modelcitizentomorrow · 7 months
Fawn only nodded, understanding where Tiya was coming from. "I appreciate you," she finally spoke, her tone soft as a small smile found its way to her lips. Tiya's presence in her life was definitely a welcome one, and she would never be able to thank her enough for helping an animal in need before, and for giving sound advice, and just listening. "How are you, anyway? How's life going?"
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It was something Tiya didn't always want to be right about, if she was being honest. Because every single particle inside of her wanted to give one hundred percent all of the time. But it'd been a learning curve to understand that the more important part of helping was the longevity, and you couldn't keep helping, if you ran yourself ragged. "I'm not sure and I wish I had an answer for you but unfortunately sometimes balance is an effort you have to make. Once you find it though, then things will fall into place and it will finally feel right."
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modelcitizentomorrow · 7 months
"Card dealing? I would love to hear more about that." Fawn wasn't much of a gambler, but it looked fun. He looked fun. Her eyes didn't leave his for the bartender's either, or anything else, caught up in the attention he was giving her. It had been awhile since anyone had looked at her like that, she could hardly be blamed for eating it up, for wanting to listen to him go on about any random topic. "Whatever I want?" She repeated, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
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This was going extremely well; Luis had been banking on the fact she was having a good night. To be fair, it was hard for him not to be flirtatious with just about anyone when he was in the mood but there was no denying that she was one of the hottest people here tonight. Easily. He would have had to be blind not to notice. "I am a card dealer so I'm likin' my odds." His voice remained low as she leaned in, breathy yet filled with a smugness that still remained somehow charming. Motioning towards the bartender, he didn't even look over at the guy as he spoke. "Whatever you want."
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modelcitizentomorrow · 7 months
She was right, and Fawn knew it. She tried to give the other space, assuming her presence wasn't a welcome one. She tried not to overstep. But in the process, she had done nothing useful at all. Though Fawn loved deeply, she wasn't the most affectionate, not the best at showing it. She didn't blame her for making mistakes, everyone made mistakes; she had made plenty of her own. "I'm sorry that I wasn't a better friend," she spoke after a moment. "I'm sorry if none of us were. You shouldn't have had to go through everything alone."
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Zarina's eyes narrowed, her gaze sharpening at Fawn's reaction. The other's confusion only fueled to whirlwind of negative emotions in her gut. "Worried? For me? Really? Because you all sure had a funny way of showing it. To my understanding, worrying about someone leads to checking in. Picking them up when they're down. Supporting them in dark moments. I didn't get any of that the accident happened with the Dust Depot." Her voice grew a little softer at her last words, the memory sparking a mixture of despair, anger and embarrassment that made her voice falter.
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modelcitizentomorrow · 7 months
"I had a few recipes I wanted to try, I might have gone a little crazy..." Fawn laughed, her face softening when Rapunzel called her an angel, though her jaw was dropping only a moment later. "I'm sorry, a growing what?" She may have been more of the four-legged babies kind, but she immediately pictured a little Rapunzel toddling around, and if it wasn't the cutest image she'd ever seen... "You are beyond forgiven, are you kidding? I had no idea, I would've brought more than cookies!"
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smiling warmly at fawn, rapunzel breathed a sigh, swooning at the sight of the baked goods and clapping her hands together. ❛ ohhhh has someone been baking ?? ❜ the blonde quipped, leaning forward to see if she could smell them from where she stood. her jaw dropped when fawn said they were for her, eyes misting as she clapped a hand over her heart. she was so easy to cry lately, the kindness of the gesture enough to nearly make her fall over. ❛ oh — fawn, you angel... ❜ the blonde grinned, shaking her head, fanning her eyes; ❛ no nut allergy just... a growing baby who is very hungry. oh my gosh, this is so sweet. forgive me i'm — i'm just a disaster as of late!! ❜
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modelcitizentomorrow · 7 months
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modelcitizentomorrow · 7 months
Fawn's face suddenly felt flushed, but not from embarrassment. Something else. So, she was feeling a little frisky tonight, who could blame her? It was time she let loose a little. She spent so much of the freedom she had been given here worrying about things, and worrying wasn't doing any good. "If you play your cards right," she stated in a low voice, leaning in as he did to whisper the words, their little secret, "I'll do more than sing it."
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"Depends on what you were going for." Luis offered. Some people came here to be the next big thing only they were stuck here with the rest of them. They wanted attention and applause; they certainly got it. But she didn't seem like one of those people. Talented but not here to flaunt it for petty amounts of jealousy. "Anything I want?" The man mused, inching as close as his chair would allow him too. "How about my name, will you sing that for me?"
