monachuscaligo · 3 years
SotFD loadout
Caligx has 100 mana points to spend throughout the fight. Not casting a spell for a round restores 10 mana points.
Possesses no resistance to any elemental type.
Revival - Once per combat - A medium heal that clears all dispellable effects of all allies. - 70 mana points Invoke Yu’lon, the Jade Serpent - Once per combat - Summons a green jade dragon to heal the most injurie allies for 2 rounds, can heal up to 3 allies per round. - 15 mana points Life Cocoon - Once every 3 rounds - Creates a protective bubble around the target absorbing the next incoming non-almighty attack. 10 mana points Vivify - A heal that restores a large amount of HP to one target - 6 mana points Essence Font - Heals 5 nearby targets for a medium amount of health - 23 mana points
Blackout Kick - Deals medium(blunt) physicals damage to one target.  - 10%hp Crackling Jade Lightning - Deals light electricity damage to one target. - 3 mana Spinning Crane Kick - Deals medium physical damage to all enemies within a small radius around Caligx. - 23% HP Rising Sun Kick - Deals heavy (blunt) physical damage to one target.  15% HP
Ring of Peace - Once every 3 rounds-  Bounces enemies back from a designated space for 1 round before disappearing. 5 mana points Paralyze - Incapacitates the target for 1 round, any damage will break this effect. 5 mana points.
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
The sound of metal hitting metal filled the area around the forge. The light of the forge hasn’t gone out since this entire situation with the music started. It took her a day to source the materials needed and to figure out the correct proportions to work as a restraints for humans. She only knew of this because her father got a request similiar to this but for a Taruen. On one of the free tables were three completed sets. Hearing the door to the forge open she turned to see who was visiting her here. It was Kaylah holding up a grey backpack. It didn’t take the Blacksmith more than two seconds to understand why it was brought. 
Kaylah was already dressed in full armor, which meant that there was an impending fight. A sigh came from the Night Elf’s lips as she walked over to the Hunter and took the bag from her. “How bad is it?”
Kaylah frowned as she shook her head. “It’s getting bad, even our leader is starting to hear it. Raven is completely out of control and Renata is in a bad shape as far as I can tell.” She replied as she glanced towards the outside through one of the windows as Caligx got dressed in her combat armor. 
“I can lock them with magic and maybe with the limited range of motion it will be enough to keep them here with the weight added on. Do you think we could keep them in a frost trap until the fight?” Caligx already knew the answer to that, however, maybe this world changed how Kaylah’s frost traps worked.
“No. Unless they were in full armor and even then I would not be comfortable with the idea.” 
A frustrated sigh escaped Caligx’s lips as she secured her helmet to her head. “I can watch one with Paralysis, we can restrain three, and then Avalon, Menel and Nivan can each handle one right? So between the two of us we can manage seven?”
“Assuming we can catch seven. But doing so would keep both of us out of the fight.” Kaylah replied lifting up the heavy restraints with curiosity. 
“Then I don’t know what we do. This isn’t Azeroth, this isn’t the work of Mindbenders that we can kill and get this over with. Killing won’t solve anything and I don’t know how to remove curses.” Caligx let out a frustrated sigh as she threw her bag to the side and picked up the hammer. She felt a hand on her shoulder and saw that Kaylah had walked over sometime during this conversation.
“This is the other’s specialty. I’m sure someone will come up with a plan, for now let’s do what we can.”
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
“Yeah… I can see why it’d be a big culture shock. So many lights and buttons and all that jazz.” Hato shrugged. “Everything’s really delicate, too. One wrong move and a device is broken beyond repair.”
He scratched the back of his head…
“It’s an era I’m used to since I grew up in it. Then it was only a few years back I got caught in the mess that lead me to getting my abilities and where I am today. So this is nothing too new… But it’s still new.”
“Being told that only humans and beasts exist in this world was definitely a shock. Especially when my mentor is a Pandarian and my best friend is a Draenei.”
