#Gen Z Hogwarts students
harrypottergenzhc · 12 days
in my head, wizards end up using smartphones.
Older people use only the basic apps for calls and instant messages and gen z uses social media but specific ones just for wizards.
Magic smartphones are regulated by the wizard ministry, not allowing wizards to reveal the wizarding world to muggles through muggle social media. Posting magic in muggle social media is considered a violation of the Ministry’s law.
There’s a wizard version of most apps anyway. (This is optional cause it’s so corny but I love it) Instagram would be Instacharm, Twitter is Chaser, Snapchat is Spellchat… etc. Not very original and very funny for muggleborns.
Most wizards still use owls, read the wizard paper and only have phones to see what their children are doing from time to time. So unfortunately howlers are still being sent to poor students who failed an exam or to troublemakers that got detention (ehjemfredweasleythesecondejhhem).
It’s just a headcanon that makes a lot of sense in my head. After the war, blood status lost importance to many pureblood families. A lot of wizards and witches married muggleborns or muggles and there was a cultural exchange, so Hogwarts under the headmaster Minerva Mcgonnagall decided to adapt to the larger amount of half-blood students.
Some electronic devices approved by the ministry (again, no muggle cellphones) such as battery charged radios now worked at Hogwarts. Gen z pureblood students found the Nintendo Gameboy Advance extremely fascinating and muggleborn students found them vintage.
Anyways, what do you think?
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Princess Catharina-Amalia of the Netherlands
Princess Catharina-Amalia (born 7 December 2003) is the heir to the Dutch throne and is the eldest of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima’s three daughters.
Unusually, the monarchy in The Netherlands has been predominantly female-led, with three Queens reigning in succession from 1890-2013, when Catharina-Amalia’s father became King, so she’s in good company historically.
Unlike her parents who have committed a handful of regrettable gaffes (including going on holiday to Greece during a Covid-19 lockdown), Catharina-Amalia seems to have her finger on the pulse of the nation.
Case in point:
She rejected her rights to a yearly royal allowance when she turned 18, ostensibly because as a student (she’s studying politics, psychology, law, and economics at the University of Amsterdam), she’s not a “working” royal but also because it felt wrong during a cost of living crisis.
Much like Prince William here, the Princess is keen to have a normal university experience and lived in shared housing with other students until she was threatened with kidnap by a criminal gang.
She also attended a public primary school and even worked in a beach bar in The Hague during her summer break.
Like many Gen Z-ers, she has spoken candidly about mental health, revealing she sometimes sees a therapist, and while making no direct comments about it, she was the focus of new legislation that means LGBTQIA+ royals would be able to marry anyone they chose without forfeiting their right to the throne.
The House of Orange is in need of good PR, as its popularity rankings have dropped in recent years, with Catharina-Amalia hopefully just the fresh face it needs.
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Princess Elisabeth of Belgium
Princess Elisabeth (born 25 October 2001) will make history when she ascends to the throne as the country’s first Queen Regnant.
A decade before her birth, the primogeniture was altered to allow for female succession, and she will be the first monarch to benefit.
Had it not been changed, her younger brother, Prince Gabriel, would have been the next King.
The 22-year-old is the eldest daughter of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. She has a second younger brother, Prince Emmanuel.
She spent her formative years in Brussels, before attending “Hippie Hogwarts,” UWC Atlantic College in Wales.
After completing her education, she undertook a year of military training at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels, following in the footsteps of other heirs to the throne.
She’s now studying at Lincoln’s College at Oxford University, where she has competed in the rowing team.
She’s a confident public speaker, having had lots of practice: her first speech was at the age of nine when she opened a children’s hospital named in her honour.
She’s also becoming increasingly recognised for her fashion choices, with reports of the “Elisabeth” effect in Belgium, where her fans rush out to buy what she’s wearing, drawing comparisons to our very own Princess of Wales.
In recent years, Belgium, like many other Western nations, has had to confront its colonial past.
How the Princess decides to acknowledge and apologise for Belgium’s part remains to be seen, but will be vital for how she’s viewed both at home and on the world stage.
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Princess Leonor of Spain
The world has been gripped by so-called “Leonormania” in recent weeks, after the heir to the Spanish throne turned 18.
The eldest of King Felipe and Queen Letizia’s two daughters, Princess Leonor (born 31 October 2005) is fast-becoming a national obsession, with her every fashion choice (and potential boyfriend) documented and dissected.
Her rising public profile is in contrast to her closely guarded childhood, during which she made very few public appearances.
After attending primary school in Barcelona, she moved to Wales to complete her education at UWC Atlantic (the same school as Princess Elisabeth of Belgium), where she graduated earlier this year.
She is now enrolled in a military academy undergoing officer training, which will last for three years.
Ahead of her 18th birthday, she presented her inaugural Princess of Asturias Awards, managing to appear decidedly unstarstuck when meeting Hollywood icon Meryl Streep and Japanese author Haruki Murakami.
Much like her father, Leonor will be keen to distance herself from the fiscal scandals of her grandfather, the ex-King Juan Carlos, which also implicated her aunt and uncle, and have played out telenovela-style in Spain over the last decade.
She will do well instead to emulate her mother and grandmother, the beloved Queen Sofia, whose chic style she has already clearly inherited.
In terms of politics, one issue she may have to face head on is the rise of Catalan separatism – an issue that her father made a rare public statement against in 2020 – and which he has been widely criticised on.
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Princess Victoria of Sweden (and Princess Estelle)
The 46-year-old Princess Victoria (born 14 July 1977) is another European royal who has benefitted from the modernisation of primogeniture.
In fact, she was second-in-line to the Swedish throne at birth and leapfrogged over her younger brother, Prince Carl Philip, upon the change in the constitution.
It caused something of a controversy at the time, as her father, King Carl XVI Gustaf, objected to the change – not because he didn’t want women to succeed but because of his sympathy towards his son, who was suddenly stripped of his Crown Prince status.
In Sweden, the monarch has even less of a role in public life than in the UK, and as such, King Carl XVI Gustaf has largely kept out of the spotlight.
However, similar to other royals of her generation, Victoria has been more candid about her personal life. She was open about her struggles with anorexia in the 1990s.
Speaking about her experience in 2002, she said:
“I, Victoria, didn’t exist. It felt like everything in my life and around me was controlled by others. The one thing I could control was the food I put in me.”
She leapt to the defence of her now-husband, personal trainer Daniel Westering, when the couple’s early relationship came under close scrutiny.
Princess Victoria’s 11-year-old daughter, Princess Estelle (born 23 February 2012), is next in line to the throne after her mother.
She has similarly benefitted from the change in the law, as she has a younger brother, Prince Oscar.
Commentary in the Swedish press questioned the appropriateness of their match, something which Victoria spoke out against.
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freifraufischer · 1 year
I might have missed it, but did you mention the name of this Harry Potter podcast? I am mildly curious, although it sounds like I am not the target audience either.
The Shrieking Shack
I'm of two minds about it because I have been entertained and I do think there are things they bring to the table.
The byline is that it's a Harry Potter Podcast for lapsed fans. Part of their exercise is can you see JKR's terrible politics in the original books? Is there still magic here. They're very good at spotting some things in the world building and I've been entertained (I'm still listening and it's not a hate listen for me).
But I do disagree with them and I think they aren't as smart as they think they are in some of the analysis. They're much better in the early books but they've convinced themselves, for example, that book 7 is not a children's book when it manifestly was.
This leads them to tie themselves in knots telling their audience that some things are JKR not understanding the implications of what she's written when they have clearly misunderstood a children's book. To illustrate they talk about how the death eaters coming to power making school attendance compulsory is JKR throwing all the ideologies she doesn't like into the pot and that this is her taking a shot at communism. First of all despite one of these hosts having been born in the UK and living there as a child the idea of mandatory schooling as communism I think would be completely bizarre to someone from the JRK's point of view. But more importantly that's not the purpose of the mandatory schooling in the book. The Book 7 Hogwarts students were hostages to insure their parents cooperation. The point is made very explicit when Luna was taken.