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
"You're right." Fawn knew she was right. She only had so many hands, so much time in the day, so much energy to spend. It had been easier back at Pixie Hollow. She had clear goals and deadlines to meet, jobs she could clock in and out to and not have to take home with her. But she hadn't felt like she was making as much of a difference. Anyone could fill her shoes, at least, any animal fairy. Here... here was not the same. While anyone could do what she did, very few were willing. "Why does finding a balance have to be so hard?"
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Tiya could understand that. Deeply. She never felt like she ever did enough, there were still nightmares in the world, still shadows creeping around the globe, but she had learned centuries ago that sometimes you could only do what you could and wishing you could do more only made you feel worse. "Eventually, you'll figure that out for yourself. You do what you can but not too much where the weight feels like too much and you burnout. The best thing you can do for them is to keep going and that means finding a balance."
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
"No apologies necessary," Fawn promised her, holding up a covered plate of vegan cookies in a variety of choices; banana chocolate chip, peanut butter and jelly graham cracker thumbprints, strawberry shortcake, snowballs... She'd stumbled upon a few new recipes she'd wanted to try, and her measurements had been off. She'd made far too many. Her friends were so used to getting her baked goods, she thought she'd stop by the shop and see if Rapunzel had a sweet tooth. "These are for you, if you're interested. You don't have any nut allergies, do you?"
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open stater !! @evermorehqsstart location: rap's art & paint studio
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❛ oh gosh, hello !! sorry, sorry, one moment, ❜ the blonde greeted, paint smeared across her cheeks, hair braided back though rogue strands had somehow worked themselves free around the framework of her face. wiping her hands on her apron, the blonde stood from her stool, nearly tripping over her own hair as she navigated her way up to the front of the shop— practically hopping over her braid. ❛ please do forgive me, things have been kind of hectic around here. ❜ rapunzel smiled, hand pressing to her belly as she finally made it to where they were standing, catching her breath. ❛ alright— okay, here i am. anything i can help you with ?? ❜
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
"I'm glad I could play hero, then," Fawn laughed, shaking her head at him. At least he hadn't had to spring something like that on a stranger. "Excited? I don't like rejecting people." The words coming off a little harsher than she'd intended. It wasn't that Andy wasn't a good guy and attractive. It wasn't meant to be a mean statement. "Not that I'd reject you! I mean, I would," she clarified, "but I... I think I'm going to shut up."
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"Fawn! I had to act fast think last! Hold my hand." Wiggling his fingers against her jokingly while looking around for the person once more. It wasn't like he was actually scared about them he just wasn't vibing with having someone not believing he was taken. Which he wasn't but he just didn't want to be rude to someone at the moment. There was something fun about acting it out but he hoped he didn't have to do it often.
"Aw are you not excited to have me declare my love to you? I'm hurt Fawn."
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
Fawn beamed at his answer, unsure if he was just being nice or truly meant it... but she would take it, either way. She could have done worse, she supposed. She could have fallen on her face. "That's not saying much, is it?" She laughed, thinking of all the butchered covers she'd heard tonight, a glint of mischief twinkling in her eyes. It had been awhile since she'd had any real fun, let loose. Far too long. "Oh, really? You buy me another shot, I'll sing anything you want."
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Neverland wasn't one of Luis's usual haunts, but he was getting bored with the other options, eager for a change of scenery and company. So far, he wasn't entirely sure if he regretted that choice, some of the karaoke singers left a lot to be desired ( like ear plugs ) but the latest hadn't been that bad. Not bad at all...and quite easy on the eyes. Hearing her beautifully worded excuse, he chuckled as he smirked in her direction. "Wasn't that bad, actually. Better than at least half of the people who've been up already but if you need some more tequila to try again, happy to get you something."
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
LOCATION: neverland FOR: @faiirytalcs / luis salgado
Making her way towards the bar, Fawn's cheeks would've been flaming if she cared enough to be embarrassed. She wasn't sure what had possessed her to get up in front of everyone and belt her lungs out to a song she barely knew, but hey, at least people had been kind enough to clap. Taking ownership of the closest empty stool, she waved at the bartender before looking at the man she'd seated herself beside of. "If that was as bad as I think it was, blame it on the tequila."
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
"Nothing specific, I just feel like... it's never enough," she admitted with a small sigh. "I can work all day and there are still animals to help. I know I can only do so much. But when do you draw the line? How do you say no?"
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"Not that a massage doesn't sound incredible, it always does, but what's going on with work?" Tiya had a memory of Fawn asking her for help with a fox so she had to imagine it had something to do with wildlife or an influx of animals that needed help.
