestest boy!  [ unread ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : you awake? i’m scared to go to sleep... [ unread ]
[ deleted ]
[ 06 / 10 / 19 ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 : the thing tomorrow ? like the kwak thing ?  [ read ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : yea ig i can come, i mean you’d be 2 bored w/o me there anyway [ read ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : is jina going to be there too ? [ unread ]
[ deleted ]
[ 07 / 15 / 19 ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 : some kids were...saying these things today, about your mom when you left the classroom  [ unsent ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : do you have to put up with that a lot? [ unsent] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : well they’re fucking stupid, and they don’t really say it when i’m around so i guess i’ll just stick close to you... [ unsent ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 : not to be LAME but will you come over and watch anime w me LMAO mayyybe ur my only friend because youre the only one with good taste in anime !!!  [ read ]
[ 11 / 12 / 19 ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 : i know it’s been like 100 years and ur still around and all, but...promise you’ll always be my friend?  [ unready ]
[ deleted ] 
[ 1 / 1 / 20 ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 : another year !!!!  [ read ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : our friendship stay FLEXIN [ read ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : it’ll stay that way right, weirdo? [ read ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : even if i’m not as cool as you ? [ unsent ]
[ deleted ]
[ 03 / 4 / 19 ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 : i’m glad we got into baek ho together, another win for the ultimate duo, can u believe fate is on our side? [ read ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : tbh idk what i’d do if you weren’t in my house...it’d be so weird not to have you there with me UGhhh [ unsent ]
[ 03 / 10 / 19 ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 : u awake, junjun?????????? [ unread ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : come over i can’t do math and i’m legit crying [ unread ]                                                           .   .   . 👤 보조개 꼬마 : ok well, i finished the math..... can u still come over? :(( i miss you !!! [ unsent ]
[ deleted ]
[ 03 / 20 / 19 ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 :i see how you didn’t wait for me after class today. could this be because you spotted a CERTAIN noona and ran after her??????  [ read ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 :[ image ]  [ read ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : do you really like her or what?  [ unsent ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : are things really going to change now :((  [ unsent]
[ 04 / 12 / 20 ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 : how are we even still frends when ur SO dUAKDSFk DuMb LMAO  [ read ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : jk ily please never leave me i’d do anything for you :(( [ unsent ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : i’ll help you w ur homework if you give me your kidney LMAO [ read ]
[ deleted ]
[ 04 / 12 / 20 ]
👤 보조개 꼬마 : don’t kiss anyone ok?  [ unread ] 👤 보조개 꼬마 : please? i don’t like it :(((((( [ unsent ]
[ deleted ]
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mmchangnam · 5 years
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jaemin in the way i hate you (ep 1, 2 & 3)
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mmchangnam · 5 years
i updated this so much (there’s new information at the top and i broke down and included plots too!!) please (re)read and i’ll give you 5 dollars ! also plot with him and i’ll give you 7 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sigh 🤡 follow me, i’ll show you the whole world ( he ! )🠦 shin changnam. my whole world. the whole world. same thing. he’s everything. anyway i’m always here for plotting, i never sleep ig and my discord is (  🌙 taeil ONLY extras BEGONE !#8289 )
Keep reading
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mmchangnam · 5 years
even though he’s a first year he didn’t stay in the dorms. some did, a lot did, but changnam still slept at home in his small room above the shin family restaurant. where he was close to his sisters, he could say goodbye to his mother in the mornings ( where his father lingering in the back or the office, never bothered to wish him off in the morning but, changnam still found the time to wave, at least ) and it was easy, not even a result of himself, when his mother handed him extra dosirak’s for the day. packed up with food for him ( usually enough for junsu at least, but sometimes, just enough for sihyun, too ) today was one day he carried not one but 3 boxes in his pack.
it’s sometimes surprising ( a little unbelievable, sweet satisfaction that finally he can see his hyung on equal terms ) it’s funny that they might go from nothing to something like this ( from sihyun’s quiet presence wedged in the corner of his family shop from time to time to someone changnam could see every day ) the escalation was just new enough. not like junsu, who changnam had known for so many years it was like second nature. sihyun is new, that hyung is finally in his life now for real. changnam slings himself into the common room at lunch, coming down from a class high ( starting a new chapter, learning new spells !! ) and spots sihyun with some effort. it takes scanning ( @mmsihyun seems so subtle, comfortable, even here he warms the room in a way that makes it easy to dismiss when everything else is so loudloudloud ) strutting to the table he clambers into the other side, the bench creaks beneath the exertion of his excess energy, and it’s with great pleasure, that he withdraws his packed lunches. an arched brow that remains playful, teasing at bitterness ( without the actual bite ) “ 엄마 made extra for you. she said you have to keep up your strength because you’re carrying all her hopes and dreams. “ he pops the top of his while distributing one in front of the boy across the tabletop, “ how does it feel to be an unofficial official shin ? i think she thinks if i keep you around maybe i’ll at least learn some manners,” takes a spoon full of a rice with a sigh, “ i told her i have plenty of manners, but i’m invisible and destined to suffer in this world. the youngest child curse, ” he stops talking through his mouth full of food to give sihyun a thoughtful look ( all that teasing was gone and now he just tilts his lips downward with some fluttering, butterfly blinks ) “ how are you? do you want to be alone? because i can totally get lost. you can even keep the unofficial offical son meal,” he smiles.