In a similar vain they completely don't understand the politics of the Fudge ministry being bad and the implications of the Thickness ministry in book 7. They struggle to identify what metaphor JKR is writing with Fudge (which is pretty clearly a Chemberlain metaphor) and even when they land on Chamberlain they don't know enough about 1930s UK politics to understand the ways it applies to Fudge. Because both are Gen Z Portland Oregon radicals (during the primary season they're mocking Elizabeth Warren and supporting Bernie Sanders to give a sense of their politics) they don't see a difference in the Fudge ministry versus reestablishing the ministry after the book. Now there can be an argument to be made about state violence but these guys are not good at it. And this becomes really manifest when they have what I think is the worst read I've heard so far...
... they think that JKR didn't understand what she was writing when she had Arthur Weasley continue to go to work after the ministry fell. That he shouldn't have a job anymore and that he's now just working for the Nazis (not just because they don't understand that spies don't always have to have important jobs). They even say she's accidently written him as a banality of evil reference. That he should have quit on principal. I was practically yelling at my podcast player because Arthur Weasley doesn't have a CHOICE but to keep going to work. He's being watched and if he steps out of line his family faces consequences. They even discuss the Arthur Weasley file that Harry reads in Umbridge's office without realizing that he's a captive dissident. But in general they fundamentally also don't know that the Thickness Ministry and the the Death Eaters both are and aren't the same. It's a very flat reading.
Now I don't think JKR is writing something brilliant but she absolutely has a better handle on some of the political elements that she's writing then they do in some cases. And that causes them to stumble in places when part of their mission is to spot her terrible centrist/problematic politics. In other places they're dead on and their flagging of the Quibbler and the way the books treat the news is quite good for example and some of the implications for that in Rowling's behavior of the last few years.
They're also really quite good at tracking the decent of Rowling from publicly acceptable "just asking questions" to raving public bigotry and I think that's valuable too. I wasn't going to recommend the podcast without reservation but I think there is more good than bad on the whole but they basically go off the rails in book 6 and 7 (in some part because I think they let their own shipping preferences color how they see characters behavior).
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dhr-ao3 · 2 years
Hogwarts Private School
Hogwarts Private School https://ift.tt/e4Bz7rm by AbreslinSly07 What if Hogwarts was a Private School? What if they weren't witches and wizards but normal kids? What if Tom Riddle was not evil but a teacher? What is it was all Gen Z Follow the stories of the students at Hogwarts Private School as they navigate school, peer pressure, drinking, sex and getting through the year Words: 57, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle, Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley/George Weasley, Hermione Granger/Fenrir Greyback, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger/Neville Longbottom Additional Tags: Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Molly Weasley Bashing, Ginny Weasley Bashing, Ron Weasley Bashing, Good Tom Riddle, Good Lucius Malfoy, Good Draco Malfoy, Dom/sub, Multiple Orgasms, BDSM, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sex Club, Shower Sex via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/yTb4OF7 October 06, 2022 at 04:02PM
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mochiio3o · 4 years
HP Headcanons!
So like these are just some hogwarts headcanons I had in my tiny pea sized brain. 
SO I feel that if a pureblood student  would ever call a muggle-born a “Mudblood” They would pretend to lick their hand and wipe it on the pureblood’s face and say “You’ve got mud on your face, you big disgrace, kickn your can all over the place, singin’ ” and then just every muggle-born would just Stomp stomp clap singing “we will we will rock you” and the pureblood would be so confused and horrified and they would just run away lmaooooo
Also I feel like muggle-born  gen Z students would totally quote vines and memes. Like just think about it, a professor saying “Let’s get down to business,” and half the class is like “TO DEFEAT THE HUNS” and the other half is just scared of them. Also, like just think of all the vines they would quote..... Ok I got one Just imagine at breakfast “AHH” “Dude, I could have dropped my croissant!” or someone giving  an avocado to someone  “Oh, an avocado... Thanks,” 
I HAVE MORe  so I feel like they (The Muggle-borns)  would just casually ask Dumbledore what the wifi password was and he could just casually say “Draco dormien snunquam titillandus123” and the Purebloods would think it was a secret code for something. They would totally bring their Nintendo switches and Phones and all their electronics and would have to explain to everyone what those “Tablets” or devices” do and what they are. they would totally bring normal stationary, like pens, pencils, markers, Erasers, pencil pouches OMG SHARPIES and they would draw on the walls with sharpie and Flinch would never be able to get it off because its PERMANENT and would have to ask a professor to do it because he’s a squib and can’t do magic 
They would probs sell  stationery to the purebloods or halfbloods because like QUILLS THAT CAN ERASE MISTAKES?!? QUILLS THAT CAN WRITE GLITTERY THINGS?!? ERASING THINGYS THAT LOOKS LIKE ANIMALS AND FOOD?!?!? POUCHES THAT STORE YOUR QUILLS AND ERASER THINGYS!?!?! BITCH WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT!?!?!  There would be a blackmarket for this and it would be sold at a shifty ass corner like just imagne “Yo so you got the stuff?” “Yea I gotchu’ fam” “Wait how do I know you’re not a spy for the professors? What’s the secret password?” “UwU” “All right follow me”, and they would go to the Hufflepuff Common Room (Because the Hufflepuffs are chill, they aren’t snitches and also because no one would expect the Hufflepuff’s and they would expect the Slytherins because all the Slytherins are hella cunning and sly and  everyone in Hufflepuff’s too innocent and nice to be doing that, but little will they know....) and  they would exchange it like a drug deal lmfaooo It would totally become like a fad or trend and everyone would be writing essays with glitter pens and pencils and everyone would just go ham on the walls with sharpies (I kinda feel bad for the walls lmao) so then the professors would have to ban them and wouldn’t allow anyone to have one or sell any and any stationary that’s not pencil or pencil pouches would be confiscated (But then the pencils would also be confiscated too because of something lmao) and  thus is why there is now a blackmarket for them. They would do a duplication spell whenever they didn’t have a lot left so  they would always have them in stock and they would never run out!   
Btw the first two ideas were a little inspired by some posts a saw by some users here but I have no idea who they are and I tried looking for their posts but I couldn’t find it so if anyone knows what I’m talking about can you please give me the usernames so I can credit them for inspiring me to make this post, that would be greatly appreciated. :)
That’s all I have for now feel free to add some and tag me in it so I can see what your probably amazing and great ideas you all have :D I’m probably gonna add some more soon so stick around to see more!
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lawfullyneutralbee · 4 years
Hogwarts Headcannon:
Once the kids reach Hogwarts in 2019 their humor is similar to modern day teen humor. And SOOOOO many TikTok trends occur at Hogwarts.Like imagine it.
A slytherin: “omg! Someone just blasted my aunt down the hallway after she said muggle-Borns shouldn’t be here! *pans to aunt on the floor* “ AND I’D DO IT AGAIN!! BOP BOP”
A griffyndor: a video of them flying around the womping willow and then their about to get WHOOPED by the tree—then *shot on iphone* appears.
A ravenclaw: doing the dance from “I’ll see you at the movies” on the astronomy tower. While their friend records.
A hufflepuff: Using magic to be a GOD at transition videos. Or really accurate POVs.
Several students have tried to do the dance challenges on brooms.
Just Gen Z Hogwarts students
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scentedllamasuit · 5 years
everyone always talks about gen z kids at hogwarts and doing the whole “yeet=expelliarmus” kinda thing and i was looking at a few headcanons like that and it reminded me of my gym teacher. in class we were learning about this new game from europe and one of the rules was that there was two halves of the court and that half of your team had to stand on each half and couldn’t go over the halfway line while defending/ attacking the other team. anyways because my class was sharing the gym with another class we had two teachers and the other classes teacher was talking about how you even though you can, you shouldn’t throw the ball from one side of the court to the other side and my teacher cut in and he says
“technically speaking. we’re trying to tell you that you can’t yeet the ball across the room”
and honestly that’s the greatest thing that has happened in my school life
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tboywriter · 2 years
HP World | Headcannons
random HCs about the world, not specific characters :)
based on modern hogwarts
♡ ♡ ♡
- modern muggle born kids/ half bloods that grew up at least a little in the muggle world have some sort of forum where they talk about memes and stuff
- there’s still a little bit of bullying of these kids now but MUCH less, mostly just the prestigious rich kids with daddy issues
- but ANYWAYS, other kids in the school mostly joke about the forum but secretly read it whenever they can because it’s so interesting??
