wiinestories · 3 months
Xander & Polly || @wrldofmyown [ closed starter ]
The night unfolded as usual, with more clients flocking to the club for the weekend. Polly's shift ended, and she prepared to head home. Her apartment, conveniently located downtown, was only a ten-minute walk away. Opting for a well-lit street, she embarked on her journey, her heels clicking against the concrete pavement. While she typically paid little attention to passersby, the unexpected presence of a strange man halted her in her tracks. His disturbing gaze sent a shiver down her spine, reminiscent of the unsettling demeanor often associated with serial killers.
At first, Polly assumed the man had stopped for some reason, so she attempted to walk past him on his left side. However, he blocked her way. When she tried to go around him on the right, he mirrored her movements. Suddenly, Polly felt a surge of fear as she realized he had drawn a pistol, her senses alert and her heart suddenly quickening its pace, while her breathing became shallow as adrenaline surged through her veins. She instinctively tensed and let out a gasp, her mind racing as she assessed the situation and searched for any possible means of escape.
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“Don’t scream,” The male voice warned her, pointing the pistol at her. “There’s a car just across the street. Move,” His words were a command, ordering her to proceed to the car parked in the area. The gruesome thought of what could happen clouded her thoughts mixed with the fate that possibly awaited her if she compiled with the man’s request. As Polly moved towards the car under the menacing gaze of the armed man, waves of anxiety washed over her, crashing against the walls of her composure. Each breath felt shallow, as if her lungs were constricted by an invisible force, and her heart hammered relentlessly against her chest, threatening to burst through its confines. Her thoughts raced uncontrollably, a whirlwind of fear and uncertainty swirling within her mind. What did this man want from her? The weight of the pistol's presence bore down on her, its chilling touch sending shivers down her spine. Every sound around her seemed amplified, the distant hum of traffic and the faint murmur of voices only serving to heighten her unease. Her muscles tensed, ready to spring into action at the slightest sign of danger, yet she felt powerless in the face of the looming threat. Despite her best efforts to remain calm, the grip of anxiety tightened its hold on her, threatening to overwhelm her senses. With each passing moment, the knot of fear in her stomach tightened, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed in the face of the unknown.
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ofmythsandfables · 2 months
@wrldofmyown asked: [ text — Rory ]: I had a dream about you last night. It was the best damn dream I ever had
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[ Easton ]: Oh really? Sharing is caring, in case you weren't aware already...
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amomentxofhappiness · 5 months
@wrldofmyown the thing!
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Seamus had had a rough week. He hadn't quite fallen off the wagon again but he felt way too close to. He had managed to go to a few NA meetings and talked to his sponsor and his sister was hovering without hovering as much as she could but ultimately, he was a big boy, he had to act like one--at least that's what his inner voice told him (one of them anyway).
So, he did the one thing he hadn't thought of doing in a while and headed to the VA, to see if there were any meetings (he knew they were, he knew the old Nam vets were there, and they were always a blast, they always had a way of make him see things weren't as bad as they felt).
As he made it out though, he bumped into someone he hadn't seen in ages and he had to do a double take--he recognized the shoulders and attitude more than the face. "Uhm, Easton?" Or should he call him by his rank? They weren't deployed anymore. "I'm Lance Corporal Davies, sir."
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wrld0fmy0wn · 2 years
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elpida · 2 months
I give youuu @wrldofmyown
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Again someone I've adored since even being on my old blog :')
We scream about out muses so much in these dm's that it's second nature when i see something i'm like THIS IS THEM THIS IS THEM SCREAMING and tbh i am screaming because their writing? perfection, their muses? perfection, the love our muses have for each other? more pure than the sun on a clear day tbh.
I JUST KNOW I CAN SHOW UP ANY TIME LIKE *SO I HAD THIS THOUGHT* and the mun is that friendly that it feels completely fine to do that they're just LISTEN THEY'RE REALLY APPROACHABLE AND LOVELY AND IF YOU WANT TO WRITE WITH THEM YOU REALLY SHOULD IT IS SO WORTH IT also, love you lots thanks for putting up with my angsty ass <3 <3
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wiinestories · 2 months
[ 🎼 ] + Polly&Xan ☺️👀
Luis Miguel - Suave
Scorpions - Send Me An Angel
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me
Young Miko - CLASSY 101
Lana del Rey - Cherry
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wiinestories · 3 months
John & lsabella || @wrldofmyown [ closed starter ]
The Tarasov mob had long been a persistent thorn in John's side, a relentless adversary that seemed to haunt him at every turn. The memory of Helen's death, a wound that never truly healed, served as a constant reminder of the pain and loss he had endured. Her tragic demise had propelled John into a world of darkness and violence, forcing him to confront aspects of himself that he never thought possible. In the wake of Helen's death, John's perspective on life had shifted dramatically.
