#Dionysus looks so cute in this!!!
foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
A friend I had briefly in my teens years was this girl in Arizona. She was a junior when I was a freshman, and as I was socially awkward and very lonely she kind’ve pulled me under her wing for a while. I don’t remember how we met, but I remember riding in her car and meeting her cute miniature Doberman.
But the thing I remember most about this girl was that she loved lying to me. And I had a massive but I acknowledged crush on her so I adored being lied to. Her natural charisma and storytelling was hypnotic.
It’s not what it sounds like because it wasn’t malicious but she came up with this in depth lore to tell me about this fake job she had. I know autistic people are meant to be credulous but I truly never believed her stories, I just adored her storytelling and was very ready to listen to whatever tale she spun that day. Another of her friends chided her once for teasing me but I genuinely never minded.
In her lore she moonlighted as a Professional Liar. People would hire her to get close to a target they wanted rattled. She’d make friends, develop a strong relationship, foster a dependency on her, then disappear. Then when they were confused and missing her sometime when the employer needed their target rattled she’d show back up as a glimpse to knock them off balance. Often it was implied she’d faked her death in the interim.
That itself was fine, it was an okay story. But in order to support that lie she’d make up tons of supporting details that were way more fun. She had this fake boyfriend who got high as balls on a mission and ended up seeing a sheep in a field and carrying it to a farmhouse to try to buy it because he wanted a puppy. I liked that one but suspected she didn’t know how big sheep were.
She’d IM chat with me as this made up boyfriend sometimes; once she had him ask me if I noticed her limping and he told me she’d just lost a toe but was covering for it like a champ. That one was fun.
She told me about something she called “purple charge” which was a way to get instant night vision. I did try looking that one up on the off chance, but was sadly disappointed there.
She said that Professional Liars had such high stakes jobs that they needed a week of insane time where they just partied so hard it was like a Dionysus rave and her IM boyfriend persona implied she’d killed someone during one of those stints.
I had such a fun time with her elaborate fiction that I’d often ask follow up questions and she had to do a lot of world building to keep up with my fascination. We’d get to class and I’d have three or four new questions which I think is why her friend thought her teasing was too far. They genuinely thought I believed her but I was just loving the fiction.
If any of this sounds malicious I’ll also add that when I got harassed on a roleplaying board she went out guns blazing to go after the guy who’d been harassing me. She genuinely enjoyed my company.
I find myself looking back on our friendship very fondly. I can’t remember her last name or have any way of looking her up, but she really was a professional liar to me. The only downside is that I’m completely faceblind so if she ever wanted to pop unexpectedly into my life I’d have no idea it was her.
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birdiewriteslit · 9 months
omg omg i would LOVVVEEE if like [reader] and luke were dating behind percy’s back cuz of how sassy he would be n stuff but after like a date or kiss from luke the reader would gush about it to either annabeth, grover, or clarisse and one of them tells percy by accident during a convo and then percy like goes up to reader and confronts the reader about it and like scolds the reader and give them a whole lecture about how luke isn’t the right guy then luke overhears and like joins in <333
i love this idea!!
luke castellan x daughter of poseidon!reader
warnings: persassy (once again), fluff, mention of kissing, ignorance of the plot of the show for the sake of my happiness
nobody: me gaslighting myself into thinking i could fix luke:
You and your boyfriend had an agreement. Your relationship was private. It wasn’t necessarily a secret, but it was private.
This was a conclusion you came to before Percy arrived at camp, before you knew you had a brother. At first, you didn’t care much if he figured it out.
That was until you realized what a sassafras he was.
Percy was always sassing you about chores, about activities, and especially about camp boys.
You thought it was cute in the beginning, your little brother being protective over you, but then it became a real nuisance.
“Y/n, stay away from the Ares boys, I don’t like them.”
“Y/n, don’t date an Apollo guy, he’d write you some crappy poetry.”
“Y/n, for the love of gods, stay away from the Dionysus twins, I never want to have Mr. D as a relative.”
These were the types of things you would hear throughout the day as Percy got to know the other campers better.
You thought it better if you kept a low profile when you were around Luke, at least until Percy calmed down a little.
Most of the older campers knew about your relationship, but they were used to it and rarely talked about it.
“Having marriage problems?” Annabeth asked you one day during arts and crafts, where you were both about to give up on your ugly collaborative birdhouse.
“What? I’m not married,” you said, trying to fix a particularly garish looking bird.
She set her paintbrush down, officially proving she was over it. “Obviously. I mean Luke. I noticed you haven’t been around each other as much.”
You could tell she was a little worried. She wouldn’t be asking if she wasn’t. Annabeth had known you and Luke longer than any other campers, and she looked up to both of you. Plus, she always wanted to know about your experience with romance.
“It’s not what you think, Annabeth. We’re really fine,” you said. “In fact, just last night, he took me out on the dock.”
Your nightly meetups with Luke had always been a thing, but had become more frequent as of late.
“And?” Annabeth prompted.
“And, we hung out.” You were now furiously painting over the entire bird you failed to fix.
“You mean you made out,” she said, giving you a knowing look.
“Well, yeah, but I didn’t think you were interested in that part,” you said. “Now pick up that paintbrush, missy. I’m not doing this whole thing myself.”
Annabeth reluctantly dipped the brush in some blue paint, looking like she wanted more details about your date.
Private means private, you thought dismissively.
At campfire, you discovered that private didn’t mean private. You were sitting alone when Percy plopped down next to you. You frowned because you were saving that spot for Luke.
“Annabeth has just told me something very interesting,” he said, glaring at the spot where Luke stood, talking to one of his brothers.
“What would that be, Perce?” you said absentmindedly.
“Apparently Luke was macking on you last night.” He made a sound to imitate vomiting.
You grimaced. “Please never say that word again.”
“So? Is it true or not true?”
You sighed. No point in denying it now. “It’s true.”
Percy somehow managed to look even more disgusted. “Ew, why him?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, gee, I don’t know, maybe because I’ve known him for years, he’s kind, strong, and handsome. Wouldn’t you think that had something to do with it?”
“Oh, gods, forget I even asked,” Percy said, retching. “I just think you could do better. Look at all of these lovely candidates. Apollo guys are poets.”
“I thought that was too cringe for you.”
He ignored you and went on, “A Hephaestus guy could forge you some nice jewelry, and Athena guys are smart. You deserve a smart guy. Not Luke, no, he doesn’t have any good qualities like that.”
You noticed a figure approaching you over Percy’s shoulder, and you tried your best to hide the amused smile threatening to break across your face as Luke came to a stop behind him, waiting for the right moment to interrupt.
“All in all, Y/n, I think Luke’s a pretty bad guy for you. You should really reconsider.”
“Oh, I’m a bad guy, am I?” Luke finally spoke up, smirking as Percy slowly turned around to see him peering down at him.
“Not like a bad guy- just, you know, not right for my sister,” Percy said, his confidence leaving him.
“What makes me not right for her?” Luke asked, clearly loving the reaction he was getting.
“I- uh- you know,” Percy stammered.
“Oh, knock it off, Luke. Leave the poor kid alone,” you said, failing to hide your laughter.
“That sound is music to my ears,” Luke said seriously. Jeez, he was really laying it on thick.
Percy’s face returned to the look of disgust. “I’ll be leaving now,” he excused himself, hurrying off to where Grover and Annabeth were sitting on the other side of the fire. You could still see him glaring at Luke as he sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
You leaned into him, relishing in the combined warmth of the fire and his body heat. “What do you think? Am I getting sassed out tomorrow?” Luke asked, looking down at you.
“No, he looked pretty grossed out. I’m hoping he just avoids the topic altogether,” you said, trailing your fingers over the fabric of his shirt.
“We both know that’s not going to happen,” he concluded, smiling as he pressed a soft kiss to your temple.
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cultdionysus · 2 years
omg once I get an altar cloth I need to show off this sick candle I got from the thrift store
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jgracie · 5 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Hii, do you think you could write a Percy x daughter of Dionysus reader headcannons? Where reader is close with her dad and is an all-year camper ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of dionysus
pairing percy jackson x dionysus!reader
warnings you have a bad relationship w ur mortal parent sorry (briefly mentioned)
on the radio . . . grapejuice (harry styles)
an in pollux we trust 🫡 also beckengard are alive in this (the crowd cheers 🥳), they have phones
Since you’re Dionysus’ favourite daughter, it was only natural you and Percy would meet at a party
You’d heard a lot about the boy from the amount of complaining your father would do. Whenever Dionysus entered his children’s cabin in a bad mood, you knew he was about to yap about the bane of his existence, Perry Jameson
You, however, had nothing against Percy. You’d spoken to each other a few times and from what you could gather, he was really friendly, just awfully sarcastic
You wanted to get to know him more, though. You couldn’t help it, you were curious. And he’s really hot, especially when he’s on lifeguard duty at the beach and when he’s helping the younger kids train
So when your half-brother Pollux pitches the idea of throwing a party, simply because life was getting pretty dry at the time, you made sure Percy was the first on the list of invitees. This had earned you a teasing glance from Pollux, but you brushed it off. You didn’t like Percy, he was just super cute and nice so you wanted to be his friend, duh!
However, unbeknownst to you, the gears in your brother’s head were turning. He knew Percy at least thought you were really pretty (as he should), since he’d overheard one of his friends talking about it a while back. He also knew you thought Percy’s really handsome. Finally, he is his father’s son, which means he loves nothing more than to have a little fun
Pollux saved Percy’s invite for last. He made his way over to Poseidon’s cabin, a grin on his face as he knocked on the door
“Hey Pollux, is everything okay?” Percy asked, drying his wet hair as he looked down at the boy, who simply handed him an envelope sealed shut with burgundy wax in the shape of a cluster of grapes
Confused, Percy opened it, reading through the card, which was designed by you. While Percy was distracted, Pollux pulled his ultimate move, “y’know, Y/N requested for me to invite you herself. I don’t know why, but you must be pretty important to her!”
His words had their desired result. You see, Pollux decided to use the element of surprise to his advantage - so he could see Percy’s unveiled reactions and, from there, be able to confirm his feelings about you
Immediately, Percy’s head shot up, his face turning a bright shade of pink as he said, “I’ll be there! 11PM, right?”
“Yep! I’ll tell Y/N you’re coming, she’ll be so delighted! You should try speaking to her alone at the party, I think she wants to tell you something.”
Gods, he was such a genius
For the rest of the day, you noticed your brother was acting awfully strange. When confronted, he simply started talking about how excited he was for this party and how he thinks it’ll be the best one yet
So you brushed his behaviour off. You weren’t going to shame him for that, especially because you were excited too. You loved a good party, but this would be the first time Percy attended one
Butterflies fluttered around in your stomach as you decorated your cabin, really hoping he’d like it. Okay, maybe you lied about not liking Percy like that. Truth is, you’d been harbouring a crush on him for a couple months now, the only thing stopping you from doing anything about it being your father
It wasn’t even because he’s a literal God. You genuinely love and have a lot of respect for the guy. Sure, he tended to be a little grumpy and rude with other kids at camp, but he was the best parent you could ask for
Your mortal parent wasn’t the nicest, so after two years of only spending the summer at camp, you began staying year-round, not wanting to deal with them anymore. It was hard at first, especially because they hadn’t cared to wonder where you were, but your father was there for you through it all
He’d had a soft spot for you ever since you were a baby, and was absolutely crushed when Zeus told him to keep his distance or else he’d regret it. When you showed up at camp all those years later, Dionysus felt complete. His sweet girl came back to him
Of course, he wouldn’t voice those thoughts, but you knew how he felt
He loved you so much, how could you go and date the one demigod he couldn’t stand?
Still, the heart wants what it wants, and you couldn't help but feel yourself gravitate towards Percy whenever he happened to be around
Soon enough, it was night time and while your father and Chiron were asleep in the big house, demigods from all cabins snuck out to attend your party.
Thanks to the Hecate kids, there was a sound muffling charm on your cabin, preventing anyone from hearing the loud music and other happenstances of the party
Every time you greeted someone, you prayed the next would be Percy. Pollux said he was coming, and while your brother liked to have fun, he wasn’t one to lie. Did Percy change his mind? Did he think your cabin was the lamest of the lame and therefore unworthy of his presence?
While you spiralled from inside your cabin, Percy spiralled from outside it (power couple in the making). He tried very hard to look handsome but at the same time like he didn’t put that much effort into his appearance, despite having spent hours picking out the right outfit and ruffling his hair just right
Just as he was about to knock on your cabin door, you burst out of it, bumping right into him
“I’m sorry, party’s ins–” you mumbled, the words dying in your throat once you noticed who you bumped into, “oh… hi Percy!” You greeted the boy, flattening your clothes and hoping you didn’t look awful (you looked MAJESTIC trust)
At the mere sight of you, Percy felt his ears turn red and struggled to get his words out, but in the end managed to say, “hi Y/N, what’re you doing out here?”
You sighed and sat on the steps leading up to cabin 12, and Percy sat next to you, giving you a tender smile. Smiling back, you said, “I just needed a little bit of air. More people showed up than I thought would,” that was true - you didn’t expect that many people to leave their cabins past curfew, but you didn’t care about that. However, you weren’t about to tell Percy you left the party because you were a little disappointed he didn’t show up
“Well, you guys do throw the best parties. Sometimes I can’t believe Mr D has this side hidden somewhere in him too,” Percy said, looking up at the night sky with you. Then, after a moment of silence passed between you, “your brother said you wanted to talk to me?”
Your head shot down at this, surprised, “he did?” You fought the urge to roll your eyes, knowing you should’ve expected this from Pollux
“Yeah… he said you invited me personally, and that there’s something you wanted to tell me?” He asked, his voice going up an octave around the end when he realised you had no idea what he was talking about, making his statement sound more like a question
You couldn’t hate your brother for this. You knew he had good intentions, and in the end, you did get some alone time with Percy, so it wasn’t too bad
Your eyes darted all over the place as you said, “oh! Well, I just think you’re really cool and kinda really want to be your friend. I know dad doesn’t like you that much, but I don’t share his opinion.”
After that, the tension between the two of you ebbed away, and a beautiful friendship began
To say your father was disappointed in your choice of company was an understatement. When he saw you and Percy together for the first time, he spoke to you as soon as he got the chance, ranting about how ‘Pierre Johnson’ is a no-good loser and how you should have higher standards
However, he tolerated it once he realised you weren’t going to stop being friends with Percy. He loved you more than he hated Percy, and besides, it's not like you were dating him, right?
