moonliney · 4 years
Hehe our boys are beautiful 💜
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moonliney · 4 years
Hello everyone!
Right now, people of colour are fighting in America for their rights. However, the situation is horrible and a lot of the people who are protesting have been assaulted and attacked by the police for wanting justice for their brothers and sisters.
That's why @aurumignis created a project that will be a fundraiser for the blm movement (they would like to fundraise medical care for protesters).
The project consist on writing some commissions in exchange of a donation that will be used to help the protesters! They are searching for more writers that can help with the project and they already have some writers that write fics about BTS!
So, if you would like to participate in the project, you can contact the account that I tagged or simply support the project!
If you can reblog to make more people know about the project it would be appreciated!❤❤
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moonliney · 4 years
I-🤤🤤 popular true opinion: J-HOPE OWNS MIC DROP ERA 🎤
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hoseok @ mic drop, 181231 (mbc gayo)
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moonliney · 4 years
Your fic is so good and I can’t wait to read more!!! I didn’t think it was bad at all and my heart hurts for Yunhee🥺🥺🥺 i hope you don’t stress yourself writing and just have fun in writing💞
Thank you so much😊 You’re the first comment so it really means a lot to me when I was powering through with Part 2, which just came out by the way! I hope you like it 💜 I was dying in fluffiness when writing about it hehe 🥰
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moonliney · 4 years
Dancing with You
3.5K of pure love!!
Genre: Fluffier this time around though still angst, Idol!AU
Summary: Yunhee has been BTS’s best friend since they debuted in 2013. 3 years later and stronger friendships than ever, she debuted with her own group as well and is now battling the stress of work, life, and her so called feelings for her best friend Jung Hoseok, also known as BTS very own J-hope. Let’s also mention that she is super naive and does not understand what the fu** love is until a certain girl from J-hope's past comes back.
Inspired by BTS “ Trivia: Just Dance” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiW1kEJDBDQ
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Please read Pt.1 first to better understand 
Month December, Year 2016 ~ 
There are many moments in a person’s life when they want to crawl in a hole and welt away like a flower on a hot sunny day. It could be due to anything that triggers it: sadness, anger, isolation, and in Yunhee’s case right now, complete embarrassment. Now she has definitely been embarrassed many times before like that one incident where she cried on a national variety show due to having ridden the scariest biggest roller coaster she’s ever seen in her life or that other time when she was performing and forgot it was her part until her members nudged her. Oh and let’s not forget that far memory she pushed in the back of her head when she was changing and poor Jungkook walked in forgetting to knock. 
Yeah, those were horrible moments that could make any girl cringe and blush tomato red thinking about it. But this time, having her best friend and his ex-girlfriend hearing the song written about them, about the sad emotions she has for him and the raw negativity she has for the other girl, the feelings she has been hiding for so long now heard by them, will undoubtedly top all of that by a landslide. 
“ Hope, why didn’t you knock?” A blunt Suga said breaking the silence in the room, ignoring a standing Nari in the back. He didn’t want to be mean, but he was quite defensive of Yunhee now after seeing her cry a couple of minutes ago plus he was a little irritated at the intrusion of someone new coming into his genius lab. 
“ Sorry, I did knock but you both had your headphones in when recording. I was worried something happened so I just used the passcode myself…. This is Nari by the way.” J-hope tilted his head towards her not realizing the other two had already figured out who she was. 
“ Hi, it’s nice to see you again Yoongi Oppa,” Nari smiled lightly. “ And you must be Yunhee shi.”
 Yunhee and Suga both timidly mumbled “hi” as they glanced at each other waiting for the next person’s move. Cold silence now engulfed the small studio once again. If there was a picture to describe pure awkwardness, it would be taken at this exact moment right now. 
J-hope with a raised eyebrow looked at the two short people who were purposely avoiding eye contact with him, one was due to shyness and the other was an annoyance. “ I didn’t know you were working on a song Yunhee, it sounded really good. Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“ You’ve been busy...” Replied the girl now trying to focus on her shoelaces so she wouldn’t have to look at Nari and compare everything she has to her. Little did she know, her few words caused a stir of hurt in J-hope and a bit of jealousy for not asking his help instead. 
Suga glanced around carefully pausing to see people’s reactions when he suddenly dinged up a great plan. Yunhee has always been confident in her dancing, he thought. So what’s a better time for her to get rid of her insecurities about Nari than dancing and proving to everyone that she owned the dance floor just as much as Nari did and in a way gain her confidence back enough to confess to Hoseok. You’re a complete genius, Suga praised himself smirking, complete genius. 
“ Hey hope I heard you two were practicing some dance moves earlier, why don’t you show us?” Suga suggested ignoring the youngest’s eyes bulging in shock. 
Later at the Practice Room ~ 
“ Oppa!” Yunhee whispered loudly to Suga as she pinched his arm, “ Why did you suggest this? I don’t want to see them dance together!”
 “ Don’t worry, this is your time to shine.” He mischievously grinned at the pouting girl, “ Get out there and take your man back.” 
