moonpie-mars · 2 years
UNDERMARS - chapter 3, "save"
As the two little humans walked through those ruins, carefully following the explanation of each puzzle, they began to realize how dangerous the place was as well as beautiful. They were confused when they saw a dummy in front of them and approached him to understand what it was made of.
"Don’t pay too much attention to that, it’s just a dummy for training." The goat said, smiling and continuing to walk. "If you should ever find monsters that want to attack you, leave them to me."
Frisk smiled instantly at the dummy, finding it funny, while Chara studied it from head to toe, finding it… useless. They kept walking without thinking about anything else until the wide-shouldered guy turned to look at them after a few minutes. His ears twitched, almost as if he was hearing something.
"Go ahead, you’ll be home in a few minutes. I need to see if anything happens." He stated, walking away.
Chara and Frisk looked into each other’s eyes, not knowing what to do at that point, but continued to walk fearlessly hand in hand.
"Chara… I’m tired," the blue muttered, who still had only one HP left.
The twin sighed as he looked at him. "I know… hang in there a little longer, maybe we'll find anything that might help you, okay?" They found themselves in front of a little table with candies on it, there was written -take one-. Frisk reached for a sweet, but Chara grabbed his hand and stopped him. "What if they are poisonous?" he asked, worried. Frisk looked at him, not knowing what to say, but then sighed and shook his head.
"You’re paranoid…" He muttered, following him to the exit of that room.
They continued through the small corridors, completed different puzzles, and avoided fighting monsters in order not to mess up anything. Only one creature challenged their patience, or more specifically, Chara's patience. He was a ghost who was lying on the ground to prevent them from passing.
"… I'll tell him-" "But he’s asleep, Chara!! Maybe he’s tired…" "He’s a ghost, ghosts don’t get tired." "How do you know?" "Frisk, he’s dead with a sheet on his head. How could a blanket be tired?" "Don’t call it that!!! That’s offensive!!!"
That’s when they both saw that ghost on the ground change color and turn blue. They heard him crying and they saw his tears coming out of the two holes that were supposed to represent his eyes.
"Oh, now the sheet is blue- OUCH!" Chara yelled, receiving a small nudge from his brother. Frisk cautiously approached the little ghost and sat right in front of him. "Hi… I’m Frisk. Why are you sad?" he asked quietly.
The ghost straightened up, looked at Frisk, and sobbed once again. "Nobody wants Napstablook as a friend!!!!" he nearly screamed.
"You’d have friends if you didn’t cry so much." Chara muttered, leaning against the wall, and Frisk glared at him.
"W-What Chara is trying to say is that you would be more handsome if you didn't cry!! Who isn't more beautiful with a smile on their face?"
Napstablook looked at Frisk and shook his head quickly. "No! He’s right! My friends left because I'm a crybaby !!" He said, continuing to cry even bigger tears.
"But I believe they made a huge mistake; you seem to be a really sweet and lovable ghost; I would love to be your friend, and I'm sure my brother does as well!!" And he turned to face Chara. "Right, brother?" he asked, emphasizing the words and continuing to stare at him.
"Yeah, sure, as he said." He had to say while crossing his arms over his chest.
Napstablook's tears stopped, and after a few seconds, he became yellow, and his eyes took a happier shape. "I've made friends!!!" He flew around them, shouting happily. "I'm going to tell everyone!!!"
And there he was, a little yellow ghost flying through the ruins, telling every monster how happy he was to have new friends. Frisk stood up, took a deep breath, and turned to look at Chara.
"What? You’re the empathic one, not me!" he said, chuckling.
"You’re evil." He muttered, obviously not thinking that, and walked away.
"Come on, Frisk!! Don’t leave your lovely empathetic twin alone!" the red called after him.
"No, I don't want your hand! You can walk all alone! You deserve it!" "I’ll cry if you talk to me like that!" "Karma."
They finally arrived in front of a strange dead, completely black tree, and its aura was disturbing. In front of it was a shining and bright light; Frisk was the first to put out his hand, and a black message appeared in front of him.
-HP fully restored-
"Oh wow!!!" he said, looking at his HP and then at Chara. "Touch it too!" he said. Though sighing, Chara touched that light.
-CHARA lv.1 | save?-
"Weird… I didn’t see that…" Frisk muttered, getting close to his twin.
Chara thought about it for a couple of seconds, after which he saved it as requested. "Level 1…" he whispered to himself.