Unfortunately, you really wished you were. Before befriending Percy, your crush on him was just because you thought he was nice and cute, you weren’t fully in love with him just yet
But now you knew more, like how he always slept with four pillows (two on each side, one under his head, one to hug) or how he had a small tattoo of a trident on his left ankle (which his mom lost her mind over when he showed her) or how contrary to popular belief amongst other people at camp, he hated the Little Mermaid (it was too unrealistic, especially in its depiction of his half-brother Triton)
You were absolutely infatuated with him
Percy really liked you too. Every day he spent with you made him feel as if he were on cloud nine, but he wanted more than games of Uno (Pollux would join because you need 3 people and also because he’s waiting for the day you let go of the cards and just kiss already) and late afternoon swims. He wanted to be able to hold your hand in public, declaring his love for you to the world
Honestly, you both could tell you felt the same about each other. You also could tell you had the exact same reason for not doing anything about said feelings - Dionysus
You considered yourselves grateful he didn’t send Percy straight to Tartarus just for being your friend, and knew that eventually becoming best friends was pushing it. Dating definitely wouldn’t slide
It wasn’t until Percy was hanging out with a certain friend of his from the Hermes cabin that he realised he didn’t care what your father decreed
Sighing, Percy lay on his old bed in the Hermes cabin, Travis Stoll sitting on the bed across him. After spending his first couple days at camp in cabin 11, Percy quickly befriended the Stoll brothers, who were always hospitable towards him back when he was new
Even after he moved out of the Hermes cabin, they remained friends, Travis and Connor telling Percy he could stay at their cabin again whenever he needed
“Look, I get it, Mr D’s super scary, but you’re also super in love with Y/N, which I think outweighs his scariness,” Travis told a moping Percy. You see, earlier that day, some guy from the Apollo cabin had come up to the two of you with the intention of taking you out on a date. Luckily, you politely declined, but he was just one of many potential suitors
What if eventually you found the perfect guy? One not only that you’d love, but that Dionysus would approve of?
The thought of that alone was what brought Percy to cabin 11, humbly asking Travis for some advice
“It does! But she wouldn’t wanna disappoint her dad, and I wouldn’t want her to lose him over me, y’know? Her relationship with her mortal parent’s already not the best, she can’t lose her immortal one too.”
The two sat in silence as Travis played with the whiteboard marker in his hand, which he was using to write a pros and cons list of Percy asking you out. He added ‘Mr D might hate her’ to the cons side, making the two equal
Just as they were about to continue their discussion, Travis’ girlfriend Katie walked in, a basket of freshly picked apples in her hand
“Trav, you’ve got to try these!” She exclaimed, her eyes glittering as she gave Travis an apple. The boy bit into it, his eyes widening in excitement once he realised what his girlfriend had done
“Oh my Gods Katie you did it!” He said once he’d finished chewing, littering her face with kisses, which made flowers bloom in her auburn hair. Percy simply sat in confusion, considering leaving and continuing this another day
Just as he was about to get up, Travis said something which stopped him. With Katie on his lap, he said, “see, Percy? There’s no way I could let Demeter stop me from dating my sweet girl.” (clawing at the bars of my enclosure as I write this)
Travis was right. No punishment Dionysus could possibly think of would make dating you not worth it
While Percy was with Travis, you were with the cabin counsellors of cabins 9 and 10, iconic couple Charlie Beckendorf and Silena Beauregard
Silena has been a very good friend of yours for years, seeing as she was the one who was there for you the most when you first came to camp, treating you like a little sister
So, naturally, when you have an issue in the love department, you go to her. This was one of those times
Being asked out by that Apollo kid made you realise something very important - you’d never fall for anyone the way you fell for Percy. Even a God would pale in comparison to his beauty and charm
That left you with two options: date Percy (and suffer your father’s wrath in the process) or live the rest of your life knowing he felt the same but doing nothing about it, simply settling for some other guy
You decided to settle this once and for all. You had to make a choice, and it would be right here, with Silena and Charlie
“I mean… you seem to really love Percy, babe. You don’t even have to say anything, I can tell,” Silena told you, running her fingers through her hair and giving you a kind smile
“He really likes you too,” Charlie piped in, “tells me about it all the time. Please date him, I’ve gotten sick of hearing about your twinkling eyes and magnetic aura.” His girlfriend laughed at this, leaning her head on his shoulder
You knew they were right. There was no way you could live the rest of your life with Percy being just your friend. But were you willing to lose your dad in the process?
Noticing the serious look on your face, Silena got up and came to sit next to you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, “this is really hard, Y/N, trust me, we get it. When I was the first not to complete the rite of passage, I was really scared mom would punish me in one way or another - but she didn’t, and we’re happy now. The Gods rarely ever show it, but deep down, they do love their kids. We can all see how Mr D loves you, he’ll be able to deal with Percy as his son-in-law for your sake.”
You couldn’t believe you didn’t realise it sooner. Your father loves you. Why would he make your life miserable over dating Percy?
Thanking the couple, you ran to cabin 3, knowing what you had to do
Meanwhile, Percy was heading to your cabin. He would’ve missed you sitting at the steps of his if you hadn’t yelled his name, your hair all over the place as you ran towards him
“Percy I have to–”
“Y/N there’s something you should–”
The two of you spoke at the same time. Looking into each other’s eyes, you knew you were thinking the same thing. Immediately, Percy pulled you into his cabin, not waiting for a second before slamming his lips onto yours
And that’s how you began dating. Well, secretly. Only Travis and Katie, Silena and Charlie and Pollux knew about your relationship. You two were still too nervous to break it to your dad, and the others were all sworn to secrecy
Even though you couldn’t be too affectionate in front of others, being in a relationship with Percy was the best thing you ever experienced. He was so sweet and doting, always keeping an eye on you public and being physically incapable of letting go of you in private
Out of everyone who knew, your brother was the most excited about your relationship, always yapping about how if it weren’t for him you two wouldn’t even have become friends, let alone lovers
He was also the one to bring your little secret to an end
You see, Dionysus liked to check on his kids often. If it were up to him, you’d be living in the big house with him, but the other Gods saw that as unfair, so you were stuck in cabin 12
After being gone on Godly duties for a week, he’d come back to camp with you at the forefront of his mind. He couldn’t help but have a feeling you were hiding something important from him. He was sure it wasn’t anything, since you’re his pride and joy, but he decided to check anyway
When the door to his cabin opened, Dionysus was greeted by none other than his son, Pollux, who was very happy to see him. They sat and made small talk for a little bit - mostly about school and other mortal things Dionysus couldn’t keep up with - before he asked about your whereabouts
“Y/N? Oh, she’s in her room!” Pollux said, quickly slapping a hand over his mouth once he realised what he said. Yes, you were in your bedroom, but you weren’t alone. Percy also happened to be in your bedroom, and Pollux knew all too well what you and Percy liked to do in your bedroom (SAFE FOR WORK THINGS ONLY!!!!!)
He was about to take it all back, but it was too late. Immediately, Dionysus teleported into your room, where you were making out with Percy
By the time Pollux had gotten there, Percy was glued to the wall by a bunch of vines that were sprouting from the ground
“Let him go, dad!” You yelled, tears welling in your eyes as you clawed at said vines, “I’m sorry, I’ll break up with him if you want me to, just please don’t hurt him!” When Dionysus saw the pain in your eyes, he knew he’d made a terrible mistake. Taking a deep breath, he released Percy from the vines
Dionysus watched as you hugged Percy tightly, sobbing into his chest. His heart ached as he thought about your words: you’d break with him if he wanted you to. He never wanted his daughter to feel like she couldn’t love who she wanted because of him
“I’m… sorry, Y/N. I acted rashly,” he began, hesitant as he wiped the tears off of your face, “I don’t want you to love someone just to please me, I want you to love someone you love, and if that happens to be Pietro… then so be it.”
Ok now this is fr the longest backstory I’ve ever written sorry ab that
You guys dethrone Beckengard sorry… Y/N and Percy new CHB iconic couple
Percy loves dating you because you never fail to be fun and interesting!! His cabin used to be so boring and lonely but it erupts with life now that you stay there half the time
Dionysus tries to get to know Percy. He’s the bane of his existence but he’s also his precious girl’s boyfriend so he has to learn more about him. Percy walks into his cabin one day to find a cluster of red grapes and a cluster of green grapes sitting on his bed with a note that says “which do you like more?”
Secretly though Dionysus LOVES Percy. He’s your #1 fan and won’t hesitate to defend you against anyone who dares to utter an insult about you
Sally loves you so much too. She adopts you immediately and showers you with affection whenever she can. She also gives Percy gifts to give you whenever he goes back to camp LOL
Percy walks in with four suitcases and you’re like “why did you pack so much you know you can keep some clothes with me if you want” and he goes “no actually these three are for you from mom”
He’s surprisingly good at planning parties. Always thinks of the most creative themes and the cutest colour schemes!!!
You feel a little insulted because how is a son of Poseidon almost better than you at your own thing ?!?! But it’s okay because you love him :)
As a child of Dionysus, you are also a theatre kid, so naturally you make Percy watch all your favourite musicals
He didn’t care for Hamilton before but he watched it once with you and now you hear him belting Non-stop in the shower
You guys always recreate the “Alexander? “Aaron Burr, sir” part from that song 😭 and tons of other cute scenes from other musicals (I’m not a huge musical girlie sorry)
Percy’s so dedicated to getting them all right!!! You’re always re-filming parts because they aren’t good enough (his voice cracked a little at one point)
He chooses romantic scenes to recreate on purpose thinking he’s being slick but you’re not an idiot LOL
Also yes Pollux is the cameraman
OMG you totally do the part in Take a Break with Phillip’s poem with Pollux as Phillip
(All these videos get saved for your future kids by the way in case you were wondering)
Speaking of your brother dearest, he and Percy get along SO well. A little too well for your liking. They’re always ganging up on you when you play Uno or Just Dance or something like that
Pollux is obsessed with Percy. He loves you, but he’s always wanted an older male figure to look up to and that’s Percy to him!! They always have bro days together or whatever <3
One time you walked into Percy’s cabin only to find them asleep together on the couch and it was the cutest thing ever. You immediately took a picture, sending it to Sally and Dionysus (please don’t ask me to elaborate on how or why Dionysus has a phone) and then setting it as your phone wallpaper
Also Percy loves saying corny stuff like “you make me drunk in love” and other alcohol-based pickup lines just because of who your dad is LOL
You can’t even cringe because your love for him is so strong it cancelled out cringe culture (as it should!)
Overall you are all one big happy family and it’s the cutest thing EVER. The Aphrodite cabin are always making edits of the two of you because somehow they have pictures and videos from when you were still just pining?!?
You guys watch them late at night and laugh until you come across an angsty one with the “from strangers to friends… friends into lovers… and strangers again” audio and all of a sudden you’re crying and swearing on the river Styx to never break up
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dionysus-is-my-dude · 6 months
Dionysus isn't a meme
every time i look through the "Dionysus" tag, all i get is percy jackson, the hades game, cute fanart of him and'/or ariadne, or funny haha memes. so few people seem to understand that Dionysus is not just some silly little androgynous fella who loves wine and his wife. He's a god of contradictions, being both one of the oldest and youngest gods worshipped for thousands of years. He's a liberator, not only of the mental cage and burdens of society, but literally, he would travel around and free people who were being treated unfairly.
I've read that archaeologists still sometimes can't tell if art is of Jesus or Dionysus. Dionysus gave us theatre, a way to tell stories on a much grander scale to a much wider audience. He sees no gender or sexuality, for he is of them all, and he calls and accepts everyone who desires to be free.
Sure, yes, he can be silly, he can be flamboyant, and he'll do anything for his loved ones, but he's not just a goofy guy for people to use in joke text memes. this is my patron god. he's been with me my whole life. part of my life is devoted to theatre, my greatest passion, because of him. i feel comfortable with my mental illnesses and femininity because of him. yes, i may call him my dude and think of him as my fun, goofy uncle or whatever, but he seriously means a lot to me. practically every aspect of my life has been touched by him. he frees me from my doubts and insecurities. he encourages me to pursue life's delights in spite of my struggles. he gives me HOPE.
the whole reason i named this blog after Dionysus is because i've always held him in my heart, and he has always been here for me. please don't just water him down to a funny guy who drinks wine.
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pumpkinbxtch · 5 months
sumn about dionysus’s daughter and percy being obsessed w each other irks be in so kind of way, can i req something about it???
I would come back from death for you .⁠。⁠*⁠♡
— percy jackson x daughter of dionysus!reader
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warnings: none, i think
a/n: ok, here comes my confession. I don't know if this is something that counts as "obsession" as such because there are different types of it. I wanted it to be a more tender or cute obsession. I don't know, maybe I'll explore more but with a darker side.
The emotion was devouring him from the inside out. He knew he would be leaving in a few days, and even though he'd rather fight Hades himself than give his life on a silver platter, Percy couldn't help struggle with the thought of not being in your arms again.
— I'll go with you — you said, even though you knew it wouldn't happen. — I don't mind dying with you if it's the only way to keep us together.
Really, he wouldn't mind too, but he knew he had to keep you safe. Dionysus would never forgive him if anything happened to you, and to be honest, neither would he. You'd stay; that was the right thing.
The best deal he could get for now was to be together as much as possible until the day came.
You didn't say it, but it had become an obsession for each other. barely at night could separate to go to your respective cabins, and of course, not counting those times when you or he would sneak away to spend more time together. Some campers watched, they knew what was going on but still turned a blind eye because who were they to judge? Besides, it suited them to maintain the discretion or Dionysus would truly be in a bad mood, as having Percy Jackson as a son-in-law was enough for him.
That night, you had already turned off the lights, only the moonlight accompanied you, and you let out a deep grunt that turned into a gasp when you heard a knock on your door, you squinted your eyes and then heard two more knocks, three in total.
Obviously it was Percy, and you quickly got up before anyone could see him in front of your cabin. As soon as you opened, he slipped in between the door and closed it by pressing his heel. When you smelled the worn sunscreen on the curve of his neck, you let out a sigh; it was as if during the time you hadn't been together, you had been slowly holding your breath, suffocating without him.
— I missed you — he murmured, squeezing your body a little tighter. He placed a kiss on your shoulder and leaned back to look at you.
