Isaaculcard, pet play and/or xenophilia, bonus Isaac forging special toys 😏
:3c this is kinda more in a post-LoS2 era. I wasn't quite sure how to include the Xenophilia, so forgive me if nothing in here counts.
Alucard's tail was wagging as he stalked Isaac through the room. They had been waiting for Dracul to come home, but Alucard was growing bored and his vampire brother was right there. They had been chasing each other through the penthouse, Isaac just a step ahead of the wolf. Its cat tail was taunting him and he was determined to catch it. Isaac had let its guard down, thinking it had managed to hide, so it could pounce on Alucard.
Instead, Alucard pounced first, pinning his brother against the floor. Isaac let out a squeal, though it was laughing as Alucard blew raspberries on its neck. After a moment of laughter between them, Isaac grinded back against Alucard. He kept his mouth at Isaac's neck, biting and sucking to leave his mark on it.
"We, ah, we need to stop, Isaac," Alucard moaned as he gripped his brother's hips, "father won't be pleased if he, ah, fuck, if he catches us without his, his permission."
Isaac whined back at him, "but Trevor...." Before pouting and looking back at him. Alucard groaned at his name being whined out like that, but an idea popped up in his head.
"Actually, father said we couldn't fuck each other without him present... But,"
Alucard leaned into Isaac's ear, "He didn't say we couldn't use those toys you made on each other."
With that out in the open, both hurried back to the room, with Isaac pulling out its bin of toys. They were all made from Crystals from Dracul's hoard, shaped and enhanced for different purposes.
One in particular, a ruby about the same length as Alucard's arm from shoulder to finger tip, was their personal favorite. They could use it at the same time, and it was enhanced to heat up at different intervals.
As Isaac was getting the toy, Alucard grabbed the leash. It was a short leash that clipped onto both of their collars, keeping them from getting too far from the other. Dracul really loved the leash, and Alucard was sure his father would love to see them wearing it while they pleased each other.
They sat on the bed, pulling each other into a heated kiss, as Alucard clipped the leash onto their collars. Isaac pulled away first, grabbing the lube, slathering it on the ruby toy, and putting it in position. Their moans were synchronized as the ruby toy slipped inside them.
Alucard gripped his brother's hand tightly, Isaac was gripping his back, and they moved in unison on the toy. It was long and thick, hitting all the right places with its blunt heads. It took them a moment to gain a good rhythm, Alucard laughed as it slipped out of Isaac a few times, but they didn't rush. Isaac pulled Alucard back into a heated kiss, its tongue demanding to be let into its brother's mouth. Alucard graciously allowed it.
They were so distracted with each other, and the toy inside them, they failed to hear the door open and shut. Not until they both hit the peak, with each other's name on the tip of their tongues. They panted in each other's mouth, when the sound of a belt being undone echoed in the room.
Alucard looked over first, his eyes wide as Dracul sat in the chair by the bed, fisting his own cock.
Dracul lifts his hand, making Alucard pause.
"I don't recall allowing you two to fuck each other when I'm out, but I see Isaac prepared a loophole," he began, "I'm not angry. I'm rather impressed. So continue. Give Daddy a show."
The leash tightened, and Dracul used his magic to move the toy in them, causing both Alucard and Isaac to moan in surprise.
"That's it. Just a puppy and kitten giving their daddy a show," Dracul growled, leaning back continuing to pleasure himself.
They were in for a long night.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
Well, this was originally supposed to be part of my NSFW list, but it turned out differently, so... Yeah. Quick warning for some violent content, though it's fairly tame for my work.
Dracul hated Dracula. That pompous, overdressed ass of a vampire. He always acted like he was so grand, with his complicated dressings, that grey hair that cascaded behind him, those red eyes that always seem to stare into him like they knew every secret he held, and the way he carried himself. Dracula spoke with an air of superiority that made Dracul agitated, and he would do anything to wipe that cocky smirk off his face. Dracula just had this unrivaled ability to rile him up.
The entity within Dracul's castle loved to visit the other Castle though. Dracul felt like they were mocking their Lords by acting obsessed and infatuated with each other. Dracul was on a mission though, and for once, was thankful for his Castle's obsession over Dracula's. He waltzes into the Dark Lord's castle, keeping it distracted with his own supernatural Castle.
This distraction allowed him plenty of time to find the throne room, where Dracula was sitting on the throne, with a goblet of blood in one hand, and his other hand holding his head from where he was leaning over. There was that cocky smirk on his face, making Dracul sneer in response.
"And to what do I owe the pleasure of such a visit from you, Dracul?" Dracula asked, sitting upright in the throne. His voice made a heat squirm and settled within Dracul's abdomen. God he hated it.
"I needed to have a talk with you. Somewhere private, where we won't be walked in on." Dracul answers, his voice coming out in its usual quiet. Compared to Dracula's powerful voice, his felt like a gentle whisper.
"Oh?" Dracula sounded interested as he sipped his blood. "Is my throne room not private enough?"
"No. I'd rather not be walked in on by your servants or any of the Belmonts of your universe." Dracul said stiffly, with an air of finality in his voice. He was not going to argue with Dracula any further on this.
This made the other vampire Lord laugh, before he drained his goblet and threw it off to the side. Dracul swallowed hard as Dracula stood from his throne. Dracul was a broad, big man. It was a leftover from his human life as a knight, but Dracula was tall and deceptively strong. Those hands were just as capable of hurting Dracul as Dracul's was of hurting Dracula.
This made that burning grow stronger.
Dracula stepped forward, like he was attracted to the heat Dracul produced. Like a moth to a flame. Dracula brushes by Dracul, sauntering his way out of the throne room, he gestures for Dracul to follow him. They had been through this song and dance, with Dracul always stopping it before it went too far. Dracul wanted to push it though. He wanted to push past the point of no return.
The burning in his belly got hotter.
Dracula was speaking as they walked, though Dracul didn't pay any attention to what he was saying. His focus was on the hands moving at the other Lord spoke. Was it so wrong that Dracul wanted to feel those claws deep inside his belly? That he wanted the other Lord to tear him apart?
Dracula must have caught on to Dracul's distraction, because he stopped mid word, and turned to Dracul.
"Are you listening? Is there something possibly distracting you?" He asks. A knowing, smug smirk on his lips. Dracul wanted to wipe that smirk off the other's face.
"Well, the only thing distracting me, is the pompous lord in front of me." Dracul could see the faint twitch of Dracula's mustache.
"Oh?" Dracula backed Dracul up against the wall, before placing his arm to the right of Dracul's head, trapping him within the Lord's presence. "Care to elaborate?" Came the taunting voice. A voice that dared him to go further. Dracul was the one always shying away, but not anymore.
With a growl, he grabbed the collar of Dracula's cloak, pulling the Vampire down into a brutal kiss. All teeth and sharp points. He felt claws grab his thighs and lift him up, pressing him harder against the wall. Those claws dug deliciously into his thighs, making him want more. His own claws lifted up and buried themselves in Dracula's hair, tugging on it. He smirks, biting at Dracula's lips and tongue.
The hallway dissolved into a lavish, luxurious room. Dracula picked Dracul up and sat on the bed in the center. Dracul growls and starts to tear away at the thick layer of clothing, separating him from what he desires, earning him a growl from the other vampire.
Dracula's claws raked down Dracul's body, Dracul's blood forming pools and staining the bedsheets. Dracul wrapped his legs around Dracula's waist and grinded up into him. Their cocks brushed against each other in delicious friction, making both vampire lords hump into each other, not quite getting what they both truly wanted.
"So impatient. You're acting like a werewolf in heat." Dracula growls at Dracul, digging his claws further into Dracul's thighs. Dracul moans and grinds down into the other vampire lord. As soon as Dracula's cloak and shirt were shreds on the floor, Dracul sank his teeth into Dracula's shoulder, earning him another deep growl. Dracul allowed his own clothes to dissipate into smoke and ash, giving Dracula access to his flesh. He groans as those claws dig into his thigh and side, coating them with his blood. Dracula wills away his pants and lays Dracul onto his back. That doesn't stop Dracul's teeth from finding home in Dracula's flesh.
"I need to-" Dracula gasps.
"Don't. Fuck me like you own me."
Dracula growled at Dracul's words, licking along his neck, before setting his teeth on the other vampire's neck. Dracul got the hint and set his teeth on Dracula's neck.
"I should warn you," Dracul hisses, "if you bite me, I won't hold back." Dracula growled, and bit down as hard as he could, Dracul following after.
They pulled away, both of their mouths bloodied with the other's blood, panting hard. Dracul growls deeply, and pulls Dracula into a kiss, forcing his tongue into the other's mouth and lapping at the taste of his own blood. Something inside of Dracula clicked with Dracul's sudden behavior, though there was nothing he could say about it, with the latter's tongue deep in his mouth.
Dracula's claws tear into Dracul's thighs again, making him throw his head back with a particularly loud moan. Using the blood on his hands, Dracula coated his cock and pressed it against Dracul's hole.
