The Idol of Eriam
The humidity was unbearable, sweat dripped down his face onto the dusty floor of the cave. For hours he searched, looking for some sort of clue, something that stood out more than anything else. He was beginning to lose all hope.
“Come on Scott, get it together.” He waved his open flame closer to the wall of the cave, squinting at the markings and drawings that made no sense. “You’ve worked your whole life on this. You can’t let them see you fail.” “You have come too far to qu…” He dropped his torch and grabbed on to the wall.
“This is it.” Scott rubbed his hand on the wall, removing dust, with every wipe. He looked around the cave, for the landmarks that matches the drawings, on the wall, ‘There’. He couldn’t believe he didn’t notice it before. This piece of stalagmite, is crudely misshapen, it couldn’t be natural. As he grabbed it, it crumbled into pieces. Scott knocked away chunk by chunk, piece by piece, till the once three foot structure was reduced to a pile of rubble.
“I don’t understand. It was supposed to be here.” He picked the rubble up and as it fell through his hands something heavy hit the ground. Scott looked around and there it was the Idol of Eiram. “No this is all wrong, this is no bigger than a raven’s egg. I can’t believe I wasted my life on this.” He tossed the idol onto the floor it clunked and bang with every bounce. Scott watched as it slide to a stop. Inching it’s way to a hole in cave. Scott dove for the idol, out of pure instinct. “I should have just let you fall.” Scott rested on the floor of the cave with his head lying near the hole. A slight breeze crept through, a sigh of relief and comfort escaped his mouth. He raised the idol above his head and stared at it. “This is what I’ve been searching for my entire life. This tiny little glass…” A miist start rising up from the hole. Everything started getting hazy, Scott could barely keep it his eyes open. His arms got weak, and the idol fell to the ground as the misit knocked him out.
Scott awoke with the cave rumbling underneath him. “Uh? What’s going on?” Huge cracks grew on the floor and walls of the cave. He looked around in horror. “I have to get out of here.” He jumped up and headed for the exit. He stopped dead in his tracks. ‘The idol’. He looked around the floor of the cave. ‘Come on, where are you? There!’ He ran for the idol just as a huge stalactite was about to crush it. “You might be what I was expecting but I did spend my life looking for you. And I won’t let some cave have you.” Scott sprinted for the exit putting the idol in his satchel. He reached a ledge on the side of the cave with a fall that ended with rushing water and sharp rocks. ‘Here goes nothing.” He jumped catching his leg on one of the sharp rocks. Scott swam as best he could to shore, as his leg bled out. Dragging himself out of the water he found a piece of wood to splint his leg. He used the tree he was leaning on to pull himself up. “Alright Scott where to now?” He made his way inland, in hopes to find someone from his crew. Hours he limbed about holding on to anything to keep him balanced.
“You there.” He stopped and look around for the voice. He saw no one for miles. “You better stop walking on that leg, you might make it worse.”
“Alright, who said that?” Scott said in a panic.
“It was me, who else?” Said the voice.
Scott looking around again, nothing. His heart started pounding as he reached his hand into his satchel and removed the idol. “Are you the one talking?” He asked.
“No you idiot. I am talking to you, look down.”
Scott looked down and at the insulting brownie.
“You humans are so dumb. Now tell me where did you find my idol?” The brownie demanded.
“You’re idol? Ha! I’m the one that found it, so it is mine.” Scott stuff the idol back into his satchel.
“Thank you for finding it, I’ve been searching for an awfully long time. It’ll bring my people a great deal of relief to bring it back home.” The brownie held his hand out, gesturing for Scott to give him the idol.
“No way. I’ve been searching for this my entire life, I am not about to just hand it over.” Scott proclaimed.
The brownie exhaled heavily. “Let’s see, you’re around 25-30 years old, about mid life for humans right?” Scott nodded his head. “You see us brownies, we live for a very long time, you have been looking for the idol for at most 15 years. Where my people and I have been searching for our idol, for more than a century. Do you see how misguided you are? Now I’m going to ask nicely only once more, hand over the idol.”
“Or what?” Scott stared at the brownie, intensely.
“I didn’t want it to come to this, but you leave me no choice.” The brownie walked away.
“That was weird.” Scott continued on walking deeper into the forest, clenching onto the idol, as he moved on. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in his broken leg, something had hit it. Scott fell to the ground in agony. The brownie came walking up for the shadows, carrying a rock over his head. “It was you!”
The brownie nodded his head. “Blame yourself for happens next next.” Scott screamed no, as the brownie threw the rock at his head, knocking him out. He opened his eyes to a blinding light..
“Ugh, where am I?” He tried moving but was strapped down to a table.
“You are with me.” Said the brownie.
“Uhh, ok where are we?” Scott asked.
“We are here.” The brownie replied.
“Are you not going to give me a straight answer?” Scott asked.
“Relax, we are in one of the many tunnels, that run underneath the cave, where my people call home.”
“And what am I doing here? And why am I strapped to a table?” Scott asked puzzled.
“So you don’t thrash around so much.”
“What’s going to happen to me?” Scott asked.
“I don’t know yet, it depends on you.” Said the brownie.
“Depends on me how?”
“Well, are you willingly going to tell how you came upon this place, or am I going to have to force it out of you?”
“What do you mean this place? I came by boat?”
“No boat can get you here.”
“Well that’s how I got here!”
“You humans and your lies!” The brownie exhaled deeply. “Fine the hard way it is.”
“No, no, no, what do you mean hard way?”
“This is going to hurt.” The brownie grabbed a switch and slammed it down. “A lot!”
Pumps started moving up and down, a loud humming noise filled the air.
“What’s happening? Tell me!” Scott plead.
“You’ll find out soon enough… Probably.” The brownie jumped onto the table and placed strapped a headband to his head. The humming became louder, the sound of electricity filled the air. Scott started convulsing, his eyes turned blood red, veins  protruding over his entire body. His chest lift off the table as knees locked into place, a white foam bubbled out the side of his mouth. Blood dripped from his eyes, ears and nose.
