morganconway · 7 years
don’t give up on me, baby…
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morganconway · 7 years
Iliana ran into the grocery store to get something for lunch. Lately, the teachers had been stealing her food out the lounge refrigerator. She’d even gone as far as to put her name on it. Instead, she’d come back to empty tupperware.  A can of soup seemed the be her best choice. That way she could keep it in the classroom during the days she was actually on site. Standing on her tiptoes, she tried to get a better look. It was pretty impossible really with the taller girl blocking her entire view. Patience. She had a lot of it. Usually. “Uh…. excuse me?”At least the brunette now realized that she was hindering her from eating and inevitably would be the cause for her to turn into a raging bitch. A hangry Iliana was not an Iliana anyone wanted to be around. “It’s cool,” she shrugged, moving in to get a better view. “Hm, well, I haven’t had chicken or any other meat in years so… I’d go with the vegetable or even potato personally.” Looking at the array of soups and then the other girl, her face scrunched up. Recognition spread across her face. Iliana was one hundred percent certain she’d seen her around. She was because this was the second time Iliana found herself essentially ogling her. Maybe the previous one she’d appeared a lot less disheveled but still just as hot. “You go to UNC, don’t you? Cause I know I’ve seen you on campus.” 
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Regret became apparent at her choice of leaving the house the way she currently looked. She was wearing shorts, and a simple tank top with jacket over it, but zero effort had been made. And upon finding the moment to take in the appearance of the woman at her side, embarrassment flooded her cheeks in the form of a furious blush. Not to mention Morgan had obviously been blocking her entire view, noting the much shorter stature of her. Her attention was redirected to part of the reason she was here. Soup. “Vegetarian?” She asked, bright greens behind lenses now peering at the assortment of non-meat options. There was an air of familiarity about the brunette that Morgan felt. Had she seen her before? Wilmington wasn’t a huge place by any stretch. “Potato is always a good choice, actually. Why didn’t I think of that first? My mom would be ashamed.” It wouldn’t compare to her home-made one that was a staple in Morgan’s childhood, that was for sure, but it’d make a nice substitute. Picking up the can off the shelf, the marine biologist tossed it into her basket filled with the usual organic necessities. At the question, a light bulb clicked. Morgan must’ve spotted her around campus somewhere. “You sound pretty sure about that.” She ducked her head, shyly adjusting her glasses. “I do though. I take it you do too? Dumb question, how else would you know that?” Smooth. “I’m always hanging around the Biology and Marine Biology Department.” And apparently, she just gave up information like that to strange pretty women too.
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morganconway · 7 years
Her mouth went dry. Bright blues practically vibrated. Megan wasn’t sure whether to look at her or away.  Idle chatter. She’d thought they were beyond it or anything of its likes. Hey. Hey had used to be I love you or harder. Something even mundane like can you get some milk on the way home? By default, the nurse was not one for social situations. She never quite knew what to say– that extended to this predicament. Rather than relying on her words, she nodded her head. A half grin splashed across her features. Gulping, she took the frisbee from Morgan before glancing back at her son. “Thanks, he didn’t get that from me,” she joked, trying to make things less distinctive in its awkwardness. They had been sort of friends at one point.  The two of them had been a great many things. They’d began as strangers and they might as well have been them in that moment. Except they weren’t. Megan knew every crease of her face, every curve of her body. She knew just how to make her smile the biggest and brightest of smiles and alternatively just how to break her heart. Tossing the frisbee back to Noah, she turned her attention to her ex. “How was Florida? I mis–” Clearing her throat, she shifted in the grass uncomfortably. “I uh… I didn’t know you had gotten back…” And why should she since she hadn’t been home herself? Morgan no longer was under any obligation to tell her things. She opened her mouth to say something– something to make this seem a little more normal. Anything of essence was lost when Noah darted towards them. He immediately threw his arms around Morgan, giving her a ‘tight’ squeeze. “Morgan! We’re going to get ice cream! Wanna come,” Noah excitedly asked, beaming at the duo. His expression made her feel even worse. Regret. She was becoming all too familiar with the emotion. If only she’d just been honest with everyone– they’d be a happy family? That was a bit of a stretch but they’d been happy. 
