moodsandmyths · 6 years
“Forest nymphs, immortal daughters of woodland streams, dark, divine,”
— Moero, tr. by Josephine Balmer, from Women Poets; “Cleomenes’ Statues,”
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moodsandmyths · 6 years
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god of the sun
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moodsandmyths · 6 years
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ANTEROS - One of the winged love gods known as the erotes. Son of Aphrodite and Ares, god of requited love and the avenger of unrequited love.
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moodsandmyths · 6 years
Zeus was the original thot
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moodsandmyths · 6 years
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In ancient Greek mythology, Amphitrite (/æmfɪˈtraɪtiː/; Greek: Ἀμφιτρίτη) was a sea goddess and wife of Poseidon and the queen of the sea
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moodsandmyths · 6 years
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greek mythology moodboards: DIONYSUS
god of wine, celebrations, theatre, ecstasy
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moodsandmyths · 6 years
The old gods are not dead
I hear Athenas war cry in the shouts of protests, fighting a war now closer to home, I see her in the young women with picket signs clenched tightly in their fists
Hera curses the names of the abusers The ones who break families and marriages Her voice heard in the wedding bells of young lovers
Poseidon now resides in a beach home Going out every night to pick of trash left by the day Shooting daggers at the drunk men letting their bottles be swept away
Demeter can be heard cursing the politicians refusing to believe in global warming Names of scientists and studies on the tip of her tongue She is found teaching young children how to grow their food at the community garden
Ares is found on the front lines of a different war, not fighting but protecting the innocent Guiding classrooms of children away from gunfire, His shield protecting the terrified
Apollo can be found at opens mics Reciting his latest works Or walking down the street in docs on his feet and a guitar on his back He knows he’s the coolest
Artemis is seen on the streets Her bow and arrow have long left her Carrying nothing more than a knife and mace She hunts a different kind of monster now
Hephaestus resides in a workshop at all hours of the night Creating custom pieces for the right price and a warm smile The hammer making him feel invincible
Aphrodite’s song is heard in the breathy kisses of teenagers Shes found walking down the street, lips a blood red Punching the men who dare disrespect her  
Hermes is seen with a smirk as he walks long well-traveled roads Delivering the messages of those needing to be heard Traveling, telling stories, and wearing out another pair of shoes
Dionysus’s voice heard only over the pounding bass in the bar Keeping watch over young girls drinks Dancing, partying and living as he throws another one back
Hades is seen weeping over the graves of those taken much to soon Looking to his wife for comfort He’s long lost his faith in humanity
Persephone found in the gardens beside her mother in the spring Brushing off girl’s dirty knees and putting flower crowns on their heads She can be seen holding onto hades as he mourns the loss of life
Hecate will be found running metaphysical shops Bringing hope to powerful women wanting more Selling potions, nobody thinks will work And collecting graveyard dirt for a new spell
Zeus is watching over everyone Watches Athena cry Hera curse the men, he being one of them Poseidon’s glares Demeter’s harsh words Ares raising his shield Apollos singing Artemis as she tracks a new beast Watches Hephaestus work Sees Aphrodite punch Hears Hermes words Sees hades weep And Persephone plant and comfort her partner And grins as Hecate keeps magic alive
The old gods are not dead
They are alive
And they are watching
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moodsandmyths · 7 years
yeah hey @ Persephone can you pls stop messing with your boy toy and come back I need spring
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moodsandmyths · 7 years
How delighted you must have been, radiant Apollo, when we learned to transmute song into light and back again.
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moodsandmyths · 7 years
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mythology posters || athena
wisdom. craft. war. diplomacy. poetry. medicine. commerce.
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moodsandmyths · 7 years
Hades: *sitting outside a cafe, enjoying coffee and a newspaper*  Cerberus: *sitting at his feet people-watching*
*A thud against the other side of the window they’re sitting beside makes them both look up*
Persephone, inside the cafe with both palms flat against the window and her face too close to the glass: CAN I PET YOUR DOG? 
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moodsandmyths · 7 years
hey take this quiz about which greek god/goddess you relate to most!
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moodsandmyths · 7 years
what if the Olympians + Hades and Hestia were forced to all live in one house and act like an actual family?
‘Athena, come out of your room, you have to interact with people!’ -probably Hera at some point
Apollo playing the most obscure music at 3am and Ares, unable to fall asleep gets annoyed, so he blasts heavy metal from his room
‘Hades, no, you can’t just walk all over my garden! Your presence literally sucks the life out of it!’ -Demeter, forcefully pushing Hades off of her plants
Aphrodite bringing home a different person she’s dating every week or so
Zeus constantly downloading tinder on the family tablet and Hera always passively-aggressively deleting it
‘Where’s Hermes?’ ‘I don’t know, probably running somewhere again’
despite his best efforts, Hermes is always late everywhere
‘Hephaestus, where are all the forks?’ ‘…heh, whoops’
Dionysus hiding bottles of wine under his bed and thinking it’s a secret, but every time he’s not around, Hera takes the bottles away from him
‘Poseidon, get out of the bath, you’ve been in there for five hours and Ares has to shower too!’ ‘No, I don’t!’
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moodsandmyths · 7 years
A consequence of being pagan in the modern world is that sometimes you just aren’t taken seriously. I’m not claiming that our religion is necessarily directly targeted by oppression, but in a Christocentric world a lot of pagans still have to keep themselves under wraps and go to worship a god they don’t believe in, and even those of us who can be open about it get treated like crackpots.
I would love to be able to say “I worship the gods of Olympus” without being treated like I’m intellectually deficient. After all, the Greeks were a primitive and superstitious people, even though secular western society has been falsely tracing its lineage to Greece for centuries.
But in trying times, when it just seems like it’s silly to burn incense to gods most people think belong in Mythology for Dummies books, its important to know that these gods were real.
Imagine being ill and being brought to the Temple of Asclepius, and sleeping there, feverish and shaking, and being told of your cure in the night.
Imagine being a bride burning a lock to Artemis before her wedding, hoping that her husband would be kind and her new family welcoming.
Imagine being a sailor near drowning praying to Poseidon and washing up on dry land, and taking a bowl to his sanctuary that tells the world how the god saved you.
The gods were real to these people. They were real to Sappho, who called Aphrodite down resplendent with a word. They were real to Homer and all the poets who begged the Muses to sing through them. They were real to the initiates at Eleusis, who went into the dark unknowing and came out knowing that even in death they would be thrice-blessed. They were real to the people who came to their sanctuaries and decorated them with pottery and marble and art, and who built some of the most spectacular buildings the world has ever seen, just to house their gifts to the gods.
It was not a matter of faith, but of knowing. The gods were real to them, and to us too, they are real now.
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moodsandmyths · 7 years
me: it was just a dream
me (internally): .. or prophecy ..
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moodsandmyths · 7 years
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greek god aesthetics (6/15): poseidon
god of the seas
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moodsandmyths · 7 years
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i did not birth you from my thigh TWICE for this kind of treatment son
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