moonrisemagick · 10 months
🌹🐉Queen/Mother Lilith master-post 🐍🦇
There are many people saying that working with Queen Lilith is closed, id ask that you please go to the last link. A Jewish content creator goes into detail about why 1.) That's false and 2.) Why claiming this is actually antisemitic.
I understand that this deity may hold a negative context to different people/cultures(i.e. people of Jewish culture)/faiths etc. Please be respectful and mindful. Both the people and the divinity have the right to respect. Just because a divinity/entity has been the best thing in the world to you, doesn’t mean that’s the case for someone else(vice versa). Thank you for your consideration.
Mother Lilith is a divinity that I hold very dear. She has been a big help to me and has guided me in my journery of self love and reparenting myself.
Lore/mythology (briefly summarized)
Lilith originally was the first wife of Adam; made from the same primordial matter as her counterpart by the one who created her. She has left the garden in anger because she refused to lay under Adam; Lilith wanted to be seen as Adams equal but he refused. God sent angels to take Lilith back to Eden at Adam’s request. She was located near/in/at the Red Sea. Her children had been slain because of her refusal to return. ( I have heard conflicting info from different sources but I’ll recall what I think is to be more accurate at this point). Some of the fallen angels (a big figure being Lord Lucifer) had made themselves acquainted with her and they had gained each others’ trust. This is the point where Lilith had became a demon and was at least set on the path to becoming a highly ranked Infernal deity(if not at this point already). Lilith at some point after this whispered empowering thoughts into Eve during her dreams; leading her to eat the fruit.
Lilith also has an aspect tied to the Mesopotamian demon Lilitu.
Signs/Symbols of Queen Lilith(some i’ve personally experienced as well):
Snake imagery
Birds( robins, cardinals, blue jays, doves, owls or any corvid/black bird) I’d like to mention that she left me a robin who had passed, cause she knew I’d give it a proper burial.
Witnessing any of her other sacred animals (mentioned below) or frequently seeing imagery of them
Me and other devotees of hers have known her to send really animal that’s black as signs
rose imagery
sudden interest in her
sudden yearning desire to explore oneself/identity
speaking up/ standing up for yourself in circumstances in which you normally wouldn’t
for uterus owners; in my personal experience she had gotten terribly frustrated that i wasn’t noticing her so she started affecting my ‘moon cycle’. I experienced irregularities, increased pain and moodiness. I also got much more fatigued during my time of the month in the time she was trying to get my attention. She may or may not feel the need to do something of this fashion to get your attention; My only assumption that she did so in my case is because I was extremely oblivious. However I highly implore you discuss things with your doctor before concluding that this is the cause.
You may notice the wind howling louder
Vampiric/Succubus imagery/energy
Draconic and/or primordial energy
Energy of water or the ocean
Feeling of not necessarily one certain element (maybe all of them together)
feelings of a motherly energy
dreams/visions of red or dark haired woman( i’ve honestly had her appear to me as blonde). She may be a witch, possibly a queen. She could be protecting you during the experience ( if you’re on her good side ofc)
Sacred animals of Queen Lilith
Cats of various kinds ( domestic, wild, especially with black or dark coats)
What does Queen Lilith specialize in? What can she help you with?
taking back your power
shadow work ( specifically the feminine side of the side)
tapping into/ welcoming your dark feminine energy
welcoming dark femme energy into your life
dark femme workings
defends women/femmes and children who’ve suffered abuse(especially s3xually)
Improving sexual relationships
asserting independence
support in women/womxn’s/femmes rights
fighting oppression/sexisim placed on women/fem identifying people by the patriarchy(or in general)
assistance in gaining respect and/or recognition for contributions
exploring/awakening sexuality (especially if you need assistance with you libido)
sex magic ( more specifically feminine dominance)
Assistance with menstrual magic/spells/rituals
Help in any women/female health issues ( menstrual issues, moods swings, feritility, MtF/FtM etc.)
( i recommend you be treated by a medical professional along with the last point; mundane before magical; magic/spirituality shouldn’t be used in place of medical treatment, simply as support.)
Correspondences/ Offerings
Belladonna (POISONOUS)
Nightshade (POISONOUS)
Mugwort ( still use with caution)
Sandalwood(Red + White)
Dragon’s Blood
Fire opal
Red Jasper
Red Carnelian
Black Moonstone
Black tourmaline
Clear quartz
Chocolate ( Especially anything Dark and/or spicy )
Pumpkins/ Gourds(idk if gourds are edible tho, but to a deity it doesn’t matter lmao)
Red velvet sweets
Chocolate cake
In my personal experience, she loved these Sriracha Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcakes I used to be able to get.
Spicy foods
Pomegranates/Pomegranate juice
Reds (Especially blood red or velvet tone)
Dark pink
Dark Grey
Witching hour (either Midnight or anytime 3-4 am)
Dark/New Moon phase
Beltane Sabbat/May Day ( sexual theme of the holiday)
Oct. 24 ( some sources claim this is the day Lilith left Eden)
Feb 29 (on leap year. Woman are known to break traditional norms during this time)
Empress (Tarot)
High Priestess (Tarot)
Moon ( Tarot)
Strength (Tarot)
Any Queen Card ( More Specifically to my UPG, Swords and Wands suits)
Air and Fire are her main elements. However, she does not limit herself to one specific element, she has traits of all.