“Well that’s never a good sign.” The brownie stared.
The brownie attached a device to his own head, his eyes widen and turned blacked. There was a silence, the room went completely still. Scott’s now lifeless body, collapsed to the table, the brownie’s eyes slow returned to normal.
“No…” The brownie snatched the device from his head grabbed the idol and ran out the room. Turn after turn, never slowing, pathway after pathway, until finally, he reached a pair of giant doors. He burst through the doors yelling.
“It’s here!” Yelled the brownie. Every brownie sitting at the table stopped what they were doing and stared at him.
“What is the meaning of this?” Shouted a brownie from the the head of the large table. “Onda, come here at once!”
“Right away your majesty.”
The brownie made his way to the head of the table and whispered in his ear. The king’s face went white.
“Surely, you have some kind of proof?” Onda nodded and pulled out the Idol of Eiram. The room gasped as the idol started to glow.
“Do you know what this means?” Shouted a noblebrown. The room quickly filled with chatter. The king stared off with a blank expression.
“Um, your majesty?” The king looked at Onda.
“Quiet!” The king shouted as the room grew silent again. He looked over the room, he took a deep breath. “Onda, you know what to do.”
Onda nodded, he took the the idol and smashed it on the floor. The room filled with a purple smoke, that kept growing and growing.
“Just a matter of time now.”
To be continued…?
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Gwen sat in the cockpit of the doomed 1940’s fighter plane, she had only one thought. Him. Miles. She struggled with the controls as her last engine blew, and her craft started to spin, downward. ‘Damn it! Come on old girl you can do this.’ Frantic she looked around for a picture she and Miles took at the fair. There it was stuck in the crevice, of her control board. ‘Here goes nothing.’ She reached between her legs and pulled hard on the emergency escape latch. The top of the cockpit flew off, Gwen slammed on a flashing red button, her seat launched upward only to be snagged on the plane. ‘As if this wasn’t fun enough.’ She reached for the knife she always kept on her left ankle. She cut the tether holding her to the plane, pulled her parachute and watched as Humming Bird fell to the earth. A tear fell from her eye as the last connection to her past hit the ground with an explosion. She floated down for what seemed like an hour. She cut herself loose, and picked up her radio.
    “Hello, is anyone there, over.” Nothing but static. “Can anyone read me, over?” “I have crashed on an island some few hundred miles north of the Mano base, is anyone there? Over.” Just more static. She exhaled heavily and looked up a into the sky. She shielded her eyes from the sun, hoping to see a friendly flyer. Nothing. “Well it'll be dark soon, I better find some shelter. She walked the perimeter of the beach, hoping to find some debris she could use. “I might be able to find something in the jungle. Hopefully not rabies or my death, but hopefully something much more useful. Ooo, something like a margarita, strawberry mmm, no mango oh yes, what I wouldn’t do for a mango margarita right now.” She ventured into the jungle. “With my luck, I’ll run into a spider the size of a watermelon.” She shivered. “Stop Gwen, you’re freaking yourself out, way more than this creepy jungle.”
    After a few hours of searching and hacking at dead trees, she finally had enough raw material to build a suitable place to sleep. Using her parachute as a roof she structured a few branches into support beams, and fastened wet twigs into rope and tied it all together. She stepped back to admire her hard work. “Well it’s not the Hilton, but it’ll do.” Her stomach started to growl, good thing I was able to find some fruit in there. She sat outside her tent, and looked off into the ocean, as the sun was near then end of it’s set.
    “If I probably wasn’t going to die in my sleep, this would truly be the most beautiful sight, I ever seen.” She took a bite of her apple. Some bushes behind her started rustling. She shouted, “Who’s there!” As bits of apple flew out her mouth. She pulled out her pocket knife and readied her stance. “Who or whatever you are, I’m not going down without a fight!” The rustling stopped. Gwen laughed. “Ha, you better run.” Gwen dropped down to her knees. “What am I going to do? I need to find help. And soon.” She took another bite. A loud screech filled the air. Gwen covered her ears. “Augh. What the…?” Three monkey came flying out of the bushes. “Are you what was freaking me out?” The monkeys walked up to her. “Come here little guy, I won’t hurt you.” A voice rang out from her radio, she reached for it. “Hello? Anyone there, over?” This startled the monkey, who began to freak out.. “Whoa, whoa calm down guys, calm down. They started screaming and screeching, one of the monkeys grabbed her radio and they all ran back into the jungle. “Hey I need that”. Gwen chased after them.
    Deeper and deeper into the jungle she ran, she lost sight of the monkeys a few miles ago. She stopped to catch her breath. That’s when she heard it, faint and into the distance, but it was undeniable, the static from her radio. She ran towards, around trees, over bushes, through spider webs. There it was dangling from a vine on a tree, she jumped and just barely missed it. She decided to climbing the tree, slowly up Gwen went, inch by inch, almost there, just a fingertip away. She reached as far as she could, when something sharp pierced her neck. The shock made her lose balance and she fell from the tree, and landed hard on the radio. She rubbed the side of her neck, as she looked at the radio, which is now in several pieces. She throws the now useless junk at the tree she fell from and tries to stand. Her knees felt weak, and her head started to spin. She uses the tree for balance and tried taking a few steps. She falls flat on her face. Drifting in and out of consciousness, she felt herself being carried away, she struggled to speak but nothing came out. She could hear the banging of drums getting louder and louder, as she passed out.
    She awoke with water splashed in her face. “Huh?” Wh-what’s going on?” “I can’t move.” There was a huge fire in front of her, she looked at her arms and legs they were tied down to a post.
    “It is a wake!” A voice shouted.
    “It? Hey whoever you are I am a Gwen… I mean a she!” Gwen protested.
