Houses as 1900s Eras
Hufflepuff- 1970′s: The Bohemian Era: This era consisted of artistic experimentation with music, fashion and art. People or ‘hippies’ believed in living in harmony with nature.
Ravenclaw- 1990′s: The Nineties: An era that consisted of new discoveries, technology, as well as movements in the grunge scene, raves and hip hop. Also a rise in multiculturalism and alternative media.
Slytherin- 1950′s: A time of conflicts and changes: The birth of rock n roll, embraced by many youngsters, explored themes like young love and rebellion. Meant young people didn’t have to grow up so fast. Also revolution in television
Gryffindor- 1980′s: The creation of MTV helped pop artists rise to fame. Huge advancements in technology. Many famous network shows, like The Simpsons, were created.
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please check out my latest post on @a-daily-dose-of-malfoys
Live for you
Warning: Trigger Warning, serious topics discussed
Background Info: Set in Draco’s sixth year, he is struggling with the pressure of his mission, he begins contemplating one of the biggest decisions of his life and the reader helps change his mind.
Y/N- your name Y/S- your surname
Malfoy laid his hands on the wet, silver rail, staring across the endless landscape. The rain trickling in the background, the icy winds piercing his pale skin. He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t do it, those four words, repeating in his head, over and over again. How could he? It was impossible, having to murder someone, even Dumbledore. But, even so, Dumbledore never did him wrong, he may have favoured Potter and his friends, but regardless, he still showed him kindness. No, he couldn’t do it. Hoping to take his made off his thoughts, Draco looked up to observe the view. All he could see was the dark forest, misty fog and heavy rain, patches of black and white. Black and white, like the world he lived in. The world will always be divided in two, black and white,the rich and the poor, the good and the bad. He knew where he stood, he was a bad guy. A bad person.
Draco began to shake, the wind started to blow, the air cold as ice. Thick, hot tears began flowing down his face. He was always told from a young age to never show weakness. His father had made that very clear on his seventh birthday, as a birthday gift his father had given him one of the most valuable lessons of his life. His father had bought him two pets, two puppies, one was massive, a Rottweiler and the other was a small chow chow dog. His father had told him to choose wisely, Draco knew what his father wanted, he wanted him to choose the bigger dog, so he did. “Excellent Draco, smart choice, a Malfoy always chooses the stronger one, the one who will survive in this dark world.” his father approved, nodding. Lucius Malfoy pointed his wand towards the smaller dog, and shouted “ Avada Kedavra.” With a flash of green light the dog was dead, Draco couldn’t believe it, his father had killed an innocent animal. He remembered that his seven year old self kept the tears in, but on the inside he was trembling. Looking back on the memory Draco couldn’t understand how a parent could do that to a child, it was wrong and he knew it. Parents were suppose to treat their child with compassion, to teach them to be kind and to help others. His mother had tried, she always treated him with love, unlike his father, she was proud of him. But, she couldn’t of stopped any of this from happening, she loved his father too much to defy him.
Looking over the rail, Draco decided to do it, it was a selfish action, to leave the world when it was at it’s darkest, but he was Draco Malfoy, he was selfish. He took a deep breath, and proceeded to push up against the rail and to swing his leg over. “Stop, don’t do it. ” someone ordered. Draco turned around and saw it was y/n. “What makes you think you can tell me what to do?” Draco snorted back, emphasising on the me, it was rude, but he couldn’t let y/n know that he was weak. “Well, the fact that I have caught you doing something you will regret,making me immediately involved.” she remarked back. “You don’t know anything about me, you don’t know what I have been through, what I have experienced, so don’t you dare think you can tell me what to do with my life.” Draco said almost screaming, he had said it to y/n, but he knew he was really directing it to his father. Y/N had a blank stare on her face, she didn’t know Draco well, she had only seen him around the school and in between classes, they weren’t in the same house so their paths rarely met, but she had heard the rumours. The rumours that he had become a Death Eater. She didn’t know what to believe, she knew he was a bully, a pure blood who thought better of himself, but he was still a teenager, despite his beliefs she never truly believed he would of chosen that path.
