moonscenes · 3 years
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                                                     𝖈𝖆𝖊𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖚𝖒𝖘                                                         i’m getting 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙙 on you                                                          you better call the 𝐥𝐚𝐰
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moonscenes · 3 years
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                                                     𝖈𝖆𝖊𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖚𝖒𝖘                                                         i’m getting 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙙 on you                                                          you better call the 𝐥𝐚𝐰
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moonscenes · 3 years
like this if you want my new blog’s url!
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moonscenes · 3 years
Cyn hated this part about finding her next meal. She had spent only a few minutes with this man who had been lonely all his life, never even seen a naked woman beyond a computer screen or magazine. But god he smelled about as sweet as a pastry shop to her and she wanted to make him her next meal. As a result, that meant the succubus had to sit and listen to him ramble about his life and tell little white lies to make sure he was still holding her attention, but Cyn was only there for the climax. That was…until it happened so quickly. His bashful yet sweet smile was replaced with a mouth agape and an empty gaze. Turning her gaze to the culprit, the bartender revealed his nature and had the gall to tell her to forget about it, giving her a rather odd look in the process. “You have the fucking audacity to feed from my meal ticket, kill him, and are just now asking who I am? I swear to fucking god, the people in this place all share one brain cell.” She snarled, threading her hands through her hair as she looked down at the dead body, feeling her own hunger curling and writhing within her as she was denied food.
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To be honest, Freddie should’ve realized from the beginning that she wasn’t all around normal but he also stopped giving a shit about people who walked into his bar. It was somewhere that he could easily get people, but maybe the dullness of the 21st century had gotten to him. Eying her up and down, he frowned... he knew of all of the vampires in the region, he thought. He’d been around long enough. There were a lot of creatures and ‘monsters’ like him roaming around, but some were more dangerous than him so he was worried he was getting some kind of mutation angry at him. He closed his eyes for a moment, making sure the rest of the people at the bar were under his little coercion so they could speak freely without creating question. “I mean, you’re not wrong... everyone’s basically under my control in this place because I have control issues but I’d like to think I have at least five braincells,” he murmured, sighing and taking a few steps back. “How bad are you at getting meals, then? This man was... I mean, probably one of the most annoying humans I’ve come across in the last hundred years.” 
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moonscenes · 3 years
as i message people i’m in the process of making a new blog (my tags are a mess, tbh) and all of that so have patience with me please!
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moonscenes · 3 years
hey everyone! i’m really in the mood to write, but i am probably going to delete all of my old threads… so, if anyone still follows me… like this and i’ll come to you and talk about starting something new with ships/threads we had! 
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moonscenes · 3 years
open to: f.
plot: freddie owns a bar and your muse is on a bad first date. either your muse is supernatural, or they’re human and know how to avoid vampire coercion for some reason. could be a hunter or not, it’s all up to you!
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         the amount of times he had to listen to dudes drone on about their lives while the girls sat there and listened politely was too many at this point. after all, it’s been happening for centuries... and he would know. being around for as long as he was, he was pretty sure tinder was the bane of his existence. at least less people were meeting in the 50′s and 60′s. for some reason, freddie’s temper was at an all-time high. maybe his bloodlust was through the roof, or maybe this particular lie he was telling had gotten to him. with a chuck back of his bourbon, the century old vampire got up and grabbed the guy by the shoulder. she shoved him against the wall and sunk his fangs into his neck. after a few seconds, he snapped the man’s neck and tossed him onto the ground and looked at the girl who was on the date with her. “you’re going to forget this ever happened,” he muttered unenthusiastically, assuming that the coercion would work. but when he couldn’t get into her brain, he swallowed hard. “who are you?”
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moonscenes · 3 years
hey everyone! i’m really in the mood to write, but i am probably going to delete all of my old threads... so, if anyone still follows me... like this and i’ll come to you and talk about starting something new with ships/threads we had! 