    There was a bunch of chatter. ‘Silence’, shouted a huge booming voice, from the crowd. “How does it know our tongue?” “I have never seen anything like it before. And what of it’s dressings? Very unusual.”
    “Hey, buddy, I told you I am not an it!” Gwen spat. “And let me go! Who are you people? What do you want from me?” She wiggled and squirmed to get free, but the ropes were too tight.
    “What do we do?” A woman said.
    “The chief looked at Gwen and smiled, “We fest!”
    The crowd of people jumped and dance, they made their way to her.
    “No, you wouldn’t want to eat me, I’m just empty calories. Trust me, you wouldn’t like me.”
    They cut her down, she fell to her hands and knees. She tried to stand but her legs were still too weak. She pulled out her knife and waved it at her captors. Their response, bladed spears at her neck, she dropped the knife. They picked her up and dragged her to a platform that reeked of blood. She started to panic, her heart pounding. They tied her down, and locked her head in place. This was it, it was all over for Gwen. She closed eyes and Miles popped into her head. She smiled and exhaled slowly.
    “Would you hurry up! We’re going to be late!”
    Gwen came stomping out the door. “Late for what Miles? You still haven’t told me where we are going.”
    “It’s a surprise, you’ll just have to wait and see. Now come down the stairs, so we can go.” Gwen looked at him and smiled, wickedly. “Oh no. I know that look. Don’t you dare.” Gwen leapt from the porch.
    “Catch me!” She shouted. She backed up, and ran to jump. She stopped short when she noticed Miles wasn’t paying attention. “I’m going to do it. I’m going to jump.” She backed up again, eyeing Miles. Ran and jumped, never taking her eyes off of Miles, who hasn’t turned around yet. She closed her eyes as she felt herself falling towards the ground. As she prepared herself for the cold unwelcoming pavement, she opened her eyes to Miles smiling down at her. “You caught me.”
    “I will always catch you.”
    She kissed him. “I never doubted you.”
    “Now, shall we?” Gwen got down.
    “Yes, we shall.” Miles wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and they were off.
    “You are either very brave or very stupid. Never have I seen someone smile as they were about to be killed.” She looked up and saw a man smiling at her. “I can’t wait to see which.” He untied her and handed her a sword. “Well shall we.”
    He leaped off the platform into the crowd of savages, and started to fight them off. She told up and looked down at the two that tied her down, arrows stuck out of both their necks. She looked at the sword the stranger had given her, and back at the stranger. She was so confused as to what was going on, she did not notice two savages sneaking up behind her. She turned with only seconds to spare, took a step back and fell off the platform.
    “It appears stupid.” shouted the stranger.
Gwen stood up and regained her wits. The savages jumped down to her, and jabbed with their spears. The sound of metal clashing together filled the air, as the two fought off the savages. Back to back, they were surrounded.
“Not so bad, for a stupid person. I’m Aaron, and you are.”
“I’m not stupid for starters. What is going here, who or what are these people?”
“All that later, but for now run!” Aaron reached into a pocket and pulled out a small black ball and threw it into the fire. As he grabbed Gwen by the hand and they ran into the jungle, there was a loud bang, and huge cloud of smoke. Zipping past trees, hurdling over bushes. Aaron holding tight onto Gwen’s wrist. She reached into her pocket to pull out her picture of Miles. It wasn’t there. She stopped, pulling Aaron down to the ground.
“Hey what’s the big idea?” He shouted. “We need to keep running, we have along way to go, before we are safe.”
“My picture. I have to find it.” Gwen is on her hands and knees, searching for that day at the fair.
“What does this ‘picture’, look like?”
“What do you mean? It looks like a picture,” she exclaimed. Now frantic, she crawls all over the jungle looking for the picture she lost.
“We are going to die, because you are wasting time, looking for something, I have never heard of. This will not be the end of me, I’m leaving.” Aaron got up and started to walk away. With one hand in the air he waved goodbye. “Good luck, not dying.”
“So you’re just going to leave me here?”
“Yup!” “I hope that picture of yours, will keep you safe from the Anyo Tribe.” He kept walking.
“Fine, I can take care of myself. I don’t need you! I don’t even know you!”
“Who does he think he is anyway? I don’t need him, I can take care of myself. Now where is it?” Still on her hands and knees, she searched. “It has to be around her somewhere.” Closer and closer she inched to the Anyo Tribe’s sacred grounds. It didn’t take long for the Anyo to gather themselves. She could hear footsteps, rapidly approaching. Her heart rate increased. What is she to do? Continue to look for a picture? Or save herself. Well reader what would you do? She stood up, and started running, in the direction, Aaron walked off in. She ran whispering his name, as to not draw attention to herself. ‘Great, now where did he go?’ ‘I am coming back to you Miles, I will not die here! That I promise you!’
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Winter's Forest
“It’s freakin’ cold out here” Dean said to his brother, as he cuffed his hands to his mouth and blew to warm them.
“I know, you think I don’t feel the cold, but we have to be here.” Sam said shivering.
“Why because some chick, in a dream told you too?”
“She wasn’t just some chick in a dream.” He sighed and looked away. “It was Jessica, Dean.”
“Jessica? I haven’t heard you mention that name in God knows how long. And you mean to tell me she just appeared to you in a dream out of the blue?” He said in a huff.
“It wasn’t just a dream, it was something else, I felt it. It was like she was there, standing in front of me.”
“Get it together Sammy. Jessica is dead, and whatever it is you think you saw, it was probably a demon. And if I freeze to death because of a dream, I’m going to kick your ass.”
“Whatever Dean. let’s go.” He grabbed a bag from the backseat and started to walk away. “And don’t call me Sammy”.
“I’ll call you whatever I want.” Dean said out of earshot from Sam.