Y/N looked at the man in front of her, he had a cold exterior, blocking all emotion out, but his dark circles and his pale complexion gave his true feelings away, he was scared, who wasn’t, a war was brewing and one day all hell would be unleashed. She stepped forward towards him, he was still looking towards the horizon, his back turned away from her, “ Draco, I understand you’re scared, that you feel afraid and sad, but to fall so low as wanting to take your life, that’s wrong, you can’t do that. Just think about what would happen, how your parent and your friends would feel, they would miss.” Draco interrupted her, “ Miss me? As if they would, they don’t care, because of my father, I’m in this mess and I don’t have any friends.” “ Well what are Crabbe and Goyle, your guardian fairies?” She asked back. “Friends, as if.” he scoffed. “ No one will miss me or care.” Draco said, coming to a realisation. “Well I will, I’ll miss you Draco.” she whispered. “ Why? You barely know me, I don’t even know your name.” he growled. Y/N winced, it hurt, but she knew he was only trying to scare her away and she wouldn’t fall for his tricks. “ I don’t care if you don’t know me, I’m involved now, if you did jump, I would have to live knowing I could of stopped you, Draco Malfoy could of lived if only Y/N Y/S stopped him. How do you think that makes me feel?” There was a beat of silence. “I understand that maybe you haven’t had the best support in the world, that your parents haven’t been great or your friends the nicest. But why does this all have to be about them, i remember the Draco Malfoy, who use to go around telling everyone how great he was, yes that Draco was an arrogant git, but sometimes a bit of arrogance is good. If you jump think about all the things you would of miss out on, as much as I hate to admit it, you are destined for great things, I mean you are a Slytherin, the house of resourcefulness and ambition, you are going to do so well in life, and if you jump you would be throwing all of it away. So Draco I’m asking you, don’t worry about how others think or want, think about what you want, what choice do you want to take.”
Draco was speechless, it was the nicest thing anyone had said to him, yet it hurt, but was true. He had never thought about it before, all his life he was told how to act and what to believe. Everyone knew Draco Malfoy, but not one person knew Draco, just Draco without any of his family prejudices and beliefs. He wanted to succeed, that was true, but all he wanted in life was to be happy, and he was not going to throw all of it away. He let go of the railing and moved back. This was a simple gesture, but Y/N knew she had changed his mind, she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. It was awkward, but she knew it was something he really needed. Draco flinched, no one had ever gotten this close to him before, not even Pansy, not on a serious level at least. Deciding not to fight it, he turned around and fell into her arms, it was a sign of being weak, but he didn’t care anymore. Y/N began stroking his hair, “It’s okay Draco, you can cry, I’m here for you.” Soon Y/N could feel hot tears falling down her cheek and she knew Draco finally let his guard down.
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Hi guys, thanks so much for all the support!!! It will be deeply appreciated if you guys also check out my other blogs: @wizardlife4ever : posts house horoscopes @a-daily-dose-of-malfoys : Malfoy imagines 😊
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@aveeragemusings I hope you like it! @slytherin–queen
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Aesthetic: Hufflepuff
“ How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it.”
~ George Ellision
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Requested Aesthetic: @bows-to-my-pink-omens
“Happiest girls are the prettiest.”
~ Audrey Hepburn
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Aesthetic: Queen of Hearts “Careful how you play with your cards when you have a queen in your hand.” ~ Unknown Request Aesthetics Here
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 Aesthetic: Rapunzel/Tangled
 "Stars get tangled in her haired whenever she played in the sky.“ 
~ Laini Taylor
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Requested Aesthetic: @lapis-lazuliie 
Character- Mordecai 
 "Don’t look at our crotches while we synchronize our watches!“
  ~ Mordecai and Rigby, Regular Show
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Aesthetic: Disneyland Adventure
“Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever.”
~ Walt Disney
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Requested Aesthetic: @thesoundofpasta 
“ Fame is like a castle. Castles are beautiful to dream and wonderful to watch, but too encircled to live in!”
 ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan
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Requested Aesthetic: @thelights-atmidnight
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Song Aesthetic: Colors “ Everything is grey, his hair, his smoke, his dreams…” ~ Colors, Halsey
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Rapunzel/Tangled Aesthetic “Stars get tangled in her haired whenever she played in the sky.” ~ Laini Taylor
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Song Aesthetic: We don’t talk anymore “Shoulda known your love was a game, Now I can’t get you out of my brain.” ~ by Charlie Puth, Feat. Selena Gomez Feel free to request any aesthetics
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Requested: @unpainting Marceline the Vampire Queen: “Looks like your NOT as perfect as you thought. Guess you can’t judge me anymore.” ~ Marceline, Adventure Time
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Celebration of the new Harry Potter book “…Help will always be given to those who ask for it.” ~ Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
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