molinaris · 4 years
i rewatched el margin/al and now i have muse for emma through the roof tehehe hmu
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molinaris · 4 years
sentence starters of lyrics from songs by qveen herby . some lyrics slightly modified to be more usable . change gendered language & add context to your needs . ♡
“   i  always  choose  the  priciest  shoes .   ” “   the  way  i  look  says  everything .   ” “   i’ve  got  expensive  taste .   ” “   bury  me  in  gucci .   ” “   i  must’ve  been  born  with  it .   ” “   careful  now ,   this  could  get  ugly .   ” “   i  bet  you  never  imagined  i  could  be  so  mean .   ” “   they  say  i’m  an  animal ,   that  i’m  erratic .   ” “   you  don’t  want  to  fuck  with  me .   ” “   i  eat  boys  like  you  for  breakfast .   ” “   you  don’t  want  this  kiss .   ” “   you  don’t  want  this  touch .   ” “   better  not  come  crying  when  it’s  all  too  much .   ” “   i  don’t  play  nice .   ” “   if  you  want  the  best ,   you  have  to  pay  the  price .   ” “   you  don’t  like  it  when  i  get  this  drunk .   ” “   we  can  do  anything  you  like .   ” “   i  saw  you  staring  at  me  from  the  bar .   ” “   i  must  admit  that  i’m  having  a  ball .   ” “   tell  me  you’ve  done  this  with  nobody  else .   ” “   tell  all  your  friends  to  go  home .   ” “   i’d  be  damned  if  i  ever  let  you  down .   ” “   my  mind’s  already  been  made .   ” “   you  can  call  on  me  any  time  of  day .   ” “   don’t  be  scared  to  lose .   ” “   i  don’t  take  shit  from  anybody .   ” “   you  know  i’d  die  for  you .   ” “   these  hips  are  a  work  of  art .   ” “   i’m  a  dragon  in  a  dress .   ” “   i  need  a  holiday .   ” “   i  lost  my  zen   &   i  need  to  find  it .   ” “   you  know  i’ve  been  too  fuckin’  busy .   ” “   nothing  comes  for  free .   ” “   i  work  too  hard  to  dress  like  i’m  boring .   ” “   i  love  you  more  than  i  love  myself .   ” “   you  never  want  to  listen  to  me .   ” “   it’s  too  late  to  compromise .   ” “   you  can  find  me  at  my  best  when  i’m  naked .   ” “   i  used  to  give  a  fuck ,   now  i’m  jaded .   ” “   i’m  allergic  to  the  bullshit .   ” “   no  trouble  ever  stayed  long  enough .   ” “   i  thank  god  every  day  for  my  come - up .   ” “   somebody’s  trying  to  slight  me ,   but  it’s  all  love .   ” “   you’re  talking  the  loudest ,   but  you’ve  got  nothing  to  say .   ” “   all  that  perfume  could  never  cover  your  stink .   ” “   why  are  you  so  fake ?   ” “   why  is  this  causing  me  pain ?   ” “   i  don’t  know  what’s  come  over  me .   ” “   everyone  is  scared  of  me .   ” “   failure  is  rare  to  me .   ” “   you  should  know ,   i  think  you’re  fuckin’  beautiful .   ” “   people  talk  shit  when  they  feel  insignificant .   ” “   they’re  probably  just  scared  of  you .   ” “   you’re  doing  amazing .   ” “   maybe  i  fucked  up .   ” “   you  must  have  my  heart  in  a  trap .   ” “   i  wish  i  could  delete  you   &   me ,   and  our  memories .   ” “   are  you  counting  your  blessings  now ?   ” “   pray  for  me .   ” “   stay  away  from  me .   ” “   your  apology  was  irrelevant .   ” “   don’t  be  scared  of  me .   ” “   the  one  thing  i  know  is  that  i  can’t  stop  now .   ” “   they  say  slow  down ,   but  i  never  listen .   ” “   i  get  lonely  with  no  new  friends .   ” “   people  have  been  saying  i’ve  changed .   ” “   you  disrespect  me   &   i  leave  the  room .   ” “   hope  i’m  not  hurting  your  feelings .   ” “   you  don’t  recognize  me ?   ” “   i  could  be  nice ,   but  that  would  be  false  advertising .   ” “   you  took  advantage  of  me .   ” “   when  will  you  ever  learn ?   ” “   i’d  rather  keep  a  crown  then  be  your  trophy .   ” “   can’t  you  see  i’m  not  the  type ?   ” “   wish  i  wasn’t  so  polite .   ” “   i’m  not  a  prize  to  be  won .   ” “   all  you  wanna  do  is  ignore  me .   ” “   i’ve  been  waking  up  smiling .   ” “   i  went  bullshit - free  for  weeks .   ” “   bank  notes  always  seem  to  change  hoes .   ” “   can’t  be  mad ,   you  did  that  to  yourself .   ” “   i  don’t  love  you  like  i  did  before .   ” “   you  give  my  soul  completion .   ” “   i’m  a  selfish  bitch   &   i  want  you  to  know .   ”