Vampiric/Succubus energy
Draconic/Primordial Energy
What is she like?
To me, Lilith is very much like a mother. Im sure you could probably guess by how I addressed her in the beginning of this post( which I call her Mother Lilith for personal reasons). She very much holds the energy of a firm mother who cares very much for her children. Lilith is very much stern when she feels the need, but knows when you need her to be gentle. Many times she has been a source of comfort and encouragement for me. If you show her the decency and respect she deserves, she will give it to you in return. If she sees you as her child (or holds you dear in anyway) she will go to distant lengths to protect you or to show your abusers not to mess with you again ( at times on her own accord). There are times where she made things difficult for people who wronged me on her own(probably a lot more I don’t know about). Mother Lilith is extremely supportive and will be there when needed, but she will not coddle you. She will not baby you. I see a lot of practitioners say “ she wont hold your hand” that’s true in a sense. Yes there are things you need to face alone, but a mother wont deny holding your hand if needed, she just wont do things for you. She will empower you to do things with independence. Lilith is definitely the kind of mentor to give you a rude wake up call when you’re not acting like yourself or doing things that wont benefit yourself or others. She is not afraid to be mean and wicked with you if need be.
Lilith’s energy generally feels airy and fiery. She carries herself regally and a sense of pride. Like i’ve mentioned, she doesn’t necessarily tie herself to one element, I’ve felt energy of all elements come from her, I assume this comes from her shapeshifting nature.
Sources and links
My own personal experience and UPG
Lilith Queen of the Night
Lilith and Witchcraft
Lilith: The Demonic Paradise Wiki
Lilith ( Occult world entry)
Tumblr users entry on Queen Lilith (i’ve honestly had a rocky history with the author of this post, I hadn’t realized who this was until after I recorded the information, but I still am going to give them credit where it’s due because it’s only right and their post gives solid information)
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moonrisemagick · 1 year
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I’m happy to announce that commissions for tarot, pendulum, and past life readings are now open!  The guidelines are as follows:
-I will do any spread of your choosing (you can check my blog for fun ideas), $1.50 per card
-I have two tangible decks and six online decks: The Universal Waite (paper), The Yuri on Ice deck (paper), Rider-Waite, Aquatic Tarot, Tarot de Marseilles, Short Hand Tarot, Tarocco Soprafino, and Golden Tarot. For $.50 extra you may pick the deck of your choosing
-Results include an image of the spread as well as explanations for each card in two phases. The basic analysis comes with purchase; I’m also prepared to give bonus analysis for $2 extra.
-$1 per question, simple as that! I will be using my blue goldstone pendulum.
Past life
(I’m happy to look into both lives as human and as otherkin/another species/a starseed/etc. No judgement here friends <3)
-Readings come in three phases:    -Basic “Three Themes” spread from the Doreen Virtue past life oracle, $5    -Basic “Three Themes” spread using tarot, $8 ($.50 extra for the deck of your choice)    -Expanded eight card reading (this contains a LOT of information), $16    -You may add on a birth chart mini-analysis for an additional $5! Or just get it by itself they’re pretty solid and have a lot of info.
 -Basic Energy Reading, $5  -Soul Signature Reading, $8 -Akashic Records Reading (this one is REALLY HELPFUL for any past life questions you may have, and is a more direct way of getting answers), $10
Payment will be discussed via PM on a case by case basis! I’m willing to negotiate.
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moonrisemagick · 1 year
Saint and Crystal Associations
Here is a list of a few of my favorite saints, and one’s I most often invoke in my practice as a Catholic/Christian witch, and crystals that I associate them with. I’m posting this as a potential resource for other Christian witches. These are my own personal associations so if they don’t feel right for you feel free to use different crystals with different saints. Thanks and enjoy. 
St. Michael the Archangel –> Black Tourmaline
Michael the Archangel is a fearsome and powerful angel who is charged with fighting against evil, sin, negativity, etc. Black Tourmaline does the same thing an acts as a powerful protector against negativity and can shield those who use it. Because of this I associate this crystal with Michael and when I carry it I imagine this angel/saint’s protection surrounding and guarding me. 
St. Perpetua & St. Felicity –> Lapis Lazuli
Perpetua and Felicity were two women of color who should be given more credit for how their story helped spread Christianity during the time of early Christianity. Both were great close friends and may have also been lovers. Since I’m pansexual I like to think that they were personally. Lapis Lazuli is a crystal that promotes friendship, companionship, and truth. Its the perfect crystal for any relationship. When I use this crystal I imagine St. Perpetua and Felicity filling my home and heart with a greater care for those I have a deep emotional relationship with whether that be friendship or with a partner (though I admittedly also use the more popular and obvious rose quartz as well, but I tend to use that more for self love than romantic love so…)
St. Teresa of Avila –> Labradorite
Teresa of Avila is one of my favorite saints she was sassy, confident, tough, and didn’t take shit. I associate her most with Labradorite because of its spiritual connections, its ability to help create clarity of mind (which Teresa often strived for during her mental prayers), and its ability to banish fear and insecurity. It also relieves mental stress and Teresa was plagued with terrible headaches. It can also help with inspiration, which works well with Teresa as the patron saint of writers. I use this stone when I am trying to be creative and working on any type of writing that I need Teresa’s intercession on. I also use it when I need help with my spirituality or when I am dealing with people attacking me for my faith as a lot of people gave Teresa shit for her visions and spirituality. 