"Oh, humans, you have arrived." From behind the tree, they saw the goat again, this time without armor. "Fortunately there is no danger here in the ruins, so follow me."
"Wait," Chara called back, and then she pointed her twin finger. "how do we know… we can trust you?"
The monster laughed as he stared at the little human. "Oh…I would have killed you if I wanted to." He murmured it as he opened the door and allowed them in. "There's a guest room on the right; make yourself comfortable." And he left them there so he could move to the left side of the house, most likely to the kitchen.
Chara and Frisk took a glance around and had to agree that the house was lovely and peaceful, and somehow, they weren't worried about being attacked. They walked around the home for a bit, stopping in the right corridor to better examine the furniture.
"Oh look, a mirror!" Frisk immediately approached it to look at him and passed a hand through his hair hoping to remove the dust. Chara approached it as well, sighing at how filthy his face was because of the dust and the dirt.
Frisk burst out laughing and placed his hands on the twin's cheeks to clean them. His eyes, however, were pulled to the door behind Chara, where -guests- was written; so, the blue one didn't hesitate and opened it. The room was yellow and decorated with paintings, games, teddy bears, and bookshelves. But it was the bed that captured their attention.
Chara almost fainted at its sight. "Finally," he said softly before jumping on it. Frisk followed soon after, standing next to him, and they stared up at the ceiling for a little.
"Does your head still hurts…?" Chara asked, not looking at the twin.
"No… what about yours …?" he asked shortly after. He saw the head of the red moving horizontally and then didn't say anything more.
"Promise me to… be careful, okay? I don’t want to lose you as I did for-… I-I don’t want to lose you."
Frisk turned to look at him and hugged him. "You won’t lose me Chara, I promise." He whispered. "… I love you, you're the best brother in the world."
"… I love you too."
They stayed in each other's arms for a while, until their eyes closed and they both fell into a deep but well-deserved sleep.
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moonpie-mars · 2 years
Undermars - chapter 2, “wake up”
"Chara!" As he calmly wandered across that lovely grassland, a man's voice echoed throughout the field. The ground was completely covered with flowers, the sun was high in the sky, and there were barely any clouds. "Let's go, Chara! Stop hiding!" He called once again while looking around.
A kid screamed, and Chara and Frisk suddenly rose together from a pile of flowers, jumping on their father while holding wooden sticks in their tiny hands. After that sudden attack, the man fell to the ground carrying his small children with him while pretending to be injured. As they were struggling to get out of their dad's embrace, they both burst into laughter and ended up rolling in the grass with him.F risk giggled as he tried to remove the yellow flowers that he spotted in Chara's red hair when he got up.
"You didn't eat any, did you?" He asked ironically, holding one of the flowers in his hands and showing it to his twin.
"Shhh !!!" The red said immediately, almost frightening Frisk. "I heard something !!" Continued right after. There were a few minutes of silence, after which he hugged his brother and made sure that they could both roll down the small hill.
"Surprise attack!!"
"Chara!! I got a flower in my mouth !! "
"At least now you will smell good !!!"
"Oh look who's talking! You're the one who has to take a shower! "
In the meantime, the father, who was currently standing and watching the two roll over, smiled and turned his face to the sky to breathe in the refreshing breeze.
But when Chara turned to look at him, his eyes opened.
His head was spinning, it hurts, and his eyesight wasn't the best. Without being able to recognize that place, he raised a palm to his forehead and slowly sat up. It looked like a cave, and the ground was covered with several flowers some of which he had already seen in front of his grandfather's house. He panicked as he found his brother laying on the ground nearby. He crawled over to him and carefully raised his head to check if he was breathing or if he was badly injured. He was frightened at the idea of losing him forever that he almost had a panic attack. But, when he saw his blue eyes opening, he sighed in relief.
He murmured "Hey," he run his fingers through his hair, and put his head on his chest while his hands were still trembling.
"Chara ..." he whispered, still confused from the fall. Luckily they had landed on a flower patch and not on something more… hard or spiky.
"Why did it cross your mind to follow me ... you..idiot..." The redhead said immediately laughing shortly after.
"Does it look like the right moment to scold me when we are soaked and covered with flowers in a place we do not know?" Frisk sat up and asked. "I should be screaming at you right now-!"
The twin stopped him by putting a hand on his mouth to silence him. "I heard something," he whispered.
Chara put away his hand when he saw that Frisk was trying to tell him something.