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molinaris · 4 years
“  i’ve been gossiped about again.  ” “  now,  i can withstand anything.  ” “  you always fight to the bitter end.  ” “  i’ve already seen this before.  ” “  everyone but you knows it.  ” “  you have withered,  i have bloomed.  ” “  you don’t know,  do you?  ” “  blah blah bullshit.  ” “  you make me crazy.  ” “  you know i’m okay.  ” “  feels like nobody else is here.  ” “  you know i’m naughty.  ” “  what are you gonna do about it?  ” “  i wish you would leave me alone.  ” “  don’t panic,  it’s alright.  ” “  they don’t care.  ” “  you don’t care.  ” “  the show must go on.  ” “  you’re talking too much.  ” “  breathe.  ” “  even if it hurts,  i can take it.  ” “  how are you feeling now?  ” “  why do you like me so much?  ” “  you promised we’d go together.  ” “  you’re nervous,  i can see it.  ” “  say you need me.  ” “  are you sure you’re not crazy?  ” “  you’re leaving me here?  ” “  my body   &   head are spinning.  ” “  the real hero was you.  ” “  why did you give me wings   &   want me to fall?  ”
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molinaris · 4 years
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❛  you look waaay too nice to be hangin’ in a place like this. did ya enter the wrong place? last i checked, the ritz carlton is on the other side o’ town. ❜  
𝙸.𝙳:  @molinaris​.  𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙶𝙽𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃: starter call.
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              “    …    are   you    trying    to    gatekeep    me?    ”   perhaps,    if    she    weren’t    so    exhausted,    she   would    be    able    to    retort    to    his    obvious   attempt    at    flattery    with    a    less    snappish   reaction    –    maybe    a    lifetime    ago,    she   would’ve    smiled,    too.    But    it’s    Friday   night,    and    the    stack    of    files    she    slams    onto  the    bar’s    counter    as    she    takes    a    seat   next    to    him    speaks    volumes    of    how    overworked   she    is    this    week.    And    to    further    assess    her   actions,    she    places    both    elbows    on    the    bar   when    she    speaks    again,    “    I    just    came    here   for    a    drink.    I    wasn’t    aware    I    was    supposed   to    look    a    certain    way.    ”    
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molinaris · 4 years
Hi lovelies!! Sorry that i’ve been super mia, but i’m moving to a new apartment soon and these couple weeks have been hectic jdkjjf but!! I’ll try to get to the starters today! Stay hydrated!!
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molinaris · 4 years
anyways to my 3 followers smash that heart for a starter !
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molinaris · 4 years
nbc’s  hannibal ( 2013 - 2015 )  pt  2 ↪  req’d  by  anon.  s01e07 - s01e013.  alter  as  you  see  fit.  trigger  warnings  for  death,  gore,  violence,  sexual  themes
“there is a distinctive brutality.”
“come over and i will cook for you.”
“he used to throw such exquisite dinner parties.”
“it’s fairly evident the man’s dead just by looking at him.”
“[name left his last victim in a church pew using his tongue as a page marker in the bible he was holding.”
“he looks normal. and nobody can tell what he is.”
“i kind of kinda thought you’d be there which … isn’t why i was there.”
“i think that we would make good friends.”
“i have conversations with a version of you and hope that the actual you gets what he needs.”
“red or white?”
“i discovered that we are cheese folk.”
“i transferred my passion for anatomy into the culinary arts.”
“did you think it was a date?”
“you avoided being in a room alone with me essentially since i met you.”
