mommangomom · 10 months
in another universe
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~pairing: y/n (Lumine) x ayaka ~cw: angst, fluff, rejection
context: ayaka brings lumine to the stream to perform her dance
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After what felt like ages that you've spent on the islands of Inazuma, even saving the nation, it was finally time for you to take your leave and continue your journey. You weren't finished with your main goal after all.
But before that, you were recently asked by none other then Ayaka to take on what she told you was a 'personal commission'. What you didn't know was the fact that you were going to be spending your next few days all with her. This added on to the time you've already spent with her - how could you not become infatuated?
At the end of it she called you out to the Chinju Forest. You've already decided this was going to be your final day. Not that you were reneging the continuation of your search for Aether, but the more you stayed here, with Ayaka specifically, the more you second guessed leaving so soon.
"Ayaka where are we going?"
She gave you nothing, "Be patient, Y/n."
The two of you continued walking down the lit up pathway, occasionally catching glances at each other but not sharing another word, simply enjoying each other's presence.
Finally, her mouth opened. "There's something... that I'd like to do." She looked up at you. "If you could only spare me one more moment."
Then, she suddenly jolted up and ran forward, you tried your best to keep up with her until she ended up jumping down into a big puddle. Water was rushing down like a waterfall onto where she stood. You weren't entirely sure what she was going to do.
She turned towards you. "Please." She started. "Keep your eyes on me."
Your chin tilted down at her silly request, because that's what you've been doing ever since Thoma introduced her to you that day.
Nothing could prepare you for what she planned for you. With her ankle-deep in the water, she managed to perform the most beautiful routine you've seen since you were thrown into this world. Even though it soon ended, you wish she'd continue forever. It was safe to say she got what she wanted to say across to you.
On the walk back to the estate, there was a new tension that grew between the two of you in such short time, you both felt it. You wanted to say something, but from the way she was acting you could tell she was nervous, so you waited for her permission.
She held her hands close to her face to hide the bright red that took over her pale skin. "Wait, please. This is embarrassing."
You laughed at her shyness.
After some time she spoke. "Ahem.. So, what did you think of my dance? Did you.. like it?"
You nodded instantly. "There aren't any words to describe it."
It then went quiet. You noticed her posture, she was definitely holding something back - you had an idea what it was.
"Ayaka." You took the initiative. "Was that dance..."
She let out a breathy laugh. "...You caught on that quickly? Well, you aren't the well renowned Traveler for nothing."
"Your dance spoke words is all." You replied. "It's a good thing."
She looked you in the eye. "Is it now? Then yes. That dance was my... confession."
You almost couldn't reciprocate the eye contact, she was so compatible with the moonlight. The guilt inside you was growing and you gulped. "Ayaka, you don't understand how delighted it is to hear that. But.. you know-"
"-I know." She walked forward and you followed. "That's why I decided to do this instead of saying it myself. I fear I wouldn't have been able to handle it." She confessed, her voice getting significantly softer. "It's him, right? Your brother?"
You looked down. "I'm sorry. But-"
"Really Y/n, don't apologize. He was the reason you came here after all. If anything, I respect the love and determination you hold for your brother. So please, if you're going to do anything, let it not be to apologize to me, you don't need to." She said. Her voice was usually silk smooth, so the sudden rasp in her tone was hard to unhear. "Although, Y/n. Can I ask for one thing?"
You smiled. "Anything. Be as selfish as you want."
With no hesitation, her hand glided to yours, and she intertwined her fingers swiftly. You admiringly watched as her slim hand fit comfortably in yours.
"Let me have this one thing, just for until we arrive back at the estate, is that okay?" She asked without looking at you, as if she wasn't going to let go even if you refused.
Instead of replying, you responded by tightening the grip on her hand. Her chest quickly retracted like a load of weight was taken off her.