0 notes
mmchangnam · 5 years
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mmchangnam · 5 years
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sigh 🤡 follow me, i’ll show you the whole world ( he ! )🠦 shin changnam. my whole world. the whole world. same thing. he’s everything. anyway i’m always here for plotting, i never sleep ig and my discord is (  🌙 taeil ONLY extras BEGONE !#8289 )
formally known as shin changnam, youngest of the shin family ( shin 3 ), once known for many great deeds ( ie. having a major role in the korean independence movement w/ his ancestor cheongcheon, and also aiding noko during the great famine 94 ) he is nowadays just a barbecue prince. leads an extremely quaint, quiet life. super normal family, pretty normal kid.
the shin bbq place is pretty well known, good location and wizard friendly ~ their name may not exactly be making waves like the lee’s, moon’s or won’s in current day, but they get by! some of the elderly still think of this place fondly for it’s been run by the shins. and uh, i’m not trying to say the food is good as hell and the prices are better but hey. that’s exactly what i’m saying
he’s 16 int, 18 kr. a first year. house baek ho ! baek ho represent !!!!
not the smartest kid but definitely one of the hardest working kids you know in yosul right now. he walked through those doors ready to make waves.
literally involved in everything he can be without maxing himself out. 
this includes:   
baek ho first year prefect,
herbology club
chollima’s fan club
baek ho announcer for the intramural quidditch team
tbh he’s a classic extrovert. he is so babey. he’s such a cinnamon roll !!!!!!!!!!!!! also he WILL do horrible aegyo to get his way don’t fucking tempt him, it’ll be so cringe and you’re going to break in 10 seconds, BET.
he likes to tease and horse around, gently bullies his friends, speaks informally to hyungs, and just generally is likely asking for an ass beating at almost all times.
definitely the kid who’s quiet in class except when he’s answering questions or asking them, but then he goes into the hall and he’s like AH YO WADDUP YOSUL MAKE SOMe NOIZE !
very nice boy !!!! very very nice boy !!! many good in his heart !!! 
he doesn’t know who he wants to be right now, or what he wants to be when he grows up. but herbology and magical creatures really get him jazzed. he also kind of loves charms though. he’s bad at math though, he’ll leave you on read @ anything like math or reading.
he probably seems like the kid who’s going to be at the back of the yearbook in like 5 most ! / least ! likely categories. like most likely to accidentally become president etc.
decided way more innocent than he seems. but he’s goin through some growing pains atm, and could really use lots of friends and a good support system.
uh he doesn’t sleep! he’s an insomniac and it shows, he always has dark circles under his eyes and looks like death so maybe it’s weird that he talks so much and always seems like he’s at 100% energy, but you just learn to accept it after a while.
he will fight you over his best friends, or making girls cry.
prefect hours always open, soft boy hours always open, loving friends hours always open. CHEONG RYEONG HOURS ALWAYS CLOSED !!!!!! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ proven fact is that BAEK HO is best house, JU JAK is second best house and HYEON MU are cute so they’re ok too!!!!! dragons are YUCK and will NOT beat intramural baek ho team EVER you hear what i’m sayin WHITE TIGER FAR SUPERIOR!!!???!!!
currently dyed his hair (again) it’s like this now! when will the merry-go-round end? it’s like warm light brown now!   
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i’m not even going to suggest plot bunnies, i’ll do it in dms on a personal basis because i have a lot of ideas for dynamics so hmu !  ! ! in hindsight i lied, in the updated version of this ( i am including VERY basic plots concepts i’m seeking ) because i’m a clown.
CLOSE FRIENDS. best friend spot TAKEN but it is ok fellow cuties he has a BIG heart
people he can baby and bring food or cook food for. let the baby baby you for FREE at least once a week
a very pretty noona/hyung that he can get tongue tied around
hyungs that hate when he informally talks to them and also bullies them ( feel free to bully him back, he can take it )
SPORTS! anyone interested in quidditch, playing quidditch etc. people who like his teams, people who are fans of rivals teams.
someone who will make him into a terrible prefect because he sometimes does you favors or lets you go free without getting in trouble...
tutor him in math today for money or other favors because the boy can’t even add....
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you can, without absolutely any trouble, adopt him!!!! FREE baby bro, exclusive offer, with experience (youngest and only son in his family!!!) he can make barbecue...not limited time offer.
he loves magical creatures and herbology atm (it’s his flavor of the week) so maybe you love those too, or maybe you hate them and it’s like wtf weirdo plant boy get out of my way!
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mmchangnam · 5 years
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2K notes · View notes
mmchangnam · 5 years
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mmchangnam · 5 years
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23K notes · View notes
mmchangnam · 5 years
     Oh, do me a 🇫​🇦​🇻​🇴​🇷​ —               Can your 🇭​🇪​🇦​🇷​🇹​ 🇷​🇦​🇹​🇪​ rise a little?
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mmchangnam · 5 years
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