- being the gen z-ers that they are, muggle kids have a lot of inside jokes and tell a lot of vine/tik tok jokes that the rest of the kids wished they could understand (but they’d never admit it)
- they also play pranks on the pure blood kids and pretend things are trends or memes when they aren't
- tbh SO much less bullying now of days, no matter the subject — despite what Cursed Child says. Ofc kids will be what their parents tell them to be and a lot of people are still sour about the whole voldemort thing and it’ll never fully go away but,,,,
- more mingling between houses. Mostly people still stick with their own people but Slytherins are finally accepted for the great people they are and not automatically thought as evil
- actually much safer now, not just because Voldemort is gone but because the school actually took extra precautions when rebuilding, hoping they’d never need it but nonetheless
- a House Elf activist group gained a lot of traction after a biography about Harry Potter was released and the world fell in love with Dobby. This helped them gain their rights to freedom in the mid 2010s
- Muggle studies/ inventions are a lot more prevelant due to gen z being such a kind generation, not many want to integrate back with the non-mags but there are definitely more people who think it’s okay to marry a muggle at least
- when America found out about the destruction of Hogwarts they sent help to rebuild and offered learning space at Ilvermony to all the displaced Hogwarts students, sparking a friendship between the schools and starting a transfer year program for 7th years
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zi-i-think · 3 years
Emotional Support Himbo
Pairing: Fred Weasley x fem!reader
Rating: SFW
Word count: 1200+
Warnings: none
Request: yes, @wist-elia
Prompt: Gen Z
23. “Will you be my emotional support himbo?”
AN: JSKINFINFS So almost a year later I have finally posted this. I'm sorry. I don't really have any excuse other than I've been busy and kinda forgot about them. I hope you like it nonetheless. It was basically halfway finished when I got back to it. I think this is the last request I had for the batch I got months ago so I might open the requests again in a bit.
*not my gif
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Okay, let’s be completely honest here. Y/n was nervous as hell. When she found out that her mom got a job in the Ministry of Magic in London, she was happy for her, excited even. But transferring from Ivermorny to Hogwarts turned out to be the most nerve-wracking part of it.
It was her sixth year and the school was more curious about the TriWizard Tournament than the new girl. She was thankful for it, there weren’t as many people asking her questions. But it was certainly annoying when people completely forgot she was new and picked on her for not knowing the way around. They were in a castle where stairs changed every couple of minutes, she figured people would at least be a bit more understanding.
As the weeks went by, things got better, for sure, but y/n was still struggling to fit in. She had some friends that she met from her House and classes, but none of them were close and she still occasionally got lost. Originally, she relied on Quidditch to find her place in the big school, but with the tournament, they were canceled for the year. So without strong friends or a hobby, she was basically alone.
That was until one sunny afternoon.
Transfiguration had just ended, marking the end of the school day and the beginning of the weekend. But y/n had to stay behind for a bit discussing a not-so-great grade in her last paper. McGonagall was not lenient on grades, but the best she could do was give her tips and points for the next time.
And once the discussion ended Y/n was eager to leave the class and go back to her dorm where she could take a nap or read a book. But once the door shut behind her and she stood out in the cold hallway, the realization settled in. She still wasn’t sure how to get to the Hufflepuff basement. She looked both left and right, down the long, daunting hallways wishing she paid more attention when walking back to the dorms with her roommates.
She took a chance and turned left, walked down some stairs, then up some again, then down, and with the complete wonder of how she got there, Y/n found herself in the lively courtyard. It was warm out and the sun was inviting, making it perfect for students to hang out and have some downtime.
And while the environment seemed like a great time, all the unfamiliar faces were scary to the new girl. She just wanted to get to her dorm. Spotting a small group of students wearing the same black and yellow tie she wore, Y/n pushed aside her fear for the moment and walked over.
“Excuse me?” She asked with a cheerful smile, getting the attention of one girl with brown hair and glasses. “Could you tell me how to get to the Hufflepuff basement?” She kept it simple, that way there'd be less room to say something wrong.
The other girl smiled and her head tilted to the side a bit in amusement.
“You’re the new girl, aren’t you.” She asked. But not in a friendly or curious manner, but in a taunting, humored way.
“Well, yeah,” Y/n answered with a shrug.
“And you don’t know where the Hufflepuff basement is?” She started the chuckle, her friends following along. “Honey, it’s been weeks, figure it out.”
And with that, she turned her head and kept giggling. Her friends chuckled along lightly, but largely just ignored that y/n was standing right there.
Y/n stood there dumbfolded for a moment. But each passing moment that she was standing there, her embarrassment grew and she took a few steps backward to leave the courtyard. She kept her head low to hide any tears that were threatening to spill out of her eyes. Her chest felt heavy and her throat tight.
It felt like everyone in the courtyard was now staring. Like on her first day where she was put with all the first years to be sorted. Like a black sheep. But now it felt like they were judging her.
Still, y/n felt too embarrassed to look up and ground herself back into reality. To see that no one was actually paying attention to her. Well except for one particularly bored Gryffindor. Fred Weasley sat up against one of the columns with an apple in hand when he noticed the new Hufflepuff loosely composing herself.
He noted two things about her. One, she was pretty. Definitely his type. And two, she was nervous. He didn’t recognize her from his previous years. There was no way she was in her first year, but she was also in Hogwarts uniform, so she wasn’t from Beubaxton.
He bit into the apple just enough to hold it in his mouth and pushed off the column he was on. Y/n had turned from the courtyard into the corridor of the school figuring that it was better to walk anywhere than wandering the yard aimlessly, walking towards the Weasley. He bit into the apple and right before she passed and then started walking right beside her.
“Apple?” He offered the half-eaten fruit to her.
Y/n jumped a little. She didn’t even see him approach her. She looked at him and then the apple. Her brows furrowed in confusion and her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. It was obviously a trick to make her feel even worse about herself.
“Are you offering me an apple that has basically been eaten already?” She asked in annoyance.
Fred then just realized how insensitive the gesture was, so he tossed the apple into his other hand and chuckled at himself.
“I suppose I was. But, we can always go to the Great Hall for another one if you’d like.”
“Honestly, the only place I want to go to is the Hufflepuff common room.” She huffed, wishing this boy would just go away.
Fred’s face twisted in confusion then looked around the hall they were walking down. “You do realize you’re walking the wrong way.” He found himself laughing.
Y/n stopped on her tracks. That was it. She was embarrassed and alone, and on top of that, a Gryffindor was laughing at her. Tears were finally starting to drip down her cheek. “I knew that.” She lied through gritted teeth and turned around the other way.
Finally noticing that he might have done something wrong and that this girl had no clue where she was going, Fred stopped laughing and turned around as well to walk with her.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were upset.” He said. Y/n was now wiping her tears with the sleeves of her cloak. “The kitchens are in the same hall as the Hufflepuff common room. I know that much. How about, I walk you to the kitchens and you should find your house from there.”
Y/n looked up at him with slightly puffed eyes. “You’re actually being sincere?” She asked.
“Don’t get used to it, I’m not usually.” He chuckled. Y/n couldn’t help it this time. His laugh was infectious.
“Alright, I won’t.” She grinned and then stuck her hand out to shake. “Y/n L/n.”
“Fred Weasley.” He took the girl’s hand and kissed her knuckle rather than shaking it.
“You’re odd.” Y/n laughed at the strange gesture. “Will you be my emotional support himbo?”
Fred’s eyebrows furrowed and his lips were pressed tightly together as he thought. “Not completely sure what that means.” He admitted. “But yes.”
“Wonderful.” She smiled.
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Found You- Dean Thomas x Reader
Kody: (SHORT STORY) using gender neutral pronouns for the first time with my first ever Dean Thomas reader, tell me what you think. Also made sure to include androgynous type clothes.
Movie/Show: Harry Potter
House/Year: Gryffindor, 7th year
Summary: after being abandoned by your friends in your first year of Hogwarts, you meet a weird lot of boys who fill the void the others had left, some more then others and when you almost kiss one of them, it becomes more then awkward.
