mollywilliams · 1 year
She absolutely worked upstairs, though the venture into the warehouse did happen on occasion when she found herself needing more supplies to stock the bar upstairs. "Ah, so you do know who I am?" Molly responded, gaining a bit of confidence back as a cheeky grin pulled on the corners of her lips, her ego reflating when the man mentioned where she normally worked. Her gaze flicked once more to the tiny splatters of blood on his shirt before lifting to meet his. She swallowed and offered a nonchalant shrug. "Makes sense. I get'em too. A few broken noses will do that to you." She motioned in the opposite direction with her freehand before adding, "You heading up?"
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"Weird. Hm." Freddie nodded sternly, his body maintaining a solid barrier between Molly and the warehouse door behind him. "And I could've sworn you worked up-stairs." Freddie did see the box in the bartender's hands, yet he wasn't the least bit assured that she hadn't been snooping around. When Molly made a remark about a nose bleed, Freddie's expression flickered to one of confusion. He glanced down at his shirt and sucked his teeth, more annoyed that he'd stained the fabric than anything else. "Yes. Sometimes I get those," he countered, stepping closer to Molly. "Horribly dry air down here."
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mollywilliams · 1 year
Molly listened with intent, though she really had nothing better to do than listen to his answer, she still gave him signs that she was genuinely interested in what it was. She figured someone could learn a lot about an artist by the best piece they'd ever made, but what did she know, she was fairly good with a guitar and could hold a tune, but she'd never been anywhere close to an artist, especially not at the level that Omar happened to be at. Her art was possibly worse than her two year old niece's and that was saying something, considering the kid couldn't stay in the lines of a jumbo coloring book worth anything. "That sounds like magic," She pointed out, a soft smile catching his gaze at his description. "Sounds like you really loved it. I'd like to see it if you have the time. Who knows, I might let you top it one day for me."
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"Big reveal it is," he nodded his head. Omar was a big reveal kind of guy himself when it came to tattooing on another person. The in process work didn't always capture what the tattoo was going to look like. "The best piece I've ever done," he clicked his tongue as he refilled the tattooing gun with the color that he was using. "yeah, I'd like to think so." He continued working on the tattoo. His best piece of work, "It was a back piece on one of my regular clients, we worked on it for months from the get go," he started telling Molly, "I drew it entirely from scratch, just from words describing what she was looking for. It was one of my best pieces and honestly, one of the most important. Like most people come in with an image that I can tweak to fit what they want, but she wanted something so unique that by the time it was all said and done with schedules, it took us like a year to get done." He explained to the other, "I've got a picture somewhere I can show you when we are done."
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mollywilliams · 1 year
She caught the flash of his hand being shoved into his pocket, but tried not think too much of it. While Nathan seemed like the biggest teddy bear she'd ever met, his brother seemed less so, and she was a little intimidated by the man she'd hardly met even though she had worked at the distillery for a few months, making it her most consistent and stable position she'd ever held. "Weird, I could have sworn I did," Molly responded with as much chill as she could muster, a charming smile in his direction, though it didn't quite convincingly reach her gaze. "You have a nose bleed in there or something?" She asked curiously, a slight nod to his shirt as her grip tightened on the box of glass bottles in her hand, internally groaning at just how much quicker her mouth moved than her brain.
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Freddie's face was set in a tight frown upon encountering the face of an employee who did not belong anywhere near his side of the distillery. He loathed being caught off guard. The eldest Crane made quick work of hiding his hand in his jacket pocket before Molly could call attention to the reddened marks on his fingers.  He wasn't as quick to notice the stray droplets of blood on the front of his shirt however.  Freddie’s  brows knit together skeptically at Molly's flimsy excuse. “ Do you see a bathroom sign on this door?” he sniped, permitting her a moment to look at the door he’d already pulled shut before she could peek in. “No. That’s not it,” he replied dryly.