The two of you spent the rest of your time as normal on the way back - just enjoying each other. Before walking through the archway, it was her who let go first, and you with the sudden empty feeling. You two were immediately met with Paimon who was whining about being left behind with a bunch of strangers. As you two argued back and forth, Ayaka laughed about the situation nonstop. You caught a glimpse of her, you wondered how she so easily pretended like nothing happened.
On the way to Crux to meet up with Beidou once again, Paimon asked. "So are you gonna tell me what happened on your walk with Ayaka or should I ask her myself? I felt some weird tension the first few seconds."
You sighed. "She confessed her feelings to me, Paimon."
Her jaw dropped instantly. "WHAT! What do you mean she confessed! You didn't let her down harshly did you? Oh poor Ayaka! Y/n you meanie!" Her redundant words were going in one ear and out the other.
"Calm down Paimon, we came to a mutual agreement."
Paimon noticed your saddened tone and lowered her voice. "You didn't feel the same way.. did you?"
You were silent for a few. "Of course not. Aether has to come first."
Paimon sighed a breath of relief and almost immediately went back to talking about what happened while you were gone. But you weren't in any mindset to pay attention, your head was still stuck on Ayaka. Your hand was subconsciously grasping on to air, and you found yourself wishing to hear her soft voice around the corner, but none of that came, and it won't be any time soon. You wondered - maybe, in a different universe and under different circumstances, the two of you could have ended differently.
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mommangomom · 1 year
admit it
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~pairing: beidou x fem!reader ~cw: suggestive
content: beidou noticed you were being extremely friendly to the traveler, who you had just met a few days ago
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The Traveler had a domino effect with the people she met since she was always helpful, kind, and just an overall good person, and you were no different. You spent the whole last few days at Liyue with her after doing commission with her days prior. Considering your out of the blue burst of good moods, of course your girlfriend Beidou noticed.
It was late at night when you arrived at the Crux ship. Everyone was practically ready for departure and only needed to wait until the break of dawn until setting sail. But in contrast to everyone else who was full of energy, you were slumped backwards with the amount of quest-ing you and the Travelers did. You made your way to Beidou's room to catch your much needed rest.
You opened the door smoothly thinking the captain must be outside aiding with the departure of the ship. So it was only reasonable to be shocked when she was instead sitting on her desk with her legs and arms crossed, glaring at you.
"You were gone for quite some time Y/n.." She said.
Maybe it was because of your exhaustion, but you couldn't notice her concerned tone, so you didn't think much of it and responded normally. "Well I was out with the Traveler the entire night, I'm exhausted." You yawned.
She scoffed, which was when you finally noticed her foul mood. "Traveler this, traveler that - You've been awfully close with that girl the past few days haven't you?" She questioned as she stood up and began walking closer.
It was clear to you she was acting on jealousy, and as angry as she looked, frankly it was adorable. You stood in your place. "I mean we've been partnered for commissions a lot... I wouldn't be surprised to pair up with her again next time we see each other." You told her with a smirk which only ticked her off more.
By now she was right in front of you. She towered over you by a couple inches so you had to tilt your head up just to reach her eyes.
"Tch, you really know how to get on my nerves Y/n."
You tilted your head, still keeping that taunting smirk. "I'm simply responding, 'Captain', what do you want me to do?"
All of a sudden you felt her hand cup your waist and pull you in, making you flinch and let out a quick yelp. Just hearing your voice began to influence Beidou in more ways than one. "Tell me how you truly feel about her, that Traveler."
Out of everything, you weren't expecting that. "Wh-"
"Come on.. just admit it, with how much you've been spending time with her, you must feel something with her right?" She whispered in a seductive tone that only made your ears burn red and your stomach churn.
Although it might anger her a little, you still wanted to continue the tease. "..Do you really want to know how I feel about her?" You asked, making Beidou's eyes bolden.
She hmphed. "The floor's yours."