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It was no secret that Morgan opted for the avoid as long as possible and keep communication at a bare minimum approach when it came to coping with their break up. It was easier that way. Or so she thought it would be. The ache that filled her chest told a different story, along with the shed tears that would soak through the soft cotton of her pillow almost every night. It had been three months since that night when she called it quits. Since then, Morgan would find ways to occupy her time to prevent conversations between them – over time at the lab, leaving earlier than was necessary, cooped up in her bedroom carrying out her work. It was exhausting. But everything in their shared apartment reminded her of better times. Parts of their lives spent together when Megan would steal the very oxygen from her lungs when their lips melded, parting only to whisper breathy “I love yous” as they lay tangled in their bed. Now, it was replaced with a very different kind of speechless – still struggling to find the ability to hold simple, platonic conversations. But seemingly, Meg was searching for a way to help with that by asking about her break. The interrupted sentence didn’t go unnoticed. Morgan bit down on her tongue inside her mouth. “Good,” she responded. Short and sweet. Good, if you didn’t count the breakdown at her mom’s feet when she asked about their relationship. “It was good.” Her dad had taken her out on their favourite trail the next day on the Alafia. “Yeah, I was gonna…” It had entered her mind about telling her, even just as a heads-up. That was proper roommate etiquette, wasn’t it? The less they talked though, the better.
Lips parting to add more, an “oof” left her mouth instead when a small boy engulfed her. A full-blown smile graced her features, returning the sweet gesture. Whatever had happened between them, it didn’t stop the love she felt for this little one. Admittedly, Morgan had kept some distance due to the awkwardness with his mom. “Um.” The offer threw her. He was an innocent bystander caught in cross-fire. The last thing she wanted was for him to feel like she hated him. Forest greens flickered to the older blonde before she bent down to get on his level. “I can’t, Noah. I’m sorry.” A pout formed. “But… if your mom is okay with it, I’ll walk with you to get there. How’s that sound? You can tell me all about what flavour you want to get.” Her chest constricted the moment she said it. It was better than intruding on their day, but it still meant having to talk more than they have since the night the marine biologist ended it all. Standing straight again, she could only give her a look that said Sorry.
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morganconway · 7 years
No love, no glory No hero in her sky
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morganconway · 7 years
After a few months, this sort of became a regular thing. Megan would see her biological son, much to this parent’s delight, biweekly or even weekly depending on their babysitting situation. Sometimes they were back at hers and her ex-girlfriend’s place. Others they were out for ice cream or a movie. Some days she just helped Noah with his homework and that was it. The fact that she was at the park playing Frisbee with him was just natural. With a wide smile, she watched him fling it. That smile? It immediately dropped when it hit a someone passing by. Immediately, she rushed up to them. Apologies were rattling off before she even got there. “I’m so sorry…,” she practically shouted, although, not too worried. After all, it was a frisbee. Little harm could be done by the force of a seven-year-old. “Are you uh… alright?” The question came out slowly once she in front of them and able to catch her breath.
