mommingishard-blog 7 years
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An oil change is literally one of the easiest tasks to take care of, but for some reason it's also one of those things that I forget to schedule week after week until I'm 3000 miles PAST the recommended 3000 point (yeah, 6000 miles without an oil change). Last time I took my kids (a year and a half ago) it was really hard. I had an 11 month old and a newly turned 2 year old. They were hella curious and not easily distracted. They kept getting into everything. Luckily I have the best mechanics in the whole wide world and they were so gracious and even made a toddler obsticle course out of their display tires so they could play. Yesterday I made a much overdue appointment to have the oil changed, and these kids were a gem. It's amazing the difference a year and a half can make in the ease of toting toddlers around. Oh yeah, and the iPad. I definitely set up the iPad this time. Maybe that was the difference? It was either time or my perfect parenting (jk) or the iPad with Paw Patrol download on it. One of those three things made our trip extra easy. Too bad we'll never know which one. 馃槈 Friends with #2under2 let me tell you, it gets easier and so much more fun every single day. . . . . . . #momblog #womenirl #mommy #momlife #mommingishard #mommyblogger #sahm #sahmlife #wahmlife #wahm #twoundertwo #twokids #toddlers #toddlermom #oilchange #minivansrock #minivan #minivanlife #rollinintheminivan
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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This morning I woke up to find that someone had made $900+ of purchases using my debit card. It was such a yucky feeling knowing someone had violated me in that way. The worst part is that they used it to purchase shakeology products. Who the hell steals someone's card and then buys health food?! Like, buy a designer bag like a normal bitch! Mini rant aside, I felt vulnerable and gross that someone would take advantage of me like that. Here's the deal. People are the worst and will take advantage of us at one time or another. It happened, I fixed it and I am choosing to learn from it. I was the kick in my gorgeous ass that I needed to finally set up some real systems in my budget and around my finances. Systems that will lead our family to more security and success. When life happens, happen back to life and show life that you are smarter than you were yesterday and more prepared than ever before to take on anything it throws at you. We are women. We don't crack when trials come our way. No, we get stronger and smarter with every wrench that gets thrown in our day. . #momlife #perseverance #lifehappens #shithappens #mompeneur #mommingishard #womenirl #strongwomen #strongwoman
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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Did you know a woman will only apply for a job when she feels she meets 100% of the qualifications, but I man will apply when he meets as little as 60% of the required qualifications? No wonder there are more men in higher roles! They ignore their lack of qualifications and just go for it. As women, we can be so hard on ourselves. We are always waiting until we are more ready or until we know more. We love a sense of security so we like to see the whole picture and know something will work out before we go after something. Let me tell you something. Very rarely will you ever see the whole picture unless of course someone started what you meant to and finished it themselves while you were sitting there waiting to be ready. Usually what you don't know will actually be your greatest asset because you will bring new ideas to the table and be open to innovation. You will also watch yourself rise to the occasion and find success. What are you afraid to do for fear of not being qualified? Are you thinking about trying for another baby or do you want to start your own business as a virtual assistant or maybe one of your Beachbody friends keeps asking you to become a coach and you don't know if you could be successful. How will you ever know until you try? If it doesn't work out, so what?! At least you will know. You will banish that heavy "what if" that is weighing down your heart. Take the first step and the second will reveal itself to you. Chances are you will actually succeed. . . . . . . . #mommingishard #workingmom #wahm #wahsahm #risktaker #sahm #sahmlife #sahmproblems #imwithher #dreambig #mompreneur #mompreneurship #ladyboss #momboss #girlboss #likeaboss
