momozity12 · 3 years
I am aware that Isayama said "the plane departed due to everyone's efforts" (never mentioning Hanji) and that "the plan is just flies just like the 3DMG and is a symbol of freedom" but I believe it is a representation of Hans. If Hans had never sacrificed her life for it the alliance wouldn't have been able to escape the titans. It's thanks to her sacrifice the plane took off. Imo the plane Levi is gazing at in the last chap is also another nod to Hans and her burned wings. Even the merching companies are acknowledging this. Idk why it is so hard for people to accept this. What's you opinion about Isayama's words in this regard?
(The reference is this.)
Regarding this topic, idk if I can be very neutral in interpretation because I'm a HUGE Hanji Stan 😅 But let's try taking everything within their context to be as accurate as possible in our reading/interpretation!
First, Isym was in an interview in November 2020 - which is 02 months after 132, and 05 months before the manga ended.
Then, he was asked about the meaning of the title of chapter 132, "Wings of Freedom". To which his answer was:
How was the title of Wings of Freedom in Chapter 132 conceived?
IS: Generally, the title is decided together with the editor after the script is completed. In this chapter, the story depicts the scene of an airplane flying into the sky. With everyone's efforts, the airplane can soar into the sky. It is reminiscent of the ODM gear and symbolizes the pursuit of freedom. From this, I thought of the title ‘Wings of Freedom’.
As a simple manga reader, I see no problems in his answers.
The Alliance and Hizuru engineers spent the night and morning working on preparing the plane indeed. And their collective efforts did made the airplane fly.
The "Wings of Freedom" has always been a broad term used to represent the forces and ideals fighting for freedom. It appears in chapter 14, with Levi's back, representing the Survey Corps' strength in Levi saving EA in Trost gate; and it's a metaphor emphasized the rest of the story, especially in these later arcs, in Hanji's back being the last one wearing the green cloak.
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And since Hanji was also devoting her heart so the plane could fly carrying Humanity’s last hope, I think the messages Isym wanted to convey regarding the true meaning of the Wings and the real SC couldn't be more clear than through showing these Wings had always been fighting for Freedom.
HOWEVER, as Hanji Stan, it surely bothered me that he didn't precisely mentioned Hanji’s name!
It might feel like he is either forgetting or simply dissolving Han's huge sacrifice and importance into the mass of "everyone’s efforts", right?
But this doesn't mean it is like that - especially because Onyankopon in 133 states it very clearly:
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Lastly, since this ask about the Title of the Chapter 132 was way before chapter 139, and can't be related to Levi (and Onyankopon) thoughts watching the plane, I don't see why what Isayama said at this specific time has to be what the plane particularly represented to Levi in 139.
To me, the plane + Onyan and Levi's shared look, as well as Levi's sad expressions are enough to tell who they are thinking about. Hanji Zoë. Also, Armin and Mikasa related the bird to Eren right after. It was the 3rd year anniversary of Hanji and Eren's death. These moments feel too personal. And there is no way the plane represented the whole SC for Levi as only Hanji was alive and knew this technology and DIED for it.
(There is an aot Japanese reviewer who also states the plane symbolizes/relates to Hanji - I'm trying to find again!)
Anyway, I remember the "magic lantern" idea let some people down; but with 139 events, it confirmed that the dead comrades were really watching. So stressing over interviews Isym did before the end of the manga isn't worth it. There are things he couldn't tell, things he half said, things he simply stated the obvious, or his real feelings at the moment. This case seems like the later: he was asked about from where it came the Title of Chapter 132, and it was all.
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momozity12 · 3 years
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Ryosaku ~ dance 
Source: Youtube
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momozity12 · 3 years
Guys.....Levihan won again....
The first audio:
“What a cloudy day, let’s me go to do the experiment with shitty glasses as a pastime”
This is an official collaboration with LINECLOVA
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momozity12 · 3 years
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momozity12 · 3 years
Levihan Drama CD
I didn't receive it yet, just translate some review I saw on twitter from jp Levihan fans. Some fans interpretation I will add in the bracket. I am sorry if I made some translation mistakes or misunderstanding because JP and ENG are not my first language...TT
This story should be happened during s1 when Levi's squad stayed in the castle. It seems Hange's squad also stay there sometimes too, maybe they need to do experiment with Eren.
- Hange is so excited throughout the whole Drama CD
- At first is Levihan alone then Moblit joined them.