— It's only been an hour since dinner, Pers — you said, and he smiled at the nickname taking your hand to walk with you towards your bed. in the end, you were the only one to sit on the edge of it because percy stayed watching your bedside things, fiddling with and looking at your makeup.
— I'm leaving tomorrow — he said, still with his back to you as he struggled to read the label of a lipgloss, the one that suited you so well and that he never feared smudging when he kissed you.
Your heart raced. —Tomorrow? But...
— Things have changed, Chiron told me — Sadness and anger evident in his voice. Percy wanted to set the world on fire with Leo's help just because he hadn't had a couple more days with you. Instead, he took your perfume in his hands and brought it to his nose to smell it. Trying to imprint it in his memory, at least, until he returned and could smell it from your own body where it mixed with thousands of other scents resulting in your characteristic one. The one that drove him crazy.
That idea made him laugh, in fact you were the daughter of the man who could made men crazy with a snap of his fingers, so Percy believed you had done something similar to him, the only difference was that he was happy with it. He would jump blindfolded out of the grand canyon for you if you asked him to.
After a minute, he understood that your silence wasn't exactly a good thing, and he ran his fingers over the other beauty items on your wooden dresser, before turning towards you putting his weight on the dresser.
— Everything will be fine — he was convinced, but the tears threatening to fall from your eyes brought him to his knees before you, so quickly that you held back a sob seeing him on the floor raising his hands to caress your cheeks as if you were something religious that he was worshiping. Her turquoise eyes shone in the moonlight with empathy and they let you know that you had never felt that kind of religious love for which you would die until you had him.
Ugh, you were so in love with each other that it was ruthless to separate you even for just a little while.
You bent down to kiss him, and he stretched his neck to reach your lips desperately, without wanting to lose any piece of you.
—It will take much more than death to keep me from coming back to you— he whispered inches away from your lips, and you smiled because you knew he was serious about that.
With time on your shoulders, you settled on the bed, and he cuddled with you until you fell asleep while he stroked your hair and kissed you on the cheek; you had never felt so safe in someone's arms.
And it was in the morning, just after their last kiss, that your body began to ache for him and his absence. You returned to your cabin, cranky and teary-eyed, looking at the mess he had left on your dresser last night and smiled, recognizing your boyfriend's quirks, but little did you know that all Percy was doing was looking for things he could carry with him during his quest. Things that were yours and reminded him of what he had to fight for.
—Nice hair claw, Percy— Piper joked with a pink spark in her eyes, and he smiled proudly.
Leo dramatically put his hand on his chest and sighed loudly. — Better no one get in HIS – our – way because someone's waiting for him.
“Yeah, better not” he thought.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
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Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Femme! Reader
An - ik this is short im time crunching my Valentine’s Day clarisse and Abby fanfics 😭😭
An - no godly parent is listen but reader is super girly
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Camp Halfblood was no exception of dumb teenage boys ranking who the “hottest” girl was at camp.
After half an hour of clarisses brothers laughing and arguing about who the top three girls were clarisse got fed up. Setting her half polished spear down she walked over to where her brothers sat taking the paper from them “dude clarisse give that back!” One of the boys shouted.
Clarisse however just ignored them. Glancing over the list she saw at the top ‘ hottest girls at camp’ . “Really we’re ranking girls at camp now? This is so fucking stupid” she scoffed.
Taking a look at the paper the ranking went —
Silena beauregard
Y/n l/n
Katie gardener
Yara smith
Ashley Knowles
By that point in the list clarisse ripped the paper apart before throwing it away. “She’s just mad she didn’t rank top three” a Dionysus kid laughed. Clarisse looked back at the boy giving him a harsh glare making him shut up.
“Everyone who isn’t an areas kid needs to leave now and everyone who is.. be ready to work your asses off tomorrow morning got it!” She ordered, the non ares boys left without another word with her brothers complaining and trying to argue with their councilor just to be met with more punishments.
The following morning as you finished your makeup and hair for the day clarisse walked into your cabin.
A few of your sisters were still hanging out went silent at the sight of the ares girl “uh hey I’ll catch up with you guys later ok” you smiled at your sisters “go get breakfast oh! And save me some strawberries”
Once they were gone you gave a sarcastic smile to clarisse. “Hey stranger”
“Yeah hi” she defensively spoke, grabbing your face she left a small kiss on your lips before leaning against the desk that was placed beside your bunk. “Heyy what’s wrong, did. something happen?” You placed a hand on the girls leg.
“Fucking brothers— they made this dumbass list ranking the hottest girls at camp and no denying silena is beautiful but you should of been number one also the way they talk about you and your body on the paper was disgusting..” Clarisses paused, calming down once she saw your amused smile.
“It’s so cute how protective you get”
“I’m not cute”
“Sure you are babe, you just don’t wanna admit it”
Clarisse crossed her arms not wanting to give in to your antics. Standing up you placed your hands on clarisses cheeks After reapplying your lipstick. Bringing her down you started to leave kiss marks all along her face, eyes, cheeks, nose, forehead, anywhere you could get. Leaving one final kiss on the girls lips .
She groaned playfully pulling away, just before clarisse could wipe the marks off her face you grabbed her hands. Kissing her quickly once again you smiled. “Leave them on ok”
“You realize that me walking out of your cabin with kiss marks on my face people are gonna know we’re together”
You leaned onto clarisse fiddling with her camp necklace. “So what” the stronger girl looked down at younfonfused “so what?”
“Yeah so what it they know, it’ll keep the guys at camp from talking about me in ways you don’t like and I don’t have to hide about how much I tolerate you”
“You tolerate me” she spoke unamused
Nodding you continued the innocent act. “Yup, only just a little bit though”
“You’re a dumbass”
“Yeah but I’m Your dumbass so it all works out”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 7 months
Luke with a Hades!reader gf who owns a hellhound 👉🏻👈🏻 i can just imagine them having a scary ass dog but they treat it like their kid. Imagine Percy’s tour of camp and he’s just so confused and scared but intrigued
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“Hey,” He mumbled as you came up next to him, giving him a kiss. Percy furrowed his eyebrows at that, having not been introduced to you yet. He turned back to the boy and you now looked at him, curious.
“Oh, this is Percy. Percy this is my girlfriend, y/n.”
“Nice to meet you.” He shook your hand, you shook it with a smile.
“You too. What are you doing here? Thought you had classes.” You said, turning your attention back to Luke.
“I did, but Chiron replaced me with some other kid so i could show Percy around. What about you?”
“I am free for the rest of the day, and i just wanted to see you.”
“You mind if she tags along?” He asked Percy. Percy just shrugged. “I don’t care.”
You followed the two, through the woods and to the lake.
Percy jumped when he heard a low growl, it sounded nearby, but when he whipped around he didn’t see anything.
“Did you guys… hear that?”
“It’s probably Cassiopeia.” You said, turning around and looking beyond the woods, then back to the lake.
Percy gave Luke a confused look, Luke chuckled.
“Cassiopeia is her hellhounds name. She’s cute.”
“Hell hound?”
“Ah, she’s just a big dog, basically. A bit scary to everyone else but she’s a softie.”
“She doesn’t take kindly to strangers, though.” You said, Luke tilted his head to the side.
“She likes me.”
“For some reason.” You grumbled, a small smile on your face. He rolled his eyes and held his hand over his heart.
“Ouch. I’m hurt.”
“You wanna meet her?” You asked, turning around to look at Percy now.
“Thought she didn’t take kindly to strangers.”
“Don’t worry. She doesn’t bite. Unless you’re Dionysus.” You sent the boy a wink, he smiled.
Luke just smiled at the memory.
“Can’t believe he even lets you have it after that.” He shook his head to himself.
“I know.”
“Why does he let you have it?” Percy asked.
“It’s not mines. It was my dad’s, but he had nowhere to keep the girl. She was my childhood pet, he basically had to threaten them for her to stay.” You chuckled.
He nodded. “If you don’t mind me asking, who is your dad?”
“Hades.” You shrugged. He seemed shocked at your answer and was about to say something when Luke interrupted him with a whistle.
“Cassie.” He said, Percy watched as the large hellhound came walking closer. She nuzzled up to you first, then Luke began to pet her with a smile on his face. She licked you and him as you both groaned.
“Gross. Now I’m gonna go to camp smelling like hell hound.” You huffed, but still smiling as you stepped back.
Soon, Cassie turned her attention to Percy and looked at him with interest. He was terrified, confused, frozen in his spot, but he was intrigued.
You motioned for him to pet her, he hesitantly held a hand out, and slowly began to put her. The dog quickly warmed up to him, seemingly liking the boy.
“She likes you.” You said with a smile as you saw the interaction, Percy’s eyes were wide and he was smiling as well.
“She’s amazing.” Percy said as you bid goodbye to her and began to walk away. You nodded in agreement and Luke laughed.
“Isn’t she? I think Luke gets jealous of her sometimes.”
“I don’t.” Luke said quickly, defending himself.
“Mhmm. You keep telling yourself that.”
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ssparksflyy · 8 months
i cannot remember if i already sent in a request, my apologies if i did. but could i get a percy x daughter of dionysus boyfriend headcanons
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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percy jackson dating hcs! ๋࣭ ⭑⚝
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of dionysus!reader warning(s): alcohol, teensy bit of underage drinking a/n: hellooo! dw pooks u didnt send it already <33 sorry this took me a sec to get out, school SUCKS
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im not kidding though. percy's literally so in love with you that he feels drunk
he gets super smiley and giggly when he talks about you
im talking actually twirling his hair and kicking his feet goodnight
and the poor new camper he's supposed to be showing around literally just wants to learn where the restroom is
he seizes up any opportunity to talk about you methinks
someone could be like
" look at that (f/c) flower! its so pretty!!"
and percy, who's like 12 feet away would run up like
at this point half the camp knows your entire life story
honestly. pollux loves percy.
he sees how happy he makes you and how well he treats you and is just like 'awwww'
he also definitely doesn't see percy sneak into your cabin. no siree he doesnt. hes sleeping. goodnight.
( castor also loved him. ILY KING. 😭 )
mr d on the other hand...
literally surprised he hasn't turned him into a dolphin yet
one day he will
but like say you guys are just happily walking around camp, holding hands, being cute , the usual.
when like suddenly you turn to the big house and see your PISSED dad DEATHSTARING you guys. oh hell no.
he'll literally look mr d straight in the eye. then turn to you and give you a long kiss. right in front of him.
chiron has had to hold him back countless times
like there was one time when you walked out of cabin 12 together and mr.d saw
he was FUMING
he's seen you walk out of cabin 3 before, BUT CABIN 12?? HIS CABIN????
percy's ass was grass.
you two were sitting together on the grass, just chatting, and percy could not get uppp
there were vines literally tying him to the ground
you were laughing so hard and he was PANICKING. RIPTIDE WOULD NOT CUT THEMMM.
eventually when you stopped laughing you were able to get the vines to retreat, but percy is still scared to sit in the grass, so all picnic dates have been moved to the lake ♡
whenever youre practicing making wine and like have to taste test it, percy always takes a sip with you
cause obviously you gotta taste it and make sure your actually improving, so you both take a little sip together
it's his own way of saying that he trusts you and your talents
he absolutely adores picking strawberries with you
sometimes you'll help out the demeter kids and bring percy along
and hes just like speed running it i swear
you dont even know why. like he's just laser-focused
apparently, he doesn't know either, it just happens 🤷‍♀️
at the end of the day, when youre done picking strawberries, you'll sneak a few in your pocket and share them with percy ♡
he doesn't care if he's developing back problems from being hunched over in the fields all day, your strawberry kisses are worth it ♡
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ma1dita · 8 months
Duddee, now you gotta write luke proposing to trouble, you simply cannot now IBHBHKK
the perfect weekend
a ‘partners in crime’ alternate universe installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
alternate universe masterpost
words: 1.2k (this was too cute the word count escaped me)
summary: alternate universe - the perfect weekend with your perfect boy, even if he thinks otherwise
a/n: happy luke happy luke happy luke FIANCE LUKE 
(posted 2/4/23 unbetad and written on caffeine)
This weekend felt like a dream.
Luke took you to your favorite spots that you’ve both carved memories out of in Westport, buying you and his mom gorgeous fresh flowers from the farmers’ market, and he let you drag him around his hometown, spending hours in tiny antique shops and the record store on Main Street. He couldn’t get over how you always found fun in the simple things— even going to the pharmacy to pick up his mom’s medication felt like going to Disney World with you. He couldn’t be more sure of his decision, it was almost inconceivable to spend another day without you being his fiancee.
But luck wasn’t known to be on his side, after all (yeah, thanks dad). Luke’s always had to work harder to get what he wants, and he’s spent the past few years trying to prove himself to your dad—though deep down, he thinks Mr. D doesn’t mind him as much as he makes it seem. (Asking him for his blessing last week over a bottle of wine and a bone-shaking hug scared the wits out of him. He pretended to not notice the god cry.)
Luke just wants to give you what you deserve. And if he needs to spend the rest of his life working on it to prove it, he ought to do it with you by his side.
But he couldn’t think of how.
He tried proposing over dinner last night, with the smell of burnt cookies in the air, but that wasn’t romantic at all, and his hands were shaking so hard he knocked a glass over, prompting you and his mom to fuss over the mess and giggle over his silliness. You both chatted deep into the night, Luke sitting quietly and nodding at two of his favorite women babbling about who knows what (Sometimes he’s still convinced you like his mom more than him, but the way you both take care of him makes him tear up if he thinks too hard about it).
When you went horseriding this afternoon, he set up a picnic for lunch, which was romantic. Chocolate-covered strawberries and sandwiches made by mom, sparkling cider twinkling in the sun. Luke was sure it was going to be great timing— until he realized the ring box fell out of his pocket again, and he slipped in manure trying to rush you back to the house (The sound of your laughter at clumsiness made his heart warm though, and it almost made up for the three hours he looked for the stupid box in the grass that night when you fell asleep with his tiny Star Wars-themed flashlight).
He woke you up early before the sun rose, carrying you out to the car still bundled up in his old Toy Story throw blanket that you wouldn’t let him toss out when he brought it to college (The faded pictures of Buzz and Woody kept a smile on your face, and the memories it brought make you feel connected to 9-year-old Luke). The drive to the beach was short, a sleepy smile on your face as you felt Luke grab onto your hand, sand getting between your toes before he laid out a blanket and the both of you sat down.
