modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
Greek community creates an off-the-grid Internet | The Daily Dot
Communities around the world are building their own parallel Internets to stay out of reach of governments and major corporations.
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modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
Bad Blood | MATTER //.
Alexander Litvinenko thought he had escaped Moscow's clutches, but he could not run away from the brutal realities of radioactivity.
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modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
The Internet: We’re Doing It Wrong | TechCrunch
This week Facebook's ban-bot went berserk; Github went down; and all Google services collapsed for a few minutes, taking 40% of the Internet with them. Just another week on the Internet, then. We love our centralized services, until they let us down.
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modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
Regardez bien ce trio (Bernstein, Graham, Woodward). A eux trois, ils ont fait plonger le président Richard Nixon. Qu'avait-il fait ce président là ? Envahi des pays de manière préventive, tué des milliers de personnes avec des drones
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modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
NSA used PRISM to collect more than 200 million internet communications a year as of 2011 | The Verge
According to a declassified order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, as of 2011, the US National Security Agency was "acquiring" more than 250 million "internet communications" each...
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modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
The #UK should immediately clarify why it detained #Miranda for 9 hours and on whose orders. http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/08/19/uk-detention-appears-aimed-intimidating-journalists
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modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
Alors qu'il s'apprête à passer plus de temps qu'il n'a vécu jusqu'à présent derrière les barreaux d'une prison, Manning a adressé une lettre au président Obama, diffusée par l'Associated Press.
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modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
The reported use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians is terribly disturbing
Benjamin Netanyahu
Et en attendant, personne n'agit…
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modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
How War in Syria Turned These Ordinary Engineers Into Deadly Weapons Inventors | Threat Level | Wired.com
Once ordinary workers, the arms makers of Aleppo now use their desperate creativity to supply fellow rebels with the machinery of death.
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modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
Libération de Moubarak, condamnation de Manning. Rendormez-vous bonnes gens...
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modernworldwatch-blog · 11 years
Chaque jour qui passe apporte son lot de confirmation sur une vérité que beaucoup voudraient ignorer : nous sommes en guerre. Une guerre larvée, relativement calme mais une guerre tout de même.
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