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Heading to back to her parents’ place to celebrate Easter had been both a blessing and a curse. The positive being that she got to spend time with the Conway clan, all reunited for one of many special occasions of the year. Her mom had prepared a beautiful meal, and true to tradition, had spoiled her (now adult) kids with many chocolate eggs. That had been Morgan’s downfall. She swore she could still feel it, despite upping her cardio regimen to get back into shape again. The past couple of weeks had also been testing, so running had been put on the back burner while priorities and life got in her way. She needed a moment to herself, and running always provided an outing for her. It also helped clear her mind which was a welcomed change to the marathon it normally ran. The middle of her usual route took her right through the park--her feet beating off the tarmac beside the open green space. Earbuds in and head down, the brunette hadn’t heard or seen the frisbee until it had already collided  with her arm. A small yelp passed her lips, out of shock rather than injury. Bending down to pick up the offensive object, strings of apologies filled the air around her. “I’m fine, really...” she started, pushing herself off the ground to stand back up again. “No harm, no fou--” The words got snagged on her tongue when greens hit oh so familiar blues. She internally cursed at the way even just looking at her would leave her speechless, and set off damn flutters in her stomach. “Hey.” Her voice was lower, a sudden awkwardness engulfing her. “Here’s your frisbee...” Sheepishly, she handed it over.  “He’s got a, uh, good throw.”
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morganconway · 7 years
Morgan practically looked like she had just rolled out of bed. Or really, her natural hair--which she loathed--always seemed to be in a constant state of unkemptness. With her current living situation being tricky (that was one word for it), the brunette had barely any time to fire up the flat irons. She was even still wearing her black-rimmed glasses. There was still some data analysis to do and re-checks of student projects, but she was going to go nuts if she had to stare at the four walls of her bedroom again. Megan had come back early, catching the marine biologist on the couch. And to relieve some of the ever-present awkwardness between them, Morgan quietly ducked her head, murmuring something about needing to go to the supermarket without room for a word to be wedged in. She’d been standing in the same aisle for 20 minutes now, staring at the different soup cans. The clearing of a voice beside her came into earshot. “Oh, sorry,” she excused herself, taking a step to the side to stop blocking the products. “Pretty indecisive over here...chicken noodle or vegetable? The real questions to be asking.”
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morganconway · 7 years
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morganconway · 7 years
Morgan: Are we still on for the last roomie movie night of 2016? I'm heading to the store after work to pick up snacks.
Morgan: Enough for 4, right? Is Andy coming?
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morganconway · 7 years
“I ’spose so. A bunch of hot people looking hot,” she shrugged, not entirely far from the truth. Her shallowness was literally the only reason she was still there. She’d much rather be virtually anywhere else. Hiding behind her own glass, she watched the slightly taller brunette drink some of her handiwork. There was something oddly familiar about her. Hm, something. She’d likely hit on her before because she kind of went around doing that a lot. But it was more than that. With a raised brow, It took everything in her to not laugh at her response. “Maybe they’ll add some more punch to it later….” She had no idea if they would but if not, she’d just drink the punch herself. Putting her hand on her chin, she remembered her a second later. “Wait, you’re Andy’s girl, aren’t you? You’re prettier than I imagined.”
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Morgan hummed a noise of approval, taking a moment to scan the crowd and confirm the other woman’s words further. She had eyes, she could tell that there was definitely a sizeable amount of attractive people present. None of them mesmerised her like her date did though--Megan stood out in any crowd she was in. Deciding she loved her liver a little more than normal, she let it rest back down on the table, reaching for a glass of white wine instead. “The party would get a lot more interesting if that happened,” She replied, devious smirk on her lips. She knew what to avoid if she wanted to able to stand by the end of the night, but it would certainly make the night entertaining for her as a spectator. The way the younger woman was studying her didn’t bypass her. She had an air of familiarity to her that Morgan couldn’t quite place. The suggestion almost had her choking on the wine in her mouth. “No, no I’m not. I hope she’s not telling people that,” She said, joking on the latter part. There was more than Val was letting on that was going on between the pair that Morgan had to yet torture out of her. “I’m Morgan. Andy’s girl is my roommate, I think...maybe you know more about that than I do. Huh...and what exactly did you imagine?” Now she was curious.