"Do it." Dracul growled, challenging Dracula even now, while bloodied and laying under him. Dracula growls back and forces his cock inside of Dracul. Oh how Dracula was going to commit the image of Dracul arching under him and the sound of that cute gasp to memory. Those claws tore into his back, demanding more from him. He growls, pleased with the look of both pain and pleasure in Dracul's eyes. Lifting the other's legs over his shoulders, he set a pace both harsh and brutal.
The sun was well into the sky by the time both vampires were satisfied. In a rare act of softness, Dracul laid on top of Dracula with his eyes closed, though not actually sleeping. Every scratch and bite had long since healed up, leaving the pallor skin a canvas for more marks. Dracula's claws were tracing along Dracul's back, slowly falling asleep. Neither one had much to say to each other.
Once Dracula was asleep, Dracul slid out of the bed, and willed his clothes back on. He offered no glance back at the other Vampire. This was a moment of weakness on Dracul's part, and he wasn't going to let himself fall into bed with Dracula again.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
Sorry, just wanted to do another Selfship thing, then I'll get back to my LoS works. Its also very short. RED ft. My S/I Saul.
Saul stretched out on the molten rocks of Zenith, not minding the heat on his new skin. RED had disappeared to one of the lower worlds, claiming he had a surprise for Saul. He had already surprised Saul by bringing him into the cartridge and changing their body into something that more suited their new environment. He couldn't imagine he would have more surprises for him.
They stood up from the warm spot, their many legs stretching out and loosening up. Saul clambered up the cliff side, watching many of the creatures shamble about. With their centipede body still wrapped around the cliff, Saul laid their head on their pedipalps, wistfully looking down.
He was bored without his master around, and nothing was currently entertaining enough to hold his interest. He could take another nap, or explore more of Zenith. Maybe Saul could bother Firebrand, the giant demon never seemed to mind when the new demon. Or maybe it just didn't want to offend RED. He deflated at that thought, genuinely enjoying the larger demon's presence.
They didn't have to think about it very long though, as a shadow encompassed them, and boney, fleshy hands cover their eyes.
"RED!" He cheers happily, pushing down the hands and turning to face his master. Saul blinked as he noticed what was in RED's insect legs. A couple of the multi colored 'bobblehead' creatures warbled and squirmed in the uncomfortable grip. He looked down at them, before looking back up at RED. With a gleeful shriek, he lifts himself up and kisses RED's face. Taking the little creatures out of RED's grip, he coos at them and carries them back to their den.
RED was still standing there, frozen on the spot. He expected Saul to be excited, but not to that extent. Well, now he knows to make a spot for Saul to teleport to the Indigo Cliffs.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
@the-crow-binary just a little Mathias and Ratcul 🩷 Blatantly inspired by this piece they made that I continue to quote and think about every day.
Being able to transform into a rat definitely has its advantages for someone like Dracul. He could easily get into smaller areas, meaning he could sneak attack or simply watch guests that enter the tower. Though, nowadays, he often used it to cuddle with his husband, Mathias, while he was working. It was nice to rest on his shoulders, and occasionally give him little licks, a reminder for him to take a break sometimes.
However, he was watching for a different reason today. He had gone hunting and came back with a prize for his Mathias, a human heart. With both Mathias' and Alucard's workaholic tendencies, Dracul constantly fought them on feeding and resting, with various levels of success. He managed to force a feeding schedule for Alucard, one that was working out very well.
But that left him with his stubborn mule of a husband. So, he often left hearts where he knew Mathias would find them, to remind him to feed.
The front door opening drew his attention and he hunkered down further into his watching spot. Mathias was on call with someone, probably another client, as he walked in through the penthouse door. His husband completely bypassed him, and continued talking on his phone.
"Yes, I understand you need more time, but the budget meeting is coming up in two weeks. So I need," he pauses, placing a hand on his hip, clearly agitated for having been interrupted, "quite frankly, Alex, that sounds like something that could've been completely avoidable had you listened to Trevor, so you will not gain sympathy from me."
Dracul lifted himself up a little, watching his husband. His ears perked up as Mathias walked into their room, and he let out a soft squeak in excitement.
He could hear the bed rustling, before a pause, and then, "Alex, I've got to go. This discussion is not over, and I expect budget notes on Trevor's or my desk in the morning." And then a click.
Oh no. That didn't sound like he enjoyed the gift.
With another click sound, he watches as Mathias holds up his phone and walks right to his hiding spot. Before he could dart away, he gets scooped up in one of Mathias' hands with the phone camera pointed to him, and a click that Mathias took a picture. He let out a few upset squeaks, before being tossed on the bed, with Mathias snapping clip.
"Why is there a human heart in our bed?" He demands, like a mother scolding her kid. Dracul only squeaks more, before trying to give Mathias his best puppy eyes. Mathias sighs softly, before putting the phone on charge, beside Dracul's. Dracul shifts into his more humanoid form and holds the heart in his hands.
"Gabriel, I love you, but please stop hiding human hearts around the house." Mathias asks exasperatedly. He looks at his husband, and sighs again, this time with a soft smile as he takes the heart and kisses Dracul's forehead.
"Thank you for looking out for me. I do appreciate it." He says, before feeding from the heart. Dracul smiles happily and holds Mathias soon after he feeds, just happy to have his husband in his arms for the time being.
As Dracul fell asleep in his arms, Mathias shifted, grabbing his phone and sending the clip to Alucard, and then to his social media accounts. Alucard was going to get a kick out of this when he saw it.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
@the-crow-binary who knew my best muse of all would be Fake Priest!Mathias?
Quick warning for mindless smut up ahead, as always, this will be tagged with what comes up in the fic🩷
Before Mathias were the two most powerful men of all the Brotherhood of Light. Cardinal Volpe, leader of the Brotherhood, and Gabriel Belmont, one of their best knights. Beloved by many both in and out of the Brotherhood for their pious and humble natures.
Oh, if only those same people could see them now. On their knees, lapping at a demon's cock like they needed it to survive. Mathias leaned back into his throne, letting the men work. Volpe was bold in his worship, sucking on the glands and dipping under the foreskin. Gabriel was shy, giving little kitten licks closer to the base and testicles. Mathias was enjoying himself, holding his wine and giving out praises.
"Good boys, making Master feel so good." He cooed using his free hand to pet Gabriel's hair, before pulling him up by his hair to meet with Volpe's mouth at the cock head. They both took a side of the cock head, sucking and lapping at the pre-cum dripping from it.
"Yes, just like that. So needy for Master's cock, huh?" Mathias moans out, being met by two groans. "So beautiful, especially when you do as Master asks of you." Not that they had any choice. No, Mathias did not like having to chase after what was his. So the moment he could claim them, he took them. Sure, he missed their eye colors, especially Gabriel's blue eyes, but the purple haze that filled them now was just as beautiful to the Demon.
They moaned in tandem, occasionally moving up to kiss each other sloppily, before going back to worshipping the demon's cock. Volpe wrapped his lips around the cock head, slowly taking more and more of it, bobbing his head. Gabriel moved down, sucking on Mathias' testicles.
"Oh, my good boys," Mathias moaned, the wine now shaking in his hands, "yes, keep that up. Who knew the Cardinal was so good with his mouth?" This earned a groan from the old man. He gasps and tilts his wine, spilling some on the floor as he feels a tongue press against his hole. Gabriel had moved down further in his worship.
"Oh, yes. That feels good, puppy," which earned him a whine from Gabriel. "Oh? Do you like being called Master's puppy?" He asks, earning another whine and the slimy appendage penetrating him. Mathias moaned and arched his back, shoving Volpe further on his cock. Gabriel was devouring him like a man starved. Mathias couldn't help but imagine him with a wagging tail as he serviced his Master.
"Yes, just like that, keep going. I'm so close." Mathias moaned, gripping Volpe's hair, wrapping it around his hands, "Relax your throat for me, Volpe." Under his influence, the older man's mouth went slack around him, allowing Mathias to use the mouth as he pleased. Spreading his legs some more, he lifts his hips and thrusts in and out of Volpe's mouth, desperate to reach that peak.
"Gabriel, puppy, back away for a moment," Mathias moaned out, using his influence to make Gabriel back off from his feast. This earned him a whine, and those sad puppy eyes. This only made Mathias smile softly at his thrall, "don't worry, You'll get a taste of Master very soon, come here."
Gabriel crawled back to his spot beside Volpe as Mathias took the older man off his cock. Both men sat on their knees before him, as he leaned forward, fisting his cock, letting them lick at the dripping head occasionally. He took in their debauched state, their body was covered in sweat with a nice blush covering their faces, Gabriel's going down his chest, making his freckles and moles stick out more. Both had their mouths open, drooling in wait for their Master's come.
"Yes, just like that, what a cute pair you make," Mathias groaned. Soon the pleasure tipped over and he painted their faces with his seed. Volpe turned his head and he kissed Gabriel deeply. Mathias sat back, watching his thralls share his come with each other, before Gabriel wrapped his arms around Volpe's neck, and pulled him down over himself. Mathias chuckled as they grinded against each other, desperate for the moment of bliss.
Mathias would grant them this opportunity to seek pleasure in each other, but just this once. He couldn't let them think they could get off without his permission.