Some of the other members have also gathered around the practice room wanting to see what their new choreography was going to look like. J-hope and Nari now in front of the mirror dancing rigidly along to the beat, sweat dripping down their foreheads. 
“They look so good together...but I have to say the transition of the movements onto the second verse seems too rough for me,” Yunhee said quietly to the other members, her analytical dancing side appearing as she calculated their steps. Her thoughts were unexpectedly interrupted when someone from behind pushed her in the center where J-hope and Nari stopped seeing the younger one’s panicked interruption. 
“ Yunhee, do you have something you want to add on?” J-hope smiled, anticipating the girl’s meticulous dancing ideas. 
She hesitated, wondering if it was right for her to say her input when the other two had already finished the dance. He really needs to change the transition though and there are some other movements that need adjustment if BTS wanted to pull off this performance neatly, she thought, shaking her head. Aish, put your pitifulness aside Yunhee ah, this is for them. All of those times they trained and helped you become the idol you are today, don’t be embarrassed and try to help them. Stop shying away because you’re scared of speaking your mind. It’s okay, you got this. Yunhee repeated in her head trying to gain a sense of self during this uncomfortable state. 
With hand clenching fists and a new sense of purpose, she looked up as confidence now shines through moving towards the center to show some of her own movements, feet, and arms moving in perfect calculation.
 “ I think it would be better if you do it like this...see, one, two, three, one two three, repeat…yeah, let’s try that again…good...again.” 
Everyone, even Nari, had gathered around to copy Yunhee’s movements and watch the talented dancer. Needless to say, the room was wonderfully impressed with how quickly she was able to adjust and memorize the dances to teach them. As the chorus hits, J-hope moved alongside Yunhee dancing together in perfect synchronization. 
From the other's perspective, it looked like two lovers having the happiest time of their lives, the way their movements followed one another as if it was fate itself tangling the two together and never letting go. 
In Yunhee’s mind, she had let go of her doubts now solely focusing on her passion for dancing, not caring about the man next to her who was observing her thoroughly. She let her heart take her every step of the way and it was obvious through her dancing as well when people saw how much she loved it. 
J-hope didn’t know why but every time they danced together, his heart always swelled up more than he wanted to. He always shrugged it off as a proud moment of a best friend watching her perform so well, but other times, after their dancing sessions were over, he would think about her a lot late at night and wished she was lying with him just as she used to before schedule started filling up their lives. 
As the song comes to an end with a booming drop, Yunhee and J-hope faced one another with only their heavy panting filling the room, the two’s closeness evident by every breath one exhaled the other breathed in. The members and Nari had already stopped halfway through the song but they didn’t notice, too locked up in the music and each other to see the world around them. 
A low whistle broke the tension as everyone turned to look at a puckered lip V.  “ Nari says she has to go home.” The latter headed out nervously giving everyone a sincere apologetic smile knowing she ruined the sensual atmosphere with her departure. 
 J-hope sighed as he regrettably stepped away from Yunhee to follow Nari out the door stopping to look back at Yunhee one more time who seemed to have, dare he say, longing in her eyes as she watched him pick Nari once again. 
Afterward, in the Car ~ 
Nari looked out the car window as Seoul’s vibrant energy and Christmas lights tingle up the prettiest city in the world. However, she was too entranced in her thoughts of the previous encounter to give the city its notice. 
“ Yunhee is really talented in dancing, no wonder she won first place in her dance competitions.” She spoke up softly. 
J-hope smiled proudly at the name, a name that means lotus flower and pleasure, all too fitting for the girl itself. “ She is, isn’t she? She worked so hard all these years...now she’s made it.” 
“ She’s beautiful too,” Nari turned her head now to look at J-hope’s reaction, “ I don’t think she likes me though.” 
“ She’s...shy at times. It’s hard to explain when it comes to her, she can be unpredictable, keeps you on your toes a lot.” He smirked. 
“... She’s predictable in the way she looks at you though like you’re her whole world, Hoseok.” 
“ Nari,” J-hope stopped the car at her apartment, frowning as he disbelieves what he’s hearing. “ She’s been upset at me for a while now, ever since I scolded her about you. Besides, she’s kind like that to everyone, she is enduring to V and Suga as well.” 
“ She’s hurt and hurt can turn into upsetness if left alone. You’re avoiding your feelings for her because you don’t want it to ruin your friendship or her career as it just started. That’s why you have been spending time with me a lot right? Because you know there’s something there between you two, heck everybody in the practice room knows there’s something unspoken there...except for the two of you. So you’ve been spending more time with me to discourage her.” 
Nari edged on even more as she knows she was getting to J-hope with his brown orbs softening to show his true feelings. 
“ Hey,” He chuckled, “ I like talking to you too, it’s nice to know what normal people are doing these days. Can’t believe your boyfriend proposed, by the way, congrats.”
“ Haha, thanks, who knew after breaking up with you I would find the love of my life.” She winked at him amused at his exaggerated hurt face. “ It’s okay to tell her about your feelings, really, you two don’t have to date but at least confess to her. From one girl’s mind to another, I know she’s hurting a lot when she saw you with me.” She sighed, looking at his face filled with regrets. “Hoseok, you shouldn’t hurt people you care about...Talk to her, she’ll take care of you more than I ever did.” 
