monsta-x-ships · 6 years
Can I get a written ship? ^-^ I’m 5’7, blue eyes and medium wavy caramel colour hair. Im a total cat person, but also have a dog. I’m known to be the friendly shy one in my squad, but also known to be the sporty one. My style is kinda tomboyish, but also can be super girly. Love writing, music/dancing, and sometimes working out. I’m pretty outgoing once I get comfortable with someone, but I can be low key awkward if I’m not, I’m also a Taurus :3 Thanks~!
i ship you with shownu! your adorable and outgoing enough to bring shownu out of his comfort zone to find new things but also finding ways to bring it down to be his introverted self. and as well i know people say people like others arent that close but id say you two fit perfectly!
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
Hi I was wondering if I could have a written ship? I’m 5’3 and I'm really just really small lmao. I have really short brown hair, brown eyes, and freckles. I like to read, and I do music (rapping and instruments lol) . I'm really philosophical and I like to travel. I’m pretty reserved unless I'm comfortable with you and then I'm really loud and kinda chaotic. I like adventures, late night drives, and I like never sleep lmao so I'm always thinking about stuff. Thank you!!😁💖
im kinda torn between jooheon and changkyun. your like kinda in between both to me but i think either one. and fit their personalities match.
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
Hey, could I please request a description ship ? I'm short, pale and have blue eyes. I'm rather shy but once I open up to someone, I can talk a lot. I'm really passionate about my interests and determined but am also very insecure and have anxiety. I'm kind of interested in social justice. I really care about others and am rather compassionate and sensitive but I tend to be mistaken as only calm and serious. I like staying home and enjoy reading, listening to music and watching TV shows.
i ship you with kihyun! i see you two being the kind of “PDA mom” couple. like doing anything and everything together
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could ship me, please ^^
I’m a 21 year old girl studying Pharmacy at University, and also a volunteer that takes care of stray animals till they find a home.
I’m very shy, yet too talkative when you get to know me. Open minded. Creative. I am protective and caring with my friends, and wouldn’t mind to take a bullet for them.
The most important thing to me is family and being able to make them happy. Absolutely adore rainy days. My favorite food is chicken- no matter how it’s cooked! Love drawing, dancing and go roller skating.
Hopefully that was enough…
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Have a nice day,
Thank you! 🌼
i ship you with minhyuk!!!
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
Thanks a bunch for the ship! I was wondering if you could explain why you went with Changkyun? Not in a bad way or anything, I'm just genuinely curious!
you too have similar music tastes for one. as well your the kind of mature kind of girl that channie would like. as well your kind and know your way in a bar fight (maybe idk but fist fight are fights). in a sense your the kind of mature woman he’d like to chill with. same thing with him trying to look mature himself and wanting you to laugh and goof around. in my mind opposites attract, but still are similar. this is my idea, so you do you boo.
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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Hey! I’m requesting a ship please!
A little about me: I’m 22 (about to turn 23 in like 2 weeks) and I’m kinda shy and quite at first but when I feel comfortable around someone I let loose a little. I love music, it’s helped me through a lot as a kid. I get my creativity from music and I’m working on a career in the entertainment business. I love all animals and flowers. I love the galaxy aesthetic and I also love the ocean aesthetic as well. Food is my everything too! French fries are my love. 😅
Hopefully that wasn’t too much! Thanks~
i ship you with jooheon 
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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Hi!! May I have a selca ship with a small description, if it isn’t too much of a bother? Thank you in advance!! ♡♡
I’m an Aries, INFP, and Puerto Rican! I love gardening, drawing, collecting skulls and other curios, and I listen to a lot of chill hop and lofi. I’m a practicing witch, and I love bein outside in nature. I’m a mom friend, and I like to spoil my friends and help them out however I can. I can be stubborn sometimes, but I’m an open-minded and patient person who has no trouble making conversation with total strangers. I’ve gotten into a couple fist-fights over my pride, but I don’t like to even argue with people.
I hope this is okay! Thank you again! ☆
i ship you with channie!
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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hi love i was wondering if i could have a written ship please? when someone first meets me in very quiet, shy, reserved, awkward, and i get embarrassed easily although i try my best to make people feel welcome and i’m extremely nice. but when i open up and i feel comfortable i’m very outspoken about things i believe in, weird, and super funny. but most of the time i’m quiet and i keep to myself. i enjoy cooking (currently trying to apply to college for baking), painting/drawing, listening to music, and swimming. thank you so much i hope you have a wonderful day!❤️
i ship you with shownu
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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hello~ idk if the ships are still open but can i have privates written and selca ships pls? I’m 5"3, someone very kind, never judge ppl. I like to tease ppl when i like them a lot but i try to always be nice. I’m generous, open-minded, curious, but lazy sometimes. I can be childish at times but also mature. I love to go outside, on an adventure but also staying inside, playing video games or watching movies. I love to travel, cook, anime, be w/ my friends and just enjoy the little things of life~ tysm💗🌸🍑
i ship you with hyungwon!