St. Catherine of Siena –> Tiger’s Eye
Catherine was another feisty woman who wasn’t afraid of anyone. She argued with the Pope constantly sending him letter after letter refusing to give up. Because of this I associate her most with Tiger’s Eye for determination. I use this crystal and invoke Catherine’s help when I am having a low spoon day and having a difficult time motivation myself. Since this is also stone for protection I use when I am feeling attacked or judged at church (or just by religious people in general) and remind myself that Catherine of Siena, and honestly most female saints, were belittle and mistreated because of their faith so I’m in good company.  
St. Hildegard of Bingen –> Amethyst
Hildegard is by far one of my most favorite saints! She was a doctor, herbalist, composer, musician, writer, leader, and visionary. Hildegard was a master at so many things but I feel the deepest connection to her spiritual visions, prayers, and music, because of this I associate her most with Amethyst a crystal that has a high spiritual vibration. I use this when I’m struggling with my spirituality or simply want to enhance my spirituality.  
There are only a few saints and crystal associations that I have. I might do another one of these. Also feel free to message me with particular saints and ask me what crystals I’d associate them with. Again this is just my own personal associations and if these don’t fit for you feel free to associate a different saint with a different crystal. 
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moonrisemagick · 1 year
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Psalms 1: For removal of the ungodly from a group; for a safe pregnancy. Psalms 2: To aid in disbanding and breaking up enemy conspiracies. Psalms 3: For relief from a severe headache or from back pain. Psalms 4: For restful and peaceful sleep; to change one’s luck from bad to good. Psalms 5: For finding favor with authorities or superiors in business. Psalms 6: For healing diseases of the eye; for protection in the dark. Psalms 7: To stop conspiracies, enemy pursuit, for court cases. Psalms 8: Business success through the good will of associates; blessing of oils. Psalms 9: To punish enemies; to restore health to male children; for court cases. Psalms 10: To cleanse off an unclean, restless, or intranquil spirit. Psalms 11: To cast off fear; for righteous retribution against your foes. Psalms 12: For protection against severe persecution or oppression. Psalms 13: For safety from unnatural death; for curing painful eye diseases. Psalms 14: To stop libel and slander from tarnishing the trust others have in you. Psalms 15: To exorcise evil spirits and devils from a person; for mental peace. Psalms 16: To identify a thief; to change sorrow to joy and heal to pain. Psalms 17: For safe travel abroad and to help bring a loved one safely home. Psalms 18: To drive off approaching robbers; for anointing the sick to cure them. Psalms 19: For help in childbirth, for release from jail, to remove evil spirits. Psalms 20: Protection from danger for a day; to be justified in a court case. Psalms 21: To both calm a storm and to offer protection for seafarers and sailors. Psalms 22: For travel protection from dangerous storms, pirates, beasts, and men. Psalms 23: For prosperity, love, protection, wisdom, and guidance. Psalms 24: For protection from floods and escape from rising waters. Psalms 25: Forgiveness of the sins of youth; protection from capture. Psalms 26: For the release of someone from confinement or from jail. Psalms 27: For protection and hospitality while one is travelling abroad. Psalms 28: To bring back estranged friends who have become hostile to you. Psalms 29: To drive out devils and restore peace and tranquility to the home. Psalms 30: For protection from enemies; for recovery from severe illnesses. Psalms 31: For protection from conspiracies, back-biting, and gossip. Psalms 32: To gain respect, love, grace, and blessings from Heaven. Psalms 33: To protect, unite, and bless all of the members of a family. Psalms 34: To destroy and reverse back evil; for protection while travelling. Psalms 35: For justice to prevail in court cases and legal matters. Psalms 36: For protection from slander and gossip and to expose liars. Psalms 37: For protection against slander, gossip, lies, and evil-doers. Psalms 38: To help in court cases where slander fouled up the proceedings. Psalms 39: To turn around a court case when false testimony has been given. Psalms 40: For protection against evil spirits and to cast them out. Psalms 41: To restore a good name if slander and gossip have ruined a reputation. Psalms 42: For spiritual guidance; for answers in dreams; for love reconciliation. Psalms 43: To work against slander and wicked people; to turn back evil. Psalms 44: To guard and protect against enemies, invading armies, or war. Psalms 45: For peace between husband and wife; to calm an angry spouse. Psalms 46: To help a struggling marriage; to soothe marital tensions. Psalms 47: To gain favour from those in power; for mastery over people. Psalms 48: To destroy hateful and envious enemies; to seize them with terror. Psalms 49: To help heal and ease serious illnesses, diseases, and fevers. Psalms 50: For healing; to overcome fevers and other forms of sickness. Psalms 51: For cleansing and removing sin, especially after acts of revenge. Psalms 52: To end all manner of gossip and calumny by poison-tongued people. Psalms 53: To protect from enemies whose names are known or unknown. Psalms 54: To give protection by reversing works of evil and malice. Psalms 55: To call upon the Lord to bring down retribution against attackers. Psalms 56: For intercession by the Almighty to remove temptation and bad habits. Psalms 57: To turn around one’s luck, changing bad luck into good luck. Psalms 58: For warding off snakes and wild beasts; to reverse evil unto enemies. Psalms 59: To bring down the vengeance of the Lord against one’s enemies. Psalms 60: For the Lord to march into battle and protect His soldiers. Psalms 61: For a new home to be fixed with good fortune, happiness, and peace. Psalms 62: For forgiveness of sins and to gain the blessing of the Lord. Psalms 63: To protect from being victimized by business partners and investors. Psalms 64: For protection, especially while at sea, and for a safe return. Psalms 65: For road opening that breaks through barriers and leads to success. Psalms 66: To remove evil spirits; to heal those possessed; for wishes to come true. Psalms 67: Against illness and fever; to free one who