modernprometheuus · 3 months
okay so like..... while i work on a promo + rereading frankenstein so i can get into writing victor again - does anyone have any recommendations for classic horror literature that feature some interesting & complex female characters for me to potentially muse?? bonus points if they're the villain, extra bonus points if they're somewhat sympathetic in spite of that too!
i'm currently looking to read carmilla and the great god pan, but i don't know much about either novel honestly, so i'd love to hear your thoughts on them too and if they're worth reading. ty!! <3
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modernprometheuus · 3 months
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modernprometheuus · 8 months
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modernprometheuus: || RULES || an independent portrayal of victor frankenstein from mary shelley's novel, written by meri. a sideblog for other horror literature muses can also be found at horroread. thank you so much for checking out this blog, and feel free to send an ask/message if there's anything you need!
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modernprometheuus · 8 months
like this post for a victor or justine starter!! i'm hoping to actually get some writing here done today.
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modernprometheuus · 9 months
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all victor frankenstein knows how to do is lay on the floor of a boat and cause problems
[image ID: three digital illustrations of victor frankenstein, drawn as a thin young man with pale skin, brown hair, and blue eyes, laying down on his back in similar positions on the floors of three different boats. the first image is sunny and victor is clean-shaven, has short shaggy hair, and is dressed in a suit and tie. he is smiling at clerval, drawn as a thin young man with pale skin, wavy ginger hair, a moustache, and dark eyes, who is gesturing enthusiastically above the two of them as he talks. the second image is dark and victor has stubble, longer hair, is dressed only in a shirt and slacks, and is gazing up in twisted fear, his eyes streaming tears and reflecting teal in the dim. his hands and clothes are stained dark red and in the dark water around him dismembered limbs and chunks of flesh float around his boat. the third image is bright and coldly lit and victor has long hair, a short beard, is wearing a fur-lined coat with clinging snow, and is frost-bitten, gazing up hollowly with his brow drawn tight. several people are gathered around him, most only with boots visible, save for captain walton, drawn as a man with light brown skin and black hair in a blue captain's uniform, who is knelt at victor's side with his hand hovering over victor's shoulder. end ID]
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modernprometheuus · 9 months
muse woke up. :3
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modernprometheuus · 1 year
okay so UPDATE!! i've made this blog back into a solo victor blog again, but i will be making a sideblog attached to this one for my other literature horror muses, including those from phantom of the opera, etc. once it's up, i'll post the link here!
thank you so much for being patient with me here, btw - i know i often take a long time to reply to things, but it's really nice to be able to log back on when i have inspiration and know that I can continue a thread even if it's been a while. so i just wanted to say thanks! <33
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modernprometheuus · 1 year
The laugh Victor gives himself is bitter and half-mad. Henry's touch is so kind, yet it feels just the same as if he'd stabbed him through the chest. He wants to say it... he wants to confess everything, if only so the heavy grip of his crimes might finally release him a little - though he knows he'll never truly be free. But...
"I cannot say! I cannot - oh, God..." But at Henry's request, he does slowly sit - and all at once, it's like the life has been drained out of him. He sobs, but the sounds he makes are restrained, somehow giving him the appearance of someone far older than he really is. Has he been aged by grief, or regret?
"Justine is innocent... but my brother's true murderer runs free. I pray to god that he will not strike again, yet I fear... I am so afraid, dearest Clerval! William is already a victim, he is never coming back, and... ahhhhh..." he wails in despair, unable to go on.
@wrensfeatheredpen (continued from here!)
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modernprometheuus · 1 year
“Oh, dearest Clerval...!! How I wish I could accept your unbridled kindness.” 
Victor holds onto his friend’s wrist with shaking hands, as if he’s on the edge of a cliff, clinging on for dear life. At first, his grip is far too harsh; crushing, but- suddenly afraid of hurting Henry, Victor’s touch quickly becomes gentle - like that of a ghost’s.
“Your words bring me comfort, even in my harrowed and unsightly state... even now, I wish to convey just how grateful I am for your company. No-one can match your loving spirit! But- I fear your love is misplaced!”
He’s near hysterical, and clearly out of his mind. The painful emotions that grip him are overflowing into his every word, and it’s clear just how much he’s hurting-  yet maybe that’s to be expected? After all, VIctor just lost his dearest brother, who was still only a child. But even with that in mind, somehow his pain seems excessive - his manner crazed, like there’s something more under the surface.
And all at once, unable to help himself, Victor suddenly cries out-
“For you see- it is my fault that William is dead! His death is on my hands!”