Cracking open a redbull for the both of you to sip on, you leaned against his muscled frame, legs hanging over his lap as he wiped the sand off your feet, holding you close as he smiled.
“Good morning, handsome,” you grinned, leaning up for a kiss. Luke obliged, savoring the taste of you mixed with sleep and artificial peach. Your noses nudge against each other before he mumbles a reply, “Good morning, pretty girl.”
“Y’know? I could die happy just like this. I can’t think of anything else that would make this weekend more perfect.”
Luke hummed in contemplation, “I could think of a few things,” he said, as a laugh bubbled from his lips. A noise of confusion rose from you as you reached up to dust lint off his shirt before your knee nudged something hard in his pocket, and your eyebrow raised in mischief.
“Dirty boy, you get me out of your mom’s house and you’re already excited?���
And he laughed the stress off until it freed itself from his bones, pure elation radiating off of him before Eos even had a chance to spread her first rays of light into the sky. 
He’s never needed perfect.
He just needs you.
His hands dug into his pocket, pulling out the ring box that’s caused him so much trouble this weekend. But a life with you should’ve already prepared him for that—and the shock on your face became funnier when you launched yourself on top of him, kicking up sand and taking the air out of his lungs.
You both hit the ground with a loud thud, your nose buried in his chest as he chuckles at your scream. Why was he even worried to begin with? 
“Wait, wait, I still have something to say trouble, don’t jump ahead of the script!”
His hand rubbed your back in gentle strokes as he popped the box open to reveal a delicate golden band with two diamonds juxtaposed against each other sitting pretty on top.
“It’s always been you and me. And I’ve spent hours thinking of what to say, days trying to figure out when the time would be right, months working for a pretty ring that’s perfect for you, years loving you… and well… I want more. I want this, you and me spending the rest of our lives together because I can’t comprehend a future without you. I’d do anything for you trouble, and I don’t believe in much, but I believe in you. Us.”
You’ve cried so hard by this point that you’re convinced it’s so goddamn ugly but Luke smiles at you like he’s been promised immortality. And perhaps he has, with the future you two will have scrolling through his mind like an old film, a house on a hill, kids, a dog, shit—whatever you want as long as he’s with you it’ll be the closest thing to forever he’d have.
“Are you sure?” you said sniffling, and your boyfriend wiped your tears away like he has countless times before, though happy tears are something he’ll have to get used to.
“I literally ruined your proposal, I just thought you were horny, oh my gods…” Whining loudly and laughing, you held your shaking hand out as he sat up to put the ring on your finger.
“Well, we can fix that later. I still have a question to ask, after all.”
Luke grinned when your head nodded rapidly, finally shutting up so you wouldn’t interrupt him again.
“Will you,” he says so surely now, saying your name before continuing, “let me have the honor of spending the rest of our lives together as your husband?”
“Gods, yes. Fucking hell angelface, did you really think I’d say no?”
The both of you laughed through tears and snot as he placed the ring on your left hand, and still, it couldn’t be more perfect.
“A life with trouble is the life for me,” he mused, laughing as you covered his face in kisses before the both of you fell back into the sand a tangle of lips and lust and love.
You jolted up from your fiance’s embrace just as he thought he was going to get lucky, almost emptying your entire wallet of drachmas into the sand-covered blanket to Iris message your friends.
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(pics are not representative of reader's appearance or gender just a lil visual for funsies)
ask to be added to general/luke taglists!
luke taglist (struck out won't let me tag, turn on my post notifs?): @kissingyourgrl @dorcas4meadowes @lorarri @andrewgarfldsgf @noodlesketchbook @10ava01 @poppysrin @ashisabitgay @timhalamet @liv1104 @leeknows-wife @mxtokko @bugcuti3 @luvvfromme @midmourn @2hiigh2cry @yuminako @niktwazny303 @lukecastellandefender @intergalactic-padawan @iliketopgun @annybah @dangelnleif @thegrinningghost @alyssajunelle @obxstiles @m00ng4z3r @visndcaitswhore @b0ok-lover @elegant-face-tree @this-barbie-is-having-breakdowns @amortencjja @idonevenknow1359 @maliaaaa @targaryenluvs @sakyira @dhdjdjjdhsjdiri @number-onekidqueen @nininehaaa @bradynoonswife @stevenknightmarc @hoodedhavok @happy-mushrooms @homebyeleven @anotherblackreader @too-deviant @liviessun
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 9 months
The Final Quest
Luke Castellan x Apollo!Reader
Requested by: @reader-bookling123: hiii I had a request for Luke where it kinda takes place in the past but he was dating reader and they were deeply in love but on their quest somehow reader sadly dies and Luke is just heartbroken and angry and he’s mad that everyone just moved on from her and maybe some cute reuniting moment
Summary: How a quest with the love of Luke's life turned him away from the gods
Warnings: Angst, major spoilers for series, graphic description of death, suicide (technically), anger, resentment, pain, fluffy ending, Dionysus and Apollo slander
Word count: 5.5K
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Later A/N So I'm just now rereading Titan's Curse for the first time in like four years so I forgot that the Garden of Hesperides is west in the books. However, when I was researching the myth it was said to be some place north so I chose Canada. So that's why it doesn't reflect the book.
“Happy birthday, Luke,” my girlfriend smiled. Our lips were so close our noses were already touching. But just as I could feel the fleeting touch of her lips on mine, there was a flash of light, making her jump away from me in surprise. Looking over to the source of the light, I found my father standing three feet from us on the dock.
Neither of us had time to react before Hermes was speaking. “Hi Luke! Happy birthday. I have a gift for you.”
“Uh… th-thank you,” I tried to sound grateful but I was a little caught off guard and annoyed he ruined the moment.
“Oh, sorry!” he laughed, noticing my girlfriend who was still half in my lap. “How are you Y/N?”
“I- I’m well, Lord Hermes. How are you?” she asked nervously, awkwardly scooting away from me, moving her legs so their weight no longer rested on mine.
“Oh, no need with the Lord stuff. I may not be the god of prophecy but I am the god of gambling and I’m betting you two will get married. We’ll be family!”
“Father,” I tried to interrupt him as the embarrassment coursed through my veins, bringing heat up to my face. I didn’t even want to see Y/N’s reaction I was so nervous and embarrassed.
“Oh, right. Sorry kid. I forgot how much you teenagers hate sharing your feelings. But uh I’ve heard your prayers and offerings Luke and I have a quest for you.” My eyes widened. Finally. All my training would pay off. I could prove myself and go down in history as a hero. “I need you to get me the golden apples in Hesperides’ garden. Hera is getting a little too insufferable these days y’know?”
Y/N and I sent each other looks, our mouths open in hesitation. Our next words had to be careful. If we agreed to the wrong thing we’d be insulting Hera and I was sure she’d strike us down right here. She didn’t like demigods, to her we were an offense to marriage. Especially the ones that were a product of offense to her own marriage. “Thank you for the quest,” I carefully dodged his last comment.
“Of course, kid. Here, you’ll need this.” He snapped his fingers and in another blaze of heavenly light, a duffle bag appeared in his hands. “Well, good luck. I’ll see you back here when you bring me my apples,” he smiled, handing me the bag. “Uh, avert your eyes,” he warned. Waiting for us to cover our eyes, he disappeared in a golden spray of light.
When the world dimmed again I turned to Y/N. “Oh my god!” she yelled excitedly. She stood up, throwing her arms around me, almost knocking us both into the water. I laughed, hugging her tightly in return. “Luke, you’re gonna be a hero!” she gushed, pulling away so she could look at me.
“We’re gonna be heroes,” I assured her, placing a hand on her face. “Come with me,” I requested. My heart was thumping quickly in my chest out of excitement and nervousness. “We can be the Greek Bonnie and Clyde. Hundreds of years from now demigods will read our myths and say, ‘We can be like Y/N and Luke.’”
She looked at me, confused. “Luke, they were criminals and died tragically,” she laughed a little at the ridiculousness of it all.
“Okay wrong analogy but you get the idea. Please, I can’t do this without you.” As much as I wanted my glory, I knew the Daughter of Apollo wanted it too. And I’d be damned if I couldn’t give it to her.
“Okay, okay,” she laughed. “I’ll go with you.”
“Yes!” I cheered, hugging her so tightly I ended up lifting her off the wooden docks. She laughed as I began to spin, even almost spinning us into the cold water.
After talking to Chiron and getting my prophecy, Y/N and I were off in a car that Mr. D had somehow acquired. The only reason we were allowed to take it was because I was 17 and had a little driving experience from when I would take my mom’s car when she was too out of it to even get groceries. I shook off the thoughts as Y/N once again went through our supplies and plan. She seemed nervous even though I assured her numerous times we’d be fine.
“Drachma, cash, ambrosia, passports, drivers license, an enchanted map, and a bow and arrow,” she repeated the contents of the duffle bag. “The Garden of Hesperides is in northern Canada,” she mused, looking at the map. “Heracles defeated Ladon with a bow and arrow by piercing each head through the eye.”
“Yeah, we’ll be fine,” I assured, reaching across the center console to place a reassuring hand on her thigh. I left it there, rubbing calming circles on the skin of her leg with my thumb. “Heracles did it before…” I said, the words slowly dying as they came out. Heracles already did it. I tried to shake off the thought that I was just redoing a quest. They were so uncommon nowadays it was an honor to be chosen for one. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself to chase the doubt away. Besides, Heracles technically failed his quest, he didn’t bring them to Eurystheus. I would succeed in bringing them to the person who had requested them.
“What was the prophecy again?” she asked, still looking at the map.
I swallowed nervously. The prophecy was not optimistic for us. I couldn’t possibly imagine what we’d find out about each other on this trip that would cause us to lose our love for one another. “You shall go north to fruits, rare / Liar to liar, a father’s heir, / Loves will be lost in Ladon’s lair,” I repeated.
“‘You shall go north to fruits, rare,’” she repeated. “Obviously that means we’re going north to find the golden apples. “‘Liar to Liar, a father’s heir.’ Hermes is the god of lies. And I guess stealing makes you deceitful. Ergo, a liar… ‘Loves will be lost in Ladon’s lair,’” she repeated. I could hear the dread infiltrating her voice.
“Hey,” I interrupted her thinking with a squeeze to her thigh, “that could mean anything. Prophecies are just a guide. A starting point. It was so short and vague that we don’t even know if it’s talking about us. We’ll be fine,” I promised again.
“Yeah, of course,” came her voice. I glanced away from the road, finding a weak smile on her face.
“What kind of music does Dionysus have?” I asked, trying to change the subject. She opened the glove compartment, several things falling out of it.
She began to go through them. “Um, a concerning amount of Weird Al Yankovic.” I laughed as she continued to look through. She then gasped. “Oh my gods.” She held up something next to me that I took. I nearly slammed on the brakes as I glanced down at it.
I couldn’t stare at the CD in my hand too long so we wouldn’t crash but every time I glanced down at it I found a new horrifyingly wonderful detail on the album cover. It was Mr. D with the weirdest haircut I had ever seen. He was lying down on a cheetah print rug, his shirt was a zebra print and had the first several buttons undone so the viewer could see all of his glorious chest hair. That wasn’t even the most outrageous part. Mr. D was lying down next to a tiger with a gold chain around its neck. Hanging from the chain was presumably Mr. D’s stage name, “Dionomite” written in gold cursive and studded with diamonds. “We have to listen to this!”
“Already ahead of you,” she said, punching buttons on the dash. She took the CD from me and put it in. Once it was ready, our ears were immediately assaulted with the sound of various horn instruments being poorly played. “Did he play all the instruments himself?”
“Probably,” I answered as Mr. D’s voice came on. “Oh…” was all I could say as the squeaky singing made my eardrums bleed.
It was funny for a couple songs but then it just got annoying so we switched over to a single Beatles album.
We reached the Canadian border in only a couple hours. Thanks to the Mist we could drive as fast as we wanted without fear of mortal cops.
As we pulled up to the gate, the guard switched. Must have been a shift change. I thought nothing of it as I rolled down the window. “Passports?” the guard tiredly asked. His eyes were shielded by sunglasses despite the fact that he was under shade. I became wary but handed him the documents anyway. “Any plants, animals, dairy products, or drugs in the car?” he asked.
“No,” I answered.
“What’s the nature of your quest, demigods?” The customs officer removed his sunglasses, revealing a single eye. He then grew about three feet, revealing a cyclops.
“Hit the gas!” Y/N yelled beside me. I did, taking off. Now we had both a cyclops and the Canadian border police after us as I crashed through the plastic gate that went up and down. I swerved around guards and other cars, getting up on sidewalks and surely ruining the paint job.
But up ahead I could see them closing a heavy looking gate. Gods on our side or not we weren’t getting through that gate. So I swerved into the trees. “Hold on!” they were sparse enough that the car could fit in between the trees. Glancing in the mirror, I could no longer see border guards. But there was a 9 foot tall cyclops following us in the distance. Which would be fine, he’d never catch up to the car but the woods were getting thicker and now I didn’t know which way was the road.
Nature made its decision for me as I heard Y/N’s scream. “Luke look out!” But it was too late. A violent force stopped us and the car was suddenly still. There was so much force I was half afraid the cyclops had a friend but I just found a tree in the middle of the hood where the engine used to be. “Run!” I told my girlfriend, frantically unbuckling my seatbelt.
I ran to the other side, finding her struggling with the seatbelt. She threw the duffle bag at me before pulling out her knife and cutting the seatbelt away. When she hopped out, I took her hand. We ran further into the trees, the cyclops’ thunderous footsteps right behind us.
“Luke, we can’t run forever,” she breathed. She was right. We’d run out of energy before that thing did.
I thought for a moment, thinking of how we’d kill this thing. “At that big tree,” I pointed to a huge pine tree right in our path, “split up. Then we’ll circle back around and hit him from the side.” She nodded in understanding. We ran full speed at the tree until we each turned on the balls of our feet, dashing out of the cyclops’ path. The plan worked better than expected because he ran face first into the solid pine tree.
He crumpled to the ground, giving me time to retrieve my sword from the duffle bag. By the time I looked up, Y/N was already dancing around the beast, cutting him up with her knife. I jumped in, giving him the same treatment. We worked as a flawless team, striking and giving the other space as needed. Until finally, she cut the thing’s heels, forcing him to the ground. I took the opportunity to stab him in the eye, leaving behind only a pile of shimmery ichor.