J-hope pondered a bit, sulking at the pain he has caused his girl before coming to a decision, one he hoped would be the best for both of them. “Thanks, Nari, I owe you one.” 
“ No problem. Think of it as an apology for breaking your heart- “ Ya!” “ and a thank you for letting me borrow some money - which I might or might not give back.” “ YAAA!” 
A Couple of Days Later ~ 
Yunhee smoothed out her sparkly red dress, staring at the sultry girl in front of her. Her own reflection looks back as it takes notice of her glossy lips and simple yet magnetic makeup. In two days, it would have been Christmas Eve and BangPD thought it would be a good idea to have a small company party today. Of course, it had to be a bit of a formal occasion as the company’s popularity was rising so a little dressing up was needed at this time, hence why Yunhee had gotten so dolled up in this first place. 
Is he going to be here? She thought, her heels clicked and clacked as the girl made her way to the top floor of the company’s building. They have not thoroughly spoken since that day in the practice room since schedules were overpacked now especially during the holiday season, only small good morning and night texts were exchanged before life hurriedly took over. 
She didn’t know if he was going to attend considering it was not mandatory though expected of BigHit’s artists to come. However, when she asked him, he seemed to brush it off and switched to other topics or said goodnight as his reply which frustrated her like no other. Maybe it was good he didn’t come? Considering he would be in a suit and that would have been devastating on her pure heart and mind as adult thoughts seeped in. 
Blasting music can be heard around the corner as Yunhee walked in excitedly, adrenaline pumped from the moving bodies and familiar faces. Loud gasps can be heard from different parts of the room as the girl although known for being bubbly and sweet, radiated a completely different person tonight with sensualness and elegance edging through every smiling expression and waving movement she gave to people. 
“ Excuse me miss, have you seen my little sister? She’s supposed to be here tonight.” A worldwide handsome Jin appeared teasing at the blushing Yunhee now. 
“ Oppa, you look so handsome tonight.” Yunhee smiled adding on to his cockiness, “ Have you seen Hoseok Oppa though? He never told me if he was going to come.” 
Jin smirked with a playful glint in his eyes, head nudging at the auburn-haired man who appeared behind them. The girl spun around to see what he was looking out and to say the breath knocked out of her was an understatement. J-hope with his ruffled auburn hair, mesmerizing eyes, fine face structure, and lean body that complemented his surreal black suit so well was astonishingly dashing.  He was complete beauty and as he walked towards her, she could have sworn time had stopped to aid fate at this moment. No longer were people’s laughs and voices evident, instead only slow swaying music was heard now as J-hope grabbed Yunhee’s soft hand. 
“ May I have this dance?” 
She nodded slowly walking with him towards the center where he paused putting one hand on her waist, a shiver running down her body. “ You look like such a lady tonight,” J-hope spoke, leaning close to the amusedly glaring young girl . 
“ I am a lady. In fact, I think many men in this room would think so as well.” “ Hmmm, they might but this lady is already dancing with a gentleman.” 
“ Shouldn’t this gentleman be with someone else right now?” Yunhee now getting further upset at his openness when he had evidently left her for Nari last time. J-hope however, pushed her closer to his body missing her sweet warmth these days. 
“ I very much prefer dancing with you instead,” J-hope grinned as their bodies swayed nicely against one another. “ Besides, Nari is at her boyfriend’s house, they seem to be having a great time celebrating the engagement.” 
“ Boyfriend? Engagement? How come you never told me?!” 
“ You never asked- woah! ” J-hope was suddenly pushed back by the young girl walking her way out of the room, him quickly following her to the cold rooftop. 
“ Yunhee! Yunhee, come back I’m sorry.” J-hope grabbed the small girl’s wrists pulling her into his embrace. “ I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for hurting you.” His sadness deepened when she started to tremble with hot tears soaking his shirt. 
“ Why did you push me away then?” She hiccuped trying to control herself. “ You were always texting her and talked about her and y-you yelled at me. I-i thought you no longer cared.” 
“ No, no I’m sorry angel, I’m genuinely sorry.” He cupped her chin wiping away the fallen tears, his heart shattering at everyone. “ I was tired that day but to be honest, I was upset at you thinking Nari was a bad person. She’s actually really nice. In fact, she encouraged me to ask you to dance today.” 
Yunhee peered up, shocked and guilty at the fact she let her immaturity judge another person. “ Really? Oh no, I have to apologize to her. I wasn’t thinking well, I was just…” 
“ Jealous?” Smiling at the girl’s flustered expression, he rested his forehead on hers. The two gazed into each other’s eyes enchanted from one another. “You have nothing to be jealous about, moonlight.” 
