Devils Roll The Dice & Angels Roll Their Eyes
Draco Malfoy was seven years old when he met Evie Evergreen. His father had finally taken him to the park after weeks of begging from him and nagging from his mother, Narcissa. Lucius argued that Draco had better things to do then spend his time outside, getting dirty in the dirt and sand, but as a mere seven year old, Draco wanted nothing more.
When they got to the park, Draco expected— no, hoped— that his father would be like all other fathers at the park, playing with their sons. But he was wrong. Instead of joining Draco on the playground, Lucius instead stood at a distance, chatting up a co-worker of his at the Ministry.
Draco was digging his shoes into the dirt sorrowfully, disappointed by Lucius once again, when he heard the sound of a girl crying. He glanced over at Lucius, who was still in deep conversation, and decided to follow the sound of the cries.
He walked to the edge of the park, by the trees and discovered a brunette girl, lowered on the ground with her back to him, her stark black hair so long that it nearly touched the ground.
“You, girl,” he inched towards her, towering over her as she kneeled on the mulch ground. “Are you alright?”
When she turned around to face him, the first thing Draco noticed were her eyes. They were a deep shade of emerald green, nearly the same color as the pine trees that surrounded him. She didn’t seem as though she were hurt or in danger, but the tears that streamed down her face told another story.
“He’s hurt,” she whimpered as she wiped her tears with the sleeve of her dress.
Draco wondered who she was referring to. It was only the two of them here. It wasn’t until she shifted to the side that he finally got it.
“I found him like this,” she said, her eyes watering more as she looked at the wounded pigeon on the ground. It chirped painfully as it tried to stretch it’s wing but couldn’t.
Draco knelt down to match the girl,“It’s just a pigeon. Stop crying, you’re going to tire yourself out with all that weeping,” he tried his best to be sensitive. The girl bawled even more. His best wasn’t even close.
“Seriously girl, it’s just a stupid bird, it’s call nature, the circle of life and what not. There’s no need to sob over it.”
“Just a stupid bird?” She wiped her eyes once more. “What if you were the one with a broken arm right now, how would you like it if I came over here and said you were just a stupid little boy and left you for dead, claiming that it’s just nature?” She barked back at him, her soft voice now laced with anger.
Draco sat silent for a minute. He had half a mind to set the girl in her place for talking to him like that, but the other half of him knew that what she said was valid. Draco looked at the pigeon, feeling himself wince every time it chirped with pain and uncertainty.
“We… we can get it help,” he offered, “just, just please stop crying.” The blonde boy reached into the pocket of his trousers, pulling out a napkin with his initials D.M embroidered onto them, and handed it to the girl.
The girl accepted his napkin, and breathed in through her nose, her snot very, very audible as it traveled up her sinuses. Draco did his best to keep a straight face and not show too much disgust.
“You promise?” She asked as she wiped her tears away, looking straight into his blue eyes with her own green ones.
Draco couldn’t really put his finger on it, but the moment they locked eyes, he felt something. A sensation that he could only relate to the first time his father praised him. It felt weird, he thought to himself.
The girl waited for Draco to confirm, and although he was unsure of how he was going to help this bird, he promised her anyways.
“I promise.”
The girl smiled, and Draco was about to smile too, until his father’s commanding voice broke their moment.
“Boy,” Lucius glared down at the two kids. He turned his head around for a minute (more like 10) and suddenly his son was gone. “Draco, what are you doing here, and who is she…“ Lucius pointed his cane at the girl.
The girls eyes widened at the cane that was inches from her face.
Draco and Lucius both turned around in surprised. The man who was calling the girls name, was no other than Lucius’s co-worker at the Ministry.
“Ernest, does she belong to you,” Lucius asked, his cane still remaining in it’s place.
Ernest nodded and chuckled nervously as he walked over to pull his daughter up from the ground. “Yes, yes, she is my daughter.” Draco thought the resemblance between father and daughter was uncanny. Much like how he and his father shared similar features, Ernest had the same green eyes and dark facial features as the girl.
“Evelyn Evergreen, I told you to stay around the playground area!” Ernest scolded. “What on god’s green earth are you doing all the way over here?
“I like to know as well, Draco…” Lucius questioned his son. Draco gulped, his father’s voice was never not intimidating.
“Well boy? I’m waiting…”
“I-I” Draco stuttered, something that Lucius loathed.
“He came to make sure I was alright,” Evie spoke for Draco. You could tell from the look in Ernest’s eyes that he was panicked that Evie had been so bold as to speak up in front of the Lucius Malfoy. Ernest tightened his grip on his daughter hand as she dared to come closer to Lucius, scared of how the man would react.
“He promised me he would help this pigeon, sir,” she gestured their attention to the bird on the floor, still doing its best to fly despite not getting up at all. “Sir… sir and dad, could you help him? Something must have hurt his wing.”
The moment those words left her mouth, Draco knew that his promise to her would not come to fruition. Her eyes were bright with hope as she looked at Lucius, but Draco couldn’t bare to look any longer. He knew his father too well, and was sure of what was going to happen next.
“Of course I’ll help little girl,” The black look on Lucius face turned into a smile, which made Evie smile as well, as she thought the pigeon was finally going to be saved.
She was wrong. Very wrong.
Lucius pulled his wand out from his cane and pointed it at the bird. Evie watched with anticipation, sure that he was going to preform some type of healing spell on the hurt creature.
Draco closed his eyes, wishing that he could shut of his ears as well in order to not hear what would come next.
Ernest pulled his daughter’s face towards him, away from the bird as Lucius uttered his next words.
“Avada Kedavra!” He spelled, the bird instantly dropping over as though frozen in time. Evie turned around, blissfully unaware.
The wishful look on Evie faced washed away and turned into terror. Her scream was one that Draco Malfoy would never forget, as it made his heart sink to the bottom of his chest. Evie screamed and sobbed, and hurt for the bird. She cried and cried and would have told his father off too, if it weren't for Ernest restraining her.
Draco was well aware that he would get lectured and yelled at from his father, but his emotions could not be kept to himself. He watched as Ernest carried the black hair girl away, her face red from crying, contrasting against her wet green eyes. A few tears slipped from Draco’s own, but he no longer had his napkin to wipe them.
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