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
Fawn wasn't expecting the other's reaction, she didn't think she'd be happy to see her, necessarily, but she seemed so... angry? Disappointed? Confusion darkened her own expression, brows pulling together. "Back then? Zarina, I was... we were all worried about you." It felt weird to speak her name once again, a name that she had neither said nor heard in so long, almost forbidden back home. Fawn knew very little about what had gone on, a hush-hush situation she hadn't tried to dig too deeply on. Or, okay, she had tried, but hadn't gotten very far. She and Zarina might not have been extremely close, but that didn't mean she didn't care.
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Zarina's glare never faltered as she scrutinized the other fairy's reaction. She wasn't surprised to see Fawn, quite the opposite really. She had been trapped in Evermore for eight years and took notice as she spotted familiar faces from Neverland trickling in. Granted, that knowledge didn't soften the blow of one of them suddenly appearing in front of her without warning. Especially a fellow fairy.
Out of reflex, Zarina matched Fawn's charge with an equal retreat as she preferred to keep the space between them. She crossed her arms, a flash of offense brushing across her features. "How am I?" she scoffed. "Oh, please. Don't act like you care. I don't need your false sympathy. You didn't have it back then, so don't pretend you have it now."
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
"Molted feathers, huh?" Interesting. Anything with feathers interested Fawn. "If you need any help digging around..." She looked around them once again to make sure no one was eavesdropping, though they probably wouldn't have a clue of the conversation topic even if they were.
"Just point me in the right direction." Leaning away from the counter, she smiled at him again, her voice back to its normal tone. "I'll let you know what I think of the movie."
Terence laughed at the joke, shaking his head at the thought of Rosetta and her beauty routine. How many times had she grabbed his wrist at morning distribution and dipped her powder puff into his scoop?
"I'm not sure about a tree, but there were some old legends among the dust-keepers about a creature that molted feathers that could be turned into pixie dust."
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
"Normally I'd agree. I thought it would help me be less stressed, but I can't get my mind off of work and everything I could be doing." Fawn let out a small sigh. "Maybe it's time I hit the massage table."
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location: physical @evermorehqsstart
"I always find a yoga session after work to be so relaxing, don't you?" Tiya asked, beaming even though her muscles were still sore and tired from the last hour or so of working out. There was really nothing better than letting out all that tension.
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
Fawn had absolutely no idea what was going on, but luckily for Andy, she was trying to figure it out herself so she didn't come right out and ask in front of whoever he was trying to fool. Lucky he wasn't a stranger too, or she might have smacked him. She played along instead, her wide-eyed expression probably making his attempt seem even more genuine until he dropped the act, an explanation soon to follow. "I thought you'd lost your damn mind," Fawn admitted with a laugh. "Look, you have to let me know next time so I can commit to the bit. Mwah, mwah."
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Andy held onto their hand passionately, taking a step closer but not too close. Eyes keeping a look out around the people around them making sure that no one approached. "I know! I know it's what is meant to happen, Trust me," he sighed looking away, dropping their hand. "I know we aren't the right fit, but what does that matter? Sometimes we aren't meant to be a piece of the same puzzle, but a part of something bigger. What if this is that something bigger?"
Breathing in deeply he looked into their eyes, "Wont you give us a chance?"
"Oh! Good! They left. I'm so sorry about that but there's been this one person that just wont take the hint. Maybe if they think I'm taken they'll stop."
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modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
It didn't take long for recognition to sit in, but Fawn could hardly believe her eyes, only staring dumbfounded at the other at first. "Zarina?" It had been so long. What was she doing here? Maybe she didn't know, the rest of the fairies didn't seem to have a clue themselves. She had considered more from Pixie Hollow could pop up eventually, but she certainly didn't expect to run into this familiar face. "Wait!" As Zarina stepped back, Fawn took half a step forward, afraid she would run off into the night and she'd never see her again. And then she would end up doubting herself, sure that she'd just made it up. Did any of the others know she was here? She barely even noticed the bite in her tone, too wrapped up in concern for one of her kind. "It's been ages. Are you... how are you?"
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As her eyes analyzed the person in front of her, Zarina froze for a moment when she realized who she was talking to. Suddenly she wasn't so sorry anymore. The slight smile on her lips disappeared as she pulled her bag off the ground, tucking it over her shoulder and keeping a protective hand over the strap. To think she had done such a good job avoiding the other fairies all night... She was about to give herself a pat on the back, too. It's hard avoiding certain people when everyone's hiding behind a mask.
"Never mind. I retract my apology." Zarina's voice was cold and flat, her stare narrowing as she took a small step backward. Back when she was just a dust keeper, Zarina used to enjoy Fawn's work with animals. In fact, the two fairies were a bit similar as they wandered in their daydreams. But Zarina wasn't that same fairy anymore.
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