"We need to figure out how to leave this place, so I hope you heard the sound of a light bulb." He asserted, whispering. He narrowed his eyes a little as he looked up at the sky. "There's no way to climb this..."
After a few moments of silence, Chara nodded and stood up, reaching out to his twin. "Then we have to walk." He said.
Frisk, who wasn't so sure of that choice, took his hand and almost fell because of Chara pulling him so hard. When they started walking, they were surprised to see columns heading to another area but they continued to wander hand in hand until a little flower with yellow petals sprung out of the ground.
"Howdy! I am Flowey! Flowey the- "
"Let me guess, flower?" Chara immediately said, not even letting him finish, then he tried to get away from there by dragging his brother with him.
However, he saw that everything around him became dark and that a heart of a vivid red, which he had never seen before, appeared in front of his chest. Soon after, when he turned to look at his brother, he saw a turquoise heart.
"Determination and Empathy!" The flower said while some of its roots came out of the ground just so he could give a little push to the twins and bring them closer to him. "A beautiful combination, you seem like a perfect personification of your souls!"
Chara almost growled like an animal, but Frisk prevented it by pulling his hand slightly.
"It's a flower ... it won't hurt us, I'm sure..." he whispered, giving him a sweet smile. He then looked at Flowey and slowly approached him.
“My name is Frisk! And this is my brother Chara, we're looking for a way out of here.” He tried to explain, always keeping a smile on his face.
Flowey laughed like crazy. “It doesn't work like that! Here it's not as easy as it seems! " He said, still laughing. "You have fallen into the underground, this is the territory of monsters! In this place, there is no mercy !!! It's kill or be killed, you don't ask monsters for information to go home !!! " And he laughed again. "And I know very well that someone here knows what I'm talking about!" he whispered maliciously.
"Frisk let's go."
“And where would you like to go, huh? Until a few moments ago you didn't even know what a soul was !! I bet you don't even know how to survive here !!! " Flowey almost screamed.
"O-Ok I think we got off to a bad start..." Frisk looked at both of them, took a deep breath, and then stood in front of the flower. "What do we have to do to go away?" He then asked as Chara kept a grin of annoyance on his face.
"I told you. Here it's kill or be killed… but I could give you a little basic lesson on how not to die on your first steps… ” Flowey finally mumbled, looking away, as if he wanted them to plead with him to tell them.
Seeing the twins eyes fixed on his figure, the flower grinned. "In this place ... the only way to not fight is ... accept the love that monsters give." He stated.
Frisk sighed in relief, but Chara suspected something wasn't right and decided to speak to his brother. He felt as if they were being made fun of.
"Quit the jokes, useless flo-"
"Chara !!" His brother interrupted him immediately, looking him in the eyes. “He's trying to tell us how to survive in this place! He is the only ... monster who hasn't hurt us and is trying to help us! " He scolded him squeezing his arm a little.
"You don't realize how he's trying to manipulate you ?!" He almost yelled at him.
"I think you should calm down and let him finish talking before you think about anything else !!" Frisk immediately answered.
“Frisk, that's a monster !!! It's not a simple flower, he's down here for a reason and you are trying to trust him!!”
"At least he's trying to communicate calmly-" He had never experienced such pain; his eyesight became blurry, the soul in front of him trembled, and he was forced to fall to his knees. He was quickly caught by Chara, who checked his twin's soul.
"You have ... one HP ... is your life going down !?" He was about to scream with fear, in fact, he immediately turned his face towards Flowey and saw seeds spinning around him. "Damn bastard ... WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER ?!"
Flowey laughed hysterically. “What did I tell you ?! Here it's kill or be killed, but your brother is too naive for this world!!!! " And around the twins, other seeds were created, ready to harm them
But everything came to an end as they heard what sounded to be a thump coming from beyond the walls. The flower rapidly made the seeds disappear as if he was scared of something, but Chara took advantage of this by jumping on top of it with the intent of ripping off the stem. "YOU BIT-" He screamed.
"Chara ... stop ..." Frisk complained, observing his soul and touching it with curiosity. “Extraordinary… I've never lost HP in my life…” He muttered as the twin was busy pulling Flowey out of the ground.
Chara was unable to do so, and the tiny flower quickly went into the ground, leaving the kids all by themselves. Or perhaps they weren't quite that alone. When they saw a monster, they realized why the flower had tried to escape. A huge goat with massive shoulders, horns that were large and curved, armor that covered its body, and a long red trident with a flower on it; intimidating. Because of his fear, Frisk remained silent as Chara stood in front of his body and extended an arm to protect him.
