monsterlordslayer · 5 days
And there is one of the assholes that is making my job even harder.
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monsterlordslayer · 5 days
Who taught the XX-Class how to use this system-
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An Apoptosis appears..
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monsterlordslayer · 9 days
How good are you at cooking since you travel solo a lot i think you must have some way of preparing meals effectively and efficiently?
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Yeah Luka's cooking skill comes more from his father than his mother.
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monsterlordslayer · 12 days
How do you keep yourself sane after seeing so much terrifying or depressing stuff so often? It must be tough to see so many people you care about die or be hurt, even though they're just alternate versions...
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there really isn't anyone else doing what he is trying to do to halt the destruction so he can't let such things trouble his mind.
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monsterlordslayer · 28 days
Have you ever thought that all of the Cross World Contact Type 3 you've been doing is causing more damage to the universe than slaying the Monster Lords is helping it? You want to slow down chaosization, but by causing so much Cross World Contact, especially of the 3rd level, it's probably hurting it much more.
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alot of the time he kills those who are too fargone so he has to intervene he prefers to wait and see how bad a world has gone before acting not like he can do much else.
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monsterlordslayer · 1 month
"its also worth mentioning how Adam was also arrogant and even disrespected the youngest seraph of our world, she may not be the head seraphim but she is a seraph nonetheless so Adam disrespecting her was an absolute arrogant act buut something tells me with what you said if he was an angel in the hierarchy of your world he probably wouldnt go far"
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He likely would just become food for one of them especially with an attitude like he did.
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monsterlordslayer · 1 month
“With that logic, would it make sense that she would be highly angry towards Adam?”
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monsterlordslayer · 2 months
"oh trust me he was an asshole, Adam in our world organized something known as yearly exterminations of sinners, where they go and destroy sinner souls in hell, to be honest from what i heard about this goddess Ilias she probably would have approved of Adam's doing"
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monsterlordslayer · 2 months
“Mr Marcellus, an inquiry if thou have the time to amuse and satisfy it, doth thee in your own universe have something similar to my universe about “Adam and Eve”?”
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monsterlordslayer · 2 months
“Though i know this will do nothing at all, i am truly sorry for thy loss mr Marcellus”
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monsterlordslayer · 2 months
"it seems we have a thing in common, we both miss our wives"
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monsterlordslayer · 2 months
"speaking of which, i heard the morningstar of this universe in her prime was.... Ahem unbelievably a not so pleasant encounter"
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monsterlordslayer · 2 months
Who exactly is the father of Chaos and why are apostles of Chaos interested do you have any ideas
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Seeing as their goal is dragging all worlds into chaos this Father of chaos must be something that allows them to complete said goal.
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monsterlordslayer · 2 months
"you can chill, im not dangerous, im merely the morningstar of another universe"
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monsterlordslayer · 2 months
"wait you cross the multiverse but never stopped to consider why?"
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He is not a fool he can tell that Lucifer doesn't belong.
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monsterlordslayer · 2 months
Do you know of an entity called Idea Lukas?
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He really doesnt care for them at all and wishes they would disappear his job is hard enough as it is.
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monsterlordslayer · 4 months
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The Superstar Saki-Chan is open for Asks! Saki-Chan Sparkle☆
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