mookthoughts · 3 months
Introduced a mate to Worm, and let slip during the early arcs that Dragons cannon ship name is d&d. After trying for a while to name all the other D characters he could think of, he jokingly settled on the character he hated most. Enter “Darmsmaster” a running joke that works it’s way into almost every conversation we have these days. Needless to say he has no idea just how funny it actually is!
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mookthoughts · 3 months
Do you ever think about how young digital media is in the grand scope of the human race? It’s already hard to wrap your head around media history, but 1000 years from now it’s going to be so much crazier. Is there going to be some girl in the far future trying to convince her friends to watch Game of Thrones and getting brushed off because it’s ancient history?
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