mngrlmgic · 25 days
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Rules || Sh.igeo "Mob" Kag.eyama || Main
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mngrlmgic · 9 months
If the piles and piles of papers around her weren't obvious, Lunella wasn't paying too much attention to who came and went in her room. She scribbled out another few lines, mumbling something about a missing component, before ultimately crumpling the paper and tossing it into a steadily growing pile beside the trashcan.
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Her bloodshot eyes blinked wearily as the colorful icing came into view, and she finally seemed to register Molly's presence. Lifting her glasses to rub at her face for a moment, she plastered a grin.
"Oh- Heyyyyy, Molly!! How's it going– are those for me? You shouldn't have!"
@mngrlmgic LIKED.
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surely lunella doesn't mind the unannounced company , and even if she does she'll change her tune when molly puts the plate of cupcakes in front of her. molly clears her throat , giving a courtesy knock before stepping through caroling a greeting.
" delivery for a ms lafayette ! " she pretends to scan the room as though its full of people. it's just the two of them. " anyone know where i can find lafayette ? "
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mngrlmgic · 9 months
" i don't know anything about the missing fire hydrants? don't accuse me!! " there is a fire hydrant very obviously held behind her back.
"Y'know what? You're right, it'd be very unprofessional for me to just... jump to conclusions like this. Especially without evidence!"
Lunella places a hand to her chest as she speaks, visor mimicking remorseful eyes as a certain dinosaur took hold of the hydrant with his mouth and held it up– lifting Glitch along with it.
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She doesn't make an effort to suppress the growing smirk, her arms crossing as she nods towards the display.
"Thankfully, I got a second opinion! And would you look at that.. seems like a fire hydrant to me!"
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mngrlmgic · 11 months
".. Good to know."
Lunella paused a moment, ruminating on the information divulged. This was a matter of expertise, specialization in a certain facet of creation that made limits such as morality or ethics a constraint. It wasn't out of malice, at least she hoped not, it was just what Hal was good with. When you're good at something, you don't often want to rock that boat.
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She grappled with the rationalizations as the robotic bug beeped happily against Hal's touch, not quite registering the feeling but understanding the gesture all the same. It was too early to make calls like this, but Lunella found herself troubled by the prospect of someone so young dipping into villainy. She hadn't faced anyone her age that wasn't either under the control of a malicious force, or a reflection of herself and her flaws. It was new territory.
"What kind of stuff? Y'know- like are you ever able to rattle off things to a hero and there's always a hard line they draw in the stand or.. is it more dependent on the individual tastes of the hero and where their personal moral codes lie? For curiosity's sake, of course!"
"Do "goody-goody" types just refuse out of principle or is there an inherent destructive purpose to your work?"
The question was more out of curiosity than an accusation, Lunella making a mental note of the others shared hacking skill. She had her fair share of hacking experience, so the skill itself was nothing alarming. The girl held that one's creations, no matter the intent, could swing in either direction morally more often than not. Most likely due to her own past creations occasionally bringing her a lot more trouble than she'd ever intended, even becoming villainous at points.
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She glanced at the robotic bug as it continued it's little game, it was a relief allowing it a personality hadn't backfired spontaneously on her just yet. After her last rogue AI, she'd begun keeping a much closer eye on the developments of her bots.
".. Totally. Though, I mean, hey! There's two of us now at least, right?"
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
"Do "goody-goody" types just refuse out of principle or is there an inherent destructive purpose to your work?"
The question was more out of curiosity than an accusation, Lunella making a mental note of the others shared hacking skill. She had her fair share of hacking experience, so the skill itself was nothing alarming. The girl held that one's creations, no matter the intent, could swing in either direction morally more often than not. Most likely due to her own past creations occasionally bringing her a lot more trouble than she'd ever intended, even becoming villainous at points.
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She glanced at the robotic bug as it continued it's little game, it was a relief allowing it a personality hadn't backfired spontaneously on her just yet. After her last rogue AI, she'd begun keeping a much closer eye on the developments of her bots.
".. Totally. Though, I mean, hey! There's two of us now at least, right?"
"Pfff.. yeah- if you're gonna complain, might as well make it yourself right?"
There was a pause before Lunella had spoken, the explicit mention of villains absolutely grabbing her attention. She did her best not to so visibly react, wanting to dig a bit deeper into what the other had meant.
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The robotic bug scuttled up Hal's arm, settling on her shoulder for a moment before curling up into a spherical shape and rolling back down. Once it landed on the desk it unfurled, beeped, and approached her hand to repeat the action.
"So! What, uh, do you make 'em? Like- do they come to your for anything specific, or is it just run-of-the-mill villain junk?"
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
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Like for a short starter?