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mollywilliams · 1 year
Home had never been much to Molly. In fact, she'd lost the sense of home a long time ago along with her dad's sanity and her mom's existence in her life. It was whatever and she'd been comfortable bouncing from place to place, state to state, glad she didn't have a home to worry about going back to and for once, feeling free as she could move about as she pleased. Yet, there was something about Ingrid's home, a simple trailer that had been updated recently, that was the closest she'd felt to home since she'd moved out of her trailer park in Arizona. "Wait... what!?" Molly pulled herself up straighter, propping her back against the arm of the couch as she looked at the other with a wild curiosity. "We're going to come back to the whole poisoning my brother thing, because I swear I just heard you say you had margs with Lucas. Like, The Lucas? Lucas-Lucas? Lucas 'I'm a starched asshole that's better than anyone' Williams. That Lucas?"
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Ingrid had never been one to readily disclose her home address to others, but lately, it seemed that an increasing number of people were finding their way to her small trailer. Surprisingly, she didn't mind this trend, especially since the place had undergone some much-needed renovations, making it a bit more presentable. A girls' night was exactly what she needed, and with her sister spending the night at a friend's place, Molly had been her top choice for an evening of relaxation. Comfortably reclining on her side, Ingrid smiled over at her friend. "Well, if 'associating' means I no longer attempt to poison him, then I guess we're making progress. Of course, this assumes we're talking about Atlas, because I may or may not have indulged in one too many margaritas with Lucas."
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mollywilliams · 1 year
"You think family has a birthright to be considered family, no matter their actions?" Molly quizzed the man behind the desk with an eyebrow raised, as though she was waiting for his answer to judge what kind of person he really was. For their shared brother's sake, she wasn't going to argue with him... much, but the subject of family was a touchy subject. "Being someone's niece would require them to be an uncle... and I didn't really catch your dad slumming it into our trailer park in Arizona. In fact, I didn't see him objecting to banishing my dad much at all. You think I really think highly of someone who would cast out their own brother?" Her dad, for all intents and purposes, drank himself into oblivion thanks to the parents that Lucas talked about and Molly had no interest in ever knowing them. "Like I said," She responded after a bit. "Not my problem if you want to believe people who have lived nothing but a lie for thirty years."
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"Damn, you think that little of them then?" Lucas asked, eyebrow raised. "Sure, they might not like your dad, but you are still technically my dad's niece." Lucas said, carefully stepping over the option to call her 'family' because that seemed weird to say to someone he had essentially just met. The whole situation still made his head spin and he wished he could just find a book where all the secrets were written down. Maybe then it would feel less like he was walking into a minefield when he had these types of conversations. Lucas can't help but laugh at her next statement. "If you really think Atlas didn't think something was up with the family dynamics, then you clearly haven't talked to him about them." From just about every conversation with his brother Lucas had had, it would come up that Atlas felt as if his parents treated Lucas 'better' or that they didn't care about Atlas in the slightest. Sure, Atlas wouldn't have known about his birthright, but it was obvious that he had felt like something was off growing up.
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mollywilliams · 1 year
Molly hummed, a thoughtfulness in her gaze as she considered when the other was saying, trying to remember everything that was said at the charity event. It'd been almost a year prior when it happened and if her memory was anything, it sure wasn't great — especially after being decked in the nose. It had taken the swelling a few days to go down and, with it, went her recollection of everything said that night. "Pretty sure that was more about you and my brother's inability to keep it in his pants." She pointed out, curls bobbing with her point, though she was quick and easy to move passed it, more interested in the energy it took to even suggest that they bond, let alone actually go through with it. The idea of the haunted house she'd suggested was thrown out quickly, though Molly couldn't blame the other for her assumption. She probably would have done something stupid and blamed it on the clown, it was completely on brand for her and to be honest, she'd been bored as of late. But the next suggestion just as quickly had her shaking her head no. "No can do," She responded insistently. "I won't go near that place unless I'm looking for trouble — and I'm not that desperate yet."