“ Then why did you keep talking to her?” “ It was just catching up with an old friend I promise...and I know about your feelings towards me...hey it’s okay, I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” 
“ H- how did you know?” “ Yunhee ah, I’ve known you for 3 years already, most of my free time consists of you and the members. You think I wouldn’t notice your small glances turning into something else?...I didn’t tell you though. Instead I tried to ignore both our feelings as your career just kicked off and you have so much to show the world. But that was wrong of me and I understand I hurt you instead.” 
Yunhee embraced him tightly, listening to his fast heartbeat syncing along with hers. Similar to the way their bodies danced together, their hearts did as well.  “ You really made me be in pain...I even wrote a song about it.” 
Chucking, he pressed a light kiss on her forehead gazing down at her once more. Their eyes met again as countless stories could have been told of this moment between a man and a woman who knew each other's body, heart and soul so well with the way their chemistry overflowed in and out the starry night sky. 
“ Guess I have to write a song about you now.” “What? No no you don’t have to I-” 
“ I will because... lately I can sense your confidence has been going down and I think I need to see my outgoing and cute Yunhee again even though tonight proved to me you can be very different from cute.” He smirked, kissing her flustered forehead again. “ Hoseok oppa…”
J-hope hugged her tighter whispering words of endearment in her ears as the couple sealed their fate that very night, embracing each other lovingly.        
“ You’re always going to my favorite girl. My one and only girl, don't ever forget that. ” 
Month August, Year 2018 ~ 
“ Good morning, everyone! This is announcer Shin A-young reporting to you on August 24 about BTS’s new world trending album, Love Yourself: Answer. This is the second compilation album of BTS with the first being Love Yourself: Her. Already breaking chart records with numerous support from both South Korea and International fans, this will surely be another amazing album from them with the majority of the members producing their own songs as well. Let’s have a look, shall we?” 
Our heartbeats are in sync
You’re getting to know my heart too
I wanna keep this going
I like you like I like to dance
So you’re my love, yeah my love
That’s what I like
I like the feeling of being with you
I like the feeling of dancing with you
I just wanna, wanna, wanna
I really wanna, wanna, wanna
Just dance
To the rhythm of the music
However our bodies move
We’re shadows underneath the moonlight
Fall in.. fall in..
I felt it baby
This moment, you and me, baby
This all fits together like a math formula baby
Even rough breathing, baby
Even shedding sweat, baby
Because of you, it all has meaning, baby
Eii! I’m melting in fluff guys <3 Thanks for reading again, it really means a lot to me. However! The story is just beginning hehe I am thinking of doing a compilation of Yunhee and J-Hope’s moments along the years or the first time they met which I can promise is sweeter than a sugary cupcake oooorr I can even start on the other boys, we’ll see ;) . Lastly I hope everyone is safe right now, we will get through this together 💜
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moonliney · 4 years
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what more can i say? you’re my —
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moonliney · 4 years
God this is so beautiful 🥺💜
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[ARMY.ZIP] BTS Cinema THE HIT interview V & JK Lockscreens
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moonliney · 4 years
I really don’t like her
 4.8K wowowow pretty good for the first post if I do say so myself ;)
 Genre: Angst with a hint of fluff, Idol!Au
 Summary: Yunhee has been BTS’s best friend since they debuted in 2013. 3 years later and stronger friendships than ever, she debuted with her own group as well and is now battling the stress of work, life, and her so called feelings for her best friend Jung Hoseok, also known as BTS very own J-hope. Let’s also mention that she is super naive and does not understand what the fu** love is until a certain girl from J-hope's past comes back.
 Really IMPORTANT author’s note and warnings: A lot of “oppa” usage (though it’s meant to highlight Yunhee’s young personality), these are MC instead of Y/N because I’m planning to make a whole series and having names for the girl characters help me keep track so please understand :), might be some confusion in the beginning but it will all makes sense in the end ( think of it like the Reply 1988 korean drama ish), for those who have kept on reading till here, thank you so much and as the great Jungkook said multiple times, “LET’S GET IT”
 Inspired by IU “ I really don’t like her” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4fAY-zesnQ
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Month December, Year 2016 ~
Hip hop music pounded vibrantly from the practice room as J-hope, Jimin and Yunhee moved effortlessly along the beat of the bass; J-hope with his powerful consistency, Jimin gliding as graceful as an ice skater and Yunhee with her young yet strong charisma looking back at her in the mirror. They occasionally danced together every now and then when they weren’t busy rehearsing or producing new songs. It had been a while though as BTS was rising in fame internationally and Yunhee had just debuted this year from a girl group survival show so schedules were always packed.
“ girl let me know, girl let me know, although I know already everything is over” ~
The once upbeat music suddenly turned solemn and sad as J-Hope ran over to pick his phone up. Jimin turning seductively did a little body wave at the 19 year old girl who laughed, lightly pushed him back.
“ Yoboseyo...Nari-ah?”
Yunhee looked over at J-hope’s shocked face that was blended with confusion as his eyes started glazing, her being so close to him she recognized that as a hint of hurt in those pretty brown orbs. Not less than a millisecond, he blinked and his face now hardened to an expression Yunhee had never seen.
“ No, I’m not busy today…okay, we can go there...yeah just like old times.”