Her face was inches away from yours you could practically feel her breath on the bridge of your nose. As a response you instinctively wrapped your arms around her neck and tugged. "That girl.. she'd never compare to you, Beidou, obviously, because you're the one I hold dearest."
Her cheeks grew a light shade of red and you heard the quiet gulp she took - to think the renowned captain of the Crux had such a flustered side to her - the thought of others ever finding out made you chuckle, but also, you wanted to be the only person to see it.
"What am I gonna do with you.."
Almost immediately after, her head tilt and she leaned fully into you for a kiss, and you gladly accepted it while reciprocating the same energy. It lasted seconds straight until you could no longer breathe and you broke off sending a small string of saliva across your lips. You both now were in complete heat over something so frivolous, not that the two of you minded.
Before she was about to lean in again, you frantically placed your hand on her chest. "Wait, what about the ship, don't you have to sail it out?" You asked, still out of breath.
"It's fine, I asked Kazuha to handle this one."
From there, the two of you went all out. To be honest, you weren't entirely sure how it got to this point, all you did was catch onto the wave and moved with the current. But in the end it was safe to say that you were no longer exhausted, seeing as you suddenly had all the energy in the world.
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mommangomom · 1 year
sober thoughts
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~pairing: beidou x fem!reader ~cw: fluff, suggestive, drinking/alcohol 
content: you catch beidou after a party on the Crux, but she says some unexpected things to you
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The Crux crew was celebrating another successful mission on the ocean, this meant music, dancing, games, and most importantly, alcohol. Most if not everyone was jamming to music while completely drunk. Surprisingly, you didn’t join on the wasted-level drinking. It never seemed like a good idea to leave every workable person on the ship wasted. So you took a few shots but never past your ability.
From the upper deck you watched everyone and from the corner of your eye you spotted her. She was drinking away like usual. Seeing her like a fool with everyone made you smile brightly. Suddenly she turned her head turning right at you until you made eye contact. Immediately you turned away and got back on lookout.
When night came and everyone was either passed out or puking, you decided it was finally time you got your break after the whole night of staring at empty waters. You were making your way to the hammock room when you heard banging noises near the captain’s quarters.
You knocked on the door. “Captain Beidou? Are you okay in there?” You asked as you opened the door.
Your eyes widened when you were met with Beidou on the floor completely flat on the ground. You ended up bursting out in laughter right at the door.
“W- what are you laughing at...” She dragged out sounding dizzy. She turned to you and smiled. “Oh, it’s just you Y/n.” 
You raised your eyebrow as you began walking towards her. “Why do you sound so upset? Here.” You took out a damp handkerchief, kneeled next to her and held it to her forehead. “Are you okay now Captain?”
She nodded and unexpectedly grabbed your wrist. “Keep it here for a while...”
By now you two were centimeters away from one another, you could smell the alcohol like you drank it yourself. 
Her eyes shifted up and she said, “You know, Y/n, you’re really pretty.” Out of the blue.
You choked on nothing and scooted away. “Wh- Beidou you can’t say that sort of stuff.”
“Why not..? It was so hard to see your face when you were so far away..” She whined. 
“...Quit it.” Though you were completely flustered right now, you decided to lift her up and onto her bed. “Just rest for the night alright?”
She frowned. “Ehh.. you know, if you stayed I’d be way happier..” She said as she leaned her head on the mattress, causing her hair to fling all over.
You weren’t expecting much of a reaction when you tucked her hair behind her ears, but surprisingly, it made her face flush a light shade of pink. You smiled at your succession. 
But you didn’t let it get to your head. “Seriously Beidou, don’t say anything else, you’re clearly drunk.”
It was then she suddenly sat herself up like nothing and got up close to your face while cupping both sides of your cheeks. She was so fast that you couldn’t protest, not that you were going to anyway.
“Y/n... I may be drunk, but these are my complete sober thoughts...”
At this point you didn’t know if you would be able to control yourself with her acting like this. Yet you had to keep yourself composed, for now.