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morganconway · 7 years
He wasn’t sure what she was thinking about now, but he gave her shoulder another squeeze and shot her a smile. Of course he understood the hesitation with kids, he still found himself lacking nearly everyday. Nobody was ever ready to be a parent. But if and when the day came, he was more than confident that Morgan would take to it well. “Well, it is a time for family. But you’re more or less a part of the family now, so if you want to drop by at any time on Christmas, you’re welcome to. The girls would be happy to see you.” He offered. And it would give him an opportunity to give her a gift, which he hadn’t actually mentioned yet. He didn’t want her to feel the need to get him anything. She’d done enough for him. Kel nodded, his opposite hand landing once on the top of hers then drawing away. “We’ll find something. I saw one person that could convince her to do more for herself, maybe I can hunt him down someday.” He chuckled and shook his head. Ella would murder him if he ever tried that, but he was still somewhat tempted. Then again, a part of him wondered if she was as good as she was going to get. His confusion only deepened though, as Morgan kept talking. “But I’ve only ever seen you dating a guy before. Was that a beard?”
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Even though Morgan had earned some keep in the Tavarez family, the offer to share in their Christmas Day floored her,; if her widened eyes and mildly shocked expression were anything to go by. Part of the family. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling like a complete idiot at that one. “I’m going back to my parents’ place for Christmas,” She sighed deeply, the urge to cancel only stronger now. Her mom thrived on having her kids to fuss over the holiday season though, even if they were all grown up now. “But I want to see the girls before I leave to give them their presents. And you too, of course.” The vague reference to what seemed like a special person piqued her interest. “If you need help finding this guy...I don’t know how much help I can be but offer’s out there.” Admittedly, the lack of awareness was amusing her to no end. But the reference to a beard almost had her choking in her bouts of laughter. “Oh my God, Kel,” She exhaled on the trough of one of them. “No--no not a beard. I’m bisexual so I like guys and girls basically...you really didn’t know that?” Now that she thought about it, it hadn’t exactly come up in conversation - but she had peppered in some references and comments about women before, she was sure of that. “I’ve only ever dated guys, actually. So this is new territory. I don’t know whether to be slightly scared or excited about that.”
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morganconway · 7 years
Lioba smiled at the other woman as she accepted the glass of wine. “Thank you.” She said quietly. She knew she looked a little more severe in the gunmetal gray dress, her hair pulled back into a bun, but she’d been coming almost directly work, only enough time to pull on the dress and freshen up a little bit. “I may have to try the punch a bit later, depending how desperate I get.” She said, a smile forming.
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Graciously handing it over, Morgan mirrored the smile that graced the other woman’s lips. She took a moment to attempt to place her face from anywhere she frequented in town, but she was drawing a blank. Maybe she was new in town. It was sufficiently plausible, giving that the other seemed to be at this event solo. One swift hand movement and the marine biologist was waving off the thanks. “You’re doing pretty fine,” She reassured her, raising her own wine glass to her lips to drain some of the contents. “Are you new in town? I haven’t seen your face around here before--oh, uh, I’m Morgan by the way. Maybe I should’ve said that first.”
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morganconway · 7 years
“Thanks. Thought of it myself.” she smiled, “And Marcus seems to respond to it well.” she nodded her head at the turtle. “Hey, I did! I brought it from the nearby pet store. True story.” 
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Morgan clicked her tongue off the roof of her mouth, nodding along with the girl. “Right. Where else would you get a turtle? Legally, anyways...” Maybe the less she knew about where the turtle originated from, the better. Something was definitely being left out. “Have you ever had a pet turtle before? I’ve kinda always wanted one but I feel like Robert--my cat--would get jealous if I brought a new pet home. That, or my roommate would kill me first.”
