molinxsdeviento · 2 months
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Romi smiled at the blonde and nodded about going to Spain. She had to talk to her manager to see when she had to go back to shoot season 2 since the first season had gone so well. She knew she had to be more present for her work and all that jazz but her manager charged a considerable amount of money to handle those things so she figured, what the hell. She was looking forward going there again and the possibility of days off to visit around--and the idea of taking Izzy with her was, well, something.
The idea of Izzy seeing art in Barcelona was a weird sort of fantasy but she wanted to be the one taking her there. Weird the things you wish for.
"How dare you, coffee goes well with everything. Black, super hot coffee that is, not that bullshit they sell in Starbuc.ks," she went on still pretending to be somewhat offended but smiling a moment later about icecream. She should know Izzy liked it in winter too already, why didn't she know that? "I think that sounds like Heaven, or well, really nice. Now picking a movie would be the tricky part though."
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Izzy's eyebrows raised and her smile grew as Romi playfully called her out on her joke, "I've never been to Spain so... you better keep that promise." What she earned from being a historian, a tour guide wasn't that much to achieve a few of her dreams like traveling overseas just for fun. Her side gig, while new, was going really well and did give her some cushion to help the both of them with other expenses so maybe she could take that offer Romi was suggesting.
Upon being called gringa, a snort came from her and Isabella couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Well, I'm not so sure how well coffee goes with tacos or fried empanadas but... I could go with either of those things... I'll definitely have to stay up late though because it sounds like a big late dinner."
Looking at Romi as they went on the subway car, she smiled. "I do enjoy ice cream in winter, we could pair it with a movie at home and some blankets. What do you think?"
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molinxsdeviento · 2 months
                              ♡      𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐤
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finished commission : click the source link below to be redirected to 871 gifs (268x151px) of santiago cabrera in the musketeers season 1. all of these were made by me from scratch so don’t claim as your own or redistribute. please like/reblog if you found this helpful. remember, my gif commissions are open ! in case you’re interested you can find the information here.  
possible tw: guns, weapons, drinking, kissing, body image.
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molinxsdeviento · 2 months
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Santiago Cabrera as Xabier Etxarte in COVERT AFFAIRS
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molinxsdeviento · 2 months
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Juan had to admit he liked the fact that she thought she had to justify herself and her choice of food. It was a religious thing and not a conceited nepo baby who wanted bubbled water from Norway or something--well, maybe she did but she had jumped on a bus. He doubted any of the Baldwins or the Kennedys would do that. So, points for her. "Hey, no judgement here," he offered with a half smile waiting to see her reaction as she tried the empanada he handed it over and nodded with a full grin when she liked it. "See? I told ya," he agreed proudly before taking a bite of his empanada with chicken before pursing his lips and furrowing his eyebrows.
"Uhm, does it bother you? That I'm eating meat?" He didn't want to gross her out, mainly because having to deal with the smell of vom-it until the next stop would be horrible and also well, because he was nice against his better judgement. It was annoying to be thoughful really. Why couldn't he just keep chewing her head off and taking it on this one percenter offspring all the wrongs of the common folk huh? No, he had to go and be nice, cos he was brought up by nice, working people. Fucking idiot.
"I mean it's a long trip and I don't have a lot of non-meaty food to be honest," he added as an afterthought, hoping her stomach was strong or that she didn't care or well, something. He could always wait for the next stop and sit elsewhere but he wanted to know what the hell was she doing here and why. There was a story there and he was intrigued--yes, sure, he could sell the story to his boss and make the money he quite desperately needed but... She was intriguing. She was not what he expected a nepo baby to be at all. And that annoyed him somewhat.
"So uhm, are you going all the way? All the way to New York?"
She wasn't sure why he was suddenly being nice but Neha had to admit that she knew when to concede and be civil. While she still wasn't too happy about the assumptions he'd made about her, she'd been wholly unprepared for this trip, hopping on the bus on a whim. She' did not expect her accounts to be frozen in an attempt to get her to come back home. She had to be smart about what funds she did have, which wasn't very much since she normally didn't carry cash. So free food was something she simply couldn't will herself to pass on, no matter the person offering it to her.