They arrive at a diner. It is pretty busy for a diner at this time a day. A waiter yells for them to take any open seat, and someone will be there shortly. The brothers take a seat at the the bar, and the cook effortlessly keep up with the multiple orders he’s receiving. It was quiet, really quiet. Booths and tables likes both full, yet not a word was spoken. Every customer focused solely on their own plate, and not who they were sitting with. The waitress comes up with food in hand.
“Here you go boys. Burger and fries, and a slice of our pie of the day, just for you. And for you our world famous house salad.” She places the plates down.
“Umm, we didn’t order yet.” Dean said.
“Oh need for that, I have a knack for knowing just what people want. Eat up now, before it gets cold.” She said with a smile as she walked away.
“What do you say Sammy?”
“We’ve come across a lot more stranger things, than a waitress knowing exactly what we want to eat.” Sam looks around the diner. “But I do get an uneasy feeling about this place.”
“Yeah I know what you mean. Something’s not right about that waitress. She’s the only one that has said a word since we got here.”
“Not to mention she’s the only one, that isn’t severely overweight.”
“What are you thinking?”
“I want to test something.” Sam goes into his bag, and pulls out a vial of Holy Water. He waves down the waitress.
“What do you think you are doing? We have no idea what we are dealing with, and you are going to let it know we’re on to it.”
“Relax, I have an idea.” Sam pour the Holy Water over his hands as the waitress comes up to them he stands up and shakes her hand. “I just have to thank you for being one of the best waitresses that my brother and I have ever had. We travel a lot, all over really, and we eat at a lot of diners, but this is the first time we have ever been given or favorite food, with even saying a word. You are incredible, I am going to make sure everyone I know, knows about this place.”
    She snatches her hand away for Sam. “Oh no, you don’t have to do that. I’m just an average ole waitress in an average ole diner. Honestly thank you for the compliant, but really you don’t have to.”
“Oh no, it would be no problem to me of my brother here. In fact, I’ll call a few of my friends now, they’ll be here in a few short hours.
    She shouts “No!” The other customers all turn to look at the waitress. Dean stands up, alarmed. A nervous smile grew on the face of the waitress as a tear fell from her eye. “Please don’t. I am begging you. Do not invite anyone here. In fact, i would like to ask you two to leave.”
    Dean steps in close to here and grabs her shoulders. “Listen...” He looks over at her name tag. “...Winter. What’s going here? Maybe my brother and I can help.”
“No, no one can help.” She said shaking. “If you value your life, you need to leave and you need to now before it’s too lat…”
    Doors swung open, a burst of freezing air rushed into the diner. A woman with pale skin, bleach blonde hair and glasses entered. she seemed to be gliding on the wind that was blowing through the place. She looked at Sam and Dean and smiled. Without a word, she out reached her hand and the two brother started walking towards her. Winter still shaking, tears running down her face. Jumped up from behind the counter.
“No! I won’t let you hurt them any more.” She ran and grabbed Dean and pulled him away, he falls and the grip the strange woman had on him was lost as he hits the ground unconscious. The woman waved her arm and sends Winter flying, then she vanished along with Sam. A few hours later, Winter manages to get Dean to wake up.
“Ugh my head, what happened?”
“Sharon happened.”
“What the Hell is a Sharon?”
“She the woman that took your brother.”
Dean jumps up, and looks around. “What do you mean? Where’s my brother?”
“With her?”
He grabs Sam’s bag. “Where are they?”
“Whatever it is that you are planning, it won’t work. Your brother is probably dead, you should go while you still have the chance.”
“Lady, I ain’t going nowhere without my brother.” He pulls out a Colt, now are you going to tell me where or not?”
Winter looks over at Dean and pulls off her apron. “I’m coming with.”
“So do you want to tell what all that was back there?”
Winter looks out the window. “Her name is Sharon. She a demon that feeds on attractive people. She says they taste better. For years now she’s been stealing anyone she saw fit in the town. I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. So I started doing research on demons and magic. And I came across a few spells, one that would allow me to control people. I gathered up what was left of the people in town and led them down to the diner. Where I made them eat.”
“Wait so you are the reason everyone here is so overweight?”
“Yes I figured if they didn’t stop eating they’ll stand a better chance.”
“Why not reach out to someone? I’m sure in your research you came across someone that could’ve help.”
“I tried, but everyone that came to help, she took, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
“What about you?”
What do you mean? What about me?”
“Why haven’t she tried to eat you? You are a very attractive girl.” He started to say with a smile, but coughed and got control of himself.
“I’m not sure. I try not to think about it, I have to focus a lot of energy on the spells that i am using to protect the rest of the town. I’ve never been this far out before, I am not sure what will happen to them now.”
“Don’t worry about it. We’re going to save my brother, kill this evil bitch, and with a little cardio everything will go back to normal.”
“I hope you are right because we are here.”
“Ok you wait here, and I’ll be back with Sam and the bitch’s head.”
“You can’t go in there alone.”
“I can and I will. What I can’t do is let you follow me in there. I can’t allow you to get hurt.”
He walks into the building. It was old and rundown, it was obvious no one lived there for years. Dean made his way through the building yelling Sam, hoping his brother would be able to hear him. Deeper and deeper he went and not a word.
“Alright, if you let my brother go now, I’ll let you live.” He said to no one. Then a light came from down the hall. “This is so a trap.” Dean ran down the hall. He got to the door where the light was coming from. “Sammy, can you hear me?”
“Dean…” Sam said in a struggle.
“Sam! I’m coming in there to get you!”
“Dean no it’s a tra…” Dean bursted into the door and there she was waiting for him.
“Ahw crap.” Sharon reached out to him, but Dean tossed Holy Water at her, distracting her for only a moment to get the Colt out.
“You brought the Colt?”
“Of course I did. I didn’t know what we were up against, and there was very little time to find out.”
“But the bullets.”
“Oh shut up about the bullets, you sound like dad.”