"Humans." The stranger called them, approaching them. "You are in a territory that doesn't belong to you, you will suffer the consequences." And he raised the trident against them.
"WAIT-" Frisk yelled, even though he had to lean on Chara from the effort. “We fell by mistake, we didn't want to be here! We just want to go home !! " He affirmed.
Chara didn't even turn around, he continued to keep his face turned to the stranger, even though his chest was moving quickly due to the anxiety of the moment.
"…Liars." He just said, raising the trident to hit them.
They both thought it was the end, but the goat stopped and, after a few minutes of silence, bent down on its legs to look at them.
"How old are you?" He asked softly, this time looking at Chara in the eyes.
"Thirteen." He murmured as he grabbed his twin's hand with one of his. “My brother only has one HP and we don't know where we are…” He hated asking a monster for help, but he would do whatever he could to help his brother.
After other moments of total silence, the stranger raised his helmet and smiled ... kindly. He acted as if he had changed his mind about wanting to kill the two of them only moments earlier.
“I'm not going to kill you, so follow me. I'll take you to my house. " He told them, getting up and making his way to other parts of the area.
This allowed Chara the time to look at Frisk, who gave him the courage to start moving with a nod of his head. Without knowing what was beyond the walls, they proceeded to walk hand in hand behind the goat with blond hair and beard, not knowing what to expect from the future.
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moonpie-mars · 2 years
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moonpie-mars · 2 years
Some links ! <3
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/moonpiemars
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/moonpiemars
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moonpie-mars · 2 years
Undermars - chapter 1, “darkness”
The aroma of blooming flowers, a yellow butterfly flying in circles around a blue-haired lad, and a green endless field. He couldn't help but think about how beautiful the place was even, though, it was so odd it didn't even feel real. But he felt a warm, vibrant light approaching him, which almost soothed him to sleep. The anguish screams abruptly put an end to that peace, and he opened his eyes to his father's troubled face and the pitch-black night outside.
"FRISK" he yelled, grabbing him by the shoulders to shake him. His face was covered in wounds, the bright red hair was covered in dust, the beard was thick, the eyes were filled with fear. His son's blue eyes were the only thing that made him stop, and so he hugged him tightly.
Taking advantage of the situation, the little one looked around.
Fire and blood flooded the street, civilians running, and monsters attacking. It was at that moment that he remembered why he was there, what was happening in his village. A few days earlier the monsters had declared war on humans because of the excessive oppression; it was a rebellion.
But how did he end up on that dirty concrete? What happened to his father?
"Where is your brother?!" It was his father's voice that brought him back to reality again. As if his father heard his thoughts, he was about to ask that as well. "Where?!" He yelled again, raising his voice even more, with tears in his eyes.
"I-I don't know ..." He whispered in response, as his eyes couldn't focus on a single thing. He saw his father bite his lip to hold back more tears, but he was too tired to say more. He was suddenly carried inside a building, one of the most stable in that poorly reduced environment, and kindly seated under a flight of stairs.
"Don't move until I get back with your brother." He ordered. The little boy nodded without saying anything else and he hugged his legs to his chest, frightened and cold. His father placed his long black coat on his shoulders, before placing a kiss on the little one’s forehead.
"I'll be back soon, be brave for me, ok?"
Those were the last words he heard from his father, and then there was silence for endless hours before an agonizing scream made his bones shiver.
He suddenly woke up, his blue eyes were wide open, and his trembling hands grabbed the blanket of his bed.
"Look who woke up after leaving me alone for days!"
The voice of his twin, in this case laughing, was almost a miracle to hear. With bandaids wrapping around his arms and torso, he entered his room holding a tray. He was hurt, but Frisk wasn't doing any better.
"Chara- where- what- I-"
"Stay calm, do not panic ... we are not in danger, not anymore." He muttered, sitting beside him on the bed, and watching him with his red eyes. "How do you feel ...?" He asked, placing a hand on one of the boy's legs.
Then Frisk glanced around the room. The walls were made of wood, much like the furniture, and lacked any appealing ornamentation, yet seemed strangely familiar nonetheless.
There were cookies and steaming tea on the tray, as if the redhead knew the twin would wake up soon. He then decided to get out of the bed, despite how difficult it was, and he leaned against the window next to it to look outside. He could see green grass, some pretty old houses with fields around them, and a few scattered hills.