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moonscenes · 3 years
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— stephanie finally eased herself from her much-needed slumber, the thin, crisp sheets covering her more intimate regions as she peeled herself away from the soft, egyptian pillows and sat up against the headboard. she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the blonde, adamant not press her more than she had to. it was clear she was still wrestling with her doubts and insecurities so if steph added her two cents now, who knew what would happen ? with her own feelings aside, no matter how easily tempted she might have been at the start, to dominate the indomitable in ava, one thing remained — they had still been serving a purpose, as it were, to each other, scratching their separate proverbial itches together. there was no room among the sordid tangle of sheets for feelings that carried their own weight to them to emerge from their wanton bliss. or so she told herself. stephanie would’ve been lying if she didn’t catch herself thinking about ava and the life they could’ve shared had they been free to do so. yet, what did that serve to the bigger picture ? especially when ava had so much more to lose if they were found out. she wasn’t going to jeopardise her former beau’s marriage for the sake of sharing a moment like this again — no matter how much she wanted to. “ well, touché, i genuinely can’t remember a time i’ve fallen asleep with a smile after sex, it was that good ” steph caught herself smiling, the beginnings of a warm laugh bubbling in her throat as she savoured ava’s compliments. her brow furrowed at the stark difference in how they’re dressed, sensing an inner battle she desperately wanted to put a pause on. “ listen, i know you said no questions but i need to ask for my own ego’s sake … do you regret what we did last night ?”.
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                   thinking back to the sex was a mistake. the way they knew each other’s bodies even after years was something magical, something that ava hadn’t experienced in quite some time. she never allowed herself to get comfortable with anyone, because she knew how addicting it could be. straying from stephanie was hard,  but she did it because she needed to start a family with the man who had been courting her since they both started college. she knew that she hurt the woman that was looking absolutely gorgeous in the bed before her, and it was one of her biggest regrets. to distract herself from the thoughts, ava smoothed down the wrinkled silk dress she had on the evening before and glanced around as if she were missing anything. her coat was near the door they had haphazardly opened in between the messy kisses she never thought she’d share again. “of course not.” she should’ve left it at that, she should’ve excused herself and walked out of the room... but she took a step closer. she hurt the woman once, she wasn’t sure she could do it again. “steph, it was quite possibly the best moment i could’ve asked for given my circumstances. perhaps it was a mistake, but... i’d do it again and again if i could.” it wasn’t often that ava would compliment someone, or be soft and genuine. she was known for her cold heart and piercing words. she just couldn’t keep it up.
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moonscenes · 3 years
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ava didn’t have to explain any further, indiana got it. she could hear the truth in the inflection of the blonde’s tone. she remembered what it had been like to be closeted, she hadn’t come out to her parents until she was engaged, and even then it had been reluctant, but she couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to have to fake an entire marriage. well. she had some experience with faking a loving marriage, but at least she had been attracted to her wife at one point. “she is.” indiana replied, leaning back against the sink as she did, shaking her head as she surpressed a chuckle “it’s a we’re waiting for our youngest to go to college to divorce kind of deal” she explained, matter of factly. “he’s 16, so.. just a few more years.” she shifted, folding her arms across her chest “that being said, she doesn’t know about my extra curriculars. I’m assuming yours doesn’t either?”
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there was some sort of comradery she felt with this woman, ignoring the initial attraction. in fact, indiana wasn’t normally her type... a woman so confident in her sexuality, someone who knew what she wanted and how she wanted it. and maybe that’s what drew ava to her, but also what scared her. she knew she could get used to conversations that felt equal, and maybe she should stop. “i will say, i don’t miss when mine were teens,” she responded, laughing bitterly. divorce didn’t seem to be in the picture for her, because she would lose everything she worked so hard for. happiness was never something she wanted to acquire. “i think he would quite possibly die if he found out... his ego couldn’t handle it. perfect little wife finding solace in sleeping with women? not vincent wolfe. i’m not sure what he’d do, but it wouldn’t be pretty.” an eyebrow rose and she looked over the other. “at least you only have a few more years. i’m set for life.”
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moonscenes · 3 years
Send an emoji below + three (3) different characters / muses that my muse must pick from! Some choices are considered ns / fw.