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"I'm not arguing that you love them but they were used regardless." Something about Atlas wanting to have babies with everyone but her but she wasn't going to argue with the brunette about what she'd said or not. All she wanted was for them to be kept out if they were going to fight and she felt it was an easy ask. It was only wishful thinking for her to think that they could be cordial if they ran into each other at a birthday party or in town but Molly was giving her the impression that she'd be around a lot more than that. "I mean that we don't have to go out of our way of getting into each other's way." Such as being passive aggressive or hanging out. Friendship was unlikely after one conversation so Ken wanted them to start from the ground up and see whether it was even possible to be around each other without throwing fists. "Bond?" Ken would have chocked had she been taking a sip of the bottle of water in front of her, peering back at Molly as if she'd lost her mind. "I think the only way you'd get me in a haunted house would be at gun point. Not sure I trust you wouldn't sock me in the face and then blame the clown." She said with a shrug of her shoulder. "We can go at the jagged." The bar she co-owned with Sage so she knew she'd be in a situation she had some control over.
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mollywilliams · 1 year
Molly hated to say that the most excited in her life at that exact moment would be the man who was now walking into the Mexican restaurant, slightly in front of her, as she followed close behind. It wasn't that CJ wasn't fun or a good time, but compared to her usual standards, he was far from the most interesting thing she'd ever been involved with. Maybe it was some bitterness lingering in her veins that she was stuck with playing it cool, a restlessness bubbling at the stable consistency in which she lived the past few months with. "Tequila and taco combo? You don't have to ask me twice," She stated, tight curls bouncing as a laugh fell from her lips while they were lead to a booth deeper into the restaurant.
"You know what, I think you're onto something," Molly pointed out, flopping into the bench seat across from him as she plucked up a slightly sticky menu as well, scanning through it like they didn't already decide what they were going to order. "I should've used a fake name. Tried Lizzie at one point, I think that was in New York. After awhile I just went back to Molly. If anyone wants to find me, let'em." She thought about the reason why she'd kept her name off of the streets at first, the one person she didn't want to figure out where she was, as though he would've actually put in the effort of trying to find her. "Want any queso, Terrance?" She questioned, eyebrow raised as she cast a teasing glance in his direction.
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location: tequila little time
status: closed for @mollywilliams
CJ had completely forgotten about the wallet that he may have stolen, on a technicality. Weeks had passed and no one had came into The Break Room to claim it and, with his quick trip to visit some old friends in San Diego, and extra shifts at the pool during the busy weeks where everyone basked in the summer sun 'one last time', the knowledge of its existence left his easily distractable head. Until he was looking his old Magic 8 ball when trying to make a very important decision regarding his newest Netflix binge, finding it under his bed. There was still a couple of crisp notes tucked in there, so naturally, he invited Molly out immediately. "I think we have enough for the two-for-one tequila and taco combo," He noted enthusiastically as they stepped through the restaurant. "Ooh, I recently been to San Diego. I was gonna ask after you, but then I was like...what if she used a fake name, y'know? Then it got me thinking, what would my fake name be? I think I'd go with something really unassuming," They sat, him taking the large, laminated menu even though he knew what he'd be getting, "...like, Terrence. What about you?"
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mollywilliams · 1 year
— ingrid lozano ingrid's trailer, bighorn hills.
There weren't many places she'd trade an entire guest house with a pool view for, but Ingrid's home was one of them, and that night she found herself comfortably sprawled out on the other's couch, with a mouth full of popcorn they've experimented with homemade caramel drizzle on, most of it a bittersweet burnt flavor. "So let me get this straight," Molly questioned once she'd swallowed most of the popcorn. "You're still associating with my brother for some unknown reason? You can do so much better than him, babe, I keep telling you that."
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mollywilliams · 1 year
— freddie crane crane distillery backroom.
Molly was someone who never really stuck to any boundaries that were explicitly placed upon her, so when no one told her to specifically stay away from any locked doors that stuck out to her while gathering a few supplies from the stockroom shed, she wasn't going to keep away of her own accord, right? The curiosity about what was behind the door was enough to leave her wiggling the handle, as though it was going to magically pop open with a little elbow grease (and who knew, weirder things had happened, right?). Unfortunately for her, it did pop open, but not from her insistence on turning the handle back and forth, and her grin of pride at somehow getting it to open fell the moment the other man who shared a name with the distillery appeared on the other side of the doorframe. Molly immediately stepped back and cleared her throat, picking up the box she'd been sent to gather as she glanced at Freddie. "I was, uh, just looking for the bathroom?" The questioning tone in her voice was enough to cause disbelief in even the most gullible person. "Guess that's not it, huh?"