Pronouns Used: They/Them
Possible Triggers/Warnings: suggestive flirting, gen z humor, cursing, the fluff, no voldy au, slight golden trio slander with redemption, reader staring off into space. 
first year
the day you were placed in house Gryffindor you had become close to a few choice people, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter. Your four were as close as close could be in the beginning of your first year, playing pranks, studying in the common room. All of the things friends would do.
towards the end of the year you had caught them hanging out without you on mutiple occasions when they said they were all busy on other occasions. It didn’t bother you at first, thinking a was a one off- multiple one offs. Then it got a bit worse. 
study groups turned into you waiting for hours for them to show up, only for you to fall asleep on top of your textbooks waiting. Getting breakfast together now was just you sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table only for George Weasley to tell you they had already ate and left.
you weren’t stupid, you knew when you were being avoided. You also were never one for confrontation, so you made the executive decision to stop making an effort to hang out with any of them, just to see if they would and maybe everything you were thinking was just from your paranoia.
alas it was the end of the school year and you couldn’t do much hanging out with anyone since your mother was strict, only allowing friends to come over to your place, not the other way around. It was embarrassing at times, but you understood all her rules came from a place of love and experience.  
not that they had ever come over before, even for the winter holiday. Though you understood that as all of you went home to your families. (Yes, James and Lily are alive), but since you all had two months out of school, you figured there would be enough time to at least meet up once.
you had each of there mailing address’s and they had yours. It was the first ‘gift’ you had given to each other and at the time, you were excited to have them. Now when you looked at the the ripped piece of parchment, it’s mere existence mocked you.
as you predicted, nothing came. No letter from your so called ‘friends’ nothing at all. It was disheartening to say the least, but at the same time you saw it coming. The rest of those two months you spent with your mother, which was actually pretty nice. 
second year
as you stepped off the train, the cold air of Hogsmeade Station hit your face, causing the hairs on your neck to stand up. You looked around, watching students as they walked with there friends or hugged them tightly. You’ll admit, it made your expression turn dark.
so you stood, just watching. As people passed, they gave you strange stares and made snide comments about how weird you looked, staring off into nothing. Most students had dispersed when your shoulder gets knocked, bringing you back into the moment. 
“Oh sorry!” you recognized the voice. Once your head turned your met with the familiar face of Neville Longbottom. “Oh Neville! Sorry was i in your way?” you quickly apologize, a sheepish smile on your face. Neville copies your smile, shaking his head “No, Seamus just shoved me too hard”
“Did not, your just weak“ Seamus argued, crossing his arms in a huff. You weren’t too familiar with Seamus Finnigan or the taller boy next to him, Dean Thomas. “Both of you, shut it“ Dean shook his head, a playful smile on his face as he pushed past the two boys to stand in front of you.
“You alright? You looked as if someone used body bind curse on you“ he jokes, a light laugh escaping his mouth. Oh jeez, how long have you stood there “Um- i was waiting for my friends, but i think they left me behind“ you confess, feeling more stupid then you already had been feeling. 
Dean didn’t skip a beat as he shrugs his shoulders “Forget them, walk with us” he offers. You were a bit taken aback as you didn’t know this fellow Gryffindor well and he already seemed so friendly towards you. “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother?”
a laugh came from both Seamus and Dean while Neville chuckled nervously “Impossible, the only bother here is him. Now let’s go before we miss the boats” Dean points to Seamus, who’s expression drops “Your rude” he scoffs.
Dean smiles at him before using his hand to gesture to you to follow him as he led the small group through Hogsmeade. 
the entire walk was Dean and Seamus trying to tell embarrassing stories about each other to make the other seem better. Neville would tell you all about what he wanted to learn in Herbology this year.
after awhile they eventually asked you questions about yourself, like- your name and who had ditched you. They were surprised to find out that the golden trio had ditched you. Seamus on the other hand wasn’t, saying how “No one is really golden” 
seventh year
fast forward to your final year at Hogwarts and you were still best friends with Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, and Dean Thomas. You all were no golden trio by any means, more like ‘Menaces To Society’ as Mcgonagall called you. 
 you weren’t a well behaved student to say the least. 
speaking of well behaved “Shut up, shut the hell up!” Seamus whisper shouts as points his wand at Neville who is looking into the dark “But this is such a bad idea!” he whines, rubbing his arm to create some warmth as the night was cold. 
“It’ll be fine, only if Dean hurries the hell up“ you say, placing a hand on Neville’s shoulder. He looks at you and nods once, shivering slightly. Smiling, you open the greenhouse door and peak your head inside “Dean, i’m getting frostbite out here!“ 
you watch as Dean’s head pops up from behind the large table, holding a potted mandrake “Oh i’m so sorry, but your not the one doing all the hard work!” he argues. You roll your eyes “You lost rock, paper, scissors. Maybe stop choosing paper dipshit”
Dean opens his mouth to say something back when you here Seamus groan loudly “Both of you can flirt later, hurry up! Filch will be back around in a few minutes” he snaps at both of you. Holding up a finger to Dean, signalling you could finish your argument in a second, you peak your head back out. 
“In what universe was that flirting, Finnigan?“ 
“You were flirting with your eyes“
“....right, anyway-“ you slowly turn your head back into the greenhouse as Dean walks out, holding two pots of mandrakes, young ones to be exact. “Alright let’s go“ he says. You jump up in your place and clap your hands together “Oh this is going to be beautiful“
“I just hope we don’t get in trouble like last time“ Neville shudders, following behind you all as you made your way through the grass. “Will be fine“ you wave your hand, standing beside Dean as he held the potted mandrakes. “Shit, these are heavy“ 
“divide and conquer“ Seamus suddenly says as he takes both of the mandrakes from Dean, tucking one under his arm and handing the other to Neville, who happily held it tightly between both of his hands. Dean smiles and stretches his arms, until he hears a pop noise in both. 
as you walked, a gust of wind hit all of you, making you shiver. Your dumbass shouldn’t have worn your pajamas out, which was only a black t-shirt with thin dark grey plaid pants. You had shoes on of course, you weren’t that stupid. “Told you to bring a jumper” Dean says in a sing song voice.
you turn your head to your side, scoffing “I’m not cold, i’m perfectly fine” you look him in the eye while he gives you a ‘really?’ look, which meant he knew you were lying. You hated that cute, dumb, knowing face. Without another word, you look forward once more. 
Dean moves closer to your side and wraps his arms around your shoulder, pulling you flush against him as you both walked quietly. You suddenly felt very warm, but most of that warmth came from your own face. “Better?” he whispers, his hand rubbing your arm. 
honestly, how did this tall freak not expect anyone to fall for him? For two years you have had a crush on Dean Thomas, but it seemed to always be platonic on his side. He was nice to everyone though, so it was hard to tell if there was any romantic intent behind his actions. 
“Much better“ 
“Hey! Who’s out they’re?! No students out pass curfew! You are in big trouble!“ looking ahead you see the familiar shape of Filch in the distance. The bright lantern covering his face, so you were sure he couldn’t see you all as well. “Scatter!“ you yell and in an instant you all pull away from each other. 
this isn’t the first time running into Filch, so you already knew what to do. All of you would run off separately until you couldn’t be seen and just apparate back into the common room. You had been doing it for years and were honest to Godric disappointed he hadn’t figured it out yet.
“Hey you get back here!“
as you pull away, you feel Dean’s hand travel down your arm until his fingers slide off yours. You would have loved to have bathed in that moment longer, but the fear of expulsion was too heavy on your mind at the moment. You spotted a pillar and ran for it. 
once safely behind said pillar, you pull your wand out that you had safely in your.....i don’t know and apparate away. 
you stumble a bit as your transported into the Gryffindor common room, the calming sound of fire cracking on the wood in the fireplace. You were safe. Looking around the dark room, you don’t see Neville or Seamus, but you do see the back of Dean’s head as he’s sat on the sofa in front of the fire. 
your eyes narrow as you walk over to the sofa, placing your hands on his shoulders “Hey Y/n” he says, not even taking a glance as you as he chuckles to himself. “How did you know?- Nevermind, where’s Nev and Seamus?” you ask him.