has been imprisoned or bound. Psalms 68: Recited while preparing baths that are used to exorcise evil spirits. Psalms 69: To free one from slavery to addictions and unhealthy habits. Psalms 70: To cast down and reverse the wickedness wrought by enemies. Psalms 71: To release clients from prison, for acquittals in court cases. Psalms 72: To craft charms and talismans that bring a client favour and grace. Psalms 73: To protect travellers against religious persecution in foreign lands. Psalms 74: For an end to persecution and to destroy oppressors and persecutors. Psalms 75: Used along with specially prepared baths for the cleansing of sins. Psalms 76: For the Lord’s intercession, to provide protection from all attacks. Psalms 77: Used against danger, poverty, chronic illness, drought, and famine. Psalms 78: To gain favors from kings, princes, and other government officials. Psalms 79: To utterly destroy the wicked and also to cast fatal curses. Psalms 80: To end spiritual doubts and to prevent people falling into unbelief. Psalms 81: To save people from error and mistakes, for safety from accidents. Psalms 82: To facilitate business deals and assist those making investments. Psalms 83: To keep clients safe during times of war, persecution, and captivity. Psalms 84: For healing, especially when the body has contracted unusual odors. Psalms 85: To soften hearts and restore peace to friends who have become enemies. Psalms 86: To bring goodness, spiritual peace, and happiness to the community. Psalms 87: To cleanse the community before starting healing and blessing work. Psalms 88: To remove evil and bring blessings; used with baths and talismans. Psalms 89: To anoint the sick, to secure a release from prison, for psychic vision. Psalms 90: Used with Psalms 91 for protection; also to bless the work of the hands. Psalms 91: For protection from distress and harm; to exorcize evil spirits. Psalms 92: Prayed over herbal baths used to bring good fortune and high honors. Psalms 93: Against prosecution by unjust and oppressive men; to win in court. Psalms 94: For protection and to turn all evil back onto your enemies. Psalms 95: To cleanse sins; to pray for guidance and forgiveness for enemies. Psalms 96: To bless a family and bring happiness, peace, and joy to them. Psalms 97: Used with Psalms 96 for healing, blessing, and cleansing a family. Psalms 98: To restore peace between two hostile families; to bless a home. Psalms 99: For praise and devotion to God; to gain conversation with God. Psalms 100: To bring victory against enemies by uplifting the client. Psalms 101: For protection against enemies and to be rid of evil spirits. Psalms 102: For assistance in matters of fertility and to be granted grace. Psalms 103: For help in conceiving of a child and for the forgiveness of sins. Psalms 104: To cleanse away evil; to bless natural curios and spiritual supplies. Psalms 105: For healing illnesses, especially recurrent or periodic fevers. Psalms 106: For healing and to restore one to health, especially from fevers. Psalms 107: For remission or healing from periodic or recurrent fevers. Psalms 108: Utilized in a spell for financial success in your place of business. Psalms 109: Used in a powerful curse against oppressive, slanderous enemies. Psalms 110: For victory; to cause enemies to bow before you and beg for mercy. Psalms 111: Recited to acquire many friends, as well as respect, and admiration. Psalms 112: To increase in might and power, for success, abundance, and blessings. Psalms 113: Prayers and blessings for those in need; to stop infidelity and heresy. Psalms 114: Used in a spell for success in matters of finance, business, and money. Psalms 115: To foster truth-telling, for victory in debate over scoffers and mockers. Psalms 116: Recited daily for protection from violent or sudden death or injury. Psalms 117: For forgiveness of a failure to keep a vow or promise that you made. Psalms 118: For protection against those who try to misguide or lead you astray. Psalms 119: The longest Psalm, its 22 alphabetic divisions cover all human problems. Psalms 120: For success in court and for protection against snakes and scorpions. Psalms 121: For safety at night, both during sleep and while travelling in darkness. Psalms 122: For peace within a city, and to gain the favour of those in high station. Psalms 123: Employed in a spell to cause a servant, trainee, or employee to return. Psalms 124: Cleansing of the soul, protection at sea and from being wronged. Psalms 125: For protection in foreign lands and against those who work iniquity. Psalms 126: After miscarriage or the death of a child; for the next child to live. Psalms 127: Placed in a mojo for the protection and blessing of a newborn baby. Psalms 128: For a fortunate, accident-free pregnancy; for uncomplicated childbirth. Psalms 129: Recited daily to prepare one for a long life of virtue and good works. Psalms 130: Recited to the four quarters when passing by sentries in a war zone. Psalms 131: Recited three times a day to reduce one’s sin of pride and scornfulness. Psalms 132: To remediate one’s unpunctuality and failure to perform duties on time. Psalms 133: To retain the love and respect of friends and to gain many more friends. Psalms 134: For altar work in matters of higher education and for success in school. Psalms 135: For repentance, spirituality, and rededication of one’s life to God. Psalms 136: Recited on behalf of those who wish to confess and be cleansed of sins. Psalms 137: For cleansing of the heart and soul from hate, envy, evil, and vice. Psalms 138: Recited daily to bring love and friendship from the Lord. Psalms 139: To nurture and maintain love, especially within the context of marriage. Psalms 140: To restore tranquility and to preserve and maintain relationships. Psalms 141: To ward against terror and fear and against looming oppression. Psalms 142: To heal the body, restore health, and alleviate pain and suffering. Psalms 143: To heal bodily limbs, especially the arms and to alleviate pain. Psalms 144: To speed up healing and to ensure the perfect mend of a broken arm. Psalms 145: To cleanse and purify clients who are beset by ghosts or evil spirits. Psalms 146: Used with altar work for healing and recovery after being wounded. Psalms 147: For healing wounds and bites from snakes, insects, and other animals. Psalms 148: Used with Psalms 149 to keep clients safe from accidents by fire. Psalms 149: Used with altar work to protect against fire-related accidents. Psalms 150: For the glory of the Lord and to give thanks for His intervention.