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mollywilliams · 1 year
Molly was never one to particularly want to ruin surprises and so she offered the man a shrug and told him, "I'll wait for the big reveal." In her opinion, the shark outline she allowed her old friend to do could only be improved upon with Omar's touch, already impressed with the mere doodles she'd seen on the bar napkin the night they'd met. "So what's the best piece you've ever done?" Her brow furrowed in innocent curiosity, wondering just what piece of the others art he'd consider his favorite, the one piece that took the most from him as he put it into a physical being. "Every artist has one, right?"
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Omar enjoyed building relationships with his clients that he worked on, even if some of them may be slow to start. He wasn't always apt to open up to others but while he tattooed, people tended to open up to him and that he didn't mind. It was interesting to hear about other's stories. "Lookin' great," he told Molly as he paused, pulling back to wipe at the tattoo with the wipe to see how it was going. "want to sneak a peak or wait til I'm done?"
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mollywilliams · 1 year
It was tough, to keep herself in check when all she wanted to do was point out how the other was the biggest... you know what, she'd ever met. That wasn't the purpose of her visit, though, and she definitely wasn't someone that was so aggressive with her insults. If she really wanted to insult the blonde, she would have waited until fate brought them together and then let her tongue slip, make it feel more organic and all that. Instead, Molly put all of her energy toward reigning herself in, keeping her chill, to garner some sort of semblance of peace between them. They were both involved in the same person's life and weren't going anywhere it seemed (unfortunate, she thought, that Kennedy didn't get some amazing and irresistible job offer on another planet that she couldn't pass up). "I love my nieces to death... and their mothers. I'd never insult them." She'd be asking for a messy situation if she insulted one of them, as she was living with her, and the other frankly scared her just a little too much to start anything. It seemed like Atlas had a taste for blondes who looked like they could throw a punch, that was pretty much proven during the winter charity. "Staying out of each others way seems unrealistic, don't you think? I'm not planning on going anywhere, you're sadly not planning to either. I'm going to be in my brother's life, especially now that he might be the calling card for my dad to show up. We need to do more than just exist. We should... I don't know — bond. Really sell it to Atlas. Do you like haunted houses? Heard there's a good one here. We could make it a girls night."
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The blonde would have been okay to spend the rest of her life without any sort of conversation with the brunette in front of her. It was unrealistic given that she'd come here to form a relationship with Atlas but they just hadn't been able to get along since day one. Kennedy nodded her head because there was no plans to be the bigger person and apologize, especially knowing she would not get one in return. Leaning into her chair, Ken forced herself not to flash her an eye roll. There wasn't any knowledge of what happened to the woman's mother so Ken had fished and hit a nerve. But Molly had thrown her own low blows. "And next time leave Atlas' kids and their mothers out of it." It had been a sore spot for her and Molly had found it during their fights. The blonde watched her pace while she sat down and shrugged her shoulder. "I never had any interest in fighting with you." Especially not continuing to do so now that she was pregnant, but that wasn't something she wanted to share with Molly right now. "We can just stay out of each other's way and be cordial."
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mollywilliams · 1 year
— omar watson a touch of ink, downtown.
There was hardly anyone she'd trust to hold a needle to her skin, pants halfway down her thigh, in the middle of a downtown shop, but it was difficult not to trust a man like Omar. He just had that vibe about him and from the moment they'd met, she knew he was chill. That, and, it was hard not to grow to like someone who offered discounted tattoo services. At least, she assumed she'd swindled her way into discounted tattoo services when she mentioned thinking about adding color to the shark outline a friend did on his couch back in Florida and Omar offered to be the one to do it. As the sound in the shop buzzed along, ears almost numb to the noise, Molly glanced his way as best she could and questioned, "How's it looking down there, doc?"