No longer content to simply exist in the shadows, John had embarked on a journey of vengeance and redemption, determined to rid the world of the evil that had taken his beloved from him. Meanwhile, Viggo Tarasov, head of the criminal syndicate, tasked one of his most trusted lieutenants, Yuri Zavorotko, with the crucial assignment of locating John and delivering his remains to him. This task came with an enormous compensation, serving as Zavorotko's biggest motivation. However, unbeknownst to Viggo and his men, John had secret associates within the Tarasov organization, allowing him to stay one step ahead. Now, John had set his sights on Zavorotko, determined to eliminate him and send a powerful message to his enemies.
This task required the assassin to travel to the vibrant city of London, specifically to the British Museum where Zavorotko was attending a charity event. Dressed in his signature black clothing, John Wick opted to wear sunglasses and tie his dark locks of hair into a small ponytail, hoping to blend in and avoid drawing attention to himself as he stalked his adversary. The charity gathered many affluent people from across Europe, possibly more than a hundred, which was a clear advantage for him and suited him to blend in easily. Once inside the building, John's gaze wandered over the paintings and structures held within, each one a relic of history. He couldn't help but appreciate the artistry surrounding him, even amidst the bustling atmosphere of the event. Busy locations like this weren't his preferred environment; he longed for the tranquility he had lost ever since becoming the target of relentless pursuit.
As he made his way to the center of the large room, John spotted his target with a young woman, but their interaction was far from amicable. The man seemed to be harassing her, and while John wasn't fond of such behavior towards women, he knew he couldn't risk being seen by his target when the element of surprise was his greatest weapon. He waited until she had been left alone and Zavototko had stranded far from her to approach her. After all, John easily read the woman’s reaction; she was shaken, upset and even terrified. Fucking asshole.
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"Miss, excuse me," John began in a tone of voice that wasn't loud, but just enough for her to hear. "I couldn't help but notice what just happened. Are you alright?" Of course, he was playing innocent, and hoped she knew something about Yuri that he didn’t know.
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ofmythsandfables · 25 days
@wrldofmyown asked: ❛  are  you  free  tonight ?  ❜ (from Isa for Selina 😌)
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A smirk tugs at full red lips as her gaze meets the most beautiful shade of blue. Selina took a small sip of her drink before placing it down and letting her fingertips glide along the rim. “That depends. Did you have in mind something specific you wanted to do..?”
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ofmythsandfables · 2 months
@wrldofmyown asked: ( • )( • )ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ) from baby Xan to Sel (this fits so well for them 😭😭😭)
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Mid afternoon has hit and Selina is done with her classes for the day. She stands with her back toward her office door, honey orbs scanning through some paperwork that needed to be dealt with before she leaves. There's a knock at the door but she doesn't look up, and instead calls for the person to enter.
She doesn't need to turn around to know who it is once the door is shut and lock is set in place. Judging by the thud on the floor from a backpack being tossed down and fast paced footsteps, Selina knew exactly who had visited her.
A gasp seeps passed red tinted lips as large hands grope at her breasts from behind. Already she's melting into their strong frame, but she doesn't look up from the paperwork. Not yet.
"Did my baby boy miss me?" Her voice is like honey, smooth and rich as she coos.
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ofmythsandfables · 2 months
@wrldofmyown asked: 💋 and for Steve
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The man became animated whenever he talked about something he liked. Whether it be his favorite book, his favorite hobby, the olden days growing up in Brooklyn when he was a scrappy little kid, it didn't matter. His face would light up and his eyes sparkled with a joy that seemed to bloom from within.
But, he did tend to rattle on a bit, something he knew about but sometimes he couldn't help himself. This was one of this times, and it was only when Arlo grabbed his face and planted a firm kiss on his lips did he realize it.
"Gosh, I'm sorry.." A blush creeps up onto his cheeks and he smiles, embarrassed. "I know I talk too much at times..."
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ofmythsandfables · 2 months
@wrldofmyown asked: "You're beautiful." (for Persie from her Grizzly, of course )
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"There you go getting me to blush again!"