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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This girl with her "robe like Fancy Nancy" makes my heart race. I love having a daughter, but it also scares the bejezuz out of me because, HOLY CRAP I HAVE A DAUGHTER! There is an added sense of pressure having a daughter. This girl is a mirror into my soul and I have to be extra careful about every step I take and every word I say, because that will shape how she feels about herself. Growing up, I had the privilege of having a mom who stayed at home, but lead the way in #mompreneurship for me. Before the internet, opportunities were limited for moms who wanted to work for themselves, but that didn't stop her. She always thought outside of the box. First with a business creating bows for little girls called "Trudesigns" (her name is Trudi...how cute was she) then for many many years, she ran a custom framing shop from our basement. She'd wakenup early and go to bed late to measure and cut glass and frames and make sure every piece was spotless and perfected. There wasn't opportunity for a ton of growth, but it was just what our family needed in extra income so we could go on awesome vacations and attend a private school. She set the example for me and I plan to set it for my daughter. I never once thought I couldn't do something because I was a woman, because it was modeled to me that I could follow through with any idea that came to my mind. Show your daughters that you respect yourself and that she is capable of hard work and can find a way to pursue and idea her creative mind comes up with. Help her find ways to learn new things and become a dreamer who is also a doer. This is a beautiful gift. Do this for your sons too, because everyone should know how to have an idea and follow through with it. . . . . #mommy #hustle #parenthood #momboss #momlife #mompeneur #wahm #wahsahm #wahmlife #sahm #sahmlife #sahmproblems #daughters #daughter #daughtergoals #workingmom #mommingishard
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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I am all about the #hustle and I have a horrible tendency to take pride in that. God made me a very capable woman, and how do I repay him? By taking everything into my own hands and trying to do it myself. Here's, the deal. It can't be done by myself. Trust me, I have fallen on my face, lost clients that were a "sure thing" and burnt out to the point of having an anxiety attack that had had me losing the feeling in my hands and legs. All because I was trying to spin my wheels for my own gain. Not cool, me. And I'm not saying this from a "I learned this long ago and want to share my wisdom with you," mentality. No! Just last night I lost out on a client after an amazing connection and initial meeting. It left me dumbfounded wondering what I had done wrong. I replayed the interactions over and over in my head. I had NAILED that meeting and had been using this client's services MY ENTIRE LIFE. It could not have been a better fit. Yet, they passed. It was a low blow, but as I finally sat down to pray about it (finally, like the fool I am waiting), I started to realize I had not welcomed God into this bid. I had planned and prepped and presented all on my own efforts. They were not enough. God and I started this auction business 10 years ago and somewhere along the way, I took over. I felt ashamed coming to Him for repentance this morning. Will He still want me? Will He still want to partner with me after the crappy way I treated Him? How could He? What if I let Him down again (which I inevitably will)? Ya'll, he gives grace generously. There is an abundance of it and it never runs out. I will continue to fall sort of His expectations as His daughter, as a mother, as a wife and as a normal person, but time and time again as I come crawling back in humility (to be clear, I'm humbled by my foolishness), he has a whole pot of grace just waiting to pour on me. And he has more grace waiting for you. His grace is made perfect in our weekends, mamas. Don't be afraid of your failures, instead use them as an opportunity to see just how much your God loves you. . #sahm #wahm #wahmlife #mommingishard #momlifeisthebestlife #christianmom #jesus #grace #friday
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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These two are 15 months apart. I really really hated pregnancy and my husband and I decided to just "get it out of the way" and get pregnant again when our son was 7 months old. I've gotten to meet so many people who had kids this close and they told me how wonderful it was and I looked forward to it so much. When our daughter was born we officially had #2under2 and I was in over my head. We all cried every single day. Between the sleep deprivation and post partum depression, I didn't know if I could do it. I was not enjoying motherhood. Then, slowly, day by day and week by week and month by month it got a little easier. When my daughter turned one, my was just finally starting to even acknowledge she existed. Now they are two and three and the best of friends (except when they are arch enemies). Those first few years with babies and toddlers are real rough and that's coming from someone who had "easy" babies. If you are in the trenches, know that you will come out of it. All those things old ladies told you is actually true. It will get easier, but right now it's hard. It's okay to ask for help. FULL DISCLOSURE: It was not their choice to hold hands. I bribed them with a girl scout cookie at 8:00am like the whole-assing mom I am. . . . . . . #mommy #twoundertwo #toddler #baby #babygirl #babyboy #pregnant #pregnancy #newmom #newmomproblems #twokidslater #twokids #postpartumdepression #sleepdeprived #worthit #sahmlife #wahmlife #sahm #wahm #momlifeisthebestlife #mommingishard