Jimin with eyes wide, scoffed and whispered to Yunhee, “ How likely of him to leave us for Nari noona. After what she did to him, I can’t believe he is agreeing to see her.”
“ Nari?” Yunhee wondered for a second knowing the name sounded familiar but no face appeared in her memory.
“ Nari, remember the one that broke up with Hope hyung for another man. He was so sad about it, he spent days dancing in the practice room trying to distract himself with Dynamic Duo songs.”
“ I can hear you, you know?” J-hope smiled slightly at the younger two who stifled with shock and a little fear of being caught eavesdropping. He then grabbed his jacket and looked over at them with his dimpled smile, “Sorry guys, I’m going to go now. It was nice practice, let’s do it again when we’re all free.”
“ Oppa,” Yunhee spoke up hesitantly as she walked towards him, “ where are you going? Are you going to be okay?”
Some people may have snickered at Yunhee for her bluntness but that was how she was, she had a tendency to say things straight up not on the basis of being rude but more on curiosity and child-like innocence.
J-hope leaned over ruffling her hair, “ I’m fine, don’t worry. I’ll text you when I get back.” He opened the door and walked out leaving the two youngsters alone, both of their expressions filled with concern at the thought of their friend seeing someone who had hurt him so badly.
Later that day ~
Yunhee sat down on the couch with a sigh as she stared out the window of BTS’s dorm. It was getting quite late already, 10:07 PM to be exact and J-hope wasn’t home yet. All of them had schedules in the morning and for both of them to not be at their respective dorms could cause quite some trouble for themselves. She, however, was more worried about her best friend. For the past 3 years of knowing him, she could positively say she knew everything about him and vice versa. She knew the basic things such as his favorite songs and food, how he liked his coffee, and could most likely predict his outfit choice for the day. She also knew the deeper things such as his struggles in making what he considered “perfect” music and the pressure that falls heavily on him if a dance performance was not performed well not only by him but all the members too. However, one thing that seemed to be guarded was his love life. He never spoke about it to her and she had even considered the possibility of him never having a girlfriend as he would have been too busy trying to debut. One rare occasion changed her mind though as Yunhee resurfaced it from her memory.
Month September, Year 2013 ~
It was about 3 years ago when the boys were filming Rookie King and Yunhee was still in high school, their friendship was only 3 months in yet it was possibly the strongest and most friendships Yunhee had ever had. The boys treated her well, most of them seeing her as a little sister with few exceptions here and there specifically, the maknae line who also saw her as a fellow prankster whom they loved to tease.
Humid air filled the warm autumn night as Yunhee walked to their small dorms bringing them dinner; the menu of the night being warm white rice and meat with fresh kimchi to top it off. The boys had just finished filming and she knew they did not have time and money to have a hearty meal so on some days, she would cook more amounts of her dinner to bring to them. Expecting to see 7 pairs of eyes as she opened the dorm’s door, she was surprised to only see 5. The 5 rushed over to her with grins as the scent of home-cooked foods filled their nostrils while she handed them over their dinner smiling at their silliness.
“ Where’s Hoseok oppa and Yoongi oppa?” Yunhee peered around at the tight kitchen. Namjoon engulfing his mouth with his favorite food looking as cute as a hamster, tilted his head at J-hope’s door  
Giggling, she walked to the pointed direction opening the door, “ Oppas, I brought dinne-.” She froze as J-hope looked up at her with his swollen teary eyes having Suga next to him with a hand on his shoulder, a sign of comfort. She quickly bowed apologizing and turned to walk out but the sweet voice of J-hope called her name letting her know it was okay to stay. As the young girl turned around, Suga stood up and excused himself out as he gave her a small smile leaving the two of them to stand in still silence, the air conditioning buzzing loudly like it was a full on blizzard.
“Hoseok oppa,” Yunhee spoke up gently as she walked towards him, engulfing him in the most loving hug she had ever given to someone. She didn’t know why she did it or if it was the right thing to do, but her grandmother had always told her that touch was the best form of communication to comfort someone when you didn’t know what was going on. Maybe her grandmother was right as J-hope hugged her back leaning his head on her shoulders. For some reason, this pained Yunhee even more than that time she twisted her ankle and thought she could never dance again. Her oppa was always calm every time she had seen him, yes she knew about his energetic bright side as his fans loved him for and he did have some of those traits in his daily life as well, but sometimes he was quite mellow and serious. Both sides of him Yunhee had loved but this new side of him, the hurt sadness tore at her heart the longer the seconds passed.
Eventually, J-hope let her go but still leaned over to stroked her black hair as he explained the reasons for his tears. Apparently, they had to sing some songs and talked about their past love on the new episode of Rookie King which was not a big deal for the boys except, J-hope had perhaps reminiscent a little too much of his feelings while singing Dynamic Duo “ Solo” leading him to fall into a abyss of what had happened with his past love.
