mooxxx · 2 years
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mooxxx · 2 years
I’ve been sitting on this story in my head since the beginning of this year. During work I have an hour where I do nothing my listen to the over head so I draw and create stories in my head. So basically I had created a family for Bruno. All of them have gifts that aren’t necessarily useful for the town beside one. He had three children like the other triplets.
So Bruno’s wife is Luciana. They met when they were younger. Luciana was friends with the triplets throughout grade school where they affectionately called her Luz because she was their little light as the shortest in their group. Luz was raised by her father as an only child but he passed shortly after Josefina was born. In the years of knowing Bruno she only ever sought out a premonition once, when they were 16. Pepa and Julieta had been teasing her about a boy at school who was head over heels for Luz for weeks. Luz was wholeheartedly against whatever crush had blossomed in the boy and stormed into Bruno’s tower during a particularly insufferable sleepover demanding to know who she married. After Bruno’s many protests he began his vision and both of them watched in shock at her and Bruno’s wedding dawn glowing in green in front of them. The plaque of that vision was the only one not shattered, kept hung up in Luz’ bedroom. She struggled a lot after Bruno left, mostly with Josefina’s new attitude and Beto’s constant tricks. Mateo took on a lot of responsibilities that night too and Luz tried her best to relive some of the stress.
The oldest is Isa’s age, 22, and his name is Mateo. He looks the most like Luciana His gift is invisibility. He was the second grandchild to get a gift and abuela, while not knowing how it would be useful, was happy nonetheless. As a child he would randomly disappear, get triggered by hiccups or being scared. But over time he gained control of it. He’s the closest to Dolores since they’re both the most chismosos out of the family. Peppa loves him because he always spills town tea to her too. The night everything went down he turned invisible on accident and let his family know he was THERE just not there. That all went out the window when he saw Mirabel and followed her to where he was met with his dad and cousin. He had a little bit of a breakdown when he found out his dad had been living there the whole time and Bruno consoled his son the best her could.
The second oldest is Josefina but they call her Fini most of the time. She is the perfect blend of both parents. She’s 16 and her power is projecting memories. When her door appeared people didn’t really know what it was but when they entered her room, a gallery of moving paintings abuela slowly pieces it together. Her powers have to be triggered by touch and so she would hold peoples hands as a way to connect. As a child she was the happiest of all the madrigal kids. She would mostly help people in town when they needed a pick me up. She was abuelas favorite for a little bit because they would have nights where she would have memories of Pedro projected in the living room. But when Bruno left she shut herself in. She resented Abuela more than anyone and no one understood why. Shortly after he left she snuck in her mothers room while she was sleeping and triggered the memory of that night. She saw the conversation her parents had about Mirabel and how abuela asked him to see more. Fini took that as abuela having sent him away indirectly. She wouldn’t let anyone touch her skin directly and started wearing gloves to avoid any memories coming by. At one point Fini snuck into Bruno’s tower and took a bit of his sand, keeping it in a pouch around her neck. Luz walked in on her one night, right before Antonio’s gift ceremony, sitting in the dinning room in the middle of the night watching a memory of her at 4 dancing with her father. This Sprite and Ajax dancing in that one scene. Luz had a talk with her that night and it ended with them replaying their favorite memories. She also liked to show memories of their father to Beto on nights they couldn’t sleep.
Beto is the youngest, he is 9 and no one knew Luz was pregnant the night of Mirabel’s ceremony. He looks the most like Bruno. Beto’s gift was multiplying. He got along really well with Camilo and they often played pranks around town with the help of their gifts. On his door there’s three versions of him, each looking a different direction. He got lonely for the nights after moving out of the nursery, not having Mirabel to talk to. On the nights Fini didn’t come visit he would make a clone of himself to talk to. The clone couldn’t really offer much more than talking to a muero but it helped make him feel less alone. When Casita was rebuilt and his dad was back home they made up for their time apart a little more than the other kids since Beto never really got time with him that wasn’t after everyone had gone to sleep.
I made some sketches of them if y’all want to see too. I know it’s a little late in the encanto hype but I absolutely adore this movie.
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mooxxx · 2 years
Kuro Neko memes, guys!
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mooxxx · 2 years
The CDC recommending I go to work after 5 days of covid
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mooxxx · 3 years
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❤️🖤welcome to the love square!💚💖
so happy to call this piece complete! my goal was to make a single image that could show all sides to marinette & adrien’s relationship at once. thanks for all the support as i was posting wips; it really meant a lot! close ups for each pair are below. which side is your favorite?
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mooxxx · 3 years
Now why he give himself a bbl???
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mooxxx · 3 years
Y’all I’m eating Camembert with raspberry jam for breakfast and can I just say, Adrien is just dramatic
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mooxxx · 3 years
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mooxxx · 3 years
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Miraculous Ladybug Twitter Series: 5/?
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mooxxx · 3 years
we love Marichat and hate hawkmoth in this household 🥰
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mooxxx · 3 years
Y’all i think I have a serious problem because I made these instead of working
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mooxxx · 3 years
I heard we’re making in universe memes
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mooxxx · 3 years
If I was a teenager in Paris I guarantee Akumas would be surrounding me. Like some instances
-my sophomore English teacher asking us to be nice for a week because his 14 year old dog was being put down and our class immediately destroying his classroom in a fight
-my sisters art teacher quoting on the spot when my sister told her to and I quote “shut the hell up”
-my mom after me and my sister don’t eat her food for the fifth time that week because it’s tamales again
-my dad after I told him I’m pro choice
-my dad after my sister didn’t let him hold her baby one (1) time and he cried
-me every time I have a dream about my mom not loving me
-my sister when I told her I wasn’t bringing her to Walmart
-me when my best friend of 5 years leaves me for a guy she’s only known a month
-me when my cousin stabs me in the back during a depressive episode
-me when my cousin now leave me for a guy she’s only known a month
-me when my only coworker got covid and the other one quit so I was alone for two weeks
-me every time a family member yells at me for not my job when they visit loved ones at the nursing home I work at
Like damn would I be working Gabriel’s ass out. That mf would be sick and tired of my face like I know he’s tired of Chloé’s whiny ass
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mooxxx · 3 years
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mooxxx · 3 years
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FANFIC DUMP TIME! Cuz my heart is so mean for making me feel things… plus all the lousy hurried lines and uneven experimental coloring ;;;;;w;;;;;; what is wrong with me these days 
P 1. The Ladybugs and The Bees by BullySquadess  P 2. Rainy Days by Thelastpilot P 2. Lucky Strike by Inkkerfuffle P 3. Boutique by TheJulyCentury P 4. Satisfaction Brought It Back by siderealSandman
(the draws are my interpretation and may not be exact from the fanfics ok)
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mooxxx · 3 years
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I can only imagine what sorts of excuses Antoine would come up with to cover for Marinette. He's a real one ✊
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mooxxx · 3 years
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I had an idea of a cute and more slow-burn way of the reveal going (with the slow-burn nature of the show I thought it would work perfectly lol). Next part will be up soon and the link will be available on this post once it is :D
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extra details under the cut :]
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