Sharon lets out a loud shriek causing Dean to drop to his knees, she waves her arm and sends him flying. Winter hears the noise from the car and rushes in to help. Dean rolling around cupping his ears from the shriek, didn’t realise he dropped the Colt. Sam helpless is screaming in agony. Sharon makes her way to Dean to finish him off, he reaches for the Colt and she sends it flying. Now standing over Dean she grabs him by the neck and shrieked even louder in his face. Blood oozed out of his ears and nose, as he started to fade. Then suddenly a loud bang. Dean and Sharon fall to the ground. Winter is standing in the doorway with the Colt shaking, she drops the gun and rushes to untie Sam from the wall.
“No help Dean.” he says in a panic.
She goes over to him, moves Sharon’s lifeless body off of him. “He’s not breathing.”
“C…” Sam says in a puff. “You have to do CPR.”
Winter breaths into Dean, and pressed down on his chest. Cheering him on to herself. “Come on, come on. Don’t die please don’t die.” Nothing. “Damn it!” She raises her hands above her head cups them together and slams them into Dean’s chest. His eyes shot open, as he started to gasp for air. She couldn’t believe it. She wrapped her arms around him. “Thank God you are alive.”
“No thank you he said.” He struggled to get up so Winter helped him to his feet.
“Its nice to see that you are alive and all. But can you untie me now?”
They made their way over to Sam to untie him.
“Oh man what a night. I’m going to need that pie we left at the diner.”
Winter laughed. “Sure anything you want.”
    Hours later the three of them were standing by the car. “Thank you for all your help. It means a lot to me.”
“No, thank you for saving me and my brother’s life. And most of thank you for the pie.”
She smiled. “You two are welcomed back whenever you want.”
Sam and Dean smiled as they started to get in the car.
“Dean wait.” Winter said.
“Yeah? What is it?”
She grabbed him by the collar and kissed him.
“Oh nothing.”
Dean smiled got in the car and drove away.
The End
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Through Time (unedited)
There it was, the Winose Ring, he couldn’t believe it, he had all but brushed her off, but she was right. If he wouldn’t have listened to that old woman, his journey might not have ever ended. He would have never thought to look here of all places. He grabbed the ring, and stared at it, as it shined in the light, he was flooded by memories from a former life, of a lost love. Soon all his visions started to make sense, the fragments of nonsense now perfectly clear. He had to find her, but how? “I need to buy this ring.” He said to the clerk. The clerk looked at it, and shook his head. Samuel’s face dropped. “But why?”
    “Ring is not for sale, ring is family heirloom. My grandmother smuggled ring, into city, with many rebel soldiers shooting at her trying to steal.”
    “But I need this ring. You have no idea how much this ring means to me.” The clerk looked at Samuel, the depression on his face.
    “How much you pay?”
    “I’ll give you everything I own.” A smile grew on the clerk’s face. “Please I need this ring.”
    The clerk held his hand up to silence Samuel’s begging. “Hmmm, grandmother would want ring to be worn and shown the world. You can take it.”
    Samuel’s face lit up, as the clerk smiled at him. “Thank you good sir. You have no idea, how much this means to me.” Samuel put the ring into his pocket and headed for the door. The clerk held his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat, Samuel turned around.
    “You are forgetting something no? You promise everything you own for ring.”
    Samuel looked at the clerk, grinning and rubbing his greedy little hands together. “You are right, I did say everything I own,”
    The grin grew wider. “Your words, no mine.”
    A look of concern grew across his face. “So if I give you everything I own, You will allow me to keep the ring. I have your word?”
    The clerk looked at him. “You have my word as shopkeep, and on grandmother’s soul. You may keep ring.”
    A look of unease grew on his face. “Very well then. You see the thing is. I am homeless, I have no job, and I only have nothing to my name.” He reached into his pocket and pulled them out. The clerk’s grin was quickly replaced by intense raged, as Samuel shouted and waved goodbye, while walking out the door. As the door slammed behind him, he pulled the ring from his pocket kissed it and laughed into the sky. “Now where are you?”
    Well past midnight Samuel is laying wide awake, staring at his ring between his two fingers. ‘Where are you?’ He thought. ‘How do I even start to search for you. The ring is one thing, but I don’t even know your name.’ He sat up staring at the ring. ‘Come on, tell me something!’ ‘That’s odd, either the clerk was lying, or his grandmother had really big hands. This ring looks way to big for a woman. In fact.’ He places the ring onto his finger, it slides on perfectly. ‘There is no way a this could fi…
    Samuel’s eyes widen, his body froze, the room began to glow with a warm orange light. His heart started to pound, i=what is going on, he thought. A strong wind came from nowhere, he looked over at the window it was closed tight, yet the wind was so unbearable it made his eyes water. He looked around the room, and no a thing was moving, but he could feel the wind blowing hard, so hard that it started to lift his up. The roof was blown off, as the wind forced him upward. Silently screaming hoping that someone would hear him and would be able to help. Higher and higher the wind blew as the town became less and less noticeable, and the moon larger. He could move again, he tried screaming for help, but he was too far up, no one could hear him scream. Suddenly the wind stopped, and as fast as he got up, he went down, with his arms flailing he screamed for help as if someone would be able to do anything, the ground got closer and closer, and knew this was the then. He exhaled heavily  and closed his eyes, as he prepared as best he could for the inevitable. Now just a few feet from his death a giant hole opened up in the ground, “Oh come on,” he shouted as he fell through. His heart pounding from his impending demise, he passed out.
    Samuel jumped a woke gasping for air. “Whoa, what a crazy dream!” he placed his head in his hands. He rubbed his face and started to yawn.
    “What’s going on?” Said a woman’s voice. Samuel jumped up, and fell off the bed. “What’s the matter with you? Come back to bed, it is way too early.” Samuel looked around the room, nothing looked familiar.
    “Where am I? Who is that?” He inched his way up onto the bed. The woman turned around and smiled at him. Shocked he started to tremble, it was her.