When he was gone, I immediately pulled Y/N in my arms. Even at the relative safety of camp, I always needed her in my arms to calm down after battle. To assure myself that she was still there and I was still alive. The sound of her breath in my ear helped ground me. “Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, you?” Her face was still buried in my shoulder.
“Yeah. Sorry I crashed the car.” She chuckled, pulling away from me.
“You’re forgiven. C’mon, let’s go see what supplies we can save and start walking.”
While the car was unsalvageable, all of our stuff was fine. So we grabbed out backpacks full of winter clothes and started following the map. It wasn’t that bad now but it’d be cold by the time night fell so I forced Y/N to put on sweatpants over her shorts.
I was kind of hoping the map would take us to civilization where we could rest for the night but it just seemed to bring us deeper into the forest and we had no flashlight. As it got darker and colder I got more nervous. “We have to find some sort of shelter for tonight.”
“I know it’s dark but it’s not that-” A pack of wolves howling cut her off. “Okay, yeah,” she agreed. She began looking around. “Any chance you could climb one of these trees? I don’t really want to be on the ground.”
I shook my head. “Even if I could get up high enough I don’t think any of the branches would support us.”
She huffed. “Shelter it is, I guess.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the wolves,” I teased. She had just killed a literal cyclops but she was afraid of some dogs.
“Hey, I don’t mess with wolves,” she said sternly. “After I saw that one movie about the kids stuck on the ski lift. You wouldn’t catch me in the woods at night yet here we are.”
“What about Capture the Flag?” I asked as we started collecting stuff to make a shelter.
“Well that’s different. There’s like 30 of us out there.”
“Do you want me to start sticking with you during the games? You know, if a wolf wanders in?” I teased.
“I’ll make my own shelter for tonight, thank you very much,” she said matter o’ factly.
“No, no, no. I’m sorry,” I apologized, tugging her back to me as she tried to storm off to get supplies. “Besides, we need each other’s body heat to keep us warm,” I whispered teasingly.
“Not a chance out here,” she scolded me.
“Worth a try,” I shrugged. “Everyone knows you can better preserve body heat if you’re not wearing clothes.” She just gave me an exasperated look before walking off again. “I’m joking!” I yelled after her.
By the time we had the shelter built up only about an hour had passed. We used pine needles to try to protect out bodies from the cold ground. And we used our winter coats as a blanket since we zipped them together. We laid down in the shelter, still shivering despite our best efforts. I held her close as she curled up against my chest, her head tucked under my chin. “Get some sleep,” I told her. “I’ll keep watch.”
“Okay,” she agreed. “Wake me in a few hours and I’ll take over.” I agreed with absolutely no intentions of waking her up. Judging by how fast her breathing evened out despite her constant shivers, she needed the sleep more than me. In the morning she’d yell at me for not waking her but it was worth it.
We had only been walking for a few minutes when we came across sled dogs. Ten siberian huskies all laying around patiently, harnessed to a sled. “Maybe these were the wolv-”
“Shut up,” she warned, giving me a light smack against the shoulder. I laughed as she hesitantly approached the dogs. “Hey guys, you waiting for someone?” She slowly reached her hand out to one of the dogs who calmly sniffed it before licking it eagerly. She gave him some scratches behind the ear in return. “Awe you’re such a good boy.” The dogs were now all up, wagging their tails and whining for pets.
I went up to the sled, finding a satchel tied to it. Opening it I found dog treats and a note. “All good huntresses need a pack of wolves.” Underneath it was a crescent moon. I clenched my jaw, recognizing the sender of the gift. Her aunt, Artemis. Last year, during the winter solstice, Artemis and her hunters had visited briefly. One of the hunters, Zoe, befriended Y/N. And even after she had told them she had a boyfriend, they still tried to recruit her. It never sat right with me, the way Artemis seemed so okay with breaking up a relationship.
“It’s for you,” I told Y/N, handing her the note. I handed her the note and she took it. She just sighed before stuffing it back into the satchel. “I don’t know why she’s so determined to recruit you.”
“I don’t know either,” she said, already tying our stuff to the sled. “But she’s gonna be disappointed because I’m kind of really into this one guy. I don’t know if you know him but he’s the son of Hermes. He’s gonna be a great Greek hero.” Her praise was enough for me to let go of my anger. Stooping down, I pressed a kiss to her lips.
The pack of sled dogs was perfect for the Canadian wilderness except for one problem. There was no snow. Still, they managed to pull us so smoothly it was like snow.
Soon enough, we pulled up to a garden. If it weren’t for the fact that they were literally in the middle of nowhere, this garden would be unassuming. It had a white picket fence and looked to be about an acre. Thousands of different types of plants grew, enchanting us with its smell. Off in the distance, in the middle of the garden, I could faintly see the golden fruits, the sun glinting off of them.
“The nymphs never gave Heracles a problem,” Y/N shrugged. I nodded, cautiously opening the gate, sword in hand. She held the bow up, an arrow already knocked. A quiver of them were slung over her back.
We crept in quietly, watching for signs of danger. She would watch our surroundings and made sure no nymphs attacked us while I kept an eye on the multi-headed dragon, making sure he didn’t stir.
Once we were about 20 feet away, he still wasn’t stirring. Y/N kneeled down behind some greenery, lining up her arrow. She took aim and fired. The arrow bounced harmlessly off one of the many scale covered head. The beast didn’t so much as stir. She looked back at me, as if seeking assurance. I nodded, telling her to try again. But rather than just take aim again, she crept a little closer. I almost told her to get back but I was afraid the dragon would wake up at my yelling. I held my breath, heart pounding as she tried again. This time she sunk it right through the eyelid but before either of us could react, another head moved. It snapped at her, jaws clenching around her waist. My blood turned to ice as I heard her pained scream. It was so horrifying to hear my body seemed to turn to lead.
I needed to save her. I forced my body into a run. I slashed at the neck that was currently holding my girlfriend in the air. Ladon dropped her, not without a claw slashing at me in turn. I managed to dodge it, scrambling over to Y/N. I wasn’t even comprehending whether or not she was conscious or if she was alive. I was too busy trying to tug her away. Golden fucking apples be damned.
I reached her, grabbing her by her shoulders and trying to tug her to safety. But before I could make much progress, the beast’s claw was in my face again. But I noticed it too late this time, too focused on my girlfriend’s very pale face. The claw hit me in the face, sweeping me to the side. I couldn’t feel the pain but I could see the blood seeping into my vision. I tried to wipe it away but it just kept coming. With my non-blinded eye I could see Ladon going back to his prior position as if we were nothing. Like he wasted no energy maiming us. Nonetheless, it allowed me to grab her by the shoulders, shaking her awake.
“Y/N, we need to go!” I said frantically, worried he’d come back for round two if we didn’t get out soon. “Can you walk?” I looked down at her body and knew the answer. Her shirt was covering the extent of her wounds but teeth marks, each a few inches across, tore through her shirt and there was blood. So much blood.
“With help,” she said in a strangled voice.
“Okay, good,” I nodded. Her assurance eased me slightly. I slung her arm across my shoulder before pulling her up. She screamed as I raised her off the ground but nevertheless gritted her teeth and bore it.
“No!” she cried as I tried to wrap my arm around her to support her weight. I realized that in doing so I’d be pressing into her wounds. She sobbed in pain the entire time we slowly stumbled out of the garden. It pained me to hear her cries but I had to get her out of here. If I could just get her to the sled I could give her some ambrosia and she’d be fine.
When I finally got her outside the gate, I laid her down. I’d get her onto our transportation once she wasn’t in such a critical condition. “Hold on, I’ll get you some ambrosia,” I told her, moving toward the sled. But the weakest tug held me back.
I looked down at her, finding blood, sweat, and tears covering her face. “No,” she cried. Tears were pouring down her face as sobs wracked her body. “Ambrosia won’t help.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” I held her face. Oh, her beautiful face. My heart clenched seeing it twisted in agony. “You’re gonna be fine. I promised you. I’m not a liar…” Tears were falling down my face now. She’s not fine. I realized that I’d become an unknowing liar.
Her hand reached up to my face, her thumb swiping over my blood covered cheek. “You’re not a liar. We were doomed from the start.” She took a labored breath and deep inside, I knew it was the end for her.
“Come on, no. Don’t leave. Please don’t leave,” I cried. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my lap. As if physically holding on to her would keep her from slipping through my fingers like the wind. “Just hold on until I can get you to a hospital.”
“We don’t have time.” A small smile tugged at her face and I knew she was smiling through the pain for my sake. “I love you, Luke. Promise me you’ll move on?”
“What? No. You know I won’t. You’re the love of my life,” I insisted.
“Please, at least try?” she asked. “I don’t want you following me too soon,” she tried to joke. But her laugh turned into pained sobs as the movement hurt her body.
I cried harder seeing her in so much pain. Her breathing was getting shallower and more labored. “Fine, I’ll try,” I swore. Lie. “I love you. So much.”
“I’ll see you in Elysium,” she said through a peaceful smile. It would be a welcome sight if it weren’t for the blood bubbling up out of her mouth. I turned her to the side slightly so she wouldn’t choke on it but it wasn’t enough. The blood was coming faster and her body was shutting down. “I love you,” she whispered before her eyes fluttered shut.
“No, wake up!” I cried, shaking her slightly. “Wake up!” Her breaths were getting shorter and I was getting more desperate. “Do something!” I yelled up at the sky. Her father. My father. Anyone! But no one came. Her wounds didn’t stitch themselves together and her eyes didn’t open. I held her tightly, sobbing into her shoulder long after she stopped breathing. Even the dogs started howling at the gods when her heart stopped beating.
“That’s why I hate the gods,” I murmured to Percy, watching the scorpion slowly creep up his leg. “They finally granted me a quest. It was all I ever wanted. But it was a joke. All my father wanted to do was piss off Hera and he was okay with using me and my girlfriend as collateral damage. And her father, Apollo,” the name came out of his mouth like venom, “the god of prophecy and healing let his daughter die. He knew she was going to die, even before the quest. And when he had the opportunity to save her, he ignored her.”
“I’m sorry she died but-”
“No!” I cut Percy off. “It would be one thing if she just died but she died over a fucking prank war. She died an agonizing death. Her aunt, Artemis, intervened in our quest but she still let her niece die a slow, painful death. They didn’t even help me bring her back to camp so she could be buried properly. I had to bury her in the woods like I had killed her and was covering up a crime.” I swiped away a tear as I noticed it slip down my face. I still couldn’t decide what was worse. Feeling her die in my arms or leaving her out there in the woods to rot. “And to make matters worse, no one seemed to care that she died. When I finally got back to camp a month later, they just pitied me. I begged Chiron to let me and some others go get her so we could give her a proper funeral but he refused. And when I tried to get others to join me to convince him, no one would go. After a couple days no one seemed to care that Y/N L/N was dead. A week later, another Apollo camper was claimed and they just gave her bunk away to him. Like she meant nothing.”
“But why Kronos? I’ve never heard of a demigod turning away from the gods. Even when horrible things happened.”
I sighed in contentment, remembering the projection he showed me. “Because he can bring her back. We’ll be immortal and without pain forever. He showed her to me. He said she’s happy in Elysium but she misses me,” I smiled softly. “But she misses camp too,” I laughed bitterly. “Annabeth, Grover, she probably would’ve missed you had you two met. But she never got the opportunity. But now, with Kronos, I’ll get to give her everything she wants.” I looked over at the kid. He seemed so deep in thought I wasn’t sure he’d heard me. “Goodbye Percy,” I said as I stood.
“I’ll tell everyone at camp about you!” he called after me.
“If you make it. Pit scorpion venom will kill you in 60 seconds. Even if you do make it, I’ll still be long gone.”
I sunk the blade into my Achilles heel, destroying Kronos’ life source inside me. I laughed as I could feel him leaving me. And continued to laugh as I fell to the ground and felt my own life draining out of me. Looking up, I found Annabeth above me, her curls hanging in my face. “I’m gonna see Y/N,” was all I said.
Tears welled in her eyes as I felt her comforting hand stroke my hair. “Yeah you are. I know how much you missed her.”
“I’ll see you there too,” I promised her, just like Y/N promised me.
I stood in front of the Judges of the Underworld. I knew I messed up in my life but my sacrifice had to amount to something. And I had to get to Elysium. “Luke Castellan,” Minos read my name. “You are charged with… starting a war against the gods?” he read in disbelief. “Why were you not immediately sentenced to the Fields of Punishment?” If I still had a heart it’d be in my feet right now. I couldn’t go to the Fields of Punishment. “You should have cut your losses and taken the express line to the Fields of Asphodel.”
“Keep reading,” Rhadamanthus said, not even looking up from the papers.
Minos rolled his eyes but kept going. “Oh, you sacrificed yourself, killing Kronos and saving Olympus and all of humanity. Hmm. Well, you did still start a war with the gods.”
Aeacus leaned over. “Minos, this really is more of a formality than anything. All the gods have already given him a pass.”
Minos huffed. “Fine,” he picked up a gold gavel, “Elysium!” he declared.
Before I could even thank him I was transported into what looked like the Apollo cabin. It was strange, I knew this was supposed to be the Apollo cabin but it didn’t have all the bunks. It looked like a normal house but something about it felt so familiar. I looked around, realizing I was standing in the living room. This must be Y/N’s house, it even smelled like her. Decorating the walls were pictures of her and her friends and siblings. But on the mantle and side tables were pictures of us. I picked one up, noticing the fingerprint markings all over it. She must pick it up a lot.
Looking around, I found glass French doors in the kitchen that led outside. The view was breathtaking. Mountains rose up on either side of the bluest lake I had ever seen. I went outside, intending to enjoy the view. As I stepped outside I could smell fresh air and feel a perfect breeze. “Hey stranger,” a voice came from beside me. I turned, immediately letting out a choked sob as I saw her sitting there. She stood, coming to me and I immediately snatched her into my arms. She shushed me, stroking my back as I sobbed in her shoulder. “You came way earlier than I wanted but I’m glad to see you.”
I pulled away so I could see her face. The blood, sweat, and tears were gone. It was just her beautiful, perfect face. “You’re actually here,” I said, reaching a hand up to her face. I was terrified she’d disappear again just like she did when Kronos showed her to me in my dreams.
“I’m here. And so are you,” she smiled. “We’ll be immortal and without pain forever,” she swore.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Luke.”