Though when he watches how Gabriel arches and bites Volpe's shoulder and Volpe screams in both pain and pleasure as they paint each other's abdomens, Mathias could feel himself get hard again. With a wave of his hand, the throne room changed into a bedroom. A bedroom, Gabriel and Volpe were going to be intimately familiar with.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
@beevean just two pals smashing their blorbos together 🙂 No plot, just mindless smut.
Hands gently rubbing across its body woke Isaac up. It had fallen asleep between Dracul and his son Alucard, and the full moon peaking through the curtains was making them feel alittle frisky. Dracul was behind it, rubbing Isaac's back, occasionally dipping his hands lower, while Alucard was to its front, rubbing its sides as he ran his tongue over its tattoos and nipples. It could do nothing but moan and whine under their skilled hands. Well, it could ask them to stop, and it knew they would, not that it would. But the knowledge that they would, made everything feel so much better.
Alucard lifted his face and connected their lips in a heated kiss. Isaac wrapped its arms around his neck, and their cocks rubbed together in a near painfully, delicious friction. This allowed Dracul a moment to grab oil, coating his fingers, and press them to Isaac's already semi loose hole.
"Oh, its still loose from earlier." Dracul's voice was a comforting purr that blanketed Isaac.
"Still, better to stretch it more." Came Alucard's voice, further blanketing it in that feeling of comfort.
It didn't pay attention to Dracul's response, but it moaned as those thick fingers breached it, sliding in and out, before scissoring it open further. Alucard pulled Isaac into another kiss, distracting it from his father's touches as he grinds his cock back into Isaac's.
Alucard broke the kiss, a thin strand of saliva connecting their mouths still, "Isaac, who do you want first? Me or Dracul?"
Isaac wanted both. It wanted them to push it further than its last lord dared, but if it had to choose who was first, "You." It moans, trying to press into Alucard's cock, while pressing back into Dracul's fingers. Both vampires share a chuckle at the needy doll.
"Well, you heard it Alucard, it wants you first." Dracul pulls his fingers out of Isaac, and grips Alucard's cock, coating it with the oil on his hand, before pressing it to Isaac's stretched entrance. Alucard and Isaac moan as he sinks into its warmth.
"So good, putting on a little show for daddy," Dracul purrs, pulling back to watch his son's cock slide in and out of Isaac. "My beautiful boys," He murmurs, gripping his own cock in his hands.
Isaac moaned as Alucard started thrusting at a steady rate in it. Alucard was good at keeping a steady rhythm, though it often made Isaac beg and cry for more with the slow drags of his cock inside it, making it overstimulated. Alucard's cock was longer, but just a bit thinner than Dracul's.
The thought of being filled by both was making it feel hotter.
Alucard paused in his thrusting, making Isaac whine in need. The vampire gently shushes the doll, "Shhh, just be patient. We'll give you everything you need." And before Isaac could say anything, Dracul's fingers return to its hole, one sliding in beside Alucard's cock.
Isaac keened, and leaned back into Dracul's chest. Alucard raised its leg, giving Dracul better access to its entrance.
"Oh? Do you like that? You like it when daddy slides his fingers inside you, while you're stuffed full of Trevor's cock?" Dracul purrs in Isaac's ear, as it gasps and grips his arm. Its eyes were rolled back and it bared its delicious neck out for the two vampires to ravage.
"Does it feel good?" Dracul coos, before turning to his son, "How does it feel, wrapped around you?"
"Good. So good," Alucard moans, his hips trying to desperately rut his cock into Isaac, "So hot. It's so warm around me." Alucard buried his face into Isaac's neck, inhaling his scent. It was musky with sweat, and the combinations of both him and his father's claim over him.
"Do you see what you do to us, Isaac? Poor Alucard, he desperately wants to bite you. Will you let him feed?" Dracul's purr filled a heat inside Isaac, as it turned its head, bearing its neck to the vampire in front of it. Alucard licked the sweat dripping down.
"Father, you must taste it."
"That good, huh?"
"Delicious. I can only imagine what its blood will taste like."
Dracul's chuckle filled the hot air, as those sinful fingers leave Isaac. Isaac whined, before jolting at the wet, slimy appendage going up its back, lapping up all the sweat.
"You're right, Trevor. Delicious. I just want to sink my teeth into it," the lust in Dracul's voice made Isaac shiver with anticipation. "Think you can take both of us, my precious doll?" His eyes were dilated, and his breathing got heavier. Isaac couldn't get the words out, but it knew that it wanted whatever Dracul and Alucard would give it.
"Good doll. Always so good for daddy." The words rolled off Dracul's tongue, making Isaac shudder with need. Its pleasure peaked just from the praise alone. Then the pressure of Dracul's cock pressing against its stuffed entrance, trying to slide in beside Alucard, made Isaac gasp and keen, grasping onto whichever vampire it could get under its hands.
Alucard kissed Isaac's shoulders, "Shhh... It's okay. Just relax and let Dracul in too." He leaned back, and captured its mouth into a heated kiss, one that caused Isaac to cut its tongue on his fangs. Alucard surged forward, sucking in its tongue to drink down its blood, letting it go with a wet pop.
"Father, its blood is so good." Alucard murmurs, using his fangs to cut Isaac's bottom lip, and turning its head so his father could get a taste. Using the heated kissing as a distraction, Dracul slides his cock the rest of the way inside Isaac. It was flush to Alucard's, making all three of them moan from the sensation.
"Good doll, taking both of us. This is what you were made for, huh? To take two big cocks at once?" Dracul filled Isaac's mind like a heavy smoke, covering all thoughts and words it had on the tip of its tongue.
Dracul and Alucard set a rhythm. One was thrusting into it, as the other was pulling out, not giving it a moment to catch its breath. Isaac was moaning and gasping, clutching onto any part of either vampire it could grip. It let out a loud cry as Dracul bit its shoulder, drinking in its blood. He made it feel so hot, and it was so close, it just needed a little extra push over the peak. That extra push came in the form of Alucard growling at his father and biting down on its neck, drinking from it as well.
Despite Isaac's vision whiting out, the two vampires continued to ravage it. They both continue to bite on Isaac, marking it as theirs. It was their property, they owned it. The euphoria of being owned, on top of the delicious drag of their cocks inside it, still pressing on every nerve inside it, made it fall back into bliss, as more of its come coated Alucard's abdomen. Soon followed by the two vampires inside him.
Alucard pulled out first, shifting his way down to lap at Isaac's cock. He sucks at the glands on the head, drinking down its seed, before licking the organ, from root to tip. Doing this twice, he opens his mouth, taking the cock all the way down to its root, pressing his nose to Isaac's pubic region.
"Isn't he beautiful, doll? Look at Trevor, watch him as he pleasures you." Who was Isaac to disobey Dracul? Especially as he was still thrusting into it. Its yellow eyes glance down, meeting Alucard's golden ones, gasping as the vampire pulls back, scraping his fangs on the cock as he does. Despite having come twice, Isaac's cock was quickly hardening again.
"Father, look. Our doll is still getting hard."
"Then we haven't done enough, have we doll?" Dracul growls in Isaac's ear.
"More.... Please more." Was all Isaac had the brain functioning to say.
"Aw, well, you have been a good doll," a deep chuckle sounds from Alucard, before he takes the cock back into his mouth, bobbing his head. Isaac was moaning desperately, turning its head to pull Dracul into a kiss. Alucard's claws come up and cup its balls, rolling and rubbing them in his hand, as the other hand keeps its leg lifted in the air. Dracul peppered bites along Isaac's collarbone, shoulder, neck, back, just anywhere he can reach with his mouth. The combination of stimulation makes Isaac come quicker than the two previous times. Alucard caught it all in his mouth, before pulling off with a pop.
Sitting up, fully in front of their doll, Alucard pulled Dracul into a heated kiss, sharing the taste of Isaac's seed with his sire. They pull away from each other, swallowing down the come in their mouths.
"Delicious. You taste so good, doll." Dracul purrs pulling out of Isaac, and sliding Alucard back into it, making both of them groan. "Be a good doll for daddy, and keep Trevor warm."
Dracul scooted down the bed, lapping at the sweat in Isaac's back, trailing down until he came to Isaac's ass. With the lifted leg, nothing was hidden from view, giving Dracul the delicious view of his son's cock deep inside the doll. Dracul smirked darkly, as he lapped at Alucard's balls first, before trailing his tongue from the root of the other vampire's cock, up Isaac's poor abused hole. There Dracul sucks on the spot where the other two were connected, making Isaac whine and cry out as it dug its nails into Alucard.
"Oh, father, you're making our doll cry," Alucard purrs, licking away Isaac's tears. Dracul only chuckled more, but continued to lavish Isaac's hole with his tongue, sliding it inside with Alucard's cock. Isaac tried to grind down, but the bruising grip in its hips from Alucard prevented it. This led to Isaac's fourth orgasm, the bliss and pleasure making its mind and eyesight foggy.
"We're not done yet doll." Alucard purrs darkly in its ear, and it lets out a weak noise as Dracul comes back up and slides back into it. Isaac was in for a long night.
By the time they were done and pulled out of it, Isaac was limp on the bed. It was sore, but in the best way possible, as the ache in its body was just another show of the vampires ownership of it. Every bite, scratch, bruise, and even the fluids dripping down its thighs as it was scooped up from the bed was the physical proof of this ownership.
