monty308-blog · 9 years
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A’right guys, a quick notice to say that this blog will (from this point on) be on semi-hiatus. Probably only for about a week or so. My Monty muse is currently really fucking dead, and I don’t want to leave people hanging.
If needed, (phft) you can find me on my personal, on my Skype (at request), or over at this blog which I caved and made.
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monty308-blog · 9 years
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                                                  than nails. 
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monty308-blog · 9 years
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A’right guys, a quick notice to say that this blog will (from this point on) be on semi-hiatus. Probably only for about a week or so. My Monty muse is currently really fucking dead, and I don’t want to leave people hanging.
If needed, (phft) you can find me on my personal, on my Skype (at request), or over at this blog which I caved and made.
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monty308-blog · 9 years
… but i’m not the only one.
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monty308-blog · 9 years
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Monty Green in every episode:  Earth Kills
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monty308-blog · 9 years
☃ - tall/short?
☃ - tall/short?
I mean i’m 5′4 which is pretty short
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monty308-blog · 9 years
TAGGED BY; bygoness​
[★] B A S I C S
Name: Trinity/Trin Pronouns: she / her / hers Sexuality: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Zodiac sign: Aquarius and it REALLY suits me Taken or Single: single Three facts: i. I’m home educated and have been ALL my life but I really don’t like it that much because ADHD + home education?? hello schoolwork you’re not being done
ii. I started gettting into rping really young because of my older sister, but what REALLY got me into it was because I rped Warrior Cats and it was awful take me to church
iii. me and my sister have both been in 5 zombie themed rp groups in the past, + two of them were ours. We REALLY like zombie AUs I guess idk
[★] E X P E R I E N C E
How long (months/years?): Since I was like 10??? so 8 years really. Platforms you’ve used: Facebook, Skype, Omegle, warrior cats forums, Tumblr, MINECRAFT EVEN, Chatsy
Best experience: the 100 fandom for sure! Tho the Young Justice fandom was really good
[★] M U S E   P R E  F E R E N C E S
Female or Male: Whichever I feel in my bones m8. I usually have male muses though?? I’m trying to get some more female muses in my life tbh Favorite face: Mine. Nah I literally don’t care. If your writing is good you could use shrek as your faceclaim and I’d be game. B) Least favorite face: see above  Multi or Single: Singular. I’ve never tried multi and probably never will??
[★] W R I T I N G   P R E F E R E N C E S
Fluff, Angst or Smut: Oh man I love fluff and angst equally, but I don’t do smut so there’s that. Plots or Memes: EITHER. I do love me some long ass threads with thought out plot tho. Long or Short replies: Whatever my partner wants to do I’m game for Best time to write: I can barely write anything unless it’s 4am and I have decided I have muse all of a sudden.  Are you like your muse(s): In some ways sure??? If I don’t feel at least a little connected to a character then I don’t write them. It makes the character much easier to bring to life, and writing is a lot more fun ygm
[★] Tagging; spacestoner, adhesiive, nobodyisbatman, pyrrhiic, fraternus, smakdauns, thxpariah
repost, do not reblog
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monty308-blog · 9 years
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monty308-blog · 9 years
Send me a url and I'll record my voice saying the url along with what I think of them.
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monty308-blog · 9 years
I’m gonna wing it
Me, about something I most definitely should not wing (via chicagoheartbeat)
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monty308-blog · 9 years
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holy shit, somehow I’ve hit 100 followers??? which is a huge deal in this fandom bc it’s like. the name of it. or whatever. ANYWAY I’ve literally never felt as welcome in a rp community as I do here, and it makes me emotional because I really love you guys a lot okay?? anyway i decided to do a follow forever because i’m fuckin lame 
♚ the meme team ♚
monty308 holy shit lmao remember when you manipulated psychologied (it’s a word shut up) me into being your jasper for the dead rp group? and now look where we are? like holy shit this is amazing i love u so much even though you won’t tell me what all that english bullshit means
nobodyisbatman i!!! am so glad i decided to follow you because even though i still have no fucking clue what’s going on with ur fandom we have a nice, spiffy verse and perfectly awful OC between us and i just. you’re so cool and ur muse is cool and i’m so glad we’re friends
belakbrav ok like obvs i love u and ur muse because ??? why the fuck wouldn’t i??? you’re both literal angels i think and i love interacting with you guys and you’re definitely part of the #squad because you’re a giant fucking nerd and really, that’s what friendship is about
pyrrhiic like we go back a long way and sometimes we go ages without talking??? and then somehow we get back into the same stuff and have the same ships and shit and i just. dude you’re such a rad person and i’m just really really glad we’re friends ok
♛ ultimate senpais ♛
bloodyknucklxs/ofwxrriorblood | ofwhitechapel | answersnobody | fraternus | skailegend | bygoness | groundfallen | floatyoursclf/imerens | sarcasiisms/chemicallyinclined | oncehung​ | hxdaleksa​
♞ perfect people ♞
smakdauns | xthene | oformiti | whctsright | bxsicphysics | thxpariah | screwyoufears | notthefirsttodye/emoriisms/lunakomboatkru | grounderiisms | okteiviias | bygcnes​ | mechxnicist​ | mechaxmechanic​ | sxcondborn​ | hasnohcme​ | deadtomorrow​
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monty308-blog · 9 years
He hummed deep in his throat, thinking it over. He did have his own jokes, (well, no joke was original by this point,) but most of them were incredibly lame, and even he knew that.  – But if Harper wanted...