Decades later we were opening our door to see Percy and Annabeth standing there. “Y/N!” Annabeth cried, jumping into my wife’s arms.
“Hey Annabeth!” she laughed, clutching the woman in a hug.
I looked over to Percy, finding him with smile lines and salt and pepper hair. “Hey cuz,” I smiled, extending my hand. Percy shook it and pulled me into a hug which I returned. I patted him on the back as I pulled away. “You know you can look any age you want here? You don’t have to be an old man.”
“I’m not an old man,” he insisted. “I was 80. Just anything older than 16 year old me looks old to you.”
I shrugged, he wasn’t wrong. I turned to Annabeth, giving her a hug too.
Y/N took Percy’s hand. “Percy, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Everyone from camp whose already here has said great things.”
He smiled at her. “I’ve heard the same about you,” he returned, glancing at me. “Well we brought blue cake for dessert.”
A/N Omg this is quite possibly the angstiest thing I've ever written. But it also has one of my favorite endings. Thanks for requesting this, I really enjoyed writing it
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etoileee · 15 days
please please please tell me what percy is like😛
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I’m so sorry this took so long! I don’t know why but I genuinely find it so hard to describe literally anything from my dr, like when I’m asked for example what Percy is like, I can’t come up with words that describe him... I just get these abstract thoughts and emotions that I associate with him.
It might be the fact that I'm dyslexic lmao but going on;
I don't consider Percy Jackson intimidating, but he definitely can be 1000%
He isn't shy at all, for example when I first met him we made eye contact, and he DID NOT look away. like I won't lie sometimes when I make eye contact with people I try and see if I can make them look away first just for the fun of it, but no he put my ass in my place that day.
I made a post talking about how people too often forget that he's a New Yorker and borderline juvenile and a lot of you thought it was funny but I am SERIOUS SEND HELP
He's a bit blunt, very honest. if he doesn't like some shit you're doing he'll tell you. I mentioned in my last post that he isn't afraid of confrontation and truly I mean it, I'm the type that tries to avoid it but once the opportunity presents itself he jumps to it, and he WILL fight ur ass, especially if it's someone he cares about that's on the line.
besides that part of him, I also noticed he is very protective. again, especially about people he cares about. he is the type that will defend you if he's with people who are talking badly about you and then tell you what they said about you then never talk to them again.
In my dr him and I just recently met so I haven't really experienced protective Percy, he did end up defending me two times, once during Capture the Flag and once when we were training, and both times I was honestly shocked. like I know his fatal flaw is his loyalty, but I didn't think he would say anything in my defence.
When I told him "You didn't have to do that" he got annoyed. dead ass told me "Why wouldn't I?" alright then... lemme shut up
He's leading the sassy man apocalypse I've watched him roll his eyes when Dionysus talks or literally when anyone says anything he doesn't like... like okay princess calm down.
It's honestly really funny though I giggle a lil when I notice him getting annoyed.
something else I noticed is that low-key he's good with kids and it's really cute to watch. He's awkward as hell yes but he's good at helping them not doubt themselves.
I watched him help a group of what I think were nine-year-olds with sparring, he was a bit of an awkward teacher yes but after a few encouraging words their little doubtful faces went away, and once they got it right he would be like "See? I told you, you could do it."
Those memes that are like "Percy from his pov" and it's him just thinking he's an average teenage boy and then the "From everyone else's pov" and he's like a god are so accurate he's a little bit mesmerizing ngl.
overall I like Percy, but we're both trying to figure each other out and its so obvious. I wouldn't say we're friends yet, but we might be getting there. slowly but surely 😭
as of right now our relationship is that of two people forced into a group project for school that are slowly getting to know each other
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vainvenus · 6 months
heyy for a request maybe a percy x daughter of dionysus reader ? 👀👀
⌲;꒰ Scoreboard of embarrassment. ꒱
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Pairing :: Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader
Synopsis :: The five times Percy gets your attention and battles with embarrassment.
Includings :: Dionysus daughter!Reader, Percy is swooned, mutual pinning, a little bit of second-hand embarrassment from Percy, this is kinda corny, nose kisses and first kiss, confessions, this is simple n cute
An :: I have so many PJO and Hunger Games drafts it's actually horrendous
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I. Sword Training.
The sun dipped down low, casting a warm golden hue over the training arena. Everybody was soaking in the nice weather which Luke seemed was the perfect weather to be outside and work on some sword fighting skills.
Unfortunately, Percy the one who was sparing with Luke on this oh so wonderful day and he wasn't exactly going easy on him.
The blonde huffed, dodging one of Luke's attacks as he stumbled back a bit almost tripping over his own two feet. He had clenched onto his sword a little tighter as he wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead.
Percy stood back up straight, getting into position until his ears perked up at the sound of a familiar voice followed by a very familiar giggle that send butterflies straight to his stomach.
He had turned his head so quick it was a surprise he hadn't somehow got whiplash. His gaze softened, a smile growing onto his features as he saw you.
You were helping braid one of the Athena girl's hair so that it would stay out of her face while training. You looked concentrated yet welcoming, a wide grin on your face as your hands were clad with rubber bands and bobby pins.
He knew that Luke should have been his main focus, he was the best in the camp so it probably would have done him some good to focus on him but it was like he couldn't look away from you. The way the sun casted onto your body, filtering it perfectly like some sort of professional picture.
You looked like some sort of angel that had been placed there by random, just to admire.
Percy didn't realize how long he had been staring until you were scanning the training arena while finishing up on the braid of the Athena girl then your eyes had met his.
His eyes went wide for a second, fearing that somehow you could sense that he had been admiring you and you were now weirded out by him.
But you had simply smiled and gave the boy a wave which he had mirrored.
Before he could even enjoy the short interaction between the two of you he felt his feet being swept from under him, his face meeting the ground a few seconds after as his sword clattered next to him as he groaned.
"Pay attention." Luke scolded, a small smug smile on features as he looked between the two of you.
Percy's face grew slightly pink as she stood up, dusting himself off. He quickly looked back towards you, seeing that your lips were pressed together as if you were trying not to giggle which only made his face grow warmer.
Percy Jackson: 0
Embarrassment: 1
"Word of advice," Luke reached out his hand to help Percy up, pulling him up from the ground as he helped him dust off himself.
He chuckled, handing him back his sword as he rose his eyebrows in your direction. "Worry about your opponent, not your little girlfriend."
"Shhhh! Shut up! Shut up! She is not my girlfriend!"
Luke chuckled, putting some space between the two of them. "Not yett!" The dark haired boy hummed in a sing-song tone and Percy rolled his eyes, looking back over his shoulder to look at you.
He gave a slight nervous smile and you gave him a thumbs up of encouragement, clapping your hands shortly after and he chuckled.
Then he ate dirt again.
Percy Jackson: -1
Embarrassment: 2
II. Jewelry.
Percy didn't know a lot about girls, but he did know that they usually like jewelry.
Weather it be grand or small, most of the girls at the camp had a statement piece of jewelry. And literally everybody wore those beaded necklaces so there had to be a small chance that you would like his gift.
Or at least he hoped.
Percy paced nervously, clutching a small box in his hand. He looked down at it, rubbing his thumb along it as he took a short breath in and out to calm himself.
Finally finding enough courage, Percy approached you who was relaxing under the shade of a tree. A small bowl of grapes next to you as your eyes were focused on your book.
"Uhm..hey, [Y/n]," Percy greeted, his heart pounding in his chest as his grip grew tighter around the small box.
You had looked up from your book, placing your bookmark in its spot and smiled up at the blonde. "Hey, Percy! What's up?"
"I uh, got something for you. I'm not too sure if you're a huge jewelry person but it was pretty and made me think of you, so.." He trailed off, realizing that he was going to start rambling so he just handed the box to you.
Your brows raised at the small box, untying the bow from it before you slid off the top and a small gasp left your lips.
It was a [gold/silver] bracelet with a grape vine pendant. The amethyst like jewels and beads shining in the light. Your smile had grew as you stared in awe at the bracelet for a short while before looking back up at Percy.
"This is the cutest thing, you really shouldn't have." You giggled, putting the bracelet on around your wrist and adjusting it to your likings. Percy's smile grew as he saw yours, it was a gift how contagious your smile was.
"It was nothing, really. I thought you'd like it.." He replied with a small shoulder shrug, watching as you rubbed your fingers over the main grape piece of the necklace.
"Like it? I love it, I'm never taking it off!" You stated, wrapping your arms around Percy and pulling him in for a tight hug which he savoured for the small amount of time it lasted.
Percy Jackson: 1
Embarrassment: 2
III. Flowers.
"You can never go wrong with flowers as a gift! Everybody loves a pretty bouquet!"
Was the advice he received from one of the girls from the Demeter cabin. She had even agreed to help pick out a few flowers so that the bouquet would look neat.
He approached Cabin twelve, swallowing the lump in his throat. He took in a small breath as he clenched onto the bouquet with one hand, the other knocking against the door.
He rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, his eyes scanning the lilac exterior of the cabin. It had more than a few overgrown grapevines growing freely along it. It was a wild touch to the cabin that he liked.
Percy turned his head back to the door as he heard it creak open followed by your familiar yet warm giggle.
"Well if it isn't my favorite boy from cabin three! What do I owe the pleasure?" You hummed, leaning against the doorframe and he couldn't help but chuckle, his ears growing warm because he was the only boy from cabin three.
"I uhm..I was out and picked these for you. Maybe you could use them as decoration or.. something.." He trailed off, holding out the bouquet before he started rambling.
Your eyes lightened as you took the bouquet from him and smelled them, inhaling the scent from each flower. "First a bracelet, now flowers? You're too sweet."
Percy Jackson: 2
Embarrassment: 2
"And they're such beautiful flow-achoo!"
"Bless you."
"Thank y-achoo!" You sniffled, brows furrowing a bit as you looked back at the bouquet, eyes now narrowing in slight skepticism.
"Percy what flowers or-achoo! Plants are in this bouquet?"
"Uhm.." Percy's brows furrowed, his eyes narrowing as he tried to remember all of the flowers that the Demeter girl had told him to grab. "Dandelions, Daisy's, lavender-"
"Percy, I'm really really-achoo! Sorry, but I can't accept this. I'm-achoo! Allergic to lavender...makes me break out and-achoo!"
Panic washed over Percy as he realized his mistake. "[Y/n], I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were allergic," He exclaimed, scrambling to grab the bouquet from the girl.
Despite her sneezing fits, [Y/n] managed a small, understanding smile. "It's okay, Perc-achoo! I appreciate the gesture! It really was-achoo! Sweet!"
He put the flowers at a distance from you, brows drawn up in worry. "Want me to get you some Benadryl and ointment? The Apollo kids might have some at the medic center."
You sneezed into your elbow, nodding shortly as you sniffled.
"Okay! I'll be right back, again I'm so so sorry!" He apologized, walking away from the cabin as quickly as he could do that he could discard the bouquet and retrieve the allergy medicine.
Percy Jackson: 1
Embarrassment: 4 (Bonus points for almost killing your crush!!)
IV. Apology gift basket.
Everyone knew that all Dionysus kids loved grapes, they usually all had a sepfific drink they were drawn to but everyone could agree they enjoyed grapes or grape flavored things.
It was almost comedical how many times someone could see them chewing on a couple or sipping grape juice from one of those small juice boxes.
So in attempts to make up for the last gift and also an apology, Percy decided that he could just make you a cute gift basket of all your favorite grape related things along with other stuff.
There was no way he could mess this up.
So here he was again, approaching the pale lilac door of the Dionysus cabin (that he was pretty sure had more vines than the last time he stopped by) and trying not to let his nerves show as his hands were shaking.
He rose his fist to knock against the cabin door and he waited until it had opened but this time it wasn't your face that greeted him.
It was one of your sisters who had snickered slightly. "Well if it isn't the boy that tried to kill our sister. Here for round two, fish face?"
Percy's lips pursed into a thin line. "Hah. Look, it was an honest accident. I just wanted to bring her this as an apology." He said and your sister looked him up and down and before she could even open her mouth to make another joke at his expense he saw your head pop from beside her.
"Percy!" You smiled warmly, patting your sister on the shoulder who moved away from the door as you replaced her spot.
"Just can't get enough of me, huh? I feel like I've seen you everyday this week." You commented an Percy's face felt warm as you pointed that out. Had he been too clingy this week and was that throwing you off in anyway? Maybe you found him weird. Especially after the whole flower murder attempt.
"It's sweet, don't get me wrong! I love seeing your face, you're very easy to repetitively see! If that makes sense at all..." You reassured, somehow being able to sense the worry that was spreading across his fingers and he smiled in relief.
"Oh okay, good.."
"Is that another gift for little ol' me?" You asked, pointing to the dark purple basket which seemed to have more things that were multiple shades of purple inside of it.
"Uhm...yeah it's an apology for the other day." Percy said, holding out the basket to you and you smiled softly as you took it from his grasp.
"Aww you didn't have to do that! Seriously, I'm not upset about it. I know you wouldn't have gave me them if you knew." You hummed, looking at everything that was in the gift basket. Cartons of grape juice, green grapes, purple grapes, bracelets, amethyst charms, a couple of your other favorite snacks.
"I know.." The blonde sighed. "But I just really wanted a do over. Which is why, I got you these.." Percy moved his arm that was hidden behind him and holding out a another bouquet.
"And, I asked around to triple check so it's one hundred percent allergy proof!"
The bouquet was just as neatly put together as the last yet this one seemed less wild with only two types of flowers, indigo hyacinths with ivory baby's breath littered between them. Wrapped to stay together in a beautiful white bow.
You leaned to smell them, Percy getting that feeling of deja vu as you smiled down at the bouquet.
"I think this might be cuter than the last. And just like you promised." You took another small from the bouquet, your warm smile never leaving your face. "Allergy free!"
Percy Jackson: 2
Embarrassment: 4
V. Birthday party surprise.
Percy learned very quickly that the Dionysus cabin had the mentality of 'Go big or go home.' so when your birthday came around he was surprised to see your brothers and sisters going the extra mile. Grover was out with you, trying to keep you distracted for the afternoon by taking you on a 'quest'.
The entire afternoon the camp was buzzing with laughter and conversations of how the night would go.
The entrance of the mess hall was decorated with lilac ribbons and streamers, a large banner in front of it with the words 'Happy Birthday, [Y/n]!' in pretty letters.