She shrugged her shoulders gently. The idea that humans were the only race baffled the Night Elf. Then again, Azeroth was much larger and had a much more diverse set of life than this world. When she thought about it like that, it made a little bit more sense why the number of species. 
“I see, that makes a great deal of sense.”
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
Add on the fact that Hato shares the same voice as the plethora of Akiras and Rens and it makes it even more uncanny.
“Well, it’s not my first time dealing with multiple worlds and times so It’s not really too hard taking it all in…” He shrugged. “I’m just trying to figure out how to explain where my friends and I stand in terms of what the multiverse holds.”
After all, it’s not every day where you meet someone’s Persona as a human.
“There’s so many ‘what if’s out there that it can be a mess keeping track of it all. It’s a fucking doozy.”
“That’s interesting to hear, I’m assuming your experience with timelines and different worlds is vastly different from what we experienced in Azeroth, Outlands, and the Shadowlands.”
She puts a hand to her chin, clearly interested in the stories that Hato might have to share about his experience. Though at his last statement she nodded her head in agreement. Trying to understand all of the various rules that this world had was a lot to process. Even now, she assumed that there were still more things for her to learn about this human realm that differs from the human kingdoms in Azeroth.
“Everyone here looks like they come from one of the human kingdoms. However, when I see the technology you have here, it baffles me. There’s so much I have to learn about this world, it’s almost overwhelming.”
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
@ourthrxne asked “Maybe we should leave the chat alone for once and uh… I dunno, do something else?” Michael is right there with you in terms of pained, Caligx.
There were many things about this world that Caligx found herself in that made no sense. However, the growing headache caused by hearing the words only used by certain races and within Goldshire's inn was a strong indication of what was going on. A pained look remained on the Elf's face as she actively debated on coving her ears to save her limited sanity left. The conversation was so bad that she was actively debating if serving N'zoth would be less damaging to her sanity.
"I wholeheartedly agree with this plan."
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
“We aren’t in Goldshire, get me out of this hell.”
A pained expression was on the Night Elf’s face, a rare sight despite everything that’s happened.
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
Hato’s eyes glanced at the other and took a good look. She certainly gave off the vibes of a modern-fantasy-esque origin… Perhaps leaning more towards the fantasy part than the modern part considering the long pointed ears and vibrant, glowing blue eyes.
She definitely looks pretty nice and pretty comfy in those clothes.
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“Right… I’ll keep that in mind. So…”
He rubbed the back of his neck.
“What’s up?”
“I just finished working in the forge and getting cleaned up. I was planning on going back to the dorms to make something to eat.”
She smiled at the other, as she looked over Hato. He reminds her a lot of Coffee and Raven, but with some notable differences. Maybe that’s something she could ask the two of them later in private. Though her attention was focused on the latest member of their (unfortunate) group. 
“Other than the sheer size of the compound and the ongoing construction. How are you doing with all of this?”
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
“Construction isn’t even done yet.”
Caligx smiled as she approached the unfamiliar face. She finally finished her family’s signature weapon and all that was left to hand them off to Roland. She was thankful that he volunteered to take it from her. With the talk of family, she was reminded about how she lost her own. However, instead of wallowing in grief Caligx opted to use her feelings and make something that could protect another. 
She was slowly getting used to wearing clothing instead of armor. Currently she had jean shorts, and a light purple tank top, with purple and black sneakers.
“Mitsuru said that if there was anything we needed, feel free to bring it up.”
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“…This place really needs physical maps. GPS and memory can only do so much for newbies.”
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
Luckily for both of them, Coffee - while obviously not terribly knowledgeable in the art of blacksmithing, knew of it enough to know that there was heat. There was fire - covered arms would be a necessity in a place where he could get burned. Ideally, he’d wear a coat designed for that sort of thing, but he’d make do with a long-sleeved shirt instead.