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Neha's brows rose softly when he mentioned his mother making some that were vegetarian. "Oh," she began, voice relaying her surprise. "I guess in that case, sure." she shrugged giving him a small smile. She'd eaten at some of the most expensive and highly-praised restaurants in the world but there really wasn't anything that compared to the food cooked by a loving mother. "Not that I mean to be picky, by the way - It's just a religious thing." She clarified, knowing he already seemed to think of her as high maintenance and feeling the need to defend herself against more of those assumptions.
As she watched him get up to get the food from his bag, Neha couldn't help but reflect on what a strange shift in his demeanor but she supposed she couldn't complain. Before she could ponder that for too long though, Juan was sitting back down and handing her an empenada. "Thank you," she offered him a more genuine smile this time as he introduced himself. "I'm Neha." She considered lying about her name but Juan didn't seem like the type of guy that kept up on news tabloids and figured it was safe.
She took a bite and the moment the flavors hit her tongue, Neha was letting out a delighted hum of enjoyment. "Oh wow - okay you weren't kidding about your mother being a good cook. This is really good." She said as she went to take another bite. | @molinxsdeviento
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molinxsdeviento · 4 months
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molinxsdeviento · 5 months
It had started harmelessly enough. Lucy had a crush. It was a silly crush. The cute guy in a suit would one day look up when getting his pass and smile at her and she'd be charming. He'd ask for her number and she'd gladly give it. Or maybe he'd show up with coffee one day. Or maybe they'll accidentally-on-purpose would bump into the hot dog truck (she doubted the guy had any street food with those kinds of suits but hey, a girl can dream of dreamy lawyers or traders in fancy suits getting mustard stained and her cleaning it up from their lapel).
But he never looked up, not even in Christmas--he did say Merry Christmas though--and then in what felt like 3 seconds he got mugged, pushed to the trucks and she, a girl half his size with zero training that had done a squat in maybe the last 4 years jumped right after him, shoving him and saving both of their lives from the express.
Then things got complicated--the nurse misheard and said she was his fiancee so she could see him and then his family assumed that was the case and at first Lucy didn't find the moment to tell them the truth and then... Then she didn't want to. They were sweet and loud and funny and chaotic and boy, how she missed being part of a family.
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She had friends of course, good friends, but it wasn't the same. Marcus' family had automatically taken her by her word and adopted her--and it was going somewhat okay until the brother came along. The brother seemed to know Marcus type. From what she had picked up there had been some family rift and Sergio was the only one talking to him, which meant he could tell she was lying. And she didn't want to lie to them, but... but she liked it, she liked being one more of them.
"Oh no, not all all. Yes, Lucy. Hi Sergio?" she said pursing her lips together and reaching for his hand to shake, a little nervous at the entire thing. Letting go of his hand a moment later, she looked at the chair she had been sitting on. "Would you like to--" she asked gesturing to the chair. "I was going to get a coffee. Would you like one? He has a bit more color today," she offered looking at Marcus and fixing a lock of hair from his non-fringe. She shouldn't do that, considering the man in the bed didn't even know her but it felt right.
Closed starter for @amomentxofhappiness
He'd only been gone a week, visiting some friends for the holiday, and somehow so much seemed to happened suddenly in Sergio's life. Not only had his brother fallen into a coma after some freak accident, he also had learned about his brother's fiancée who had saved him. Sergio was honestly more shocked by that news than of the accident, as he and Marcus had always been close, and yet somehow this was the first time the younger sibling was hearing about the woman. It made he grow a bit weary, especially after hearing his mother rave about the woman whom she'd also had only just met after the accident. If his mother's words were anything to go off of; Marcus' new fiancée was charming and a doll, two words that Sergio wouldn't really have associated with the type of women who brother usually seemed to date.
Once he finally got to the hospital to see Marcus, things only got more suspicious when he walked into the room to find the woman in question sitting beside his comatose brother. The older man typically went for blondes who looked like they barely ate and wore designer clothes that were worth more than Sergio's car - not to mention most looked like they went under the needle at least a few times a year, but this woman didn't look anything like that. She was absolutely beautiful - in the natural way that any of Marcus' previous partners would have been jealous of.
"Hey, hope I'm not interrupting anything." He said, knocking softly as he entered the room, addressing the woman before turning to look at his brother in bed. A frown tugged at his lips, eyes moving over the machines that all tied back to Marcus as he moved to stand beside his bed, giving his brother's shoulder a soft pat. "Wow man, you look like shit." He said to his brother with a small sad chuckle. "Sorry it took me so long to get here." He remembered the woman in the room and turned back to look at her, curiosity marking his features. "You must be Lucy, right? I'm Sergio, Marcus' younger brother." He reached out his hand in introduction, his mind racing with a million questions but he tried to keep his expression neutral.