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
Signs that witchy/pagan article is actually bullshit
There are no sources cited. The article is presenting a new idea, tackling what they believe is a misconception, or just declaring some sort of fact. The burden of proof is on the presenter to back up their claim and provide evidence for it. (If the only viable evidence is personal experience, they should make that clear and describe what about their experience this idea is coming from.)  
It’s all a little too convenient. If the information feels too good to be true, it probably is. If the entities being described seem only to exist for your benefit, the results promised seem wildly disproportionate to the work, or there’s absolutely no way to possibly do it wrong, be wary.
Living cultural practices are cited as a monolith.  Bonus points if it’s in the past tense, as if these groups have mysteriously died out and not still practicing these things and rolling their eyes at the OP. Often it’s used to exotify and possibly appropriate from the group in question. “Native Americans believed that…” and “This is an old Hindu method of…“ are prime examples. It’s a huge tell that the person doesn’t actually know anything much about that group and shouldn’t be trusted on the subject. 
It’s a book published by Llewellyn. Okay so this isn’t a post thing but still, sometimes people will just post book passages. Llewellyn is good in how widespread and accessible they are in the world of witchcraft, pagan, and occult books, but they have seemingly no vetting system for what they choose to publish (like the notorious Silver Ravenwolf.) The average reliability of a book under their title isn’t great, so just take it with a grain of salt while you learn more. 
The OP is very young. Of course age does not equal expertise, but it does come with life experience and more potential for maturity, critical analysis skills, and access to resources and education. Also let’s be real: if I’m going to be taking spiritual or witchy advice from someone, I’m going to trust it a lot more from someone who’s at least old enough to vote.
Anything claiming an ‘original myth.’ There is no such thing as an original myth. The best we can get is the earliest recorded evidence of the myth, but even then myths still have multiple incarnations at once in different regions and evolve over time. I’ve never seen someone use this claim have any sort of backing and wasn’t just making it up or trying to post their favorite version as more legitimate somehow. 
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
I think a love spell has been casted on me, how do I remove it?
Try a cleansing bath. If not that try a cleansing/purification spell. If you're having feelings for this person that you haven't before, try a chord cutting spell.
Please feel free to offer other suggestions folks!
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
Reading candle flames and soot!
tall/strong flame: lots of energy; barriers coming down; quick, happy results are likely. small/steady flame: less energy (still good!); positive results likely/may be delayed. stay focused on your goals! small/weak flame: flickering and bending is generally a sign something is not working; timing may be off; asking for something unfavorable; if flame falters and dies, it's a sign your spell won't be granted at this time. high/dancing flame: possible chaotic energy; successful spell, possibly with some complications/other wills may be working against you. rapidly flickering: dims and brightens; spirits are present; usually indicates success and that your message was heard. blue flame: a sign of spiritual presence; higher spiritual beings have taken an interest in your spell; power added to the spell. popping and stuttering: noisy candles indicate that outside forces are present; communication w/spirits; can mean interference or sending a message to you/increase concentration on the spell. flame suddenly goes out: spell has been extinguished by outside forces; usually means spell did not work; sit and rethink/meditate longer. candle won't light: possible wick issue or this spell won't work for your purposes; the outcome is outside your control; try again after reconsidering your intention and cleansing/smudging your space. -- black pieces in wax: (unintentional) black debris signifies unintended consequences; more spell work may be required; karmic baggage/guilt. Try some cleaning up. black soot on glass: signals negative energy/interference. black soot on top of the jar only: negative opposition has likely been overcome. black soot entire/majority of jar: spell unsuccessful; may need to cleanse and repeat work another time. white soot on glass: rare, represents spiritual communication and assistance. candle forms tunnel/crater in middle: incomplete candle burns w/lots of leftover wax isn't a good sign; will/focus too weak; ineffective energy to complete the task; spell blocked. candle explodes/container breaks/cracks: dramatic endings in candle magick are a sign your spell has been stopped by a higher power and you shouldn't be doing that spell work; reconsider intention/spell.
wax left in the container: lots of wax left on the bottom or sides of the candle container can indicate blockages to the success of your spell; might need to cleanse space and try again.