Much as he would love to go without, he thought, the second he stepped into the forge. Now there was heat. It reminded him of Futaba’s Palace, and how awful the trip up to the pyramid had been. Hot, sticky, every kind of awful imaginable.
“Man, the heat’s gonna be something to get used to.” He chuckled, standing at the entrance to the place. “Might have to ask Fafnir for help. His fire drain might come in handy in a forge. Or Uriel - he’s got a fire null.” He’d never tested if those resistances could be taken advantage of in the real world - there was no better place to test it out, than here. “Am I still allowed to try my hand at learning how to smith?” Coffee asked carefully. It’d be a good skill to have - plus, he was already good at working with his hands, so it made sense that maybe smithing would be something he’d pick up on as well.
“Maybe spending enough time in here will give you an advantage in the other world.” 
A chuckle came from the elf’s lips after she took another large gulp of water. Her knowledge of the other worlds was limited to what she’s been told about by the others. Unlike Coffee, the temperatures in here didn’t bother her at all, she’s been in much hotter environments after all. All of the lava and magma being thrown around the Broken Shore came immediately to mind. 
“In due time, but first things first are the basics.”
She gestured him to come into the building as she set her water bottle aside. Sitting on a table in the corner of the room was a pile of objects. A pair of safety goggles, ear muffs, gloves, and an apron.
“These are for you, you’ll need them in the forge.”
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
Caligx hammered away at the blade she was currently shaping. In the forge there were a variety of tools she was extremely familiar with and some that seemed like a gnome came up with. She was avoiding the strange machines for now, instead opting to spend her time getting used to what she already knew by heart. While she was hammering away she recalled Coffee’s request to learn her craft. A small smile came onto the elf’s lips, this would be the first time she’s tried to teach someone else. 
“Hmm... maybe I should have told him to bring long sleeved clothes.”
She’s used to dealing with the hot temperatures found in the forge. So the heat didn’t bother her at all, though the same might not be said for a human. Especially one that grew up in a world where a war is always looming somewhere in the world. Standing up she wiped the sweat off of her forehead and went to where she kept her water. When she’s working in the forge, she found it difficult to keep track of time and would often loose herself in thought while going through the same motions she’s repeated for many years.
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
The clanking of metal could be heard near the edges of the compound. The newly found forge was currently being used by Caligx as she worked to understand the metals of this world. It would be no secret that she was disappointed that some of her favorite materials were apparently too dangerous to use in this world. So for right now she would go with the safe route, using iron and steel to practice her techniques on. She assumed that the iron in this world would be similiar to the ore found in Azeroth. However, with each passing day it becomes clearer to the Mistweaver that these two worlds share almost no similarities.
She was working on the blade of a polearm, hammering away at the metal as she worked with it to get it into the correct shape. She was wearing her normal armor minus her helmet, shoulder pads and gloves. It was the only clothing she had that she felt comfortable wearing for long periods of time in the forge. The fact that her armor had no sleeves didn’t bother her, the heat of the forge was something she was used to after all. 
She held up the blade and looked it over, seemingly pleased with her work. Excitement twinkled in her blue eyes. Still unaware of anyone else who might have entered this place.
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
Caligx was thankful for the creativity of Rise and Yosuke. While her ears were shorter than some of the other Night Elves she knew of. They were still long enough to cause some sort of attention if people started to notice. However, thanks to the smart thinking of those two, a simple hooded tank top made it so her ears weren’t nearly as obvious and a pair of sunglasses covered her pure blue eyes. Matching shorts and sandals to complete the look.
“Do you mind showing me what you do at the beach Raven?”
She finally spoke up with a smile on her face. They were learning so much about this strange world. While it reminded her of a combination of the Human, Dwarven and Gnome cities, there was still so much of this place that was completely foreign. The fact that she had to hide her eyes and ears was a firm reminder of that. 
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monachuscaligo · 3 years
Under construction prob indefinitely bc she’s only used in sotfd
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