mmscame · 3 years
Eldarya Episodio 11
In your childhood home, a face from your past surfaces: you learn that you weren’t erased from everyone’s mind. A lot of things have changed in your family circle. Faced with all these revelations, one question comes to mind: did they really look for you?
Nella casa della tua infanzia affiora un volto del tuo passato: impari che non sei stato cancellato dalla mente di tutti. Molte cose sono cambiate nella tua cerchia familiare. Di fronte a tutte queste rivelazioni, viene in mente una domanda: ti hanno davvero cercato?
È possibile vincere entrambe le illustrazioni, ma bisogna avere almeno 50% di lov con i personaggi
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Si spendono circa 3000 maana
In verde le risposte che alzano il lov’ometro
In rosso quelle che lo abbassano
In viola quelle che non lo modificano
Vai in soggiorno e ruba la cassaforte del padre!
—> stanza del palazzo.
Allontanati dalla villa prima del ritorno del padre.
—> Vai al quartiere storico, dove sbloccherai il dialogo con i tuoi amici. Dopodiché, vai al centro città.
Vai al pc per avviare la ricerca.
"I was out of loyalty..."
I understand perfectly. I'm sure he needed you more than ever. (+)
Yes, and also to keep your job... (-)
(I shook my head. He was more loyal to my father than to my mother...) (0)
I forbade him to call him. Is that clear? (-)
Please don't call him. We have other commitments to make before... (0)
"Helped by my five colleagues, whose presence you have already noticed"
(I had my means to resist. I could refuse) (0)
(I almost wanted the situation to get out of control, just to be able to hit him) (0)
(It was horrible, but I think I liked him) (0)
"If he needs help or consolation, he will know where to find me."
Thank you, I'm calmer. He doesn't want to talk to me... ()
Do you think he would look for him if he wanted consolation?! ()
I hope he remembers that. He may need... (0)
I understand what you're trying to do, thank you. But it's no use. (+5)
Stop, I don't need it now.
I'm sorry, but... Now is not the time. (0)
(At last! I thought this would never happen again!) (+5)
(At last, he was back! I was very happy to see you ready for the attack again) (0)
(I was a little surprised, but I'm glad...) (0)
"There's something almost poetic about it, don't you think?"
I don't know if you're serious, but yes, actually, until it is. (+5)
Honestly? No, not at all. In fact, it's the other way around. Probably negative
I don't know if it's for that... (0)
"Wait a minute, aren't you curious to know what's happening on Earth?"
Why not, if you prefer...
Honestly? No. Anyway, we will have already left tonight.
Actually, now that you mentioned... A little, yes. (0)
"I don't think these disguises are enough to go unnoticed"
I agree, we were a little presumptuous. (+5)
The disguise doesn't solve everything. It doesn't hide your scar, for example.
That's the least we can say. Everyone is looking at our group.
Nevra? Would you like to stay with us? ILLUSTRATION
(But he was right, we needed to move forward)
(He might well have run away if Nevra hadn't found him)
(Something could have happened to him, and we wouldn't have been able to do anything)
(We needed to concentrate more) (0)
Huang Chu
(I blinked discreetly at her. She reacted positively) (+5)
(I struck her with my eyes so that she would stop smiling) (-5)
Very lucky, really. (0)
I think we should stay on Earth as little as possible. Eating can wait. (-5 Lance and Mateus), +5 Huang Chu and Leiftan)
Actually, I'm hungry too. I am voting in favor of going to eat. (+5 Lance and Mateus, -5 Huang Chu and Leiftan)
I'm going to abstain. Nevra, I'll let you decide. (0)
"Leiftan route:"
I... It's a fear we both have (+5).
As far as I know, it's not a facade (-5)
He's... He's very tormented. His past pursues him... (-5)
Lance's route follows: "I understand... But then, do you fully trust him?"
Let's say I trust him as much as I trust... you, for example. (+5)
I'd like... But a piece of me is still on the defensive.
Yes, blindly. I know he's trustworthy.
Matthew's route follows: "You expected me to try to dissuade her, right?
Let's say you're not always very sweet to him...
No... Not at all! What makes you think about it? (-5)
Well... yes, since you hate him in a cordial way...(TECHNICALLY IT SHOULD BE NEUTRAL)
Nevra's route follows: ""Incidentally, for you... Is it the position he holds that catches your attention? The attraction to power?"
No. Actually, I like him despite that. (+5)
It's not the first thing. It's just... he's smart, you know?
Let's say it's an important factor. I like to see you in charge...
"Say, [Guardian], I have a question about the phones"
(Maybe they're right, I was too nervous. I'd better relax). ILLUSTRATION
(I didn't want to talk now. I'd rather stay alert).
"Give to those who have nothing, fight tyranny and injustice"
I thought the Guard had been founded to maintain order... (+5)
I'm glad you're enjoying the book so much. But I came for another reason. (-5)
I understand... You know what? You should keep the book (0).
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mmscame · 3 years
Some random thoughts
Am I the only one who thinks that the scene where Erika says that if she had her powers back The Guard of El wouldn't need Lance anymore because Eldarya would have her and Leiftan as "secret weapons" was too random, coming from nowhere and harsh????
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Firstly you just admited that Lance seems to had change just 2 seconds ago and secondly ummm the rest of the members like Nevra Chrome Karenn Huang Hua etc don't matter??? Ok I get it you two saved the world but you weren't alone on the battlefield guuuurl
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mmscame · 3 years
Eldarya A New Era - Episode 5 (Nevra)
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mmscame · 3 years
Eldarya A New Era - Episode 5 (Lance)
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mmscame · 3 years
Mr. and Mrs. Zaidi
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mmscame · 3 years
Eldarya New Era Episode 4 (Leiftan + daemon scene) eng
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mmscame · 3 years
Ikd but Lance is giving me "if you didn't love me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" vibes in every scene with him
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Erika shold chill out a little bit...yeah maybe he tried to murder every fucking form of life in Eldarya but that was 7 years ago, get over it...
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mmscame · 3 years
Tell me i'm not the only one who looked at the second episode of ANE illustrationn just to see Mathieu's leg prosthesis...
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It looks normal to me, maybe a little to basic biatchhh knee boots but what could we expect from Mathieu...
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mmscame · 3 years
Eldarya New Era Episode 4 (Lance+Nevra) YouTube english
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mmscame · 5 years
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mmscame · 5 years
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mmscame · 5 years
Why was sooo strange when Candy meet Rayan at the beach random, a night that started all the rumours about they, but them being in the same ride at the fair wasn't something suspicious...
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mmscame · 5 years
U r Românian bcs i am too and hell yes girl
Yep, I'm from Ploiești and my name is Maria
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mmscame · 5 years
I was about to point it out last week, but I forgot. 
Did anyone realized that in the last episode (ep 15) Rayan didn’t kissed Candy in the lips in any moment? It didn’t bothered me. Cuz I find very personally fulfilling the fact that they made travel plans to San Francisco and joked around in the whole episode. 
I really don’t mind if they go in his apartment and didn’t had sex. The same way that I founded cute that in this summer event they simply slept together in the same bed and that was it. 
It’s important to understand that while I do have the hots for Rayan’s appearance it’s not what weigh more to me. Some ppl don’t care about it and thats fine too. But for me, it’s always about love. 
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mmscame · 5 years
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mmscame · 5 years
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I was thinking I can relate with Rayan. I choose Rayan as my LI because him and Armin are sooooo different!!! I had Armin as LI in HL and I was able to get over his absence in UL because I find his "opposite". I lost a funny and spontaneous child but I found someone who doesn't reminds me of HL
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mmscame · 5 years
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