“There setting up the mandrakes, remember?” he explains before reaching up to grab your hands with both of his, pulling them down so your forced into resting your chin against the top of the sofa. He released only one of your hands and brought the other to his mouth, placing a kiss on your palm.
what the fuck?- 
 “Also I've had your hands on me before, not hard to forget“ he explains. The way he said that made it sound so suggestive if anyone else had been in the room. You were also stunned by the fact he just kissed your hand. This was one of the moments you couldn’t tell if he was being friendly or not.
you could feel his eyes on you, practically burning holes into the side of your face, but you just didn’t have it in you to look at him. Heart racing and your stomach feeling lighter by the second, you felt utterly and completely swooned by the tall Gryffindor boy once again.
“Can you look at me?” you hear him ask, feeling his free hand gently force your face in his direction so your E/c eyes meet with his. “What?“ you ask, trying to mask the fact that you were putty in hands at the moment. Dean didn’t respond, only smile widely as his eyes flicker from your eyes to lips.
he couldn’t be asking to, ya know..right? Before you could question it further Dean began to lean in and you found yourself doing the same “We did it!- whoa, what’s going on here?” you almost snapped your spine at how hard you threw yourself back, moving a good five feet away.
“Nothing!“ you and Dean shout at the same time. Dean folded his arms over his chest, coughing awkwardly into his hand. You watch as Neville steps out from behind Seamus, who’s grin is wider then ever before. “As much as i want to indulge in whatever this is, we have to get to our dorms- like right now“
“What, why?“ you ask, giving him a questioning look. “Neville dropped his Gryffindor tie back at the greenhouse so Mcgonagall and Dumbledore are coming to inspect in the house to see if anyone’s awake“ Seamus sighs, walking forward. 
“Good thing it didn’t have my name on it or anything“ Neville smiles sadly before following Seamus to the hall where the dorms were at. “It’s alright Nev“ you send him a warm smile, trying to reassure him. You decided to follow them as well to the dorms “Y/n!“ you hear Dean call out.
thinking fast and stupid, you stretch your arms, letting out a fake yawn “Damn, i’m super tired. I’ll see you guys in the morning!” you push past both Seamus and Neville and speed walk down the hall. You made a beeline down to your dorm and almost ripped your dorm off of it’s hinges trying to open it
but once you do, you take a large step and shut the door behind you
what the fuck just happened?
that night you had laid in bed for almost an hour, thinking about your almost kiss with Dean Thomas. You felt shame, like you had someone forced this situation upon yourself. You liked Dean Thomas yes, but did you imagine that he was going in for a kiss?
eventually when your brain started to hurt too much, you fell asleep without any interruptions that night.
you awoke to the sounds of awful birds chirping outside and roll onto your side, unfortunately though you were already on the edge of your bed and rolled right of the thing, collided with the hard wood floor that made up the ground of your dorm. You knew you should have gotten a damn carpet at that muggle store.
using your elbows, you prop yourself up and push yourself into the sitting position. What a glorious way to start the day you thought before standing on your two feet. Its saturday, which means you didn’t have to get too dressed up just to eat breakfast.
you yawn, not bothering to cover your mouth as you trudge slowly to your closet, swinging the door open. Taking into account that the weather had bit cold recently you pick out a multicolored jumper consisting of brown, beige’s, purple’s, dark blue’s, and whatnot. with a pair of brown overalls.
removing your clothes, you place them in a woven hamper next to the closet, you had taken a shower the previous night before going to bed, but you just ended up sneaking out. Eh- still counts. Once the clothes are on, you walk over to your dresser where your mirror was on the wall and looked in.
you looked tired and like someone who wanted to go back to bed, perfect. Reaching your hand up, you run your hand through your hair, untangling a few knots with your fingers before shaking your head, your hair now looking like in had been through a gust of wind.
also perfect
after that, you go over to the door slipping your shoes on with your feet before turning the knob and opening it. As soon as that wooden door unhinged you remember all the events from last night and internally cringed. God, today was going to be awkward as hell. 
stepping out, you shut the door behind you, not bothering to lock it as you never had a reason to before. Gryffindor house was pretty chill with privacy and whatnot, so you weren’t worried about people coming in and taking your things. 
walking down the stairs to the dungeons, you had a gleeful smile on your face. See, the whole reason you stole mandrakes is because you currently were in a prank war with the Slytherin house, or to be more specific Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, and Pansy Parkinson. 
Draco said he could pull better pranks, you said otherwise and that’s pretty much how it started. It had been going on for a few weeks and the mandrakes were your big finale since you knew that ferret couldn’t do anything better. “Oh shit, Theo!” you heard as you took the final step.
you could hear screeching for a few moments before its quickly shut up. Speeding up, you turn the corner to see a group of Slytherins surrounding four passed out students, one of those students being Theodore Nott. “How did mandrakes get all the way down here?” Pansy crossed her arms.
“I don’t-“ Draco spoke, his head turning to spot you with a shit eating grin on “Nevermind“ he exhales before standing up straight and walking over to you “L/n“ he greets, a deadpan expression on his face while you look like you’ve won the lottery. 
“Malfoy, i see you got my gift“
“Oh yeah, my friend Theo was just blown away“ he said, rolling his eyes which only makes you feel more victorious. “Yeah, sorry ‘bout that. It was meant for you” you smile innocently at him. He lets out a bitter chuckle before extending his hand out to you “You win L/n”
you gladly take his hand into yours and shake it “pleasure doing business with you, Malfoy” you say. Draco crack a smile, shaking your hand for a second before then letting go “Surprised to see Thomas isn’t following you, he usually is” he points out.
and there goes a reminder. Your expression visibly dropped “That’s- well, complicated at the moment” your reply spiked Draco’s interest as he leans against the wall “Do tell“ he gestures with his hand to continue. You eye him up and down, your nose cringing.
“Since when did you care about my life?“ you asked, the question sounding a bit harsher then you intended it too. Draco only shrugs “I’m bored, humor me L/n“ you chuckle at his words and shrugged as well. No harm in telling him anything. 
“Wow“ Draco breathed, his grey eyes slightly widened as you finished retelling the embarrassing events of last night “And you just ran off? Don’t think that was a good idea” he adds, turning his head to face you as you both leaned on the wall.
you exhale, a solemn look on your face “I know, i’m just not good with confrontation. I curl up into a ball and clam up, like i can’t speak” you explain. Draco nods along, listening to what you had to say “He’s your best friend, been your best friend for years. Talk to him, avoiding it will make it worst”
“Wow, that actually was helpful. You’ve surprised me Malfoy”  you give hi a mock astonished look, making him roll his eyes. “Yeah whatever, now go away. I have to help them carry Theo back into the common room“ he pushed off the wall, standing straight.
“Tell Theo i’m sorry when he wakes up“ you turn on your heels and begin to walk down the stone hall, taking in a deep breath. Everything was going to be fine, no worries. Nothing at all.
your first thought was to check the courtyard, it’s where you, Blaise, Neville, and Seamus hung out between classes. It was a good place to start. Stepping outside, you feel the gentle cold breeze nip your face causing a light shiver to run up your spine.
wrapping your arms around yourself you walk along the grass until you spot the familiar tree you all sat under. It instantly brought you back to the first time you had sat under it.
second year
“Found you“
your head snaps to your left where the voice came from. Dean, out of breath and wiping sweat from his forehead. You looked confused as he took a step towards you “You were looking for me?” you asked, head tilting ever so slightly to the side. 
Dean looks at you like you had just asked a silly question, chuckling “Of course, you seemed upset a lunch as well so i wanted to check up on you” he said, taking a seat next to you in the grass. You avoided looking at him by pulling out blades of grass and ripping them apart.
after an awkward amount of time of silence, mostly on your part, Dean reach for the grass next to your hands and began to pull it out of the earth as well “What’re you doing?” you ask, still looking at the ground. “If you don’t want to talk, that’s fine. We can just sit here if that makes you feel better too”
weirdly enough, it did. Just having him sit there made your bad day feel slightly better. You couldn’t explain it, but his presence alone was comforting and made you feel more at ease. “If that’s what you want of course” he adds, his pinky extending out to tap your hand, just light enough not to make you tense.
you couldn’t bring yourself to respond verbally and nodded a few times. You hear Dean hum as he continues to copy what your doing. You both sat in silence and stayed there for an hour or so, just soaking up each others company. 
that was the moment you knew Dean Thomas was a true friend
“Y/n!“ you hear a shout, bringing you out of your wholesome memory and back to reality. Seamus and Neville were running up to you with confused looks on there faces “What?“ you say, meeting them halfway. As soon as you were grabbing distance, Seamus places his hands on your shoulders and shakes you
“What are you doing here!?“ he shouts while you feel as if your brain is about to knock off of its stem and kill you “What’re you talking about? and stop shaking me!“ you yank his hands off of you. Seamus rolls his eyes and takes a deep breath like he’s about to talk a lot, and talk a lot he did. 
