moonbearpuppy · 3 years
@sheepsoftbugs​ submitted: Hi! I found this strange bug in my frontyard, it doesn’t show in the photo well but it has thin white long hairs in it’s butt (?) I’m located in [removed] (please remove that) also sorry for the kinda bad quality of the pictures but this friend was really really small
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I’m glad you attached a gif of it walking, because at first I thought it was a mite with eight legs, but looks like the front two are antennae. So without being able to see it more clearly, I think the best guess I have is a lace bug nymph in the family Tingidae. The shape and size seem to fit, and they often have little spines or hairs on their butts as nymphs.
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
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Just wanted to show you guys this tiny baby friend my dad found on the sink in our bathroom :)))
I love snails a lot!!! And this little lad just made my day!!
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
isopod tea party 🥺
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
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Palmetto tortoise beetle, Hemisphaerota cyanea, Chrysomelidae, adults and larvae
Native to the southeastern United States, the larvae of this species protect themselves with a nest-like covering of thin strands of their own fecal matter. They eventually pupate inside the fecal shelter.
Photo 1 by eridanxharahi, 2-4 by treegrow, 5-8 by Judy Gallagher, and 9-10 by joemdo
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
@preciouswolfen submitted: I'm in central Oklahoma. Saw my dog pawing at something tonight, got her to quit it. She was interested in a little cicada friend! I love them, they are so cute. I placed them out of my dog's reach so they can go molt in peace.
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A child!!! Soon to be a freshly peeled angel. Hope they had a successful molt!
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
Southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) appreciation post!!
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Look at them, aren't they so cute??
They are my favourite animal so I wanted to share a little bit about them!
They are a species of anteaters that live in South America and the island of Trinidad!!
They love to climb trees, therefore they are arboreals. They can be pretty awkward when they are walking on the ground because of their long claws, that are made for climbing. They are also nocturnal, but they also can be active sometimes during the daytime!! Their vision is really poor but they have a great sense of smell and hearing!!
They are also typically solitary animals. Their body length go between 13 to 35 inches (without their tails), and their tails go between 12 to 26 inches. Adults can weigh from 3.3 to 18.5 lbs.
As any other anteaters, they love to eat ants, and termites, but occasionally they also eat honey, bees and fruit!!
They are really cute and fun little creatures, I love them so much!!! ‼️💕
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
so anyway I love vulture culture <3 y'all are genuinely great and I've met so many amazing people through VC, I love seeing the skulls, skeletons, pelts, and taxidermy people work on and there are so many cool and talented people in this community
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
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shhh, they’re sleeping :)
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
Aaaaah I just saw your post!! Sorry about the last question! Let me ask again:
What do you think about isopods?? What is your favourite kind of isopod (if you have one)? :))
No worries :) I think isopods are EXTREMELY nice. There are a lot of good ones but I just think rubber duckies are too dang adorable not to be my fav. You'll have to google for photos because I haven't found any I can share legally.
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
So I want to make a sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) appreciation post bc they deserve it!!
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The sun bear it's native to the tropical forest in the southeast Asia! And their unique, although kinda scary, morphology suggests that they are actually made for climbing! They make sleeping plataforms high in trees made out of branches and leaves.
They are also quite small, in fact they are the smallest bears out there! They are about 4 to 5 feet tall and go from 6o to 150 pounds (the males are slightly larger than the females).
Sadly, according to the IUCN red list status, they are vulnerable and their current population it's actually decreasing, this is because their habitats are being lost rapidly due to poachers hunt them mercilessly for body parts and fur, and some farmers kill them on site because they often eat crops such as oil palm, coconuts, and bananas. Adult females are also frequently killed so their cubs can be taken and raised as pets. That's why, no matter if they aren't actually photogenic (yes, they look like a human in a bear suit), we need to take a time to appreciate this cool looking bears!!
Please read the source for more info
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
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moonbearpuppy · 3 years
Hi!! My main blog is @sheepsoftbugs
Visit my other side art/writing/vent blog @teetheaterluca
One puppy every day side blog @1puppyeveryday
Go to my Carrd for more info and my DNI‼️‼️
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