mochiio3o · 4 years
reblog if you’re a safe place for:
hopeless romantics
non binary folks
the whole spectrum etc…
follow everyone who reblogs ;)
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mochiio3o · 4 years
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mochiio3o · 4 years
HP Headcanons!
So like these are just some hogwarts headcanons I had in my tiny pea sized brain. 
SO I feel that if a pureblood student  would ever call a muggle-born a “Mudblood” They would pretend to lick their hand and wipe it on the pureblood’s face and say “You’ve got mud on your face, you big disgrace, kickn your can all over the place, singin’ ” and then just every muggle-born would just Stomp stomp clap singing “we will we will rock you” and the pureblood would be so confused and horrified and they would just run away lmaooooo
Also I feel like muggle-born  gen Z students would totally quote vines and memes. Like just think about it, a professor saying “Let’s get down to business,” and half the class is like “TO DEFEAT THE HUNS” and the other half is just scared of them. Also, like just think of all the vines they would quote..... Ok I got one Just imagine at breakfast “AHH” “Dude, I could have dropped my croissant!” or someone giving  an avocado to someone  “Oh, an avocado... Thanks,” 
I HAVE MORe  so I feel like they (The Muggle-borns)  would just casually ask Dumbledore what the wifi password was and he could just casually say “Draco dormien snunquam titillandus123” and the Purebloods would think it was a secret code for something. They would totally bring their Nintendo switches and Phones and all their electronics and would have to explain to everyone what those “Tablets” or devices” do and what they are. they would totally bring normal stationary, like pens, pencils, markers, Erasers, pencil pouches OMG SHARPIES and they would draw on the walls with sharpie and Flinch would never be able to get it off because its PERMANENT and would have to ask a professor to do it because he’s a squib and can’t do magic 
They would probs sell  stationery to the purebloods or halfbloods because like QUILLS THAT CAN ERASE MISTAKES?!? QUILLS THAT CAN WRITE GLITTERY THINGS?!? ERASING THINGYS THAT LOOKS LIKE ANIMALS AND FOOD?!?!? POUCHES THAT STORE YOUR QUILLS AND ERASER THINGYS!?!?! BITCH WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT!?!?!  There would be a blackmarket for this and it would be sold at a shifty ass corner like just imagne “Yo so you got the stuff?” “Yea I gotchu’ fam” “Wait how do I know you’re not a spy for the professors? What’s the secret password?” “UwU” “All right follow me”, and they would go to the Hufflepuff Common Room (Because the Hufflepuffs are chill, they aren’t snitches and also because no one would expect the Hufflepuff’s and they would expect the Slytherins because all the Slytherins are hella cunning and sly and  everyone in Hufflepuff’s too innocent and nice to be doing that, but little will they know....) and  they would exchange it like a drug deal lmfaooo It would totally become like a fad or trend and everyone would be writing essays with glitter pens and pencils and everyone would just go ham on the walls with sharpies (I kinda feel bad for the walls lmao) so then the professors would have to ban them and wouldn’t allow anyone to have one or sell any and any stationary that’s not pencil or pencil pouches would be confiscated (But then the pencils would also be confiscated too because of something lmao) and  thus is why there is now a blackmarket for them. They would do a duplication spell whenever they didn’t have a lot left so  they would always have them in stock and they would never run out!   
Btw the first two ideas were a little inspired by some posts a saw by some users here but I have no idea who they are and I tried looking for their posts but I couldn’t find it so if anyone knows what I’m talking about can you please give me the usernames so I can credit them for inspiring me to make this post, that would be greatly appreciated. :)
That’s all I have for now feel free to add some and tag me in it so I can see what your probably amazing and great ideas you all have :D I’m probably gonna add some more soon so stick around to see more!
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mochiio3o · 4 years
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Gather round kids while I explain this manipulation tactic that men perpetually try to use and why it’s bullshit.
If someone is openly showing interest in you by making disparaging or disappointed comments about your age, they’re trying to put you on the defensive. This guy wants me to try to quell his discomfort, to bring up that I’m only a month shy of 20, etc. - he wants me to try to prove myself to him, that I’m mature and adult enough for a man like him.
His goal is to establish a power imbalance right off the bat. If we were to date, I would constantly be on the defensive, constantly striving to be an equal, constantly trying to prove my “adult” credentials. Anything he says or does or wants from this point on that I object to would just be seen as a strike against my age, proof that he was right and that I’m not mature enough for him. This is how SO MANY men pressure younger individuals (primarily women and girls) into situations and relationships they aren’t comfortable with. If he truly thought I was too young for him, he wouldn’t have messaged me. This is a very calculated move, and it’s fucking gross.
Adult relationships with age gaps are completely fine, but only if all parties view each other as equals. If someone is trying to set you up in a way that ensures that’s never a possibility, run far away.
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