molamolomola · 5 years
claudexdiana hcs please? ~~~
I am currently on my break right now so this is not that long. I'll make a different HCs for these two on my day off 😂 Anyways, hope you like it~!
- After killing Anastasius and claiming the throne for himself, he was already devoid of emotions especially happiness
- Claude de Alger Obelia proclaims himself as the new emperor of Obelia
- A lot of people try to assassinate him, but it never bothers the new emperor
- Whenever someone tries to assassinate him, he repays them by killing them in a torturous way. He never gave his assailants a peaceful and quick death
- He never believes in promises. The last person who promised to never betray him broke her promises along with his brother
- The kingdom of Obelia fears him the most. They spread a lot of negative rumors about their emperor, but Claude didn't give a damn about it
- People were always like that. Talking behind someone's back and never gives an effort to know the truth. Claude already gives up to humanity in his kingdom
- Claude lived a life of habitual debauchery. He's always with different women every single night
- Claude only wants their body for one night and the women who flock around him only wanting his money and fame
- But it's all change in one party that held in his kingdom
- Claude was sitting on his throne with a blank expression on his face while watching the different performers on the party
- Claude was totally bored that day. He was about to leave the party when the music suddenly stops and the dancers on the floor formed a huge circle. He noticed that there's a woman standing between the circle while holding a thin silk to cover her body
- The woman lets the silk dropped on the floor, revealing her beauty to the whole party. Though there's a thin mask veil covering her face, it never stops her pretty smile to shine on the party. She starts dancing in the soft tune playing at the party. Her body sways in every beat, wordlessly inviting all the people in the party to watch her every move.
- This also includes the emperor of Obelia
- The first time Claude saw her, her ethereal beauty stole his every word. Is she for real? A fairy? Or maybe she's a real goddess? Whatever it is, Claude can't tear his gaze from her
- When she finished her elegant performance, a complete silence enveloped the whole place. When someone clapped his hand, it was as if to wake up everyone who was smitten with her performance. A loud around of applause were given to the beautiful dancer, which she replies with a graceful bow
- Claude saw her left the crowd and like a man who is under a deep spell, he follows her with an aim to have something between them— A single touch, a conversation, anything
- Claude saw her walking in the garden, her steps were light and the sun gives a glowing sparks which more highlights to her blonde and wavy hair. She was singing an unfamiliar song. Her voice was like a sweet chime in a paradise
- Almost there. Claude can touch her with just a few steps
- He can actually stop walking and orders her to stop and gives her respects to him. He is the emperor, the strongest and the most respected person in this kingdom. His words were the law itself, but he didn't want it. He can't do it.
- He has a feeling that this woman should never be treated like a mere subject
- When he tried to reach his hand to touch her, but she suddenly stopped and turned her head. Her pinkish-red eyes widen a little indicating her surprised, but it was replaced with a pleasant and a bright smile
- At that moment, she already stole something from Claude without him even realizing it
- The beautiful goddess stole the ruthless emperor's heart
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molamolomola · 5 years
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It's been a while since I made a quick sketch of this prickly guy~!!!
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molamolomola · 6 years
#8 Hideyoshi please
"For once... Please choose me."
She cannot speak. Rather, she doesn't want to speak. She can feel his body trembling while holding her. And it hurts, not physically, but emotionally.
She didn't notice when it happens. The man standing in front of him is the one of the warlords she truly trusted, Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He is a great warlord and the right hand man of Oda Nobunaga. He is also her friend and she treated him like her own big brother.
Whenever she needs help, he is always there. Whenever there is a frown on her face, even the slightest, he never failed to see it. He is spoiling her so much that sometimes she needs to remind him to stop doing it all the times. But she didn't dislike it. She can never hate him.
She really like his company, but that is because she only sees him as his older brother. She can never see him as her boyfriend because someone already stole her heart a long time ago. She loves Hideyoshi, but never in a romantic way. The man she truly loves is none other than Date Masamune.
She can still remember the mixed emotions on Hideyoshi's eyes when she told him about her feelings to Masamune for the first time. There's a worry on his eyes and at the same, he looks hurt. She thought that he's just being like this because he knew how reckless Masamune is. He knew that Masamune is capable of doing a lot of crazy things and Hideyoshi is deeply worried about her.
But she sincerely tells him about her feelings for Masamune. She whole-heartedly explained to Hideyoshi how much she loves the One-Eyed Dragon. When she finished, Hideyoshi became silent. Then he tousles her hair, just what the big brothers do to their little sister.
She assumed that everything is now okay. She thought that Hideyoshi accepted her feelings for Masamune. But she failed to see how forced his smile he showed to her that day. She was too busy and distracted for her love to Masamune to see how hurt Hideyoshi is deep inside.
That is when it happens. She now spends more time with her beloved. She always chooses Masamune over everything. Even in the smallest things, she'll think and do anything for Masamune. Whenever they're together, she really forgets everything or anyone. For her, Masamune always comes first.
Until she heard a sudden news that shaken her entire entity. A messenger delivers a news telling them that Masamune got hurt during a huge fight. She wanted to see him. She wanted to see for herself that he is alive and okay. But it's not that easy. Their enemies were surrounding Masamune's castle and it's really hard to get in touch with the people inside the castle.
When she announced that she'll go with the reinforcement Nobunaga will be sending to Oshu, Hideyoshi clearly disagrees with this idea. He doesn't want her to go where danger is lingering in that place. She thought she understood his worry, but she didn't think that it's more than just a simple "big brother's care."
Since it's like nothing can stop her from going, she didn't expect to hear a confession from Hideyoshi. He said that he loves her. Not as a sister, but as a woman. Hideyoshi truly loves her. Hideyoshi wanted her to stay because he doesn't want the woman he loves to be hurt in every possible way.
When she didn't answer, Hideyoshi pulls her body and wrap his arms around her body. Unlike Masamune, she can't feel her heart beating for him. For her, it's just a simple hug.
She suddenly felt guilty. She didn't mean to hurt his feelings unconsciously. She didn't intend to hurt Hideyoshi like this. She didn't mean to make him feel this way. She didn't mean to make him fall in love with her.
"Hideyoshi... I—"
The arms holding her tightens. She can feel it. There's a desperation in both his voice and body language. And it breaks her heart to see him like this. She never wished to see him like this, not even in her wildest dream.
But as much as she wants to save his broken heart, she still needs to go. She needs to be with her beloved right now. Taking a deep breathe, she slowly pushes him away from her. She gently free herself from his arms and look at him.
"I'm sorry..." She whispers. "I need to see him. I have to go."
Before he can stop her again, she runs away from him. She runs away from him without turning her head to see the hurt expression on his face.
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molamolomola · 6 years
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molamolomola · 6 years
9 kenshin
It's been months since war landed on their land, yet everyone in the castle can still feel the heavy atmosphere everywhere. The last war is not successful or a failure either. It's not also a huge war, but it is also their most unforgettable war. An unexpected turn of events makes their victorious feast into a solemn grieving. They secured their land, their properties, the peace and safety of their people, but not the life of their respective leader.
Takeda Shingen.
The famous Tiger of Kai, a brilliant tactician, a respective warlord and a great leader. He was supposed to be alive and continue his life with his beloved princess. He was supposed to live healthy since he received an advance treatment from his beloved's time and world. He was supposed to spend his whole life doting and loving his princess in every way. But his fate is not pleased with this idea.