- Levi and Moblit keep asking Hange be more careful and how she always make them worry
- The books fell off twice (lol) Levi saved Hange once and Moblit saved once. (Levi seems to pull Hange by her shoulder and hold her (?) (肩を引いて抱き止める) instead of grabbing her jacket in smartpass au)
- In the beginning Levi was searching for Hange, he wanted to let Eren free from the ceil and wanted to ask Hange's opinion. Hange said "Its fine, no matter what happen you are here (何より君がいる)"
- Levi asked Hange to cherish her life, Hange was like "..!!" and said it quietly "Levi..." "...you are so kind". (Maybe Hange was a little bit shy)
- After Levi asked Hange about Eren, he still staying there and chatting with Hange.
- Hange showed Levi some picture in the books, so Levi seems sitting or standing next to Hange, even when Moblit arrived, looks like Levi still staying next to her.
- Then Levi asked Hange to dry her clothe after Moblit came (lol Jealous Levi)
I think I will keep updating this post if I saw some new review from JP fans~:DD
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momozity12 · 3 years
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フェンリルと赤ずきん [神秦ゆうま]
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momozity12 · 3 years
AOT fandom is a mess lmao.
Some of you act as if you understand romance and then if it's not blatantly obvious (or you dont want it to be) you don't consider it romantic. Do ppl have to kiss many times for y'all to call it canon?! Cus in that case you dont have many.
Even Hiromu Arakawa ( FMA mangaka) didn't draw the couples kissing despite the pairings being obvious.Riza and Roy love each other so much but they never say "i love you". Still if you can read and watch their interactions you can tell. Arakawa's romances in FMA are basically all implied , even main pair,edwin (edward x winry) doesn't kiss either, all we get is a photo of them with their kids.
-Did Edwin have a lot of interaction? explicitly romantic moments?
No, they had a cute af scene with them blushing and implied feelings(not unlike the aot couples).
In shounen generally, there's not much kissing. There's mostly ship tease and implications. Unless there's an epilogue and they have babies (which is still implied, the mangaka didnt draw them making love)
Like many mangakas, when Isayama does romance its implied.
•Yumihisu was canon and yet we didn't see them kiss or act explicitly romantic but the implication was there and Isayama and his editors confirmed it. Again Japan has ways to imply romance without too much PDA. Their motives and character arcs put a huge importance on each others narratives and motivations.
A kiss is not necessary to imply a profound romantic bond between characters.
•Aruani is implied to be canon despite them never kissing or hugging (by that logic reiner and annie would be canon lmao). What makes them canon is the weight their interactions hold and the way they both helped each other grow. It's funny how integral they are to each others growth and the way they understand each other makes them a really interesting dynamic, him calling Annie a 'good person' with Annie being described by Isayama as ''a nice normal girl who had no choice but to fight'' Annie was told to not fear in making the world her enemy cus she could always turn back to her dad, that was her motive / Armin saw her how she was and that held a lot of importance to Annie, she wanted to be a good person but had no choice because she wanted to end her mission and go back to her dad. The only one she thought loved her. She didnt make deep bonds cus it would hurt her.
-Likewise Armin wanted to be strong like Mikasa and determined and brave like Eren but he had really low self-esteem and thought he was a burden to the others, but annie said "you seem weak but you have guts". I feel like thats what Armin wanted to hear.
That interaction is not only important to aruani as a ship but to them as characters and even to the plot (consider that Annie had no hesitation to kill people like Jean or Levi but spared Armin more than enough times,i think that interaction aided in that and it contributed in Annies capture).
Romance in AOT is relevant and important to progressing the plot.
Isayama drew them comfortable around each other in 139 and to the asian fandom they were considered married. Again implication.
•Falbi is similar to 'aruani', implied. They aren't screaming "we are dating" but their comfort around each other and Falcos feelings for Gabi (plus Falcos importance to Gabi) implies that they are canon.
•Nicosasha is implied too. Bonus that everyone thought they were dating and how Niccolos feelings progressed the plot.
•Levihan, implied and open to interpretation. Also brought Hanjis arc to a close, contributing to Levi's closure too.They were both tired,lost people important to them and wanted to escape. (Them parting was an important interaction)
Again ...are you seeing a pattern here? All the couples are implied.
One couple that was implied AND explicitly stated to have mutual romantic feelings is eremika.This because eremika is the main pair and important to the plot like the others, but while the other couples are part of the story, EM IS the story. EMA are the main characters and their relationships progress the plot.
•EM was implied in the beginning but after the "what am i to you?" interaction it was clearly meant to be seen as romance. They even get a kiss!! a "maybe in an AU we could have lived in peace" and Erens romantic feelings being there all along.
Yet this fandom has some interesting words to say.
"Its not canon they didnt kiss!!1!"
-No couple has a kiss. (even EM kiss is painful)
-They have confessions without blantant "i love you-s" but with heavily romantic words.