Alucard held Isaac in his arms as Dracul prepped the bath for them. It was their job to take care of their doll, especially after such intense moments of ecstasy. Dracul sank into the water first, letting Alucard manipulate Isaac's body to lean against his father's chest as he too sank into the warm depths.
"Such a good doll. Always so good for us." Dracul murmurs, with Alucard purring in agreement as they crowd Isaac again, but this time in cleaning and taking care of it. Isaac laid limply on Dracul's chest, allowing the vampires to do whatever they felt like doing to it, feeling used, but also loved and cherished.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
"Mono? Are you mentally well?" No, but neither is Gabriel, so imma cope through him ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
Dracul's day had been fine so far. As soon as Alucard had left for that hive he slaved away in down closer to the bottom level of the tower, Dracul had been busy around their home in the top three floors of the tower, making it feel more like theirs, and less like Zobek's. Alucard had taken him to many of the shops around the town, allowing him to get items to redecorate as well as for his own wardrobe.
He started with the curtains, changing out the grey, thin material, to a rich red, thicker material. Alucard told him it blocked out the sun, so of course they would need it. Dracul wanted his son to be just as comfortable in this new home. Then he swept the floors, before rubbing it down with a cloth and some cleaner. The cleaner had a very strong smell to it, and he wasn't sure he recognized the supposed fruit on the bottle, but Alucard said it was a floor cleaner, so he used it as such. Then, he took a break from the cleaning.
He sat down on the couch, leaning back against the cushions. His eyes closed for a moment, just taking in the silence. That's when a noise from the kitchen startled him. It sounded like a set of dishes had fallen to the ground and shattered, making him jolt up and dart into the kitchen. There was still some of Zobek's magic in the home, used primarily to set off traps to keep others from finding out the truth of the former owner of the building.
When he stepped into the kitchen, he felt a sharp sting under his feet of the glass on the floor. There was so much glass, like every single piece of glassware had fallen out of the shelves and smashed onto the floor with so much force. He continued to walk inside the room, not bothered by the glass getting into his feet. With a sigh, he begins to sweep up the kitchen. Once the glass was swept up, and he washed the floor again, he checked the cabinets to see how much had fallen and shattered, only to find that the glassware was still in the cabinets.
"What?" His voice shakes as he speaks. Dracul backs away, before opening the trashcan and seeing the glass inside it. He blinks, unsure of what was going on, but reminding himself that this part of the tower had some traps in it still. Chalking it up to the traps, he left the kitchen and went back to sit on the couch. He could feel his hands shaking, but tried to calm himself by lifting his hand to his mouth and chewing on it.
He knew Alucard would be so upset at him for biting himself, but he couldn't remember where he put those chewing things his son bought him. God, would Alucard be upset at him for losing those already? He barely had them for a full three days. A sound coming from upstairs startled him.
No one should be upstairs, it was just Dracul on these upper floors. Cautiously, he made his way upstairs, listening for a source of the noise. He pinpointed it to the bedroom Alucard and he shared. Behind the door was a shuffling noise, like the intruder was rolling on the bed. With a growl, he slammed the door open.
"Who dares?!" Dracul snarled, his eyes rapidly checking around the room, before landing in the bed. His face falls into confusion, as Alucard was laying in the bed, eyes closed, and his hair brushed back behind him, forming a halo around his head.
"Alucard? When did you get home?" Dracul says, his voice was softer this time as he approached his sleeping son. Gently, he goes to shake Alucard awake, placing his hand gently on his chest. When he pulls his hand up, red starts seeping through the sheets covering Alucard. Alucard surges and starts coughing up blood, his appearance melting into that of a human, with long black hair. The scenery changed around Dracul, no longer showing the cozy room, but instead the cold stones of the Castle.
"No no no no no no," Dracul whimpers, holding Alucard close to him, "stay with me, Please Alucard. Don't go. Don't leave me alone." He sobs into the unmoving body in his arms.
Three hours later, Alucard finally steps inside the penthouse of the tower, he was tired from his day's work. So many meetings with so many humans that he didn't like. But now he could relax with his father and not worry about work for the next three days. As he takes his shoes off and loosens his tie, he notices how quiet it is.
"Father?" He called out. Where was he? He always came to greet Alucard when he came home. "Are you home?" He continued to call out.
Stepping up the stairs, landing him into the livingroom, he finds his father on the couch, in a sitting position with his knees drawn up. His eyes looked blankly out into the empty space in front of him. Softly, Alucard stepped forward, gently kneeling in front of his father.
Silence answered him. Alucard frowned and gently lowered Dracul's legs, so he could see his face. He could see the hand in his father's mouth, as he was chewing in it, unaware of the blood dripping from the appendage. Alucard took his father's other hand and gently placed it on his face.
"Father, come back to me.... I'm here. You're here. We're alive." Alucard was very gentle when trying to pull his father out of his mind.
".....Trevor?" Came the softest reply back to him.
"Yes father, it's me. It's Trevor."
"You're.....you're alive?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
Dracul sat there staring into Alucard's eyes, before throwing his arms around his neck. Alucard wasn't sure what fully was going on, but he held his father as the older man sobbed into his neck.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
Is it really me if I didn't put my otps through it? Aka, Gabarie, but it's post LoS1 and pre MoF. Careful, the warnings are there for a reason, be mindful if you get squeamish around graphic content.
Dracul's hands were shaking, his mind fuzzy from the blood of the Castle. He was so cold and tired, his body felt like a puppet on strings. His eyes were dazed and his feet traveled a path he has traveled many, many times. In the light of the moon, he comes to a grave. The stone was illegible to his blurry eyes, but he knew who this grave belonged to.
He sank to his knees, the ground beneath him was cold and wet. Was it raining? He didn't know. Leaning forward, he dug his hands into the wet dirt, and started to dig. The mud clung to his body as his claws scratch the casket inside the grave. With a gasp, he pulls the casket out. So close, he was so close. He just needed...
He stands back up and dragged the casket through the mud and rain. He needed to keep her safe, that was part of his vows. Dracul didn't care if this led the Brotherhood back to the Castle. As long as his beloved was safely back in his arms, God, himself, could come down and destroy everything. Dracul wasn't aware of when he got back to the safety of the Castle, but he couldn't focus on that, he needed to show his beloved to her new bed!
He carried the casket up the stairs, pushing open one of the wooden doors. Within the room were two tombs. One was small, housing the body of his dam. Laura, the one, who under better circumstances, would've been a beloved member of the Belmont family. With Dracul's presence, candles on top of the coffin came alight, bringing light into the room.
He greets Laura, before turning his head and dragging the casket close to the second tomb. This tomb was larger, with the softest silk and fur inside it. Marie deserved the best, and he was determined to give her such. Carefully, he opened the casket. Curse the Sisters within the Brotherhood of Light! They never bothered to put her in proper funeral attire, nor did they reattach her poor head. That would never do for his Consort!
He pulls her out and carefully strips her of her clothes, being mindful of her now bloated body. Dracul could smell the scent of rot from her body, but didn't mind. He was certain that he didn't smell much better. With a soft hum, he begins to gently clean her.
"There we are. I don't want you getting sick once I reattach your head!" Dracul gleefully states, as he grabs the thread and needle. Carefully realigning her head to her body, he began to sew into the soft flesh. It wasn't his neatest work, but, as he bit his hand and rubbed it onto the threads, he made sure to make it strong.
Once he was done with her head, something in him paused. Something pulled him forward, making him lean his head into her chest. Dracul listened closely, hearing nothing at first, until a subtle bu-bump bu-bump filled his ears. A heart beat? He lifts his head, bewildered. His hand comes up and his claw traces down her chest. He could feel the heart thumping against his hand, making him cut into her flesh. The rotting flesh gave way easily, putting up no resistance as he dug into her body, pulling out the beating organ. Dracul held the organ delicately in his hand. It was decaying, yet beating. This..... This was a gift! A gift from his beloved! Eagerly accepting the gift, he ripped himself open. Nudging his own organs around, he places her heart close to his, forcing his body to accept the organ. After his body heals, he cleans and sews up the mess he made of her.
One of his minions brings up a beautiful burial gown. A white and blue gown, with gold silk embroidery, made into beautiful and elegant patterns, complete with a Belmont crest brooch; a blue hose, that Dracul very carefully placed on her legs; and white silk slips that he slid onto her feet. A succubus gently lifted Marie's body, making it easier for Dracul to brush her hair, and then wrap it up. Dracul smiled at the succubus, good. They know who their princess was, and responded accordingly.
Once Marie had her wrap, he picked her up and, very gently, slid her into her tomb. Once she was in place, he decorated the inside with flowers and treasures, before placing a beautiful, ornate crown close to her head. Marie was the Princess Consort, she deserved all of this.
Then he stares at her, gently petting her cheek with his knuckles. Leaning down, he presses a kiss to her cold lips. He savored this final kiss, savoring the feel of her under his hand. Dracul pulls away, and slides the tomb lid in place, locking it in place. He traces his hand along her tomb as he walks towards a stash of unlit candles. Each candle found a new home atop Marie's tomb, being lit by Dracul's magic as he places each one.