“well, i wanted to kiss her since i met her.”
“murder houses don’t fetch big money in today’s real estate market.”
“i promise i won’t try to kiss you again.”
“i have feelings for you, [name]. but i can’t just have an affair with you.”
“this is possibly the finest salad i’ve ever eaten in my life.”
“i know what monsters are. you’re a victim.”
“i can feel my nerves clicking like, uh, roller coaster cogs, pulling up to the inevitable long plunge.”
“there’s a grandiosity to the violence that i imagined that feels more real than what i know is true.”
“i caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and i looked right through me, past me, as if i was a was just a stranger.”
“i know what kind of crazy i am, and this isn’t that kind of crazy.”
“well brain scans can’t diagnose, uh, mental disorders.”
“just do me a favour and publish it posthumously.”
“i tried to be a good mom.”
“why are you still here when the both of us know that this is bad for you?”
“you made me think i was somebody else, and now who knows what i’m thinking?”
“so maybe i’m not supposed to be in a relationship.”
“would have been fun to cozy up with your dogs in front of a space heater.”
“now, this relationship between you and me, this can do us both some good.”
“it’s like remembering something from your childhood, and you’re not sure if it’s your memory or a friend’s memory, and then you realise sadly it’s just some photo in an old book.”
“he hasn’t answered his phone since yesterday, didn’t show up to work today.”
“you know, it’s hard to shake off something that’s already under your skin.”
“[name], you’re having an episode.“
“although you may not feel like it, i need you to smile.”
“you’re in no state to go anywhere but the hospital.”
“it’s hard to be with another person when you can’t get out of your own head.”
“you look pretty.”
“people who have what you have can recover with shock treatment.”
“it feels more like a horrible dream where i killed my friend.”
“[name] was just a dumb kid who was really messed up because his sister was murdered.”
“you’re looking for an explanation, an explanation that makes all of this okay.”
“i’d hate to damage anyone’s reputation unnecessarily.”
“thank god for small favours.”
“[name] has been victim of many unusual and irrational thoughts.”
“you have any idea where they might be going?”
“maybe you shouldn’t have checked yourself out of the hospital.”
“i think you’re still sick.”
“i’m afraid you’re gonna have to leave.”
“i can’t pretend i don’t know you and i can’t pretend we both don’t know what I’m finding under your nails.”
“i guess you dodged a bullet with me.”
“grieving is an individual process with a universal goal: the truest examination of the meaning of life and the meaning of its end.”
“young people are supposed to be the lenses through which we see ourselves living beyond this life.”
“it’s hard to accept that i could fail them both so profoundly.”
“i’m willing to change my mind should the evidence change.”
“all sense of who you are has been distorted by your illness.”
“you are alone because you are unique.”
“i smoked the veal on a pyre of dry hay. it imparts a unique smouldering flavour to the meat and to the room.”
“thank you for indulging me.”
“you seemed like you needed to talk.”
“you develop relationships with people who are prone to violence.”
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molinaris · 4 years
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EMMA MOLINARI, FORMER SOCIAL WORKER AT SAN ONOFRE’S PENITENTIARY.       from netflix’s el marginal. written by nosta.
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molinaris · 4 years
“nothing wrong with that.”    (  @asperad​  )
                              “     i’m    glad     we     can     agree     on     that.     ”   
                            a    small     smile,     soft     cant     of     her     head     forwards,     Emma     spares     a     few     seconds     of     silence     while     stirring     the     steaming     contents     of     her     coffee     mug,     as     if     waiting     to     see     what     Stella     Gibson     will     say     next     –    a     woman     of     few     words,     or     so     it     feels     like     to     Emma.     there’s     a     certain    feeling     of     being     in     the     presence     of     an   enigma     every     time     the     two     have     to    interact,     but     as     brief     as     their     conversations     are,     she     can     tell     with     conviction     that     Stella     Gibson     isn’t         unpleasant     company.    