Yunhee now sitting next to him leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder as she listened closely with understanding. The latter had never experienced this so-called heartbreak before but her love of melodramatic movies indicated to her it was painful and possibly the worst thing to experience. With that, she made a conclusion to stay with J-hope that night even though he had protested tremendously worried about her grandmother’s approval. The young girl brushed it off, a hint of her young rebellion showed through her grin and that night, they fell asleep facing each other, J-hope with his wounded heart and Yunhee with the thought to protect J-hope from this girl. In her dreams and reality, she engraved in her own heart that although she has never met this girl, she already didn’t like her.
Present 2016 ~
A rustling of keys snapped Yunhee from her memories as she peered over seeing a tired J-hope walk in slowly until he paused and noticed her.
“ Yunhee? What are you doing here? It’s so late, don’t you have a schedule tomorrow?”
She didn’t know what to say, yes she was worried about him but she worried about the other boys too when they came home late, however, not to this extent. This time it felt like her worries were not only about him coming home late, but Nari, their relationship, what she meant to him and everything in between. Her head started hurting at this new frustration occurring but she ignored it to answer his question, “ Yes, but I was worried. I remember you talked about N-nari ( the name being hard for Yunhee to say) and I… I just wondered when you would be back?” Ending her statement as a question was not the move, she thought groaning at herself, the headache now being a bigger problem than before.
J-hope smiled gently at Yunhee for her kindness, even at a young age, she always looked out for everyone and made sure BTS were always doing well as individuals and a whole. That is why he felt he had to owe her an explanation of what happened today, positive that the young girl would understand him.
“ Yunhee-ah,” he walked over to sit on the sofa and held her soft hands noticing a slight tremble, “ Are you cold?...No? Okay well I have to tell you something okay?” She looked up at him with her big round eyes and furrowed brows wondering if staying late was a bad idea after all. A moment passed before she nodded, afraid to hear, but as the saying goes curiosity does kill the cat.
“ Nari called me to meet up today because her dad passed away and their family was left with a lot of debt...she is still in college and her mother works at part-time job so they don’t have much money to pay it off and she knows I am the only person who could help her pay off the debt until she gets a job.”
“ So she is using you to pay off her debt?” Yunhee bluntly said with a sour expression.
“ No, didn’t you hear me? She is paying me back after the debt. It’s not like she only wants to reconnect for money, she knew me before any of you did.”
The young girl looked at him aghast and hurt at the fact he would even say that. He had never scowled her before no matter how many times she teased or pranked him with the maknae line, yet one girl from his past, the one that left him so coldy could make him turn against her in an instant.
J-hope seemed to notice her upsetness and started to feel guilty himself, “Yunhee-ah, you know this is just a nice thing I am doing for a friend. You are so kind-hearted yourself, you should understand this.”
The latter hearing those words directed at her ,as if she was a little child, stood up and looked at him. “ I do understand. You’re looking out for a friend and that is completely fine, it’s your life...wouldn’t want to get in the way of you and your long-time friend.”
“ Yunhee, you’re also my frie-.” “ I think I should go back to my dorm.” Yunhee hated herself for being so petty but at this moment, she was hurt, confused, and worried so with all those negative feelings, it unleashed an immaturity from her. “ I’m going to call my manager to take me home so don’t worry about it oppa.” Smiling slightly at him, she leaned over and gave a quick hug to prove to J-hope she was okay even though she really wasn’t.
Later that night, Yunhee laid on her bed holding the angel necklace J-hope had given her on her birthday. Feeling the little jewels bump against her fingertip, the girl sighed and sat up to grab her notebook. Emotions were something Suga told her to express through music if it hurts too much to say and at this point, she was feeling that as the early bothersome headache had now traveled down and created the worst heartache she had ever experienced.
Next week ~
Laughters and chit chats can be heard from Big Hit’s break room where the staffs and idols come to hang out, eat, or discuss different things like the new scandal that is occurring on the news, what concept would be best for BTS’s new comeback, Yunhee’s new rising fame in choreography to what foods taste best with soju and if Namjoon really lost his 3rd AirPod of the week.
“ I’m telling you, I remember I put it on the shelf before we left to perform and when I came back, it was gone.” The leader said exhaustingly, how he can lose so many things beats him but at this point, he was getting tired, the new AirPods just came out and for him to lose it 3 times already was causing him to worry about his mental state.
The rest of the members and Yunhee laughed and shook their heads knowing quite well this would not be the last time RM misplaced his AirPods.
“ Hyung, it must be a ghost ooooooo.” Jimin said trying to scare RM with the thought of paranormal activities happening in BTS’s very own dorm.
“ Ah, don’t say that. It scares me.” V pouted cutely knowing he was also sharing rooms with RM and any ghosts that mess with the tall man would have messed with him as well.
Yunhee gave the sulking V a pat on the back, “ It’s okay Tae tae, ghosts don’t exist.” Though whether she was trying to convince him or herself, she was unsure.
“ Namjoon, you’re really lucky we’ve been making more money. How can you afford to spend so much on your lost things?” Suga snickered.
“ I told you it wasn’t-” RM paused noticing a lack of reaction from the otherwise talkative member, J-hope who did not hear a single word of what was going on, his face glued straight at his phone screen. “ Yo Hope, I know we see each other everyday but you’ve been nonstop on your phone this week. Yunhee’s here too so at least act like you are in this conversation with us.”