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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I'm an ESFP which means I experience bursts of energy and the highest of highs full of ideas, passion and the ambition to get it done. It also means that when I meet the tiniest bit of adversity, it is enough to stop me in my tracks and give up. The doubts and fears consume me until they feel crippling. The day before I was "the most sought after auctioneer in the world" and the next day, I am "not destined for this career and should give up before anyone finds it I'm a fraud." Or one day "I'm an energetic and patient mother," while the next day "I'm doing everything wrong and my kids will be in therapy for years if they don't kill themselves with drug addictions first." I'm not making this up. This is how it goes for me. It helps that I recognize this about myself because the tiny little rational part of me can talk me off the ledge, and when that doesn't work (per usual), my husband does it for me. The truth is that it doesn't really matter what my abilities are or how I feel. I have been called to this great purpose (of motherhood and of inspiring generosity) and I am responsible to keep trucking along with the small but powerful efforts day in and day out. God has a plan for the passions he's given me and will take them where they need to go. Whatever your doubts and fears may be, ignore them and keep moving forward. God has a plan for the passions he has put on your heart and will see them through to the finish line if you let Him. You've got this, mama. . . . . #wahm #wahmproblems #wahmlife #wahsahm #sahmproblems #sahm #sahmlife #christianmom #endurance #esfp #encouragement #wednesday #wisdomwednesday #wednesdaywisdom #motivationalquotes #parenting #parenthood #mompreneur #momboss #momboss #giveittogod
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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Yesterday, I asked one of my kids to do something and their response was "but I'm too busy!" My heart sank. Where the hell did they even hear that? Holy crap! From my mouth! My busy and distracted mouth. Last month I tried a new initiative with my business that had me working around my kids way more than I am comfortable with. This completely goes against my reason for having a business in the first place. My kids and husband are my number 1 priority and I don't want anything to get in the way of that. It is a constant challenge as a #wahm to get off her phone and stop doing business. For me, balance means keeping it separate. Multi-tasking is just another way of saying you can half-ass two or more things things at the same time. Good for you, but I'm a whole-asser with my kids and I'm a whole-asser with my clients and business so it needs to remain separate. Find ways to separate your business from time with your family. Get a sitter, utilize naptime, or cut out an hour of your evening TV time (gasp!). I want my kids and husband to know that when they are with me, they have my full attention. Put down your phones. In fact, get an old school watch and put your phone in the other room with "do not disturb" turned on. If you want your phone to ring when your husband or mom calls, set that up in their contact settings, but ignore anyone else. Nothing is actually urgent. Look your kids in the eyes and pretend to be a dinosaur like the whole-assing mom you are. . . . . #reallife #toddlers #toddlermom #toddler #kids #baby #parenthood #parenting #mommy #momboss #momlife #mompeneur #momblogger #encouragement #priorities #wholeass #halfass #putyourphonedown #sahm #sahmlife #sahmproblems #wahsahm #wahmlife #wahmproblems
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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Full disclosure: my kids are eating the @annieshomegrown version of Spaghetti-o's for dinner, but I still had to heat it up first just to cool it down again. On the plus side, at least they're eating it! Not sure I could have handled the epic war on food tonight. . . . . . . #mommy #sahm #sahmlife #momlife #momboss #momblogger #womenirl #kidsaretheworst #wahm #wahmlife #balance #atleastitsorganic #mommingishard #toddler #toddlermom #toddlers #dinner #reallife