A month before that war, his consumption returns and this time, it's more serious that time. His fever didn't subside and he coughs more blood and his breathing becomes more labored than before. His princess plans to bring him back to her own time, but they didn't make it. Not when there's an upcoming war in just a few days that threatens the safety of their people and the lightning that supposed to bring them back to her own time never shows up.
It makes everyone think that fate is just playing with them in a most cruel way.
She was supposed to stay in Kai, but Sasuke offered for her to stay in Kasugayama so she wouldn't drown in deep sadness. Yukimura also suggested it. He volunteered to take care of everything on Kai so she doesn't need to think of anything while she's away. Both of them were still grieving, but she's more hurt and drowning in despair and sadness.
She just didn't lose her beloved, but she also loses her other half and most importantly, her life.
It's been months since she stayed in his castle. Kenshin always sees her sitting in the gardens, eyes staring into space, with an expression as if life never once visited her again since his friend died.
He intended to ignore her and whatever she's doing everyday. It should never be a bother to him since she had nothing to do with his life. He should stop walking in the gardens just to secretly check on what she is doing on that day.
But his feelings for her stop all of these thoughts. His undeniably feelings for her were deciding for him. Ever since he had a chance to talk to her before in a banquet when she was still a hostage of Shingen, he slowly sees her in a different light. She is not a fragile woman needed to be kept inside her chambers doing those princess stuff. She is not a weak princess needed to keep away from the reality of war.
So he plans to make her feel alive again. Knowing his friend, Kenshin knows that Shingen will never let this woman to stay like this forever. He started to make her feel his presence all the time. He is always there wherever she went. Since she didn't question it, he continues doing it.
Then one day, he talks to her. He makes an effort to make a conversation with her. Kenshin always makes sure to convey his unspoken feelings to her every time he talked to her. He wants her to feel that she's not alone in this, that he is always there for her. It's hard for him, but atleast she's responding to him even just a few words. It's a good start. He can do it.
This setup continues for months. Kenshin is not a patient man. But for her, he's willing to bring out every possible patience he had just for her. Everything is running smoothly according to his plan, until an unexpected thing happens that turns everything upside down.
The princess was going missing one night. It was Sasuke who noticed it and immediately reports it to Kenshin. Kenshin feels so uneasy that he orders all the people in his castle to search for her. He's not just uneasy, but he feels scared for her. With her condition, who knows what she is thinking to do right now.
Kenshin searched everywhere. His mind were thinking fast on where she would possibly go. And that's when he remembers his friend. He's not sure if she's definitely there, but it's better to check it just to make sure. And he's right. He saw her standing in front of Shingen's grave, a dagger in her left hand ready to cut her wrist.
He's fast, but he didn't know he can be faster as he approached her and steals the dagger in her hand. She didn't fight him, but she falls on her knees, staring at the ground with tears in her eyes.
"Why?" He growls. "Why do you have to do this?!"
"I can't... H-He's not here anymore... I-I want to see him..."
He grabs her arms and pulls her until she's standing on both feet again. His both hands were shaking. He can't think straight. A lot of emotions were swirling in his mind, but he tries to control it. He has to.
"Why do always see him, but not me?" Kenshin asked. "Why do you always look for him, but not me?"
He waited for an answer, but heard nothing. She simply let her tears roll down her cheeks as she tries to avoid his piercing gazes.
"I am always here with you, but why do you always look for someone who is not here anymore with us?!" He asked. His voice is raised in every word he speaks.
He asked her, even though he already knows the answer. He always knew, but he's just denying it. She may be with her physically, but her heart already died a long time ago.
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molamolomola · 6 years
For him, being a nobody is...
For Luka, bearing the name of the Clemence family are both blessing and a curse.
It's a curse since he needs to endure the consequences of being the second son of his family.
As the second son of the Clemence family, it is understood that he's not the heir but his big brother, Jonah. His family and relatives didn't give him a special treatment just like what they are giving to his big brother. They're just ignoring him as if he never existed in their family. If he's needed, it is because they just want him to be a perfect image of a son born in the Clemence family to avoid any rumors from the high society.
He is simple just a nobody in the family of Clemence.
They still give him the things he needed, but not as good as what his brother received all the time. Instead of envying his brother, he just simply accepts it. At his tender age, he already understands that they are not the same.
Luka also knows that he is weak. A lot of children were always bullying him. Not because he is a Clemence doesn't mean he was safe from the harsh things that surrounds him. This always reminds him that it is happening because he's not special just like his brother. He wants to fight back, but he doesn't have the heart to do it. All he can do is to cry and just endure the pain.
But being a Clemence is also a blessing for Luka. Not because he is living in a luxurious life, but because of his big brother, Jonah.
For him, Jonah is not just a simple sibling for him. He is also his loving brother, his brave protector, his supporter and his loyal friend.
He feels safe and loved whenever they're together. He knows how much Jonah cared about him. His brother is ready to do anything for him to be safe and happy. Whenever he needs a company, his brother is always there on his side.
Jonah always finds the time just to be with him, even if it's just for a few minutes. Every night, his brother also checks him before he goes to bed. He sometimes reads him a bedtime story or sing him a lullaby— Things he know that will stop him from having a nightmare. These simple moments really makes a good and memorable impression for him and this makes him happy.
But he also witnessed how his brother endured all the hard things their family has to offer for him. He also knows how much he suffers every day. Seeing Jonah forcing himself to smile hurts him so much. His lips were formed a perfect curve smile, but his eyes were crying. His brother is beautiful, yet he looks like a broken doll whenever he forced a smile on his face.
His brother doesn't have the privilege to complain. All he needs to do is to follow every rule and instructions their family has given to him. Luka knows he's powerless, so all he can offer is his company and love for his big brother. He always makes sure that he will always be on his brother's side if he sees him sad or crying.
He really hates his situation. He didn't wish to experienced such life. But if being a Clemence is the only way he can spend time with his big brother, then he will endure the heavy gravity of bearing his family name.
For Luka, bearing the name of the Clemence family is a huge responsibility that bounds and pulls him and his brother down to the deepest despair the world has to offer for the both of them.
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molamolomola · 6 years
For him, being special is...
For Jonah, bearing the name of the Clemence family is hard.
Hard is just an understatement.
Ever since he got his own understanding about life, he already knew that he was special. Special in a way that he never asked in his life. The others may be jealous of him, but he's pretty sure they'll regret feeling it once they experienced his daily life.
For Jonah, being called "special" is just a fancy name to cover what miserable fate he has to endure.
His parents already told him about his position and responsibilities as the eldest son of the Clemence family. Their family is the bearer of the title of "Queen of Hearts" in the Red Army. It is a high position in the Red Army that his family has carried for many years. And soon, he will also carry this title with pride and dignity when the right time comes.
His family always gives him all the good things their wealth can provide— The best instructors for his studies, the finest things he needed, and the best school for his education. He never asked for it, but it's already given that he will have it because he is 'that' special.
But being special doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants. In every wrong doings he commits, a severe punishment will soon follow him. His actions were also limited. He is not allowed to play that much because he needs to focus more to his trainings and studies. He is not allowed to eat whatever he desires because his family doesn't allow him to.
He is also not allowed to make even the smallest mistake in front of the people. Everyone in the higher society is looking and observing his every move. Even if he cries, no one will soothe him to stop him from crying. Instead, they will scold him saying that he's just disgracing their family name for showing a petty weakness like that. As the heir of the Clemence family, he should always be presentable to everyone, with a strong dignity that is always detach to his name.