“So after your almost kiss with Dean he told us by the way, he wanted to talk to you so we told him you’d most likely be in the dungeons giving Malfoy a tongue lashing“ Seamus explained before gasping for air. Neville puts a hand on his mate’s shoulder “He kind of thinks you don’t like him. Never seen him so upset before“
processing on the information you were just given, you thank the both of them and run back into the building. This school was huge, no wonder you didn’t run into Dean on the way back or even see him once. Nonetheless, you were determined to find him.
(Filled with determination- get it? Undertale reference)
it took you a good ten to fifteen minutes to get back to the dungeons. You walked fast paced against the cobble ground until you reached the Slytherin portrait. There stood the familiar faces of Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. They noticed you instantly giving you a confused look.
“Your boyfriend is looking for you“ Pansy snickered, clearly amused by something. You let of a sigh, a hand running through your hair “Yeah i know, do you know where he went?“ you asked, already tired of walking around this shit school. 
just kidding, Dumbledore if you could here there thoughts, they’re kidding 
“We told him you were going to potions“ Draco said which floored you because why in Godric’s name would he say that. The Slytherin boy seemed to catch your confusion and gave you a ‘are you dumb?’ look. “Yesterday, in class, you offered to help Snape organize the stockroom?”
oh shit
you let out what can only be described as a sound of frustration as you realized you were going to be murdered by Snape before you could ever find Dean. You wished that you could apparate, but it was against school rules to apparate inside the school, aka as soon as you would do it, it would teleport you to Dumbledore’s office instead. 
funny enough you could apparate from outside to inside the school with zero repercussions. The rule was ancient and so was Dumbledore, you had a feeling it wouldn’t change in your life time. “Right, thanks. I have to go” you say and give them a lazy wave. 
“Go get your man Y/n! Then tell me all about it!“ you heard Pansy shout as you walk away. 
twelve minutes to get to potions. As soon as you pushed open the door you let the string of apologies fly “I’m so sorry Professor Snape, i completely forgot about helping out- Today has been super stressful and-” you were cut off by Snape himself. 
“Silence, your....friend already told me all about your little issue as much as i didn’t want to hear it. Your free to deal with your teenage drama as long as it’s away from my classroom” he lifts his hand up, gesturing for you to go away like he requested. 
he was surprisingly understanding, which was weird
“Oh um- Thank you, professor. May i ask where Dean said he was off to?“ You asked, fully knowing you might be pushing your luck and his sudden kindness. Snape sighs, dramatically you’d like to add “He didn’t say or he did and i didn’t care enough to listen“
“Right uh, thank you anyway. Goodbye Professor“ you laugh nervously. That quick kindness had run out. Snape only grumbles and you take that moment to walk out the classroom, feeling that little bubble of stress you usually got from talking to Snape fade away.
taking a few steps back you look at the potions door, god you’ve hated that class since first year. Potions were never your strong suit, you were more into astronomy or herbology. Snape never made it any better with his attitude,but he had always been like that.
fifth year was probably the worse
fifth year
it was the beginning of your fifth year and one of your earlier classes was potions. What a dreadful way to start the morning. Today you were instructed to brew a draught of peace, which was currently bringing you anything but peace at the moment.
you just couldn’t understand the instructions. Like at all. It was supposed to be a turquoise blue color when finished, but kept turning a dark purple instead. You only had about half an hour to get it right or you were going to fail your first potions lesson for the year.
at one point you got so frustrated, you slammed the ladle on the table but it was already pretty noisy, so no one really turned there head at the noise. “Someone’s cranky” you heard a snicker beside you, which you knew well enough to know it belonged to Dean Thomas.
“Try frustrated, i have to be the dumbest wizard in the entire wizarding world to not get this“ you sigh, crossing your arms as you stare at the dark purple liquid, the mere sight of it mocked your livelihood. Dean shook his head, stifling some laughter as he grabbed the handles of your cauldron.
“You continue to pout while i go dump this”
pout? you weren’t pouting. You rolled your eyes as he comes back, placing the cauldron back down onto your work space “Alright so you added all the ingredients right, but your stirring it to much and the wrong way“ he spoke as he added all the ingredients back in.
once he tilts the mortar and pestle, pouring the crushed unicorn hair into the liquid he smiles warmly “Alright now grab the ladle” he instructs and you, begrudgingly do so. Dean nods and moves to step behind you. As you go to turn around Dean places his hands on your arms, keeping them in place.
you tense almost instantly as his hands travel down your clothed arms until they rest on your own hands. He’s literally pressed against you, not rough or anything like that though. His head moved off to the side a bit “You stir like this” he begins to move your hand with his in the correct motion.
 you honestly didn’t know how to feel.
as he slowly stirred the magical liquid he says something else to you “It’s okay to get frustrated, it’s also okay to ask for help. I’m here if you need me Y/n” he spoke and let go for hand, which suddenly felt a whole lot colder then it did a second ago.
Dean returns back to your side and smiles proudly once he looks into the cauldron “See, easy” he says. You pull out the ladle and look in to see that beautiful turquoise color you had waited to see the entire class period. Thank Godric, actually thank Dean. Speaking of that.
“Thanks Dean, i was about ready to pull out my hair“ you joke, placing your hands on the table. Dean chuckles and places on of his hands on top of yours. You tensed again, feeling light and warm as the pad of his thumb rubs the skin of your hand. “Like i said, i’m here for you, in any and every way possible“
his words made you feel even lighter if that was possible as you tried to contain a bright smile
that was the moment you knew you liked Dean Thomas
you sigh, pulling yourself out of your happy memory. How were you going to find Dean?
late evening 
after leaving Snape’s class you, funny enough, kept running into Seamus and Neville who kept pointing you into different directions or places. You were quite literally running around the school like a lunatic. Your current location was the library and library you went. 
since you were absolutely terrified of Madam Pince, you made sure you cautiously open the door as you walk in as well as closing it. Looking around, you don’t see any familiar faces which had you already feeling doubtful, but you still had to look behind the tall bookshelves. 
you decided to take the left side first and begin to walk through the middle isle with haste as you look around. No, nope, nothing, and disappointed. Jumping off the astronomy tower looked appealing at the moment. Alright, other side. You walked with the same fast pace, checking behind each shelf. 
after about four rows, you come face to face with a freckled boy, causing you to jump back “Godric” you put your hand over your heart like an old man about to have a heart attack. “Ron, your ugly face is scaring students” you heard a male voice say.
wait, did he just say Ron?
you take a few steps back, yeah that was them. You first friends at Hogwarts. You saw them almost every week, but haven’t talked to them since your first year at Hogwarts. This was gonna be awkward, you could already tell. “Sorry ‘bout him, I’m Harry and these are my friends Hermione and Ron”
Ron steps back to stand next to Hermione. They all looked at you like your a new person they have never met before. You honestly didn’t know how to react. On one hand, it was kind of funny they didn’t recognize you. On the other hand, it felt kinda shitty.
you force out a bitter laugh, shaking your head “I- I’m floored that you don’t remember me and as funny as it is, i’m looking for someone” you say, about to excuse yourself from this mind numbing situation. “Wait! We know you?” Hermione cuts in, raising her hand a bit.
exhaling, you nod “It’s me. Y/n, Y/n L/n” you introduce yourself, like all those years ago. Watching there eyes widen one by one almost made you laugh “Oh my, Y/n. It’s been so long” Hermione smiles nervously. As evil as it was, you were kind of enjoying the awkwardness.