                               “     when    I     was     working     at     san     onofre,     there     was     plenty     of     …     uh,     shall     we     say,     reluctance     to     my     methods     of     helping     the     inmates.    mostly,   they    were    completely    ignored.  ”     a     small     shrug     is     offered     as     she     brings     the     mug     to     her     lips     (     it     tastes     like     reheated     coffee     machine     brew,     but    it     keeps     her     awake     ),     “     then     again,     the     system     was     very     different.     the     edification     was     falling     apart,     so     I     suppose    there     were     more     relevant     matters     to     spend    money     on.     ”     surely,     Stella     will     notice   the     biting     cynicism     in     her     voice     –   it     took     her     three     years     to     find     out   there     was     simply     no     attempt     at     improving     the     system     in     the     slightest.     It     was     all     about     who     would     take     the     biggest     cut   when     the     day     was     over.
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              sometimes,    she     still     recalls     many     of     Rita’s     words.    Half     of     them     were     actually     advice     just   to     survive,     she     realizes     now.
                      “     I    just     think     human     beings     aren’t     born     inherently     rotten     –     everybody     can     turn     into    a     better     version     of     themselves     if     they   put     their     backs     and     sweat     into     it.     i’ve    seen     it     first     hand     .  ”
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molinaris · 4 years
arrested  development  (  2003  -  )  sentence  starters ↪  from  all  seasons.  alter  as  you  see  fit
“i’ll leave when i’m good and ready.”
“i know you’re the big marriage expert - oh, i’m sorry, i forgot your wife is dead!”
“it’s like she gets off on being withholding.”
“nothing wrong with that.”
“there are so many poorly chosen words in that sentence.”
“i know it can never be, so i’m leaving. i’m enlisting in the army.”
“do you know where i could get myself one of those t-shaped pendants?”
“there’s always money in the banana stand.”
“how much can one banana cost, [name]? ten dollars?”
“where did the lighter fluid come from?”
“the seal is for marksmanship and the gorilla is for sandracing.”
“here’s some money. go and see a star war.”
“i don’t feel so good.”
“you couldn’t pick her out of a line-up of one.”
“i’m glad you got my message.”
“i’ve made a huge mistake.”
“here’s a candy bar. no —- i’m withholding it.”
“well i hope you also carry a spare bowl of CANDY BEANS!”
“wine only turns to alcohol if you let it sit.”
“it’s vodka; it goes bad once it’s opened.”
“where the fuck are my hard-boiled eggs?”
“i am having a love affair with this ice-cream sandwich.”
“and that’s why you always leave a note!”
“i call it … hot ham water.”
“there are dozens of us! dozens!”
“i’d rather be dead in california than alive in arizona.”
“i feel like a fucking idiot.”
“never promise crazy a baby!”
“i don’t understand the question, and i won’t respond to it.”
“it just makes me want to set myself on fire.”
“it was written half in english, half in … squiggly.”
“are you suggesting coconuts migrate?”
“i was going to smoke it like a cigarette.”
“this doesn’t bode well.”
“i hear the jury’s still out on science.”
“this is a tricky grey area.”
“no touching!”
“i’ve never admitted to making a mistake.”
“this party is going to be off the hook!”
“i don’t know why, but this is it!”
“you’re killing me, [name].”
“why don’t you go away, get away, you’re hopelessly hopeless.”
“i’d like to cry but i can’t spare the moisture.”
“i don’t know what i was expecting.”
“[name], look what the gays have done to me.”
“i’ve opened a door here that i regret.”
“say what you will about america; thirteen dollars still gets you a hell of a lot of mice.”
“i’m a monster!”
“i appreciate your time.”
“hey buddy, are you alone?”
“oh [name]. after all these years, god’s not going to take a call from you.”
“did you enjoy your meal, [name]? you certainly drank it fast enough.”
“i’ll be in the hospital bar.”
“i want to know what it feels like to get my face socked in!”
“no, no, no. i am telling you. you are now punished. i punish thee!”
“i am going crazy with the boredom, [name].”
“it’s just that i was constantly being called to the phone, or i was asked a question, or i was being resuscitated and it was really hard to get a good work flow going.”
“i’d have to get up pretty early in the morning to get drunk by one o’clock.”
“i’m sorry, i’m just still on the whole ‘[name] being likeable’ thing. you know he’s only had sex with like four women, right?”
“that’s what it said on ‘ask jeeves’.”
“what? i want her to be prepared in case some bully at school is as clever as i am.”
“i’ve been charged with taking caring of you, and i’m bloody well going to do it.”
“let me ask you something. is this a business decision, or is it personal? ‘cause if it’s business i’ll go away happily. but if it’s personal, i’ll go away… but i won’t be happy.”