He was also given a beauty that everyone he meets can immediately notice it. 'A porcelain doll in a glass box' is what he always heard whenever someone tries to describe his appearance. Just like that doll, he was caged inside the box created by those people who expects a lot coming from him. And just like that doll, he was powerless to let himself out of that box.
But there is still a person who's willing to be with him not because he is special, but because he simply wants to spend time with him. That person wants to play with him not because he wanted something from him, but simply because he likes his company. It was Luka, his little brother.
He adores his little brother so much. He loves it whenever Luka seeks for his time and attention. He always feels an innocent affection from his brother, something that he can never feel from his own family and relatives. Luka is also a crybaby, that's why Jonah always does his best to protect his dearest little brother.
But unlike him, his family doesn't give much attention to Luka. When Jonah asked them why, they simply say that he is not special, just like him. It angered him so much. Luka should be treated fairly and get the things he also deserves. For him, Luka is the most special person he ever met.
If someone can grant him a special wish, he's willing to give up all the things he have in exchange for a simple yet happy life together with his brother. He doesn't need a luxurious life if he and his brother will just suffer just like this all the time. But life is not a fairy tale just like those stories he read in their library. This is the reality he always needs to face every single day.
For Jonah, bearing the name of the Clemence family is a cruel punishment. A punishment he thinks he doesn't deserve yet his fate still gave it to him without a second thought.
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molamolomola · 6 years
#5 from the prompt for nobunaga pretty please
Oda Nobunaga was used to win in every game he plays. If he decided to play a game, he'll do everything in his power to win it. He is always the winner. Losing is never a part of his own vocabulary. And yet, the game he decided to start with the Azuchi chatelaine changes it all.
It all started with a simple dare. He asked his newly assigned chatelaine to play a game of Go with him. In every time she'll lose, she will surrender a part of her to him. His instincts tell him that she'll be a good entertainment for him. It's a rare occasion for him to meet a girl as mysterious and fiesty as her. And he'll enjoy playing with her bits by bits.
Every time she loses a game with him, Nobunaga always claim his reward. Be it her hand, ears or arms. He is territorial, after all. He always wanted to claim and mark whatever he wins or deserves.
Aside from enjoying his little game with her, he also observes her silently. He learned that she is not just feisty. She is also a hard-working and diligent woman. She always does a neat job in everything she needed to do. Not only that, her unique creativity brightens the whole mood in his castle. But most importantly, Nobunaga saw something in her that is too rare to find in a place where lies and deceit were always involved in his everyday life.
The Azuchi princess owns a kind and gentle heart.
She always sees things he can never think that is possible. She shows him kindness that never asked for anything in return. She told him a lot of things that not only piqued his interests, but also draws him closer to her. As the days he spends with her goes by, Nobunaga didn't realize that he already surrenders the most important part of him to the chatelaine princess.
His heart.
He was supposed to win not only her body, but also her love and affection. He planned it carefully. He becomes so patient to make things right. But the part where the princess— His princess, to slowly falling in love with his vassal is completely not a part of his plan.
Akechi Mitsuhide. His trusted right-hand man, a great warlord and also the man who stole the princess's heart.
He saw her blooming like a flower whenever she's talking to him. A beautiful smile always blooms on her face whenever they are together— A smile that she never shows even to Nobunaga. He also witnessed how her cheek colors whenever Mitsuhide teases and gives her any attention. And it's very clear to him that Mitsuhide reciprocates the princess's love for him.
He ignores his own jealousy and never let anyone to notice it. He's not yet late. The game is still not yet over.
That night, the princess visited him in his chamber. He assumes that she's there to play another game with him, but he is wrong. The princess asked him to stop their little game since she can't continue playing it with him anymore. The reason why she's asking it is too obvious for him to ignore. Before she can leave his chambers, Nobunaga quickly hold her hands.
"Choose me." He said as he pulls her body towards him. "I love you. Choose me instead of him."
He never plans to confess his feelings in this way. But he needs to move fast before she completely falls in love with Mitsuhide. Maybe he still has a chance. He, too, is always spending more time with her. Maybe she also have a feelings for him and she hadn't realized it yet.
He stares lovingly into her eyes and put a gentle hand on her cheek. He's letting her see how serious he is and to find any signs in her eyes that she also feels the same with him. He waited, but he saw nor feel nothing. The princess put her hand on top of his hand before slowly removing it away from her cheek.
"I'm sorry, but I can't. I... I've already chosen him. I'm sorry." She said in a low voice before pushing him and run away from his chambers.
In the little game they both play, he is the one who loses the game.
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molamolomola · 6 years
Having a daughter that looks like you (Kenshin) Part 2
- The next day, Kenshin had a bad feeling when he wakes up. He also noticed that it's too quiet in his castle. He can't hear his son training in the gardens with his retainers
- When Kenshin asked Sasuke what is happening, he stated that Shingen brought his son together with him that night
- He also leaves a letter saying that he'll return his son if he decided to meet his daughter in his castle whenever he's ready
- "That cunning bastard." He whispered before tearing the letter into pieces
- Without thinking, he asked Sasuke to come with him. They will retrieve his son no matter what happens
- After so many hours of riding their horse, Kenshin arrived at Shingen's castle
- The moment he saw Shingen, Kenshin quickly sheath his sword and pointed it to Shingen's neck
- "Return my son. Now." Kenshin said with a voice full of rage
- "Oh? You're that bothered that you lost your son for a few hours, but never asked me how is she doing even if she stayed with me for almost two years?" Shingen said calmly, but his hands were now touching his own sword, ready to fight Kenshin anytime
- Kenshin never speaks after that. He's just glaring at Shingen while pointing his sword at him
- That is when they heard voices. The voices of his twins while playing in the garden
- "Want to see them for a while?" Shingen offered. "It's a good sight to see that they're full of life while playing with each other."
- It took Kenshin for a while to think whether he'll go see the twins or not. In the end, he just decided to hide and just check them just for a second
- Careful not to be seen, he spies his own children while they're playing catch in the garden
- This is the very first time he saw the older twin laugh like that. Sure, his son also smiles whenever he's with him, but not like that. Like he's having the greatest time of all in his life. And the little girl...
- Kenshin can't tear his gaze towards the girl. Her eyes, her hair, her lips, her laugh... Everything about her is beautiful, just like his wife
- When the twins get tired from playing, they sat on the big rock and talk with each other
- "You're here to see me, right? Does it mean you don't hate me?" The little girl asked
- "Of course not! You're my sister. And that also means that you are beautiful." The older twin answers with a smile
- "But papa doesn't see me in that way. Maybe I'm too ugly to his eyes, that's why he never visits me." The younger twin said in a low voice. Not knowing what to say, her brother just gives her a hug
- Kenshin is ready to walk where his children were only to be stopped by a hand tightly gripping his shoulder
- "Don't show yourself in front of her if you're not fully ready. You'll just give her a false hope and you'll totally break her heart." Shingen said as he stared at Kenshin with full of seriousness
- He removed Shingen's hand on his shoulder, but he also decided not to meet his daughter for now. He doesn't want to admit it, but Shingen is right. This is not the right time to meet his daughter
- That night, Kenshin and his son were having another argument
- "Don't you want to see her even just for a while?!" The oldest twin said while glaring at his father
- "I'll see her when—"
- "When what?! When she doesn't want to see you anymore?"