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Falco is literally proposing, eren is basically saying "do you love me?" ,Armin is saying that "he likes her and missed her", Historia literally wants to escape with Ymir and tells her shes safe with her. Hanji is literally telling Levi to run away together...I mean!!! ITS RIGHT THERE!
Then eremika has a kiss and people are like "they were forced!1!! Isayama was FORCED"
If they dont hug/kiss its "not canon". If they do "they were forced".
Learn to read through the lines and also that to imply romance you dont need blatant kisses or make-out scenes.
Its like...'story-telling 101'
"Show, don't tell".
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momozity12 · 3 years
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let’s be real this is how it really happened
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momozity12 · 3 years
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Please Capcom, don’t make me come over there myself...
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momozity12 · 3 years
Fateful (coincidence) meeting 😜
*This is their second meeting
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momozity12 · 3 years
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暗闇の隠し事‥‥( ˘ω˘ )
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momozity12 · 4 years
Omg I never realized 😭
Friendly reminder that Levi could have tried to insult the bespectacled Zeke by calling him “Four-eyes” that whole damn time but instead he literally chose to insult a different part of his face (Bearded bastard) or his furry Titan (Furry bastard)
Cuz “Four-eyes“ is a nickname and no longer an insult that Levi reserved for Hange and Hange only :)
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momozity12 · 4 years
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I miss hange so much ♥️😭
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momozity12 · 4 years
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Peace yo!
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momozity12 · 4 years
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Wanna drink ?? Senpai~
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momozity12 · 4 years
the fact that people refuse that levi and han had a bond (even if it’s not romantic) is insane imo... like there’s the parallels between different relationships? and when you point them out there’s always someone who will say “eww don’t compare xx with levihan”
for example? ymir and historia??? there’s so many similarities, wanting to live for themselves, wanting to be together, the fact that one of them had to leave to protect the other one and they never got to tell each other how they felt? but the bond was there? the tall, more energetic one that wants to protect and show the short, seemingly jaded one that not everything has to be hopeless? their friendship? there’s no power imbalance, just pure love, understanding. they really loved each other...
oh and the bird with one wing, it’s as if han couldn’t fly anymore without levi (but i may be looking too much into it) and then levi fell too ahhh poetic cinema 😩 we’ve been getting a lot of hate recently...
This is like way up in my asks but a lot of it has been bothering me. I’ve seen a lot of antis on twitter denying Hange and Levi’s bond because lmao apparently what has been going on in 126 and 132 aren’t enough to make something canon. 
But as a fan, regardless of what antis say, regardless of what other shippers say I will stand by this ship, rain or shine, and I will fucking scream ‘LEVIHAN IS CANON.’ 
It just doesn’t make any sense really? Like what do people need for something to be canon? A gaudy verbal declaration of love? Love letters? Kissing? Fucking? 
I don’t believe we need a declaration of love to deem something canon. Yes, people won’t agree but the fact that we have been called delusional? Levihans on twitter have been called delusional for seeing canon on this? I didn’t just look at Levihan and the scenes in 126 and 132 and go ‘YUP ITS CANON,’ I actually did have a slow burn towards this because I just thought the way I see Levihan in canon is pretty much how I appreciate a lot of the relationships in real life. 
A lot of people wait for declarations of love, kissing, fucking, embracing and making out. Yes, those are conventional ways to prove that maybe those two can be together. But those types of bullshit are only as valuable or as meaningful as the subtle domestic actions that follow. We’ve seen relationships we deem canon before, then suddenly the guy cheats on the girl or the girl hits the guy or vice versa, or they just alternate between make ups and break ups until they get tired. So what? Do they still love each other? Even after allowing themselves through go through all that shit? 
I’ve never been in a relationship like that? I wouldn’t know what runs through people’s heads when they go through those? Stockholm? Hope that maybe their toxic lover will change for the better? I don’t know so I won’t comment about this. 
But I sincerely believe there is more to analyze, there is more to appreciate and there is more to emulate in a relationship grounded in mutual trust, bonds, and a relationship that has proven the test of time and challenges (aka Levi and Hange)
I don’t believe in kisses, sex scenes or verbal declarations of love. Just because those are the socially accepted ways to ‘show that love exists.’ They are inherently flawed proofs and evidences that there exists a relationship between people. And maybe the fact that these proofs are what people wait for before they something is canon, maybe that’s the reason why it’s so hard for people to recognize that people can have bonds without it? Maybe that’s why people figuring out they love someone is so hard? Because they wait for the urge to kiss or the urge to have sex? Or the urge to write a long ass love letter?
But really love and the drive to enter a committed relationship are so much deeper than intimacy and verbal declarations. Intimacy and Verbal Declarations are only as valuable as the intentions and the implicit messages that accompany them. 