"It's grandpa's house ... why aren't we at our house?" He asked, turning to Chara, panting. It was difficult for him to say anything else, but, with a trembling voice, he finally asked: "Where is dad...?"
After that question there was silence. Chara got up from the bed, placed the tray on it, and parted his lips to say something. Sadly, all that came out of them was a sob and a few sorrowful tears.
He fell to his knees, slammed his fists against the floor, and screamed as if it was kept inside for too long. The fright he faced on those days, the sense of responsibility he had towards his twin, the fear of losing him forever as happened to his father; the phobia of being alone.
"I'm sorry," he said, crying while keeping his head down, as if afraid to meet his brother's eyes. "I'm sorry," he repeated, sobbing.
While observing his twin grieving on the ground, Frisk took some time to process the information. In front of him, he knelt, crawled up to him, and gave him a strong hug before joining in with the sobs.
He never had the strength to ask him what happened, he preferred not to know, and in the following days, it was difficult for them to move on. They were young and alone, and Chara had developed a trauma after that loss.
It became difficult to be around him, to manage his panic attacks, his mood changes, and his now daily nightmares; his mental health deteriorated every day and Frisk's soon followed.
But one night, he turned over in bed to see his brother's body, only to wake up and find no one there. He got up and peered out the window, only to see how the rain and lightning had embraced the night's blackness.
His blue eyes searched the figure of his twin all over the room, but there was no trace of him. He then got up from his bed and left the room slowly, afraid of the darkness. He had a knot in his throat and nearly passed out when he noticed that the door of the home was left open. In his heart, he prayed that he was having a nightmare, but deep down he knew that he wasn't.
"N-no ..." He whispered, and approached the door with shaky legs.
He went out a few moments later, ignoring the cold, and immediately began to run among the tall grass of that immense field.
He wanted to scream, he wanted to call his brother with all the strength he had, but his lips opened in vain because not even a sound came out of his mouth. He couldn't speak, couldn't scream, and ran barefoot wearing only pajamas and with the rain soaking his whole body.
It didn't take long before he fell to the ground, injuring his hands and knees from the fall, and he cried desperately as he brought the palm of one of his hands to his throat, scratching it. He opened his eyes to look around and it was at that moment that he saw a black fabric hidden in the grass. He grabbed it, pulled it towards him, and found a black jacket in his hands; it was his father's.
He didn't even wonder why and how it was out there in the rain, he found the courage to get up and started running again, holding the only possession that could lead him back to his twin. He stopped only when he spotted Chara's red hair going into the woods; then, he followed him even though his legs were begging for mercy. He wasn't sure where he was going, as his eyesight was ruined by tears and rain, but he soon realized that he was going up a hill.
After a few minutes, he finally managed to see him: completely soaked, his body trembling and his eyes filled with tears. The two looked at each other at first, without saying a word, then Frisk managed to get something out of his lips:
"Please don't do this." He almost raised his voice to let himself be heard in the flood, but Chara backed away closer and closer to the edge of what appeared to be a very deep black pit.
However, it was his answer that frightened the blue-haired boy the most:
"YOU DON'T GET IT, DO YOU?" Chara yelled, holding a hand to his chest and then opening both his arms. “WE ARE ALONE, FRISK. WE. ARE. ALONE. "
"We aren't, Chara!" He immediately replied, trying to get closer. He felt a small crack under him and only then did he notice how many roots there were around them. “If… if we are together, everything will be fine! There is no need to do this, I'm sure we can find a solution- "
"DO NOT SAY THAT." He rubs his arm over his face to wipe away the tears. "I have already found my solution!" He stated, turning and leaning too far. It was in that very moment, in his last step, that the earth underneath his feet collapsed. Chara fell.
Frisk immediately ran up to him, dropping his father's jacket to the ground; he grasped his wrist and with his free hand managed to grab a root that came out of the muddy earth.
His blue eyes immediately met his twin's red ones, both hurt and red from too many tears, frightened and confused.
“PLEASE HOLD MY HAND” Frisk yelled, almost immediately feeling Chara's life slip through his fingers. "PLEASE" He screamed again, crying desperately.
Chara didn't even have time to understand what was happening, because before his free hand could grab Frisk the root snap, dropping both of them into the underground. And the sound of the rain got quieter and quieter as their eyes were ready to close for the last time.
Their hands remained together while their bodies disappeared into the darkness of the abyss.
next chapter: wake up
thanks to @ghostie-h03 that helped me correct the text <33
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moonpie-mars · 2 years
u cute.
reverse card :P
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