mommasquirrel · 5 years
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I never update this damn thing so here is Beans being all cute in her bow.
Also noodle, being a derp for the camera.
We also acquired Pancake, the beardie. She only likes Brandon so I leave her alone.
Kells Axolotl will be coming home in the next week or two when it starts taking pellets and I get my small tank back from my mom.
Working on a new 50gal for a Northern blue tongue, it may be a September before I get it at FIRE expo, unless I’m too impatient.
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mommasquirrel · 5 years
Can you PLEASEEEE draw an axolotl & blue tongue skink being friends??? It'd mean so much it would make my year
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forbidden love
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mommasquirrel · 6 years
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•Emery Kathryn•
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mommasquirrel · 6 years
Exactly one week from today
Is baby girl’s due date.
However kell has surgery Wednesday
He’s to hoping she cooks a little late
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mommasquirrel · 6 years
Holy fuck, just vaccinate your kids.
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mommasquirrel · 6 years
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How are you so cute?!
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mommasquirrel · 6 years
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mommasquirrel · 6 years
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So I just realized I haven’t updated this thing in forever. Kell is going to be a big brother to miss Emery Kathryn in just under 4 weeks!
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mommasquirrel · 7 years
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mommasquirrel · 7 years
How to Keep a Relationship
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mommasquirrel · 7 years
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mommasquirrel · 7 years
I just want to marry my bestfriend one day.
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mommasquirrel · 7 years
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mommasquirrel · 7 years
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mommasquirrel · 7 years
A human came out of a human because, a human came into a human.
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mommasquirrel · 7 years
Just don't drop it
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#sigsunday 😎🔥🔫 - ©
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mommasquirrel · 7 years
She’s the girl that keeps you awake at 2 AM because you can’t stop thinking about her, she’s the girl that you want to bring home to your parents and show off to your friends, she’s the girl that you want to make happy and would do anything in the world to see her beautiful smile that brings out her eyes and dimples, she’s the girl that you want to make memories and go on adventures with, she’s the girl that you want by your side as you roll over in the morning and pull her closer to you to make you feel more at home, she’s the girl that you want to laugh with and then slow dance with in the kitchen at 1 in the morning, she’s the girl you want to have a future with, she’s the girl that can make your day go from bad to amazing with just one simple action or word, she’s the girl that makes you realise that waiting was the best thing to do, she’s the girl you want to take out and spoil her with her favourite clothes or food and many more, she’s the girl that you want to argue with over the silliest things but then make up after 5 minutes because you can’t help but see how perfect she is, she’s the girl you want to spend in bed with all day watching your favourite movies or Tv shows with and then order a takeaway and not have any cares in the world, she’s the girl you want to tell everything to including the most embarrassing stories from when you were young. She’s not just any ordinary girl, oh no, she’s my girl.
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