I’ve never been a words person, I’ve always been an actions person and maybe that’s why I never did keep a lot of the old love letters and the old gifts people have given me. I don’t want verbal declarations of love or commitment, I want actions. Words are easy. Intimacy is easy. If people really meant it, they would constantly strive to change for the better. If people really meant it, they would hold their breath and listen even when they were angry. If people really meant it, they’d listen to feedback and constantly try to open up. 
If people really meant it, they’d stay true to commitments, acknowledge mistakes and constantly reach out of their comfort zone to make an effort to constantly improve. 
You know where I see love? Giving up your daily routine to save some extra cash so you can drop it for a partner who’s in need? You know what’s love? Changing how you go about your life, actively changing your bad habits so you can constantly be a better partner to the person you committed to. You know what’s love? Staying by someone’s side, completely trusting them and trying at least to know them like the back of your hand? 
You know what’s love? Actively abandoning your post to save your dying friend. 
And some people might go… This is just a ship. No, because personally how I ship is how I view relationships in real life.
I do not admire relationships  for their ability to display affection in public or their ability to write long letters to their loved ones. I admire relationships for their openness. I admire relationships where couples are able to keep their problems behind closed doors because they trust each other so well they can resolve everything together. I admire relationships where couples are complete opposites yet somehow manage to make things work because you know they made the effort to adopt microchanges to their personality to make that relationship work. 
I have friends in real life who are actively in a relationship, say they genuinely love their partner yet break up and make up every week. They call their partners such vile names when they’re angry, they fucking hurt each other yet a declaration of love every week somehow makes it okay. 
I have friends whose only proof they were ever together with their partners were the fact that they lived together, maybe co-owned five cats. And when I talk to them about their partners, they know everything about their partner from the back of their hand. “She wouldn’t do that. She won’t wake up that early.” They know each others habits and despite how different they are, they adjust. They have never said anything wrong about their partner. They have never talked shit about their partners to me. Sometimes, they would talk to me when they’re concerned or when they’re emotional, but they have never called their partner asshole, bitch, fucker in the heat of the moment. I have never heard them wish ill of their partner. 
BUT THEY HAVE NEVER PLAYED VICTIM. (And holy crap the amount of relationships I’ve seen where someone is willingly able to rant and say such horrifying things behind their partner behind their back is fucking terrifying. And the way they pull a 180 in public and around their partner?? That’s a relationship???  I have seen friends call their partners cruel and abusive, only for me to find out through message receipts that they’re both assholes.)
And I will live my whole life, advocating for relationships grounded in mutual bonds and a strive to grow with their partner, whether or not they have expressed the societally acknowledged, conventional romantic connotations of love or not. 
In the end, love is love. And love is manifested not in the romantic declarations of love but in the trust, sacrifice, the effort to change for the better, the commitment to stay with the person and grow with them. 
Love is abandoning one’s comfort zones. Love is staying by someone’s side, supporting them through the thick and thin. Love is supporting one another, keeping the dynamic balanced yet constantly moving. 
Love is facing life together and making sure the person you committed to, never feels alone or unloved. 
Do not reduce love and relationships to kisses and hugs and declarations of love.
And for the people who say, “Chill this is just a ship...” I ship because I believe in the dynamic and I believe in the depth that is hidden underneath the dynamic that was shown in the big screen. It’s the reflection of what I see in relationships in real life and it’s the model of what I’d want to see in my own relationships. 
So yes, please let the Levihans enjoy things thank you. 
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momozity12 · 4 years
⚠️levihan content
(I am a Chinese reader, so this is my though on the Chinese translation)
I always think this Hange’s line was referred to ch72 Erwin’s line on that day before RtS
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But no, when I reread the manga today, I found that Hange already said the same thing in ch26
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The English version seems a little bit different, but in Japanese, the lines were almost the same
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Can’t find the picture for ch26, but the Japanese is
In English, both means “if you don’t understand it, then go and learn about it”
For Erwin’s one (ch72)
In English: “if you want to know what is in the basement, then go and find it”
The meaning are similar, but you can see the sentence structure and word are totally different in Japanese.
Therefore Levi’s panel in 108 was totally because of Hange, it made him feel that passionate Hange was back. You can also saw Levi was looking at Hange in ch26. But in ch72, it didn’t show Levi’s reaction to it at all.
Hange and Erwin both have said 「それが調査兵団だろう?」 (Is’t that the survey crop way?)
Yes, this is definitely sth Hange learned from Erwin, just some eru/ri fans said Levi’s panel was Hange’s line make him remembered Erwin, but you can see that line was after Levi’s panel, which is with 104th’s
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