    “Sammy! Are you ok? You’re shaking?” She reached out for him, but he moved away.
    “It’s you?”
    “Of course it’s me, who were you expecting?” “Did you hit your head or something? You do remember that i am your wife right?” She showed him her ring.
    Samuel inhaled deeply, it’s the Winose. But how he was wearing it? He looked at his hand. The ring was gone. He stood up.
    “You are starting to scary me. Maybe we should see a doctor.” She reached for his hand, but he moved further away. “Samuel it’s me Ronda.” She got out of bed and walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around him. “Surely you remember this,” she kissed him. All the memories from his life with her came flooding back once their lips touched. He smiled and grabbed hold of her hands.
    “I am sorry I frightened you my love. It was just a bad dream.”
    “It is over now, come let us get some breakfast.” She grabbed him by the hand and led him away. Samuel couldn’t believe his eyes, somehow he was transported back a hundreds of years. “Sammy come and try this,” Ronda places a ruby red strawberry into his mouth, the juice burst when he took a bite. “Simply amazing right?”
    “That it is.” He smiled. Horns soon filled the air. “Oh no. Its him.”
    “Shush now, or he’ll have your head. And I’ve grown quite attached to your body with a head, I don’t think I could be parted without it.”
    “My love, I’m pretty sure, I’ll have the bigger problem.” They laughed and loud ear splitting ‘halt’ replaced the sounds of horns.
    Giant men carrying a small carriage stopped in front of Samuel and Ronda. The doors flew open, a very small man came stomping out. “You there!” He squealed pointing at Ronda. “What is your name?”
    “It is Ronda sire.”
    “Ahh, what a lovely name for such a lovely woman.” He took her hand and kissed it, she pulled away in disgust. “I shall make you mine.”
    Samuel grunted and moved forward, but was stopped by his wife. “That is a lovely offer, but I am already someone else’s.” She looked lovingly into Samuel’s eyes. “This is my Sammy, he is my moon and my stars. And I can not imagine a life without him.”
    “Have you ever tried?” the little man said smiling. “If I were to kill him here and now, you will have no choice but to imagine a life without him. And then you will be mine.”
    “You are right, but if you were to kill him, I will never truly be yours, because even in death, my heart will belong to him.”
    “Love? I don’t need love, I am an emperor, I have all the money in the world, there is no room for love.” he clapped his hands, his soldiers armed themselves. “It has been decided, you all heard it from her own mouth, she will be mine once he is dead.”
    “What no!” She looked at Samuel, who is now surrounded by soldiers. “Your grace, you mustn’t. Please I beg of you, do not kill my love. I will be a much happier wife, knowing no one had to die because of me.”
    “Are you saying you will be mine, willingly even if he lives?”
    She looked over at Samuel, with tears in their eyes. “Yes I will.”
    “Very well then. Men!” He called his men back, Samuel ran up to Ronda and hugged her.
    “No, you can’t go, I have no life without you.”
    “I would rather you be alive, without me, than dead with me. I heart will not be able to the regret. Know that I will love you, always and forever.”
    “Alright enough of this. I’m letting you live, but my patience is wearing thin.”
    “We will meet again, in this world or the next, my love.” Samuel kissed her. This outraged the the emperor.
    “Men!” He shouted. He pulled Ronda away from Samuel and down to the ground. Samuel rushed the emperor, but his men grabbed him and punched him in the stomach. Samuel dropped down to his knees. Now eye level with the emperor, he pulled out a knife.
    “Why did you kiss my wife to be? The punishment for that is death.” Ronda pled in the background,  but her words fell onto deaf ears. “I hope you enjoyed that kiss boy, because it will be your last. Samuel spat into his face. The emperor smiled. “She’ll pay for that.” He looked over at her. “With her life.”
    “No, you don’t have to do it, punish me. Not her punish me.”
    “Oh I do intend on punishing you also boy, in far worse ways.” He walked over to Ronda. “Look at your beloved. Look how small and weak he is. You could have had a powerful life. But now you are going to die, and he is going to watch the light fade from your eyes.”
    Tears fell down both their eyes, as he took the knife and slowly slide the blade across her neck. As blood slowly oozed down her caramel skin, Samuel looked away. The emperor order his men to hold his head in place as the light slowly faded from her eyes. He dropped her dead body to the ground. And walked over to Samuel, tears rushing from his eyes. He whispered I love you, and the blade entered his heart. The Emperor and his men left them there to die in the dirt. Once the men were miles away, Samuel raise his head, and crawled his way to Ronda, he sat up and pulled her lifeless body onto his lap, his tears falling on her. He grabbed her hand placed it on his face, he felt the cold metal of her ring on his check, he pulled it off and placed it on his hand. Then suddenly a burst of wind blew him upward. “No!” He shouted as he tried to take the ring off his finger. “I want to stay here I want to stay with her.” he struggled to reach for her. As the wind carried him away.
    He was back in his own room. No time has passed at all. He felt his chest a scar appeared where the knife had been. He took the ring off and tried putting it on again. Nothing happened. He threw the ring across the room, and thought to himself that he will never be able to find her again.
    Years passed Samuel was walking down the street when something compelled him to stop and turn around. And there it was the object of his desire. A lifetime of searching, all coming to an end. His breathing shortened, his fingers trembled as he reached out. He grabbed her shoulder, the wind blew through her curly brown hair. She turned around smiling at first, but then a look of confusion. He stared into her deep brown eyes, struggling to find the words.She looked over at his hand, still h=on her shoulder, and she started to back away, smiling nervously. His hand slowly fell down to his side, while she turned back around to continue with her day. ‘Wait,’ he was able to force out. She stopped. He dropped down to his knees and professed his intentions. Her eyes swelled with tears as she cupped her hands around her mouth. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out. She looked at it, and grabbed his hands and pulled him up to her. Tears now rolling down her face, as she smiled and light giggles escaped her. With the sun setting in the background, he could not help but feel at home. Now filled with content, that his journey has finally come to a close. He placed the ring on her finger, her eyes widen as she gasped for air. ‘Oh my Sammy, we finally meet again.’ Tears flowed from his eyes. She turned around with a grasp on his hand, and led him away.