J-hope looked up at everyone who were now staring at him. “ What? Sorry guys, Nari just got out of class right now and was telling me about it. It’s so interesting seeing how people go to college and live their lives being just...normal.” He smiles, not aware of the maknae line rolling their eyes at him.
“ Nari Nari Nari that’s all he talks about nowadays.” V whispered to Yunhee as the latter increasingly grew more insecure. Is that what oppa likes about her? The girl thought to herself. That Nari was normal compared to their everyday idol lives, that she went to school with her friends or maybe had a cute part-time job as a barista and on some days, walked freely around without hiding and lived her life, that she was like new fresh air compared to the tight suffocating industry they worked in?
“ Yah Hoseok, tell me the truth.” Jin now spoke up a bit annoyed by the dancer’s distraction as well. “Do you like her? You talked about her a lot and we know you two had history.”
The previous loud chatters were now replaced with complete quietness and tension as if one little shake could disrupt the whole place as everyone waited for his response.
“ No, it’s not like that,” J-hope reassured them, “I’m over her, like you said what we had was history. Past. Done. I mean she was in my previous dance team so we’ve been sharing a lot of ideas and tips for choreography but it’s the best thing for BTS right now, a new outside perspective on our performance. If anything does occur with us, I’ll let you guys know. Like RM telling us about Luna, I’ll let you guys know okay?”
Some nodded while others mumbled in agreement, still not convinced this was just two friends catching up but it was better to hear from J-hope than nothing at all. One member, though noticed Yunhee’s down look frown so being the good older brother he was, decided to step up. “Yunhee-ah, do you want to go with me to my genius lab? There’s a new song I’ve been working on and I like to see your outside perspective on things.” Suga said smugly jabbing at J-hope’s reference to Nari’s outside perspective earlier.
30 minutes later ~
“ So then, I left because I didn’t want him to tell me anymore about him and his ex girlfriend. Do I want to know more now? Yes. Should I ask though? No.” Yunhee said while walking around crossed armed in the small yet beautifully designed studio.
The pale man sitting down now thinking for a minute before choosing his next words, “Why shouldn’t you ask? Yes, she had been in his life for a while but she left. If you think about it, you and her share the same amount of years knowing him.”
“...because it’s intrusive...and I’m afraid to know what he’ll say.” Remembering how he scowled her last week about Nari knowing him for a long time before any of them did throbbed at her heart, it wouldn’t have been the first time though as his words were repeated in her mind every night she laid awake since. “ They’ve known each other before he debuted and she’s from the outside world...she’s different. Plus she’s a dancer from his old dance team! She could possibly be the best dancer there is...” Sulking even more now, Yunhee sat down on the sleek couch. It had been a while since this so-called low self esteem appeared in her life especially since after debut, she was praised a lot for her strong dance skills and cheery charm but now it felt like none of that mattered in comparison to Nari.
“ Yunhee, I know Hoseok. Yes he might be enjoying time with Nari now but she’s not the one for him. Whether she is a good or bad person, it just doesn't seem right seeing them together. Hoseok deserves more…. but before you ask Hoseok about his true feelings, you should ask yourself that as well.”
Looking at him wide eyed, she repetitively shook her head. “ Oppa! I have no idea what you are talking about, I am just a concerned friend.”
“ So you’re telling me, your-” he stopped looking at the clock, “ 25 minute rant and pile of insecurity lining up in my studio was just because you were a concerned friend? Okay then.”
Yunhee glared at him before proceeding to stick her tongue out. “ Yoongi oppa, didn’t you have a song you want to show me?” “ No, I just brought you here cause I knew you needed to talk. Besides I don’t need an outside perspective on my new song.” The 22 year old boy smirked.
“ Okay, Agu S T D. I need help on this new song I’ve been working on though. I got the verses and bridge part first weirdly enough but I’ve been trying to make a chorus that really sums up everything. It’s going to be in the majority of the song so it has to be good. Please help me out.” Yunhee asked cutely and handed over to him the notebook she had kept in her bag as he flipped to the bookmarked section.
Is she still so great?
Does your heart drop just by a single phone call?...
Why is she calling you when she coldly left you?
It’s frustrating to see you pick up the call too
As I see you go through this, I still stick by you
For that, I’m the bigger fool
I’m the bigger fool for waiting for you
Suga after reading the song lyrics looked up staring intensely at the waiting girl who was also meeting his gaze , “ Oppa? How is it? Do you like it?...Ow!” Her blue notebook tapped lightly against her head by Suga’s hands.“ Yah, what kind of concerned friend writes like that? If I wrote something like this for Taehyung when he is being weird, people would ship us more than Sope….but it is a good song. I can work on the composing with you tomorrow if you can get the chorus done tonight. You’re at the right place, you just need to look further than the song and think thoroughly about what you want to convey.”
The younger smiled brightly and thanked him with a cheeky air kiss leaving the elder to blush and look away constantly shocked by her outgoingness.