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
I think one of the major draws of witchcraft is, in fact, THE research. The construction of your own path (in a fancy book or on google docs), the maintenance of daily ritual that's responsive to changes in understandings of magic on an immediate, personal level. The utilitarianism of spells go reflect things that affect our everyday lives, the diversity of different methods, and the way if something doesn't work or makes us uncomfortable we can just opt out.
This makes witchcraft not only ongoing consent based but also something that can function as a well of constant control over immediate environments even during incredible life upheaval. How it speaks to people's intimate private thoughts and experiences so small and varied that there's no way to come from it not finding something that interests you (if what you're interested is in witchcraft). There's not even an end, you can just keep trying stuff forever, practicing things until you're super good, read truly endless primary sources for just one person to go through by themselves.
Witchcraft's methods resemble its functions and that's beautiful.
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
I know we aren’t supposed to pray repetitive prayers (“Do not pray as pagans do,” etc.). I have had three family members die in the space of five months. My mental health is at an ATL. Sometimes when I get worked up, all that happens is just “please” over and over again. I don’t know what else to say to God, it’d like there’s nothing in me but screaming. But am I doing exactly what He said not to? Is that why it feels like He hates us? Are my only acceptable prayers the ones I say when I’m calm and articulate?
Matt. 6:7 doesn't actually forbid repetition. I am assuming that you are using King James, which states that one shouldn't pray "vain repetitions" which is certainly... one... translation of battalagesete. Usually, in more modern translations the verse, it is translated as something akin to "empty phrases." I'd argue that this verse is telling people to enter into prayer with true intention of actually communicating to God; basically be mindful in prayer.
Crying and mourning is a huge part of prayer. Throughout the bible, people have wept to God, praying for comfort. I often find the closest I am to God is in those moments of turmoil, sadness, and anger. I certainly not the only one who believes this. God is there to Love you throughout your suffering. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matt 5:4
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
This is your yearly reminder that, in the lead up to Halloween, you should never use activated charcoal to spookify your food/drink
Activated charcoal will nullify your meds.
Anything you take orally can and will be absorbed by the activated charcoal, preventing it from doing you any good. There's a reason it's used in emergencies to counteract poisoning!!
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
Grounding Techniques
Mental Distraction Techniques
Pick a category of objects and try to think of as many objects as possible that fit within that category (e.g., types of dogs, cities, types of trees, crayon colors, sports)
Pick a letter and think of emotionally positive or neutral words that begin with that letter
Pick a color and look for things of that color. Notice differences in their exact shades
Say or think the alphabet backwards or alternate letters and numbers (A1, B2, C3, D4, etc)
Count backwards from 100 by 3s, 6s, or 7s or count up by prime numbers or perfect squares
Play “fizz-buzz” with yourself. Begin counting to 100 (or over!), but replace any number that contains the number 5 or is a multiple of 5 with the word “fizz” and any number that contains the number 7 or is a multiple of 7 with the word “buzz.” For example, 1-15 would be “1, 2, 3, 4, fizz, 6, buzz, 8, 9, fizz, 11, 12, 13, buzz, fizz.” When you mess up, compliment yourself and start over
Think of the words to your favorite song or poem or think of facts related to a specific theme
Pick a word or your name and see how many other words you can make from the letters in it
Describe an every day event or process in great detail, listing all of the steps in order and as thoroughly as possible (e.g., how to cook a meal, how to get from your house to your place of work or school, how to do your favorite dance)
Read something technical or meant for children or read words backwards to focus on the process of reading and not the words
Watch a children’s television show or movie or watch cute or funny videos on Youtube; it might help to have a playlist already prepared for this
Look at a current news article that is not likely to be upsetting or distressing
Distract yourself with Tetris, Solitaire, Sudoku, word searches, or other puzzle games
Reorientation Techniques
Say or think to yourself: “My name is _________. I am safe right now. I am _____ years old. I am currently at _____________. The date is _____________. If I need help, I am with ________/can call _________. Everything is going to be alright.”
List reaffirming statements (“I am fine. Everything is going to be okay. I am strong. I can handle this.”)