- The older twin doesn't hold back his anger anymore. Listening to her sister all day makes him realized how really sad she is deep inside for the past years
- The words of his son were slowly seeping through him. He's slowly hurting from those words because he knows that is the truth
- "If you don't want her, then I'm not like you. I want to spend more time with my sister. I'll stay here if that's what I needed to do. She is my only sister, father."
- "I don't want to hear your petty ranting. Leave—"
- "You don't know anything since you never talked to her even once! You don't know how lonely she is. You don't know how she feels because you never let her to get near you. You don't know anything about my sister. My sister doesn't deserve this kind of treatment even from you, father. I'm pretty sure that our mother will never do this to us, especially to my sister!"
- Leaving those words behind, the older twin leaves his father and Shingen in the main hall
- Shingen and Yuki are too proud of that child
- 'Never underestimate the invisible bond between a twin sibling.' Yuki thought
- But most importantly, that child stole exactly their own words
- Without waiting for Kenshin to recover, Shingen added more words to wake up his friend to reality
- "It's amusing to see the little version of you fighting whatever he think is right. And to think that your son is much smarter than you." Shingen said which earns a deadly glare from Kenshin. "But he is completely right. I agree with him."
- "I know I told you not to show yourself in front of her if you're not ready yet. But the time is running fast. I don't want to see you regret everything in the end because you are taking your time to earn the courage of facing that girl. Every second from now is too important. And that little girl is too close from breaking down into pieces."
- "I know that. But... What if... I hurt her? What if she will hate me for that? What if she wishes that I am not her father? What if she'll push me away from her life? What if she will also leave me just like her? The cursed I possessed stole my wife away from me. I don't want my daughter to experience it too. I... Don't know what to do anymore if that happens."
- A long silence envelops the whole main hall. This is the very first time Kenshin let out his fear and worries to them. They completely knew that he was struggling, but never in their wildest dream that hearing it from the man itself makes them feel the heaviness of his fear
- The silence was broken when Yukimura stands up and push Kenshin out of the main hall
- "Go and see her."
- Kenshin stared at him like he was insane. He heard him right. So why does Yukimura wants him to meet her now?
- "Are you even listening—"
- "She will NOT do it." Yukimura said. "I'm pretty sure that she will never leave you."
- "......And how can you be so sure?"
- "Six years is enough for us to know her better, Kenshin." Shingen said before patting his shoulder. "Let's go to her room. I'll come with you so that you can rest assured that everything will be okay. If I noticed that something is wrong, I'll stop it."
- "You'll understand us where we are getting at once you talk to her." Yukimura added
- He's reluctant at first, but decided to follow Shingen as he guided him towards his daughter's room
- When Shingen opens the little girl's room, he saw that the twins are there and they are both crying
- When he asked what is wrong, the older twin started to cry too when he can't help his sister to stop from crying
- Shingen lift the older twin and told him to wait outside with him while his father will talk to her sister
- When Kenshin enters her room, he didn't expect his daughter to run towards him and gives him a hug
- "I'm sorry!" She said while crying
- He stiffened from her words. Why is she saying sorry? After all these years, he should be the one to say sorry, not her. He should be the one to apologize for all the things he did to her
- "I'm sorry if I-I'm not pretty. I-I'm sorry if I'm not enough for you. Please don't tell me you'll never want me. P-Please don't throw me again. I-I promise to do whatever pleases you, father. Just... Just... Don't leave me again. I-I want t-to spend time with my b-brother, especially you, father. Please don't hate me. I-I..."
- How can she say that? She's too pretty, too kind, too pure for this world full of war and violence... just like her mother
- Her worries... Her fears... It touches him so hard. To think that this small child carries those worries almost everyday... And he's the one to blame. He... He's the one who did this to her
- His son was right. She never deserved all of this pain. She deserves the kindness and love of the whole world, not this. She deserves to smile with full of happiness, not those sad tears
- "Why....? Why do you even want to stay with me? I'm not a good father to you." He asked in a very quiet voice, yet his daughter still answer this
- "Because I love you, papa."
- With a trembling hand, he wrapped his arms around her small body. For the first time after six years, he touches her. He let himself to touch and feel her warmth
- "You... You can still change your mind. You can still decide to leave me and stay here where you can be safe." Kenshin asked as he hugs the small frame of his daughter's body
- "No. I want to go and stay with you, father. I love you."
- 'You are just like your mother. You said the same answer that your mother gave to me before.' He thought
- No other words have been spoken between them after that. They just let themselves feel the warmth of each other. The warmth they had missed from all those years
- Someday, Kenshin can apologize to his daughter properly. But for now, he decided to treasure this moment. This will be the start for the both of them. And this time, he'll try to make things right
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molamolomola · 6 years
Having a daughter that looks like you (Kenshin) Part 1
- The moment she closed her eyes, he knew that she will never open it ever again. He lost her forever
- And she left him with not just one child, but two. She gave birth to a twin, a boy and a girl
- Kenshin just spares a single glance to his children once before sending them away from him
- A year later, everyone in the castle knows that Kenshin was still grieving from his loss. The regular banquet becomes rare, and everyone who admires their leader put a lot more distance away from him more than before
- He's aware of it, but doesn't care about them. But Kenshin still knows that his children still need him. He knows that he still have a responsibility for them as a father and need to fulfill the promise he had with his wife before she died
- That's why for the first time after the day they were born, he goes to the twin's room with the intention to see and hold them
- The moment he opens their door, a little boy suddenly bumped with his leg
- The moment the little boy stares at him, Kenshin was startled. His son is the exact copy of himself, except his left eye is brown while the other is blue. It's like he's looking at his child version
- Before he can even react, a happy laugh interrupts his thought before hearing a sound of small footsteps towards him
- Kenshin cannot speak. His thoughts were jumbled and confused. Afraid that she'll reach him, he accidentally steps backward away from her. Because of this, the little girl tripped that makes her cry
- Without saying any word, he left their room in silence. That was the last time he goes to that room
- When the twins turn four, Kenshin is spending his time with the older twin only. He's only calling the older twin, leaving the younger twin in her room. It's either Kenshin ignores or avoids the younger twin
- The little girl always tries her best to make her father acknowledge her even just for a second. Despite her young age, she really tries her best to be a good and respectable princess. She even tries to make herself like those pickled plums his father loves to eat even though it's too sour for her own taste
- She is too desperate to catch even a glimpse of her father's attention that she's willing to do everything
- Seeing this repeating scenes, Shingen once suggested to bring the little girl to his own castle, which Kenshin quickly agrees. Shingen is too dismayed, but he's just doing it to save the love and affection that little girl still has for her father
- Shingen knows well what Kenshin can do when he is not thinking straight. He will never allow the little girl to hate her father just because his father is not acting normal right for now
- This will break not only Kenshin's heart, but also his daughter's heart
- Kenshin's older twin once asked him why did his sister needs to live far away from them, yet Kenshin didn't give him a proper answer and orders him to stop questioning him about his sister
- Two years have passed and the little girl grew so much who looked like her mother. Shingen and Yukimura can't help but to remember those distant memories when her mother was still alive
- But even though she is the exact copy of her mother, her attitude was reminding the two of them much more about her father
- She's a sweet and cheerful little girl, but also clever and persistent. She's also pretty good at making plans on how to do this and that. Once, she makes a perfect plan on how to escape from her nannies so she can go and play outside the castle by herself
- She succeeded, but her uncle saw her in town. It's a good thing that Yuki found her quickly and scolded her when she gets back to the castle
- But it doesn't mean that she'll stop doing it. If she really wants something, she'll do it until she achieve it
- The little girl also sends a letter to Kasugayama castle. She regularly writes a letter to her brother and father, telling them how she misses them and what she is doing recently. She always received a reply from her brother, also telling her how is he and their father
- She regularly received a letter from her twin brother, but not from her father. Not even once. Still, she continues doing it, hoping that her father will reply to her letter one day
- One night, while they are eating their dinner, the two noticed that the little girl is not touching her food
- "My papa loves to eat these pickled plums, right?" She asked, pointing the plum stuffed in a riceball on the table with her chopsticks
- Yukimura slightly becomes uneasy because of her question. Everything becomes awkward every time she asked about her father
- "Am I ugly? Am I a disgraceful girl?" She asked, making her two uncles caught off guard. Though they are not sure if she's asking them or herself
- "Of course not!" Shingen answers quickly. "You are so pretty and elegant, my dear."