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A little writting exercise (A Strange Request at a Piano Bar)
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Wake Up!!
‘Aahhh’, I awake in a sweaty panic. Breathing fast and heavy, I look over at my alarm clock on my nightstand, two hours before it would've gone off. What am I supposed to do now? There is no way I can get back to sleep, not after the nightmare I just had. I sit up on the edge of my bed, trying to calm my heart and catch my breath, before I start my normal morning routine. ‘Damn, that was some crazy dream’, I say as I force myself up to get the day started. I drag my still sleepy and trembling body all across my small studio apartment, stopping first at the bathroom, and then the kitchen slash living room. I open the fridge and immediately remember that thing I tried to force myself to remember yesterday before coming home for the night. ‘You idiot,’ I grumbled out loud, as I closed my empty fridge. I guess I can go out for breakfast, it has been such a long time since I have treated myself, and besides I have plenty of spare time now. A quick Google search of the nearest open diner, and I was on my way. Only a quick 15 minute bike ride and I'll be deep in pancake heaven, and hopefully the horrible dream, no terrifying nightmare would be well behind me.
The city seemed so different this early in the morning, there's no traffic, car or foot. Except for the waitress, a cook and some old guy, the diner was completely empty. I don't know if it was because of my nightmare or not but, this guy was really giving me a weird vibe. His head was tilted a bit but, I can tell he was staring at me. Even through his thick black sunglasses, I felt his gaze. The waitress came by and placed a glass of ice water on the table, before asking me if I needed more time with the menu. I smiled at her and said no, I can order now. She flipped to what I believe to be a new page in her order booklet. I found it weird as to how many pages she had to go through. Could it've really been that busy this early in the morning, or does she not bother to waste time ripping out the pages. I didn't realise how much time I was wasting wondering about something so trivial, until the sounds of the waitress clearing her throat filled my ears. I looked up at her and smile, ‘sorry’, I pushed out as she smiled politely and ready herself to take my order. ‘Three pancakes, four strips of bacon, two over medium eggs and crispy hashbrowns’, my all time favorite meal, I figured I deserved it after that hellish dream. After she finished taking my order, she grabbed the menu and walked away. I looked around, and found myself in awe. From the outside looking in, you wouldn't expect much from this small place. It is actually quite wonderful. There's a homey feel to it, like your mother would come walking down the stairs at any minute, asking if you got your homework done. I felt as if my dog Arthur would be begging to be let in at any minute.
As I was caught up in the decor of the diner my eyes unknowingly settled on the the other customer. I grinned awkwardly and quickly looked away, just in time to see the waitress walking up with food. No way it could be mine, it hasn't even been seven minutes. It has to be the other guy's. I turn my head to look out the window, when I heard the sound of ceramic hitting the table. I turn to see my smiling waitress placing down my order, first the pancakes, then the bacon and eggs, and last the hashbrowns. ‘Sorry it took so long, I'm just starting to’, and she turned to look me right in the eyes, ‘wake up’. I thought to myself she must be kidding, this is the fastest I've ever received food. ‘No problem’, I said to her as she smiled and walked away. I picked up my knife and as I dug in, I couldn't believe my senses, this has to be the best food I have ever eaten in my life. Every single bite, seemed to be better than the last. The pancakes were moist, soft, and fluffy, the bacon, nice and thick. The eggs perfectly runny, and buttery, and the hashbrowns, crisped to perfection. As quickly as the food arrived it was gone. The waitress came by, almost the second after I finished gorging myself. ‘You look a thousand times better, you must have really needed this.’ She said as she cleared the table. I must've have looked troubled when I arrived here. ‘There's nothing a good breakfast can't fix’, she smiled and walked away. The other guy in the diner started to move for the first time, since I've been here. He stood up and reached over his table to pick up his hat and newspaper. He then started to leave, one foot after another. His footsteps filled the quiet diner, as he made his way to the exit. He stopped right in front of me, ‘There is nothing like a good meal, that helps one,’ and looks straight at me, ‘wake up’, he flashed a smile at me and continued to the door. It was weird, because I not sure if I seen the waitress go over to his table, or even if he ate anything for that matter. I looked at the time, and I figured I had more than 30 minutes before I needed to get to work. I turned to wave down the waitress, and before I could get my hand up, there she was standing right beside me. ‘Um, the check’, I spat out. ‘Oh there is no need for that, the gentleman that just left, paid for everything’, she smiled and left for the last time. I felt like a complete ass, here I was judging this nice man. I got up and headed to work.
I arrived with 15 minutes to spare, and to my surprise my best friend Claire was already there, this was not like her at all, we used to joke that she'll be late to her own funeral. I put my bag on the back of my chair, and said to her ‘Oh wow, I must be dreaming, you are never on time’. She smiled, ‘Well maybe you are, and you should’, and she turned to me, ‘wake up Jim’. She stood up, with enough speed and force to throw her chair more than a few feet behind her. She grabbed me by my shoulders and shock me violently, shouting wake up Jim, wake up. The room started spinning, my head was pounding, as Claire, the waitress and the old guy all started to scream wake up!