Ask yourself where you are, what day of the week it is, what day of the month it is, what month it is, what year it is, what season it is, how old you are, and other present-focused questions
Notice things in your surroundings that indicate to you that you’re safe or that you’re in the present (e.g., locks on your door, electronics that didn’t exist when you were younger, the presence of trusted people, a phone so that you can call for help if you need it)
Describe your surroundings in detail, including sights (objects, textures, shapes, colors), sounds, smells, and temperature
Name five things that you see, four that you feel, three that you hear, and two that you smell or taste, and then name one good thing that you like about yourself
Pick four or five brightly colored objects that are easily visible and move your focus between them. Be sure to vary the order of your gaze and concentrate briefly on each one before moving to the next
Think about a fun time that you recently had with a friend or call that friend and ask them to talk about it with you
Sensory-Based Grounding Techniques
Run cool or warm (but not too cold or hot) water over your hands or take a cool or warm bath or shower
Spritz your face (with eyes closed), neck, arms, and hands with a fine water mist
Spray yourself with your favorite perfume and focus on the scent
Feel the weight of your body in your chair or on the floor and the weight of your clothing on your skin
Touch and hold objects around you. Compare the feel, weight, temperature, textures, colors, and materials
Keep a small object with you to touch or play with when you get triggered. Good examples include a smooth stone, a fidget toy, jewelry, or a tiny plushy
Bite into a lemon, orange, or lime, suck on a sour or minty candy or an ice cube, chew cinnamon-flavored gum, or put a few drops of Tabasco sauce on your tongue. Notice the flavor, scent, and texture
Eat something or drink warm tea, coffee, or hot chocolate, and describe to yourself the taste and texture in great detail
Place a cool wash cloth on your face or hold something cold like a can of soda
Listen to soothing or familiar music. If possible, dance to it
Hum, sing, recite poetry, or make up a silly poem or story as you go
Pick up a book and read the first paragraph out loud
Hug another person (if interpersonal touch isn’t a trigger). Pay attention to your own pressure and the physical sensations of doing so
Hug a tree! Register the smells of being outside, the wind, and the sights around you
Movement-Based Grounding Techniques
Breathe deeply and slowly and count your breaths
Grab tightly onto your chair or press your feet against the ground as firmly as you can
Rub your palms and clap your hands or wiggle your toes within your socks. Pay attention to the physical sensation of doing so
Stretch out your arms or legs, roll your head on your neck, or clench and unclench your fists
Stomp your feet, walk around, run, jump, ride a bike, do jumping jacks, or do yoga
While walking, notice each footstep and say to yourself “right” and “left” to correspond with the foot currently moving
Squeeze a pillow, stuffed animal, or ball
If you have a soft pet (dog or cat), brush its fur and stroke it. If you don’t, brush your own hair slowly and without pulling too much
Color in an adult coloring book, finger paint, or draw anything that comes to mind without worrying about quality
Write whatever comes to mind even if it’s nonsense. Try not to write about whatever is upsetting you until you’re more capable of doing so without increasing the upset
Write a list of things that make you happy or look for cheerful pictures to make into a collage
Pop bubble wrap or blow and pop actual bubbles
Dig in the dirt or garden, jump on a pile of leaves, or splash around in puddles or mud
Rip up paper or stomp on aluminum cans to crush them
Imagery Techniques
Picture yourself breathing in relaxation, calm, positive feelings, or strength. Picture yourself breathing out whatever is upsetting you. It may help to pair this with imagery of breathing in soothing colors (usually blue, purple, or green) and out more intense colors (usually red or black)
If you need to relax, envision a soothing white or golden light slowly moving up your body, warming and relaxing every part of you that it touches. You can also think of it as protecting you from negativity or from harm
If the problem is intense or uncomfortable emotions, physical sensations, or memories, picture them being surrounded and neutralized by a bright and healing light, temporarily placed in a mental box to be stored for later, or dialed back by an internal controller of intensity
If you have a clear mental picture of what’s upsetting you, mentally change it to something silly or harmless. If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, cast a mental “riddikulus” to banish the negativity
Picture yourself calm, focused, and able to tackle whatever problems you’re facing. Focus on how that would feel in the moment. What would your expression and posture be like? Make whatever changes you need to in order to make your reality reflect your goal
How to Make a Grounding Box
Get a box or basket
Personalize and decorate it with construction paper, wrapping paper, ribbon, stickers, drawings, paint, photographs, glitter, sequins, or anything else that you like
Keep within it:
A list of grounding techniques that you know work for you
A list of positive affirmations and happy memories
A list of the contact information of trusted friends or family who are willing to help and support you
Small sensory objects such as: scented candles, perfumes, or lotions; hard candies or gum; soft fabrics, a stress ball, a stuffed animal, or a fidget toy; happy pictures of you with friends; a CD with relaxing music or meditation tracks. Try to cover all of the senses
A list of possible distractions such as books to read or movies to watch
Small portable distractions such as a pack of playing cards, a small game, or a joke book
A list of comforting things to do such as taking a bubble bath, snuggling up in bed, or meditating
A small journal or notebook
In the Case of a Flashback
Tell yourself that you are having a flashback and are safe now
Remind yourself that the worst is over, and you survived it. What you’re feeling now is just a reminder of that trauma and does not fit the present moment
Remind yourself of when and where you are, who you’re currently with, and who you can contact if you need help (use the reorientation-focused grounding techniques)
Breathe deeply and slowly. Count your breathes and make sure that you’re getting enough air
Use other mental, sensory, movement, and imagery techniques in order to distract yourself, calm yourself, and reorient yourself within the present
If possible or necessary, go somewhere where you can be alone or with a close friend, where you will feel safe, or where you feel protected or shielded
If there is anyone who you can trust or who will support you, reach out to them, let them know what happened, and let them know what you need, what would be best for you, or what they could do to help
Be gentle with yourself and take the time to really recover. If what helps you to recover is to color, take a bubble bath, hug a stuffed animal, or watch a children’s movie and if it would not be disruptive to do such things at that point in time, embrace those options whole-heartedly
If possible, note or write down what triggered the flashback, what techniques you tried to use to disrupt the flashback, and what techniques helped
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
Help an (ex???) S*x Worker
So, given that we got largely banned from this platform despite being very cool and smart, I’m not sure how many ppl know about what’s going on in the digital adult industry…
To be concise, every now and then credit card companies apply regulations to what can be sold via adult sites, often affecting what terms we can use. Usually this is generally a good thing as it limits the sale of problematic content- there’s more to say on this but I won’t bother here.