“Yeah it has, lovely to see you lot. Lets get together next decade where you can forget me all over again“ you had to admit, it was kind of mean but you were busy at the moment. “Wait Y/n, can we talk?“ Harry steps towards you, a look of shame on his face. Good.
did you really want to hear some shitty apology? You didn’t want them or blame them either. You were eleven year olds and children loose friends all the time. There wasn’t any deeper meaning, at least to you there wasn’t, but some part of you wanted to know why? Why were you abandoned?
“I have a lot going on right now, so make it quick Potter“
Harry smiles as he gestures for you to sit down at the table they were currently residing in. You follow him and take the seat across from the other three. Hermione, Ron, and Harry all sit down, looking as nervous and anxious as ever while you were tapping your foot against the ground, impatiently.
“We wanted to say we were sorry, for how we treated you in first year“ Harry starts, the other two nodding along. “Can i get a reason? If you didn’t want to be my friend you could of just told me. Instead you left me alone“ you fold your arms over your chest, already wanting this to be over with. 
“You changed“ Hermione said. You expression shifted to confusion, scoffing “I changed? How?“ you asked. Godric it was a bad idea to listen to these guys. “You started hanging out with Malfoy, he turned you into some kind of menace. All you two did was pull tricks on each other back and forth“
okay so maybe this wasn’t the first prank war you’ve had with Malfoy
and it wont be the last either
“Seriously, you dropped me because i hung out with Draco? Yeah he’s a bit of an asshole, but he’s just all bark no bite“ you shrug your shoulders, maybe you were bias since you guys had been ‘friends’ for awhile now if you could call each other that.
“He’s a Slytherin“ Ron chimes in, looking as if he’s disgusted to say the word. “Ron” Harry warned, whacking his friends arm. Oh you were so not doing this house variably bullshit. Okay, maybe you had a ‘house prank war’ but that was all in good fun.
“I’m done here, i think i dodged a bullet with avoiding you guys all these years“ pushing off of your chair, you stand up ready to leave. Harry stands up the second you do “Sorry about them and they both can have there own opinions, but i know what we did was wrong and i just wanted to say i’m sorry“
looking at Harry, you could tell he was being genuine. Well at least one of them was. “Thanks Potter, now i have to go find someone” you try to make your escape again when you hear footsteps behind you. Stopping you see Harry at your side “Yes?”
“Who’re you looking for, maybe I've seen them?“ He offers. You assumed he was trying to be helpful as an apology. “Dean Thomas, know him?“ you ask, watching as his eyebrows furrow “Yeah but haven’t seen him- wait, it’s curfew in twenty minutes“
“Yeah, so?“
“He’s a Gryffindor, which means he’s heading back to the common room right this moment“ Harry points out, a light smile on his face. Your eyes widen and you throw your arms around the boy. You feel Harry tense, but still wrap his arms around you “Your a genius Potter“
“It’s common sense?“ he looks confused as you pull away from him. You tell him goodbye and that you two could catch up on a later date. 
you push through students on the staircase who were trying to the Gryffindor common room as well. Once you make it to the top, a student in front of you whispers the password “Dilligrout” the portrait opened and a wave of students filed in. 
someone shoulder checked you when you made it in yourself, but you were to preoccupied with finding your friend? Crush? Person you had a crush on...yeah that works. All the students who came in had immediately filed down the hall to go to the dorms. 
silence took over and once again you were in a empty room, your shoulder dropping a bit “Found you” that familiar voice breathed out. You spin on your feet to see Dean Thomas leaning against the wall, huffing as he reached to wiped sweat that had gathered on his forehead. 
“You were looking for me?” you quipped back, obviously joking. Dean seems to catch on rather quickly and flashes a grin “Of course, you seemed upset after last night” he tells you, your expression dropping at the mention of the night before. He notices.
stepping forward, he takes your hand in his, gently leading you to the sofa. That cursed sofa. Once you both take a seat Dean clears his throat, his hand still intertwined with yours “How’re you feeling?” he asked, a worry glint in his eyes. Of course that’s the first question he asked. 
“Nervous, anxious, something like that, but also scared“ you admit, while your free hand scratches the side of your neck. “What would you have to scared off?“ Dean had a sympathetic smile on his face, one that you had seen many times before.
you chuckle, thinking that what you were going to say had been the most obvious thing in the world. “That your going to stop being my friend because we almost kissed?” you said, but it sounded more like a question instead of a statement. 
a, what you would call dramatic sigh escapes Dean’s mouth “I’m the one who initiated the kiss Y/n. I wanted it because i hoped you wanted the same thing, you do, right?” his voice wavers a bit, his confidence dropping with every word. 
“Yes, i have for a long time” you confess. Dean’s smile was a mile long as he lifts your hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to your knuckles “I wish we told each other this last night instead on running around to find each other all day” you both laugh at the situation.
“Yeah, now that i think about it. I could of sent you a howler” you say, exhaling loudly. How come you didn’t think of that sooner “Yeah, i guess we both didn’t think much” Dean then scoots closer to you on the sofa, his hand still holding your gently. 
not having the courage to speak, you simply sit there as Dean lets go of your hand and cups your face instead. Your breath hitched as you feel his thumbs moving up and down each temple on the side of your head. He still had that dopey smile on his face too.
after what feels like forever, Dean closes the gap between you both, kissing you softly. His head tilts to the left as he continues to kiss you. You swore you could feel everything in you become as light as a feather. Kissing Dean Thomas was something else.
a couple more seconds pass by before he pulls away, a smug grin gracing his face “can we take this to my dorm? We’ve gathered an audience” his eyes glanced to the right of you. Turning your head in his hands, you see Neville and Seamus
“Do you all mind?“
“No, keep going“ Seamus waved with his hand, smiling at you both. Dean rolls his eyes as he stands up from the couch, grabbing your hand to drag you along with him. “We’re so happy it worked out“ Neville had a gleeful look on his face as Dean dragged you past them.
“Try to keep things quiet in there lovebirds!“ Seamus calls out as you and Dean walk down the hall. You scoff, shaking your head. Seamus was something else. Once you both reach Dean’s door, he opens it, allowing you to step inside “No promises!“ he yells before stepping inside himself and shutting it.
covering your mouth, you laugh into the back of your hand until what he said registers in your mind “Wait what?”
Kody- It’s been a hot minute ngl. Um- i’m trying to find a regular schedule update every month, but honestly something called sleep and depression has been kicking my ass. Hope you enjoy this fic..requests are open. Anyways, peace. 
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anotsomysticalnight · 3 years
Fanfic Concept I Will Never Write #2
A regular Gen Z OC gets reincarnated as Tom Riddle, and resolves to never become Lord Voldemort because, y’know, that sounds like a lot of effort. A task that is constantly being tested time and again throughout his second childhood as the universe at large seems determined to send Tom down the path of darkness.
Thankfully, Tom’s former Gen Z life as a survivor of 2020 has resolved him to enough self-deprecation and general ‘welp, guess I’ll die’ to offset the inflated ego he was now born with, as well as his crippling phobia of death. (which he’s smart enough to work around, unlike his canon counterpart)
Things go pear shaped in his fifth year, the year that would determine his future as either a Dark Lord or Meme Lord, when Hogwarts gets some new students. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
The golden trio have time travelled from a canon-like timeline with plans to prevent Lord Voldemort’s existence. This is kind of a moot point with Tom Riddle now being a reincarnated OC with better things to do than chase immortality.
Shenanigans follow as Tom straddles the line of being a walking meme generator concerning the trio, and also guilty for actions he hasn’t even done yet (and hopefully never will), so yea awkwardness ensues.
Slow burn Tomarry is practically a given since I’m shipping trash ❤
Yea that’s it =3= idk where it’d go from there but hopefully this gets someone’s creative juices flowing 👀 If you write anything from this plz send it to me so I can fangirl over it 😊
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Hogwarts Script
This is my template for my hp script, i hope it helps you with yours! Also this has things that are not exclusively of the Harry Potter universe so make sure to read it!