Dracul made a vow years ago to keep Marie safe, and he'd be damned if Death stopped him from fulfilling his husbandly duties to his beloved.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
A bit of a challenge: anything with Isaac and Trevorcard ;) can be cute, spicy, or TC reacting to his dad being charmed by this odd prickly redhead. Anything that comes to mind ❤️
Ok, this is a really good prompt, and I hope I did it justice! 🩷 It was a fun exercise to write from Trevorcard's perspective!
Despite having watched his father dissolve into mist and his Castle crumble around them, Alucard knew this wasn't the end of Dracul's reign. He knew Dracul would come back, and he wanted to be prepared for anything. For two hundred years, Alucard watched over both the Belmonts and Belnades, determined to not let any of them befall the same fate he did. Alucard was calmer when his father returned, though that didn't negate the hatred he felt for his sire. He needed to play it safe though, not wanting to cause anymore problems for both the Belnades and Belmonts.
When testing out his vampire powers, Alucard had found that Lycans, Wargs, and feral wolves would serve him, helping him as he needed. It threw the new vampire off a bit, but he grew to appreciate their loyalties, as he used them to keep eyes and ears on Dracul. Alucard wasn't sure if his father knew that the wolf beasts answered to both him and Alucard, but it hadn't been an issue so far, so Alucard wasn't worried. However, one came back with some strange news.
"Dracul has a what now?" His voice came out in disbelief.
"I believe humans refer to it as a Concubine." The lycan answers. Alucard blinked at the wolf beast. He was at a loss for words.
"A concubine? My father?" Alucard said, more to himself than to the beast, before looking at the lycan, "Thank you. You may take a rest, I'll investigate this claim further." The lycan bowed and disappeared back into the darkness of the forests. Alucard waited until the brush stopped rustling, before he started his trek to the Castle.
The Castle stood tall, its shadow making whatever it touched colder than the snow itself. The Castle did not like him, but it never bothered him when he was inside it. However, it made sure that he could not access Dracul at any point. Alucard didn't care about that for now, he needed to see this supposed Concubine.
There was no way his father was involved with another. Not when Dracul sacrificed everything for his mother, Marie. Surely this was just a passing fancy, just to pass the time and then he'd devour her. With these thoughts as his sole companion, he paused.
"Where would I even begin looking for this woman?" Alucard thought aloud. Closing his eyes, he opened himself up a little to the darkness within the Castle. Being the flesh and blood of Dracul had its advantages, one of which was manipulating darkness to help him find those afflicted by his father. Those who his father had marked as his. He could feel the darkness that came from every Dishonoured Vampire, as well as the newly turned, but he felt a new presence. One that led down to the Toymaker's Theatre. So, he makes his way out of the Castle, down one of the many bridges, into the theatre that had been partially carved from the mountain side.
Shifting into a swarm of bats, Alucard came in through one of the many windows by the entrance. The strange new darkness pulled him further into the theatre, his swarm claiming a chandelier to look out on the scene before him.
The Toymaker was working on another puppet, this one was unfamiliar to Alucard. That was a worry. If Dracul was having The Toymaker make new puppets to test out, surely he was planning another attack on the villages. Turning his head, he inhaled sharply.
A tall, skinny woman was working on her own project, some sort of mechanical monstrosity with pages all around her. He figured these were prints of the monstrosity she was building. Her hair was short and bright red, a red that reminded him of his late wife and son. She was wearing a tunic that was too big, as it stopped mid thigh and hung off of one of her shoulders, red hose, Cracow style shoes, and leather gloves that went up to her wrists. She had some strange markings, perhaps brandings or tattoos, that radiated both Dracul's darkness, and something else, thought the latter was much weaker. This energy combination made Alucard's fur bristle.
There were also still healing burns on her body, giving those spots a lighter tone, just a shade or two above, what he thought was at least, her natural skin tone. What caught his attention the most were those yellow eyes. They were a different shade than his, but they were beautiful. If this was the Concubine, Alucard truly couldn't judge his father. She was a beautiful woman, though that didn't stop the gut twisting feeling of knowing his father loving a woman that wasn't his mother.
There was a silver-colored demon beside her, with protruding purple crystals coming from its chest and abdomen. Alucard never dared to go down too far within the Castle, but he knew his sire had claimed a chunk of Hell itself as his own territory. It almost looked like a merman and harpy hybrid. Did Dracul make this being specifically for her, to guard her when she wasn't by his side? Focusing, he found the energy within this thing was similar to the darkness within her. A darkness that stood no chance against Dracul's, judging by how weak it was.
Satisfied with his observations, he goes to take flight, until he hears her, or should he now say, his voice. "Toymaker, do you feel like someone is watching us?" His words made Alucard bristled and his swarm huddled away from the ledge of the chandelier as much as he could. Alucard was startled at the masculine voice, there was an air of superiority in his voice that threw Alucard off. There is no way this man is Dracul's Concubine, he thought to himself. The man was clearly an apprentice to the Toymaker, which left Alucard to continue his search for this supposed Concubine.
Before he could leave, a powerful presence filled the room. The room grew darker as the candles went out. Everything was still and quiet. There was only one being he knew that could make the once warm room, feel as cold as the snow outside.
Alucard watched as his sire left the shadows and walked up to the red haired man, who in turn wrapped his arms around Dracul's neck and kissed him. When they pulled away, Alucard could see Dracul's face fall into a softened expression. Alucard felt something bitter coming up in the back of his throat. How dare Dracul fall for another. Alucard bristled at the scene, wishing he could go down and curse his sire for letting this man in his bed. Did Marie mean nothing to Dracul anymore? Was she that easily replaceable to him?
Though, a smaller part of Alucard was envious. Dracul could re-experience the warmth of sharing his bed with another. Of having those soft touches and kisses. The sweet words of a lover just waking up, their bodies shining in the sunlight. Alucard swallowed thickly, trying to keep his energy low, as to not alert his sire he was there.
"Ah, so there was someone watching us," the man sounded so gleeful towards the Prince of Darkness. Did he not know of the demon always behind him? Or that Dracul always had eyes and ears on everything going on within thes walls?
"Isaac, as long as you are in these walls, I am always watching." He could hear Dracul's voice say, clearly in a playful manner, despite the monotone voice. Isaac, huh? At least I have a name to the face, Alucard thought.
"Abel, has he eaten or rested yet?" Dracul turned to face the silver demon. The demon shook his head. "Isaac, you need to eat and rest."
Isaac had a clear pout on his face, "Now? I was finally making some headway on the machine!" Alucard shivered as he heard Dracul chuckle to the whine.
"Yes. You can't pout your way out of this." Dracul actually smiled as he teased Isaac, before wrapping him in his wings and both them and the demon bodyguard, Abel, disappeared, leaving nothing but a cold chill where they had been. The candles light back up, and the warmth slowly returns, as does the Toymaker's hammering.
Alucard waited a while longer, before flying out where he had entered. Alucard stared at the entrance of the Castle, before turning back to the forest up ahead, and walking. So many confusing feelings and thoughts went through his head all at once, and he couldn't begin to understand any part of it. All he could see in his mind's eye was Isaac. Being surrounded by Isaac's warmth. Getting those warm kisses and touches.
But a guilt filled his body. How could he betray Sypha's memories like this? For lusting after another? He couldn't betray his late wife and the mother to his son like that.
The pull for sleep interrupted his thoughts. He looked up, startled by how much time he wasted in his own mind. Quickly, he takes shelter in one of the many cave systems caused by the beasts under his sire's dominion.
However, when he fell asleep, he dreams of the beautiful red-headed man his sire had claimed.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
Hi, my name is Mono, and I use escapism as a coping mechanism.
Mono was laying in their bed. They woke up at five in the morning, but now it was pushing ten, and they still only laid there. They were watching some videos on their phone, though they weren't really paying attention to any of them. There was a knock on their door, but with their headphones in, they hadn't heard it. Slowly opening the Castle door, Dracul popped his head in.
"Mono? I came in to check on you," He steps into the room, shutting the door behind him, "do you want some company?"
Mono looked up at Dracul and nodded, moving so Dracul could lay down, and they could lay on his chest. Dracul wrapped his arms loosely around them, resting his chin on top of their head. They disconnected their headphones, but kept them on, and played the video from the start again.
"Not in a talking mood right now?" Dracul asks them softly, he knew that they would have moments of being nonverbal. Mono nods and turns to their side, so he could see the screen better.
As the video played out, Dracul would kiss Mono's forehead, and gently rub their back. Turning his head, he noticed snacks laid out on their bed. Mono had a habit of hiding their favorite snacks in their room, stemming from having so many older siblings who would steal their food and snacks.
"Mono, cookie or brownie?" He asks. One tap. He grabs one of the cookies, unwraps it, and holds it up to their lips. They take a bite, savoring the sweet treat. They didn't know that Drake was out in the city, grabbing their favorite food. A Veggie and a House Special Lo Mein from the takeout spot down the road.
But until he was back, Dracul would feed them little treats and watch videos with them.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
Did I get inspired by this pic from @the-crow-binary? Yes. Yes I did. This is the Macul variety.