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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Yesterday was real hard. My 3 year old was testing a whole new level of boundaries and spent 80% of the day in tantrum mode. By the time we got him in bed and turned on the Oscars, I was a zombie and I can't believe I was able to stay up long enough to watch the most awkward moment in award show history ever. Right now, I can hear he's awake in his room just talking to himself and I am bracing myself to go in there and get him because I don't know if I have the energy to deal with another day of his whiney little face. I love being a #sahm but sometimes it's just hard. Then when I think about that when/if I even make it through my morning, I have to spend their entire naptime formatting a free eBook I'm designing for my clients. I just don't want to do it. I want to eat chips and catch up on "This is Us" over naptime (please don't tell me what happened). But I can't. It is my job. I have no one but myself holding me accountable, which means it's that much more important to do it. No one is going to hold me to my goals and dreams except for me. No one is going to believe the time I invest in my business is worth it, except for me. I'm glad I have this work and that it allows me to be with my (sometimes not so) sweet offspring day in and day out, but it takes work. As a #wahm (or any sort of entrepreneur for that matter), we work when other people play or when our children sleep or when we should be asleep because we are solely responsible for creating the lives we want to live. If I hadn't taken the time to invest in my business, I would be working for way less money in an office where I told people they can't have a job because they failed their drug test. I would be doing something I hated, and then paying someone else to watch my most precious possessions. It just feels like a no brainer to me. If you think you can't do it, you can. If you are scared, do it scared. If you are waiting for the perfect time, there is no perfect time. The only time to start is now. I can't tell you what your dreams are, but I know that in your gut, you know what they are. Go do them. You won't regret it. #workingmom #newmom #baby #toddlers #parenting #tantrums #daycare
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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Do I brunch? Me? (Uncontrollable laughter here) No, my brunching days our behind me. This morning, I scarfed a cup of coffee in record time in attempt to fuel up before the gremlins arose from their peaceful slumber so they could ask me to do things for them that they can do on their own. Then I changed 5 bazillion poopy diapers and finally got to that big pile of laundry and then spent naptime writing new resources for my auction clients. No time for bottomless mimosas and French toast over here. While I feel a tiny tinge of jealousy when I scroll through my Instagram feed and see perfectly posed pictures of Bloody Mary's and avocado toast, I wouldn't trade my chaotic yet low key mornings with my family for a million brunches. These days are my life and my greatest joy. Someday, I will be able to brunch again, but I won't get to have these tiny chubby and and cheeks to keep me company forever. . . . . . . #mommy #momlife #sahm #sahmlife #brunch #brunchtime #brunching #brunchdate #wahm #parenthood #parenting #toddlers #baby #mommingishard #motherhood
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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You can choose to have regrets or you can choose to have stories in your life. Anything you do, whether you succeed or "fail" becomes apart of who you are. It shapes your future and builds your character. I put "fail" in quotes because the only way to fail in my book is to not try. The other night when I was making an ass of myself singing karaoke, my husband noted that there was a woman at the bar who loudly commented on how embarrassing it was that I chose a song I didn't know all the words to. But you know what, she was sitting there, eating her weight in Chinese food (which was a lot, btw) and not even brave enough herself to pick a song to sing. She was content sitting on the sidelines, passing judgement on the people who loved themselves enough to have fun even if they looked silly. Will she have regrets about not singing? Maybe not, but at least I know I won't. Do you know the story from the Bible about the parable of the Talents? You know, where the boss gives his people some cash and one guy buries it in the ground out of fear that he might lose it, but the other two dudes invest it and make money on it. The boss is so disappointed in the guy who buried it because he didn't even TRY to invest it. He was crippled by fear and didn't fully use the money he'd been given. It is the same for you, my friend. God has given you gifts that only you have. He did not give them to you to hide out of fear and insecurities. God expects you to use your gifts to the fullest. Find ways to use your gifts and talents. You will regret it if you don't. . . . . . . . #fear #regrets #quotes #mommy #momlife #momboss #mompreneur #jesus #grace #actuallyblessed #werk #work #brave #daringgreatly #christianmom #honesty #motivationalquotes #sahm #sahmlife #wahm #wahmlife #mommingishard #parenting