Anyway, Mastercard recently made some changes that also included how models/artists IDs are verified along with term requirements, and requirements on how the sites verify the content complies- the content now must be manually watched (albeit by AI) to make sure it is compliant.
This is industry wide, and has applied to every clip site, as well as slowed down the time from uploading to publish, but on one of these sites- arguably one of the 2 biggest, if not THE most high-traffic site- seems to be absolutely and catastrophically fumbling this transition.
Currently, their compliance efforts began around the 2nd week of October and since then I and many others on the site have not been able to make a single sale because our stores have been pulled entirely offline.
Why? Well, IWC has to put all content ‘In Review’ and either approve it and publish it again, or send it back to the artist to be corrected. When content is ‘In Review’ it is not published, and stores with under 5 published clips do not show up to buyers.
My stores have been offline now for about 3 weeks, and IWC says this issue will take ‘a few weeks’ to start resolving.
I do not currently make content as I left that in exchange for building other income streams and improving my life/mental health but that has largely only been possible due to the passive income I get from clip sales and a good ~80% or so of that was coming from IWC. Given that this could take up to a month or two more to resolve and it has already been happening, the financial fallout from this will be long and ‘considerably fucked’ to say the least.
Many of us are pretty badly screwed. I’m being optimistic and light with my speech here but please understand: this is pretty serious.
If you’re familiar with my blog you may know about all the work I’ve been doing to create a sustainable income for myself that works with my needs, and this sudden change is a hard blow at an extremely inopportune time after 2 years of this pandemic which has devoured my savings and left me in a tough position.
In the short term I am asking anyone who can comfortably do so to donate so that I can afford to live through this. Additionally, after Jan 1 2022 I probably won’t be able to as easily take donations due to the IRS changes. But here are my links:
p*yp*l.me/ellipsislux v**mo: awingedserpent c*sh**p: $moonseye
In the long term it would be very helpful if you could support my work/businesses:
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Patreon to support me, my organizational work, ASMR, my recipes and writing as well as meditational videos
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Onlyfans for QTBIPOC audiences where I post full meditations, pictures, and talk cultural/spiritual/sensual subjects
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awingedserpent shop for intentional/cultural jewelry (like waist beads, earrings, bracelets and more)
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and you can email me at iamthatwhich(at)gmail(dot)com to book live tarot, guided meditation, spiritual consultation and relaxational hypnosis sessions- see my site for more info.
Thanks for reading and have a peaceful week <3
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
A guide to worship of Hestia- cheat sheets
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Hellenic cheat sheets
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
I’ve realized that time is a crucial step in concocting oil and elixirs. That’s something that took me by surprise, because with certain spells, you can enchant and activate them instantly. I assume the reason you have to “wait” a day or few is due to the herbs mixing in with the oil you’re using, but it’s just come up in many books and videos and articles I’m reading. 
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
hi! i wanted to ask if you have any uncolonized/unwhitewashed witchcraft resources for witchcraft? as a white person, i realize that most of witchcraft that i see and i have resources for is stolen from other cultures, and i cant find any good resources
This is always a difficult question because unfortunately there is no "rule book" for like..decolonizing the craft, considering there's so many different approaches and so many cultures that have been appropriated in the name of witchcraft.
I think a good way to decolonize it is just to do adequate and proper research on the techniques you're using. Look at the origin, and look at if they come from cultures of people who are colonized. Then, go from there.
Interact with community discussion about whether or not the practices you're using are okay to use. Always interacting and engaging with the people, imo, is the best way to uncolonize the craft
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
Celtic Mythological Creatures:
Fucked up little guy
Fucked up horse
Woman (dead)
Woman (Wet)
Woman (dead) (wet)
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moonrisemagick · 3 years
A few little things to do for the Autumn Equinox
🍁 Bake apples filled with butter and cinnamon.
🍁 Craft decorations for your front door out of colored leaves, pine cones, nuts and acorns.
🍁 Honor the birds and small animals in the wilderness or by your home by making a bird feeder filled with seeds and grain.
🍁 Fill a basket with pine cones, fruits, colorful dried leaves, wheat, acorns, and fallen pine branches and leave it by your altar or door.
🍁 Make some Mabon soup using carrots, onions, potatoes, radishes, corn, pumpkins and other autumn vegetables.
🍁 Have a home cooked meal with a group of friends and loved ones to celebrate the abundance of the season.
🍁 Scatter offerings in harvested fields.
🍁 Do a thanksgiving circle, offering thanks as you face each direction:
For home, finances, and physical health face North For gifts of knowledge face East For accomplishments in career and hobbies face South For relationships face West For spiritual insights and messages the Center.
🍁 Make wine.
🍁 Make a dried flowers/leaves mobile. ( I’m currently working on this and I can’t wait to show you when it’s finished)
🍁 Take a walk through nature and spend time appreciating your surroundings.
🍁 Decrorate your home/room with autumn themed things, candles that smell like autumn, flowers of bright orange and yellow, tartan throws and pillows, fairy lights and orange/yellow/red crystals, autumn wreaths etc.
🍁 Meditate.
🍁 Spend time with people that bring a positive engery into your life.
🍁 Make magic apple cider.
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