The day was oddly calm in the village. Gabriel was just going through his morning routine. Wake up, eat with Marie, kiss Marie goodbye, and head to the Brotherhood of Light's sanctuary to train for an upcoming mission. He was alone in the Brotherhood's training fields, working his technique with the throwing knives, when he felt a burning stare. He has been stalked by many monsters in his life, but this... This felt like something more.
He tried to internally blame it on just another squire shirking duties. So Gabriel turned to give them a reprimand, when the words died in his throat. The watcher was beautiful. Otherworldly beautiful. Hair as dark as a moonless night and eyes as green as the mountain forests Gabriel named himself after. The man exuded a confidence, that almost came off as arrogance. He was dressed like a priest, and Gabriel remembered himself and kneeled before him.
"Forgive me, Father. I had not expected an audience this morning." Gabriel apologizes. The man's laugh sounded like bells, soothing the worries of Gabriel having offended the man.
"All is forgiven. I had come to see the man Cardinal Volpe spoke so highly of. I can see why he thinks so highly of you," the man spoke. His voice felt like a spring wind. "Truly, he was correct, you certainly are a humble man, Gabriel."
Gabriel felt his face heat up at the compliment, before he stood back up on his feet.
"Is there anything I can help you with, Father?" He asks, trying to be polite. The man shook his head.
"Please, just call me Mathias," Mathias stated, before asking, "I was simply exploring the sanctuary. I will be here for a while, so I figured it would be best to introduce myself to the knights that will be assisting me in the future." The smile Mathias sent his way made a heat form in his belly. A heat he only ever felt towards Marie.
"Most would question your actions of coming to me first." Gabriel says. Out of all the Brotherhood members, Gabriel was often considered the hardest to approach. Maybe it was the way his voice came out as quiet and single toned, or the way his face rarely had a genuine smile on it, unless around someone he adored.
Mathias laughed again, "that is something I've been told, though I don't see why." There was that smile again, making his stomach flutter. "You remind me of someone I knew back in my home country." Mathias' face falls subtly, making Gabriel want to reach out and comfort him. Though it didn't last long, Mathias shook his head and stepped back over to the entrance of the training field.
"It was nice to meet you Gabriel. I will enjoy working with you in the near future." And like that, the priest was gone, leaving Gabriel perplexed. Glancing at the sun, he decided to pack it in for the time being. Taking his knives, he made sure each one was sharpened and cleaned, before putting them away and heading back inside. As he walked through the Sanctuary, he couldn't find Mathias, nor had he heard anyone speaking of a new priest.
Had Gabriel stayed out in the sun too long and merely imagined the interaction? No, that couldn't be true. He shook his head, trying to force the alluring priest into the back of his mind, and continued on his way, preparing for the next mission.
Just within the treeline of the forest the building stood by, Mathias stared out at the sanctuary.
"Soon, my dear knight," he chuckled, enjoying the hunt he set for himself, "very soon, you'll be mine."
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
@beevean reminded me that there is a criminal lack of Zobek/Gabriel and Zobek/Dracul, so I want to try and fill that gap. These aren't going to be linear, but I will try to at least follow the story lines for LoS1 and LoS2 a majority of the time. In this AU, Zobek has been traveling on and off with Gabriel. I'll flesh it out more later.
"Why don't you rest a minute, Gabriel?" A voice pulled Gabriel back to the present. The sun was setting and it was getting colder out, the snow and ice mocking Gabriel's body. Gabriel turned his head to study the warrior behind him. Gabriel forgot he was being followed by Brother Zobek, a senior member of the Brotherhood of Light, and someone he has looked up to since he was a boy. Zobek was a perfect warrior. Humble and kind, honestly, an ideal husband, though Zobek has never shown interest in any of the women who would try to woo him.
Gabriel blinks, suddenly remembering that Zobek asked him a question.
"I don't need to rest. There is plenty of daylight left, and we need to get to Wygol Village before dark." Gabriel stated firmly. Though when he turned around, he stumbles from his vision nearly going out. Zobek was quick to catch him, and gently lowered the knight into a sitting position.
""Don't need to rest," huh? Sit there and unpack some rations, I'll get a fire started and some water to warm." The elder said, his voice not allowing any room for arguments. Gabriel huffed, but did as he was told. They worked in silence, setting up a camp to keep warm in the frozen mountains.
"Tomorrow, we should be able to get to Wygol village, and then you can sleep in an actual bed," Zobek states. There was a concern on his face and in his voice as Gabriel just nodded and took a bite out of his bread. A fire roared to life under Zobek's hands, and Gabriel stared into it tiredly. His eyes started to drift, desperately crying out for the rest he so dearly needed. He kept shaking his head, forcing his eyes to stay open and mind to stay awake. He would not hurt another friend. He wouldn't.
Sudden movement from his left made him jerk back into awareness. He grabbed a knife, prepared to throw it, before realizing it was just the elder knight grabbing snow to melt over the fire. Zobek raised an eyebrow at him, making Gabriel sheepishly lower the knife.
"I apologize Brother," Gabriel apologizes, ashamed at almost turning his knife against one of his Brothers. Zobek shook his head and put the pot of water over the fire.
"It's to be expected, we are equally prey as we are the hunters. With the journey you've had so far, it makes sense why you would be so jumpy," Zobek states, before pulling something from his pack. Gabriel craned his neck to figure out what the item was, before quickly pulling back when Zobek looked back at him sharply.
"It's tea, Gabriel. Nothing more." Zobek says, pouring some of the boiling water over the pack of leaves and flowers. "Tell me Gabriel, have you had tea before?" He asks suddenly.
Gabriel nodded, "once. It was a bodyguard mission for a merchant. His wife offered me a cup. Though I can't say I found it very pleasing to the taste, it was nice to have the heat from it." Gabriel takes the cup offered to him, and sips at it as Zobek makes his own tea. The combined heat from both the fire and the tea made Gabriel start to nod off again. He kept jerking awake, trying to finish off his tea. Tea was very expensive, and Zobek offered it to him to keep him warm. Gabriel would be damned if he wasted such an expensive gift just because he couldn't stay awake.
Zobek's eyes were trained on him, and he felt a little ashamed at being so tired from his journey. Zobek simply shook his head again, like a parent scolding a child.
"I'll take watch tonight. You rest before you collapse on yourself," Zobek's voice chided him.
Gabriel snapped his head up, alarmed by Zobek's words, "Brother, that is too long to stay up. Allow me to take at least half the night!" He would feel worse if Zobek lost sleep just because Gabriel was adverse to sleeping. He was used to the lack of sleep by now, and Zobek was far older than him. Zobek shot him a glare that made him almost wither.
"Are you implying that I'm too old to take a full watch?" His voice challenged.
"No, not at all Brother! I just," well, how did Gabriel want to put this, "I just worry. I do not want you to feel obligated to take a full watch, just because I do not choose to sleep."
Zobek countered, "I'm not obligated to do anything, Gabriel. I choose to do so, because I want to do so. I am your ally, your Brother in arms. We will be in Wygol village by tomorrow afternoon, where we both can properly rest. So for tonight, allow me to keep guard over you."
There wasn't much Gabriel could say to that. Instead, he sighs and drinks the rest of the tea, before setting the cup to the side. Gabriel had not kept any of his camping gear since... Since Claudia. He shudders at the memory, though he tries to pass it off as just being cold. Zobek passed him a blanket, having been better prepared for the weather than Gabriel had.
"Thank you Brother," Gabriel thanked Zobek before he takes the blanket gratefully, and wraps it as well as he could around himself. He was asleep as soon as his head touched the ground.
Gabriel's eyes opened slowly. He felt drunk as his body lifted itself up. His eyes were unfocused as they stared up at Zobek, who looked down at him confused. He could see Zobek's mouth open, though he couldn't hear anything that came out. His hands find one of his knives and he stands up walking closer to the elder. Zobek was alarmed now, standing up, ready to defend himself. Gabriel felt like a puppet on strings as his arm flailed out to stab Zobek, though the elder knight dodged and countered, easily pinning Gabriel against the forest floor and knocking the knife out of his hand. The world was still swimming in Gabriel's vision, and he tried to squirm out of the other man's grip, though there was a sudden weakness in his muscles.
Slowly, he woke up, finding Zobek still had him pinned and he was staring into Gabriel's eyes with a concerned expression.
"Are you back with me?" Zobek asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper. Gabriel was confused, looking around before the glint of a knife caught his eyes. Oh... Oh no...
"Did I hurt you?" Gabriel asked, his eyes shooting back at Zobek. They wandered his body trying to see if he managed to hurt Zobek in any way, though the man shook his head.
"No. The tea made you too tired to be able to do much," Zobek explained, "what happened, Gabriel?" He asks, before following with another question, "has this happened before? Is that why you don't sleep?"
"I.... I don't know what happened. My head is fuzzy and it hurts, and my body feels heavy," Gabriel started, the tea clearly works its magic in making him tired again, "I hurt Claudia... I was sleeping... People get hurt... I don't want to hurt people." Gabriel couldn't contain the tears any longer.
Zobek pulled off of him, though now, Gabriel surged forward and wrapped his arms around Zobek's midsection, crying into his stomach. The elder was taken aback by this display by the normally aloof man, but sighed deeply and carded his fingers through the auburn mess of hair in his lap. No more words were shared, not with Gabriel having cried himself to sleep in Zobek's lap.