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
"The only think "shocking" is how limited your electric pun game is! I mean, watts the deal?"
Is she just being aggravating on purpose now? Possibly! A large grin spreads across her face as Olympia moved from Devil's back to a streetlamp in practically the blink of an eye. Super speed! She'd have to quiz her on it later.
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Taking the opening presented, Lunella signaled for Devil to launch her skyward with his tail. The dinosaur reared back, emitting a roar with enough force to knock the unprepared off of their feet. Pulling her bubble blaster from her pack, the hero fired off a cluster of them to ride Devil's sound waves and rocket towards the villain. Combo!
"Gotta warn you, girl, we've stepped up our game since we grounded you— I hope you brought new tricks!"
Lunella had perked up, brimming with excitement at whatever demonstration the hedgehog was preparing, before the shift in demeanor made her tense. Jumping to her feet as the blast of lightening soared past, her gaze locked onto the source of the attack.
Aftershock– why is she surprised, really? Being the first and largest thorn in her side a return should've been a forgone conclusion, but the timing was rather poor. Can't a girl just throw questions at her dimension's visitor in peace?
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A low growl rumbled in the dinosaur's throat, Devil only prevented from outright charging the woman due to a combination of the passengers aboard his back and the less than pleasant results of the last time he tried such a tactic. At Olympia's sarcastic question, Lunella couldn't help but let out an exaggerated sigh.
"Y'know, I could've gotten a good look at your qualifications if we weren't so rudely interrupted."
The gloves on her hands expand into boxing mitts as she hops off of Devil, already breaking out into motion in anticipation for more electrical attacks— calling up to the other, she spoke.
"But why don't you show me instead?"
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
Previously w/ @rxtroskull .
"Yeah, it sure doesn't."
Lunella fought to keep her composure at the other's potential jab, taking another step towards the man as he backed away.
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"Look. I know you're buddy is probably waiting on you to get back, but it's pretty dangerous around here what with supervillains and petty thieves running about."
The girl plastered a smile over her bubbling frustration, patting Devil's snout as she spoke.
"Why don't we help you out - you can pop in the shop and get what you need, we'll follow and keep you safe!"
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
"Pfff.. yeah- if you're gonna complain, might as well make it yourself right?"
There was a pause before Lunella had spoken, the explicit mention of villains absolutely grabbing her attention. She did her best not to so visibly react, wanting to dig a bit deeper into what the other had meant.
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The robotic bug scuttled up Hal's arm, settling on her shoulder for a moment before curling up into a spherical shape and rolling back down. Once it landed on the desk it unfurled, beeped, and approached her hand to repeat the action.
"So! What, uh, do you make 'em? Like- do they come to your for anything specific, or is it just run-of-the-mill villain junk?"
@mngrlmgic continued from here now with Beta editor
For herself? Hal dabbled in that, not everyone knew all the cool stuff she'd made. Sometimes it felt like there was so much of it she was going to burst if she didn't show it off. Hal got to make things, shady individuals got to do... whatever it is they wanted with said things, wasn't it kind of a win/win?
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"Oooooh I see." Hal nodded, holding out her hand for the little robotic bug to climb up her shoulder, "Usually the villain-types barely even know how to use what I make them. It's always, 'Why is this pink?' 'Why's there a button for lasers and another one for glitter?' like, respect the process, man!"
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
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                                             WHAT’S UP DANGER ? / by hari.
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
"I do try!"
Lunella still found herself a tad unsure with the prospect of being partnered up with someone unfamiliar, though compliments certainly went a long way. It was more the uncertainty of how the two would mesh, the last thing she wanted was a repeat of her last partnered project.
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"Most of the stuff I make is for myself, and when it's not I don't really go in expecting anything for it— plus, you never know what the types looking to buy this kind of tech plan to do with it.. so selling is a total no-go."
@mngrlmgic​ liked for a starter    
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“Whoa, show me that again.” this girl had some nice tech, for what seemed to be a human, Hal was both impressed and terrified, she liked that in a possible new friend, “It’s cool and all but… does it fly?” 
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
@vortship is hanging out!
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Lunella gently pushed herself across the roller rink's floor, stopping just short of the girl lingering in the corner. She wasn't technically working, but she figured it couldn't hurt to take the extra work off the family's shoulders.
"Whatcha doing over here? Waiting on something you ordered?"
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
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Like for a short starter?
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
@crsdtm is gonna love this!
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A carefully wrapped box was placed into the other's hands, Lunella practically bouncing in place out of sheer excitement.
"I made you something!"
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
@blamurdered has been out of the loop..
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Lunella crossed her arms, huffing at the idea that space would be out of her element. As if!
"I've been in space before, navigated it all by myself!"
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