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modernprometheuus · 1 year
share with me your phantom of the opera thoughts... i’ve finally started reading the book and i’m super curious about what you all think of it / the characters / etc
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modernprometheuus · 1 year
okay, i’ve officially added justine! i also added theo and luke from the haunting of hill house (the novel, not the tv series), but they might not stick around for long, i’m unsure yet.
it’s bizarre because it’s not like i’m super attached to them or found them super well-written or anything, but I kind of?? want to write them?? in general i want to play around with and write self-indulgent stuff with the characters of hill house, but i couldn’t tell you why exactly...
i only just finished that novel today and i didn’t fully understand everything so my intepretation of the characters might be. bad. but we will see how things go :P
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modernprometheuus · 1 year
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Rose bath
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modernprometheuus · 1 year
So, uhhhh. Like this post for a Victor starter!!
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modernprometheuus · 1 year
so, update. it’s been a year since i was last here, and two years since posting anything ic, wow. honestly, i haven’t thought much about frankenstein at all these last two years, since i’ve mostly been preoccupied with other fandoms and rl stuff that’s been holding my brain hostage, lmao - but even so, I want to apologize for being gone! I really hope you’ve all been doing well.
but. i’ve been thinking about victor again lately, hence why i’m here making this post now! as a head’s up, i’ve been struggling hugely with writing and being active in any of my fandoms for a while now thanks to mental health stuff, so this blog is likely to remain low activity going forward, but... i’d like to try and write here again if i can.
i’ll probably be using this as both a rp blog for victor and a general frankenstein sideblog for thoughts/analysis/gushing etc, but yeah - i guess this post is just an update on where i’ve been and what you can expect here going forward! big hugs to everyone, you’re all the best and if you’re interested in it, i hope we can write again soon! <3
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modernprometheuus · 2 years
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“Unhappy man! Do you share my madness? Have you drunk also of the intoxicating draught? Hear me - let me reveal my tale, and you will dash the cup from your lips!”
Independent portrayal of Victor Frankenstein from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Mutuals-only, written by Maren.
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modernprometheuus · 3 years
The moment comes when he least expects it.
On many an occasion, Victor had considered giving up. No matter how hard he tried to hunt down the monster of his own creation, months had passed, and he’d never even managed to catch sight of him. The only reason he knew that the beast still lived was through the words of others; accounts of a being too horrible for human eyes to witness... and due to the taunting words that the creature would sometimes leave behind him.
But whenever he thought he couldn’t go on any more... his rage returned, and lit the fuse of fury under his heart again. He dreamed of Elizabeth, of Clerval, of William and Justine, and their memory of their faces moved and inspired him - no, he could not give up until he had avenged them, until their murderer was gone from this world.
Just now had been another one of those moments... moments when he felt like he couldn’t take it any more, and he had been wallowing in despair. So when he suddenly catches sight of the creature, standing openly before him as if to invite him in... he can’t believe his eyes. For a moment, he’s sure he’s lost his mind.
...But only for a moment. Because soon, the sight of that wicked thing causes him to burn with a familiar, all-consuming rage once more.
“Foul demon! Wretched beast! For many months, I have hunted you down, and the hour of reckoning is now upon your head! Come, try and destroy me - I will not die, not until I have ended your miserable existence, and removed your blight from this world!!”
@fromgallowsandgraves ( starter! )
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modernprometheuus · 4 years
Victor has never known fear like this.
As he stares upon the foul being to which he has given life, an overwhelming disgust fills his heart, one so powerful that he wants nothing more but to run away. He recoils instinctively, falling onto the floor and scrambling backwards, doing everything he can do get away from that - that wretched thing.
Why did he give life to it? Why didn’t he realize what an atrocity he was creating?
He can’t escape. There’s no way out of the room. And at that realization, Victor feels an awful panic well up inside him, clawing at him relentlessly. He feels like he’s about to be sick.
“S-stay away!” he yells, his voice high and loud in pitch. “Get away from me, you monster!!”
@modernprometheuus | starter
creature stares, slack-jawed and uncomprehending at the other figure in the room. something compels him into knowledge the other was integral to his being, but he possesses no understanding else wise. still, compulsion is irresistible & a mewling groan rises from him.
a want to be acknowledged. to be known by his progenitor.
he shuffles forward, large frame unpracticed in movement & without grace, towards the door the other has fixed in their eyesight, curious. what was there here keeping the other’s gaze away from his creation? another whine, as the being unintentionally blocks the doorway in his exploration, & the only means of fleeing the scene of his foul birth.
why was he? & what was this other to him?
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