My name is _
I go by _(nickname) / example; My name is Teressa, I go by Tessa, Tessie, etc
I am _ feet / meters tall
My hair is _ and it reaches my _ / I have _ cut
My eyes are _
My birthday is on _
My skin is clear
I always smell like _
I am immune to greasy hair
My breath always smells like _
I look _ years old / Im in my _ year old body
I have a _ accent
I cry / sleep etc pretty
I am free from any allergies
My wand is _
My patronus is _
I am a talented _
I can _ ; ex. I can tell the Weasley twins apart, I can pick locks, etc
I’m a metamorphmagus
I am a Parseltongue
I can fly a broom very well
I understand wizard currency
I can fake pain really well
I am always there for my desired events
I have a watch / tattoo / journal that depicts my cr time
I have a tattoo / journal that says my safe word / action
My sibling is _ / I am an only child
My siblings are older / younger by _ years
We love each other but don’t act like it / we act like it / we hate each other
My parents are _
I was raised by _
I have extended family, they are _ / I’m related to _
My family is from_
My father / mother / siblings are in the _ house
School life:
The year is _
I can rapidly comprehend my classes
I know how to tie a tie
I know how to write with a quill
I always finish my homework quickly and on time
My best class is _
My worst class is _
I know and understand all of the spells
I know my way around the castle
I pick _ for my 3rd year
I am good at quidditch
I get sorted into _
My pet is _
My pet is immune to dying and sickness
Students have gen z humor / I teach them gen z humor
I am immune to being expelled
I always find the room of requirement
I do well in exams
I always remember the password to the common room / can solve the riddle easily
Social life:
I befriend _ in _ year / childhood friends
Our dynamic is _
_ is immune to dying
I get along with people
_ has a crush on me since _
_ will develop feelings for me over time
_ will ask me to the Yule Ball / I will go alone
_ personality is as depicted in the movies / books / fanfiction (if so what fanfic is it)
_ has a grudge against me because _
_ is neutral to me
_ and I will develop a rivalry in _ year because _
I get invited to parties
People feel inclined to protect me
My arrival:
When I arrive I will be in my bedroom / the train etc
I will be in my robes / casual clothes / pjs etc
_ will wake me up
My eyes will naturally open when I shift
Shifting is easy
I will arrive in 1991 / 2009 / my first year etc
When I arrive I will smell cinnamon / mint etc
When I arrive I will hear _
I am immune to death and sickness
I have a high pain tolerance
I am immune to getting stuck in my desired reality
My safe word is _
My safe action is _
I am immune to forgetting my safe word and my safe action
One _ in my dr is one _ in my cr
I remember all the details of my dr in my cr
I am immune to mind reading and truth potion
No one will know I’m a shifter unless I tell them directly
No one will suspect I shifted
When I come back to my cr nothing will change in my dr until I shift back
I am immune to getting traumatized
I am immune to coming back to my cr by accident
My clone will not be aware that my consciousness has shifted
My clone does nothing I wouldn’t do
I will remember everything my clone did
(I know this is not necessary but I like to be safe)
If you do use this script please rb this or tag me in your version so I can see it!
Stay hydrated and happy shifting! 111 222 333
Also please remember that English is not my first language so please message me if theres any error <3
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shouting-fan04 · 3 years
I think about it a lot, how gen z would wreck hogwarts. Let’s start with year one
-gen z unironically slips getting into the boat to get to the castle in first year. They later,after being bombarded with drying charms, gets distracted when getting off the boat and does it again.
-they make sure their the last person in the great hall so they attract less attention from the students
-when gen z confuses the sorting hat with how fucked up and messy their head is they pick their own house and sit down to immediately say “go off” because their table is clapping and cheering for them.
-when professor quirrel is introduced gen z sees right through his incessant stuttering because let’s face it gen z has masks so down we could pretend we were schizophrenic and get away with it
-they daydreamed through all of quirels lessons in favor of pretending they don’t exist
-when they saw professor quirell pass out after talking of a troll trespassing they laughed and said “you think a trolls scary, you should see my mental health”
-when they saw Ron and Harry running for the girls bathroom they went with them bc “I have no regard for my life anyways” they were stopped by a ravenclaw prefect and when asked where they were going they responded with “I ain’t no snitch.” And proceeded to their common room
-they were the first person to check out the knocked out troll in the bathroom after the teachers had left to tend to the rest of the students
-they pulled the phone out of their pocket that they weren’t supposed to have and took a pic of it to mutalate later (meme material)
-they were the one who started the rumor that hermione saved the boys and not the other way around because yes queen
-at the end of the year when Harry and his trio were awarded enough points to win the house cup they yelled “periodt” after cheering for them
-on the train ride back home they bought the whole cart of candy for the trio to be nice even though they’re probably broke.
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boxofbadaddiction · 3 years
I'm torn on the concept of a Gen Z Wizards at Hogwarts and the thought of their reaction to the Triwizard Tournament.
I see two possible avenues:
The students rally together to protest the tournament, in hopes of getting it cancelled, because 'Hello? People die in this thing and we're literally children??' So not a single student enters their name into the Goblet of Fire when the time comes forcing the Tournament to be cancelled.
Literally every student eligible entering their names into the Cup because 'Life is meaningless. I welcome Death.' And the elected Champions completely goofing every event just for funzies.
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lunapwrites · 2 years
Hi darling!!! F and I please??
F: I would like you to know that you asked a dialogue-heavy author to pick a favorite child. XD ANYWAY, here's one that was short enough to include as a snippet here without being forever and a half long:
“I see,” he said, and oh, he did. “I must confess, Madam Umbridge—”
“Professor Umbridge, to you.”
Her smile strained and sharpened at the edges. Remus drew his own like a knife.
"My apologies." He flashed an eye tooth. "With all your titles and responsibilities, I suppose I simply can't believe you actually find the time to teach."
Her eye twitched as the hit landed, the flood of satisfaction following immediately after. It would be easy — so easy — to take her apart at the seams. To keep picking at that sore spot he'd found until he drew blood, and then keep going.
But Harry was watching.
"At any rate," he continued, as Umbridge showed no sign of responding, "you do not, in fact, have the authority to confiscate his broom."
"I'm afraid you're mistaken." She drew herself up to her full height; it made little difference. "Hogwarts professors — of which I am one — have every right to seize banned items from students."
Again, she emphasised her title. If she were anyone else, Remus might have found the posturing amusing.
"Actually, Dolores, Professor Lupin has the right of it," Minerva interjected. "We may only confiscate items if they are deemed dangerous, or else if no other reasonable option exists — such as sending the item home with his godfather. I would have thought you would be familiar with our guidelines, considering I personally provided them to you at the start of term."
Remus kept his eyes trained firmly on Umbridge's face, and he did not crack a smile.
I wonder if Molly has a good recipe for Ginger Newts… I've got a gift basket to put together.
"I haven't had the chance to study it," Umbridge said through gritted teeth.
This was precisely the wrong thing to say, as Minerva launched into a crisp lecture about professionalism and familiarising oneself with the requirements of the job one is hired for, adding "Professor Lupin could quote it back to me by the end of the first week, and he was still in Jaipur two days before term!"
I'm going to hand-deliver the bloody thing to her at this rate.
This is from LTL-Ch13, and the reason I'm particularly proud of this bit is just. The professional passive-aggression?? It's not even the full scene, and there's A LOT going on here where Umbridge is being just a full-bore bigot towards Remus and Minerva just does NOT have time for it. Just the two of them teaming up to (politely) go for the jugular lol. But it's fun. I was torn between this and the Quidditch argument from LTL-Ch9 but that would have been WAY too long. There's no good point to cut off banter lol.
I: Guilty pleasure, hm? Text fics. They're so fun and they're easy for me to digest. I will say that I tried to read that new one that's very popular (the title of which I forget) but it was full of so much gen-Z lingo that I got completely lost lol. I think I'm kinda stuck on, if modern, then grumpy millennials lol. XD BUT I do still enjoy TF outta them overall. Of Leaves and Stars, in particular, is one that I like to go back to when I need a quick shot of fluff. <3 (It is not a short fic, I just like to go in and reread bits and pieces while waiting for the next installment lol)
Thanks for the ask!!
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thebookwormfairy · 3 years
I feel like we all underestimate how feral Gen Z Muggleborn Hogwarts students would be
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