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“ Never trust atoms, they make up everything.“
         that’s all she really needed. a good laugh. they all needed a good laugh every now and again. laughing instantly reduces the levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine and dopamine, and increases the production of serotonin and endorphins which reduce effects of stress. it was incredibly beneficial. 
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                            “okay. okay. you’ve got to have your own jokes too, monty.”
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monty308-blog · 9 years
He watched as she used a fork to play with her food, – the entire time they had been sat there Monty had noted that she hadn't eaten a single thing,  – and while Clarke might have thought that that was the right thing to do, she may have been pretty wrong. If they intended to get out of Mount Weather then they would need to keep their strength up, and she wouldn't accomplish that by refusing their food. 
If he could just get her to try some, maybe he could change her stance on the whole eating thing. Sure, they were possibly being held captive by people they knew absolutely nothing about,  – but would it be so wrong to enjoy the fresh, warm food while they had the chance?
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“Clarke,  – you don’t know how long we’re going to be here for. It might be days, or it might be weeks.” he bit his lower lip in thought, glancing down at his plate that was currently home to a slice of the ever so wonderful chocolate cake.
“Just...  –  here, try this.” picking up his plate, he held it out to her, a small smile playing on his lips. He wasn't honestly sure if she would actually take up his offer or not, but it was worth a try.  “If you want to leave this place, you’ll need to stay strong, after all, right?”
Monty was right – she should eat something and get some rest.  They were safe from the Grounders but, Clarke just couldn’t  shake the uneasy feeling that overwhelmed her. Whatever it  was, she made a promise to herself and the other 47 that she  would figure it out and get out of this place. Her original suspicions  were confirmed, however, after her little jog throughout passageways  to an exit that wasn’t depicted on the map. If they weren’t prisoners of  President Wallace, then why were there alarms, codes, and armed  guards ready to take her down once she surrendered herself. 
There was a way out – the President just didn’t want them to leave, so it seemed. They were safe from the threats of the Ground but now, there were new threats from within which may be just as dangerous as natives with poison, foreign illnesses, and precise aim with spears. These people could be even more dangerous and Clarke will never let them break her  or her people. 
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Clarke shook her head at Monty’s advice, twirling a noodle around her fork as her gaze shifted down to the pile of food on the fine china Mount Weather so kindly supplied them with. She couldn’t help but think about Bellamy and Finn and how they could be suffering from starvation or struggling to stay alive right at that very moment – Clarke had to get out of this place. 
“I’m fine, Monty. I’m not eating their food. We’re not going to be  staying long.”
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monty308-blog · 9 years
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monty308-blog · 9 years
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      It would have been so easy to get lost in that moment.  –– Soft breeze, moonshine, stars above and the company of someone who was happy to just sit and observe nothing with him. In the fast-paced chaos that was earth sometimes a slow down was what you needed to stay grounded. Unlike in the Skybox, where everything had been too slow for too long. Sometimes freedom made you miss the safety that came from being confined.
   “If I was going to prefer anything it’d be for us to live without thinking we won’t wake up to see tomorrow,” he huffed in a way that could have been picked up as a laugh. “But if I had to choose between the two, I’d still take anticipation any day. ‘Least that way you still have time to do something about it.”
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         Newt’s sight seemed to move farther and farther away from his physical body, slipping into a trance, hypnotized by the greenery and the sweet scent of EARTH that surrounded him. Encompassed him like a strangely warm blanket. He enjoyed it, but it was very bittersweet. Because he didn’t know where home was. His sense of belonging was missing something very crucial. As far as he was concerned, home wasn’t a place. To him, it was a person. The only person he had left who was in a cell somewhere, orbiting in space, where he should be. 
      “Yeah,” he said softly, not fazing his absent stare. “The fear of not knowing. Dunno if i’d prefer ignorance over anticipation, though, to tell ya the truth. Drive me mad, I’d imagine.”
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monty308-blog · 9 years
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          ❝  TAKE  THIS  LEAP  OF  FAITH  WITH  ME ,    JOHN   MURPHY…  ❞
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monty308-blog · 9 years
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Jasper + being adorable
requested by anon
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