mochifox-cosplay · 1 month
laptop overheating?? pour water on it to cool it down!
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mochifox-cosplay · 9 months
TIL that a recent study out of the University of Kansas found that it takes about 50 hours of socializing to go from acquaintance to casual friend, an additional 40 hours to become a “real” friend, and a total of 200 hours to become a close friend.
via reddit.com
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mochifox-cosplay · 9 months
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mochifox-cosplay · 9 months
Had a doc appt (just my yearly checkup) a couple days ago and I asked her about checking to see if my measles vaccine from when I was a kid was still good, since I’d heard it could lose effectiveness over time. She nodded and had a lab done and turned out I was NOT still immune to measles, so got my booster today.
Get your vaccines, folks!
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mochifox-cosplay · 9 months
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mochifox-cosplay · 9 months
so my apartment building got a notice board to post fire alarm tests and maintenance announcements and such. the building is pretty well-maintained, so we rarely get notices. the board is big and grey and to think it would be empty like that 99% of the time was a bland boring sin i just couldn't bear, so i vandalized the corner of its empty canvas with a teeny tiny Guy
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and within a few days, there was a sudden addition from my one of my neighbors along with a Bunch of thumbtacks. this was an unexpected, but welcome surprise!
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well there was still so much space, i figured i'd add another crumb to the art hoard. i'd been playing genshin that day so i drew my favorite grandpa
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and like clockwork, new art manifested!! this person is gonna grow to be a great artist i know it. the detail in those stones? hell yeah that's cool.
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we're two weeks into it. more neighbors have joined in with their artwork. who knew there were so many artists in my building?? we're onto somethin great here i just know it.
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mochifox-cosplay · 9 months
I just love it when video games let you do really stupid shit that kills you immediately. I love being like "oh this is a terrible idea" and being able to do it and then die. It's good game design.
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mochifox-cosplay · 1 year
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mochifox-cosplay · 1 year
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mochifox-cosplay · 2 years
My turn… (Unmute !)
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mochifox-cosplay · 2 years
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james is always one motto away
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mochifox-cosplay · 2 years
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Yes, Spain!!!!
[Image descriptions: 1. Tweet by AJ+ @AJPlus [gold check verified] that says: Spain became the 1st country in Europe to offer paid menstrual leave, for 3-5 days. It also gave final approval to laws that: [bullet point] enshrine rights to abortion for people over 16 [bullet point] let trans people over 16 self-identify gender by simple declaration, one of the only places to do so [Attached to the Tweet is a photo of a group of people with trans flags gathered on the steps of a building with large stone columns.]
2. A headline from DW that says: “Spain passes laws on trans rights, abortion, menstrual leave – DW.” The visible part of the article says, “The new laws expand transgender rights and abortion access, as well as give workers paid menstrual leave. The approval comes ahead of…” \End descriptions]
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mochifox-cosplay · 2 years
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they are on a date
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mochifox-cosplay · 2 years
genshin impact and vtubers have done irreparable damage to the state of character design
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mochifox-cosplay · 2 years
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★ 【teffish】 「 lumine 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on instagram
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mochifox-cosplay · 2 years
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mochifox-cosplay · 2 years
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electro lumine ⚡️
[Do not repost // twit: @sami_jen // ig: @samijen]
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