- "Why are you asking that question anyway?" Yuki asked
- The little girl fidgets her finger for a while before answering her uncle
- "I read from a book that a person doesn't like to look or possess an ugly and distasteful thing." She answers quietly. After a few silence, she speaks again
- "Does papa never visit me, nor see me because I'm ugly? Does he hate me?"
- "Don't say such things, little angel." Shingen said, trying to calm the little girl down
- "But papa threw me away from him while he's always playing and talking with my brother in his castle. My brother once mentioned in his letter that papa brought him always whenever he leaves his castle."
- The two of them didn't like the way she sees her situation. She is now thinking that Kenshin abandoned her while he is keeping her brother with him
- The both of them are now trying to cheer up the little girl in every way they can. But there are some things that they can't give to her, like filling her up with his father's affection
- "Maybe it should be better if mama didn't give birth to me. My brother is enough for him anyway. He doesn't need me."
- At that moment, Shingen cannot fathom those emotions he sees in her eyes. Sadness, anger, abandonment, and maybe a flare of jealousy for her twin brother
- A loud clattering sound startled them, as Yuki quickly covers her small lips with his finger
- "Please, stop saying things like that." Yuki pleaded. "You are also hurting us, you know."
- Instead of answering, the little girl just cries until she fall asleep
- A few days after the incident, they both see the little girl slowly losing her cheerful smile. The little girl is hurting and the two of them didn't know what to do
- Shingen couldn't stand to see this little girl being miserable anymore, so he decided to visit Kenshin's castle to have a serious talk with him
- Back into Kenshin's castle, the older twin is trying to fight his father, insisting that he wanted to see his sister and play with her. When Kenshin says no, the little boy becomes angry
- "Why don't you want to see my sister?" The older twin asked, a flare of anger is starting to rise with him
- Kenshin just ignores him and continue to read the documents on his table
- "Why do you hate my sister so much?!" The older twin shouted at him, a mixture of blue and brown eyes glaring at Kenshin
- Kenshin has no intention of answering his son. Of course, he didn't hate her. In fact, he loves her. He's just... scared of her. Whenever he tries to look at his daughter, unlike his son who looked exactly like him, she has the exact face of his beloved wife who he failed to save and protect
- When the little boy didn't get an answer from his father, he cried and run away from his room, leaving Kenshin only watching his son's retreating back
- When the night comes, Shingen arrived at Kenshin's castle and visited his friend in his room, saying that he just wanted to share a drink with him
- "Don't you want to see her?" Shingen started which makes his drinking companion glare at him
- "Not this again." He said
- "Then why don't you want to see her? Because—"
- "Dare to continue what you are saying and I'll kill you this instant."
- Shingen just sighed. This is always happening every time he tries to open a topic about his daughter
- A few minutes of silence envelop the whole room. After drinking his sake, Shingen started to talk again
- "She now believes that she's ugly and disgraceful. She doesn't want to believe every word we said to her now." He said while pouring sake on his cup. Before Kenshin can react, he forcefully put the bottle of sake on the table, making Kenshin to stop from interrupting him. "That's why she's thinking that maybe that's the reason why you threw her away from you. That child starts to lose her confidence day by day."
- He didn't know what to say. This is the first time he heard about this
- Unbeknownst to others, he still cares about his daughter that he regularly sends some of his ninja to Shingen's castle to check on her condition
- Picking up his sake cup, Shingen lift it up and slowly twirls the liquid inside
- "And one night, she totally breaks down." Shingen stated before drinking his sake. "She cried all night asking us why do you hate her so much."
- When Kenshin didn't answer him, Shingen sighs before drinking another cup of sake
- "It's heartbreaking to see that little girl slowly shattering in front of your eyes, Kenshin. I know you knew that feeling. Especially if that little girl like her should not feel that way. Not when she still have her father and brother."
- Shingen stands up and ready to leave Kenshin's room, but stops before he can open the door. He looks back at Kenshin
- "If it's the right time you are waiting, I just hope you'll make it in time before the little girl shatters completely."
- Alone, Kenshin stares at the door for a moment before standing up to get the wooden box hidden in his room
- It contains all of his daughter's letters for the past two years
- And all of it are unopened
- Kenshin doesn't have the courage to read all of it because he's afraid to see that one of these is a letter of hatred towards him
- He doesn't know what to do if he loses his daughter too. This will completely destroy him
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molamolomola · 6 years
Hi! Can you make any fluffy headcanon about oda warlords with their daughter? Its up to you what topic you want to use. I love the way you write about their daughters. Its so sweet and good😊😘💞
Oda Nobunaga:
- "Papa!" He heard his daughter said before hugging him so tight
- He instantly becomes alert
- Why is she crying? Whoever did this will have to pay with their life
- "Why are you crying?" He asked as he strokes her long hair
- "I'm sorry!" She said while crying
- "I accidentally dropped and lost your bag of konpeito." She confessed before crying so hard on his shoulder again
- He stops stroking her hair, which makes the little girl more nervous
- But all her worries disappear when he heard him chuckles
- "You are a silly little thing just like her." He said before wiping her tears
- "I can always get a lot of konpeito whenever I wanted to, but do practice not to cry over some minor things. I don't want or anyone to see my princess shedding her crystal tears. You hear me?"
- The little girl nods quietly as she wipes her own tears
- "Now smile for me and join me."
- "Where are we going?"
- "We'll buy all the konpeito in town." He said before giving his daughter a kiss on her forehead
- Then later on, Hideyoshi secretly hides all the konpeito he bought that day
Toyotomi Hideyoshi:
- "Waaaah!"
- "What? What happened?!"
- Hideyoshi is panicking when his door opens, revealing his daughter crying
- "Are you hurt? Who did this to you?! Tell me!!"
- "I'm so sorry. I... I..." She stops for a while to wipe her tears before continuing. "I-I'm just... trying to play with your pet, then... Then I accidentally pushed the vase on your table."
- "Are you hurt? Any injuries?!"
- "No. But I'm so sorry!!!"
- She cries harder after confessing everything
- Hideyoshi let out a sigh of relief. Atleast nothing bad happened to his daughter
- "Hush now."
- "But... The vase..."
- "Don't worry about it. I can easily replace the vase on my table. What matters to me is that you're safe."
- He helps her to wipe her tears before fixing her hair
- "I'd forgive you. But please do be careful while playing. And try not to play in a place where you'll be harmed. Is that clear?"
