moonpride · 4 years
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A petrified squeal escaped Yookyung as she jerked, her hands hesitating to touch the substance on her shoulder before she instead decided to shove her jacket off insteal. ❝ You can’t just say stuff like that and not help !! ❞ The whine escaped the petite girl as she took a few frightened steps back herself. ❝ I– I didn’t get a good look at it, what is that ?? ❞ 
“I don’t know!” Seolhee stands there for a moment, staring at the jacket. “I wasn’t about to help and get that weird stuff on me! What if it’s from an alien, and it absorbs into my skin?!” She uses her umbrella to poke at the jacket with the tip of it, attempting to turn it over to get a good look at the goo. She leans over a bit, trying to squint.
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moonpride · 4 years
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moonpride · 4 years
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kyungri for harper’s bazaar (may 2020)
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moonpride · 4 years
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“ 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐆𝐎 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 ? ” or anything that would take him away from that lonely place, he wanted to add. 
“I haven’t gone camping since I was a kid.” Xia probably wouldn’t be able to pitch a tent to safe her life, which is kind of surprising seeing as how she’s so self-reliant. “Do you have supplies to do it?”
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moonpride · 4 years
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Mars Snake Fire!
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moonpride · 4 years
open starter
for: m/f/nb 
from: korain 
connection: friend / love interest 
plot: basic college students but your muse is best friends with korain aka a top model who is tryna earn a degree in clinical psychology. 
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having one of the men listed number 6 in the hottest male models featured in VOGUE Korea in your college class was – different.  his freshmen year of college went by smoothly and effortlessly. nobody really noticed him let alone paid him any attention and koran could successfully study and go to his classes without much interruption. when he was scouted by an elite modeling agency his sophomore year, instead of giving up his college education ( as much as he loved modeling he loves psychology more ) he decided to balance both. korain transferred from his small community college in his hometown to a large university on the outskirts of busan for the convenience of having his modeling agency close by. 
sitting in the library, packed by many students attempting to study for the upcoming midterm exams or socializing. korain was happy to have their company, he didnt have many friends on campus ( considering he had a busy schedule and didn’t trust everyone’s good intent on befriending him ) so whenever they asked to hang out, study or chill - korain always said yes. his pencil is tapping against his lip, his hearing aids are in his backpack, which only allows his to focus more intently on the developmental psychology book he has. drowning out all the sounds from the outside world. 
Sitting in the library is starting to take a toll on Sunghoon’s. He’s been here, studying intensely, for the better part of a few hours. It doesn’t help that Korain is lost in his own studies, either. Sunghoon stares at the other male, watching the way that he taps his pencil against his lip. Sunghoon is honestly just itching for the other to look up and decide that they need to get the Hell out of here.
Finally, when he can take it no longer, Sunghoon pushes his text book away from him toward the center of the table and groans. He rubs his face with his hands, and murmurs. “I gotta get out of here for a moment. Coffee, or something.” Now he looks to Korain again. Does the other not have his hearing aids in? Sunghoon leans over and taps lightly on Korain’s book to get his attention. “Coffee? Food? Slipping into the abyss and letting sweet darkness take me? Anything to stop the studying madness.”
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moonpride · 4 years
reverse starter call!
Hit like heart if you’d like me to go through your opens and reply to one, or two, or a million. I wanna get this blog off the ground!
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moonpride · 4 years
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when u have the most charming smile in the world but ur just a shy baby
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moonpride · 4 years
( ♡ ) open starter, park sunghoon.
INFORMATION: Park Sunghoon is the reincarnation of Tuxedo Mask. Anyone can answer this thread. Your muse saw him thwarting two men’s attempt at robbing a jewelry store last night when his mask fell off to reveal his identity. Now your muse is confronting him.
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For now, Sunghoon is going to go with denial. It seems the easiest option, and though he feels a little guilty for doing it, he knows he has to protect his identity. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was in my apartment last night, working on my thesis.” A soft laugh escapes from his lips, but he doesn’t look at the other. “I don’t know who you saw, but it wasn’t me. I don’t have time to traipse around the city in a tuxedo and a mask, throwing roses at jewelry burglars. It’s absurd.” Now his gaze flickers to them briefly.
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moonpride · 4 years
                      * ✰ , CHA EUNWOO / gif icons .
。:゜☆。 ・゚゚・。. by clicking this [ LINK ] you’ll be redirected to 335 gif icons in the size 70x70 and by clicking this [ LINK ] you’ll be redirected to 335 gif icons in the size 75x75 of CHA EUNWOO from the group ASTRO !! all of the gifs have been created from scratch by me. please do not edit or claim as your own !! time and effort were spent in making these gif icons, a like or a reblog would be much appreciated !!
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moonpride · 4 years
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MOON PRIDE, I WANT TO BE YOUR POWER ( ♡ ) ———– ( shiny make up, gather in the starry sky! )
the sailor soldiers have once again been reborn, but this time in seoul, south korea! they have different names, different lives, but they still hold the same eternal star seeds that have been battling the good fight for love and justice for millennia. will you join them on their quest for world peace?
if not, well, sailor moon has just one thing to say to you.
In the name of the moon, I will punish you!
18 + krp sailor moon non-anime face claim indie rp blog, mature themes possible, loved by usagi.
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moonpride · 4 years
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moonpride · 4 years
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“of course i’m not scared! i know you can handle any bullshit that comes flying your way, probably even better than i can, xi. i just want you to be safe, is all,” ellie explains, knitting her dark brows into a concerned frown. “listen, i’m sharing an apartment with the two dumbest boys alive, and it triggered a mother instinct in me that i didn’t even knew was there. so yeah, forgive me for being just a little bit worried about you.” 
Xia knows that a lot of people don’t agree with her lifestyle--the occasional transient tendencies, the speeding race cars. She’s basically an adrenaline junkie, and when people try to get close to her, she retreats into being alone once again. She watches Ellie, giving a slow sigh. “You don’t have to act like my mom, even though I don’t have one to watch over me. That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it though... and do I need to beat up some idiot boys?”
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moonpride · 4 years
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   she’s surprised to see the stranger at the table beside her talk to her about what’s on television, something she’d been scowling at for some time now.   “ come on, you don’t really believe in that crap, do you?  “  to nico, superheros were simply something that only existed in books. then again, anything worthy of being in dreams should stay in dreams, to her.  “  it’s just for show. probably promoting something. anyway, i think it’s dumb. there’s no way some kid in a flashy suit can stop crime.  “ 
“Well, they have her on video right there, how can you not believe it?” Bitna tries not to feel personally attacked, because she is trying to keep her identity a secret after all. She’s always been the kind of person to see the good in everyone and believe that people will eventually choose to do the right thing. “I think it’s incredibly cynical to think that there couldn’t be someone out there who cares about people even to risk themselves and use their abilities for good.” He sighs softly, looking at the image of herself in her sailor suit on television. “What would they be promoting, then?”
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moonpride · 4 years
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moonpride · 4 years
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sailor meme: [8/10] → haruka tenou aka sailor uranus protected by uranus, the planet of the wind. guardian of heavens. i am sailor uranus!
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moonpride · 4 years
( ♡ ) open starter, wu xia.
INFORMATION: Wu Xia is the reincarnation of Sailor Uranus. Anyone can answer this thread, but that person cannot know she is Sailor Uranus.
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“I’ve been living alone since I was 16 years old. I don’t think spending another hour by myself is going to hurt me.” Xia sighs in an exasperated manner, scarcely unable to believe that they’re being so uncharacteristically worried. “I’ll be fine. Why are you worrying so much? This isn’t like you.” Then a thought hits her. “Are you scared?”
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