But this brought about a new problem for Zobek. His sleep hypnosis could cause problems for himself if he wasn't careful, especially as Gabriel grew stronger. Zobek sighed, shaking his head again. He could refocus on his own mission once they get to Wygol village, and he could get a room away from Gabriel to think. He looked up at the night sky, thinking about the time. If he played his cards right, they would be in Wygol by tomorrow afternoon, and then they could rest the rest of the day. They could investigate the Abbey's Catacombs and then the Abbey's Library. There Gabriel will take the Holy Water, and they'll leave the pitiful Abbey to Carmilla's brood. Then, if Carmilla wasn't already preparing an ambush attack for them, they could rest again, and then they would get through the Castle's sewers.
So much to plan for, so much to sneak around and do. Looking back down at the sleeping man, Zobek smirked. If he played his cards right, he would receive all the knowledge in the world. Just one more Lord, then he would send Gabriel on his way to the land of the dead.
"You'll be with your Marie again. Consider it a return gift, after you give me what I want." Zobek chuckles darkly.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
Listen, I got inspired by this picture by @the-crow-binary, but also because @beevean left a prompt that I can only say, temporarily possessed me. So sorry it's short, and also, I apologize for how out of character Hector is. But I hope y'all still enjoy it 🩷.
Hector was in the trees, listening to the preachings of the man, just below him. He had no interest in the God for which this man was teaching, but he was interested in the man. Every word, every action, was held deep within Hector's mind, bouncing and buzzing like the Devil on his shoulder. Hector was quick to shush the Devil and refocus back on the man.
Father Mathias. A man who looked far too young to be a priest, though Hector knew better. He had been watching this priest for awhile, a part of him yearning for the man. A yearning to touch, to taste, to push and take and take and take. His Lord would be so proud of Hector now, for Hector lusting after a man, he'd never get even a chance to be with. That didn't matter now, whatever his Lord would be saying at this bitter irony was being pushed to the back of his mind.
Mathias' preachings were dwindling, signaling that they would be over soon. As soon as the last person left, so would Hector.
But not now. Hector was going to wait, wait until Father Mathias was alone. Then, then he'd come out of his hiding spot, revealing himself to the object to his wanton desire. Was this what his lord felt when around both he and Isaac? If so... Hector understood it better now. The need to take something holy, and break it, until no light is reflected from the shards.
Maybe Lord Dracula would allow him to take the priest back to the Castle with him. Maybe Lord Dracula would sit and watch as Hector tainted and stained Mathias' pure soul. Maybe his Lord was already watching him. Watching as Hector came out of his hiding spot. Watching as Hector walked closer and closer to the priest.
Hector's hands shook as he stood before the priest. There was a subtle fear in Mathias' eyes, along with a faint stutter in his voice. Would Lord Dracula be proud of the predator his boy became? Hector pushed forward, he needed to feel the soft flesh of the priest under his hands. He needed to tear the flesh and meat off him, and make his soul as dark as Hector's. Maybe then...
Maybe then Hector will feel like he deserved to take everything from Mathias. To take and take and take, until the man had nothing left than the corrupted soul in his body. Hector would own everything of Mathias. His body. His freedom. His soul. Maybe that was what caused Hector to push Mathias' face into the dirt and take.
He takes and takes and takes, and when Mathias is unconscious, he brings him to Dracula's Castle. Mathias would never be welcomed back into the world of man, nor would his God ever welcome him into the blessed lands. Leaving the man needing someone to lean on, leaving Mathias vulnerable. Hector would be the one Mathias leaned on. Hector would be the comfort Mathias sought in his God.
Hector would become his God, that he would be sure of.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
I'm just in a soft mood for Dracul, Alucard, and Richard interacting.
When Maycella suggested that Dracul get an Alaskan King sized bed, he didn't really know what she was suggesting. Quite frankly, he didn't know what an Alaska was, or why he needed a bed the same size as their king. However, when the bed came in, and he watched the men put the whole frame and bed together, it hit him why.
By God. Who needs something this size? Was all he could think. This was bigger than any bed he had while human. Alucard handled the men, paying them and giving them tips, before waving them away. As the men left, Dracul continued to stare at the absurdly large bed.
"What on Earth will I ever use all this space for?" The confusion was clear in his voice. He heard a snort from Alucard.
"Father, surely you understand what May was suggesting?" He asks, going ahead and dressing the bed with sheets, blankets, and pillows. Dracul helped him put these on the bed.
"Well, I can take a wild guess." His voice was still not over the sheer size of this bed. How on Earth would he fill this space?
"Father..." Alucard's voice sounded exasperated. "You know how May has issues with being touched in her sleep?"
Dracul nodded. They had a separate room from both Marie and Dracul because of her violent touch repulsion while they slept. He too had times where he couldn't sleep with anyone, out of fear of hurting someone.
But he still didn't understand what the point of the massive bed was.... Oh. Oh!
"So May can still sleep with us, but not have to touch us!" Dracul spouted out as the answer struck him. Alucard smiles and nods his way.
"That's what it would seem like. It has enough space for everyone, while having space for him to touch us, even in his true form." Alucard put the last pillow on the bed, a strange little creature that May called a "Tardigrade" that Richard adored, and couldn't sleep without.
Speaking of whom, the little pitter patter of clumsy feet drew both vampires attention away from their conversation as the little Dhampir in question clumsily waddles up to his dad and brother. Dracul smiled softly and lifted the boy up in his arms.
"What are you doing little bat? You're not supposed to be out of your play area while no one's watching you." Dracul chuckles, his head gently connecting to Richard's as the two year old babbled. He hadn't quite figured out how to get words out yet, though May had told him that this was common for kids in her family. Most of them didn't speak until they were three-five years old. Apparently, May didn't speak until she was four. He also figured that the little fangs in his mouth also made it hard for Richard too.
With a chuckle, Dracul had an idea, one that Alucard could also see forming.
"Father, don't-" But the warning came too late.
Dracul tosses the toddler onto the bed, and in true toddler fashion, Richard laughs joyfully, and hurries back over to his father to do it again. Alucard sighs and shakes his head.
"If you muss up the sheets, I'm leaving it for you to fix them." He says exasperatedly. However, there was a soft tone to his voice, as he watched his father play with his little brother.
Dracul figured Alucard had played with Simon in a similar fashion. Lifting Richard back into his arms, he walks over and hugs his eldest child. Richard giggles more and also hugs Alucard too. Alucard sinks into the hug, wrapping his arms around them.
They separated after a moment, and Dracul ruffled Alucard's white hair.
"Hey! Laura won't be pleased if she finds out you messed up the braid she did." Alucard laughs.
"Ah, it'll be fine. She's out with May and Marie, I'm sure it'll survive until she gets back." Dracul teases, though he knows his adopted daughter had a temper on her. One that rivaled his at times, though she didn't have all the power to back it up like he did. Not that she needed it, she was scary enough without it. Especially to Alucard's minions. The humans that followed him around while he worked were scared of both Dracul and Laura.
He shook his head.
"Regardless, it's almost time for Richards N-A-P, so I'm going to get a snack ready for him. You can come join us if you'd like." Dracul knew how much of a workaholic his eldest was. Maybe he could tempt him into getting a proper meal and rest, and judging by how Alucard's eyes light up and he follows his father, he thinks he succeeded in his quest.
Life was good for the Belmont family.
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monochromaticwriting · 2 months
Ok, I couldn't resist doing another Gavor/Dracard fic. Still soft and fluffy.
Dracul was surrounded by warm water, foam bubbles, and what looked like a very vague duck made from... Some sort of squishy substance, dressed in armor. He knew Zobek lived a lavish lifestyle while pretending to be human, but this was just too much. What did the Lord of Death need in a five person tub?
He didn't get very far in his thoughts before warm water was poured over his head. Sputtering, he gives a playful glare over at his son.
"Was that really necessary, Trevor?"
"Yes. Your hair is disgusting, and you smell like rotting corpses." Came a sharp reply, before Alucard's softened, "however, your pout is very cute father." Before a kiss was pressed to the back of his head.
Dracul's pout only deepened. "Like your one to talk." He grumbles out. Alucard chuckles before putting a generous amount of soft smelling shampoo in his hands, and massages it into his scalp. He could feel himself relaxing in his son's hands. Those claws hit all the right spots and Dracul closed his eyes with a sigh.
Alucard was gentle with the bucket of water this time, pouring it over his hair. The younger vampire then lathered up some conditioner, massaging it into the black hair next. Dracul was a puddle at that point, barely containing his physical form. Alucard let the conditioner sit for the time being, grabbing some body wash and lathering it up on a brush. As he gently scrubbed Dracul's body, the elder vampire cracked his eyes open.
Dracul couldn't remember the last time he was taken care of like this. Hell, he couldn't remember the last time he was this relaxed. Dracul had placed his full trust and faith in Alucard, knowing his son would never hurt him. He closed his eyes again, relaxing in the bath.
Dracul also appreciated the gentle smells of the soaps. He was already overwhelmed by trying to reintegrate with humans in this concrete hive, he didn't want these gentle moments with his son to be ruined by his overstimulated nerves. However, the thought also made him... Upset. He was Dracul, Prince of Darkness, Ruler of Hell, God's Chosen One. Yet, a few hours being surrounded by humans made him wish he never left his Castle.