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molinxsdeviento · 5 months
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"That they are. Tall dark strangers with daddy issues on the other hands are most definetely not," Poe was thinking of one in particular that had been the bane of his existence for entirely too long but was now, once and for all in the past. Or so he hoped. "I get the kid is a good pilot and Mav.erick being his godfather or some shit but he's annoying as hell. Maybe you guys are friends now, I don't know but he always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason." Probably because he was as egotistical as himself and it took one to know one. "Well Cyc.lone needed a real teacher for you folks so I'm guessing that's why he called me."
"A friend? What? Are you expecting anyone?" Poe teased the other pilot before clanking the blond's beer with his.
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"Yeah! I usually go for the tall, dark stranger with broad shoulders and daddy issues or red haired women, there's no in-between. And you're not a tween by 10 minutes," Poe joked keeping a straight face, or as much as possible before taking a sip of his drink and patting Hangm.an on his back when he sat beside him. "Oh you know the big boss, he can't really live without me," he started. "Comes up with any excuse to keep me around. I really thought that retiring would do the trick but no can do my man. What about you? Long day at the office?"
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molinxsdeviento · 5 months
juan was somewhat proud of the fact that miss congeniality was not chewing his head off. he fully credited the facetime call with his mom and offering food--everything was better when food was offered.
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oh god she was a vegan? what was it with women and meat? honestly he didn't get it. he sort of got it but he was attempting to be mad at this woman for being a nepo baby that had no insights on what real life truly was or how hard it was for some people. maybe whatever had caused her to jump on this bus was gonna give her a lesson in humbleness. or maybe he would.
it was tempting to give her one with meat but his mother had raised him better than that. "you know? you're in luck. mom made me my favorites which are pollo con jitomate--chicken so not those, but she's also trying new recipes and she made some of mole with mushrooms. weird i know but she's a great cook, i promise," he offered with a smile before getting up and looking in the up compartment for his backback and the massive tupperware with enough empanadas for a 48 hour roundtrip. sitting down again he got some kitchen paper and handed one over to her. "i think they may be lukewarm still, she had just finished doing them."
why was he being nice? yes, he was generally nice, but he wasn't manipulative and he felt a bit like that right now. "i'm juan by the way."
Neha could only let out a small irritated huff at his insincere apology. She decided it wasn't worth the effort and why should it matter what some random man on a bus thought of her. So, with much restraint, she kept her mouth shut and turned her body away from him in her seat, facing with her knees towards the windows as she focused on road, scrolling on her phone to distract herself as the bus got on it's way. Neha prayed that the driver had a lead foot so that hopefully the trip would be over much sooner than later.
She kept her phone on airplane mode most of the time to keep from getting bombarded with the constant barrage of phone calls and notifications but boredom got the best of her though and Neha turned off the setting. Ignoring the notifications, she headed straight to the internet to see what was going on, clicking on the first link that mentioned her father's name and reading the half-assed statement he put out. She grinned in amusement to herself as she could practically feel his stress through the words in the article. Good, she thought.
Satisfied, she put her airplane mode back on and turned her attention to the views outside the window, watching as they drove through a side of the country she'd never really experienced before. It was fascinating and lulled her into a small sense of calm as she let herself get lost in her thoughts. A woman's voice cut through her daydreaming and Neha glanced over to see the man beside her Facetiming an older woman. She glanced away again, not wanting to intrude on their conversation but she couldn't help but listen to the two interact still, even if she couldn't understand what they were saying. Despite that though, she could tell it was a warm and familiar conversation and it made her think of her own mother who had passed a few years prior.
She glanced back over her shoulder as he ended the call and caught the man's gaze. A small knowing smile tipped the corners of the heiress' lips at his comment and she gave a slight nod. She was quite surprised by his follow up offer though, especially considering how he was talking to her prior. She had half a mind to instantly decline him and go back to ignoring him but the truth was Neha had hopped onto the bus on a whim with having had little to eat before hand and not having time to grab something. Knowing the next stop wasn't for a few more hours, she hesitated. "Oh uh.... thank you for the offer - but if they have meat in them I will have to decline. No offense to your mother." | @molinxsdeviento
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molinxsdeviento · 5 months
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love my bby
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molinxsdeviento · 6 months
oh lord. I know i keep saying ill be here and then i end up not posting anything. Im so so sorry . Im just swamped w life stuff rn and trust me when i say i eould really like to hqve the time and hradspace to post things :(
ooc // tomorrow i start a week of holidaya so expect replies once i catch up some sleep!!