💍 - fuck, marry, kill. 💎 - unsex, divorce, revive. 💋 - hug, cuddle, kiss. 💫 - fight, tickle, insult. 🦋 - befriend, adopt, ignore. 🥊 - pinch, slap, punch. ✨ - summon, banish, absorb. 🔗 - handcuff, tie up, pin down. 🦷 - lick, suck, bite. 🗳️ - vote for, vote against, run against. ☕ - get coffee with, go out to dinner with, steal their food. 💤 - sleep with fully clothed, sleep with in underwear, sleep with naked. 💰 - rob a bank with, hide a body with, rat out to the cops. 🚦 - be stuck in an elevator with, be stuck in traffic with, be stuck in the apocalypse with. 🎉 - hang out with, party with, ghost. 🔛 - make love to, have a quickie with, be rough / kinky with. 🍪 - make cookies for, make a five-course meal for, burn all their food. 🔪 - protect, attack, fight side-by-side with. 💬 - SEND IN YOUR OWN THREE OPTIONS NOT LISTED ABOVE!
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moonscenes · 3 years
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Rosamund Pike & Eiza González in I CARE A LOT (2020)
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moonscenes · 3 years
love emoji prompts both SFW and NSFW
send one of the following emojis for your muse to:
💇 move a hand on my muse’s hair
👐 gently hold my muse’s hand
👄 caress my muse’s lips with the tip of your fingers
🌬️ blow some air near my muse’s ears
🛏️ cuddle with them under the bed sheets
💑 lie their head on my muse’s shoulder
😚 lie their forehead on my muse’s
🤗 timidly hug my muse from behind
💙 give my muse some tiny kisses on their cheeks
🎼 starts slow dancing with my muse, humming a song
👚 cling on my muses’ clothes , hugging them tight
🏠 slam my muse against the wall, holding them by the wrists
💋 nibble my muse’s neck between the kisses
🦁 kiss them deeply, occasionally letting out little growls
💕 make out with my muse, dry humping them
👕 lift my muses’ clothes, giving them scratches on their back
🏆 tell my muse: “you’re mine”
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moonscenes · 3 years
i was getting way back into writing, i find my muse, and then of course something sets me back. yesterday my little frog archie passed away, and it’s been making me super sad so i’m either going to hide in replies or completely avoid things for the next little bit. sorry for taking forever to reply. 
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moonscenes · 3 years
tag drop / rex, the hired assassin. 
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moonscenes · 3 years
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NANCY: clearly, for example, ‘why is our sons’ head so fucking big’? NANCY: whatever, i’m getting paid so i guess i can’t really complain. NANCY: YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?! have you ever kept a girlfriend? NANCY: i think your alien tongue has scared them all off, NANCY: you suggestion i shave my head? cause i’ll do it. NANCY: it could be worse, i could your haircut from back then.  NANCY: anyways, i’m ready, so come pick me up or whatever.
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GEORGIE: hey! innacurate. the hornes don’t swear! GEORGIE: except for the youngest.... that’s me! GEORGIE: i kept a girlfriend for 7 months in grade 7! GEORGIE: i forgot we were dating tho... GEORGIE: wait no don’t shave your head, you got hot GEORGIE: WAIT WHAT? I ALWAYS HAD THE BEST HAIRCUTS GEORGIE: JUSTIN BIEBER HAD IT, SO I DID TOO GEORGIE: ok i’m on my way pleaaaase don’t wear anything ugly
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moonscenes · 3 years
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DARCY: nah pretty sure i have to make a loud and violent statement ❤️ DARCY i’ve never underestimated you. to underestimate and still DATE someone like you would be pretty fucking naïve and stupid. DARCY: and i make very well-calculated moves. you know this. at least, you should. DARCY: anyway, i wouldn’t be with you if i didn’t understand everything that comes with that. DARCY: and obviously i’m not bothered. i’m not one of those weak ass men you be bullying the fuck out of 😂😂😂😂 DARCY: don’t try you??? too late. DARCY: one month, no sex. let’s see who caves first.  DARCY: yeah yeah. don’t threaten me, princess. i’m coming over and it’s about to be a fucking good time.
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SCOUT: right, but you and your people do things for each other. don’t you? SCOUT: everything i do is for myself and on my own, and you have to respect that i will always and forever work alone. SCOUT: baby, do you really think that you’ll last longer than me? SCOUT: especially after seeing me at work, so many eyes on me. SCOUT: you sure you can keep your hands to yourself? you usually like to remind me who i belong to, don’t you? SCOUT: i’m actually kind of excited to see what happens. SCOUT: i love winning, so maybe i’m fine with you coming now. 
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