Ah Yunhee, Suga sighed, why can’t you see your own feelings too? Why can’t you understand the one that deserves Hoseok is you?
The next day ~
A bright energetic Yunhee bounced on her way to BTS’s studio floor holding her finished lyrics in one hand and an iced green tea in the other. She spent the whole day yesterday thinking about Suga’s words and was finally able to finish the chorus, ignoring the little voice in her mind though about her feelings toward J-hope. She did not want it to ruin her day and after finishing her first full song, she was eager to see it come to life. As RM once told her, “ Better make use of your emotions because it can turn into something beautiful.” She was doing exactly that as she basically jumped out the elevator and headed towards the passcode studio.
A certain doe-eyed boy though stopped her track. “Noona? What are you doing here?”.
“Oh Kookie, hi! I’m going to Yoongi oppa’s, he’s been helping me write a song and I’m soooo excited!” The maknae now looked at her more wide eyed than before with a hint of nervousness as he shuffled around, “ Ah r-really? Okay, well just letting you know... Nari noona is here with Hope hyung.”
“ What?” Yunhee’s blood ran cold like the iced green tea that was condensing in her hand, “Why?” “ He wanted to show her around a bit, they were dancing together in the practice room and..yeah.”
 Dancing in the practice room...that was something we did, Yunhee thought miserably. “ B-but it’s our practice room, no one can just go in… it’s fine. Thanks for letting me know Kook. I’m going to go to Yoongi oppa now.” She then proceeded to walk past the worried maknae ignoring the tears welling up as he stared after her, him hoping there was a way Nari would be gone and everything would go back to normal.
Knock Knock...Beep!
The passcode unlocked as Yunhee walked inside quietly setting her things aside. “ Yun yun, did you fi- hey why are you crying?” “ Oppa,” Yunhee broke, running to hug the older male with tears rushing down, “ He’s with her here. They’re dancing together and I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to cry but my heart hurts so much, why does it hurt so much?” 
Yoongi cradled Yunhee in his arms, heart aching at the fact that the girl who was always there for them, the bubbly strong girl who never wanted to see anyone hurt was breaking down herself. “Oppa, is she going to replace me?” Suga froze then quickly pulled her back by the shoulder peering directly into her eyes, “ No Yunhee. No one is ever going to replace you, you’re our sister and no one in this entire world can make you go away… It’s going to be okay, I’ll have a talk with Hope but for now stay here and rest a little.” “... no, please I want to finish the song.”
Suga looked at Yunhee who was now standing up to get ready to sing the final touches. They’ve been working for an hour now arranging things together much to his concern but Yunhee had always been the type to get up quickly or in this case, determined to finish what she started.
Yunhee took in a deep breath, this was it. That last verse and then it would be sent to BangPD to see if he liked it or not. She honestly didn’t know if she wanted it to be sent though, the whole song being a little too close to home and personal for it to be her first released one, but some part of her was even more worried what Hoseok would think once he sees it. Would he know it was about him? Would he know her...feelings? Ugh, yes leave it to Yoongi and his damn Pisces energy to make her realize it, but she did in some ways care about Hoseok...more than a concerned friend.
No, she definitely cared about him way more than that. She felt happy when he was happy, she was sad when he was sad. Everything he felt, she took it upon herself to feel twice as much. If there was something on her mind, she would rush to him in less than a heartbeat and he was always the one she wanted to impress out of everybody.
 I like him...I like him a lot, Yunhee thought. He helped her become a better person everyday from his caringness and he was the one person who she would give up her dancing for even though her skills were her biggest pride. Yunhee chuckled lightly. Once emotions were opened they really opened the whole way, but now she has to focus and sing. Yoongi has been looking at her weirdly for a while now anyways, so closing her eyes and gathering all her new found emotions, all of the memories she shared with J-hope and the 11:11 wishes she prayed for him, started to use her ethereal vocals and sing the pitiful song.
How much did you like her to be like this?
How much did you love her to be like this?
What was so great about her?
Why are you like this?
How much did you like her to be like this?
How much did you love her to be like this?
How can you make me be in pain?
I’ve never met her but I really don’t like her
Yunhee let out a sigh due to all the pain and ache she had felt released in this song, it was like a part of her was free now. No matter what happens to Hoseok and her, she would trust in fate to do the bidding, as long as she was content and free she was going to be okay. Who knew fate would hear her that very moment though.
Opening her eyes, she glanced up and went stone rigid as the first pair of eyes she met were the most beautiful ones belonging to the recipient of this song itself, Jung Hoseok. And just her luck, standing behind him was also the muse, a small brown hair girl who could only be named as Nari. 
Guess this time Yunhee will really have to meet her and see if she likes her or not. Just great.
Part 2 https://moonliney.tumblr.com/post/619869275003453440/35k-of-pure-love-genre-fluffier-this-time
Aaaaand that’s a wrap people! Omg, maybe I should have put a warning that this would be really bad ahshshjsnahkgkfkfk but thanks for reading! feel free to leave comments or ask questions I’m open to answer anything :) quarantine got me being sooo lonely...bye!
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