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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Hello! I was hoping you could give me a selca and written ships for monsta x? I’m 19 years old. I have one tattoo on my arm right now (a dedication to Shinee’s Jonghyun) but hope to get much more. ( I actually wouldn’t be surprised if by the time I’m done the only thing that’s not tattooed is my neck and face.) I want to be a writer and love art. I have faults that come along with my anxiety and depression. Sometimes I’m hard to deal with but most of the time when I have done wrong I just need time and most of the time I come back apologizing usually with tears lol. I dont know how to cook but want to learn. I love all kinds of art but my favorite is music and I hope to learn how to do that and be good at it someday. My biggest goal relationship wise has always been to be in love but help each grow into better people all while learning to love myself as well because I still have issues with it.
i ship you with kihyun
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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Hi✨ May I please have a selca ship?
Thanks in advance 🌸
hi~ i ship you with kihyun
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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Hi~! I was wondering if I could get a ship  I am currently a kindy assistant teacher in Korea. I know Cantonese, Japanese and ASL. I have picked up Korean very quickly and I would say I’m somewhat conversational. I am the youngest at work and am treated like such. As a teacher I am slightly strict and sarcastic, but also very child-like when time calls for it. I am an ESFP at work.
However, when work is done, I am an ESFJ and I love to have fun. I am loud, outgoing, and friendly. I am very much the type to meet people even if others have told me they don’t like them. I give people the benefit of the doubt. I am very outgoing, but there are times when I dont want to go outside and just hug my cat and do nothing all day. On days I dont have anything going on, I love to shop and find new places to eat! I also have like a small tat on my wrist of a lavender cause I love lavenders lol.
Likes: baking, animals, drawing
Dislikes: bugs, mess, arguing
i ship you with changkyun!(im)
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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Hello! I would like to get a ship please, this is my first time doing it so I apologize if I overdid it 😅
About me;
• I am the same age as Minhyuk, Kihyun and Wonho 😅 • I am really tall for a girl lol about 175 cm (but I am not fixated on dating guys taller than me tho) • My friends usually tell me I’m as girly and cutesy as a girl can get lol • My personality is very similar to Minhyuk’s lol 😂 I’m not shy at all, I would say I’m confident and outgoing. I’m not afraid to speak my mind either. • Also, I can be very loud and weird around the people I am comfortable with 😂 • I like taking care of the people I love like a mom lol • I can sing and rap a little! But I would say I’m better at singing lol I’m still trying to learn rapping. • I love reading & writing! I actually have a BA degree in English literature. • I love drawing as well. I like to draw anime characters usually. • I’m not very sporty but I can swim really well, took classes when I was a kid.
And you can see some pics of me at the top lol kinda embarrassing but I guess this is how it works lol 😅
Thank you very much in advance I hope you’ll have a wonderful day 😊💕
hiii i ship you with wonho
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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Hi can I have a ship?
I’m 21, I’m 5'6, and I’m a nerd. I love animals, I have a lot of them lol. I’m generally quiet, but once you get to know me I’m very talkative and friendly. I’m pretty laid back, but admittedly I have a temper. I’m very protective of those I love and won’t hesitate to defend them in any way. I love to make people laugh, and I’ve been told I’m the “mom” friend haha.
Hope this is enough info! Thank you so much!
i ship you with kihyun
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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Could I please request a ship. I’m 5’4, mixed (black and white) and have more of a ‘thick’ body type. I can be pretty shy and reserved at times but outgoing when I know someone. I’m more of an introvert I like to spend time alone unless I’m with someone I really like. My hobbies include painting, drawing, watching movies/dramas or listening to music. I love little kids and animals and my friends often describe me as cute (like cutesy personality), considerate, sweet, kind, absent minded and clumsy. Hopefully I did this right. Thank you in advance :)
i ship you with hyungwon
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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Hii could i have a private monsta X ship Im 5”3, hella clumsy and accident prone and im always s t r e s s e d I can play the piano but i cant sing to save my life Im the dumb baby of my friend group but i can also switch to mom friend mode if need be Thank youuu 💛
i ship you with shownu
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monsta-x-ships · 6 years
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HELLOOOOO!! I’ve never gotten a ship with monsta x so here i am :)) I’m 5’1” and a lil weird HAHA i love music and going to concerts and bein wild. i LOVE dogs omg can’t live without them… super sarcastic and funny (well i think i’m funny 🤔) and loves to take care of and make other people happy! sometimes i’m really happy and outgoing and then sometimes i just don’t wanna talk to literally anyone and stay by myself. i love food too…. especially chicken. THANK YOU LOVE 💓
hiiiiii, sorry its been so long, but i ship you with jooheon! hes just a fun and happy guy and youd fit so well with him. 
as well i see minhyuk with you too
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