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mollywilliams · 1 year
Molly's interest perked up when the man mentioned he and his twin weren't raised together. She remembered hearing something about an experiment where twins were raised separately and wondered if the man and his sibling had turned out similar to each other or vastly differently. How much was too much to ask a complete stranger she'd never met before? At least, she thought she'd never met him before, but as the familiar name, one she didn't walk down the street hearing all that often, slipped from his mouth, she was immediately reconsidering whether or not she'd ever met him. "Aslihan?" Molly repeated, brows furrowed curiously in his direction. "Like, this tall," she motioned to an inaccurate height with her hand, "Super mom of two, total history nerd?" A snort of amusement left her nose. "Knew you looked familiar. Asli is the mom of my nieces, I'm actually the troll living in her pool house."
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Murat was much of the same. He preferred having control of certain situations even if his decision making skills weren't the greatest in those situations. With work, it was different - making quick and precise decisions was easy, he'd gone to school for a long time to be able to make those particular decisions, but when it came to his personal decisions, well, there was no training protocol for those. "I wouldn't really know what it's like to be a twin, in a traditional sense anyway, so unfortunately, my opinion might not give you any insight into how most twins feel - we weren't raised together" Part of him felt like expanding that explanation but instead he leaves it there.
"Her name is Aslihan."
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mollywilliams · 1 year
"That makes one of us then," Molly said sweetly, as though she was impressed that the man thought his mother would know anything about her. She didn't know the entire story of her dad's existence with his brother's wife, but she knew that she was born after the man had been booted from Providence Peak and she doubted her dad was sending out birth announcements to his previous lovers when she was born. "Which is exactly why I haven't done it yet," She explained, a crinkle of her nose as she leaned against the front desk, voice a whisper. "I mean, c'mon, you really think they'd even care that I exist? It's not like I'm the kid that's the product of some intermarital love affair or something." The brunette offered him a shrug of nonchalance, as though it wasn't a big deal that she'd come in and shaken up their entire family dynamic. But semantics, as far as she was concerned, Atlas deserved to know the truth — and Lucas too, for that matter, though she was less inclined to admit she'd done anything nice for the man who seemed like he was sitting on a stick all the time. "You seem confident about that... but I supposed your brother was too before he knew the truth. Oh well, none of my concern if you want to continue your life without knowing the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
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1991, so she was two years older than Lucas; or there about and three years younger than Atlas. "Maybe not by name, but I wouldn't be surprised if she knew that you existed." Lucas was still fuzzy on how much the three adults had interacted after Atlas came to be. When had the secret come out? Had Henry disappeared from their lives right away? The fact that Molly was named after his mom; even if it was just the middle name, showed that his mother had obviously left a lasting impression. "I think doing that would do more harm to you and Atlas' relationship than any satisfaction it would bring you." Lucas keeps his tone even. He and Atlas have a plan, and if Molly were to do anything to cause a disruption to that; there would be hell to pay.
His hands curl into fists under the desk. "I'd say we know about the same, hm? You know about Henry's side which is basically a mystery to me; and while my mom and dad are a mystery to you-I grew up with them. We both know the big secret after all." His gaze turns steely "I am." He would be lying if he hadn't thought about doing a secret paternity test to make 100% sure; but had backed off of that idea more recently. Lucas could see parts of himself that would have come from his dad; and that was enough for him.
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mollywilliams · 1 year
The air was tense between them, which was to be expected, considering their last interaction had led to a broken wrist and a bruised eye. She was impressed, and admittedly a little bit dismayed, that the blonde had healed up rather nicely, as though their charity spat had never happened. It was probably for the best, considering it seemed like if she wanted to stay in her brother's life, she'd be stuck with his unfortunate other half as well. This visit was about mending the bridges Molly had immediately burnt upon her arrival, hoping to make her brother's life a little easier now that she was considering a long term stay in town. "I won't hold my breath waiting for yours, either," She stated, curls bouncing with a matter-of-fact nod, knowing that if she even tried, she'd pass out before she ever got an apology. "Just next time you pick your insults, leave my mom out of it." The other was free to bring up her dad and the many issues he may have caused in her life, but she wasn't willing to allow her mom to be grouped in with the man. She paced the kitchen area, considering Kennedy's question before responding, "I just want to make sure we're good. You're not going anywhere, I'm not going anywhere... we might as well stop punching each other at least."