But then he wouldn't be with Alucard. His Alucard would be alone in this hive, working himself to death. That made Dracul open his eyes again and take the moment to really take a good look at his son. Since Dracul had forced regular feeding sessions into Alucard's schedule, the younger vampire wasn't as corpse colored. He still wasn't close to the same shade as Dracul, but some color had returned. The white cascade of hair was shiny and full. Even Alucard's eyes were brighter and not as tired looking.
Though, what truly drew Dracul in, was the gold now claiming the scars on Alucard's body. The word Alucard used to describe this was just on the tip of his tongue, but just wasn't coming out. Dracul continued to look up at the other vampire, taking in Alucard's state. He noticed he was more vocal, though that might have been from how long he had been living amongst humans.
Once the soap was washed out of his hair and off his body, he pulled away from Alucard. His son tensed, almost concerned he overstepped- like they hadn't overstepped boundaries when they fell into bed together- but relaxed when Dracul turned back to him. Clawed hands gently reached up and cupped Alucard's face, thumbs brushing gently against the cracks on his cheeks.
Though Alucard was still cold to the touch, he felt so alive. His boy by both mortal flesh and immortal blood. Dracul could feel clawed hands on his hips, pulling him closer, until he was flushed to the younger's chest. Dracul's hands trail down to Alucard's chest, feeling the way it flutters under his claws. He placed a chaste kiss on the blue toned collarbone, before laying his head on Alucard's shoulders. He could feel the other vampire relax further in the tub, as those strong arms circle his waist, pulling him closer as they relax in the warmth of the water.
"Yes, Father?"
"Could we..... Could we stay like this... If only for a little longer?"
"Oh Father, we can stay here as long as we want. Sure, there may be more battles for us in the future, but we can handle that when it comes." Alucard's voice was so sure and confident. Dracul believed him. Truly he did.
A finger goes under his chin, lifting his face up from where he was hiding it in Alucard's neck. Red eyes met gold on black eyes.
"Gabriel... We are safe. We are allowed to exist. You are no longer Atlas. You do not bear the burden of Earth alone." Alucard's voice was resolute, before he pressed a kiss between Dracul's eyes. He lifted his head up, and stole those cold lips in a soft kiss.
What they did in the bath was between them, and the little squishy duck toy that floated carelessly within the water. But it was a relief. A promise. Two ancient beings come together under unusual circumstances. They could not be held to humanities rules of taboos and sins, not when they had both lost their humanity so long ago.
Dracul laid awake in the plush bed he and Alucard had been sharing since the Fated Day. They didn't bother redressing from the bath. There was no point if they already knew what each other looked like without clothes, but there was a level of trust they had in each other. Bared, without an ounce of armor between the two, facing each other, just skin on skin.
Alucard's limp body was like a corpse, though Dracul knew it was just the vampire succumbing with sleep as the sun was rising in the sky. Dracul felt the faint pull, one that he ignored for a millennium. Maybe.... Maybe he could answer the call. Slowly, his eyelids droop, until they close altogether. He lets out one last breath, before Gabriel falls asleep, safely in the comfort of Trevor's arms.
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monochromaticwriting · 3 months
Listen, sometimes you just gotta make the content you wanna see. This goes a little into the dynamic of Dracul and Alucard I envision, but this is a stand-alone and has no connections to the rest of my shorts. Also, this is tagged with trigger content, so pay attention to the tags.
Alucard woke with a jolt. His body was shaking, but not from the chill in his body. His golden eyes blinking into awareness, taking in their surroundings. He was in a room within Zobek's home, well, he guessed him and his father now owned the place. Not like Zobek was still alive to try and fight him for it.
The noises of a city that was still healing from the Fated Day, rang throughout his ears. The constant noise had become a comfort for the vampire. Alucard raised his head and looked out the window, at the lights that peaked through the curtains. Vehicles, machinery, and people walking and talking filled the air. It was a cold, concrete jungle that he lived in now. So different from the lush, green forests him and his father had grown up in.
Speaking of his father, his eyes settled on the sleeping figure beside him. A clawed hand gently brushed away the greasy, black hair from the vampires faces. Maybe now that things were finally settled down from Dracul's fight with Satan, and Castlevania was finally livable again, his father would let Alucard take proper care of appearance. He recalled his father's brood grooming each other as a bonding exercise.
Not that they hadn't already been bonding in ways that a father and son shouldn't have even thought about. When they got back to Zobek's tower after Dracul killed Satan, freeing Alucard of the possession, neither one could keep their hands off each other. It was a reassurance that they had both survived. That they were no longer alone. A thousand years of solitude would make even the most righteous man fall into sin, and they held each other as they fell.
Alucard's claws traced along Dracul's cheek, down to his neck. He could feel the power course through his father's veins, and he was hungry. He wrapped his arms around Dracul and pulled himself closer, their skin rubbed against each other deliciously. Alucard nosed along his father's neck, before he opened his mouth and bit down.
The heat of his father's essence filled his being, warming him from the inside out. As he feeds, he felt strong arms wrap around him, with a clawed hand gently card through his hair. Once he drank his fill, he pulled his fangs out and licked the mark until it faded, leaving the pallor skin unmarked. The moment was peaceful, until Dracul's voice broke the silence.
"Trevor.... It's awfully early for you to be awake and feeding." He whispers, "did I not wear you out well enough?" Dracul's voice teased softly.
Alucard hummed and nuzzled up to his father's neck, "I think I wore you out more than you did me. I had a nightmare.... About Satan still in my body." He admits in a more serious tone. Dracul's arms tensed around him.
"He will never touch you again." His father growled, tightening his hold on Alucard. Alucard believed his father, sinking into the comforting embrace. His claws trace along his father's chest, making Dracul relax. Alucard pressed himself closer to his father, needing to get as much of his father's skin against his as he could.
Alucard couldn't shut his brain off. He successfully saved his father, the Earth, and humanity. What else could he do? The fate of Zobek's business and political position was left to him. The continued healing of Castlevania's streets was left to him. There was so much for him to do, yet all he wanted to do was stay so sinfully close to his father in their bed.
Dracul seemed to have the same thing in mind, pulling Alucard as close as possible.
"Shhh... I can hear your thoughts from here." Dracul whispers, his fingers gently tracing along Alucard's spine. "Relax and rest. One day at a time, Trevor."
Alucard chuckles again, pressing his face into his father's chest. "We can speak telepathically, father. I would be more concerned if you couldn't hear my thoughts." He murmurs.
Dracul lets out a snort at Alucard's words, but doesn't say anything else. Alucard's eyes got heavy, until he just couldn't keep them open anymore. He felt a kiss get pressed to the top of his head, so he pressed a small kiss in return on his father's chest, before slipping back into a deep sleep.
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monochromaticwriting · 3 months
Just some more Little!Gabriel, this time being fed and cuddled by Big brother Trevorcard. Quick warning for a bottle of Blood, they are vampires.
Trevor was woken up by someone crawling into bed with him. It was mid morning, which was too early for the vampire to be truly awake, but he lifted up his blankets to find his father curled up close to him. Trevor was confused at first, but when his brain woke up a little more, he recognized the baby blue pacifier and plush dragon his father had.
"Mmm... Do I have a tiny dragon here to nap with bubba?" Trevor's voice was still thick with sleep. All he got in return was a whine and his father cuddling closer to him. Trevor sighs softly and wraps his arms around the man. "Ok, you can sleep with bubba." As if Trevor would ever deny his father love and affection.
Trevor fell back to sleep quickly, as did Gabriel. It was still too early for an adult vampire, much less one who was just a baby.
When Trevor woke up at a more proper time, that time being 7:00 pm when the sun was dropping, he looked down to see his father still resting. He smiles and gets up from the bed. Instead of trying to wake him, he simply picks the little up and carries him to the kitchen.
Gabriel had his arms draped around Trevor, gripping the plush dragon tightly in his right hand. His eyes were closed as he continued to sleep, now in the arm of his bubba, occasionally sucking on the binkie.
Once Trevor heated up the baby bottle of blood, he carried the little bitty baby vampire to a recliner and popped out Gabriel's binkie. This makes Gabriel stir and fuss. Trevor is quick to soothe and gently shush the baby vampire, and holds him as he places the nipple of the blood bottle to Gabriel's mouth.
Gabriel drinks down eagerly, holding onto his bubba's hand with the one that wasn't holding his dragon. Trevor gave him a fond smile and kissed his forehead as he fed. It was a moment of bliss and peace between the two. When the bottle was finished, Trevor lifted Gabriel's body, so his head could hide in Trevor's neck, and rubs his back softly. A small burp was released, and Trevor slid the binkie back into his father's mouth.
Kissing his forehead again, Trevor gently whispers, "We can have a calm day, just the two of us. Bubba and his baby brother." Before grabbing the remote and turning the TV on something more suitable for the baby minded vampire. Trevor holds Gabriel closer to him, enjoying the feeling of trust his father places in him. Yes, they can have a break today, watch some cartoons, and sleep some. All his father had to focus on was being just a little baby.
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