The mess hall was decorated with dark purple tarps along each table, a few small violet flowers placed at each table by the Demeter kids. There were two tables specifically for bowls of food. It had your favorite types of fruits, snacks, chips and a pretty [f/flavor] cake decorated by one of the Iris kids.
Percy had never seen so much purple all in one space, he didn't know whether it was creative or an eyesore but he kept that to himself as he was helping set up the rest of the snack table.
As he was doing so he overheard one of the Demeter boys, Atlas, talking with one of his brothers.
"Yeah, I was thinking about asking her out. Today would be perfect, huh? Right on her birthday!" He hummed as he set up a few more of the small violet flowers.
Percy glanced at the two from the corner of his eye as he finished setting up the table, brows furrowed a bit in slight disgust.
"I don't know, her and Percy seem pretty close."
"Nah. Hey, Percy!" He called out and Percy turned his head to him, trying not to show his frustration through his features as his hand gripped around the bag of chips. "Yeah?"
"Are you and [Y/n] dating?" The brunette asked and he bit down on the inside of his cheek, hard. He wanted to say yes more than anything but that would be him lying and being delusional.
"No, but she won't want anything to do with you." He said, poison dripping from his sour tone. The boy only chuckled as he place a few of the flowers down. "And you think she'll want something to do with you?"
"What's that supposed t-"
"Guys, cmon! She's here!" One of the girls from the Iris cabin exclaimed, eyes scanning around the mess hall to make sure everything looked nice.
Percy shot a small glare towards Atlas before heading towards the front of the mess hall with everybody else. Everybody was attempting to shush everybody as they heard a familiar voice.
"I just didn't get that quest, why did he want us to go out and get a-"
You had jumped, a bit startled as everybody jumped from each side of the mess hall entrance, a few party poppers filled with confetti being shot your way with the sound of kazoos and happy hoots.
A large smile made it's way on to your face as you shook a few pieces of confetti from your body. You giggled. "Aw, guys! You shouldn't have!"
"Yes we did!" One of your brothers hummed, strapping one of those stupid little birthday cone hats on your head. "Come on, we have all your favorites!"
"Even [weird snack]?"
"You'll be the only one eating it. Well, you and Percy."
You smiled towards the blonde and he returned it. "Did you know they were planning all this too?"
He shook his head. "I just found out about it today. Not your birthday, obviously! I knew it was your birthday, I just didn't know they were planning all this."
"Yeah, they do the most whenever they get the chance. Just want until yours I bet we'll try to find a way to get a water park in the camp." You giggled and he shook his head with a snicker.
"I would only want one thing for my birthday."
"And what's that?"
Before Percy could give his answer you were pulled away.
He sighed, he would get a chance before the evening and night came to an end or at least before Michael could get a word in.
It turned out that it was a lot harder than he thought it would be. Every time he thought he had a chance to talk to you were swept away by somebody else. They weren't joking when they said Dionysus kids knew how to plan a party, it was lively the entire time.
It was near what Percy assumed what almost eleven when things started to get more calm. Most heading to their cabins to catch some shut eye. (The Hypnos kids tapping out earliest.)
He finally had an opportunity as you were getting yourself another slice of cake. He took in a deep breath and approached you.
Until the front of his shoe snagged onto something, causing him to fall forward right near the punch bowl. The bowl toppling over onto his head as the purple juice drowned him. He squeezed his eyes shut as the syrupy liquid dropped down his hair and skin.
It was almost dead silent, most chatter stopping and one of the Apollo kids pausing the music.
Once he could finally open his eyes he almost wish he hadn't. Everyone was staring at him either like he was a beaten puppy or they were laughing. Laughing like the funniest joke had just been told and of course Atlas was laughing the hardest.
Percy's didn't even want to see your expression. He didn't want to see you trying to hold back a laugh or staring at him with pity. Both thoughts made his face growing warmer by the minute. He quickly got up from the floor and stormed out of the mess hall, making a B-line for his cabin as he ignored a few shouts of his name.
Percy: 1
Embarrassment: 5
Percy was still attempting to wash the sticky liquid from his hair as he heard a knock at the cabin door. He assumed it was either Grover or Luke, coming to try and make him feel better but it wouldn't help any in his opinion.
"Look, I don't need some bro to bro talk right n-" He stopped, seeing you instead of either of the two boys which was arguably worse.
"Not here to do a bro to bro, but I did want to check on you."
"I'm fine. It was grape juice, not acid."
"I know, still really gross though." You commented. "I'm sorry they laughed at you. That was mean."
Percy shrugged, adverting his gaze.
"What would you want?"
He rose a brow in slight confusion, tilting his head a bit as he looked back to you. "What?"
"For your birthday. You never got the chance to tell me."
Percy had already embarrassed himself to what he believed was the max. To get this off his chest wouldn't be anymore embarrassing than what had just happened.
"You. I would just want you."
He braced himself to be ridiculed but that had never came.
"That's what I wanted."
"What?" He parroted his same confusion from earlier yet your smile had stayed the same.
"You, Percy. I just wanted you. Don't get me wrong I love a party but if I just got to spend the day with you I wouldn't of been mad." You explained and his lips parted in slight shock.
You nodded, ruffling the towel on his head to cover his eyes as you placed a small kiss on the bridge of his nose before moving to place a soft kiss on his lips.
Percy was frozen in the doorway of his cabin as you pulled away, the same smile on your face as you moved the towel from over his face. He had a look of disbelief as his entire face grew red and you couldn't help but giggle.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Percy. Goodnight!"
Percy: 5
Embarrassment: 5
A tie is like a half win, right?
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
jason’s version | leo’s version | frank’s version | travis’ version | luke’s version
in which he pauses and says, "you're my best friend"
pairing percy jackson x fem!reader
warnings mention of a scary quest where percy almost died
Dating Percy is like dating your biggest fan, because he is. You are dating your biggest fan
It takes him a while to realise he likes you and that all the things he’d do for you aren’t just because you’re his friend, but once it finally clicks it's all he can think about 
From that moment, he becomes #1 loverboy
“Percy, what are you doing?” Annabeth asked, watching as Percy frantically sifted through his many blue t-shirts. Acknowledging her presence, Percy breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled two of them out of his closet and held them up next to his face.
“Gods, Annabeth, I’m so glad you’re here! Now, I’m about to go see Y/N at the beach and I need you to tell me which looks better with my eyes: the teal or the aqua.”
(They are one hex letter apart)
It's very endearing and he doesn’t even try to hide it!!! But of course you’re the only person who doesn’t notice, thinking he just really wants to be your friend, because Percy’s nice and friendly with everyone
He follows you around everywhere trying to find out more about you so he can plan the perfect first date
You’re an Apollo kid who works in the infirmary? Percy’s first in line for Will’s first aid summer course. You harvest strawberries with the Demeter and Dionysus kids? Percy’s there before everyone else with 3 wicker baskets on each arm
Eventually, you do end up becoming really good friends because he’s just always there and really fun to talk to and super nice and good with kids and maybe he’s a little cute, you’re allowed to have cute friends! 
You would’ve been teetering the thin line between friends and dating for ages if it wasn’t for Annabeth, who devises a plan to get you alone and somehow managed to get the whole camp in on it
That’s how you both ended up at the beach, Percy with a note in his jean pocket that read, “tell her or I will - A” 
Turning to you, the corners of Percy’s mouth couldn’t help but lift as he watched you admire the way the waves lapped over the shore. That moment would be ingrained in his head forever, because it was the moment he fully understood he had to have you
His nerves betray him
When you ask, “what’d you wanna tell me?” Instead of saying some heartfelt confession that’d make you swoon, Percy states a simple fact: “You’re my best friend.”
It turned out fine though, because you knew what it was. You felt the same way. (listen to you are in love by taylor swift!) 
Once you start dating, you are practically attached at the hip. Wherever you go, so does Percy and vice versa
When dating Percy, you truly get the best of both worlds because not only is he your boyfriend, he is also your best friend and truly someone you can lean on when needed
Loyalty is his fatal flaw so expect a LOT of loyalty. Like a concerning amount. He would find ways to justify you murdering a whole family if he had to
However, what comes with loyalty is protectiveness and jealousy. He doesn’t get that jealous because he knows that you two were literally written in the stars by Aphrodite herself, but he still can’t help but get a little jealous when he sees you with some other guy
Just kiss him a little and maybe stay the night at Cabin 3 and never speak to that guy again and he’ll be fine
Inherited motherly traits from Sally. Always checking you for cuts and scrapes after capture the flag, makes you a lunchbox before quests and then insists he goes with you to make you more food when needed and definitely not because he’s worried you won’t come back alive!
He knows you can handle yourself and all but he can’t help it. Out of everyone at camp, Percy’s your number one guy when it comes to dangerous quests
One of his biggest fears that kind of kept him distancing himself from you when he was crushing on you was that he didn’t want you sucked into all the dangers he goes through on a daily basis. He’d rather watch you date someone ‘safe’ from afar than put you in harm’s way 24/7
You’d choose him over a literal God though, so he has no choice but to be stuck with you. Power couple! 
After a really bad quest, one where almost died, Percy sat you down at his cabin for a talk. Part of him didn’t want to tell you what happened, but he knew it’d be unfair on your end if you were left in the dark.
“Look, I understand if you don’t want to stay with me. If it weren’t for Grover’s quick thinking, I don’t know what would’ve happened to me, and it’s not right for you to be stuck with a guy who’s basically friends with death. You deserve someone more sta–”
You shut him up with a kiss :) “Percy, when I agreed to date you, I didn’t just agree to all the good things, I agreed to the uglier parts of your life too. Sure, I was really worried while you were gone, but that’s just part of being a demigod, and it's a price I’m willing to pay for all the amazing moments we have together, so don’t even think about me leaving you.”
Anyways, he introduces you to Sally and Paul as soon as humanly possible. They already know a concerning amount about you considering you guys never met, but that’s just because Percy would rant to them about his crush on you on a daily basis
He's so incredibly happy watching you get along with his family. All of his favourite people gathered <3 very sweet
He also loves to see you interact with Estelle!! Percy is a huge fan of kids so he can’t help but stare as you play peekaboo with his younger half-sister (babysitting Estelle fic here!)
Percy also introduces you to the ocean and everything about it. You liked it before, as it was beautiful and reminded you of camp, but Percy painted it in a whole new light
He’d constantly take you on trips under the sea, using his Poseidon kid powers to allow you to be able to see and breathe underwater like he does
This also means lots of making out underwater. After that one time you two got caught kissing by the Stolls, suffering major consequences, he hasn’t been able to risk it
Overall, dating Percy is very fun & your relationship never ever gets boring trust
976 notes · View notes
moondrop-writes · 2 years
Hiiiii! I hope you’re doing well! If possible could I get an Apollo x wife!reader scenario where like he always promised he’d never cheat and stuff cause he only ever had eyes for her but then she finds out about Will and is really upset until she meets him and thinks he’s super cute (in like a motherly way off. Bonus points if she used to be with Ares before he started dating Aphrodite and so that’s why she was so upset cause she felt like it was Ares all over again even if they’re still good friends)
Sorry if this is too specific or confusing or something 😅
i love TOA Apollo, and while i've never been really sure how to write the POV of a god, i think this is pretty fair considering his in-universe persona written by Rick. thank you for the request and no worries about specifics! also, my apologies if this is super long lmao
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You wiped your wet hands onto the rag by the kitchen sink as the dishes you had just washed dripped. Normally, you'd dry them as well, but you were running low on time, and you didn't want to miss a crucial part of the night in order to fix little details like that. Smiling to yourself, you folded the rag and hung it up by the sink again.
The oven timer beeped just in time for you to get your apron on, and you grabbed your mits in order to safely pull the tray out of the oven. You placed it on top of the stove, the scent of the warm turkey filling your nose. Usually, you'd preserve such a thing for a holiday, but today might as well be one.
Tonight, was the night Apollo visited you once more, after several months in his human form trailing after some young girl, he seemed to take a liking to. Now he was immortal again and could see you after all that time apart.
You'd seen him within the first month at some point. You couldn't do anything though, because that wasn't him. It could very well be, but it wasn't. Lester was average, but it wasn't Apollo. You didn't want to sound shallow thinking that, but there was nothing connecting the god of the Sun to some fake New York teen.
And it'd been too long since then. He said it was for your safety, but you knew it was just because he couldn't stand for you to see him like this. You could tell by the way he walked that he was just as uncomfortable with his new body as you were. He looked like a baby deer, stumbling on tiny legs as it struggled to learn how to walk.
That was not your Apollo, your Apollo was graceful with a flashing smile that sent gusts of warmth up your arms. But his looks weren't all that appealed to you so many years ago. He might've been vain, but he was lovely too. He cared for mortals as the great Titan Prometheus had, and everywhere he walked seemed to cheer someone up.
He was rather dependent on his looks, but around you all that seemed to shy away. It was just you, mortal flesh and human blood, and him, golden blonde hair and a blinding smile.
In your head, you tended to akin Apollo to a star. Despite being one of the oldest Olympians, he seemed so much younger. His sister, Artemis seemed so much more serious and mature, and Dionysus had also seemed to understand his duty more seriously. Being the god of the Sun was more habit than it was a job to Apollo.
While the gods floated and stayed still in their palaces, Apollo roamed around. Each day when he rose and ran the sun, he saw places he might've otherwise missed. Everything wondered him, whether it be a small cave in Taiwan or a forgotten shore in Australia.
Stars were small, surrounded by dozens of other stars and radiating their heat and charm. You thought that summarized Apollo pretty well.
The doorbell rang, interrupting your thoughts.
Startling, you jumped up, rushing to untie your apron and hang it up in the hallway. In nothing but a pair of over washed jeans and a loose beige t-shirt, you pulled the door open, and finally felt like you could breathe again for the first time in months.
There Apollo stood, bronze skin and gleaming hair, a suspiciously bright red Camaro sitting in your driveway.
"Y/N," he breathed, voice as soft as a deer's mewl.
"Apollo," you answered, and leaped forward. He caught you easily, as he had always done, and pulled you close. Your fingers clasped behind his neck, grasping onto blonde curls.
His own hands found your hips, fingers slipping into the belt loops of your jeans to tug you forward. His nose was buried in your hair, and he pressed repeated kisses to the crown of your head.
He was dressed in his godly attire, bands of gold, an airy white tunic, and gold sandals. He looked like a supermodel next to you, but he held you as if you were true treasure.