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Kennedy couldn't help but smirk slightly because as much as she felt that Molly could have respect towards a grave, she could also see her doing it as well. Not that she would admit to that because she didn't want this to end in a fight or physically in any way. Watching her put it down, the blonde placed her hands in her back pockets and took a step back to ensure Molly had enough space in the entrance. "That's kind of you." She added, though there was an edge of skepticism to it because they hadn't spoken and the blonde knew there wasn't love lost between them. "Oh okay," she extended her hand towards the kitchen nook and headed there so she could sit down. "I wasn't going to hold my breath on you apologizing, don't worry." Nor was she going to apologize for it either. "No, they aren't around today. Tomorrow." She said as she folded her arms above the table. "So, what did you want to talk about?"
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mollywilliams · 1 year
She offered him a nonchalant shrug, as though she was absolutely bothered by none of this, even if it couldn't have been farther from the truth. The whole thing bothered her; the fact that this mess could have been avoided if the mom of the man in front of her had just picked a brother and stuck with that choice, that the only ones that seemed keen on cleaning up the mess were those that weren't involved in the decision making in the first place. Molly briefly wondered what it would be like to meet her namesake, to look at the woman who secondhandedly destroyed her dad's life, made him to be the man that he was to that day. The thought was fleeting as soon as it came. "Unless your mom was scouring newspaper birth announcements circa nineteen-ninety-one, there's a very slim chance she knows about me. Never say never though, I am named after her, after all." Her expression turned mock-thoughtful for a moment, before she added, "You know what, it could be fun though, don't you think? Dropping the news? I mean, I've been here for a year, about damn time, right?" She leaned against the front desk as she prompted the man behind it, dark curls bouncing as a laugh forced itself from her throat. "What do you even know about your family? I mean, god, who knows... are you even sure he's your dad?"
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Lucas gives her an unimpressed look "Sure, I wouldn't have known." He can give her that much at least, she's not wrong about Williams being a pretty common name, however..."But you're saying that you wouldn't have ended up dropping that information when I brought up the connection of this being run by the Williams family?" With how brash the person in front of him had been in the 5 minutes that he had known her, it made him think it wasn't completely outside the realm of possibility. At her goading, Lucas closed his eyes for a moment and repeated the mantra of 'don't cause a scene, don't cause a scene in the lobby' a few times before opening them again. "You don't know shit about my family, so maybe don't try to act like you do hm?"
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mollywilliams · 1 year
Molly finally pulled herself out of the water, settling in beside the lifeguard who only seemed half-focused on his job. Not like she was any better at hers. The concrete surrounding the pool scraped against the skin of her thighs, but she welcomed the burst of warmth the sun overhead cast down. "You think they would've kicked us out?" She questioned, amused, shoulder brushing against his as she kicked her feet gently against the water in the pool below. "I think I did a lot worse than steal some wallets in that state and they let me stay for awhile." The brunette couldn't help but wonder if it were possible to get kicked out of a state and what someone would have to do to achieve that. "You probably didn't have enough tea on the boat," Molly pointed out with a shrug. "But don't worry, he would've been a total snoozefest. He's too responsible for that stuff and definitely would've questioned where the boat came from in the first place."
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He pouted at the comment. "I think we would have stolen a lot more wallets and get kicked out the state," CJ joked. Would the difference in location affect their friendship? Whilst he wasn't fully sure if Molly saw them as friends, he definitely did, even if he had the mindset others considered naive: a stranger is a friend you simply hadn't met yet. There were notable exceptions (his roommate Todd, his brother-in-law, the man his mother had an affair with and ended up ruining his family) but he generally wanted to get on with everyone. "Yeah, of course I did. I think he would have liked it. You probs don't think it suits his vibe because he's your boss. He totes seems like a party animal, and I also didn't want him to be alone on the Fourth of July, being sad and all...British-y."
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