“am i that much of a monster, [name]? even to you?”
“i’ve seen one person die.”
“how come i’ve never thought of that before?”
“marry me!”
“why don’t you just pick out anything you want?”
“i’ve always been deeply passionate about nature.”
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molinaris · 4 years
truth be told emma leaving for the states and seeing a different type of prison system than the one she was used to was a good thing for her - not only because the change of atmosphere was immense ( the subhuman living conditions that the inmates in south american prions have to endure for example ), but also because it allows her to exploit her degree and passion for social work at its full potential -- something that sadly wasn’t entirely possible at san onofre due to the corruption within the penitentiary. i’m not saying there isn’t corruption and its own set of issues at state penitentiaries in the us/a, but the structure and conditions she has to work with are much more favorable compared to what she was used to, and she acknowledges that.  it allows her to put her knowledge and ideas to full use, and she plans on incorporating them to the prison system in argentin/a once she goes back with her master’s.
still, she has trouble dealing with the trauma she endured in san onofre, and it shows in the way she’ll be uneasy around male authority figures within law enforcement, not trusting them at all and instead preferring to respond to female authorities.
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molinaris · 4 years
                      “     detective    superintendent     gibson?     ”
            tone    is     clear,     yet     slightly     hesitant     (     she’s     bothered     by     her     own     accent,     the     way     it’s     difficult     for     her     to     pronounce     certain     words     still     –     Emma     was     never     a   perfectionist,     but     her     job     has     become     the   key     element     she     chose     to     focus     on     ).    still,     her     chin     remains     tilted     straight,   a     polite     hand     extended     towards     the     woman     standing     by     the     desk.          For     some     reason,    she     feels     more     at     ease     with     women     lately     (     many     a     therapist     has     talked     about     suppressed     ptsd     when     assessing     her     –   she     chooses     to     believe     it’s     just     a     matter     of     ‘two     peas     in     a     pod     get     better     along’   ).     working     here     is     different,     people   from     this     side     of     the     continent     remain     at     a     prudent     distance     at     all     times,     and    she’s     just     now     begun     to     get     used     to    the          notion     that     a     kiss     to     the     cheek     isn’t     a     proper     greeting.
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          “     i’m    emma     molinari,   i    work    for    the    department     of    social    services     –     i’m     here     because     a   request     for     mental     health     assistance     was     made     by     an     inmate     awaiting     trial     next     week.     I,     uh,     I     believe     it     was     one     of   your     cases     –     an     extradition     to     the     states     from     london.          ”     she’s     slightly     uneasy     (     there     used     to     be     enough     confidence     in     herself     four     years     ago     to     be     able     to     stand     her     ground     at     San     Onofre.     Now,     she     just     feels     on     shaky     ground     twenty     four     seven     ).     “     I     suppose     that’s     why     they     told     me     to     meet    up     with     you.     ”     a     pause,     she     takes    in     the     woman’s     features     (     strong,     sharp     –     the     kind     of     woman     who     would’ve    been     able     to     control     San     Onofre     much     better     than     Antín     ever     did     ),     “     may     we     revise     the     case     together,     if     you’d    like?     I     think     you’ll     be     able     to     fill     me     in     on     the     details.     ”   (  @asperad​  )
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molinaris · 4 years
anyways to my 3 followers smash that heart for a starter !
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molinaris · 4 years
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molinaris · 4 years
stranger  things  season  two  (  2016 -  )  sentence  starters ↪  joyce  byers  edition.  alter  as  you  see  fit
“okay, so i’ll pick you up in two hours.”
“if anything happens, if you need to come home, just ask them to use their phone and call home. okay?”
“have fun.”
“oh, shit!”
“you’re gonna get me fired.”
“[name], i have to get back to work!”
“you feeling any better?”
“hey. what did we talk about, huh? you gotta stop with the ‘sorries’.”
“and listen, you know, there’s nothing to be nervous about, you know.”
“hey, i’m gonna be there the whole time. so it’s gonna be okay. okay?”
“what do we do when that happens?”
“i’m sorry, what you’re saying is it’s gonna get worse and worse and we’re just supposed to pretend it’s not happening?”
“‘trust me’? are you kidding me?”
“don’t call him that.”
“come on, honey, up and at ‘em.”