- She nods before he ruffles her hair lovingly
Date Masamune:
- Masamune is walking towards the kitchen when he heard a soft whimpering
- He peeks inside to see his daughter crying at the side
- He quickly scoops his daughter so fast and hugs her
- "What happened, kitten?" He asked as he tries to comfort his daughter
- "Papa, I..." She said between her sobs before hugging her father and cries on his shoulder
- "I hate to see you crying, you know."
- After a few minutes, he managed to calm down his daughter
- "Now tell me. Why are you crying?"
- She avoids her father's gaze before explaining everything to him
- "Peaches."
- "Huh?"
- "I... I ate those sweet peaches your friend gave to you the other day."
- "All of it?"
- "I just intend to have a small taste of it, but it's so delicious that I keep on eating them. I'm so sorry!"
- Hearing his daughter's desperate explanation makes him laugh, which make the little girl confused
- "Sorry for laughing at you." He said before fixing his daughter's hair. "You're so cute, you know. I'm glad that you like the peaches though."
- "You're not mad at me? But I thought you wanted to eat those peaches?"
- "I like those peaches. But I love you so much and I'm glad that you liked it. And besides, I can always ask my friend to give me another basket of peaches so don't worry too much."
- "But next time, share it with the others. The peaches taste so much better than eating it all by yourself."
- "Okay."
- Masamune smiles thinking how adorable his daughter is
Ishida Mitsunari:
- No one can ever distract Mitsunari whenever he's reading his books, but his attention was drawn by the loud crying of his daughter
- "Why are you crying? Did I ignore you? Or are you talking to me without me noticing it? Tell me, please?"
- Poor Mitsunari being shocked and didn't know what to do
- Before he can continue his panicked ramblings, his daughter suddenly bows in front of him
- "I didn't mean to destroy it, papa."
- "What are you talking about?"
- "I..." The little girl lifts her teary eyes to look at her father. "T-The book you gave to me last week. I accidentally tore the cover of it while I'm cleaning my room. I'm so sorry."
- Hearing his daughter's explanation, he suddenly let out a relieved sigh
- He genuinely thought that he's the reason why she is crying
- Putting the book he's reading at his table, he taps his lap, which was quickly understood by his daughter as she slowly walks towards him and sits on it
- Mitsunari wiped her tears and smiles at her
- "I'm not mad. What's important to me is that you are always safe and happy."
- "But I still tore the cover of the book."
- "Then I hope this serves as a lesson for you to always take care of your belongings." He said before putting a loving kiss on her forehead. "Do you understand it now?"
- The little girl nods, which brings a happy smile on Mitsunari's face
Tokugawa Ieyasu:
- Ieyasu decided to organized the shelf where he always put his medicinal herbs and stuffs when suddenly, the door slowly slides open only to reveal his daughter who is obviously looking at him with worry while crying
- Ieyasu put aside whatever he is doing and quickly steps forward towards his daughter
- "Why are you crying?"
- "Papa..."
- "What happened? Tell me."
- Instead of answering, the little girl timidly shows him a bag full of mixed herbs and spices
- "What is this?"
- "I'm sorry." She said. "I didn't intend to mixed all of it in one bag. He told me that we can't use it again since we can now never determined which is which. Please forgive me."
- Ieyasu looked at his own daughter as if he can't believe that it is the only reason why she's crying so hard right now
- "You..." He let out a sigh before wiping his daughter's tears using his sleeves
- "Why should I forgive if you did nothing wrong? And don't just cry because of some silly things." He told her before getting the bag of mixed herbs on her hands. "I can easily separate them by just looking at its appearance."
- "Really? So you are not mad at me?"
- "Yes." He said before combing her soft hair using his fingers. "But who told you that we can't use these herbs again?"
- "Uncle Mitsuhide."
- "That snake..."
Akechi Mitsuhide:
- Sliding the door open, Mitsuhide was greeted by the sight of his daughter waiting for him
- "You want to say something to me, right?"
- His daughter suddenly burst into tears and hug him before saying "I'm sorry."
- He didn't expect that she'll suddenly cry when he asked her for what she wanted to say
- "Did something happen while I'm away?"
- "I... I ruined some of your important documents in your office. I-I am j-just trying to get some clean papers on your desk that time, but I d-dropped the bottle of ink to your documents. I'm so sorry for what I've done."
- He can really tell from her teary eyes and trembling lips that she's too afraid that he'll be mad at her for ruining those 'important' documents
- Smiling at her, he brushes her hair using his fingers before cupping her face and look at her
- "You've done nothing wrong. You didn't ruined any of my documents so there is no real reason for you to apologize. Those are just some scratch documents. Maybe you've just mistaken it as an important document of mine." He said before wiping the remaining tears in her eyes
- "But still..." He started which makes the little girl tensed again. Mitsuhide smiles at her that makes his daughter relax a little. "I'm glad that you told me this. You can actually ignore it and pretend that you never did it and yet, here you are, telling me your mistakes. I'm proud of you for being an honest, little princess."
- They may be different to each other, but he really loves this little girl in his arms that he's literally ready to do anything just to see her happy
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molamolomola · 6 years
(NOT a request) I checked your ml and Kenshin's the only warlord without the link leading to that 'daughter looks exactly like mc' post and I checked your #Kenshin tag and saw that you haven't written his yet (not pressuring you in any way, this is not a request) I just got confused for a moment. 🙏🏼😅 I love your writing sm after stumbling upon it as I got deeper into the Ikesen fandom, oops. I'm glad you reblog/post stuff every now and then. I hope you have a great week ahead!💕
Hello, anon~ First of all, thank you for your kind words. It's really refreshing to see this kind of comments in my inbox 😄😊 Second, you can never find Kenshin's story since I haven't posted it yet 😅 The story draft were still hidden and aching to be touched and rewrite 😂 I also keep on rewriting it because I'm not satisfied with the plot I originally created and my work is sometimes getting on my schedule so I can't completely focus on it. But sooner or later, I'll post it here. I promise. Have a good and pleasant day to you too, anon~!
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molamolomola · 6 years
hello! can i ask a headcanon about their daughter who wants to marry their fave lord? like ieyasu's daughter wants to marry mitsunari. thank you!
(I'll do the Takeda-Uesugi Forces next time 😅)
The warlords were having their usual war council in the main hall. After discussing some important matters, the door suddenly slides open, revealing their little princess. The little girl marches in front of them and declares an announcement.
- "Papa, I will marry lord Masamune when I grow up!"
- "If I'm still not married when that time comes, then sure."
- Instantly looks at Masamune
- The one-eyed dragon just laughs
- Nobunaga looks cool about it
- Masamune is a great guy, despite his reckless behaviour sometimes
- But he's sulking inside
- His little princess now want another man to be his husband
- The Devil King of the 6th Heaven who conquered the whole Japan just to get the Divine Rule
- Is now silently pouting just because his daughter now wants to marry another man
- You really need to comfort this guy every night with cuddles and konpeito
- He may be a great warlord on the battlefield
- But in reality, he is just an adult child
- "Lord Mitsuhide, promise me that you'll marry me when I grow up!"
- "Oh dear. Is this true that our little princess is asking to be my little bride?"
- "NO!"
- Glares at the silver kitsune
- Mitsuhide just smiles coyly
- Can't understand why the hell his daughter will choose that sly kitsune as her husband
- Mitsuhide surely tricked her
- There is no way his lovely daughter will fall in love with that kind of guy
- You try to stop Hideyoshi as he rambles his complains and worry
- Assuring him that your daughter is still a little kid and doesn't fully understand what is the meaning of love
- Becomes more wary whenever Mitsuhide is anywhere near his daughter
- "Papa! I found the man I want to marry when I grow up. And it's lord Mitsunari!"