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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Has anyone written the book "What To Expect When You Don't Know What The Hell Is Going On" yet? I'd buy it. I'm still waiting for that moment when all the mommy wisdom will infiltrate my brain. I wish it would come soon because I have two kids and I don't even know when I should take them to the doctor for a cough or when they're "fine, it's just a cough." There's such a fine line between "meh, you're fine" and "you are dying and I should have taken you in so much sooner!" When do we start to know these things? I know nothing, like less than John Snow. I'm literally living on a prayer over here. I see other moms who seem to have all the answers and know how to handle every wrench that gets thrown in her day, while I'm over here piecemealing lunches for my kids with random shit from the back of the fridge. Strawberry Jell-O? Sure! Why not? Snap pea crisps? Definitely counts as a vegetable serving for the day. I'm still waiting for the moment of clarity where I'll know what to do when my kid is having too much fun spinning and then whacks his head on a corner of the piano, or when I will know how to get red wine stains out with cool ingredients that I always have on hand anyway. But here I am, unequipped but ready to step up each and every day and handle the challenges that face me like a freaking gladiator (definitely in the Olivia Pope sense). Everyday, I am reminded that Jesus said "my grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness." And let me tell you, my weaknesses are big, so I'm leaning into this grace thing and expecting perfection. . . . . . . #womeninreallife #wahmlife #toddler #truthbomb #thursday #wingit #wingingit #likeaboss #grownup #mommy #momlife #mompeneur #sahm #sahmlife #sahmproblems #baby #duedate #newmom #newborn #newmomproblems #mommingishard #christianmom #wahm #wahsahm #motherhood #honesty #grace #jesus #actuallyblessed
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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Dear Stretch Denim, You are a bad friend. You initially won me over with your yoga pants-esque elasticity and small size. I bought you at the height of salad season, so proud to own that tiny number on your tag. Then, as we moved into fall (aka carb season) together, you still hugged my waist and hips without judgement. You thought you were being kind, but you were just lying to me. Yesterday I put on your cool older sister, REAL JEANS, and that bitch told me I'd gotten fat. She was so mad at me, she refused to button. It hurt, but it was what I needed to hear. I'm sticking with thick, uncomfortable traditional denim from here on out. Stretch jeans, we had a good run, but I don't have room in my life for liars. xoxo, Sarah ----------- This is your reminder to choose your jeans and your friends wisely. Surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth even if it hurts so that you don't stray too far down a lazy path. They say you are the average of the 5 people you spend your most time with. So choose wisely. I have to note that I mentioned that 5 people comment to a friend recently and she looked at me and said "Shit! I'm a toddler!" 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀 Needless to say I need to keep her on my top 5 list forever. . . . . . #stretchjeans #denim #momlife #sahm #wahm #friends #love #toddler #toddlermom #toddlermoments #baby #bodypositive #truthbomb #truthhurts #mommy #healthyandhappy #newmom #newmomproblems #winewednesday #motivationalquotes #womenirl
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mommingishard-blog 7 years
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It's a long game, ladies. Something I struggle with every single day. As I work with my kids' hearts, trying to shape them into decent human beings I can get discouraged because somedays it feels like I'm not making any progress. "Oh, really, you're still going to have a tantrum over that? Remember how well that worked out for you yesterday?" Day by day. Week by week, being a parent can be exhausting and discouraging. But you are making progress. You can't see it in the immediate, but nothing great ever was accomplished overnight. Stay strong, mamas, I see the work you do everyday. We may not be perfect all of the time, but for the most part, we chug along diligently. Your diligent and patient work with be blessed. It's the same with business too, but something tells me that today your toddler is driving you up the wall and you just needed to remember that you are making a difference. Also, I won't judge you if you sneak a glass of wine a naptime. . . . . . #christianmom #tiptuesday #momboss #momlife #mompeneur #momblogger #2under2 #momliferocks #sahm #wahm #wahmlife #wahsahm #baby #toddler #toddlermom #toddlermoments #entrepreneurship #workfromhome #workfromhomemom
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