You pulled her away. Because as much as you wanted to, you didn’t want to do anything with her like this. “If you want something from me, then you can wait till tomorrow night when you’re not out of your mind.” You told her.
“I’ll hold you to it..”
And as you thought, she was too dizzy to rebel more against you. After a few more minutes, she ended up passing out on her bed. You ended up leaving with a heated face, and something to look forward to the following day.
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mommangomom · 2 years
eyes on me
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~pairing: ningguang x fem!reader ~cw: fluff, suggestive, drinking/alcohol
~content: there is a special occasion at the jade palace, ningguang being the tianquan, all eyes are on her, making you feel uneasy 
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A maid brought out a dress specially tailored for you this morning and placed it on your bed. It was a long red laced dress with a semi-open back. It wasn’t something you personally would’ve chosen for yourself because of how revealing it was, but you wore it anyways.
When you walked out into the main area, it was already completely packed with people of Liyue. You spotted Yun Jin, who was going to be entertaining everyone with her singing. 
“This place is beautiful, Y/n, I am so honored to sing for everyone!” She told you.
You smiled at her. “Thank you, and I’m excited to hear your amazing voice. But if anything you’ll want to thank Lady Ningguang for all this.”
“Of course! Speaking of, where is Lady Ningguang anyways?”
“I heard her and other members of the Liyue Qixing were going to made a grand entrance haha.” You informed her.
And as if on cue, there was a loud sound of a piano, everyone fixed their eyes in that direction. All in one line, the entirety of the Liyue Qixing walked through the doorway. Everyone clapped and cheered, all while being mesmerized by their dresses and suits.
But you felt your heart drop, in a good way, when you saw Ningguang walk out that doorway. Obviously she was gorgeous everyday, her hair was somehow always silky smooth when she left her room and her outfit would always stand out. But her right now was different, you knew every single person there was staring at her. It made you kind of uneasy knowing that. 
Once the Liyue Qixing settled down in their spots, everyone immediately fled to them, trying to spark conversation and make relationships. You stood afar not wanting to get crushed by them. Even though you tried to mind your business, you couldn’t help but notice a hoard of them near Ningguang, you repeatedly eyed them until someone drew your attention away.
Hours went by and everyone finally began taking their leave. You felt a weight lifted off you as you watched the area empty out. You stayed behind helping the maids clean up, picking up left out glasses of wine, picking up napkins on the ground, et cetera. You glanced back again, the Liyue Qixing members were the last to leave, you watched Ningguang wave goodbye to Keqing, Ganyu, and everyone else. There was a breif moment you two made eye contact, but you quickly looked away after the night.
After helping the maids, you made your way back to your room. You looked in the mirror, your makeup was left looking decent and your hair was still in tact. You began untying your dress when you heard the door open.
“S-sorry do you need-” You started, thinking it was a maid checking in. But to your surprise it was Ningguang. 
She walked towards you like she had the intent to kill. You tried to back yourself up but you realized she had trapped your feet in geo rocks, at this point you really thought she was gonna end you right there. But instead, she grabbed your back and pulled you in until your lips touched. It was a shock to you, but you leaned into it until she pulled out. 
“What was that for..” You whispered trying to hide your flushed face from her.
Suddenly she went in on you again but this time your neck, you tried holding her back but you weren’t strong enough.
“N- Ningguang.” You gasped.
“You were eyeing me the entire time, Y/n. It’s what you deserve.” She said before continuing.
“Stop- you’re drunk.”
Your words were cut when she started sliding your dress strap down. “I’m sober enough..” She said kissing your cheek. “You were avoiding me the whole night hm?” 
Your face was completely red by now, you tried looking another way, not wanting to make eye contact with her. You felt a rush of air go through your feet, you realized she finally released you from the rocks.
“Well keep your eyes on me now.”
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mommangomom · 2 years
testing testing
i am just testing how this works... Warnings:gay
Hello blah blah blah
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