- Drops the brush he's using while writing something, making a huge stain on the papers
- Did he heard his daughter right?
- Mitsunari? Of all people?!
- Seven hells
- What did his daughter see in that airhead?!
- "I will gladly accept it, little princess." Mitsunari said
- Mitsunari faced Ieyasu with a glint of joy in his eyes
- "I am now overjoyed that we will become a family in the future, lord Ieyasu!"
- "Not even in your dreams, Ishida!"
- This is a nightmare!
- He will never allow his daughter to marry Mitsunari
- Ieyasu will never give his cheeky yet precious daughter to the most irritating person in his eyes
- "Papa! Papa! I want to marry lord Nobunaga when I grow up!"
- "Oh? Declaring that she'll be my bride? What a brave daughter you have there, Mitsunari."
- Mitsunari smiles brightly to his daughter's words
- His daughter chooses well
- Though he feels something in his chest when he heard those words
- He suddenly wants to keep a close eye to his daughter
- But there is still something that bothers him so he faced you
- You were already composing some words for your worried husband in your mind
- But you are completely wrong
- "I seriously thought she'll choose lord Ieyasu to be his husband."
- "Mitsunari...."
- 'He will always be Ieyasu's fanboy through and through...' You thought
- "Papa! Papa! I found him!"
- "Who?"
- "The man I wanted to marry when I grow up! It's lord Ieyasu!"
- Hearing her words creates an instant crimson tint on Ieyasu's cheeks
- Mitsuhide laughs seeing the scene unfold in front of him
- "I really like you, lord Ieyasu! You're a kind, talented and intelligent man, that's why I wanted you to marry me!"
- His daughter is sure a brave girl, confessing to Ieyasu in front of the other warlords
- "My, my. Who would have thought that our Ieyasu here will charm my own daughter." Mitsuhide said with a mischievous smile on his lips
- "You're talking nonsense once again, Mitsuhide." Ieyasu said before quickly leaving main hall
- The other warlords followed him, leaving Mitsuhide and his daughter
- Before his daughter can follow Ieyasu, he quickly catches her and gives her a hug
- "You said before that you wants to marry your father, right?" Mitsuhide said as he runs his fingers affectionately on her hair. "Why did you change your mind?"
- "Because papa already have mama! And I know that you really love mama so much that's why I can't marry you." His daughter explained with a grin on her face
- Mitsuhide give her a soft smile before planting a soft kiss on her forehead
- 'What did I do to deserve such innocent and lovely daughter?' He thought to himself
- "I will definitely marry lord Hideyoshi when I become a proper lady in the future!"
- Stares at his daughter with a shocked expression
- His little kitten wants to marry Hideyoshi? Well, he's a good and responsible man
- He will never give his daughter that easily, even to his close friends
- His daughter is so precious that he's ready to fight anyone just to protect her
- "You want to leave me now, small kitten?"
- "Silly papa. I'm not leaving you. I will still be your little princess!" She said before giving Masamune a bear hug
- "But—"
- "And you're married to mama already so I can't marry you." She added before giving her papa a kiss on his cheeks
- Masamune laughs heartily since he has the most adorable child he can ever ask
- "Fine, fine. But the guy you'll want to marry will be having a hard time to convince me. After all, he is asking for my treasure." He said with a confident smile on his lips
- The little girl just laughs before giving his papa another hug
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molamolomola · 6 years
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Akechi Mitsuhide~
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molamolomola · 6 years
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Ieyasu~!! 😣😳
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molamolomola · 6 years
Fixing the relationship with their daughter (Hideyoshi)
It's been three days since that emotional night between Hideyoshi and his daughter happened. Since that day, Hideyoshi is now avoiding to leave his castle as much as he can. He is trying to fix whatever broken relationship he has with Aya, but he's having a hard time to do it. Everytime he comes to visit Aya in her room, Aya becomes so stiffed and tensed around him. Even if he tried to asked her some questions, she'll just answer it shortly.
Whenever he suggests that they'll do something together, she'll nervously declined him before asking him if she can return to her room again. He also noticed that she's trying to avoid his gaze as if she's scared to look at him. Now that he's paying more attention to his daughter for the first time, Mitsuhide's words were now seeping deep in his mind.
He knew nothing about his daughter, at all.
After having an approval from his lord about his requested day offs, there is a big question playing on Hideyoshi's mind. How will he spend his time with Aya? He knew that a few days are not enough to cope up with those years he wasted just to avoid her, but he also wants to spend this time to know his daughter so well. As he ponders about this, he carefully opens the door of Aya's room only to see it empty. As he frantically scans the room to see any signs of her, an unexplainable fear runs through his spine as he looks from his left to right.
"Aya! Where are you? Aya!!" He shouted in the corridors. For the first time, he didn't mind if he's the one who's disturbing the peace of the people in the castle. All he wants is to see his daughter safe. When he goes outside to alarm the guards about his missing daughter, that is when he saw Aya standing in near the gates.
"Aya!" Hideyoshi exclaimed as he runs towards his daughter. He didn't miss how her small body flinch when she heard him calling her name. "What are you doing here?! What if something bad happens to you?"
Aya was so shocked from her father's reaction. She thought that he'll be mad and shouts at her again, but not even one of this happens. All she can do is to stare at his father with wide eyes, but she lowers her gaze after some minutes. Hearing her father's sigh, Hideyoshi lowers down and look at her straight into her eyes.
"Tell me, Aya. What are you doing here?" Hideyoshi asked her. His voice was now softer and calm.
"I was just waiting for someone." She timidly answers her father.
"Someone? Who—"
"Dear me. Who would have thought that I'll get to see Lord Nobunaga's right hand man being so touchy and sweet first thing in the morning?"
"Uncle Mitsuhide!" The little girl exclaims as she turns around to see her favorite uncle and runs towards him. Mitsuhide lowers down a little and accept the little girl's hug.
"You really do keep your promise, little girl, huh?" Mitsuhide said as the Aya answers him with an energetic nod.
"You told me that you'll bring me something nice if I waited for you today, right?" The little girl answers and chuckles when Mitsuhide brushes her bangs using his fingers.
"So obedient." Mitsuhide says as he produces a small package. The little girl happily accepts it before unwrapping it. Inside the package is a beautiful wisteria obi pin. The smile presented on her face widens after seeing it before giving her uncle Mitsuhide a big hug.
When Mitsuhide took a glance on Hideyoshi's place, he saw how grim his expression right now. Not even once Hideyoshi saw his daughter that energetic and bright whenever she's with him. He saw how Aya's eyes shines when she saw Mitsuhide earlier. He can clearly see that Aya is too pleased to meet Mitsuhide again. And all of this is making a nasty feeling in his chest.
He's sad that he can't make her happy just like how Mitsuhide puts a beautiful smile on her face. He's regretting that he wasted six years just to avoid her instead of spending it to have a strong bond between him and his daughter. And he's feeling a jealousy on how close Mitsuhide and his daughter right now. When Aya pulls away from her uncle, that is when Mitsuhide decided to acknowledge Hideyoshi's presence again.
"I didn't think that I'll see you in here, Hideyoshi." Mitsuhide started.
"I have the right to be here because this is my castle." Hideyoshi answers him. His voice was full of annoyance.
"Pardon me. I almost forgot that this is your castle since you're always away due to your heavy schedules for the past years." Mitsuhide said with a sly smile on his lips. Before Hideyoshi can say another word, he began to speak again. "Since you are already here, I would like to take Aya into town."