I jumped up, sweat pouring down my face, my side is burning with this crazy intense pain. The room I was in was dark, and there was a smell of mold and rust in the air, a smell so overwhelming, I could taste it. The only thing I can hear are whispers for me to wake up. ‘Ugh, where am I?’ I managed to get out, trying to get to my feet, only to hit my head on something metal. I quickly realized I was in a cage, much too small for me to stand, or do much of anything for that matter. ‘Well, what happened?’ I squinted in the darkness trying to find where Claire's voice was coming from. Everything slowly started coming back to me. ‘What did they do to you’ she squealed out. ‘I-I don't know, ahh, but my side really hurts.’ ‘I'm scared Jim, I'm so scared’, she called out. ‘You were gone for some long, I didn't think you would ever coming back.’ Her words echoed in my head over and over again. Then it hit me, just like that, this was the dream. I must have never gotten up, I just got to find a way to wake up. That's it, I started slapping my already pounding head, telling myself to wake up, that this is all a dream. I can hear Claire through my chant saying it's not a dream, that it is really happening, and we need to figure away out if this. I couldn't expect what she was saying, there was no way that any of this was real. So I just kept chanting. Someone bursted through the door, and a blinding light filled the room. I started to hear footsteps as I strained my eyes to get some kind of idea as to where I am. Just as my eyes started to adjust, I looked over in Claire's direction and saw just before the room was blanketed in darkness again, something that looked like Claire, but couldn't possibly be her. I shouted out what happened to your arms! I started to panic, curling up into a ball, I cried out this isn't happening.
Loud screams soon filled the room. Louder than my cries, louder than Claire's shouting. The door flew open again. I felt the figure making his way towards me. Being far on the other side of the room the door closed before he got to me. The room grew quiet, as I tried to find where the figure had gone. Before I could, I felt a sharp pain in my neck, and my entire body went numb. The figure begun to open my cage, I could hear Claire calling out to me, but I couldn't speak back to here. The figure slumped me over his shoulder and carried me off. A short walk later he threw me down on a metal table. This room was different from the last. It was extremely clean, and the smell was gone. I tried to look around, but I was unable to move my head, only my eyes. All I could see were white fluorescent lights,  and some kind of monitor. A deep booming voice said to me, ‘Shall we begin?’ and the monitor switched on. I look and to my horror it was me that I was looking at. What in the Hell is going on here? That's when he walked into view. He was a mountain of a man, covered in white and with far too many blood stains from head to toe. ‘Enjoy the show’, he said with a chuckle. He pulled out a scalpel, and moved in towards my chest. ‘Don't worry, you won't feel a thing’, I tired to fight, but whatever he gave me, was strong. The scalpel pierced my skin, as he dragged it down to my bellybutton. Blood oozed out and down the sides of my body, to the table. It was like some kind of a sick car crash. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't look away.I stared at the monitor, both terrified and concerned as to what he was doing. He peeled my skin back revealing my ribs, lungs, and heart. My eyes started to water, even though I couldn't feel them, I know tears were falling down my face. He put down the scalpel, and picked up a black sack that seemed tiny in his hand but quite large when compared to my body. He stuff the sack inside me, in the area where my side was hurting when I woke up. He walked away to grab a needle and thread, so he can attach this foreign object, to replace my kidney. So many thoughts filled my mind, including where my kidney is, when did he take it and what is the slack, he just put in my body. It felt like hours, but whatever he has done to me was finally over. I couldn't help but feel relieved as he cut the thread that sealed my body shut. He stuffed his hand underneath me to carry me back to my cage. Only a moment past by when there was a loud bang of crashing metal, that made him drop me onto a different table. My body met the cold metal with a thud. As I lay there waiting for my  tormentor to return, it dawned on me, this table is cold. I wasn't able to feel anything until now. Maybe the shot is wearing off, and maybe just maybe I can escape. With every but of force I could muster I propped myself up on the table and looked around the room, and there they were my keys to freedom. Laying on a countertop only a few feet away, were syringes with what I am praying to be the same thing he gave me. I threw myself into the floor hoping I don't open my freshly closed stitches, and dragged myself up to the countertop, I stole two of the syringes and made my way back to the the table. ‘Now I wait’, I said out loud.
It was no time at all before he returned, under the impression that I was still sedated, he picked me and threw me over his shoulder. Now is the time to strike, I lifted my hand up and stabbed him right in the neck. Before he could realize what happened, it was already too late, he let out a roar as his body collapsed under him. We hit the ground with a tremendous force, that shook the room. Before I left I hit him with two more syringes to be on the safe side, and I sluggishly made my way to an exit.
Nearly an hour I walked clueless as to where I was going, or even if I was ever going to find a way out. That's when I saw it, a big set of doors, with a beam of light shining through. Freedom, my body was overcome with warmth, as I thought to myself this nightmare is finally over. Once outside it didn't take long for people to notice a naked man wondering the streets. The police were quick on the scene, I told them what happened and guided them to the building, where Claire and the others were before passing out in the back of an ambulance.
I woke up to the sound of a heart monitor beeping, and the smell of a clean hospital room. My eyes opened slow, so that I can adjust to the light. I called out for anyone that would hear, it didn't take long for a nurse to hear me, he came in with a smile, ‘You are a real hero. Three whole days you were out, I was beginning to think you were never going to’, and he looked right at me, ‘wake up’. My body went cold, as all the sound left the room. I look at him, ‘wh-what did you say?’ My heart rate increase, causing the monitor to beep faster. The nurse placed a hand on my shoulder, ‘you have to calm down, don’t worry you are safe now.’ He smiled and left the room, nodding to a police officer as he left. ‘Where's Claire’, I asked. ‘She's sleeping in the ICU, I can take you to her when she gets the strength to’, and the officer looks right at me, ‘wake up’. My heart started to pound again, my head spun around. I pulled on my hair and shouted out not again, oh God not again. Nurses ran into the room, all trying to get me to calm down. ‘Claire! I need to see Claire! Where is she?’ The room grew quiet, as Claire walked into the room. Nurses urged her to sit down, and that she shouldn't be walking around. She assured them that she was fine, and sat on the edge of the bed. She looked me right in the eyes. ‘Jim’, she said with a smiled, and pushing my hair out of my face with her hands, ‘You need to wake up.’
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