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morganconway · 7 years
“Hi Morgan!” he replied with a smile. There was a familiar face to him. Thank god he knew someone else around here that actually came to this thing. “I mean I know a few that are here but the rest of them, it’s like some big mystery to me.” Of course he was certain that he’d meet the other people that were there at some point. The town wasn’t that big and eventually you knew everyone. Then you knew which people to avoid and which ones it was safe to be around. For the most part, you didn’t have too many people you had to avoid though. Or maybe that’s just his opinion seeing as he tried to be friendly to everyone. Unless he was having a horrible day, then all bets were off on him being nice. “Which people do you know besides me? I feel like comparing notes because it seems like all I do is work.” Wyatt snorted and shook his head. “Okay, that’s a lie, I don’t work all the time – yet I feel as though I should know more people than I actually do.” Just when you thought you knew everyone in town, there were more people that showed up. Throwing your mental list of names and faces out the window. It wasn’t a bad thing at all but it did get confusing. 
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Morgan hummed her agreement, allowing green eyes to scope the rest of the room out. Faces upon unfamiliar faces filled up her line of sight. She’d already been making the rounds of the room and introducing herself to new folk, but there still remained a large amount of people she hadn’t seen, never mind spoken to yet. “I think all of Wilmington are here,” She commented, eyes landing on her date conversing with someone else. No competition that Megan was the most stunning person in the whole room. Popping her sap bubble, Morgan drew her attention back to Wyatt, and his question in particular. “My roommate is here and a few other friends. I brought a date too and she’s right...” A bob of her head indicated to the direction of where the blonde was standing. “There. What that says is you’re all work hard and no play. You have to find time to relax too, Wyatt.” Morgan shook her head, chuckling under her breath. “I don’t even know that many people and you’re making it seem like I know everyone. If you want, I can introduce you to a few. Just word of warning - my roommate can be a bit...intense to new people.”
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morganconway · 7 years
“Meet Marcus! I uh- got him from the pet store”
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“That tone sounds convincing...” She narrowed her eyes, cocking her head to one side. “Cute name though.”
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morganconway · 7 years
“Ain’t that the truth,” Megan beamed, her gaze a little hazier than she was accustomed. “You would definitely know, huh?” Maybe it was the alcohol that was running through her veins or the goddamn gorgeous brunette at her side. Turning serious, she took Morgan’s hand in her own. Timidly, she drew along the back of it with her thumb. “Thanks for asking me… and thanks for not giving up on me… this?” Clearing her throat, she immediately she nearly dropped her hand. A rush of panic stirred from four simple letters. Not to mention, she thought back that to that day in the park. It flooded her mind more lately with everything happening that she was keeping from Morgan. After all, it had been the catalyst for her being the world’s biggest jackass. “Whatever this is anyway,” she sighed, putting a smile on her lips. “I think I’m a little drunk, sorry…”
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Morgan hummed. “About being your bestest gal pal? Of course,” She said in a faux-serious attempt, poorly masking the grin that remained on her lips. The simplest of touches almost had a soft gasp passing her lips, but Morgan swallowed it back as forest greens darted down to the cause of the tumbling butterflies in her stomach. Nerves has wracked her during their texts earlier in the week; seeds of doubt planted in her mind since their earliest exchanges. But it seemed so distant now, with Morgan swept up in the moment. “I couldn’t picture coming with anyone else,” She answered honestly, briefly giving a tight squeeze to their threaded hands. “I don’t think I would’ve come if you didn’t…” Morgan didn’t exactly know what they were either. They had no label attached, but there were certainly deeper growing feelings on her part. Giving up never once crossed into the realm of possibilities. Where words failed her, actions could pipe up. Leaning in, Morgan placed a gentle, reassuring kiss on the blonde’s lips. “It’s not nothing. At least, to me it’s not just a random date.” She could feel her cheeks turning redder at the admission. She never dealt well with discussing her feelings. “I think I haven’t had enough alcohol. The punch has got um, a lot of punch to it. Should probably get a glass or three.”
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morganconway · 7 years
“I tried out this recipe for double chocolate peppermint cookies. Anyone want some? I’ve got tons.”
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“Chocolate and mint is my weakness,” She sighed, already formulating a stricter diet in her mind for the New Year. Christmas was going to be the death of her. “If you’re sure? I wouldn’t mind taking one off you. Or a few.”
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morganconway · 7 years
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