“[name], where’s [name]?”
“what are you doing?”
“let’s get this on.”
“you need some tape. hold on.”
“what’s this?”
“did you have another episode?”
“see? it’s an exact match.”
“but … why would he lie to me?”
“then what the hell is this?”
“we ran. we just ran.”
“god, i want this to be over.”
“you promise?”
“be safe!”
“it’s just every time he’s away from me, it’s like i can’t function.”
“i know it sounds silly.”
“oh, it’s just so hard to explain.”
“it’s just that this … this is not a normal family.”
“jesus. have you seen them?”
“thank you. thank you. you’re a lifesaver.”
“will you make sure he gets in okay?”
“have a nice day.”
“no! no, you didn’t.”
“he likes you, too. i can tell.”
“i’ll kill them. i swear to god, i will - i will kill them.”
“what’s going on? where’s [name]?”
“can you hear me?”
“i need you to try.”
“[name], i need you to tell me the truth.”
“but … but i can’t help you if i don’t know what’s going on. so you have to talk to me, please.”
“no more secrets, okay?”
“did … did you see this thing again on the field?”
“what … what is it?”
“what does it want?”
“well, what does that mean?”
“it’s okay, it’s okay. hey.”
“listen. look - look at me. i will never, ever let anything bad happen to you ever again.”
“whatever’s going on in you, we will fix it. i will fix it. i promise. i’m here.”
“he’s still not there?”
“did he get any of my messages from yesterday?”
“just tell him to call me the second he gets in. please.”
“hey. how are you feeling, sleepyhead? any better?”
“okay, let me see.”
“do you feel cold?”
“you know what? i’m gonna run you a nice warm bath and it’ll warm you up and hopefully get you feeling better.”
“leave it open.”
“where the hell have you been?”
“what if you didn’t have to use words?”
“i mean, it’s sort of forking and branching like lightning.”
“you know what? now is really not a good time.”
“you saw who, baby?”
“you know, i - we’re fine, we don’t need anything.”
“those are great.”
“we … we just need you to help us figure out what - where … where this is.”
“[name], no questions.”
“what’s the problem, exactly?”
“okay. can’t you figure it out?”
“but we did all that work.”
“i need you to stay here.”
“that’s why i need you to stay here! stay here!”
“give me that. give me that shovel.”
“i need you to help me get down there.”
“he’s gotta be this way.”
“oh my god. [name], are you okay? are you okay? are you okay?”
“god! hold on, sweetie! i’m right here, just hold on.”
“that thing … it did something to him.”
“no. no, he has been telling you over and over that something’s wrong, and you said it was all in his head.”
“you said, “be patient”. those were your words.”
“what, stay calm? trust you?”
“they made me sign like, a thousand documents.”
“i mean, I lost track at a certain point.”
“oh, it - it’s not crazy at all.”
“sweetie, how are you feeling? you okay?”
“that’s enough. that’s enough!”
“what the hell is taking so long?”
“let me through. let me through!”
“who? who made you do what?”
“[name], sweets, talk to me. you got to help me understand.”
“okay, [name], [name] listen. do you know who i am?”
“hold him down.”
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry.”
“come on, [name]. come on.”
“they’re right. we have to kill it. i want to kill it.”
“he knew who i was.”
“he’s still in there.”
“it’s gonna work. it has to.”
“[name], we just wanna talk to you. we’re not gonna hurt you.”
“we wanna help you. but to do that we have to understand how to kill it.”
“[name], baby … if you’re in there, just please … please talk to us.”
“please, honey, please can you do that for me?”
“i love you so much.”
“he’s not doing well.”
“what else did you see?”
“do you think if we got you back there, that you could close it?”
“he likes it cold.”
“it’s what [name] kept saying to me.”
“we keep giving it what it wants.”
“we need to burn it out of him.”
“we’ll do it here.”
“this thing has had [name] long enough.”
“let’s kill the son of a bitch.”
“just wait!”
“can you hear me?”
“yeah, it’s just what’s happening.”
“[name] wanted me to give him some space, so … i’m giving him a few feet.”
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molinaris · 4 years
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EMMA MOLINARI, FORMER SOCIAL WORKER AT SAN ONOFRE’S PENITENTIARY.       from netflix’s el marginal. written by nosta.
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molinaris · 4 years
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