mochilorddrakeinferno · 24 hours
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My entries for the starmen.net funktastic gameplay summer 2024
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Hospital Check-in
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Super Paper Mario Theory:
Theory: Grambi has not always been the ruler of the Overthere.
By: Drake Inferno and General Donitsky (Graphic by General Donitsky)
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Argument 1: Though Nimbis are immortal, they do age, albeit slowly. Luvbi, despite having been born “soon” after Jaydes and Grambi met (and thus being around 1500 years old) is still considered to be a child, and some Nimbis are said to be “young” or “grown up”.
Argument 2: Jaydes and Grambi are said to have met through work shortly before having Luvbi. The magic that controls life and death is called "Jaydes Magic", implying she has ruled the Underwhere since the dawn of life. If so, it would seem strange for the two to have never met until 1500 years ago if Grambi had ruled the Overthere for eons prior.
Argument 3: Rebbi, Yebbi, and Blubi, powerful Nimbis in governmental roles within the Overthere, all look significantly younger than Whibbi and Grambi, implying that leadership roles are not always held by the same Nimbis forever.
Argument 4: Hagnes tells the story of how she tried to gain Grambi's affection in her youth, and how ultimately Grambi fell in love with Jaydes instead. Her phrasing, emphasis of her own youth, and use of "fellow" appears to imply that he was not vastly older than her.
Argument 5: The mural of Grambi and Jaydes in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials shows Grambi with a more brightly colored beard and eyebrows. Though this is a stylized depiction, other murals (like those of Croacus I or Merlee’s ancestor) account for the passage of time since their creation. Thus, the blue tint of Grambi’s hair in the mural could be meant to depict his appearance before it turned white.
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This is true, and both interesting in itself and useful for timeline purposes! My only minor nitpick is that technically Croacus IV was a regent for King Croacus III who took over when he died as a child, rather than a direct descendant of Croacus I.
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This mural seen in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials in Super Paper Mario presents a very interesting piece of lore continuity between two separate timelines in the game that is never explicitly stated. While the mural at first glance simply depicts King Croacus IV, the boss of Chapter 5, with his Pure Heart, it is apparent upon closer inspection that while he is red, the flower in the mural is black. This is because it actually King Croacus I, the great-grandfather of the boss fought in-game.
It is established in two separate places that: -The Ancients created the Pure Hearts 1,500 years prior to the events of the game. -The Floro Sapiens have their own calendar according to which the game takes place in the year 1626. King Croacus I ruled from Year 1 to Year 496.
Cross-referencing these two gives the result that 1,500 years before the game was the year 126, within the reign of King Croacus I, so he would have been the one in possession of the Pure Heart at the time assuming the murals were made at the point where the Pure Hearts were given out to their guardians.
All of this can only be gleaned by the players cross-referencing the dates on their own instead of ever being explained in-game.
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Absolutely beautiful work from everyone!
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The Smelter from Super Mario RPG is the source of the molten iron used by Smithy to create his minions.
This object strongly resembles an octopus head. This design choice for the progenitor of the Smithy Gang may imply a connection between them and the octopus aliens.
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I’m not a classicist, but I suspect one of the reasons so many of the Greek gods are portrayed so unflatteringly was less because they were seen as villains than because they represented their domains.  Of course Zeus sometimes misuses his power, that’s what a king does.  Of course Artemis’s wrath is wild and painful, that’s what nature can be.  Of course Hades snatched away a young girl from her mother’s arms, that’s what death does.  This is one of the reasons callout posts for some gods comparing them negatively to ‘nicer’ gods are kind of missing the point.
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the thousand year door comics!!
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So cool to have had the chance to work on this project!
Come watch to get a first-hand introduction to Super Paper Mario the Musical!
50 videos in the works with combined efforts of multiple voice actors, artists, lyricists, and editors to retell the story of Super Paper Mario: As a musical! Super excited to be a part of this as one of the artists!
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I feel confident enough to post these now. A collection of all the existing posters after some edits from the other post that got 13k notes! These are full size/quality. Go nuts.
You may use them for wallpapers, tabletop campaigns, whatever. Consider tipping me or buying a print or sticker on ko-fi here! If you do use them, let me know what for, or send pictures!
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~ ❀ ✿{x} ✿ ❀ ~
I started this on the night of the finale and I just finished it lol HERE YA GO GUYS
it’s been an amazing ride
please do not repost this anywhere ever!!!
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This game is beautiful
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The Count: Champion of Destruction
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Bill in Mario
Aka the all seeing angle
Pretending to be a sprite tricking Mario into letting him into his party, once he turns he splits into a bunch of other bills and using them like polygons he becomes a 3D model
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a few of my favorite earthbound enemies
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So true.
the lord made george mother 1 come from an 1989 cult classic nes rpg because he knew that in 2012 the people wouldve lost it for a wife-loving dapper everyman journalist who exposed the literal us president turned alien abductee turned tragic grieving hermit of an absent father who secluded himself in a mountain to study alien powers. this isnt even to mention the other dude just chilling on that mountain too wtf was up with him
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