morea-zils · 5 years
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a rushed drawing of Priest Asra from @froggoli‘s concept because I’m seeing Endgame in an hour and I’m too hyped and I needed a distraction 
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morea-zils · 5 years
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throws more art
My mind cant produce new original content so please bear with redraws
here's the original one from 2017(・ω・)
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morea-zils · 5 years
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【Maid of Time】
homestuck art in 2019 wowie
By the way, this is a redraw of my first ever fully colored digital artwork from 2015 which is this:
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I honestly cannot look at it without dying internally but hey!!! improvement \( ̄▽ ̄;)/
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morea-zils · 5 years
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I am one self indulgent ho (yes that's me, not any of my apprentices) and I needed to find a way to beat the shit out of my art block so I decided to draw Asra in my aesthetic ( ˘ ³˘)♡
here's an unfiltered version in case i get attacked bec the filter on the first pic made Asra's skin light
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morea-zils · 5 years
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homestuck is 10 years old I can't believe it
this is my trollsona Maluis btw and no this is the only time ill talk about homestuck here
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morea-zils · 5 years
art cheats
hello i am here today to not lose track of the art cheats i have discovered over the years. what i call art cheat is actually a cool filter/coloring style/way to shade/etc. that singlehandedly makes art like 20 times better
80’s anime style
glitch effect
glow effects
adding colors to grayscale paintings
foreshortening ( coil )
foreshortening ( perspective )
clipping group (lines)
clipping group (colors)
dramatic lighting ( GOOD )
shading metal
lighting faces
that is all for today, do stay tuned as i am always hunting for cool shit like this
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morea-zils · 5 years
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Yes! I’m doing a giveaway!~ Three lucky winners will win a full, simple illustration of their choosing!~ Something along the lines of this:
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It doesn’t have to be Arcana related (but I mean it can be~). I’ll be messaging the winners to hash out the details~❤️
TO ENTER: Please reblog this post and follow me!~ One reblog per person, please~ A winner will be chosen at midnight (pacific standard) March 12!
Thank you all so much for following me and encouraging my work~ Really, you guys are all too good to me and I hope I can give back to all of you in the future~😭💕
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morea-zils · 5 years
doodled my apprentices but with the opposite hairstyles from their original one (`・ω・´)”
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morea-zils · 5 years
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Baby, the stars shine bright tonight  (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
This piece is fan art of @thatoneasrastan ‘s beautiful apprentice Lorica with her familiar from The Arcana game! Check out her art and apprentice at @morea-zils I promised a more cheerful piece, didn’t I? A few days ago, I reached the adorable number of 69 followers, so I decided to give the 69th person a little gift to show my appreciation~ Pose reference credits to @senshistock from Deviantart! I can never live without their references <3 (And yes, my first sentence is inspired by the lolita clothing line, although the drawing isn’t related to lolita I thought it fitting?) Thank you once again for following my art! I’ll definitely do pieces like this from time to time because it’s just so much fun~  ♥
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morea-zils · 5 years
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Hace unos dias vi una serie de gifs de Marie Kondo explicando que a la hora de ordenar nuestra ropa debemos elegir la que nos produce felicidad, y para no sentirnos mal por la ropa que queremos botar, agradecer el tiempo que estuvo esa prenda estuvo con nosotros y dejarla ir..
Esto me llamo la atención y luego en Netflix descubri que habia una serie de ella, donde va a casas de personas y las ayuda a organizar. Me gusto su método y quise compartir algunos de sus consejos con ustedes. Quien sabe. Siempre se aprende algo 😉
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morea-zils · 5 years
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I did this sketch of Saige a long time ago I may have used an old version of her reference but @perfectlavenderangelbaby Hello !! i love your apprentice!!!!
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morea-zils · 5 years
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My part for The Arcana secret cupid !!  ヽ(・∀・)ノ
@iranoutofsnarkycomments hellooo I was your secret cupid (@thatoneasrastan) and here’s a drawing of your apprentice, Andrian!! I hope I gave him justice and that you like it  (´,,•ω•,,)
It was fun drawing him!!
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morea-zils · 5 years
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This was supposed to be just a doodle that I did for something school related but I ended up coloring it
Trying out a new coloring style  _(:3 」∠)_
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morea-zils · 5 years
a quick grass tutorial
I’ve never really wrote a tutorial before so apologies if this is bad
1. okay first thing I do is pick three colors, a mid, dark, and light. I like to check the colors in greyscale to make sure there’s enough contrast between each one.
I then plop down a blob of whatever my middle tone color is.
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2. next, I take my dark color and just sort of randomly place it around. I try to make sure there’s a good amount of both the mid and dark tones spread throughout. I personally like to keep it kinda messy. I also have pen pressure on for both brush size and opacity, so I can have some blending action going on.
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3. for the next step I do the exact same thing as before, except with the light color.
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4. aight this is where we start adding details. see how you just have a bunch of colors and edges where two colors meet? use the eyedropper and go to an area where two colors meet, eyedrop a color, and then use that color to draw in your grass blades. I do this at every point where colors meet. should note I personally like to use a square brush, but you can really just use anything.
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5. you can technically stop at the last step if you’re going for a more simple look, but to add more details I go to the “empty” areas of solid color and just draw in random strokes using a color nearby. it’s just a way to fill up the empty space.
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6. basically more of the same idea of eyedropping and drawing. for more variety so things look interesting, I like to add random plant shapes.
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7. and so the grass doesn’t look too plain, I add random dots of color and pretend it’s flowers and stuff.
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and there you have it, this is how I approach drawing grass.
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morea-zils · 5 years
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Me: hey im gonna doodle some cute asrian
Also me:
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morea-zils · 5 years
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Fun fact one of my inspos when I created my MC was Princess Jasmine and seeing that HC where Asra is Aladdin just made me do this.
I’ve never done a full drawing like this and I actually look forward to doing more !!
Asra is from @thearcanagame 
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morea-zils · 5 years
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Here’s my main apprentice, Lorica. It took me so long to finally introduce her because my insecurity is killing me and to be honest I still got to continue polishing her personality. I still got to make a proper reference sheet for her but for now here’s my latest art of her hhhhh
Here’s some of her faves
Favorite Drink: Sugarcane Juice (w/ a bit of lemon !) 
Favorite Food: Butter Garlic Prawns
Favorite Flower: Cornflower
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