moreheadthanshoulders · 11 months
I get old,
I take trips,
And pass many Falls,
I get the feeling I don't love it all,
I get a sense of how hard it is to feel nothing at all,
Even when you open your heart,
Hoping they would just crawl out of that cave,
But these old feeling they've been there so long,
They feel they might as well stay,
These feelings so rotten,
These hope to be forgottens,
This bird of any Canary,
This half fat lady,
With her moments half sang,
I start feel Like I wish she'd just finish the dang thing,
Tired of yawning,
It's just a slow leak,
Compared to crying,
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"Heal me when I cry" - Janis Joplin
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I don't know where else to post this than into the void, but it's 75 degrees outside, light breeze, light drizzle
...dead silent outside of the occasional distant car....after months of 100 degree weather it just feels so good that I want to lean my seat back and jerk off....it just feels so good.
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Heart on a string,
It was strung,
Held by a noose that couldn't get it done,
Now heart breaks in suspended animation,
The onlookers tense with excitement,
How many years has it been,
Does she know it?,
Will she be able to break it?,
And I only wonder if the wind still whistles,
In the chase,
Only I know my heart still beats for her the same,
I hope she's moved on,
I hope she's in a better place,
I don't know if I could survive,
If love turned her my way,
Because she's my judgement,
And she's executioner,
She's everything I'd want in the end,
So I hope she's forgotten me,
And it pains me to say,
I couldn't imagine living any other way.
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“I don’t pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me. Love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person. Love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of. Love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”
— The O.C.
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You can't tell a broken heart,
About a broken wing,
It flutters just the same,
A broken wing may stop a bird,
But love requires a dame,
Oh,I get the happy ending,
Just before the scene ends,
But it's not mine,
And that's okay,
Romance is easy,
When it's projected on a screen,
It's easier to accept pretty things,
When it shouldn't be,
I couldn't tell you what I mean,
It's easier to write,
Than it is to act,
Than it is to experience the real thing,
But the real thing,
That's the only way to understand it,
And it isn't a moment too soon,
You know it when you have it,
That's fever
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The OC was hella toxic...but that's what makes it a fun watch.
“I don’t pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me. Love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person. Love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of. Love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”
— The O.C.
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I could go 2-3 weeks without drinking, and if I end up drinking, I just end up feeling so depressed, because I don't want to drink.
The initially idea of "drinking will make this boring task a little more fun" is quickly overwhelmed by the realization that drinking has become a task...
...and if I've learned anything from my experience of relationships, if the benefits of the relationship get to the point where the work it takes to maintain it begin to overshadow it, then it foreshadows doom. The relationship will get to the point where it must end, so you can survive.
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I remember when home buying began to slow, significantly, and all of the social media realtors were like, "this market is not like the 07 market. This market's not going to crash, so you NEED to buy NOWWWW!" ...and now the market is expected to crash all over anyone they convinced to buy homes at the peak price...right around the time a lady who bought that the peak in 08 finally got her house to value at a point slightly above how much she had to pay for it and asked one of those 'Dear Abby' variants if she should sell, even though the house now held sentimental value for her, since her husband passed.
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I accidentally stayed up until morning, and now, I feel so sad, because that means I won't be able to sleep for 10 hours before work.
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This actually ironic considering I was just talking about how Texas law enforcement has pushed internal policy to try and deport DACA recipients despite their federal protections. I also wondered how no one had brought a class action against the state.
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For years I've heard stories fo DACA recipients living in Texas ending up in custody for tickets and being referred to ICE for deportation. I only recently came to realize that legally shouldn't be happening, and that law enforcement agencies have been overstepping thier legal boundaries to deport as many people as possible.
It also answers the question: how does ICE end up deporting so many American citizens, every year?
I guess when your pushing out deporting any and everything that looks your shade of color for deportation, you're going lose some in the rapid profiling.
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Stressed the fuck out, because my roommate was arrested on his way to work and calls me at 4am to let me know and forgets to tell me what jail. Call backs say it's not in service. Google says it's a Nigerian prince trying to scam me....eventually I do some PI work and track down the jail using a partial number. So, I get up and try to find his bond info, so I can bail him out and get some sleep. This started at 4am.
I call and clerk tells me he won't have a bond until he goes before the judge in the morning and then he'll get an opportunity to call me, again. It's a small town, part country bumfuck and part suburb, so of courses (a town I would actively avoid due to the revenue collecting methods it would most definitely have adopted.) I wait...and I wait. I still haven't slept, mind you. 12pm comes around I think, "surely he's gone before the judge and been given a bond. NOPE. Apparently the judge still hasn't made it in for the day. New reason to stay the fuck away from bumfuck areas. (Why the fuck was he even driving through there??)
It's now 4PM. 12 hours since the booked him and he called. They still haven't arraigned him and don't know where the judge is. There's still no mention of him on any website and without an arraignment, they'll refuse to release him for an offense they simply could have given him a ticket for. The court closes at 5PM. I called in to take care of this bullshit, today. I'm am entirely livid with him and bumfuck towns.
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You know what you don't think about during a rewatch of Forest Gump? We all know a Jenny.
Not in the aspect of an abuse victim turned drug abuser turned dead, but in the sense that she had a profound impact on forest's lifelong development. She was his first friend, first kiss, FIRST, and someone he always talks/thinks about....then she dies. So there's no speculation fo what she's doing we know what she did, and everytime we watch forest Gump, we watch her entire life through the eyes of Forest Gump...and never once is she less profound.
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Got dang...the original Star Trek gets harder to watch, when you notice how many minority extras are just white people painted a different color. They had an episode that featured a tribe of Native Americans....and every single one was just a white person painted red lmao.
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Realizing there's a star trek episode dealing with a similar issue as the Kanye anti-Semitism situation. The officers sit at a table discussing Kahn, a meglomaniac leader who nearly destroyed the human race in his quest to create a master race. They present the qualities they admire. Spock, being the logistician points out the obvious flaw. The men continue to discuss him before pausing and laughing. James Kirk then says, Spock, you misunderstand. We simply admire him (speaking of his qualities of leadership). We can both be against him and admire him. Spock then respond, "this is simply illogical." "Exactly," Kirk responds. A scene 50 years before our time, meant to point out man's ability to separate the man from his actions, and to point out that even a supervillain, a signature of absolute evil, may have certain qualities that aid his heinous actions, that are admirable among all man. Star Trek was pretty wild.
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Watching Cold Case and some woman named Dione gave information to help solve a case, and I noticed the narrator pronounced her name wrong, and I thought, "that was weird." Then he kept mispronouncing it over and over...and over.
That's when I realized there are no minority members of the Cold Case production crew.
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