You pulled back for a moment, only to pull his head down so his lips could meet yours, pressed together in a locking kiss.
It could've gone on forever, but mortals needed air, and you pulled away to breathe. With your chest heaving, he smiled at you as if you'd hung the stars. One hand lifted to cup your cheek and cradled your face.
"I love you," he said, voice soft and almost weak sounding.
"I love you too," you said, pressing your cheek to his chest. You felt something break in you when you heard the slow beat of his immortal heart. It was like a dam that finally crashed.
Your eyes filled with months' worth of tears and you hiccupped wetly against his skin. "I-I missed you so-so much..." you sniffed, trying to calm down your rapid breathing, "don't ever do that again!"
He gave a small rueful laugh and wiped at your tears. "I'll try," he said, and that was enough.
The two of you went inside, and he familiarized himself with everything again. You ate dinner, with soft talk of what'd you'd been up to the past few months. He was unusually quiet and kept glancing out the window to the sky as if it were going to disappear.
He followed you back to your bedroom and changed into some clothes that had been sitting in your dresser for months, awaiting him. You were in the bathroom attached to your room, combing your hair as he sits on the bed watching you.
You placed down the comb with a small clattering sound and turned to him. Your palms were flat on the countertop.
"What's up with you? You're...quiet," you ask, biting your lip. He blinks and runs a hand through his hair before standing and striding over to you.
He wraps his arms around you and hides his face in your neck. "Sorry, I... I've got a lot on my mind..." It was weird seeing him like this, so unsure of himself. Even before, when he would melt in your hands like putty and show his true self as a soft sweet husband, he was never uncertain. Not around you, at least.
You take his hands in yours and press a kiss to the inside of his palm. "Then confide in me. I'm here, and I don't plan on leaving."
He looks away and you recognize the expression easily.
"Apollo," you say, a bit uneasily.
"Tell me," You urge. He hides his face in the flesh of your neck again and presses a kiss to your nape.
"I made a promise, a while ago, and I broke it," he admitted, and you scoured your mind for a time where he'd done such a thing.
You held his hand, the new ring gleaming on your finger. Under Apollo's sunlight, it shone like a star in the night sky, but not even it could compare to the light of his smile.
He kissed your forehead, and said, "No demigod kids, I promise. Not even yours."
You laughed and swatted at his arms. "Be serious," you huffed, "and thank you."
"Mhm," he hummed, smiling against your temple.
Instinctively, you pushed him back, second-guessing your strength and gasping when he banged into the doorframe. He winced and held a hand to his shoulder blade.
He opened his mouth to say something, but you shook your head. "How old? No--how many? How--how could I have been so stupid?"
"Y/N..." he tried, voice breaking halfway through your name. It didn't matter, you were louder.
"No, answer the question!"
He closed his eyes, face twisted with distain as he cowered. The god, Apollo, cowering to the wrath of mere mortal.
He breathed in to steady himself.
Your face contorted into one of anguish, then horror, then anger.
You cared not for the pained expression on his face when you pulled off your wedding band and flung it at him. He caught it and held it to his chest. "For fifteen years I thought you were loyal! But no. Did those years mean nothing to you? Could you have not waited another century for me to pass? God!"
You ran a shaking hand through your hair, and felt disgust rise within you.
"Please," he begged, but you were having none of it.
"Out!" you shrieked, "get out!"
He obliged, leaving you to fall to the floor, sobs falling from your lips.
It went like that for a while. A few weeks, you think. He tried, multiple times, but you didn't want to listen. How could you have thought he loved you? All those years of lies.
You didn't want to think about him. So, you didn't. You blocked all thoughts of Apollo out. That was until you were sorting through your mail and found one from a sender you weren't familiar with.
From, Will Solace, sent by Hermes Shipping & CO. to Y/N L/N
Curiosity taking over, you opened the letter, and began to read.
Dear, Y/N!
Hello, I'm sure my father has given you quite the issue, and I must say your anger is justified. I have not come to defend Apollo's actions but assist yours. I'm Will Solace, a half-blood son of your husband, my dad. He's been whining a lot at camp, but It's easy to tell how much he misses you. The whole time he was mortal he wouldn't stop talking about you. He claims that he's tried to talk to you, but you keep shutting him out, so I decided to take things into my own hands. You have all the right to ignore this, but I have a feeling you won't. As you're well aware, my father has had multiple demigod children since his marriage with you, which is wrong no doubt, all of my siblings agree. But I don't think he's talked to my mother once since my birth, and Austin said he hadn't seen him before camp since he was four, so, I think it's safe to assume he hadn't cared much for our mothers. But he did care for you. I know my dad, and I know how he used to be all those years ago, which kind of concerns me for you, but I'll stay quiet about that. If he stayed with you this long, then he plans to stick it out. I truly believe he cares for you, and if so, I'd like to meet you. If possible, please come to XXX cafe at 1:30 next Friday.
With care, Will Solace.
You didn't realize you were crying till teardrops were dripping off your cheeks.
With a racing heart, you walked over to the calendar. The letter had been later than probably intended, which meant next Friday, was actually tomorrow.
So, it came to the question of whether or not you would go.
You missed Apollo so much. He was right there, and you could hold him and have him as much as you wanted, but you pushed him away. You let your anger blind you, however justified it may be, and ran from the man that loved you most.
Then it was decided. You'd go. You'd meet Will, and you'd force Apollo to apologize.
Now that you were there, waiting outside the cafe anxiously, the plan didn't seem so fool proof. You flattened down the fabric of your summer dress and ran your hands along the strap of your purse, eyes searching for anybody that may resemble Apollo.
Will isn't hard to find, and like his father, the world seems to center itself around him when he's near.
His hair is blonde and curly, just like Apollo's, and falls over his ears and hangs just above his eyes. Piercing blue find yours, and sun-kissed skin shifts to show a blinding smile. You'd expected them to look similar, but not near identical.
He runs over, wearing a pair of shorts and a nice t-shirt, hand raised in a wave. He stops a few feet from you and holds out a hand.
"Will Solace, it's so nice to meet you. Apollo talks a lot about you," he says, eyes bright and cheery. You were sure you would've thought he was annoying if he was anybody else but knowing that this was Apollo's kid (your stepson? No, that was a weird thought) made it sort of endearing.
You found yourself smiling back as you took his hand.
"You mentioned," you say, clasping hands, "I'm Y/N."
"Let's go inside, shall we?"
Turns out, Will is very likeable. Every word is filled with genuine joy, and he listens intently. You can see the resemblance in looks, but he must get this side of himself from his mother. His nose twitches when confused, and his ears go pink when he's embarrassed.
You think it's cute, the way he opens himself up so easily to you. He finds hidden motherly qualities in yourself, that you weren't even sure you had.
That's how you find yourself inviting him to your house, where you fixed him some lemonade and grabbed some cookies from the pantry for the two of you to snack on as you sat on the porch.
Will finished his previous sentence, placing down a half-empty glass of lemonade. His brows are furrowed, and his usual smile is set in a deep frown. You wanted to rid him of it, and ease away any worries, as a mother should.
"Y'know, growing up without Apollo was hard, but I managed. It was my mother that was difficult. She was distant, hardly there. To be fair, she's famous, but it was still hard. She never made cookies--or made me lemonade. I... you're everything I wished for her to be."
When you stayed quiet, staring down at your lap, he stuttered to correct himself. "I'm sorry if that's weird---I, well, --" you tugged him close, cautious of the food.
He was pressed up against your side, and as soon as his skin met yours he melted, and let you hug him close and warm.
"It's not weird."
"Are you sure?" he said, voice quiet, unsure. It was the same tone Apollo had used.
He pressed a bit closer. "I feel like a baby," he laughed, "fifteen-years-old and I'm being held like a toddler."
"It's always good to be held sometimes," you say, rubbing your hand up his arm. He sniffed, and you didn't have to look down to know that he was holding back tears. How had the tone shifted so quickly?
"I'm sorry," he says, voice thick with emotion. He moves to get up, ears tinged pink, "I shouldn't be doing this. You're not even my mother--"
"Stop it. Calm down and relax."
He does, only after you have to forcibly tug him back down. He settles down next to you, and takes deep breaths to push away the tears in his eyes.
You don't know how long the two of you sit there, but your legs are beginning to cramp from being in the same position and Will is letting out soft snores against your collarbone. The sun is sinking into the horizon, and you try not to jump when he speaks.
"You're good with him," Apollo says, hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans.
You frown, "you say that like he's a dog."
He looks away and shrugs, "I'm not good with kids, you know that."
"Neither am I," you huff, and your arms tighten around Will.
"I think Will has a different opinion."
"We all do," you say, and look down as Apollo gets closer. He settles beside you and whispers his next words.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what I can do to please you anymore."
You close your eyes and sigh. "Just--stay, okay?"
He nods, "okay."
And he does. Apollo sits there until the sun is gone, his chin on your head, and arms holding both you and Will firmly. You're asleep before you know it, and he's hoisting you both up to bring you inside.
He places Will on the couch with a light blanket, before bringing you to your bedroom. He lays you down, and presses a feather-light kiss to your lips.
"I love you," he whispers, hand holding yours.
Unconsciously, your fingers tighten around his, and he beams.
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pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
Yes well, I've been following you for a while and I like a lot of yours… Well everything, I would like to request a Leo Valdez (We all love him, I don't argue) x Children of dionysus, thank you!
love at first eightminutes sight ෴⁠
— leo valdez x children of dionysus!reader
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warnings; none, language a/n; hi! thanks for reading me. i'm so flattered 🥹 i hope you like it ): andd ik, In the photo they are cherries but let's be silly, lol.
Those 8 minutes were the toughest for Leo.
Dealing with his concentration issues when people talked about things he wasn't interested in was bad enough, but having to face someone as cute as you while that was happening didn't seem like a good decision on Dionysus's part. Leo was surprised because, being the god of wine and other pleasures, he thought Dionysus would understand.
— Valadez, are you listening? — The god tapped the table, bringing Leo's attention back. Leo saw his name on the corner of the blueprints made by Athena's children and wondered why that man never bothered to pronounce his name correctly, neither his nor anyone else's.
— Yeah, sir — Leo replied, not too enthusiastically, but it was enough for Dionysus to continue his speech, which Leo decided to ignore to keep admiring you. Seconds were enough for him to notice how your lips sparkled with some kind of gloss that tempted him even more to taste them, as well as the way you occasionally bit your lower lip, making him wonder if it tasted as sweet as your gaze, which, unlike his, was focused on your father's explanation.
— Do you understand?—Dionysus asked insistently, thinking Leo was playing dumb. Although he wasn't wrong, the son of Hephaestus nodded confidently for him to continue.
If he could get closer to you... would you smell like grapes? Maybe with a gentle breeze, he could find out, and then he wished he had Jason's power.
— Am I right? — Your father asked you in the middle of his explanation, and you nodded.
— Yes, father.
Leo opened his eyes slightly wider, hearing your voice for the first time, feeling a warmth in his fingertips warning him not to get too excited, or he would end up revealing his interest in you in front of everybody. The way you smiled at Dionysus made him truly want to be interested in what he was saying, but it was a lost cause; you had him in some kind of trance from which he didn't want to escape either. How would Leo feel if he were able to make you smile?
— Then, in this part of the plan is when you come in — Leo was startled by the sudden increase in volume and nodded repeatedly to disguise it, stealing quick glances in your direction to avoid being caught. So when your eyes met his, Leo almost burst into flames from embarrassment. You didn't immediately look away; you held his gaze, and he saw a sparkle in them that he had never seen in anyone else's. Was your mother Ariadne? Were you made of something truly divine, being one of Dionysus's only children?
A smile began to form at the corner of your lips, making Leo feel like he was about to fall flat on his face, but the table he was leaning on wouldn't allow it.
—So? — Dionysus asked, tapping the table hollowly, and the empty look in the boy's eyes said it all: He hadn't heard a damn thing. The god let out a guttural groan and rolled his eyes, muttering something about when his father's punishment would end.
You let out a laugh that immediately relaxed your father's shoulders, and to Leo, it seemed better than any power anyone else could have. Dionysus snorted and rolled up the blueprints, handing them to Leo, who clumsily took them.
—You'll figure it out, kid. Now, scram.
No, he didn't want to leave. Leo began to stammer, trying to find a reason to stay a little longer, but before he could do so, the god was dragging him toward the exit with a flick of his finger.
— Father — you called, and his attention shifted to you, halting the magic. Your father's purple eyes questioned you, and you smiled calmly as you pointed to some papers on the table that had slipped from the blueprints.
Dionysus tried to take them, but you stopped him, asking him to let you do it for him. Leo was dumbfounded. Would you accompany him to the exit? Had he died again? Why didn't it feel as bad as the first time?
Your hair shimmered in the light as you leaned over for the papers, and he noticed that your nails were painted with burgundy nail polish. Everything about you was intoxicating, new, and when you started walking, he felt a heat burning from within him as if he had taken a sip of sherry. Was it because he had fallen in love with you at first sight? Or was that the effect you had on him?
The tips of your shoes touched his, causing him to lose his balance, and you shook the notes in the air.
— I'll walk you out —you said. Dionysus glanced sideways and suppressed a curse because he knew you very well. You never approached anyone.
Leo swallowed hard and nodded, taking steps back to walk with you to the exit of the Big House.
—And well...— Your words came without warning, even to you. You didn't know you had the courage to confront a guy as handsome as him. When Leo turned to you, his curls bounced, making you want to run your fingers through them... and you did.
The brunet jerked back and started to stammer again, yeah, he always acted like don juan, but few times did someone approach him the way you were doing.
—And well?— he asked when his tongue allowed him to form something coherent. You sighed as you descended the first step.
— Are you going to ask me out, or are you going to keep staring at me every time my father calls you?
He froze, wanting to meld into the porch wood, but you didn't let that happen because you pulled him towards you, confirming many of his suspicions. Yes, you smelled like grapes, and you were more beautiful up close.
— Do you want to go out? — he managed to ask after stuttering like an idiot. He looked at your eyes shining along with the smile you showed him, and now he knew how it felt to make you smile, and he had become a fan of it.
— I'll see you around, repair boy —and you pushed him down the last porch step before going back inside.
Oh shit, to hell with the camp blueprints, he had to plan a good date for you.
*don juan: kind of womanizer but not that too much.
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