"But she's not interested to go into town." Hideyoshi answers that make Mitsuhide smiles mischievously.
"Oh? Is that so?" Mitsuhide said before facing the little girl beside him. "Aya, do you want to go with me and try the new restaurant in town?"
The little girl nods her head to answer Mitsuhide's question. This makes a confused expression from Hideyoshi and a satisfied smile from Mitsuhide.
"See? Aya wants to go into town. So we'll leave now and—"
"I'll come with you." Hideyoshi interrupted Mitsuhide. "I want to make sure that she'll be safe while wandering in town."
"If you insist." Mitsuhide answers with a smile before holding Aya's hand and starts to walk, leaving Hideyoshi to follow behind them.
As he watches the two of them walking ahead him, Hideyoshi can't help but to see clearly the great resemblance of Aya and her mother. He can't deny to himself that he's feeling a little heartbroken whenever he sees Aya, but he also sees her now in a new light. Aya is the only treasure that his lover left for him, the only proof of their love for each other.
While walking in town, Hideyoshi silently observes his daughter while having fun as she slightly sways her hand that is holding Mitsuhide's hand. Mitsuhide sometimes turn his head just to see Hideyoshi's expressions which pleases him too much. Arriving at the restaurant, they took a seat near the window and look at the menu.
"Aya, do you want to try their dango?" Hideyoshi softly asked his daughter.
"She doesn't like to eat sticky foods." Mitsuhide said before looking at Aya. "Want to try their fresh dumplings?"
The little girl nods which makes a teasing smile from Mitsuhide to Hideyoshi. He also even asks Hideyoshi to stand up and tell their order at the counter. Hideyoshi doesn't like it, but since he doesn't want to fight with Mitsuhide in front of Aya, so he stands up and go to the counter. When he returns to their table, Hideyoshi can see Aya and Mitsuhide talking to each other so he decided to hide and listen to their conversation.
"Tell me, Aya. Why are you avoiding your father now? I thought this is what you want?" Mitsuhide softly asked the little girl. After a few seconds of silence, Aya fidgets with her fingers before answering the question.
"It feels so...weird." Aya answers honestly, avoiding her uncle Mitsuhide's gazes. "I really love papa, but I'm not used to see him being nice to me. I also want to spend more time with papa, but..."
"I heard from your maid that you're always refusing your father's attempts to spend time with you. And why is that?"
"I just don't know how to accept it. It just makes me realize that I also don't know anything about my father. I don't know what does he like or dislikes. I'm afraid that he'll get mad at me again if I do something while being with him."
"So the both of you are on the same page, after all." Mitsuhide murmurs to himself before secretly looking where Hideyoshi is hiding and give him a smirk. Hideyoshi just gives him an annoyed look before returning to their table.
After hearing his daughter's confession to Mitsuhide, he didn't try to suggest anything to Aya. He just acts as a bodyguard to Aya and silently watch her as she interacts with Mitsuhide all day. When the sun is starts to set down, Mitsuhide kneels down to see Aya's face clearly.
"You need to go home now, little girl. I'll visit you again after I return from my short trip." Mitsuhide said as he softly combs the little girl's hair using his fingers. Hideyoshi noticed it before, but Mitsuhide surely gone soft whenever he's with his daughter. Aya is surely a miracle not only for him, but also to those people around her.
"Promise?" Aya asked.
"Hmm." He hums as an answer to her. "Though I might not visit you soon if I'll get a word about you asking "that" question to anyone again."
Aya opens her mouth to retort, but close it again, for she can't really find a word or an excuse to say her uncle. Ruffling her hair, Mitsuhide stands up and look at Hideyoshi, who is quiet up until now.
"I still have things to finish in the castle so I'll leave the two of you alone." Mitsuhide said. "I assume that you'll not lose her again in this town, yes?"
Leaving him with a sly grin, Mitsuhide started to walk away. When Hideyoshi can't see him anymore, he looks down at his daughter and give Aya his hand.
"Should we go home now?" He softly asked his daughter.
At first, Aya hesitated at first while staring at his hand. But after a few minutes, she slowly reached for it and holds it tightly. This gesture makes Hideyoshi smiles. The two of them took their time as they walk back to their castle. They're not talking to each other, but the silence between them are not awkward and unbearable.
When they reach the castle, Aya is ready to go to her room when Hideyoshi asks her to come with him. It confuses the little girl, but she still follows her father. With her father walking ahead of her, she noticed that they're walking in an unfamiliar corridor. Then her father stops in front of an old room. The little girl observes the movements of her father. He holds the doorframe tightly as if he's thinking if he'll open it or not. But after a few moments, he slowly opens the door.
She follows her father when he gets inside of it. The room was indeed old and dusty. There are also some boxes piled inside the room. But what totally got her attention are those folded kimonos on top of a dusty desk. Those kimonos are now dirty and dusty, but she can still see the beautiful patterns and color combinations used to it.
"This is your mother's room when she's still alive." The little girl quickly turned her head to see her father who is now staring at her. "And those kimonos are some of her creations."
"Mama made all of it?" She curiously asked. This is the very first time that she heard anything about her mother from her father. She knew that her mother knew how to sew, but she didn't know that her mother also knows how to create a beautiful kimono like these.
Hideyoshi looks for a clean spot inside the room and asked her daughter to sit on his lap, which she happily complies. Now that her mind was full of exciting curiosities and questions about her mother, she forgets about her nervousness she's feeling with his father. Hideyoshi reaches for a box near him and opens it. There is always an interesting story behind those things inside the box, and Hideyoshi is telling it all to his daughter.
When Hideyoshi pulled a green kimono inside the box, he stops for a while and stare at it. It is the same green kimono that his wife first sew just for him. The ripped part were still there, but it was now skillfully stitched that you'll think of it as one of its designs.
"This one... This is the first kimono that your mother made for me. She insisted that I should wear it before we depart from the castle that time. This is also—"
Hideyoshi stops from talking when he felt his daughter's hand touching his cheeks.
"Papa, why are you crying?" Aya said with a sad look on her face. "Please don't cry."
Instead of answering her, he wraps both of his arms around his daughter. Every memory of her was now flooding back to him. Every memory of her that he tried to conceal at the back of his mind, every precious time he spends with her. All of it. It was both a sweet and bitter memories for him, but he knew that he can totally surpass the pain as long as Aya is here with him.
"Aya, let me be honest with you. I don't know some things about you. I don't know what are your likes and dislikes. I don't know what are your hobbies. I also don't know what are the things that wouldn't please you." Hideyoshi confessed as he hugs his daughter tightly. "All I know is that you are my daughter and I love you so much."
There's a heavy silence after that. He worries that his daughter will be mad at him, that she'll think what kind of useless father he is. But instead, his daughter hugs him back before showing him a big, happy smile.
"We will always have a lot of time to learn from each other, papa. It's not a big problem for me! I will never leave you. I love you too, papa! I love you so, so much!" Aya lovingly said to her father.
Hideyoshi stares at his daughter. She is completely the exact copy of his wife, but unlike before, he sees her now in a bright and loving way. He is now looking not to his wife, but to his daughter.
"Thank you for existing in my life, Aya. You are truly a miracle." He said before planting a loving kiss on his daughter's forehead.
Aya means "an angel who possess miracles and magic"
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molamolomola · 6 years
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Anone, Anone~ 😂
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