The goddess is lying comfortably, her petite physique outlined perfectly by the sheets. She smiles almost shyly as hands fly up to cover her face, pink tones growing more and more on her cheeks. It never failed that this man was able to make her blush on command, every time, no matter what.
"Stop making me blush and get over here so I can hide against you."
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ofmythsandfables · 5 months
@wrldofmyown asked: “Happy Birthday, my love,” Xander walked into the room with a couple of red heart shaped balloons and a large golden bag in his hands. Kissing her lips sweetly, he sat next to her and set the bag over her lap. “Come on, I think I did well this time,” he smiled sheepishly. Inside the bag she’d find a black velvet box containing a silver necklace with a diamond heart and another medium sized box containing a purple satin nightgown, “alright so maybe that’s also a bit for me…” His cheeks turned a shade of pink.
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❈ — She was idly reading something when Xander walked in with balloons and large bag in hand, catching her by surprise. Selina hadn't anticipated anything happening, though she knew how Xander was and she should've anticipated him doing his best to spoil her on her day.
After accepting the kiss, she's smiling at him before digging into the bag to take out the box. "You always do well, baby boy." And she means it. He did everything for her and then some, and she loved him for it among so many other things. Opening the box, she's staring at a diamond heart shaped necklace glittering in the lamp light and it's so simple yet so beautiful. "Xander...this is...wow, I love this so much. It's so beautiful. Thank you."
She gives him a kiss, then opens the other box to reveal the nightgown, running her fingertips over the soft fabric. Her smile turns into a wicked smirk as her eyes shift to meet his gaze. "You've really spoiled me this time, baby." Leaning in, she's kissing his cheek and all the way down to his neck. "I think I might have to put both pieces on and give you a little show..."
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ofmythsandfables · 3 months
Shameless promo time for some of my wonderful lovelies on here:
@wrldofmyown @wonderhevrts @asmodcus @insatiablemuses @siiinfully @bcbliophile @taleswritten @witchered @reiignonme @richardxoliverxmayhew @orphanedshadow @agentnamed @audaxbellator @dalphahale @defectivexfragmented @lady-llewellyn
They’re all so great and deserve so much love for their talents and general amazingness. So if you don’t follow them, hop to it if you feel so inclined!
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ofmythsandfables · 1 month
I would just like to thank @wrldofmyown for personally attacking me today with a reply. Crying right before work is always great.
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elpida · 3 months
@wrldofmyown !
Eden had planned a little date night, she wanted to show him that she could make just as much effort to surprise him and make a little, quiet life with her.. just as appealing as the adventurous life of danger he knew. She wanted to convince him, give him a real reason, give him a million of them if it meant she got rid of that.. fear of losing him. Ever since he'd asked her about her worries, it lingered more, this idea that.. he might simply not come home one day. He'd go, and he'd never come home and there she'd wait, forever wondering where the love of her life went. She'd never know if he was dead or if he just... left. Did he know how much that'd destroy her? She'd never stop looking for him, she'd spent every day hoping that each bell jingling above her door when her back was turned, would be him coming home. Home, to her, that's what it came down to. She knew she loved Xander, that he loved her but she didn't realise the depth until that moment where she thought about him as being her home.
"Do you mind if I just slip away to the bathroom? I'll be two minutes." she smiled sweetly, and when she stood she looked even sweeter. Eden had started to grow her hair too, she'd kept it short for years out of.. honest fear over it being gripped and used against her again but with Xander? Well she was slowly getting over that fear, she knew she was safe with him. She wore a little sundress, a petite and dainty little thing, more obvious now that she slid off her cardigan and hung it across the back of the chair but that dress, it fluttered around her thighs.. it teased the imagination with each step, like it played on the mind that it might dare to flutter just a little higher. It was clinging around her tiny waist, tied in bows at her shoulders. It'd be so easy to get out of it. She slid away to the bathroom, and once in there? She slid off her panties and put them into her bag, waited a minute and went back out. She placed the bag at the side of the table, in his line of sight and sat with the most devilish smirk.
"Do you want to know a secret, my love?" she purposefully waited until he had a mouthful of drink, she wanted to knock him speechless. She made sure to hold his eye contact, she felt so devilish as she leaned across the table to whisper. "I don't have any panties on." she whispered, and then cast her eyes down to the bag where he'd see a glimpse of her deep green lace at the top of the bag. With that she leaned back and lifted her wine glass with an overly sweet smile.
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