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molinxsdeviento · 6 months
eill be adding lucia (lucy) moderatz, fc: monica bárbaro. 100% based on while uwere sleeping cos #cinema @thedevilsbckbone
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molinxsdeviento · 7 months
"Not everything is gay" babe youre saying this on the wrong platform. Everything is kinda gay on Tumblr.
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molinxsdeviento · 7 months
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𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐎 (𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟎) ── By clicking on the source link, or by going to my gif pack directory, you’ll find 1667 gifs of American actress Monica Barbaro in her role of Emma Brunner in the tv show Fubar (2023). Monica is of Mexican and Italian descent, cast her accordingly. My gifs are open for use, but please respect the rules I put in place for using them:
YOU MAY ── use them for roleplaying purposes.
YOU MAY WITH DUE CREDIT ── use them on your sidebar, make crackships and edit them into gif icons, but no smaller than 80px. Please keep in mind that when I say credit, I don’t mean credit goes to the owner, I mean tagging me. Bonus points if you actually speak to me beforehand.
YOU MAY NOT ── use them for sm*t, tab*o roleplaying, celebrity roleplaying and roleplaying characters that don’t respect the fc’s ethnicity and culture and just overall don’t use my gifs if you’re gonna be disrespectful.
WARNINGS ! ── bruises, b.lood, kissing, drinking, eating, flashing lights, g.uns, s.hooting, f.ighting.
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molinxsdeviento · 7 months
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molinxsdeviento · 8 months
ooc // soy muy feliz, puse (finally) comisionar y pagar por los gifs de Iván Amozurrutia :D
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molinxsdeviento · 8 months
linked in the source you will find 165 gifs of álvaro rico in sagrada familia. these gifs are sized 268x170 and were made from scratch by me, so please like/reblog if you save, use, or found this helpful, & make sure to read over my rules in the pinned post. thanks! (content warnings are listed on page).
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molinxsdeviento · 8 months
"Why do I say that? I get that we're both very attractive but I was being ironic. We're going to the middle of WASP america and we're both not at all blond or white, which hey, I applaud but well, 'blending in' is not gonna be easy. We'll have to sell the newlywed bliss hard if we want them to buy it."
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If he had gone with Nat it'd be an entire different story. He would've played the trophy latino husband that fakes speaking english with an accent and is by the pool gathering intel and making the disgruntled wives and husbands sigh with longing. He was good at honey potting. Now he had to babysit a newbie and choose an entire different approach in the middle of rednecks. Lovely.
Picard went in and briefed them in on the case and how they were meant to be a newly married couple--but also in wit sec. There was a leak and neither agency knew where it was so they got the lucky ticket: he had been in deep undercover for way too long and she was new. Rios' bad feeling about the entire thing got worse by the minute, mostly because he knew Picard and there was more he wasn't sharing--and he wasn't going to.
As he took a seat, Maité turned back in her chair, to face ahead of her as she waited for Picard to return. They weren't playing husband and wife yet which means she didn't have to pretend right at the moment to like the the other agent. Despite not looking at him, the brunette still heard every word, and spoke in the most flat tone as she answered the question. "Oh I'm practically jumping for joy, can't you tell?" She made she she stood perfectly still with her hands clasped together in her lap. She wasn't sure what he had meant by them being popular and as much as she wanted to just ignore him, she couldn't quite help herself.
"Why do you say that?" She asked, barely glancing over her shoulder towards him. She tried to play it off more as if she were humoring him than anything. In truth though, she was a little curious,. He'd obviously done this a lot more than she had and knew what they were getting unlike her. Not that she'd let him see that though; she would not let him think she wasn't up for the task or that she couldn't handle it.
Before their conversation could get too far though, Picard was coming back into the room and the brunette turned her attention back to him. She was ready to get this going, still pretty excited for the opportunity to finally go out in the field, even if it was under less than desirable conditions. | @molinxsdeviento
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