monicalestrange3 · 3 days
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413 notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 3 days
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581 notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 3 days
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2K notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 3 days
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8K notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 3 days
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6K notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 3 days
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Alguien viene a jugar conmigo? 🙊 Anyone come to play with me 🙊
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monicalestrange3 · 3 days
Recibes muchas dick pic???
No tantas como todos creen
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Blondie, do you get a lot of dick pics?
Not as many as everyone thinks
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monicalestrange3 · 3 days
Te gusta entrar en rol de sumisa???
Nope, soy mas de ser dominante.
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Do you like to get into a submissive role?
Nope, I'm more of a dominatrix.
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monicalestrange3 · 3 days
¿Las redes sociales te hacen sentir mejor o peor contigo mismo?
Las redes sociales no me hacen sentir nada de eso, solo me entretienen.
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Does social media make you feel better or worse about yourself?
Social media doesn't make me feel any of that, it just entertains me.
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monicalestrange3 · 3 days
¿Qué es lo que más disfrutas en el sexo?
causarle placer a la persona que este conmigo, disfrutar profundamente de ambos cuerpos.
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What do you enjoy most in sex?
to cause pleasure to the person who is with me, to deeply enjoy both bodies.
13 notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 4 days
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hahahaha confirman? 😅🤣
42 notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 4 days
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140 notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 5 days
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7K notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 5 days
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Wow!! Por favor dejame mencionarte,🥺 mereces crédito por tu arte, es precioso!!!😍 Y si te da pena porque es NSWF entonces hazme uno normal porque de verdad dibujas hermoso!
Wow!!!Please let me mention you,🥺 you deserve credit for your art, it's gorgeous!!!😍 And if you feel sorry for me because it's NSWF then make me a regular one because you really draw beautiful!
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monicalestrange3 · 5 days
Te hice un dibujito, te lo puedo enviar? Pero no me mencionas
Trato hecho 😉
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I made you a drawing, can I send it to you? But you don't mention me
Deal 😉
6 notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 6 days
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Ya saben donde esta sin censura 😈🥵
You know where it is uncensored 😈🥵.
111 notes · View notes
monicalestrange3 · 6 days
hola qué tal guapa?☺️
Bien, aquí planeando como destruir el mundo, y tu?
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Hi, how are you? ☺️
Well, here planning how to destroy the world, and you?
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